SUCCESS VS FAILURE (Make Course Corrections)
Did you know that when a space shuttle is headed for the moon, they are ‘off course’ at least 97% of the time?
This is in spite of all the gadgets and equipment that’s used to make sure they stay on course. The pilot has to continually make course corrections to get back on the path and in the end they make it to their destination.
The pilot of your life is your mind. Whenever you seem to be ‘off course,’ simply remind yourself it’s part of getting where you want to go, remember your outcome, and then make adjustments to get back on ‘on course’
For example, many people will get down on themselves because they’re overweight.
Instead of feeling bad every time they look in the mirror, they could embrace the fact that they’ve been extremely successful in producing a result called “excess fat”.
And now, they’re going to produce a new result called “being thin.” They would produce this result by producing new actions.
Sometimes we learn from our mistakes, sometimes the mistakes of others. When we model another successful person, we don’t need to repeat their mistakes to learn from them.
Find out what specific action that person took physically and mentally to remain thin consistently. Then produce the same actions to produce the same result.
Think about this: What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?
If you really believed you could not fail, you might take on a whole new set of actions and produce powerful new results.
You’ll always produce a result. If it’s not one you desire, change your actions and you’ll produce different results.
There is no such thing as failure, there are only learning experiences!
The minute you overcome the negative emotions surrounding failure by changing it into a result you produced, your success is assured.
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