Sucre issue #4 - full version

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CloudSource Cloud computing & opensource

Issue 4 - September 2014 Research on Cloud Computing in Europe and Japan:

current status and ways to collaborate

Design & layout : Paul Davies

Editorial Board Prof. Alex Delis, Dr. Norbert Meyer, Prof. Dr. Keith Jeffery, Dr. Yuri Glikman, Dr. Toshiyasu Ichioka, Mrs. Cristy Burne,

SUCRE Coordinator, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece Head of the Supercomputing Department at the Poznan Supercomputing Center, Poland. President of ERCIM, U.K. OCEAN project Coordinator, Fraunhofer Institute, Germany EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation, Project Manager Scientific Editor and Journalist, Australia

Coordination by Giovanna Calabrò, Zephyr s.r.l., Italy and Eleni Toli, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. This publication is supported by EC funding under the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7). This Magazine has been prepared within the framework of FP7 SUCRE SUpporting Cloud Research Exploitation Project, funded by the European Commission (contract number 318204). The views expressed are those of the authors and the SUCRE consortium and are, under no circumstances, those of the European Commission and its affiliated organizations and bodies. The project consortium wishes to thank the Editorial Board for its support in the selection of the articles, the DG CONNECT Unit E.2 – Software & Services, Cloud of the European Commission and all the authors and projects for their valuable articles and inputs.


Table of Contents





Editorial Board


What’s new? Japan’s research into cloud computing for academia


Shaping the EU-JP landscape: Future joint research on cloud computing


Leveraging cloud in the internet of things


SDN-based experimental platform for validation of new applications and services


MARKOS: Global, integrated and searchable open-source software


OCEAN: fostering collaboration between Europe and Japan




Other News from EUROPE


RELATED International EVENTS

What’s new? Japan’s research into cloud computing for academia By Takeshi Motohashi, Internet Multifeed, Japan and Masayuki Hayashi, NTT Communications, Japan Across Japan, universities and government departments are accelerating their research into cloud computing for academic use. Their research aims not only to share cloud computing resources between universities, thus reducing the cost of research, but also to share knowhow on the development, operation and management of cloud computing systems for further research.


What’s new? Japan’s research into cloud computing for academia

Japanese universities in action There are many activities in universities in Japan for academic cloud computing. In November 2011, Hokkaido University launched the Hokkaido University Academic Cloud, based on CloudStack, an open-source cloud computing software. This service has since been used by universities all over Japan. It provides more than 40 teraflops of computing power, around the same as a supercomputer.

In April 2014, a cloud storage service was added, offering two petabytes of distributed cloud storage. The service now provides more than 2000 virtual servers and supports a huge volume of jobs, making it one of the most powerful academic cloud computing infrastructures in Japan. Many Japanese universities are also working to connect their cloud computing infrastructures, aiming to build an inter-cloud environment that will give researchers access to more powerful resources, thus accelerating research.

SINET tops more than 700 universities and research institutions The academic network, The Science Information Network (SINET), is one such inter-university offering, and universities across Japan are working towards connecting each university’s own cloud servers to this network. SINET now has more than 700 universities and research institutions, and many of researchers in those organizations have different research requirements. Many use the academic cloud service for research analysis projects, such as big-data analysis to artificial intelligence research. As some research areas need high performance computing, some reserchers tend to require multi-core virtual machines rather than usual ones.

Government support Many ministries within the Japanese government support research into cloud computing:

In 2013, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology funded research into the use of academic clouds for big data research, gathering data from universities and other educational organisations including Kyushu University and the National Institute of Informatics. Also in 2013, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry funded research into the development of high-quality cloud technologies with high availability and low energy requirements. To this end, software-defined networking (SDN) has been picked up as one of key technologies, along with a focus on the definition and standardisation of APIs. Since 2009, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has funded the development of interoperability in cloud computing, with an eye to its use in disaster recovery.

Interoperability initiatives Another focus for Japan’s cloud research is inter-cloud standardisation. The Global Inter-Cloud Technology Forum, launched in 2009, provided its Intercloud Interface Specification Draft in 2012. With the publication, inter-cloud standardisation has also been discussed since 2013 in Study Group 13 of the International Telecommunication Union, Telecommunication Standardisation Sector (ITU-T).


What’s new? Japan’s research into cloud computing for academia

Japan’s contributions Japanese universities and the Japanese government have progressed research and development of cloud computing to better utilize distributed computing resources. These efforts benefit not only cloud computing technology, but also the many research areas reliant on huge computing resources. There is much still to do: many cloud-related technologies, such as distributed processing, interoperability, SDN, machine learning and artificial intelligence, as well as standardisation activities, will benefit from further research, and advancing this will be one of Japan’s most impressive contributions.


Shaping the EU-JP landscape: Future joint research on cloud computing By the SUCRE EU-JP Experts Group, Takeshi Motohashi, Internet MultiFeed Co., Japan, Atsuhiro Goto, IISEC, Japan, Masayuki Hayashi, NTT Communications, Japan, Johan Eksteen, Microsoft Research, SA, Lutz Schubert, Ulm University, Germany, Thomas Uhl, OSBA, Germany & Vangelis Floros, GRNET, Greece By the SUCRE Project, Tsuyoshi Ozawa, NTT Communications, Japan, Alex Delis, University of Athens, Greece, Michael Pantazoglou, University of Athens, Greece


Shaping the EU-JP landscape: Future joint research on cloud computing:

Living with the Internet of Things The SUCRE project aims to foster international cooperation in cloud computing, particularly between Europe and Japan. To this end, SUCRE has pursued two main actions:

SUCRE engaged experts from Europe and Japan to discuss cloud interoperability, provide insights into open cloud solutions, and propose a coherent set of recommendations for moving forward. Last May, the SUCRE, OCEAN and ClouT projects organised an EU-Japan workshop in Brussels, where participants from both regions shared their views on the current status of cloud computing and the possibility of future collaboration.

Towards a joint research agenda As cloud computing pervades Europe and Japan, the challenge of integrating potentially dozens of different cloud systems grows in complexity. Cloud-delivered integration tools must manage issues including firewall mediation, performance of (semantic) data mediation and transformation, maintenance, governance and monitoring, and security. It is in this setting that data and service mobility across heterogeneous clouds need to be tackled. If data is to be transformed from one cloud to another, those clouds must be compatible. To maintain the quality and usability of services mobilised across heterogeneous clouds, we will require new models and designs. New norms and policies must be established at an international and cross-regional level, along with a regulatory framework for technology advancement. Issues pertaining to security and privacy become even more challenging in this context, and should be carefully examined on a case-by-case basis. The inherent diversity of cloud-based services – particularly at the PaaS and SaaS layers – must be addressed for integration to be effective. In both layers, interoperability primarily lies in the ability of different applications to exchange information. Arguably, further research on model-driven engineering (MDE) methodologies, combined with a clear glossary of terms, may contribute to the interoperability of cloud services and platforms.

Thriving in a complex ecosystem Integrating IT infrastructures across Europe and Japan will produce a complex ecosystem, where services are offered over shared, federated cloud environments that adhere to potentially different architectural and deployment models. Our ability to support the dynamic provisioning and interconnection of resources belonging to independent heterogeneous cloud infrastructures should become the focus of extensive joint research between Europe and Japan. Also pertinent to this distributed, cross-domain setting are the challenges of federated authorisation and authentication mechanisms, encryption, and the subsequent need for infrastructure that can effectively scale. Clouds using software-defined networking (SDN) are an emerging trend, and aspire to address many of the issues with existing cloud networks. Future focus points for research in this area might include:

How to guarantee the performance of applications moved to the cloud facility, How to flexibly deploy appliances such as intrusion detection systems or firewalls, and How to overcome the complexities of policy enforcement and topology dependence.


Shaping the EU-JP landscape: Future joint research on cloud computing:

Towards the Cloud of Things The ongoing convergence of cloud computing with the Internet of Things will lead to what is now dubbed the Cloud of Things. In this context, with billions of physical devices connected and interacting, new deployment and monitoring models will be called for. The Cloud of Things also brings forth new challenges, related to Big Open Data management. Voluminous social and personal data, produced by existing and future wearable devices, as well as by other sources, will require new privacy-enhancing technologies to deal with issues of trust and security.

Future EU-Japan collaboration landscape Europe and Japan must leverage the momentum we have created through our joint activities thus far. Critical in sustaining our progress is the development of a common and concrete roadmap, to avoid deviations from our agreed goals. Also, we need a systematic scheme for collaboration, enforcing a common procedure for reviewing proposals, providing the necessary information and support services, and facilitating the formation of cross-regional partnerships. In the same context, reinforcing communication channels between national bodies, and also between Europeanand Japanese-funded CSAs, could significantly help in establishing common research roadmaps. Finally, our joint research in cloud computing should be market-driven and address tangible needs. With the support of open-source initiatives, we expect small- and medium-sized businesses will play a key role in establishing these needs, as we work together on use cases of mutual interest – such as smart cities or e-health – to establish industry-approved, standard and interoperable cloud technologies.


Leveraging cloud in the internet of things Isabel Matranga, Bartolomeo Turco, Daniele Pavia and Andrea Manieri, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica SpA, Italy Aiming to shape a common baseline for future research, the European Commission and the Japanese National Institute of Information and Communication Technologies are promoting collaboration between the European and Japanese IT research communities. This creates unique opportunities for projects that involve world-leading researchers and create global interest, thus raising the profile and ambition of international research.


Leveraging cloud in the internet of things

Bringing the ClouT of cloud to IoT One such project is ClouT, a collaboration between six EU and seven Japanese organisations. ClouT works to pool information on the experiences, knowledge, lessons learned, requirements, challenges and expertise of its partners, aiming to contribute to the development of smarter cities by optimising the use of cloud computing to overcome some of the current challenges and limitations of the internet-of-things (IoT). In the IoT domain, cloud offers the advantages of scalability, reliability and availability, giving smart cities the opportunity to take optimal advantage of the data produced by billions of networked devices and millions of people. Through the combination of IoT and cloud computing, smart cities will be able to build new and enhanced services, empowered to use and process the large amounts of data stored in the cloud in quasi-real-time.

Sensorisation of social networks ClouT also embraces and implements IoT sensor virtualisation concepts and social network sensorisation technologies. As the virtualisation concepts typical of cloud computing are extended to the IoT domain, it becomes possible to use sensor data without recognising the actual physical devices in use. This opens the doors to enhanced exploitation opportunities for physical sensors and actuators. Such technology supports, for example, the composition and combination of devices according to their functionalities, enabling cooperation to reach a specific goal. This technology also builds resilience, where systems can automatically switch to another device with similar characteristics, avoiding service interruptions when responding to a fault. Social network sensorisation technologies aim to transform social networks with sensors, creating the opportunity to detect and transform data into information useful for cities and their citizens. As a first step towards this objective, ClouT partners have defined an IoT+cloud Reference Architecture (ClouT-RA), leveraging work by established IoT and cloud research communities in Europe and Japan. The ClouT-RA establishes a common ground of objects, definitions and rules, mapping the IoT and cloud advantages into a unique context.

Real-world scenarios Thanks to ClouT’s collaboration with four cities – Santander, Genova, Mitaka and Fujisawa –examples of real-world application have been added to the theoretical definitions. These real-world scenarios ensure ClouT-RA is strongly linked to real user needs and city challenges. By including European and Japanese cities, the project encompassing the challenges and needs of both regions, ensuring wider adoption and consensus. The ClouT application scenarios include areas such as smart city resource management, safety and emergency management, citizen health, and pleasant enhancement.

Fujisawa: sensorised social networks In Fujisawa, for example, it will be possible to detect various social events using sensorised social web tools as Twitter or Facebook.

Santander: participatory sensing The city of Santander will apply ClouT-RA to increase the scalability of its Santander Participatory Sensing application, already offered by the municipality. Citizens contribute to a smarter city through their mobile devices, which behave as a tool for sending information on events that occur in the city. By combining IoT with cloud, Santander will be able to take advantage of a fast, highly available, scalable system with distributed storage, high processing power and secure access to event data.


Leveraging cloud in the internet of things

Mitaka: quality of life Mitaka focuses on citizen health, and in particular on improving quality of life for the elderly. By collecting and analysing data from multiple sources through ClouT, elderly people in Mitaka will have at their disposal information for a healthier and more active lifestyle, aiming to motivate them to get out and about and do things.

Fujisawa and Genova: emergency management Last but not least are two ClouT trials related to emergency management. Fujisawa is focused on management of tsunamis along the Japanese coasts, and Genova on management of floods in Italy. The latter is enhancing its risk management application – called ‘Io non Rischio’ – which will take advantage of the ClouT interoperability layer to use data coming from third party sensors, and of the cloud capabilities to store historical sensor data and analyse it to forecast specific emergency situations and optimally manage them.

Smarter city ecosystems There is no doubt! European and Japanese partners are proving the applicability and worth of the ClouT approach, and are paving the way towards the adoption of ClouT-RA by system designers worldwide, implementing smart city ecosystems that leverage not only IoT but also cloud.


SDN-based experimental platform for validation of new applications and services By Bartosz Belter, Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center, Poland Jason Haga, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan, Gino Carrozzo Nextworks s.r.l.,Italy and Carlos Bermudo, i2CAT Foundation,Spain The joint EU-JP project FELIX – standing for FEderated testbeds for Large-scale Infrastructure eXperiments – is deploying a large-scale, open, programmable network test-bed for the validation of new applications and services. The test-bed will allow experimenters to interact with its underlying infrastructure through standardised network protocols and tools, using the principles of software-defined networking (SDN).


SDN-based experimental platform for validation of new applications and services

The SDN revolution The simple concepts behind SDN have revolutionised the world of networking. The so-called “softwarisation� of networks enables the deep programmability of physical network equipment, creating new opportunities and challenges for network researchers, application designers and developers. SDN research across continents can serve as a strong foundation for the development of advanced, high-impact programmable networks.

Future internet test-beds To allow researchers to capitalise on compute resources under different administrative control and at geographically remote facilities, FELIX addressed SDN test-bed federation between key research labs in the field, creating unparalleled opportunities for large-scale experiments. FELIX is defining a common framework for federated SDN future internet (FI) test-beds, which are dispersed across Europe and Japan. This framework will enable its users to: 1. dynamically request and obtain resources across different SDN test-bed infrastructures, 2. manage and control the network paths that connect the federated test-beds, and 3. execute distributed applications on the federated infrastructure.

The FELIX framework The FELIX architecture is flexible and scalable to ensure a sufficient level of interaction between system components. The architecture is viewed as a combination of two spaces: the FELIX space and the user space (see figure).

FELIX SPACE Configure Slice

Island A

Island B

Island C

Control Slice

USER SPACE The FELIX space consists of management and control tools to coordinate the creation of a virtual environment, where the components operate hierarchically to enable efficient information management and sharing across a multi-domain environment. The user space consists of any tool or application deployed by users to control their virtual network environment, or to execute a particular operation within it. This space is completely dependent on specific user requirements and thus is not defined by the FELIX framework. Each virtual network environment is created by the FELIX space in response to a user request, and then managed by user tools in the user space. The virtual environment will use OpenFlow control mechanisms in the local switching infrastructure, coupled with WAN-based network service reservation mechanisms, such as network services interface (NSI).


SDN-based experimental platform for validation of new applications and services

Use cases The features offered by the FELIX test-bed are demonstrated by use cases in two areas, each designed to service different applications and stakeholders: 1. The data domain area targets key concepts in the use of SDN and dynamic interconnections via NSI, including data caching, fast delivery, streaming and related workflow management. Features include: - Delivery of distributed data (data on demand) by coordinating data flows over the network - Pre-processing and delivery of nearly real-time data to geographically distant locations - High-quality media transmission over long-distance networks 1. The infrastructure domain area focuses on the efficient management of federated and geographically dispersed future internet resources. Features include: - A data mobility service powered by SDN technologies that migrate entire workloads (data and virtual machines) to provide optimum quality-of-service to travelling users - Use of follow-the-sun and follow-the-moon principles to transfer virtual infrastructures and maximise energy savings - Replication of any infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) resources into a remote data centre if threatened by natural disaster

Collaboration beyond borders FELIX builds upon test-beds from successful SDN projects in Europe (FP7 OFELIA) and Japan (RISE). The FELIX infrastructure is expected to be available late in 2014, and will allow users to connect and supervise resources from the OFELIA and RISE infrastructures. Connections between infrastructures will be managed in a dynamic, on-demand manner, and will be delivered through NRENs including PIONIER (Poland), SURFnet (The Netherlands) and JGN-X (Japan). We expect FELIX will encourage closer and more extensive cooperation between the European and Japanese communities in the increasingly important area of future internet research and development. For further information please visit


MARKOS: Global, integrated and searchable open-source software By Malena Donato, ATOS Spain SA, Thomas Gordon, FRAUNHOFER-GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FOERDERUNG DER ANGEWANDTEN FORSCHUNG E.V, Germany, Francesco Torelli, ENG, Ingegneria Informatica SPA, Italy and Ilaria Lener, T6 ECOSYSTEMS, Italy

Ever wished for an integrated, searchable view of globally available open-source software structure and projects, and which also checks the licensing compatibility? The EU-funded MARKOS project – standing for “the MARKet for Open-Source: an intelligent virtual open-source marketplace” – is developing a system that provides just that.


MARKOS: Global, integrated and searchable open-source software

Markets on the move The world’s open-source market is growing from the bottom up. Open-source software (OSS) for infrastructure has reached a degree of maturity: examples include Linux, MySQL, JBoss, Apache or Eclipse. Now emerging are opensource applications for business transactions – such as ECM, ERP, CRM – and business intelligence, such as offerings from companies like Jaspersoft and Talend. We have also seen the growth of open-source services offered by open-source software vendors and free software companies alike, in areas such as cloud computing (IaaS, PaaS), social platforms and big data. Markos is developing a system that focuses on the analysis of software structure and dependencies. In particular it analyses the relationships between software components provided across different projects, giving an integrated view of Open Source software at a global scale. In Europe today, most of the private sector uses OSS, taking advantage of a faster time-to-market, the ability to re-use and customise source code, and lower acquisition costs that reduce the “total cost of ownership” compared to commercial software.

But how can developers best navigate the changing OSS marketplace?

Backstage with MARKOS Behind the MARKOS project lies the idea of a community of individuals collaborating on the development of software projects for the greater good, with the ultimate goal of increasing code quality and lowering production costs. OSS developers are motivated by many things, but favouring features over quality is not among them. For many developers, peer review and acclaim is important, so it’s likely they’ll aim to build software that is admired, and thus understandable code is an asset. But developing good code can be a challenge. To help developers leverage OSS, and hence to build better code through collaboration and reuse, MARKOS is prototyping an interactive application and linked data API that analyses the relationships between OSS components across different projects. The system will provide an integrated view of OSS projects available on the web, together with semantic query features, with a focus on the functional, structural and licensing aspects of software code.

What can it do? Open-source itself, the MARKOS system provides information about the relationships between software components released by different OSS projects, giving an integrated view of the available OSS at a global scale. It is expected to facilitate the global development of OSS by allowing users to: - search for open-source projects and software components, - check the compatibility of software licences, and - obtain information about software relationships. It also finds and displays legal issues cause by license incompatibilities, provides explanations for these issues, and supports developers in the search for solutions to their technical and licensing problems.

search for open-source projects and software components, check the compatibility of software licences, and obtain information about software relationships.


MARKOS: Global, integrated and searchable open-source software

It also finds and displays legal issues cause by license incompatibilities, provides explanations for these issues, and supports developers in the search for solutions to their technical and licensing problems.

Building with the best Other services, such as, focus mainly on people and activities, and allow limited code search functionalities. MARKOS, on the other hand, offers semantic querying and browsing to navigate the structure of the software code at a higher level of abstraction, allowing a deeper technical understanding. The MARKOS demonstrator is in its final development phase, and will be released this year. It provides the following features:

Indexing and analysis of OSS projects available on web forges such as Apache, SourceForge and GitHub. Easy searching for specific components based on their properties and relationships with other components, using more than the usual properties, such as language, operating system, licensing requirements, etc. Browsing and navigating of source code and dependencies across projects; for example, to find implementations of interfaces and APIs, to find examples of uses in other projects, or to discover the provenance of a library. Coarse automatic license analyses, to quickly work out whether a project risks infringing the license of copied code or used libraries. Detailed analysis of license compatibility issues, providing developers and lawyers with tools for creating arguments from semantic models of copyright law, as well as visualising and modifying these arguments using argument maps. A linked data API that allow expert users to perform complex queries and third party applications that allow code information searches via MARKOS. And more features will come in the next months... Stay tuned to discover the novelties!

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OCEAN: fostering collaboration between Europe and Japan By Isabel Matranga, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica SpA, Italy and Yuri Glickman, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany Collaboration is fundamental to high-class research and when this collaboration crosses the boundaries not only of countries but also of continents, it creates even more opportunities for world-leading research results. This is most certainly the case for partnerships between world-leading regions in IT research and innovation, such as the EU and Japan. One of the challenges of collaboration in IT is the difficulty in reusing research results. This is usually caused by confusion about what components and solutions are available, and what commonalities exist with other research projects. Other times it is caused simply by poor quality software and documentation.


OCEAN: fostering collaboration between Europe and Japan

Using OCEAN’s Open Cloud Directory Overcoming this confusion is the OCEAN project’s raison d’être. OCEAN fosters intra-EU collaboration as well as collaboration between EU and Japanese cloud research teams, supporting them to reveal commonalities that may become opportunities for cooperation and synergies. To reach its objectives, OCEAN maintains the Open Cloud Directory (OCD), a free online registry of open-source software outcomes in the cloud domain, in Europe, Japan and beyond. The OCD gives a snapshot of the existing open-source cloud landscape in the EU and Japan, increasing the visibility and discovery of research results, and promoting and facilitating their reuse. The cloud research outputs – or ‘assets’ – that are registered in the OCD are positioned in what the OCEAN team calls the Open Cloud Interoperability Framework. This framework places each asset in relation to key open-source cloud standards, technologies and reference models. In this way, by consulting the OCD, users can identify suitable open-source technologies for re-use, identify opportunities for the development of missing but needed technical components, and identify interoperability issues that stem from missing open standards and/or implementation of standards.

Software quality verification To further clarify this snapshot of existing open-source cloud assets, and to meet the need for trustworthiness in presenting research results, OCEAN also offers a quality verification service for software, using an enhanced version of the ETICS service. The quality analysis reports produced by ETICS are available on the OCD, so external users looking for cloud components to reuse can predetermine their quality before integrating. This service further supports users in navigating the maze of open-source cloud components.

EU-Japan workshopping Collaboration with the Japanese Information-Technology Promotion Agency, one of OCEAN’s partners, has been fundamental in collecting information about Japanese cloud research projects, and in supporting the exchange of information between Japanese and European projects. Open cloud collaborations have also been discussed during two EU-Japan workshops, organised by the OCEAN, SUCRE and ClouT projects. The two workshops aimed to contribute to the EU-Japan dialogue on open and interoperable clouds, and to facilitate and foster knowledge exchange between the two regions. The workshops gave delegates the opportunity to share their knowledge, challenges and experiences in open cloud computing. Whilst there was much common ground, from OCEAN’s point of view, it was the differences that made the collaboration even more interesting and stimulating.

Directions for Horizon 2020 Workshop participants learned about cloud computing research projects and had the chance to compare results from the EU and Japan, paving the way for future opportunities between the two regions. For example, at the most recent workshop, held 31 July 2014 in Tokyo, Japanese researchers expressed their interest in researching the use of cloud computing with internet-of-things or/and big data for innovative applications in the smart cities domain. Interest was also expressed in collaborative EU-Japanese research on several other topics, including high availability and fault tolerance for cloud systems, and data integrity, localisation and confidentiality. The workshop outcomes will contribute to discussions between the EU and the Japanese National Institute of Information and Communications Technology and the Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. These discussions aim to identify future cloud research topics for the upcoming calls with Japan under Horizon 2020.


NEWS & EVENTS - HIGHLIGTHS FROM THE SUCRE PROJECT 2nd SUCRE Video - Cloud Computing in the healthcare Sector available on YouTube!

This second video focuses and highlights the benefits for the healthcare industry to migrate its services to cloud computing. With a fresh, innovative and user friendly style, this short cartoon will give you the insights of how cloud computing is already and concretely improving citizens life. Enjoy this animated video in the SUCRE portal video’s page

Stay tuned the SUCRE Primers will be released soon!

The SUCRE Primers, thanks to an attractive graphic design and information provided in intelligible way, will synthesize the insights derived through the activities of SUCRE that focused on cloud computing for the Public and the healthcare sectors. More specifically, the reports will draw on findings gathered through the State-of-the-Art analysis, the interviews conducted with key stakeholders from the aforementioned sector as well as the targeted workshop in order to prepare a ready-to-use document for policy makers and ICT managers of healthcare organizations. These brochures will discuss several factors influencing cloud computing adoption in the public and healthcare sector through numerous perspectives including technical, economic, societal and legal and will also analyze the factors that are relevant to the adoption of open clouds in the healthcare domain. Furthermore, they will enlist challenges that seem to apply when considering the adoption of cloud computing in these key sectors of civil society and suggest possible pathways through which the challenges could be resolved. Finally, it will also capture a series of Q&A focusing on providing answers for fundamental considerations that ICT managers of healthcare organizations may have when considering the adoption of cloud computing. The brochures are expected to be published by November 2014.

JOIN the SUCRE keynote presentation at the 5th EU-Japan Symposium on ICT Research and Innovation

This symposium, that will be preceded by the 2nd FIRE Forum, will be held in Brussels on 16-17 October. Presentations of running joint EU-Japan projects will be given, followed by a workshop which will explore R&I cooperation opportunities with a number of priority themes both for the EU and Japan. One of these themes will focus on experimental facilities. Keynote speeches from high-level officials both from the EU and Japan are expected. More details will follow soon in the SUCRE portal including a more-detailed agenda and registration instructions. Participation is upon invitation only.

Other News from EUROPE Experts talk about best practices when adopting cloud technology for enterprises

At London Olympia in June of 2014, The Cloud World Forum was full to the brim with industry experts and interested parties. The overall sense was one of a special time in computing. Cloud computing is more than a buzzword. The number of businesses in different industries, all offering something unique was truly astonishing. Despite the rapid uptake of cloud technology, there still remains some people who wonder if their businesses can benefit from using cloud computing. experts-talk-about-best-practices-when-adopting-cloud-technology-for-enterprises-cloudwf/

IEEE NetSoft 2015 Call for Papers

This event will be held at the University College in London, U.K on 13-17 April 2015. Authors are invited to submit original contributions (written in English) in PDF format. Only original papers not published or submitted for publication elsewhere can be submitted. Papers can be of two types: full (up to 9 pages) or short (up to 5 pages) papers. Papers should be in IEEE 2-column US-Letter style using IEEE Conference templates ( and submitted in PDF format via EDAS at:

IMPORTANT DATES Paper Submission: 15th December 2014 Notification of Acceptance: 15th February 2015 For further information please visit

Storm Clouds: Call for Cities

STORM CLOUDS, a project co-funded by the European Comission, aims at defining useful guidelines on how to address the process of public service cloudification in order to accelerate it, for public authorities and policy makers. STORM CLOUDS is now recruiting new cities that wish to cloudify their public services or implement the services available in the project‘s portfolio. This recruitment phase will last throughout the remaining course of the project. Getting involved will give cities the opportunity to benefit from open innovation methodologies, data security expertise and long-term administrative cost savings. Joining the project also represents getting valuable help taking a step forward towards becoming a Smart City with innovative governants and citizens. For further information please visit the website or get in touch with



RELATED International EVENTS IEEE Cloud Computing for Emerging Markets

This third IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing for Emerging Markets (CCEM) aims at addressing the unique challenges and opportunities of cloud computing for emerging markets in a high quality event that brings together industry, government, and academic leaders in cloud computing from around the world, particularly from emerging markets. This conference will take place in Bangalore, India on 15th-17th October, 2014 For further information please visit

Powering the Cloud

Powering The Cloud (formally known as SNW Europe) is Europe’s most established Cloud Computing and IT Infrastructure Conference and Germany’s biggest event focused on Cloud and Infrastructure technologies. It will attract the most influential line up of cloud technology expertise. It is now part of the Cloud Expo Europe portfolio with events in London, Frankfurt and Singapore attracting over 20,000 delegates annually. This event will take place at Messe Frankfurt, Germany on October 28th to 29th, 2014 For further information please visit

17th Japan-EU Conference

This annual event will be held University Foundation, 11 rue d’Egmont, 1000 Brussels and it provides a unique opportunity to discuss and formulate ideas to fortify EU-Japan relationship by bringing together experts, academics and policymakers from Europe and Japan. Pre-registration required. This conference will take place in Brussels, Belgium on the 17th of November 2014. Further information please visit

The 6th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science

CloudCom is the premier conference on Cloud Computing worldwide, attracting researchers, developers, users, students and practitioners from the fields of big data, systems architecture, services research, virtualization, security and privacy, high performance computing, always with an emphasis on how to build cloud computing platforms with real impact. The conference is co-sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), is steered by the Cloud Computing Association, and draws on the excellence of its world-class Program Committee and its participants. This conference will take place at the Nanyag Executive Centre (NEC), Singapore on the 15th – 18th December 2014. For further information please visit

Cloud Computing Expo Japan (CLOUD JAPAN spring)

The event gathers kinds of cloud computing products and services. A great number of information systems managers, management executives, sales managers, SaaS providers, system integrators and managers from divisions requiring systems will visit CLOUD JAPAN to conduct face-to-face business with exhibitors. The Japanese largest IT will be held in Tokyo on the 13th – 15th May 2015. For further information please visit

CLOSER 2015 - The 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science

CLOSER 2015, focuses on the emerging area of Cloud Computing, inspired by some latest advances that concern the infrastructure, operations, and available services through the global network. Further, the conference considers as essential the link to Services Science, acknowledging the service-orientation in most current IT-driven collaborations. The conference is about Cloud Computing where we are also interested in how Services Science can provide theory, methods and techniques to design, analyze, manage, market and study various aspects of Cloud Computing. This conference will take place in Lisbon, Portugal on the 22nd-25th May 2015 For further information please visit


CloudSource Cloud computing & opensource

Issue 4 - September 2014 Research on Cloud Computing in Europe and Japan:

current status and ways to collaborate

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