S.R.S. Iyengar Architecture Portfolio

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Architecture Portfolio Sudarshan R. S. Iyengar

Su dar sha n R . S . Iy e nga r Unive r si t y of Te x as at Aus t in S c hool of A rc hi te c ture S e le c t e d Wor k s : 2 014 - 2 01 8

-Pr o je c t s -


01 Austin Music Academy -page 6-

03 Avem

02 Eat aly

-page 22-


-page 26-

Kunsthaus Bregenz - C ase Study -page 32-

05 Rusk Center for Rehabilit ation

06 Sur fboard

-page 34-

-page 42-



01 to manifest music through architecture Professor: Matthew Fajkus Project done in collaboration with Brandon Tharp



AUS T IN MUSIC AC ADEM Y Objective: To manifest music through architecturally representing the rhythm created by the resonance and release of a note, through solids and voids In an at tempt to architecturally manifest the abstract nature of music through the development of the Austin Music Academy, one must at tempt to diagram the concept of music. Being a universe of it ’s own, this proves to be a challenge, but one may at tempt to understand how music can be created through an obser vations of sounds and silences. The resonance, or volume of a sound, in conjunction with the release, the silence that follows the sound, together create move back and for th to create intrigue and therefore rhy thm.




organized by hierarchy in a

spaces connected through similar program and nature

masses have on one another due to their overlap

clear linear fashion

The massing was generated star ting with a ver y simple grid, based of f of the gradient developed bet ween public and private. Using that grid, the masses can be divided ver y simply horizontally and ver tically. Then, dividing these masses into separate programmatic zones, each is developed in order to greater ser ve the function of the building.





Located adjacent to Republic Square Park, currently under renovation but a potential gathering space for the Downtown Austin community, the connection to the park will be crucial to the success of site integration.

The site, located on Guadalupe, a traffic heavy street during rush hours, is a corridor for public transportation and occasional gathering hubs, all of different magnitudes.

Located in proximity to the Austin City Limits Moody Theater, as well as Ballet Austin, the development of a magnet school for performing arts will have to acknowledge the presence of two centers for performance and arts directly in the site’s proximity.





To give back to Austin, the rooms surrounding the courtyard above the auditorium will be programmed as public after school hour recording and production studios, accessible to the people of Austin.

The courtyard itself will be directly accessible by the public, connected to Guadalupe street with a monumental staircase, linking this public but concealed courtyard to the fabric of downtown.



Section: Longitudinal EW 10

As a way of engaging Fourth Street, the Front of House and Auditorium space are dropped, creating visual connections from the sidewalk and the activity going on below. The Auditorium being subterranean acoustically isolates the space G F E D C








The school is positioned on the most private corner of the site. While other areas of this project focus on visual connectivity outwards, the school, with a monolithic brick facade, focuses on creating an insulated center for education. A


Level 3 42' - 0"

Level 2 30' - 0"

Level 3 42' - 0" Level 1 15' - 0" Level 2 30' - 0"

Ground Level 0' Level - 0" 1 15' - 0"

Basement 15' - 0" Ground Level 0' - 0"

Basement 15' - 0"


The unique nature of the different programs required there to be corresponding structural systems. The school uses a steel rigid frame structure, with brick veneer paneling on the exterior. The steel bays help establish spaces in between the brick veneers, which let light in through frosted glass slits. The auditorium uses a shear wall, which both laterally supports and acoustically isolates the space from any noise from the outside. The rooftop deck is supported by a large truss, which also contains acoustical panels to curate the auditory experience of the performance hall.


floor 3

floor 2

floor 1 N

N 13

Detail: Front of House Sculptural Piece

The concept of creating hierarchically important volumes, or organizing masses, blending them programatically, and eventually pulling them together, is the execution of the larger objective of resonance and release, or the observation of solids and voids to create rhythm. The solids each contain their important programmatic functions, but the voids provide opportunities to physically connect the solids. The front of house space and its connection with the auditorium is one example of how we attempted to quite literally bridge the two spaces. The experience of transitioning through the voids is as important as the functionality of the solids. Another example of this blending of volumes by tying the together with a literal, sculptural bridge, is the rooftop courtyard (page 14), and the relationship developed between the public recording studios, and the sculptural deck which serves as a gathering space of musicians, performers, and the general public of Austin as well.


structural truss

frosted glass sculptural piece

entry bays

front of house


central courtyard sculptural piece

rooftop courtyard deck

auditorium truss

auditorium acoustical paneling


Detail: Courtyard Sculptural Piece


Wall Section: U-Channel Cantilever Condition


Elevation: U-Channel Cantilever Condition

Wall Detail in Section: U-Channel connection to envelope

Detail: Steel Frame Balcony Connection

Section: Transverse Section NS


Wall Section: Brick Veneer Condition


Elevation: Brick Veneer Condition

Wall Detail in Plan: U-Channel Corner Condition

Wall Detail in Plan: U-Channel Corner Condition



02 to create vibrance through contrast Professor: Mike McCall



E A T A L Y Objective: To integrate upscale Italian dining with a casual and vibrant student population Eataly is the largest Italian marketplace in the world, with thir t y-five worldwide locations. The purpose of Eataly was to develop the environment of a European open market , and apply it to high-end Italian supermarket . However, there is a contrast in the nature of the program and the users on this par ticular site. Located in the hear t of a college student housing sec tor, the program becomes challenged, as college students aren’ t the t ypical consumers at an upscale Italian supermarket . In order to make this unique program relevant to the college students in this area, the project had to sit on the site in a way that would manipulate circulation, and draw interest towards the inside of Eataly Austin.





Circulation on the site flows around the mass, with no opportunities to flow through it.

By slicing through the existing mass, the circulation through the site becomes more efficient.

In addition to slicing through the site, carving pockets within the mass allow for hubs of activity.

Site Plan N

Section: Central EW



03 to engage biodiversity with undulation Professor: John Blood



AVEM Objective: To connect the dynamic activity of birding to an equally engaging and diverse landscape L a guna G l o ria , t he si te , h ou s e s t h e a c on te mp orar y a r t m useum a nd scu lp tu re par k . T h e p e n in su la i t s e l f i s ver y to p o gra p hi cal l y in te re s t in g , w i t h s e ve ral d i f f erent env i ro nm e n t al c on di t ion s , in c lu din g a sma l l pa tc h o f t re e s , an op e n g ras s lan d , a s wamp, e tc . The se d i f f ere n t e nv iron me n t al c on di t ion s p ro v i d e o p p o r tuni t ie s f or b iodive r si t y, an d h ou s e se vera l d i f f erent t y p e s o f b irds ac ro s s t h e si te . T h e i nd ent i nto t he la nds c ap e an d t h e c an t i le ve r o ve r t he wa ter p ro v i d e s v ie w s to s e e t h e s e di f f e re n t t y p e s o f b i rd s i n d i f f e re n t e nv iron me n t s . D e ve lop in g t hi s re s t ri c te d v i sua l c on n e c t iv i t y w i t h b irds als o c rea te s t he o p p o r tu n i t y to de ve lop in te rac t ion w i t h huma ns up o n t hi s u n du lat in g lan ds c ap e , e sp e c ial l y i n la rge a reas o f pau s e alon g t h e s t rip o f oc cu pat ion .


Site Plan N 29

Connection to Water The open grassland on the site provides an ideal environment for both gathering, and is also in proximity towards diverse zones. This allows for the development of a central communal space connected to the experience of birding. The space is also concealed by addition of scattered trees along the strip, which allows for this zone of activity to stand independent from the occasionally private experience of observing the exhibit.

Communal Space The open grassland on the site provides an ideal environment for both gathering, and is also in proximity towards biodiverse zones. This allows for the development of a central communal space connected to the experience of birding. The space is also concealed by addition of scattered trees along the strip, which allows for this zone of activity to stand independent from the occasionally private experience of observing the exhibit.

Sinking of Field To gain functional access to the biodiverse zones in proximity to the central communal space, the entire strip is sunk, with the birding zones elevated so that eye level is equal to ground level. This sinking of the field allows viewers to explore the birds while not disturbing them. This move also further creates a private boundary between the rest of the sculpture park and the site.



Kunsthaus Bregenz

04 Kunsthaus Bregenz by Peter Zumthor analyzed with Reuben Joseph

The Kunsthaus Bregenz, located in Bregenz the capital of the state of Vorarlberg located in Austria, and designed by and conceived by Peter Zumthor from 1990 to 1997, houses a contemporary art museum. The nature of the exhibitions that pass through the museum serve to give identity to the culture and nature of Vorarlberg, as does the building itself. The assembly of the building is a concrete shell structure with a frosted glass panel hooked to a steel framing system. The individual frosted glass panels serve as a way of diffusing light into the building, and start to define the experience of viewing the art and the building itself. These diagrams were created as a way of understanding the impact of the facade of the Kunsthaus Bregenz on the overall functionality of the building, and the assembly of the building as well.



Concrete Shell: houses programmatic functions Facade Steel Frame: supports the frosted glass facade panels Frosted Glass Facade: attaches to frame as an external structure


Night 32

The facade is comprised of frosted glass which is supported in an overlapping manner supported by a steel fastener. The ceilings are comprised of frosted glass panels which are intended to disperse natural light evenly throughout the exhibits.

The frosted glass panel facade is supported by a steel structural shell constructed separate from the building itself. Sunlight is initially filtered through the exterior facade glass, passes through an interstitial space, then is finally diffused through the frosted ceiling panels into the exhibits.

The steel structural system that keeps the exterior frosted glass panels in place consist of a steel bracket to hold the glass at their respective angles, steel structural columns to support the brackets, and diagonal steel cables which anchor to the brackets.



05 to unite nature and healing Professor: Dean Almy



R U S K C E N T E R F O R R E H A B I L I TAT I O N Objective: Creating an insulated, and secure center for healing, which is both connected to and concealed by nature The Rusk State Hospital, located in Rusk , Texas, is a psychiatric facility for patients in East Texas. The site is the sole hospital and source of revenue in the town, and bears a significant historical presence on the site. Previously a hospital for criminally insane African Americans, and the memor y of the old function of the hospital manifests itself in the decaying walls, molded pipes, and dilapidated condition of 501, the central block , which is the primar y site of the project . Rusk itself, however, is incredibly beautiful, and climate allows for lush vegetation. The development of this hospital revolved around bringing light and connecting nature with the interior spaces, while preser ving aspects of the histor y of Rusk .

The facade of 501

East Facade Elevation


Dilapidated condition of Pipes

Peeling walls and molded hallways in 501

Former solitary isolation chamber

Proposed Therapy Mall Rendering





The long mass, 501, sits in proximity to two other masses, primarily used for patient housing. The current layout isolated the entry to 501 from the rest of the campus.

In order to develop a connection with the rest of the campus, two segments of 501 are pulled forward to form the linear mass in front of the existing hall. The facade of 501 is manipulated in order to bring light in, but is preserved for historical significance.



The open space between the patient wing and the main 501 structure serves as a Therapy Mall, with direct access to patient amenities. This location creates a boundary between the street and the rest of campus while preserving the natural connection between the patient programs.

The interior of 501 connected to the outside with the placed fenestration, was further developed with the placement of a living screen. To further patient care, the screen would be maintained and serviced by the patients of the hospital.


Site Plan N

Central Section


The use of landscape as site boundary seeks to fulfill the desire to conceal 501 with nature. In doing so, the patient care and primary programs become connected with nature while simultaneously insulated from outside distractions. In addition, the main programmatic blocks are physically connected through a series of walkways, with views across the mall.



Done in conjunction with Bigvand Technologies, the idea of surfboard was developed as a way to connect social media users with others in a way that expands their influence to a larger yet still relevant circle. For examples, students on college campuses would be able to interact with others on their campus, outside of their immediate circle. The platform in which these users interact with each other is through video sharing within a user specified radius. Users would control content filtration through a rating system, by up voting and down voting videos. The introduction of a pause and play camera and a video limit of up to 11 seconds also encourages the development of stronger video content. The target user is a college student, encouraged to expand his circle and try to gain fame


through using this app. The experience of developing the user interface was highly iterative. The final iteration of version 1.0 was a total of 95 screens, and there were several iterations themselves. In this process,

curating an efficient and beautiful user interface

managing work-flows became integral to product development, and

project developed in conjunction with Varun Srinivasan and Hirbod Bigvand

constant communication with a team of developers, surfboard was

efficiency was equivalent to success. Through use of Illustrator, Invision, a prototyping software which was integral to the development of the product, visualized.

The creation of the logo is a documented example of the iterative process of developing not only the user interface, but the branding for the app as well. The color, font, and feel of the logo were all important characteristics that manifest itself into the rest of the design of the interface. In addition to the user interface, website design and the creation of merchandise, app banners, and other graphic branding tools were created for the seed funding round.



2 14 - 4 1 5-7 986 sr si y engar@u te x as .e du l i n ke d i n.c om/in/sr si y engar




Univer si t y o f Te x as at Aus t in B achelor o f A rchi te c ture

M ay 2019

Busine s s F oundat ions Program

M ay 2019

I l lus trator, Photo shop, InD e sign, A f ter E f f e c t s , R e vi t , Au to C ad , 3DS Ma x + VR AY, S ke tchup, R hino + Gras shopper, Model Bui lding, Hand Draf t ing


Bigva nd Te chnolo gy

D e cember 2016 - Januar y 2018

User Inter fac e D e sign - visuali ze d c onc ept , branding, and animat ion material f or Sur f board app - de velope d the f ramework and user inter fac e f or ver sion 1.0 through c ommunicat ion w i th de veloper s and visuali z at ion o f de sign e x perienc e

Pre sidium Group

Jul y 2016 - D e cember 2016

A rchi te c ture Vi su a li z a t io n In te rn - create d c onc eptual de velopment s f or potent ial real e s tate inve s tment s through si te anal y sis , oc cupat ion, and zoning law s - de velope d branding animat ions and pre sentat ion pi tch de ck s - rendere d image s o f the ore t ical proper t y de velopment s


Hum A C appel la - E x ternal D ir e c tor

M ay 2017 - Pr e s ent

Monte s sori Model Uni te d Nat ions - C ommi tte e C hair

M ay 2011 - Pr e s ent

A lpha Rho C hi - Vice Pr esident


S tudio R epre sentat ive


M ar c h 2016 - M ar c h 2017 M ar c h 2015 - M ar c h 2016 Jan uar y 2016 - M ay 2016

Matt Faj kus - MF A rchi te c ture Principal

matt .f ajkus@aust in.u te x as .e du

C harl ton L ew is - U TSOA L e c turer

char l tonlew is . aust in.u te x as .e du

Judi th Cunningham - Monte s sori Model UN C hie f S trate gic O f f ic er

judi t hcunningham@gmail.com


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