Sudarshan Iyengar Architectural Design + Design Portfolio

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Sudarshan R. S. Iyengar

architecture & design




architecture academic portuguese cultural center austin music academy frame rusk center for rehabilitation

4 18 34 44

professional meyer’s memorial trust 52 design 56 resume 71


Portuguese Cultural Center Team: Sudarshan Iyengar

Buildings lasting centuries cast shadows over gas stations

Europe? Responding to the irregularity, yet pure organic

built a year ago. New money and old structures create

nature of human civilization that carves itself into the

a sharp visual contrast along the banks of the Duoro

landscape like an anthill, the Portuguese Cultural Center

river. Cobbled granite roads, smoothed by wear, weave

embeds itself into a dynamic neighborhood overlooking

their way through a rich urban tapestry, finding cracks

the river, and the civilization beyond, in the hopes of

and crevices to carry life through, and stumbling upon

becoming a beacon of recognition in a city that continues

reveals of a greater scheme. The precense of the built

to rapidly change, while also sheltering the treasured

environment upon the ground is anything but regular

history of the city behind a wall of Earth.

along the path of the Duoro River, the line that divides the city of Porto. On this path rests the Portuguese Cultural Center, a small building attempting to accomplish an impossible task. How can a single building be given the weight of housing the culture of the oldest nation in



Portuguese Cultural Center | 7




Connection to the Water

New Housing Development

Offset Angles

Embedding the Archive

Iconic Forms

Raising an Entrance

Carving a Park

Portuguese Cultural Center | 9

Elevation: Water Front

Section: Longitudinal




Gallery Volumes + Restairant Gallery Volumes + Restairant

Gallery Volumes + Restaurant

Entry + Sculpture Garden

Entry + Sculpture Garden

Entry + Sculpture Garden

Portuguese Cultural Center | 11

c. a. gallery volumes + restaurant The ground floor of the restaurant ties into the upper gallery volume through an intersection of volumes, realized by a cork sculptural piece which turns into gallery seating.

b. entry + sculpture garden The entry chamber volume signifies its importance in elevation by sitting higher than all the other volumes, creating the gesture that the public space, and moments of reflection through the sculpture garden that are publicly accessed from the street, are prioritized in importance of gesture to the neighborhood.

c. archive tower The archive tower is a stark contrast formally from the iconic volume, adopting a gabion wall facade, truly embedding itself into the cobbled-wall neighborhood facade. The gabion wall filters light beautifully upon the azulejo sculptural wall, which unfolds towards the sky, bathed in light from the saw-tooth skylight.

Archive Tower

Archive Tower


Gallery Level

Garden Level

1. Gallery 2. Storage 3. Broom Closet 4. Archive

1. Gallery Storage 2. Auditorium 3. Sculpture Garden 4. Back of House 5. Archive

Plan: Gallery Level

Ground Level 1. Entry 2. Auditorium 3. Tech Closet 4. Ticketing & Storage 5. Restaurant 6. Archive

Plan: Ground Level

Plan: Terrace Level

Portuguese Cultural Center | 13

Rendering: Archive Atrium


Central Section NS

Portuguese Cultural Center | 15


Section: SN


Portuguese Cultural Center | 17

Rendering: Gallery Shell


Austin Music Academy Team: Brandon Tharp, Sudarshan Iyengar

Austin Music Academy | 19

In an effort to define the abstract nature of music through the development of the Austin Music Academy, one must attempt to diagram the concept of music. Being a universe of it’s own, this proves to be a challenge, but one may attempt to understand how music can be created through an observations of sounds and silences. The resonance, or volume of a sound, in conjunction with the release, the silence that follows the sound, together create move back and forth to create intrigue and therefore rhythm. The resonance, or volume of a sound, in conjunction with the release, the silence that follows the

sound, together create move back and forth to create intrigue and therefore rhythm. The massing was generated starting with a very simple grid, based off of the gradient developed between public and private. Using that grid, the masses can be divided very simply horizontally and vertically. Then, dividing these masses into separate programmatic zones, each is developed in order to greater serve the function of the building.


Republic Square Park Adjacency to important urban park create a gathering space for the Downtown Austin community.

Transit Positioned on corridor for public transportation and occasional gathering hubs, all of different magnitude

Triangle Proximity to important centers for performance art in Austin creates a distinct cultural center




Austin Music Academy | 21

floor 3

floor 2

floor 1




Recording & Production To give back to Austin, the rooms surrounding the courtyard above the auditorium will be programmed as public after school hour recording and production studios, accessible to the people of Austin.

Public Terrace The courtyard itself will be directly accessible by the public, connected to Guadalupe street with a monumental staircase, linking this public but concealed courtyard to the fabric of downtown.

Performance & Front of House As a way of engaging Fourth Street, the Front of House and Auditorium space are dropped, creating visual connections from the sidewalk and the activity going on below. The Auditorium being subterranean acoustically isolates the space

Education The school is positioned on the most private corner of the site. While other areas of this project focus on visual connectivity outwards, the school, with a monolithic brick facade, focuses on creating an insulated center for education.

Austin Music Academy | 25

Structural Axonometric


Frontal Section EW

Central Section EW

Austin Music Academy | 27


Axonometric: Rooftop Courtyard

Austin Music Academy | 29

Axonometric: Front of House


Section Detail: Rooftop Courtyard Sculpture

Section: Front of House

Section Detail: Rooftop Courtyard Sculpture

Austin Music Academy | 31

Rendering: Rooftop Courtyard

Rendering: Front of House Sculpture


Section Detail: Steel Frame Balcony Connection

Plan Detail: U-Channel Corner

Section Detail: U-Channel Corner

Wall Section: U-Channel Facade

Austin Music Academy | 33

Rendering: School Atrium


Frame Team: P. Chang, M. Garcia, M Gaudio, D. Huang, S. Iyengar, R. Joseph, M. Rodriguez, J. Sheets, D. Smith, A. Stone, B. Tharp, C. Townley, A. Vanella

Frame, a project assembled by the Gulf Coast Design

create a learning pavilion on the acres of the coastal land

Lab, makes its home in Galveston, Texas, amongst

which they maintain. The pavilion would be used as a

acres of coastal land, bordering both bodies of water,

rest stop for workshops held by Artist Boat for children

and residential areas. Working in conjunction with

from the lower income, inner city areas of Houston.

Artist Boat, a coastal preservation non-profit, and with

By addressing several issues, including material

Gulf Coast Design Lab, this pavilion was designed and

selection in a coastal area, structural requirements of

constructed to present many disenfranchised children

hurricane zones, construction schedules, modularity of

access to nature, while simultaneously bringing

furniture, creating an outdoor classroom with flexible

awareness to impact climate change is having on coastal

“indoor” arrangements, and more, Gulf Coast Design

lands globally. Faced with rising water levels, invasive

Lab engaged in all levels of a project, from Schematic

species, and changing temperatures impacting the flora

Design, to finishing the construction of this pavilion,

and fauna on their coastal lands, Artist Boat sought to

over the course of five months.

Frame | 35



Detail: Front of House Sculptural Piece



Frame | 37


Detail: Front of House Sculptural Piece




Subtracted Framed Views

Frame | 39


Frame | 41




Rusk Center for Rehabilitation Team: Sudarshan Iyengar

The Rusk State Hospital, located in Rusk, Texas, is a

rehabilitation. Instead of isolating patients, this facility

psychiatric facility for patients in East Texas. The site

development focuses on routing patient circulation

is the sole hospital and source of revenue in the town,

through open, outdoor spaces, in order to connect the

and bears a significant historical presence on the site.

patients to the beautiful, natural, environment of Rusk,

Previously a hospital for criminally insane African

Texas. Priorities included connecting the patients to the

Americans, the memory of the old function of the

staff of the hospital through program and therapy, and

hospital manifests itself in the decaying walls, molded

creating openings in the historic brick facade to allow

pipes, and dilapidated condition of 501, the central block,

natural light. The third level of this hospital serves as

which is the primary site of the project. Rusk, Texas

a memorial to the former patients of this institution,

itself, however, is incredibly beautiful, and climate allows

who had been discriminated and locked away due to

for lush vegetation. The re-development of this hospital

the color of their skin and a lack of understanding of

revolved around shifting the attitude towards mental

mental health. This hospital seeks to become a beacon

health from one of containment towards an approach of

of recovery, and also a reminder of a dark past.

Rusk | 45


Existing Mass The long mass, 501, sits in proximity to two other masses, primarily used for patient housing. The current layout isolated the entry to 501 from the rest of the campus.

Elevation: East Facade

Section: Central Section

Connection In order to develop a connection with the rest of the campus, two segments of 501 are pulled forward to form the linear mass in front of the existing hall. The facade of 501 is manipulated in order to bring light in, but is preserved for historical significance.

Rusk Center for Rehabilitation | 47

Therapy Mall The open space between the patient wing and the main 501 structure serves as a Therapy Mall, with direct access to patient amenities. This location creates a boundary between the street and the rest of campus while preserving the natural connection between the patient programs.

Screen The interior of 501 connected to the outside with the placed fenestration, was further developed with the placement of a living screen. To further patient care, the screen would be maintained and serviced by the patients of the hospital.


Rusk Center for Rehabilitation | 49

Rendering: Therapy Mall

Rendering: Entrance Corridor




Million Month Challenge: Meyers Memorial Trust Competition Team: Hacker Architects, Urban Development Partners, Central City Concern, Meyer Memorial Trust

One of the largest issues facing many communities today

opportunities with lower public sources of funding and

is the lack of affordable housing, and particularly the

increased private financing.

lack of deeply affordable housing that is cost-effective

of an innovative financing model, and the design of

to build. Working with Hacker Architects and several

SRO co-housing & and co-working developments, the

partner organizations, this proposal was created with

project will develop a pilot that has potential to catalyze

the belief that we can advance a cost-effective solution

regenerative villages in every neighborhood, providing

that creates mixed-income communities, inclusive of

1 one million months of affordable housing in our

deeply affordable and low-barrier homes, while also

city. The project will develop a kit of parts of living,

advancing asset and wealth generating solutions for low

working, and shared spaces that will be financially

and moderate income members of the local community.

and socially invested in by the community, generating

Regenerative Village is a design & and development

wealth that stays in the communities.

model to that creates housing and commercial

Through a combination



$$$ Community Investment







1 Year Existing buildings are converted to a combined SRO & Market Rate development. An existing warehouse is converted to a maker space, providing job-training opportunities. Easily deployable commercial amenities such as food carts generate revenue.

Community Investment

$$$ 100%





5 Years Additional SRO units build density as market rate ADUs bring more infill housing to the area. Open space is utilized as community Farmer’s Market adjacent the urban garden. Revenue continues to be generated in order to pay off the loan.


Million Month Challenge | 55

$$$ Community Investment







10 Years More infill housing is added to improve urban density. Supported by local investments, an emerging small enterprise focusing on solar renewable energ y converts an existing building into a new business.

Community Investment

$$$ 100%





20 Years More retail enterprises are created throughout the neighborhood, including the expansion of the solar manufacturing business. Dense residential development continues to thrive and new open park space provides areas for communal gathering.


design professional surfboard 58 stripes 62 independent illustrations 64 design 56 resume 71


Surfboard | 59 59

Surfboard Team: Bigvand Technologies Done in conjunction with Bigvand Technologies, the idea of surfboard was developed as a way to connect social media users with others in a way that expands their influence to a larger yet still relevant circle. The platform in which these users interact with each other is through video sharing within a user specified radius. Users would control content filtration through a rating system, by up voting and down voting videos. The “pause and play” camera and a video limit of up to 11 seconds also encourages the development of stronger video

content. The target user is a college student, encouraged to expand and go viral in their circle. The final iteration of version 1.0 (version 1.1 shown above) was a total of 95 screens, tested rigorously. Through use of Illustrator, Invision, investor testing, and constant communication with a team of developers, surfboard was visualized.


*screens used are from version 1.0, an earlier design iteration



Various color iterations were the resultant of fun back and forths with the client. Originally designed as an illustrated, black and white image, these color iterations create exciting opportunities to expand the boundaries of the style explored. Through a dive into this mosaic of iteration, defined by simple rule changes in the color logic, while still adhering to the overal structure of the value, exciting options for potential merchandise where discovered. Ultimately, the desired color scheme (center of mosaic) favored by the artist, was chosen as an alternate to the primary design strategy.

Stripes | 63

Stripes Team: Sudarshan Iyengar, Rohan Bhatt “i23” “Stripes,” commisioned by i23, a musician local to the Dallas Metroplex, is an EP cover, and brand identifier for the artist. This project was undertaken in the Fall of 2020, a year that served many challenges to all traversing the climb that is life. i23, or Rohan Bhatt, explores his own journey, and how he responds to the perceived expectations the world and society has for him, as he grows and defines himself as an artist, and human. Through smooth hip-hop

beats, effortless flow, and soul capturing lyrics, Bhatt illustrates his human experience. As an artist himself, Bhatt’s involvement in the conceptualization and thematic structure of the artwork led to a unique blend of ideas, and visualization strategies. This piece is a testament to the continual growth of artists, through collaboration, conflict, and ceremonious cohesion and catharsis of concept.


Beehive Procreate, Illustrator, Photoshop


Floatin’ Ink

Illustration Team: Sudarshan Iyengar The following images are illustrations done through an exploration of ink, digital media, and a combination of the two. These works are an exploration of style, and a creation of a design “hand,” and sense. While some pieces have further conceptual context

behind them, and fit into larger explorations, they stand alone as representatives of my desire to continue growing as a practitioner of visual design.


Nightmare Procreate, Photoshop

Illustration | 67

Arrival Ink

Boolin’ Ink


Spaceboat Procreate

Illustration | 69

Obelisk Procreate


Sudarshan R. S. Iyengar Architecture & Design 2014-2021 +1 (214).415.7986



2018 UTSOA Design Excellence Award


EDUCATION University of Texas at Austin

May 2019

Bachelor of Architecture

September 2019 - Current

Architectural Designer 1 - Developed drawing sets for a medical institution through all phases of design - Coordinated with other construction disciplines to create unified drawing sets - Designed facade concepts and interior environments - Crafted concise presentations to communicate design concepts externally Hacker Architects

June 2018 - December 2018

Architectural Intern - Created comprehensive 3-D architectural models with integrated BIM software - Designed unit plans of varying residential typologies for different projects - Conducted iteration based concept studies for institutional projects Gulf Coast Design Lab

January 2018 - July 2018

Design Build Studio - Designed and constructed pavilion for a coastal preservation non-profit in Galveston, Texas - Developed details, managed furniture procurement, and constructed a built project Bigvand Technology

December 2016 - January 2018

Chief Design Officer - Visualized concept, branding, and animation material for Surfboard - Developed the framework and user interface for Surfboard through communication with developers, research and visualization of design experience Presidium Group

January 2016 - July 2020 Design Consultant - Developed branded strategies and custom artistic content for clients through collaboration and iteration May 2017 - May 2018

Hum A Cappella

EXPERIENCE Zimmer Gunsul Frasca Architects

May 2018

July 2016 - December 2016

Architecture Visualization Intern - Visualized conceptual developments for potential real estate investments through site analysis, occupation, and zoning laws - Developed branding animations and presentation pitch decks

External Director, Bass - Handled client correspondence - Organized shows on and off campus, through fundraising, coordination, and advertising March 2015 - May 2016

Alpha Rho Chi

Vice President, Super Intendant - Organized and executed several fundraising events - Managed day to day functions of organization - Helped recruit and on-board new members through mentorship Montessori Model UN

March 2011 - March 2020

Chairman of Committees, Social Chair President - Developed outreach strategies for students to create marketing opportunities - Organized and conducted UN assembly simulations to discuss various global issues Studio Representative

January 2016 - May 2016

SKILLS Illustrator Photoshop InDesign After Effects XD CC

Revit AutoCad 3DS Max Sketchup Rhinoceros

Grasshopper Podium Enscape Lumion V-Ray

Invision Sketch Modeling Drafting Water Color

REFERENCES Stefee Knudsen, AIA, LEED AP BD+C Hacker Architects AP Kevin Alter, Alterstudio Partner Charlton Lewis - UTSOA Assistant Dean for Student Affairs Judith Cunningham - Montessori Model UN C.S.O.


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