There Is No Such Thing As Failure - Success Resources Richard Tan

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Almost everyone in the world struggles with the FEAR OF FAILURE

Yet, there isn’t one person in this world who has not failed. EVERYONE MAKES MISTAKES

The WRIGHT BROTHERS didn’t fly the first time they tried. They failed miserably. Repeatedly.

But fortunately for us all, they, like many of the world’s achievers had an outcome in mind and understood the formula of SUCCESS.

If we just keep trying and changing our approach, chances are, we will win in the end. People always succeed in getting some sort of results; it may not be their desired result, but it’s a result nonetheless.

Winners, leaders, masters in their chosen fields all understand that if you try something and do not get the outcome you want, it’s simply feedback.

They understand that if they try something and it doesn’t give them what they want, they haven’t failed, they simply had a LEARNING EXPERIENCE.

All they need to do moving forward is to use that information to fine tune their approach towards producing the results they desire.

The difference between those who succeed and those who don’t is how they view FAILURE.

The unsuccessful dwell on the failure, constantly second guess their next action, attach negative emotions to something that doesn’t work, they paralyze themselves through inaction.

Take a minute to reflect on the five biggest failures in your life. What did you learn from those experiences? Chances are, they were some of the MOST VALUABLE LESSONS YOU’VE LEARNT IN LIFE.

Success Resources Pte Ltd Main Office: 10/11 Pahang Street, Singapore 198611 Toll Free: 1800 7822 377 Direct: +65 6299 4677 Fax: +65 6295 2441 Email: Website:

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