ChingYao, Su Portfolio 2019 - 2021

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蘇敬堯 個人作品集

Ching-Yao, Su Design Portfolio 2019 - 2021

EDUCATION 國立臺灣科技大學 2018-2022 - 主修 設計系 工業設計

- 學程 互動設計學分學程 企業管理學分學程



Su Ching Yao / 蘇敬堯

3D列印代工接案(FDM) 2019.1 ~ Now

+886 938711090



一位設計與市場觀察的愛好者。擅長以不同視 角與思維提出更創新的解決方式,我熱衷於學 習新事物且習慣反覆檢視自己的思考脈絡以突 破現有框架,夢想是能透過創新的思維與設計 帶給世界不一樣的影響。

“ Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.”- Steve Jobs


2021.1 ~ Now

- Fafacasa 家具設計國際工作坊 - 作品Better. 報導於Yanko design /



- Kymco 交通工具設計挑戰營 - Bauhaus 100 國際設計工作坊


- 小情設 情感設計工作坊



臺灣學生創意設計競賽 產品設計類

2021 - 2022


指導教授 / 董芳武

臺灣學生創意設計競賽 廠商指定特別獎 決選入圍

指導教授 / 董芳武

Fafacasa Alumi Furniture design 2021 金獎

指導教授 / 董芳武

中信校園挑戰盃 金融創新服務設計競賽 金獎

指導教授 / 中信數位金融處副總 蘇美勤

Korea SHAPL O2O Product design 2021 決選入圍

指導教授 / 董芳武

人因工程學會年會暨 學術研討專題競賽 決選佳作

指導教授 / 駱信昌

Kymco光陽設計工作營競賽 決選佳作

指導團隊 / 光陽設計團隊

Kymco光陽設計挑戰盃 2021

- 臺科設計畢業展 - 總召集人

2020 - 2021

- 臺科設計系學會 學術企劃組 - 組長 - 臺科設計系設計系列講座 - 總召 - EIA 國際行動工程師 - 藝術教學

2019 - 2020

- 臺科北科成大 情感設計工作坊 - 企劃組長


Rhinoceros / Fushion 360 / PTC Creo


Processing / Arduino / Java scripts


KeyShot / Cinema4D / Premier

Adobe Series

Photoshop / Illustrator / Premier Lightroom


指導教授 / 簡銘彥 / 林時旭


Contents DESIGNS



Better. / 新型態家具設計商業提案


Procean / 水下穿戴式裝置


Hando / 高齡互動娛樂道具


Curve Chair / 座椅設計







Fafacasa 家具設計工作坊


EIA 國際行動工程師


設計雙聲道 設計創業講座

加工經驗 / 生產製造

藝術工作坊 / 環境整治

講座企劃 / 活動主持


Project 01

Better. Finish Date / 2020.September Category / furniture

Collaborator / Pin Yi, Lee


產品概念 / 機構設計 / 細節整合 / 建模 / 渲染 / 動畫 / 原型製作

Better 系列家具透過將共用零件的概念應用到居家 用具,使用者可自行規劃期望的樣貌進行不同的組

合,在產品的使用上實踐個人化的使用性外,產品 可回收服務更進一步達到永續利用的雙重理想。

By applying the concept of shared parts to household appliances, the Better series of furniture allows users

to plan their desired appearances and make different combinations. In addition to practicing personalized

usability in the use of products, the product recyclable service further achieves sustainability The double ideal of utilization.



Observation of the market

If you change the space to live ?

If the existing furni-

ture no longer meets your needs ?

How to recycle? Or scrapped it?

家具與城市的關係? 人口移入造成密度逐漸擴張的城市如台灣台北、日本東京等,有著現代人居住空間逐漸縮 減的現象。而隨著時間的推移與居住空間改變皆是造成人們生活需求隨著改變的原因。上 述現況容易造成現代家居用品存著仍可使用卻被丟棄或二手淘汰的可能。

The population migration has resulted in the gradually expanding density of cities such as Taipei and Tokyo. There is a phenomenon that the living space of modern people is shrink-

ing. The changes in living space over time are the reasons for the changes in people's living

needs. The above-mentioned current situation is likely to cause the possibility that modern household products can still be used but be discarded or second-hand eliminated.

問題定義 針對上述,我們歸納出兩個根本問題,並以此 為核心規畫出適合的商業模式以供設計執行


As the above, we have summarized two fun-


damental problems, and based on this as the

線性經濟的家具產業 造成環境問題

core plan a suitable business model.

The Businesss Model Canvas Key partners

Key activities

- 鋁製金屬加工廠

- 設計模組化的零組件

- 物流運輸公司

- Flat Packaging Design

- 木材加工廠

- 回收再製工廠

- 提供家具回收服務

Key resources

- 鋁製加工技術工廠 - 人力資源

Cost structure

- 鋁製加工技術工廠 - 人力資源

更能符合使用者長期需 求做彈性變化 。

- 提供半客製化之服務。 - 為完整產品生命週期做

- 品質測試中心 - 產品實驗

Key proposition

- 家具不僅是單一產品,

規劃,使用者無需煩惱 。

- 產品價値可藉由使用者 提高 。

Customer relationship

Customer segments

- 可選擇與半客製化額外

- 微型住宅空間使用者

- 持續供應產品服務 附加部件 。

- 租屋族等非自有住宅空間

- 可自行DIY符合使用需求 。


- 線上網路商店 - 實體門市

- 會員電子信箱

Reveneue streams - 產品銷售


Idea development

設計目標 - 使家具能夠更符合長期需求 在思考此目標時,我們尋找了市面上的家 具組成特性多是不同零件與螺絲的組裝, 並聯想到可以嘗試透過共用零件達成。

When thinking about this goal, we found


that the composition of furniture on the


market is mostly the assembly of different parts and screws, and we thought that we could try to achieve it by sharing parts.

- 結合商業模式設計,符合循環經濟



為了符合商業模式中的循環,材質需符合 可回收、再製,因此希望採用金屬鋁材進 行設計。

In order to comply with the cycle in the business model, the material

needs to be recyclable and remanufactured, so it is hoped to use metal aluminum for design.

“ Shared Components ” “ Recyclable Material ” “ DIY by Yourself ”

共用零件設計 12





共用零件設計概念設計 共用零件上我們針對桌子椅子的,“共同結 構” 進行設計,為了讓共用概念能夠落實, 透過 3D 列印草模實測機構組裝方式。

On the parts, we designed the common

structure of the table and chair. In order to

implement the shared concept, the assembly method of the mechanism was measured through the 3D printing grass model.


共用零件延伸設計 設計上我們嘗試讓每個單獨的零件皆可以搭配出使用者 想要的家具;將相同的規格的零件活用於多種搭配,讓 使用者對家具需求改變時,部分零件還能繼續使用延續 生命。

In terms of design, we try to make each individual part match the furniture that the user wants; use

parts of the same specification in a variety of collo-

cations, so that when the user's furniture needs change, some parts can continue to be used. 14





Through the actual output of the structure, we understand how to adjust the size of the parts and the joining method to meet the actual concept and usage.



After real proofing the product, the stability of the model has a clearer space that must be adjusted and corrected after the actual production. 16



By sharing parts, we have successfully completed serializable furniture, and can extend more applications through such parts.


The Table

在桌子的選擇上為了讓使用者可依照自己的需求,搭配最適合自己的樣式。我們 設計不同尺寸的產品零件,使用者可發揮自己的創意規畫更適合自己的使用方 式。

In the choice of the table, in order to allow users to match their own needs

with the most suitable style. We design product parts of different sizes, users can use their creativity to plan more suitable for their own use.

The Chair 針對座椅的構造設計了相同的轉接結構,使用者可依照自己的 需求調整椅背位置等,透過尺寸的變化也能改變座椅用途。

The same adapter structure is designed for the structure of the chair. Users can adjust the position of the seat back according to their needs, and the purpose of the seat can also be changed through the change of size.

The Chair - high version

The Tree 透過零件的共用與結合,使用者可依照自己的需求讓產品呈現不同的樣貌 與功能,The Tree 便是利用共用零件而設計的直立式掛架,在使用上使用 者依然可調整自己的使用習慣進行配置等,甚至可改變出不同家具型態。

Through the sharing and combination of parts, users can show different appearances and functions of products according to their own needs. The Tree is an upright hanger designed by using shared

parts. Users can still adjust their own Use habits to configure, etc., and even change different types of furniture.

更多樣的型態 透過共用零件的祖與搭配,我們嘗試透過電腦模擬出更多樣的款式,讓這項產品在 商業模式的規劃下,更有發展空間與想像。

Through the ancestors and collocation of shared parts, we try to simulate more styles through the computer, so that this product has more room for development and imagination under the planning of the business model.

There's more ways for you to DIY, just fitting your life. 24

產品的便利性與回收 使用過程中,部分的家具零件可能因使用需求的改變而不再被利用,透過零件包裝使用者也可以將多餘零 件寄回,企業亦可透過循環的商業模式回收再製,降低地球資源浪費,賦予家具新的循環生態。

During the use process, some furniture parts may no longer be used due to changes in use requirements.

Users can also send excess parts back through parts packaging. Enterprises can also recycle and reproduce through a circular business model to reduce the waste of earth’ s resources. The new recycling ecology of furniture.

Project 02

Procean Finish Date / 2020.September Category / wearable device Size / 146*78 mm

Collaborator / YiLin Lee


產品概念 / 3D 建模 / 渲染 / 1:1 模型製作 Procean 是專為水下活動而生的穿戴式產品,將傳統的 潛水手勢圖示化,透過裝置,使用者可立即回報自身狀

況給共潛的夥伴,輔助人們在潛水時達到以往做不到的 一對多式即時溝通,為潛水活動增加安全性與應變能力。 Procean is a wearable product designed for underwater activities. It graphically illustrates the traditional diving gestures. Through the device, users can immediately

report their own conditions to their co-diving partners, helping people to achieve what they could not do before.

One-to-many real-time communication adds safety and resilience to diving activities.



Problem research



潛水員在水下的風險 在水下,潛水員需要面臨多種風險,包含確保自身安全、保持

與隊友的聯繫以面對危險情況發生等。因此有效的溝通對潛水 員是非常重要的。而僅常見的水下肢體術語已多達 20 種,其

中包含資訊量過多的手勢也容易造成潛水者下水時的記憶負 擔,為此我們希望協助潛水員進行水下活動時能擁有更有效的 溝通方式,進而避免危險發生。

Under water, divers need to face a variety of risks, includ-

ing ensuring their own safety and maintaining contact with teammates to face dangerous situations. Therefore,

effective communication is very important for divers.

There are as many as 20 common underwater body terms. Gestures that contain too much information can easily cause a memory burden for divers when they go underwater. For this reason, we hope to help divers have more

effective communication methods when they perform underwater activities. , Thereby avoiding danger.


Problem definning

問題定義 1.

潛水時資訊傳達困難 我們針對水下溝通做了資料後發現,水下的訊息普遍透過手語等肢體語言進 行交換;但此類的溝通方式必須在極近的距離且面對面時才能使用,當潛水 員分散、或因為湧升流等突發狀況造成能見度下降,更會大幅提高訊息傳遞 的難度。

We have done data on underwater communication and found that underwa-

ter messages are generally exchanged through sign language and other body language; but this type of communication can only be used at a very close

distance and face-to-face, when divers are scattered or because of rising Unexpected conditions such as traffic will cause visibility to drop, which will greatly increase the difficulty of message transmission.


記憶負擔 常見的水下溝通手勢多達 20 種以上,資訊量過多的手勢會造成潛水者的記憶 負擔,面對緊急狀況時亦無法有效傳達資訊。

There are more than 20 common underwater communication gestures. Gestures with too much information will cause divers' memory

burden, and they will not be able to effectively communicate information in the face of an emergency.

潛水旅程地圖 調整裝備












Design target


1. 解決水下遠距離溝通障礙 為了讓資訊可淸楚被傳遞在他人身上,解決因距離太遠或是水下環境影響所導致視線不佳 無法溝通等問題,我們思考如何透過個人來完成這件事,因此將重點放在穿戴式裝置上。 In order to allow information to be clearly transmitted to others, and to solve

problems such as poor vision and inability to communicate due to too far away

or the impact of the underwater environment, we think about how to accomplish this through individuals, so we starts focus on wearables device.

2. 整合肢體語言資訊,透過圖像化取代

常見的水下溝通手勢多達 20 種以上,我們思考如何透過將資訊量過多的手勢整合,讓不 同類型的緊急訊息能夠更有效被傳達。

There are more than 20 common underwater communication gestures. We are

thinking about how to integrate the gestures with too much information so that different types of emergency messages can be conveyed more effectively.


我們將常用之二十種水下手勢中資訊量較多者分類整合後,分出四種不同類別 - 停、注


We classified and integrated the 20 commonly used underwater gestures that have more information, and divided them into four different categories-stop, attention, gather, and

emergency, so that divers can communicate without worrying about the difficulty of excessive information. Deal with unexpected situations more effectively. 01. OK

08. Look

15. Low on air

03. Problem on surface

10. Come here

17. I’m cold.

02. Not ok / Problem

04. Up / End the dive 05. Down

06. Slow down 07. Stop 32

09. Go in this direction 11. Level off

12. Buddy up / Stay 13. Safety stop

14. Decompression

16. Out of air

18. Bubbles / Leak 19. Question

20. Write it down.


概念草圖繪製 我們希望整合後的圖像能夠透過 LED 點陣顯示在穿戴裝置上,且潛 水員能透過輕微角度的擺頭或是舉

起手臂即可查看資訊,因此將裝置 以前臂為主要穿戴位置進行設計。

We hope that information can be

displayed on the wearable device ,

and the diver can view the information by just raising the arm. Therefore, the forearm of the device is

designed as the main wearing position.



模型製作 我們透過實際模型測試比例後調整出最適合的前後寬度比例與長度;考量到使用者穿戴的舒適程度,

在內襯加上潛水用布料作為緩衝材質,綁帶材質選用矽膠 + 魔鬼氈,在水下環境具有抗腐蝕性不易損 壞。透過 LED 冷光板顯示,讓圖示能夠透過螢幕顯示即時傳達資訊。

After testing the ratio through the actual model, we adjusted the most suitable front and rear width

ratio and length; considering the comfort level of the user, the inner lining is added with diving cloth

as a cushion material, and the strap material is made of silicone + devil felt. The environment has corrosion resistance and is not easy to damage. Through the LED cold light panel display, so that the icon can be displayed on the screen to convey information in real time. 34

55 mm

78 mm

146 mm 35

Operation instruction

操作方式 STEP 1 . 將綁帶固定至前臂


STEP 2 . 按一下選擇傳遞訊息種類:集合、注意、停止、求救 集合


注意 停止

STEP 3 . 按第二下將訊息發送出去,所有裝置同步接收並顯示訊號源






Underwater C



Project 03

Hando Finish Date / 2020.November Category / Senior Care

Collaborator / Minju, Tsai


前期研究 / 機構設計 / 細節整合 / Prototyping / 渲染

Hando 是一款結合職能治療應用的遊戲娛樂套組,透

過三款控制器連結 APP 進行遊戲娛樂,使用者在現實


與控制器操作的軟硬整合,在過程中可以達到手眼協 調、肌肉訓練以及感官刺激等娛樂體驗。

Hando is a game entertainment set that combines occupational therapy applications. Through three

controllers connected to the APP for game enter-

tainment, users can also share interactively in real

life. Music and sound effects, game entertainment, etc. are integrated with the controller's software

and hardware to achieve hand-eye coordination, muscle training, and sensory stimulation and other entertainment experiences in the process.



「職能治療是藉由 “有目的性的活動” 來治療或協助生理、心理、發展障礙或社 會功能上有障礙的人,使他們能獲得最大的生活獨立性。 」

Occupational therapy is to treat or assist people with physical, psychological, developmental, or social dysfunction through "targeted activities", so that they can obtain the greatest independence in life.

- 美國職能治療協會 (AOTA)



高齡失智症退化 台灣 65 歲以上老人共 3,787,315 人,其中輕微認知障礙佔 18.06%;

失智症佔 7.71%。也就是說 65 歲以上的老人約每 12 人即有 1 位失 智者,而 80 歲以上的老人則約每 5 人即有 1 位失智者。

現今職能治療已大量應用於高齡者團體活動,讓高齡人士在參與活動 的過程中透過活動或是道具進行互動完成一定程度的醫療行為,諸如

手功能訓練,此專案中我們透過實地觀察高齡者社交活動並嘗試分析 高齡者的眞實需求,進而設計適合高齡者的互動娛樂裝置。

There are 3,787,315 elderly people over 65 in Taiwan, of which 18.06% are mild cognitive impairment and 7.71% are dementia. That is to say, there is about 1 dementia for every 12 people

over 65 years old, and about 1 dementia for every 5 people over

80 years old. Nowadays, occupational therapy has been widely used in group activities for the elderly, allowing the elderly to

interact with activities or props to complete a certain degree of medical behaviors, such as hand function training. In this

project, we observe the social interaction of the elderly on the spot Activities and try to analyze the real needs of the elderly, and then design interactive devices suitable for the elderly.


Field research

實際探訪 我們到靑田街和平長老教會觀察高齡者參與團體活動的實際狀況,透過實際考察我們了解到高齡者在互 動過程中所注重的特點,並且將其過程記錄下來,轉化為後期的設計洞見。

We went to the Church in Qingtian Street to observe the actual situation of senior citizens participating in group activities. Through actual investigations, we learned the characteristics that senior citizens

paid attention to in the interaction process, and recorded the process and transformed it into later design insights.

3. 感官觸發


1. 注重分享與交流



The activity is to increase the

The elderly mostly communicate with

senses of the elderly, and ap-

others by sharing their own works.

propriately introduce related sensory activities.

設計關鍵 2. 需要示範引導


Start with simple exercises.

Combining medical activities



4. 動手實作幫助活化肌肉


with appropriate introduction of functional therapy hand function exercises.

設計目標 - 帶入手功能治療的娛樂產品 透過觀察,我們發現在團體活動中 “適度結合醫療行為” 不會造成高齡者排斥,且可藉由此方式增加難

易度使高齡者參與過程中有成就感,因此我們選擇將常應用於團體活動中的手功能運動結合進產品設計 當中,期望高齡者在娛樂過程中能適度完成訓練。

Through observation, we found that “appropriate medical behaviors” in group activities will not cause

the elderly to reject it, and it can increase the difficulty in this way to make the elderly have a sense of

accomplishment in the process of participating, so we choose to use it often in group activities The hand function movement in the middle is integrated into the product design, and it is expected that the elderly can moderately complete the training during the entertainment process.


概念設計 在手功能訓練動作中,我們針對不同部位之肌肉選擇了三種不同操作方式 “轉”、“捏”、“按壓”;透 過將動作轉化成可操作的草模後,接著在三種操作模式下實際測試肌肉的使用效果。

In the hand function training action, we have selected three different operation methods "turn", "pinch", and "press" for the muscles of different parts; after transforming the action into an opera-

ble grass model, we then perform the actual operation in the three operation modes. Test the effect of muscle use.




模型製作 透過草模測試三種不同操作方式後,接著將草圖透過電腦 CAD 建置模型與機構,針對三種控制器需要 透過不一樣的機構安排達成效果,使其操作時可完整。

After testing three different operation methods through the rough model, the model and mechanism of the grass model mechanism were built through computer CAD to make the operation complete. In order to make the actual operation of the product more effective and feedback, I used the electronic

component LED The light bar and the micro motor are embedded in the controller, and the visual and tactile feedback can be added to achieve the entertainment effect in actual operation.



透光部件 轉軸卡榫結構 與開關




內嵌機構使開合完整 48

為了讓產品實際操作體驗能夠更有效果與回饋感,我透過 電子零件 LED 燈條與微型制動馬達嵌入控制器中,實際 操作時增加視覺與觸覺反饋更能達成娛樂效果。

In order to make the actual operation of the product

more effective and feedback, I embedded the electronic

parts LED light bar and micro brake motor into the controller, and added visual and tactile feedback during actual operation to achieve a more entertaining effect.



我們透過編寫程式模擬聲樂娛樂遊戲以及測試其操作情況,高齡者在過程中可以透過合作的方式來完成 一首聲樂,共同創作增加了團體娛樂的成就感。

We write programs to simulate vocal entertainment games and test their operation. Elderly people can

complete a vocal music through cooperation in the process, and co-creation increases the sense of accomplishment of group entertainment.

透過 Processing 編寫程式,模擬控制器對應的粒子特效。

Write programs through Processing to simulate particle effects corresponding to the controller.


The scene of game operation, you can use the controller to eliminate the particles when they enter the center of the screen, and correspond to different sound effects to make the game more fun.


實際遊戲操作 控制器與模擬遊戲完成後我們實際讓高齡長輩進行操作, 過程中透過遊戲的速度增加困難度,我們發現高齡者認為 這樣的活動具有一定的挑戰度十分有趣;且在遊戲結束後 能夠分享遊戲時成果,過程的操作方式也確實達成了手功 能的復健效果。

After the controller and the simulation game are completed, we actually let the elderly elders operate. In the process, the speed of the game increases the difficulty. We found that the elderly think that this kind of activity is

very interesting and can share the game after the game is

over. As a result, the operation method of the process has indeed achieved the rehabilitation effect of hand function.


Hando 是一款結合職能治療的控制器設計,使娛樂過程增加新的體 驗,透過共享與分享,讓高齡者擁在閒暇時刻能夠進行更多娛樂。

The controller design combined with occupational therapy adds new

experiences to the entertainment process. Through sharing and sharing, the elderly can have more entertainment in their leisure time.


Project 04

Curve Chair Finish Date / 2020. April Category / furniture 執行項目:

造型概念 / Prototyping / 渲染


此作品是將汽車的流線型設計應用在座椅的垂直造型上 並加入經典的板金元素,讓座椅保有汽車的造型元素與 別緻的流線美感。

This work applies the streamlined design of the

car to the vertical shape of the seat and adds classic sheet metal elements, so that the seat retains

the car's styling elements and a unique streamlined beauty.




“ 如何在合理的功能性下轉化座椅造型? ”

" How to transform the seat shape with reasonable functionality? "


概念起源 交通工具的造型設計從流線型風格開始盛行後有了大幅度的改變,這樣的造型除了交通 工具外也因興盛的風氣被大量運用在許多產品上以純粹美學的角度觸發使用者的感性經 驗,我對於這樣的設計脈絡感到非常有趣,觸使我開始研究如何將造型合理運用在其他 產品結構上。

The styling design of transportation vehicles has been greatly changed since the

streamlined style began to prevail. In addition to transportation, this styling is also

widely used in many products due to the flourishing atmosphere. It triggers the user’ s perceptual experience from a purely aesthetic point of view. It was very interesting for this kind of design context, which prompted me to start researching how to rationally apply the shape to the structure of other products.


設計發想 由於流線型設計至今被大量運用在許多產品設計上,並 座椅更符合其功能性。

Since streamlined design has been widely used in many product designs so far, and under the limitation of the


型設計” 分別獨立思考,嘗試在流線型的設計應用下使


且在主題 “座椅” 限制下我進一步將的 “功能性” 與 “造

theme, I further considered the "functionality" and "styl-

ing design" of the seat separately, and tried to be more in line with its functionality under the application of streamlined design.

發想後我將座椅功能性中最重要的 “支撐” 與感性造型中符合 “速度感” 的兩項分別獨立出來作為分 析軸向,並從四個象限中選擇第二象限 “流線造型作為主要支撐功能應用” 開始進行設計。

After thinking about it, I separated the most important "support" in the seat functionality and the two

items that conform to the "speed sense" in the perceptual shape as the analysis axis, and selected the second quadrant "streamline shape" from the four quadrants. As the main support function application" began to design.



在概念設計過程中我發現 “流線造型作為結構應用” 可以透過結構線加強座椅的垂直 “支撐性”,且這樣

的方法被大量應用在摺紙創作、車輛板金、鐵皮屋頂或是其他領域上。透過這樣的方式思考流線造型的 應用機會。

During the conceptual design process, I found that "streamlined shape as a structural application" can strengthen the vertical "support" of the seat through the structural line, and this method is widely used

in origami creation, vehicle sheet metal, iron roof and other fields. . Think about the application opportunities of streamlined modeling in this way.

「一款使結構成為流線美感應用的座椅,保留經典不失韻味。」 A seat that makes the structure become a streamlined aesthetic application, retaining the classic without losing its charm.



造型功能上的意義後,我在使用性上適度加入把手與置放腳的鋁管部件,使整體 美感更具象化。

After referring to the streamlined of the car and applying it vertically to the chair body, giving the streamlined shape a functional meaning, I appropriately added handles and aluminum tube parts for the feet in terms of usability to make the overall beauty more pictorial. 62


“ 賦予造型意義,使經典不斷革新 ”

"Giving meaning to the shape, the classics continue to update"

80 mm

46 mm 64

48 mm



Fafacasa 家具設計工作坊


EIA 國際行動工程師


設計雙聲道 設計創業講座

加工經驗 / 生產製造

藝術工作坊 / 環境整治

講座企劃 / 活動主持



Founder furniture Manufacture inc. 2021.08.06 - 2021.08.20

今年暑假期間,我與組員透過作品 Better. 前往芳德鑄鋁股份有限公司參與了家具設計工作坊,這個工作坊

透過與業界產品開發經理、設計師共同討論幫助參賽設計師將其作品提高量產機會,在工作坊間隔的一周內 我們試圖將產品的細節調整至符合安全標準規範,並與設計師討論結構應用及產品系列化、鋁擠型家具的加 工方式等方向,接觸到許多實際生產面的知識。

During this summer vacation, my team members and I went to Fangde Cast Aluminum Co., Ltd. to participate in a furniture design workshop through our work Better. This workshop helped the participating de-

signers to increase the mass production of their works through discussions with industry product development managers and designers. Opportunity, within a week between the workshops, we tried to adjust the

details of the product to meet the safety standards and specifications, and discussed with the designer about the structure application and product serialization, and the processing methods of aluminum extruded furniture. We were exposed to many actual production surfaces. knowledge.



於一周的時間完整的將其可行性提高至可生產的角度,透過這次的工作坊學到許多需要實際製 作才能擁有的經驗,而這也幫助我們完成了後期的產品打樣。

In one week, the feasibility was completely improved to the point of production.

Through this workshop, we learned a lot of experience that requires actual production, and this also helped us complete the later product proofing.





Engineer in Action 2021.01.21 - 01.25

今年我參與了由三間大學各系所所組成的行動工程師團隊,並於寒假時前往宜蘭四季、東澳部落進行環境整 治與美化行動,在課程中與機械系所的夥伴透過跨領域合作進行牆面修繕與美化,並且透過工作坊的形式讓 孩童共同參與創作。在這次的行動中看見許多偏鄉教育機會,期望有天能夠再透過自己的設計專業帶入這樣 的環境中,讓孩童都能夠有發揮創意與接受教育的機會。

This year, I participated in a team of action engineers composed of various departments of three universi-

ties. During the winter vacation, I went to Yilan Four Seasons and Dongao Tribe to carry out environmental remediation and beautification activities. During the course, I cooperated with the partners of the Department of Mechanical Engineering through cross-field cooperation. Face repair and beautification, and let

children participate in the creation through the form of workshop. In this operation, I saw many educational opportunities. I hope that one day I can bring it into such an environment through my own design profession, so that children can have the opportunity to develop creativity and receive education.


Lecture about careers in Design and study abroad 2021.11.28

台科大設計系學會是由學生自行組成的事務組織,辦理各式活動,大三期間我擔任活動組組長且籌畫學術相 關活動,此次設計雙聲道擔任總籌辦人,邀請已畢業且創業學長與海外留學學長返校分享在學以及職涯經驗, 透過這樣的方式使資源可以分享並且傳承給學弟妹,是在系學會時期舉辦過相當有意義的活動之一。

The Design Institute in NTUST is a business organization formed by the students themselves, handling various activities. During the junior year, I was the leader of the activity group and planned academic related ac-

tivities. This time, the design two-channel was the chief organizer and invited graduates and entrepreneurs.

Seniors and overseas students return to school to share their academic and career experience. In this way, resources can be shared and passed on to younger students. This is one of the most meaningful activities that have been organized during the department.







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