Miracle on 34th Street - Official STC Program

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Will you believe?

Adapted and Directed by CALEB MARSHALL From the classic by Valentine Davies With additional writing by Erin Keating

21 NOV to 14 DEC 2014 Artistic Director Caleb Marshall General Manager Kathy Heimbecker Box Office 705 674 8381 x21 sudburytheatre.ca

Sudbury Theatre Centre 2014.2015 Season Season Sponsors

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INTERESTED IN BECOMING AN STC SPONSOR? Contact Kathy Heimbecker, General Manager, at 705 674 7788 x26 or kathy@sudburytheatre.on.ca.

STC 2014.2015 SEASON



CALEB MARSHALL, ARTISTIC DIRECTOR We hope this family favourite renews your sense of awe and wonder, and fills you with Christmas cheer. Welcome back to the magic of theatre, Made all the more magic at this special time of year. This Play is very near and dear to my heart – not only as one of my favourite Christmas classics but one I brought to the stage in a new adaptation last year which was so successful it is being produced by two theatre companies this year. The experience premiering this production was so positive I am thrilled to say almost all of the original cast and creative team jumped at a chance to re-visit it and make it our Christmas gift to you. This is a holiday experience all your friends and family can enjoy, whether you are reliving it again or discovering it for the very first time – this is a new take on a nostalgic and familiar favourite. This will be one of the biggest and most ambitious holiday productions in recent memory at STC and the entire staff has gone above and beyond to make sure we create a lasting memory that will set you in the holiday spirit. We’d like to thank and wish the happiest of holidays to our funders, sponsors and you our patrons.

Recently announced as the new Artistic Director for Sudbury Theatre Centre, New Brunswick native Caleb Marshall spent the last five seasons as the Artistic Producer for Theatre New Brunswick where he launched TNB New Voices Opening Acts, TNB Next Stage Studio Branch, TNB Extras Reading and Presents series. He produced over 50 projects while at TNB, saw the highest percentage of NB theatre artists on stage in the companies 48 year history, oversaw the purchase of their building and the completion of an in-house studio theatre.

You might consider STC for a dramatic holiday gift; our colourful season includes something for all ages. If you and your young family enjoy Miracle on 34th Street you might consider Charlie and the Chocolate Factory or There’s a Mouse in My House, or for the adults on your list we have A Brimful of Asha, Red and In Piazza San Domenico. Share the experience of live theatre this Christmas.

Prior to coming to Theatre New Brunswick, Caleb served as an Education Practitioner at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre as well as resident director for their UK/European tour of Romeo & Juliet. He holds a BFA Honors in Acting from York University, an MFA with Distinction in Theatre Directing from Middlesex University London (UK) and trained with The Stratford Festival’s Conservatory for Classical Theatre Training, Moscow’s GITIS Academy and on an International Artist Fellowship at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre. Caleb has premiered roles for the National Arts Centre, Canadian Stage, The Blyth Festival, The Stratford Festival and the Old Vic in London. He has also taught workshops at festivals in Poland and Germany as well as teaching at St. Thomas and Dalhousie Universities.

In January we are pleased to bring you a powerful Canadian play, Mourning Dove, which asks the question “how far would you go for your child?” inspired by the true life of Robert Latimer and his family, this play touches the soul and challenges our perception of the difference between life and living. Miracle on 34th Street is about the growing importance of keeping holiday spirit alive in our increasingly busy modern world. From the heartfelt story, to the wonderfully talented cast, to the beautiful original music and the inspired design we think it may do just that.

Caleb is the chair of the Regional Theatres Caucus for the Professional Association of Canadian Theatres (PACT) and recently hosted PACTCON2014 in Fredericton. He has received the Christopher Plummer Fellowship Award and was recognized by the New Brunswick Arts Board with an Excellence Award in the Arts.

STC believes in the power of generosity, In the spirit of goodwill and fighting for a cause. STC believes Christmas is more than just a day, Most of all, we believe in Santa Claus.

Select writing credits include three installments of Christmas @ theplayhouse (Fredericton Playhouse), Nights Below Station Street (NBActs, Eliot Haze Playwright Development Award), R&J (Toronto Fringe, Toronto Sun Fringe “Hot Pick”) Somme Letters Home (Atlantic Fringe/George Brown Theatre School/YPT). He also adapted Hockey Dreams for the stage with David Adams Richards and a new adaptation of Miracle on 34th Street with Erin Keating.

Will you believe?

Caleb Marshall Artistic Director ad@sudburytheatre.on.ca

He recently announced Theatre New Brunswick’s first ever ‘All New Brunswick Professional season,’ which will include his new Christmas Carol musical with composer Michael Doherty. MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET


STC 2014.2015 SEASON

STC 2014.2015 SEASON






Artistic Director CALEB MARSHALL

Technical Director MICHAEL JOHNSON





Education Coordinator JUDITH STRAUGHAN

Facilities JEFF SMITH



Head of Lighting and Sound BEN WHITEMAN


Head of Properties and Scenic Art MEGUMI HARI

House Manager JEFF SMITH

Head of Wardrobe SARA PASMORE

Communications/Promotions Coordinator CALLAM RODYA



Official STC Chiropractor ROB FERA, DC

City Representative DOUG CRAIG

Students on Stage Instructors MEAGHAN McKINNEY ALEC PEROFF Teachers’ Study Guides ROGER FINLAY GEORGIA GEVERDING Volunteer Coordinator SHEILA PROULX

Agency of Record 50 CARLETON

Interested in becoming an STC Board or Committee Member? Contact the administration office at 705 674 7788.

Playwright in Residence MATTHEW HEITI Youth Drama Classes CHELSEA PAPINEAU Vocal Classes KELLY PERRAS Administrative Assistant ROXANNE KNEER



STC 2014.2015 SEASON

STC 2014.2015 SEASON






170 Shaughnessy Street Sudbury Theatre Centre PO Box 641 Station B Sudbury ON P3E 4P8 705 674 8381 x21 sudburytheatre.ca 705 674 7788 705 674 8877 705 674 7369 boxoffice@sudburytheatre.on.ca Monday to Friday 10am to 5pm 10am to 7.30pm on show week days 12 noon to 7.30pm on show Saturdays, 12 noon to 2pm on show Sundays by phone with VISA, American Express or MasterCard Tuesday through Saturday at 7.30pm (unless otherwise specified) 2pm for Sunday matinĂŠes Join us before the show, during intermission or after the show until 1 am in our comfortable, licensed lounge for a selection of beer, wine and spirits.


No cameras, or recording devices are allowed in the theatre. The house manager will gladly secure these items until the end of the performance. Please turn off all mobile phones or communication devices prior to curtain.


Seating latecomers is disruptive to both performers and the audience. Out of consideration for those who have arrived on time, latecomers will be seated at the discretion of the House Manager.



STC offers facilities for patrons confined to wheelchairs. STC is equipped with an FM system for the hearing impaired. Please inquire about headsets prior to curtain. Out of consideration for other patrons, we encourage you to exercise moderation in the use of fragrances.


No food or drinks are permitted into the auditorium except bottled water. Please unwrap all candies prior to the start of the performance. Please note that infants are not permitted into the auditorium.


The STC lounge and auditorium are available for rental to host business meetings, seminars, parties or special events.



Sudbury Theatre Centre @sudburytheatre Sudbury Theatre Centre 7

STC 2014.2015 SEASON

STC 2014.2015 SEASON




CALEB MARSHALL I believe that the holidays should be a time full of nostalgia that reminds us of our childhood sense of awe and wonder. Through the stories from our youth – the stories that have become holiday traditions, shared over generations – we can capture that feeling, especially with the stories seen through the eyes of a child. However when it comes to beloved classic Christmas titles, there are really only a handful of great ones to choose from, and perhaps even fewer great scripts to stage. How then do we give our audience what they are looking for – how do we kick off the holiday season and set a tone for the most magical times of year? Programming at Christmas is something many theatre producers struggle with and sometimes the best solution is to create it yourself. This was a daunting undertaking, but one I knew our exceptional creative team could tackle – to bring a Christmas gift that was not only full of nostalgia, but had themes as relevant and timely now as they ever were. We began, not with the classic film script, but rather with a Lux radio dramatization of the story by Valentine Davis, which is in the public domain, as the base source material for the script. I began by roughly transferring the work to the stage, filling in some gaps in the writing and – perhaps my hardest task – hammering out how to double the characters, turning a huge cast into a tight ensemble that could still represent a cross section of society and span generations. Then began a back and forth with Dramaturge Erin Keating that saw re-writes, tough questions, problem solving and additional writing that filled out the story and added more humour and heart. We took this adaptation from just transferring a story to the stage to one written specifically for the stage. Michael Eagan is one of the country’s best set and costume designers and this script put him to the test. There are numerous locations and we both wanted to preserve the magic of theatre – the ‘miracle’ of the script – and never see any furniture being set up or struck, but rather just appear. We arrived at a trompe l’oeil and perspective approach for the visuals, techniques that nowadays are considered old-fashioned but seemed appropriate for imagining the heightened reality of the adult world of Macy’s Department Store and a New York courtroom as seen through the eyes of a little girl in an almost storybook-like fashion.


Michael Doherty is a wonderful composer but is perhaps at his best when writing for Christmas – the various themes he devised help to focus the journey of our key characters and capture a busy, bustling New York City during the holidays, as well as highlight some of the darker more sinister moments in the story. All of this is sculpted and punctuated by Tristan Tidswell’s imaginative lighting. However, when all is said and done – acting is what makes theatre work. I am thrilled to have such a wonderfully diverse and talented ensemble that span from 10 to 76 years of age – all of them capturing the spirit everyone remembers from the film, but each bringing their own take to the characters, filling them with heart and humour. Miracle on 34th Street, a Christmas classic for more than 65 years, pits the idea of faith and believing against our realistic contemporary world. What if Santa Claus made himself known today? Would he be dismissed as crazy? Would he have to maneuver the legal system to prove his identity? Is it even possible to prove “joy and love and all the other intangibles?” This story of triumph of faith over greed and goodwill over commercialism is as relevant and meaningful now as is ever was. Thank you to the cast, creative team, production and administrative staff for making it possible to take a beloved story and make it fresh and new for the holidays. Our gift to you.


STC 2014.2015 SEASON


MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET Adapted and Directed by CALEB MARSHALL From the Classic by Valentine Davies With additional writing by Erin Keating

ABOUT MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET Initially unpublished, Valentine Davies’ story Miracle on 34th Street was simultaneously adapted and released as a film script and novella in 1947. Set in New York City, the story follows Kris Kringle, a nice old man hired to be Santa Claus by Macy’s Department store. When he claims to be the real thing, he challenges not only the public courts, but the belief of a young girl and her disillusioned mother. This holiday classic follows the subsequent trial and examines the value of the holiday spirit. The film won Academy Awards for Best Actor in a Supporting Role (Edmund Gwenn as Kris Kringle), Best Writing–Original Story (Valentine Davies), and Best Writing–Screenplay, and was nominated for Best Picture. It has since been remade four times, as made-for-TV-movies and one feature film. In 1963 it was made into a Broadway musical entitled Here’s Love. Miracle on 34th Street is considered to be one of the top five Christmas stories of all time and its message of faith and hope still resonates today.

STARRING (in alphabetical order) EMILY BARTLETT as Doris Walker RICHARD ALAN CAMPBELL as Parade Santa/Sawyer/Gimbel/Charley ROBERT CLARKE as Father/Macy/Pierce/Bailiff/Louie J. SEAN ELLIOT as Shellhammer/Judge/Postman SCOTT GARLAND as Alfred/Mara KEVIN HARE as Fred Gailey SAMUEL LEACH JARRETT as Mortimer/Tommy WALTER LEARNING as Kris Kringle SOFIE MAIS as Susan Walker NORA SHEEHAN as Mother/Mrs. Shellmammer/Stenographer and AMANDA BARKER as the voice of Secretaries CREATIVE TEAM CALEB MARSHALL, Director/Playwright MICHAEL EAGAN, Set and Costume Designer TRISTAN TIDSWELL, Lighting Designer MICHAEL DOHERTY, Composer/Sound Designer ELIZABETH McDERMOTT, Stage Manager KELSEY RUTLEDGE, Apprentice Stage Manager SETTING & TIME New York City, Thanksgiving day to Christmas day, 1948 There will be one 15-minute interval. This adaptation of Miracle on 34th Street was first produced by Theatre New Brunswick (TNB) and premiered at The Fredericton Playhouse December 5, 2013 with the following cast: (left to right) Robert Clarke, Pascal Morimanno, Amanda Barker, Daniel Roberts, Kevin Hare, Walter Learning, Sofie Mais, Emily Bartlett, J. Sean Elliott, Richard Alan Campbell. Video and/or audio recording of this performance by any means whatsoever is strictly prohibited. STC is a member of the Professional Association of Canadian Theatres and operates within the jurisdiction of the Canadian Actors’ Equity Association. STC serves as the chair of the Regional Theatres Caucus for the Professional Association of Canadian Theatres (PACT). STC 2014.2015 SEASON



FRED: But faith is believing in things when common sense tells you not to. Don’t you see – It’s not just Kris that’s on trial here. It’s everything he stands for. It’s human kindness, and joy and love, and all the other intangibles... someday you’re going to find out that your way of facing this world just doesn’t work. When you do, don’t overlook those lovely intangibles. You’ll discover they’re the only things in your realistic world that are worthwhile.

Walter Learning as Kris Kringle


STC 2014.2015 SEASON

THE CAST EMILY BARTLETT [Saint John NB] Doris Walker For STC: debut Emily is delighted to make her Sudbury Theatre Centre debut! She is thrilled to be reunited with such a delightful bunch to remount this heart warming show! Some of her recent theatre roles include: Elizabeth Bennet in Pride and Prejudice (SJTC), Karen in Unnecessary Farce (Stage West), Elvira in Blithe Spirit (Classic Theatre Festival). Maggie in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (SJTC), Hero in Much Ado About Nothing (Shakespeare by the Sea and SJTC). Much love to her family and friends. RICHARD ALAN CAMPBELL [Toronto ON] Parade Santa/Sawyer/Gimbel/Charley For STC:debut How wonderful to be doing this again! Selected theatre: The Tempest (Driftwood Theatre); Trudeau And The FLQ (VideoCabaret/Soulpepper); The War Of 1812 (VideoCabaret/Stratford Festival-Dora Award); seven other productions for VideoCabaret; Ruined (Obsidian/Nightwood); It’s A Wonderful Life, A Christmas Carol (Theatre New Brunswick); Taming Of The Shrew (Theatre by the Bay); King Lear, A Comedy Of Errors (Driftwood Theatre); The Graduate (Grand Theatre); Sideshow Of The Damned (Eldritch Theatre); Seven Shakespeares for Shakespeare In The Rough. Film/TV: Reign, Murdoch Mysteries, Charlie Bartlett, 5ive Girls, Mayday. ROBERT CLARKE [Huntsville ON] Father/Macy/Pierce/Bailiff/Louie For STC: The 39 Steps Robert is thrilled to be returning to STC, and revisiting Miracle on 34th Street, which premiered last Christmas at Theatre New Brunswick. Theatre credits include: Dr. Magnificent’s Musical Medicine Show (YAH Theatre, Charlottetown); Gifts of the Magi and Nathan Detroit in Guys and Dolls (Chemainus Theatre); Falsettos (Chutzpah Festival, Vancouver); The Baker in Into the Woods (Patrick Street Productions) and three seasons with the Shaw Festival. Television credits include: Lost Girl, Reign, Murdoch Mysteries; Defiance and Supernatural. J. SEAN ELLIOTT [St. Catherines ON] Shellhammer/Judge/Postman For STC: 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee J. Sean is delighted to re-visit Sudbury, last appearing here in Spelling Bee for STC. He has had the great fortune to direct and perform in many shows across Canada, from Calgary to Charlottetown. J. Sean is also a singer/songwriter, most recently releasing an album of original comedy tunes called At Least I’ve Got My Looks (www.jsean.com).

SCOTT GARLAND [Cold Lake AB] Alfred/Mara For STC: debut Scott is a graduate of George Brown College, holds his BA from the University of Alberta and still firmly believes in Santa Claus. Select acting credits: Three Men in a Boat (Pea Grean Theatre), Much Ado About Nothing (Single Thread Theatre), As You Like It (Rarely Pure Theatre). Playwright credits: A Madhouse Dramedy (Nextfest-Edmonton, Stage MagesToronto), Half A League (Defiance Theatre-Edmonton, Scena Sisak-Croatia, Rarely Pure Theatre-Toronto). Wishing you warmth and love, have a happy holiday. STC 2014.2015 SEASON



KEVIN HARE [Victoria BC] Fred Gailey For STC:debut This is Kevin’s first appearance with STC. Some of his theatrical appearances include Great Expectations, Julius Caesar, and Never the Sinner for the Citadel Theatre; Arms and the Man, A Closer Walk with Patsy Cline, and The Importance of Being Earnest for Magnus Theatre; Amadeus for Theatre Newfoundland-Labrador; Miracle on 34th Street for Theatre New Brunswick; and Mass Appeal and The Fox on the Fairway for Stage West Calgary. He believes. SAMUEL LEACH JARRETT [Sudbury ON] Mortimer/Tommy For STC: debut Sam is very excited to be making his first appearance in a professional show. This coming February, he will be playing Augustus Gloop in Sudbury Theatre Centre’s Students on Stage production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. He is ten years old and a student at R.L. Beattie Public School. Sam would like to thank Caleb Marshall very much for this amazing opportunity.

WALTER LEARNING [Fredericton NB] Kris Kringle For STC: Skin Flick (Director) Walter is the founding Artistic Director of Theatre New Brunswick. He served in that capacity for the Vancouver Playhouse and the Charlottetown Festival. He directed Skin Flick for STC. He has acted and directed across Canada, in the United States and Australia. This past summer he toured Southern Ontario as Judge Biddle in the Lighthouse Festival production of Trying. He is pleased to be in Sudbury and playing Kris Kringle .

SOFIE MAIS [Fredericton NB] Susan Walker For STC: debut This is Sofie’s first visit to Sudbury. She is thrilled to be here, reprising the role of Susan Walker. Thank you STC for the opportunity. Past credits include Theatre New Brunswick’s It’s a Wonderful Life (2012) and Miracle on 34th Street (2013). Sofie is in Grade 5, and loves music, dance, gymnastics and tennis. She sends special thanks to Mom, Dad, Porter, Sasha and all her friends for their constant love and support. Happy Holidays!

NORA SHEEHAN [Saint John NB] Mother/Mrs. Shellmammer/Stenographer For STC: debut Nora’s credits on the large and small screen include countless network movies, television series and commercials. Her most recent theatrical project was Theatre Orangeville’s world premier of The Numbers Game, starring alongside her husband of 22 years, David Rosser. Sudbury holds a special place in Nora’s heart, as it was in the flea market of Notre Dame Bowl that she received her marriage proposal years ago. The cast cheered loudly and the couple rejoiced! MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET 13

STC 2014.2015 SEASON

THE CREATIVE TEAM ERIN KEATING [Saint John NB] Dramaturge/Contributing Writer For STC: debut Erin Keating is a playwright, dramaturge, and arts administrator currently based in Toronto, where she works as Programs Coordinator for Theatre Ontario. Originally from New Brunswick, Erin was previously Operations Manager of Theatre New Brunswick, where she collaborated with Caleb Marshall on the new adaptation of this classic Christmas story. Erin’s own plays have been produced by the NotaBle Acts Theatre Festival, Saint John Theatre Company, Theatre on the Edge Festival, and TNB New Voices. It warms her heart to see most of the original cast back together for the remount at STC, and hopes you enjoy the show. MICHAEL EAGAN [St. Stephen NB] Set and Costume Designer For STC: debut Michael Eagan has designed sets and costumes for theatres across Canada, including Stratford and Shaw Festivals, Can Stage (Toronto), MTC (Winnipeg), Theatre Calgary and the Segal Centre and Centaur Theatre (Montreal). He has also designed for the ballet (Royal Winnipeg Ballet and Atlantic Ballet Theatre) and for the lyric stage (L’opéra de Montreal and Vancouver Opera). Eagan has had a parallel career in education and has had a long association with the National Theatre School in Montreal, where he lives. TRISTAN TIDSWELL [Burtts Corner NB] Lighting Designer For STC: debut You’re A Good Man Charlie Brown, Becky’s New Car, Henry & Alice: Into The Wild (Globe Theatre Regina), Miracle on 34th Street, Little Shop of Horrors (Theatre New Brunswick), Blood Relations (University of Windsor). Assistant Lighting Designer: The Wizard of Oz, Priscilla Queen of the Desert (Mirvish Productions), 5 seasons at the Stratford Festival. Upcoming: A Christmas Carol (Theatre New Brunswick). Tristan is a member of the Associated Designers of Canada. (www.tristantidswell.com) MICHAEL DOHERTY [Fredericton NB] Composer/Sound Designer For STC: debut Michael is an award-winning composer, sound designer, producer and musical director. He is currently the resident composer and sound designer for Theatre New Brunswick. Recent credits include: Frankenstein, Red, The Net, Miracle on 34th Street and Private Lives. Other selected credits include; The Lion in Winter, The Rainmaker; Watermark Theatre; Full Dark, Theatre Sheridan; As Ever, Mulgrave Rd; Homage, 2B Theatre; The Mystery of Maddy Heisler, Centaur. ELIZABETH McDERMOTT [Viking AB] Stage Manager For STC: debut Theatre Credits Include: Bella: The Colour of Love (Harold Green Jewish Theatre Company) Anne of Green Gables The Musical, Canada Rocks! (Charlottetown Festival); Night (Human Cargo ); The Barber of Seville (Soulpepper); Falling: A Wake (Blyth Festival); Twelfth Night, All’s Well That Ends Well, Othello, A Midsummer Night’s Dream (SLSF); Old Man and The River, Red Kite Project, Binti’s Journey, Head à Tête (Theatre Direct); Danny, King of the Basement (Roseneath Theatre); Divisadero (Necessary Angel). STC 2014.2015 SEASON



LOBBY ARTIST CINDY O’NEIL Artist, puzzler, songwriter and all round silly soul, Cindy O’Neil loves creating. Curiosity splashed with colour is a hallmark of her works. Cindy’s journey in visual arts began in 2007 with her Butterfly series. A photo she took in her living room morphed in her mind’s eye into a dreamlike sight that begged to be given life. So she sat down at her computer, working for eight hours to translate her vision into the photo. Initially her focus was creating graphic art for her websites, songs and poetry. It wasn’t long before she started experimenting in mixed media to tell stories in pictures. Her book Healing Circle Puzzles – Word Searches Beyond Words, features two works that she created specifically for the project. When it comes to style, her works are as varied as they are colourful. From her Divinity inspired Entry Wings to the camp(ish) La La Land, there are many perspectives to Cindy’s pictures. This STC exhibit is the third official showing of her works. In 2012 Cindy participated in the Galerie du Nouvel-Ontario annual Nouveau Louvre event, and in 2013 was a featured artist at Maison Vale Hospice.


Hidden Elemental Beauty is the name of Cindy’s enchanting STC exhibit. To inquire about or purchase any of the art displayed in our lobby, please contact the box office at 705 674 8381 x21.

STC 2014.2015 SEASON

GIVE THE GIFT OF LIVE PROFESSIONAL THEATRE The perfect gift for the holiday season. An STC gift card can be used for theatre tickets, acting classes, special STC events, and more! Contact the box office for more information 705 674 8381 x21

STC 2014.2015 SEASON






The arts are for everyone, and to ensure their survival, we need everyone’s support. Call STC for more information at 705 674 8381.

We express our eternal gratitude to Martha and Bela Aranyossy and Grace Hartman Mead for their generous bequests that have enabled our theatre company to continue to move forward.

STAR [$500+]

FEATURED PLAYER [$200 - $499]

Fred Hillmann Chris & Debbie Laking Dr. Amadeo & Barbara Parissenti

Linda Cartier/Financial Decisions Cathy & Tom Carr Chris Dixon Gwenythe Crosdale Bernard Freelandt & Brenda Spencer Freelandt Helen Ghent Sandy Knox Don MacDonell & Carole Chamberland

SUPPORTING ACTOR [$100 - $199]

CHORUS [up to $99]

Marielle Beauvais Barry Bowerman Burton & Noella Cheaney Millie Cormier Simon & Kristy Coté Ed & Ruth Debicki Anne & Roger Finlay Raymond & Ursula Gay Winston & Yvonne Hardacre Marilyn Hartleib Pat & John James Deborah Knuff Glenn Legault John & Karen Luczak Joan Malnachuk Patricia Morris Judith Niesing Kim Rheault Bob & Carol Sarjeant Mitchell & Donna Speigel Charles & Diane Trenka Mait & Shirley Wilson

Lynda Bailey Linda Berger Lucille Blais Robin & Barbara Bolton Rosemary Busch Marie Butler Meri-Lynn Butler/Nickel Range Investments Bev Chapman Cynthia Czigarenko/Cindy’s Home Brew Carolyn Day Hulda Dumont Rosemarie & Jock Forbes Joan Geden Carol Germa Marg Ghent


Ian Maclennan Fran Neault Judy & Mario Peloso Bill & Linda Rossetto William Thompson Edna Tuttle Jennifer Whitty Freda Wilson Kathy Young

Linda Goodale Ciaran & Kathryn Kealy Jewel Kelly Cindy Lamarche Mary Ellen Langlois Karen McBane Marian & Bill McKnight Mardi & Earl Mumford Julio Navarro Diane Rae Reg Roy Jean Salidas Irma Sarlin Eleanor & Don Sarmatiuk Laurianne Valiquette Dan & Riitta White

STC 2014.2015 SEASON

A DEBT OF GRATITUDE TO OUR VOLUNTEERS Lynda Bailey Pam Banks Diane Barton Sheena Bate Sandra Boyuk Judith Brisson Diane Brown Lise Brown Christopher Browne David Browne Holly Browne Larry Cahill Marzia Cahill Noreen Cahill Antonietta Calabrese Jean Campbell Veronica Campeau Natalie Champagne Mike Champagne Diane Charette Darlene Chenard Debbie Chezzi Andrew Clark Roni Clark Irene Costantini Claire Courville Kay Currie Jenny Daoust Kodee Daoust Laura Lynn Darrach Frances Deminion Debbie Demore Gary Desabrais Terry Drewe Bert Duckett Matthew Duckett Sharon Duckett Helen Dudynsky Lise Dugas Philippe Dupuis Joan Felix Mary Anne Fraser Ashleigh Garrison Zita Giroux

Robert Gour Jasmine Graham Marsha Halvorsen Tim Halvorsen Claire Hobden Bruce Holson Linda Hugli Wayne Hugli Pat Jackson Wendy James Barb Jennings Greg Jennings Jeanne Johnson Barbara Key Gordon Key Claire Kobzick Janet Laderoute Vally Laflamme Teresa Lapierre Joanne Larocque Mike Larocque Stanley Lavoie Denise Lepine Cathy MacAlpine Scott MacAlpine Paul MacDonald Wilma MacDonald Val MacMenemy Roxanne McGregor Fran McIsaac Sharon McLay Leslie Maher Karen Marcotte Mike Marcotte Susan Martin Annette Meakes Pauline Monahan Theresa Muzzi Deb Noël Doreen Pagnutti Paulette Pagnutti Theresa Pagnutti Wendy Paquette Diane Paré

Ginette Paré Terry Pelletier Dale Pepin Jeannine Pepin Levi Perry Marion Perry John Poirier Lucille Poirier Lucy Przybysz Barb Quinn Gord Quinn Jane Quinn Patricia Quinn Stephanie Rafuse Jean Guy Rainville Laurette Rainville Brenda Rantala-Sykes Stephen Redmond Colleen Roberts John Roberts Jocelyn Roy Alice Sauvé Greg Sauvé Mary Claire Seitz Pat Shewring Debra Smith Gary Smith Sylvia Smith Marie St-Denis Pam Stewart-Burgoyne Marianne Surridge Theresa Tarini Bev Theriault Al Thompson Marg Toner Nicole Tremblay Terry Turcott Carol Vorwerk Ken Winfield AnneWurster Terry Wurster Gary Ziegler Linda Ziegler Janice Zinn

BECOME A VOLUNTEER We’d love to have you join our team. Call us at 705 674 8381. STC 2014.2015 SEASON




3 JAN 2015

YOUTH DRAMA CLASSES Winter session begins. $110 subscribers | $130 non-subscribers for ten classes DISCOVERY CLASS for ages 8 to 11, 10 to 11.30am DEVELOPMENT CLASS for ages 12 to 17, noon to 1.30pm Call 705 674 8381 for more information or to register. Space is limited.

3 JAN 2015

VOCAL CLASSES Winter session begins. $110 subscribers | $130 non-subscribers for ten classes VOCAL VIBES for ages 8 to 11, 3:45 to 5:15pm GLEE SPREE for ages 12 to 17, 2 to 3:30pm Call 705 674 8381 for more information or to register. Space is limited.

22 JAN to 1 FEB 2015

MOURNING DOVE By Emil Sher This play touches the soul and challenges the mind. Inspired by the true story of Saskatchewan farmer Robert Latimer, both sides of a life-and-death issue are passionately represented.

7 FEB 2015

CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY by Richard R. George Adapted from the fantasy by Roald Dahl A Students On Stage Production Willy Wonka announces that he will open his famous candy factory and reveal “all of its secrets and magic” to the lucky children who find golden tickets hidden inside five randomly selected Wonka chocolate bars.

9 FEB 2015

PLAYWRIGHTS’ JUNCTION PUBLIC PRESENTATION STC’s Playwright-in-residence Matthew Heiti facilitates a public reading showcase of the works of talented local playwrights. Pay what you can at the door, 7pm.

24 FEB to 1 MAR 2015

A BRIMFUL OF ASHA Written and performed by Ravi Jain Spend an evening with Canadian-born Ravi Jain as he revels in the freedoms and possibilities Canada has to offer while his parents are traditionalists, expecting him to honour his heritage. A thought-provoking generational and cultural clash that has moved audiences to laughter across the nation.

26 MAR to 4 APR 2015

RED By John Logan The celebrated bad boy of the art world, Mark Rothko, is immersed in the biggest commission in the history of modern art. Enter his new assistant, Ken, whose only goal seems to be to unsettle and challenge Rothko. Together, they are oil and water. An intense drama filled with passionate debates and fierce creative clashes, Red is a visceral study of art through the fiery eyes of two artists of different generations. Winner of the 2010 Tony Award, it’s a streak of brilliance as fresh as wet paint.

23 APR to 15 MAY 2015

IN PIAZZA SAN DOMENICO By Steve Galluccio This fast-paced comedy of errors makes everyone wish they were Italian. It’s 1952 in Naples, Italy, and Carmelina has just fainted in the same piazza where she saw her fiancé Guido kissing a girl of questionable reputation. She calls off the engagement, stirring up comic trouble for a host of people. To spite Guido, Carmelina attempts to catch the eye of the homeliest mamma’s boy in town. It’s a downright crowd pleaser – a comedy for the masses.


STC 2014.2015 SEASON



How far would you go for your child? Media Sponsor

“Life” and “living” are two very different things. This theme runs through the core of Mourning Dove as Doug and Sandra must come to terms with their daughter Tina’s impending operation – one of many to come. Traveling the gamut from playful to heartbreaking, Mourning Dove touches the soul and challenges the mind. Inspired by the true story of Saskatchewan farmer Robert Latimer, both sides of a life-and-death issue are passionately represented.


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