SUDes Journal_3: Field Cooperations

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Sustainable Urban Design Programme

3 Sustainable Urban Design Journal Volume 1 Number 3

Cover Photo By Bรกrbara P. Orozco

Cover Photo By Bรกrbara P. Orozco


S u s t a i n a b l e ULund r b a nUniversity Design Programme

School of Architecture

School of Architecture

AxSu d

Lund University P e k iAnxg: s oUnn Ji vo he nr ss oi tny I n s t i t u t e School C o l l eofgfArchitecture eo r oSfu sAt raci nhai bt el ec tUur rbea n& D e s i g n Landscape Architecture

AxSu d

Ax:son Johnson Institute for Sustainable Urban Design

3 SUDes



Sustainable Urban Design Programme

3 Sustainable Urban Design Journal Volume 1 Number 3

Cover Photo By Bรกrbara P. Orozco

Cover Photo By Bรกrbara P. Orozco


S u s t a i n a b l e ULund r b a nUniversity Design Programme

School of Architecture

School of Architecture

AxSu d

Lund University P e k iAnxg: s oUnn Ji vo he nr ss oi tny I n s t i t u t e School C o l l eofgfArchitecture eo r oSfu sAt raci nhai bt el ec tUur rbea n& D e s i g n Landscape Architecture

AxSu d

Ax:son Johnson Institute for Sustainable Urban Design

3 SUDes


Cover Photo By Bárbara P. Orozco

Welcome to _3 _3 is the 3rd issue of the SUDes Journal Publication series from the Masters Programme in Sustainable Urban Design at School of Architecture, Lund University. _3 is comprised of student design projects from the SUDes Programme's on-going collaborations in China. For the past 6 years, SUDes students and faculty have had the unique opportunity to travel to China and investigate 'context sensitive' design solutions for a variety of sites on the verge of transformation. Through the work of the Sustainable Urban Dynamics studio and a number of individual thesis projects, the program has built up knowledge on a variety of topics related to sustainable urban design in China. It is our hope that this book can reveal ideas for a more sustainable China.


Sustainable Urban Design Programme

前言 可持续城市设计_3 SUDes

Lund University

Sustainable Urban Design 作为瑞典隆德大学建筑学院可持续城市设计硕 Programme School of Architecture 士项目的出版物系列之一,_3已经是SUDes出 版的第三期学科期刊,其中包括SUDes硕士学 生在中国联合设计课程中的设计作品。在过去 6年的合作课程中,SUDes的师生通过在中国 的交流调研与设计实践,共同探讨在中国城市 发展转型时期,中国文化历史背景下的“场地 敏感型”城市设计方法在不同地区和城市的应 用。通过可持续城市动力学课程的设计作品以 及一系列毕业设计项目,学生们对中国可持续 城市发展相关的各种课题进行了更加深入地研 究与讨论。我们希望通过该书的出版,为中国 可持续城市设计带来更多不同的视角与想法。


Ax:son Johnson Institute for Sustainable Urban Design

Peking University College of Architecture & Landscape Architecture

Lund University School of Architecture

section by MÃ¥rten Espmarker

Table of Contents 目录 6

SUDes with China by Harrison Fraker SUDes与中国


SUDes Collaborations with China 中国背景下的SUDes设计实践


Our Perspective on Sustainable Urban Design 我们对于可持续城市设计的看法


Past Design Sites 设计基地


Participating Students 我们的学生


6 Unique Educational Experiences 6次独特的设计体验


Sustainable Urban Dynamics Faculty 可持续城市动力学课程参与教师


Mapping China 了解中国


Invited Lectures 特邀讲座与设计师


Looking at China from Abroad 以西方视角看中国


Workshops & Outreach 设计研讨会和拓展


Workshop Collaborators 设计研讨会合作方


Theme 1: Heritage & Transformation 主题1: 文化遗产与城市转型


Theme 2: Qualitative Public Space & the Human Scale 主题2: 公共空间与人性尺度


Theme 3: The Hybrid City 主题3: 混合型城市


Theme 4: Ecology & the Landscape 主题4: 生态与景观


Theme 5: Social Sustainability & Community 主题5: 综合性社会与社区可持续发展


Theme 6: Climate Sensitive 主题6: 气候敏感型城市设计


List of All Course Participants & Design Critics 课程参与者以及设计成果评论人员名单

SUDes with China

by Harrison Fraker Professor of Architecture and Urban Design University of California, Berkeley The People’s Republic of China has undertaken the most radical urban development transformation in the history of the world. In 25 years it has built the equivalent of everything built in the 300+ year history of the United States, including all the buildings and infrastructure. China has developed the largest subway, some of the tallest buildings and the largest high-speed train system in the world. In the process it has gone from a low-rise, high density, courtyard urban culture to a high-rise urban culture of huge arterial streets, gated super blocks and object buildings. It has been one of the greatest economic development successes, lifting over 300 million people out of poverty, but at a tremendous cost to the environment. Currently, over 90% of Chinese rivers are severely polluted, water supplies are dramatically depleted, China is now the largest emitter of greenhouse gases, the air quality in major cities (Beijing and Shanghai) is measured as ‘unhealthy’ over 300 days of the year and the health impacts of this transformation on the population is just emerging, but estimated to be in the billions. Within this framework students and faculty from SUDes have been collaborating with students and faculty from China to explore alternative, more sustainable forms of urbanism. It is an ongoing process that has already generated new alternative design strategies, but promises to develop even more transformative principles and concepts. The most important outcome of this cross-cultural collaboration is a fresh reading – an outside interpretation of the current process of Chinese urban development. It begins with a close analysis of the cultural and physical context. As a result, the work puts a renewed emphasis on: 1) the existing urban heritage and how to transform its principles into a new hybrid city that meets new standards for density; 2) the quality and specifics of the urban public space as a place of everyday social life; 3) an understanding that the public space of cities is part of an urban landscape that is not just decorative but one that can deliver important ecological functions as part of an integrated whole systems design approach of transportation, energy, water, waste and food; 4) the design of the public realm for environmental performance to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change, i.e., air quality, heat island effect, severe drought and storms, etc. The ideas presented are emergent and radical. They point to a city that is not just an economic development engine of real estate products, but a vision of a more socially just and sustainable future where the design of the public realm is a radical and reconceived agent of change.


SUDes与中国 Harrison Fraker 建筑与城市设计学教授 加州大学伯克利分校

近年来,中国城市正处于迅速地发展与转型过程中。在过去的25年中, 中国建造了相当于美国过去300年所建设的所有建筑以及基础设施。在 中国,有世界最大的地铁网络,世界最高的建筑,以及世界最大的高 速铁路系统。在其发展过程中,中国城市的特点逐渐从低层建筑,高 密度,庭院文化转变为高层建筑,巨大的道路系统,封闭式超级街区 以及符号化建筑物。中国的城市化发展带来了巨大的经济效益,使3亿 人摆脱了贫困,但同时也极大地消耗了中国的环境资源。目前,超过 90%的中国河流被严重污染,水资源供应严重短缺,温室效应气体排放 量全球最高,主要大城市如北京和上海的空气质量在一年中有超过300 天被测定为“不健康”......这种城市化发展对于人口健康的影响才刚刚开 始显现出来,而中国预计需要为解决这些问题付出数十亿美元的代价。 在这种城市发展框架下,SUDes的师生通过与中国的老师和学生们合 作,共同为中国城市寻找一种更加可持续的城市化模式。在这一过程 中,学生与老师们共同探讨并为中国城市设计了新的发展策略,并且 期待在未来能够提出更具有变革性的设计原则和概念。 这种跨文化设计交流实践最重要的成果之一,就是从全然不同的角度 看待中国现在的城市发展模式,并对其进行全新的解读。在这些设计 实践中,学生们从对于当地文化和物理环境的全面分析入手,在设计 成果中则着重强调:1.现有的城市历史遗产,以及如何在未来的城市发 展中满足城市密度的要求,创造混合型城市;2.城市公共空间的品质和 细节,以及如何满足日常社会生活的需求;3.城市公共空间作为城市 景观的一部分并不仅仅起到装饰性的作用,同时也具有重要的生态功 能,应与交通,能源,水体,废弃物以及食物等相互结合成为一个整 体的城市系统;4.公共空间环境效应的设计应该帮助缓解并适应气候变 化的影响,例如空气质量,城市热岛效应,严重的干旱以及暴雨灾害 等。 本书中收录的作品的设计想法是非常独特并且突出的,指出城市并不 仅仅是带动房地产建设的经济发展引擎,同时也应创造更加独特且创 新的公共空间,为社会中的不同人群提供更加可持续的城市生活环境。


The SUDes Master's Program 可持续城市设计硕士项目 Semester 1 Sustainable Urban Recycling

Semester 2 Sustainable Urban Landscape

Semester 3 Sustainable Urban Dynamics

Location: Sweden Course Themes: Reuse & Revitalization, Public Space

Location: Öresund Region Course Themes: Landscape Ecology & Regional Planning

Location: China Course Themes: Context Sensitive Design & Global Dynamics

第一学期 可持续城市再生与利用

第二学期 可持续城市景观

第三学期 可持续城市动力学

地点:瑞典 课程重点: 城市振兴与公共空间设计

地点:斯堪的纳维亚厄勒地区 课程重点: 景观生态与区域规划设计

地点:中国 课程重点: 场地敏感型设计与全球动态 Semester 4 = Independent Student Thesis


6 Years with China 6年中国设计实践

Beijing 北京

Wuwei, Gansu 甘肃省武威市 Jiaxing, Zhejiang 浙江省嘉兴市

Shunde, Guangdong 广东省佛山市顺德

Shenzhen, Guangdong 广东省深圳市

6 Years Collaborating 6年设计实践 For the past 6 years, the Sustainable Urban Dynamics urban design studio (ASBN 31) has been working with and traveling to design sites China. The studio has explored design sites with development interest in Jiaxing, Beijing, Shunde, Shenzhen, & Wuwei. The collaborations have resulted in 154 design proposals, 15 thesis projects, 6 international workshops, and 3 exhibitions in China. 在过去的6年中,可持续城市动力学课程(ASBN31)的 设计实践都集中在中国的不同地区。设计基地遍布多个 城市,包括北京,浙江嘉兴,甘肃武威,广东深圳与佛 山顺德。在这些交流实践中,学生们共提交了154个设 计方案和15个毕业设计作品,该课程共举办了6次国际 设计研讨会,以及在中国的3次设计展览。


Our Perspective on Sustainable Urban Design Our on-going work in China is organized around an approach to sustainable urban design we've termed 'context sensitive design.' While the approach can be far reaching, our students and invited guests are asked to discuss our on-going work in China within three holistic discussion topics. The 3 topics are as follows: 1. Sustainability with Chinese Characteristics 2. Place making in a Global World 3. From Holistic Vision down to Design These 3 aspects of sustainable urban design form the driving forces for our theoretical discussions, investigative research, and design explorations.

我们对于可持续城市设计的看法 我们在中国的设计实践围绕着可持续城市设计方法而展 开,我们称这种设计方法为“场地敏感型设计”。我们相 信,这种设计方法可以在长期发展中对可持续城市建设产 生深远的影响。同时,我们的学生以及特邀授课设计师在 课程中通过3个整体性的主题对可持续城市设计进行讨论: 1. 具有中国特点的可持续发展 2. 全球化背景下的场所设计 3. 从整体愿景到具体细节设计 同时,这3个主题也是推动我们的理论探讨,调查研究以 及设计探索的原动力。


6 Themes 6个主题

1. Heritage & Transformation 1. 文化遗产与城市转型

2. Qualitative Public Space & the Human Scale 2. 公共空间与人性尺度

3. The Hybrid City 3. 混合型城市

4. Ecology & the Landscape 4. 生态与景观

5. Social Sustainability & Community 5. 综合性社会与社区可持续发展

6. Climate Sensitive 6. 气候敏感型城市设计




City: Beijing - Olympic Park Province: Beijing Size: 450 Hectares

City: Gaozan, Shunde, Foshan Province: Guangdong Size: 2,700 Hectares

Key Word Description: Sustainable New Town, The Regional Mega City

Key Word Description: Olympic Park Transformation, The Global City

Key Word Description: Sustainable New Town, Urban Village Transformation, Water Management

地点:嘉兴市 省份:浙江省 基地面积:4000公顷

地点:北京奥林匹克公园区域 省份:北京市 基地面积:450公顷

地点:佛山市顺德区高赞村区域 省份:广东省 基地面积:2700公顷

设计关键字: 可持续城镇设计 区域超级城市

设计关键字: 奥林匹克公园改造 全球化城市

设计关键字: 可持续城镇设计 城中村改造 水体处理

City: Jiaxing Province: Zhejiang Size: 4,000 Hectares



6 Design Explorations 6次设计探索

City: Beijing - National Art Gallery Province: Beijing Size: 57 Hectares


City: Pingshan, Shenzhen Province: Guangdong Size: 75 Hectares


Key Word Description: Historic Preservation, Context Sensitve Urban Design

Key Word Description: Urban Village Transformation, Integrated Stormwater Management

Key Word Description: Water Smart Urban Design, Climate Sensitve Urbanism

地点:北京中国美术馆区域 省份:北京市 基地面积:57公顷

地点:深圳市龙岗区坪山镇 省份:广东省 基地面积:75公顷

地点:武威市天马湖区域 省份:甘肃省 基地面积:64公顷

设计关键字: 历史建筑保护 场地敏感型城市设计

设计关键字: 城中村改造 综合雨水管理

设计关键字: 智慧型水资源城市设计 气候敏感型城市发展


City: Tianma Lake, Wuwei Province: Gansu Size: 64 Hectares


30 Master's Students Each year we enroll 30 students with a mix of backgrounds in architecture, landscape architecture, and urban planning. 我们每年录取30名来自于建筑设计,景 观建筑和城市规划等不同背景的硕士学 生。

A Diverse, Global Group The students come from all over the world. In the past years we've hade student from over 20 nationalities. 我们拥有来自于世界各地的学生。目前 为止,我们的学生分别来自于超过20个 不同的国家。

Chinese Collaborators For the past 5 years we have collaborated with students at Peking University's Graduate School of Landscape Architecture. Collectively the two groups of students have completed an intensive 1 week workshop together. 过去5年中我们一直与北京大学景观建筑 学院的学生合作,共同开展为期一周的 联合设计研讨会。


Our Students 我们的学生





Examiner: Peter Siöström Course Leader: Gunilla Kronwall Course Assistant: Martin Arfalk

Examiner: Peter Siöström Course Leader: Gunilla Kronwall Course Assistant: Martin Arfalk

课程审核:Peter Siöström 课程负责人:Gunilla Kronwall 课程助理:Martin Arfalk

课程审核:Peter Siöström 课程负责人:Gunilla Kronwall 课程助理:Martin Arfalk



Examiner: Peter Siöström Course Leader: Gunilla Kronwall Course Assistant: Ashwin Karjatkar Teaching Assistant: Yuan 'Moya' Xiaoyuan

Examiner: Peter Siöström Course Leader: Martin Arfalk Course Assistant: Nicholas Bigelow Teaching Assistant: Yuan 'Moya' Xiaoyuan

课程审核:Peter Siöström 课程负责人:Gunilla Kronwall 课程助理:Ashwin Karjatkar 教学助理:Yuan 'Moya' Xiaoyuan

课程审核:Peter Siöström 课程负责人:Martin Arfalk 课程助理:Nicholas Bigelow 教学助理:Yuan 'Moya' Xiaoyuan



Examiner: Peter Siöström Course Leader: Martin Arfalk Course Assistant: Nicholas Bigelow Teaching Assistant: Xiao Han

Examiner: Peter Siöström Course Leader: Martin Arfalk Course Assistant: Nicholas Bigelow Teaching Assistant: Chuhan Zhang

课程审核:Peter Siöström 课程负责人:Martin Arfalk 课程助理:Nicholas Bigelow 教学助理:Xiao Han

课程审核:Peter Siöström 课程负责人:Martin Arfalk 课程助理:Nicholas Bigelow 教学助理:Chuhan Zhang

6 Unique Experiences 6次独特的设计体验









Dynamics Faculty 课程教师 Peter Siöström

Peter Siöström is the director of the Sustainable Urban Design Master's programme. He has developed the collaboration with Peking University and heads the team in searching out study sites every year. 作为可持续城市设计硕士项目的负责人,Peter Siöström建立了我们与北京大学的合作关系,并且指 导每年对于课程设计基地的筛选和安排。

Martin Arfalk

Martin Arfalk is the course leader for the Sustainable Urban Dynamics design studio and theory course. Martin Arfalk是可持续城市动力学设计课程以及理论课 程的主要负责人。

Nicholas Bigelow

Nicholas Bigelow is the course assistant and a design tutor for the Sustainable Urban Dynamics design studio and theory course. Nicholas Bigelow是该设计课程及理论课程的助理,同 时负责部分设计指导工作。

Linus Zhang

Linus Zhang is associate professor and water scientist with deep knowledge of China and its environmental challenges. Linus has functioned as a liaison for the course and aided in our Chinese outreach efforts. Linus Zhang是隆德大学水资源专业副教授,同时也是 一名水资源专家。其丰富的专业知识以及对于中国文 化背景的了解使其在课程中起着举足轻重的作用。

Chuhan Zhang

Chuhan Zhang is a teaching assistant responsible for coordinating our Chinese travels and outreach. Chuhan Zhang是该课程助教,主要负责中国设计交流 活动的组织安排以及联络。

Andreas Olsson

Andreas Olsson adds support to Sustainable Urban Dynamics as the program's head teaching assistant.

Andreas Olsson是可持续城市设计硕士项目首席教, 负责组织硕士项目的同时也给予该课程很大支持。

Harrison Fraker

Ax:son Johnson Guest Professor, Harrison Fraker is an active part of the Sustainable Urban Dynamics course as an inspirational voice and guest critc. 作为加州大学伯克利分校的教授,Harrison Fraker同 时也是Ax:son Johnson的客座教授。他在该课程中起 到关键的作用,为我们的教学提供很多灵感,并且也 是学生设计评图教师之一。



Major Rivers 主要水系

Population Density 人口密度

Infrastructure 基础设施

Economy (GDP per capita) 经济(人均GDP)

Agriculture 农业

Precipitation 降水量

Mapping China 了解中国 Why China? With the progression of the master's program from the city scale to global dynamics, China creates a challenging opportunity for our students to explore the impact of global forces in relationship to sustainable urban design theory and case studies. The Sustainable Urban Dynamics design studio and complementary theory course introduces students to the planning challenges associated with globalization and megacities. Each year the studio aims to find a design site that is of interest to a local municipality in China from which we can build a collaboration and exchange of knowledge upon. Through the design process, our aim is two fold: first, to teach our students how to create context sensitive design in a foreign place and culture, and second, to share in a dialogue of challenges, solutions and visions with our growing network of collaborators in China. Our hope is that through our educational work and outreach that we can play a role as a facilitator of more sustainable urban design in China.

为什么选择中国? 在可持续城市设计硕士项目中,我们依据从城市到全 球的不同尺度来安排课程以及设计实践。中国提供了 一个非常具有挑战性的机会,使我们的学生能够探索 全球化影响下的可持续城市设计方法,理论以及相关 案例。在可持续城市动力学设计及理论课程中,学生 们将挑战全球化特大城市背景下的规划难题。每年, 我们都选择不同的设计基地,并且每一个基地都与当 地政府的发展规划和开发重点密切相关。我们希望 通过对于这些区域的调研与设计,更好的与当地政府 进行设计合作与交流。因此,通过这一系列的交流活 动,我们的主要目标不仅仅是让学生们提高在不同国 家地区以及文化背景下的设计能力,同时也希望通过 学生的设计作品与我们在中国的合作方进行更多的交 流与互动,共同分享我们在城市设计方面的经验与想 法。希望我们的设计实践能够为中国的可持续城市设 计带来更多的灵感,共同推动中国的可持续发展。



Invited Lecturers 特邀教师

Robert Adolfsson Design Academy Eindhoven 荷兰埃因霍芬设计学院学者/教师

Kjell Nilsson Lund University / European Center 瑞典隆德大学社会学教授

Ann Bergsjö SLU - Alnarp 瑞典农业科学大学Alnarp分校教授

Tom Nielsen Aarhus School of Architecture 奥胡斯建筑学院建筑学教授

Marco Broekman Karres en Brands 公司董事/建筑师

Kristian Skovbakke Gehl Architects 公司董事/建筑师

David Garcia Map Architects 公司董事/建筑师

Fran Tonkiss London School of Economics 伦敦政治经济学院社会学教授

Annelie Håkansson Freelance Architect 建筑师

Henrik Valeur, Architect UiD 公司创始人/建筑师

Simon Klamborn Kanozi Architects 建筑师

Vesna Vasiljkovi Lund's Municipality 瑞典隆德市政府建筑师

Helene Koch SLA Landscape + Urbanism 建筑师

Marten Wassmann Benthem Crouwel Architects 公司董事/建筑师

Peter Krigström SWECO Architects SWECO中国负责人

Ewa Westermark Gehl Architects 公司董事/建筑师

Martin Krogh ADEPT 公司董事/建筑师

David Wiberg Davd Wiberg Industries 公司创始人/建筑插画家

Paul Loh & Dave Leggett LLDS / Power to Make 公司董事/建筑师

Barry Wilson Initiatives - Hong Kong 公司创始人/景观建筑师

Louise Lövenstierna Lund University 瑞典隆德大学教师

Kongjian Yu Turenscape 土人设计创始人/景观建筑师


Looking at China from Abroad Each year many of our students travel to China for the first time. They bring an excitement and fresh eyes to the successes and challenges currently visible in China. The students dig into learning about Chinese culture, Chinese urban design, and the challenges of China's rapid urbanization. The students eyes and minds are opened as they discuss their findings and experiences with their new Chinese colleagues!


From Sweden to China 从瑞典到中国

以西方的视角看中国 每年的设计交流活动是该课程大部分学生的第一次“中国体验”,他们 眼中的中国城市发展有着其独特的成功之处以及面临的难题。学生们 在课程中深入了解中国文化,探讨中国式城市设计,以及中国在快速 城市化发展中面临的挑战。在中国的所见所闻,以及联合设计中与中 国学生的合作,都使得学生们的视野更加开阔更加全球化。


Workshops & Outreach The SUDes master's program aims to exchange knowledge with a wide network of Chinese collaborators including municipalities, Chinese planning professionals, and partner universities. Over our 6 years in China we have establish a strong working relationship with Peking University and their master's program in landscape architecture. Each year during the course's study trip to China, the students visit their study site, listen to presentations, and participate in an intensive 5 day workshop with HAN Xili's landscape architecture students at Peking University. At the end of the workshop, Chinese and international design and urban planning experts are invited to take part in a day full of presentations and discussions on sustainable visions for the student's design site. Following the workshop, our outreach and design work continue as the students focus on their project until the semesters end. Following the completion of their projects, we collect the students work into an inspirational course book and investigate exhibition opportunities. In past years, we exhibited student work in venues from the Shanghai World Expo to the Pingshan urban planning bureau's exhbition space.

研讨会&设计拓展 在SUDes硕士项目中,我们一直致力于与中国的不同合 作方共同分享对于中国可持续城市发展的想法与策略。 我们在中国的合作单位包括各级市政府,规划设计师 及学者,以及不同的合作院校。在过去6年中,我们与 北京大学及其景观建筑学硕士专业建立了紧密的合作关 系。在每年的交流访问中,学生们有机会进行基地调 研,参加专业讲座,并且在韩西丽副教授的帮助下与北 京大学景观专业的学生们进行为期5天的联合设计。最 终,所有师生与多位特邀的国际及中国规划设计师和专 家,将一起参加为期一天的方案汇报,共同讨论学生的 可持续城市设计方案。在联合设计之后,我们的学生将 继续进行该课题的个人设计直至期末。而我们会将每学 期的学生作品集结成册,并且适时进行作品展览。在过 去几年中,我们已分别在上海世博会,深圳坪山规划局 以及甘肃武威等多个地区成功举办学生作品展览。




Workshop Collaborators 合作伙伴 Partner University 合作院校 Peking University College of Architecture & Landscape Architecture 北京大学建筑与景观设计学院 Dean: Kongjian Yu, Professor 院长:俞孔坚,教授 Director: Dihua Li, Associate Professor 副院长:李迪华,副教授 Lead Collaborator & Co-Workshop Leader: Xili Han, Associate Profesor 韩西丽,副教授

Guest Lectures & Design Critics 特邀教师与嘉宾 Arlen Ye University of Hong Kong 香港大学副教授

Jie Hu Tsinghua University 清华大学建筑学院副教授

Barry Wilson Initiatives 景观建筑师

Lars-Henrik Ståhl Lund University 隆德大学教授

Brad Zuger & Jiangfeng Wang M.A.D.A SPAM 马达思班建筑师事务所建筑师

Minjie Si & Kenny Vandepoel Turenscape 土人设计景观建筑师

Dong Mei Beijing Biechu Space Arch.Design 建筑师

Philip Lai ARUP Hong Kong 奥雅纳香港分公司工程师

Haixiao Pan & Junyang Wang Tongji University 同济大学教授

Ronggui Huo Party Secretary General, Wuwei 武威市委书记

James Brearley Brearley Architects and Urbanists 建筑师

Yongning Li Guangdong I.I.S.S. 学者

James Shen People's Architecture Office 建筑师

Zhenyu Li & Xiangning Li Tongji University 同济大学建筑与城规学院院长及教授

Jeppe Aagard Andersen JAAA Architects 景观建筑师

Zhiqiang Chen The Wuwei Urban Planning Office 武威市规划局局长


timeline by Manon Otto, Gabrielle Blais-Dufor, Lan Ge, and Martin Gotberg


THEME 1: HERITAGE & TRANSFORMATION 主 题 1: 文化遗产与城市转型 32 Healing Heritage, Michelle Buice 古迹修复 34 The Urban Hybrid, Chuhan Zhang 城市杂交 36 Reinventing the Courtyard, Jelena Kotevska 重塑庭院

Sustainable Urban Dynamics is taught through the lens of context sensitive design. Through this approach we ask students to find design solutions that balance local culture, social life, and site context with the potential impacts of global flows. 可持续城市动力学课程以场地敏感型设计方法为基础, 学生们需要在设计中将当地文化,社会生活,基地及周 边环境现状与其在全球化环境中的角色相结合,寻找一 种综合的城市设计方案。



Healing Heritage 古迹修复 Site Beijing National Gallery Year of Project 2011 - Sustainable Urban Dynamics Student Michelle Buice United States

"The proposal works with the contrasts on-site; contrasts of new and old, big and small (...) to create a strategy that promotes symbiosis of the site's contrasting elements." “设计方案中着重强调了基地中具有 鲜明反差的一些特点:新与旧,大与 小......以此创造一个能够使基地各要素 共生共存的城市设计策略。”

Healing Heritage proposes to strengthen the seam between the past and the present by creating design strategies with the dual intention of promoting both modern development and heritage preservation. The proposal works with the contrasts on-site; contrasts of new and old, big and small, and empty holes and tight-weaves to create a new double-sided membrane that promotes symbiosis on both sides of the seam. In short, the project contributes new opportunities for both the historic fabric and the proposed buildings that show clear integration principles. 通过同时推进现代化建设与历史古迹保护,方 案提出了一种将“现在”与“过去”更加紧密地结 合在一起的新方法。设计方案着重强调了基地 中具有鲜明反差的一些特点:新与旧,大与 小,开放空间与小尺度聚集空间,以此组成一 个新的将现代城市建设和历史建筑结合起来的 空间系统,创造一个能够使基地各要素共生共 存的城市设计策略。设计方案生动地表达了历 史街区以及新建筑之间的联系与互动,并且清 晰地描述了新老街区未来共同发展的新机遇。


The Urban Hybrid 城市杂交 Site Shanghai Year of Project 2013 Thesis Student Chuhan Zhang China

"My thesis offers a design model with the capacity for change and multiplicity that will allow Shanghai to preserve its local identity and vibrant urban life, as well as develop its economic ambitions." “设计方案为未来的上海提供了一个新 的城市发展模型,使其能够在保护城市 的独特性,多样性以及丰富便捷的城市 生活的同时,满足其在现代城市建设以 及经济发展上的目标及需求。” In the context of rapid economic development, Chinese cities have become showcases in which everything is designed to be unique and different. The pursuit of distinctive objects has lead to unsustainable urban development which has resulted in the erasing of the old urban fabrics, former identities and the vibrant urban life of China. In Shanghai, the result is the loss of relational qualities which used to distinguish it from other cities. My thesis project discusses the above problems within the context of a design site in Shanghai and offers a design model with the capacity for change and multiplicity that will allow Shanghai to preserve its local identity and vibrant urban life, as well as develop its economic ambitions. My design proposal is based on 4 overarching strategies: develop new connections, re-establish hierarchy, grow urban nodes, and relink the green. The strategies are implemented within the local context and take reference from the Lilong landuse pattern. The green spaces are organized based within the re-established hierarchy and are linked together by the proposed community connectors. Collectively, the masterplan creates a qualitative urban fabric that promotes multiplicity, a vibrant street life, and increases the site FAR to the government's goal of 2.5. 34

在经济快速发展的背景下,中国城市在迅速的 发展建设过程中逐渐变为一个个光怪陆离的符 号,城市中的建筑,街道,空间等各种要素都 以追求新奇和与众不同为目标。对于标新立异 的建筑单体以及城市空间的追求,使中国城市 进入一个不可持续发展的怪圈,导致了古老的 城市肌理不复存在,城市特征与多样性的消 亡,以及充满活力的城市生活的逐渐消失。以 上海为例,这种发展方式导致其正逐渐失去与 其他中国城市相比所具有的独特性。该设计方 案着重探讨了在上海城市背景下,如何为其未 来提供一个新的城市发展模型,使其能够在保 护城市的独特性,多样性以及丰富便捷的城市 生活的同时,满足其在现代城市建设以及经济 发展上的目标及需求。 设计方案以4个总体策略为基础:创建新的城市 连接系统,重新建立空间的层次结构,发展城 市节点,形成相互联系的完整的绿地网络。这 些总体策略在基地现状及发展条件的基础上, 参考了上海里弄社区的功能布局,空间安排, 结构及尺度。方案提出了一种新的居住模型及 城市可持续发展模式,在保留社区多样性,丰 富便利的街道生活的同时,使社区开发能够达 到政府对于容积率及密度的相关要求。


Reinventing the Courtyard 重塑庭院 Site Beijing National Gallery Year of Project 2011 - Sustainable Urban Dynamics Student Jelena Kotevska Macedonia

"My focus was on the preservation of the original courtyards and the redistribution of density of people and storage within the area." “该方案的重点在于对于原有庭院的保 护,以及对于区域人口容量和居住密度 的重新规划与布局。”


The traditional siheyuan is a building structure which integrates history, tradition, and Feng Shui principals. They exist only inside the second ring road and create a unique city image which has slowly started to disappear as Beijing has modernized. Therefore, my focus was on the preservation of the original courtyards and the redistribution of density of people and storage within the area. The goal was to create a structure which will accommodate the residents, and integrate with the existing context. The response is a design that combines the key elements that shaped the original courtyards, and a technical design which collects and stores rain water. 北京传统的四合院是历史,传统以及风水理论 的结合,创造了一种独特的城市氛围。但近年 来,由于北京的快速发展,四合院和胡同这种 独具辨识度的历史街区慢慢消失,而北京也在 逐渐丧失其独特性。因此,该方案的重点在于 对于原有庭院的保护,以及对于区域人口容量 和居住密度的重新规划与布局。方案希望在容 纳目前居民的前提下,设计出一种能够与基地 现状条件相结合的新城市结构。在新的城市模 型中,四合院的各种组成要素被重新整合,同 时在设计中结合了新的雨水收集处理系统。 37

section by Delia Moldoveanu


THEME 2: QUALITATIVE PUBLIC SPACE & THE HUMAN SCALE 主 题 2: 公共空间与人性尺度 40 Hyphen-Space, Delia Moldoveanu 连续空间 42 Bringing Together, Shraddha Kapri 城市聚集 43 Utilizing Every Drop, Beril Ozbay 资源最大化利用

With Lund University's proximity to Copenhagen, Jan Gehl's theory and work have been influential on SUDes approach to urban design. Since the program's founding, SUDes has focused on educating students on the design of human scale public space and pedestrian friendly urban design. 隆德大学在地理位置上临近哥本哈根,而SUDes的设计 实践也很大程度上受到Jan Gehl,其设计公司及设计理 论的影响。多年来SUDes一直致力于提高学生在人性尺 度公共空间方面的设计能力,希望能够共同推进适宜步 行的宜居城市空间设计。



Hyphen-Space 连续空间 Site Beijing - National Gallery Year of Project 2011 - Sustainable Urban Dynamics Student Delia Moldoveanu Romania

"The hyphen's space carries the main public space to create a symbiosis of principles from both the old and the new structure and works as a social coagulator." “作为主要的公共空间系统,连续空间 的概念旨在创造一个新与旧共存的共生 设计原则,同时也是社交生活的粘合 剂。”

The contemporary development reshaping Beijing’s centre have generated a pattern of patches represented by islands of hutongs trapped between wide motorways and long-stretches of high-rises. The old city’s morphological landscape is subdued to an artificial mutation, from the self-organized structure of the historically established hutongs to the formal, contemporary developments. These two different urban landscapes – old and new - seem to live their own independent life, although they are indispensable to one another.

北京的当代城市建设在迅速地改变城市中心区 的面貌,该地区遍布的宽阔机动车道以及大量 的高层建筑将胡同街区划分为一个个孤岛。老 城区的城市景观被快速现代化的城市建设所替 代,而其自发形成的胡同街区的城市结构也逐 渐变为了现在统一又正式的城市形态。尽管在 城市发展中相依相存,这两种新旧对比截然不 同的城市景观,在形式和功能上依然相互分离 与隔绝。

The project’s main goal is to integrate the old and the new into a combination that is aware of their different life and languages, but manages to give a new meaning for the contemporary megacity. The proposal shapes the contact space between the two urban structures to make it act as the hyphen for the integration. A new integrative and hierarchical order of spaces, from the self-organized to the formal with the hyphen space in-between is established.

该设计旨在整合新的城市建设与旧的城市肌 理,在保留其不同特点和多样化城市生活的基 础上,给予全球化超级城市一种新的定义。在 方案中,位于这两种不同城市结构之间的区域 被设计为一种能够联系新与旧的连续公共空 间,由此创造一种新的空间序列以及城市不同 区域之间的互动,在自发组织的城市形态和模 式化的城市空间之间建立起相互联系的桥梁。

The hyphen’s space carries the main public space to create a symbiosis of principles from both the old and the new structure, and works as both a social coagulator and a body of ecological infrastructure.

作为主要的公共空间系统,连续空间的概念旨 在创造一个新与旧共存的共生设计原则,同时 也是社交生活的粘合剂,以及城市生态基础设 施的载体。 41

Bringing Together 城市聚集 Site Beijing Olympic Site Year of Project 2009 - Sustainable Urban Dynamics Student Shraddha Kapri India

"My strategy is to activate the site with a multitude of activities which blur the rigid boundaries between the global and the local to help re-situate the park in its physical context." “该方案的设计策略为用大量不同的城 市活动来激活设计基地,软化大尺度与 小尺度城市空间之间的硬性边界,以此 改善与提高北京奥体公园在其物理环境 中的功能与作用。”


Utilizing Every Drop 资源最大化利用 Site Shunde Year of Project 2010 - Sustainable Urban Dynamics Student Beril Ozbay Turkey

"This project suggests how the water resources of Shunde can be celebrated within an urban environment by fusing together the water rich landscape and the proposed public spaces." “方案为广东省佛山市顺德区域的水资 源利用提出了新的策略,希望通过城市 中水资源与城市水景和公共空间设计的 结合,最大化地利用该区域丰富的水体 资源。” 43

section by Guoda Bardauskaite


THEME 3: THE HYBRID CITY 主 题 3: 混合型城市 46 The Megacity's Wilderness, Guoda Bardauskaite 都市的野趣 48 Multiplex City, Lan Ge 多元化城市 49 Mixed City, Jose Carlos Martinez 混合都市 50 Resilient Diversity, Edda Ívarsdóttir 弹性多样化城市

Discussions on diversity, building typologies, and mixed-use development run throughout the SUDes master's program and build an educational base for students to explore the meaning of The Hybrid City. 对于城市多样性,建筑类型以及混合功能开发的讨论始 终贯穿于SUDes的硕士课程中,我们希望能够以此激 发学生们对于混合型城市意义的思考以及设计方法的探 索。



The Megacity's Wilderness 都市的野趣 Site Beijing National Gallery Year of Project 2011 - Sustainable Urban Dynamics Student Guoda Bardauskaite Lithuania

"The space to release the energies is gained by making the efficient use of inaccessible and under utilized site areas." “方案中通过高效利用不可达以及未使 用的空白区域,将其转变为能够为城市 可持续发展提供能量和动力的空间。”

In ‘civilized’ Beijing, a human nature is perceived as a wilderness and is not allowed to be exposed. Open spaces are designated for representation and highly controlled, human energy and activities are hidden behind a static mask of the “civilized city”. My project states that the power of the human energy, if wisely managed, could regenerate the city from inside and contribute to its attractive identity. The space to release the energies is gained by making the efficient use of inaccessible and under utilized site areas. Three key places are chosen for the three ‘hills’ - new landmarks, representing identities of different parts of the site. A new design school, connected to the National Gallery is to become a Creative Hill. An existing commercial building with a temple on the top, surrounded by housing for craftsmen, is transformed into a Temple Hill, which embodies and awakes memories of the site as a prosperous commercial hub as well as a spiritual place. A Productive Hill is a cluster of farmers’ housing and works as a local food factory and store. New typologies are small scale and allow a lot of possibilities to personalize the buildings, releasing creativity and exposing the human nature. Together a vibrant, hybrid city evolves!

在北京现代化的城市背景下,人类与自然环境 相亲近的本性及与生俱来的进行多样化社会活 动的本能都被压抑在高度控制性及同一化的城 市空间中。开放空间的设计遵循着统一且模式 化的规则,而人类天生的能量释放及活动本能 都被隐藏于“文明”这张静止的面具之下。而该 方案中,设计者认为如果合理利用及管理这种 潜在的能量,则人类活动可以更好的塑造城市 多样性以及独特性,使城市更加具有吸引力。 方案中通过高效利用不可达以及未使用的空白 区域,将其转变为能够为城市可持续发展提供 能量和动力的空间。其中,设计选择了三个关 键部分作为新的城市地标,用以代表基地不同 部分的不同特点:与北京中国美术馆相关联的 设计学校,代表方案中的创意聚集区域;基地 现存的一个顶部建有古典庙堂的商业建筑,以 及周边围绕的手工艺者居住区,被改造为一个 集中体现基地繁荣的商业及文化活动的区域; 而另一片区域则主要作为城市农业区,用于当 地食品生产及销售,且为周边居民提供住宅。 方案中新的建筑类型尺度较小,能够为居民提 供更多私人化多样化居住空间的可能性,以此 释放居民的创造性,创造多元化社区和城市。 47

Multiplex City 多元化城市 Site Beijing - National Art Gallery Year of Project 2011 - Sustainable Urban Dynamics Student Lan Ge China

"The most efficient way to increase the land utilization, relieve the density, and expand the capacity of the infrastructure is through developing the underground space." “开发地下空间是提高土地利用效率, 缓解人口密度压力以及提高基础设施容 量最有效的方法之一。”


Mixed City 混合都市 Site Jiaxing Year of Project 2008 - Sustainable Urban Dynamics Student Jose Carlos Martinez Mexico

"Using inspiration from studies on informal economic activity, Mixed City looks to create a framework for small, local business to flourish in Jiaxing City." “利用对非正式经济活动研究而获得的 灵感,该方案希望通过创造一个新的城 市框架,推动嘉兴市当地小型及私人商 业活动的繁荣。” 49


Resilient Diversity 弹性多样化城市 Site Pingshan, Shenzhen Year of Project 2012 - Sustainable Urban Dynamics Student Edda Ívarsdóttir Iceland

"The project's goal is to create a resilient neighborhood that celebrates culture and history while responding to the municipalities desire for added density and a new business district." “该方案的目标是在满足及回应当地政 府对于人口和城市密度增长的需求和对 于新商业区的规划的前提下,创造一个 可恢复型的,同时将文化和历史相结合 的可持续社区。”

The project's goal is to create a resilient neighborhood that celebrates its history while responding to the municipalities desire for added density and a new business district. To achieve this, three clusters of remaining Hakka buildings are kept and given a new role in the urban fabric. Existing residential areas are rebuilt gradually with aim of increasing the density, connecting to new development and keeping the existing residents. Along the Pingshan river footpaths and green areas are terraced to give room for annual flooding. Addionally, a new pedestrian friendly business area is proposed. The area is defined by a central spine that houses the areas key public spaces. 该方案的目标是在满足及回应当地政府对于人 口和城市密度增长的需求和对于新商业区的规 划的前提下,创造一个可恢复型的,同时将文 化和历史相结合的可持续社区。方案中保留了 现存的三片客家建筑群,并且在设计中赋予了 它们新的特征和功能。同时,通过逐渐重新建 设居住区建筑,可以提高地区的开发密度,并 且与新开发区域相结合,为当地居民提供充足 的居住空间,保留更多现有的居民。在坪山河 沿岸地区设计入水阶梯式景观,用以控制汛期 水位。此外,一个新的步行商业区贯穿基地始 终,成为区域新的公共空间系统。






diagram by Katerina Vondrova




THEME 4: ECOLOGY & THE LANDSCAPE 主 题 4: 生态与景观 54 The Urban Archipelago, Sybille de Cussy 城市群岛 56 Inviting the Birds In, Karolina Svahn 城市生物多样性 57 Remodeling Lowlands, Melis Atacan 重塑低地 58 The Blue Campus, Haoxia Chen 蓝色校园









From the Sustainable Urban Landscape studio, SUDes students bring a variety of knowledge on how to integrate ecology and the regional landscape into their urban design proposals. 从可持续景观设计课程中,SUDes的学生们为我们的课 程设计带来了许多不同的生态,区域景观及城市设计相 结合的设计方法和概念。


Vision image for a Green Room. Michelle Buice


The channelized river is freed from its walls and an urban archipelago creates new development opportunities.

The Urban Archipelago 城市群岛 Site Wuwei Year of Project 2013 - Sustainable Urban Dynamics Student Sybille de Cussy, France

"The Urban Archipelago considers the dry climate and the lack of water in the region to provide a vision for revitalizing Wuwei's landscape." “城市群岛方案在充分考虑该地区的干 旱气候以及缺水现状的基础上,提出了 一个能够重新赋予武威城市景观活力的 设计方案。”

The Urban Archipelago considers the dry climate and the lack of water in the region to provide a vision for revitalizing Wuwei's landscape. To activate the evolving neighborhood, the proposal suggests to adapt the rigid city grid to the hidden landscape qualities. The proposal uses the existing irrigation canals to generate new public spaces that bring added dimensions to Wuwei's urban environment. A new river park utilizes the restored riverways to create meanders and islands that functions to help re-establish natural water infiltration and ecological networks. The transformed river bed also welcomes the city to create an urban continuity between the old and the new city while adding to the overall sustainability. 城市群岛方案在充分考虑该地区的干旱气候以 及缺水现状的基础上,提出了一个能够重新赋 予武威城市景观活力的设计方案。为了激活基 地周边的区域,设计中将城市隐藏的景观特质 与硬性的城市肌理相融合。设计利用现有的灌 溉水道组织新的公共空间,而原有的河道被改 造为滨河公园,在恢复河道生态的同时创造蜿 蜒的河流以及岛屿景观,以此重新建立自然水 体渗透系统以及城市的生态结构。同时,经过 改造的河流景观将新老城区串联起来,为城市 的社会及生态可持续发展带来新的机遇。 55

Inviting the Birds In 城市生物多样性 Site Jiaxing Project Year / Course 2008 - Sustainable Urban Dynamics Student Karolina Svahn Sweden

"The plan seizes the opportunity to use the present characteristics of the site such as canals and villages to create an experiential variety within the proposed development." “该方案希望通过利用基地现存的独特 要素,例如遍布的河道与村庄,来创造 一种新的多样化城市体验。”


Remodeling Lowlands 重塑低地 Site Shunde Year of Project / Course 2010 - Sustainable Urban Dynamics Student Melis Atacan Turkey

"My project aims to utilize the existing ecology of the site to develop a landscape that functions to support water treatment, aquaculture, and the city's urban ambitions." “该方案通过利用基地的现状生态要素 来组织城市景观结构,希望能够以此创 建城市水体处理净化系统,促进城市水 产养殖业的发展,以及达到最终城市的 经济发展目标。” 57


The Blue Campus 蓝色校园 Site University Campus, Wuhan Year of Project / Course 2012 - Thesis Student Haoxia Chen China

"The Blue Campus is about restoring and expanding the water system in a local university campus in Wuhan, China." “蓝色校园方案旨在为位于中国武汉的 一所大学分校区创建一个水体恢复系 统,同时改造并扩大校园内的水系景 观。”

The proposed Blue Campus solves flooding problems and cleans polluted water, forming an integrated water loop with the adjacent Yujiahu Lake. The loop is used as a design tool to provide opportunities to transform the campus into a diverse, ecologically sensitive urban landscape.

方案中的景观设计解决了校区夏季积水漫水与 污水处理的问题,并且创建了一个水体循环 系统,将校园的水体与临近的喻家湖水系相结 合,以此在校区内创造一个多样化的生态可持 续城市景观。

The water loop is composed of 3 performative water systems. The first system uses physical and biological techniques to clean polluted water from Yujiahu Lake. In this system, polluted water is pumped mechanically into an upper pond and released through a series of purifying terraces to create a new source of potable water. In the second system, rain that falls on building roofs is partly absorbed by roof vegetation and collected into rain water recapture beds. Here, the water is collected, filtered and stored in tank for reuse. The third system is about cleaning the university's grey water through a series of independent water terraces that utilize gravity and special vegetation species to clean effluent.

该水体循环系统由三个主要的水体景观部分组 成。第一部分为利用物理和生物技术进行水体 净化的景观,污水被通过机械方式抽取到高处 的水池中,然后再经过一系列的阶梯式生态景 观进行净化。第二部分为屋顶绿化雨水收集和 存储景观系统,绿色屋顶帮助吸收部分雨季降 水,同时多余的雨水被存储于雨水滞留池中。 在这个系统中,水体被收集,净化以及储存, 以供未来的重新利用。第三部分为校园生活污 水净化景观系统,该系统利用相互独立的阶梯 式景观梯田结合特殊的植物方法进行水体净 化。

Collectively, The Blue Campus creates a vision for a sustainable university campus in China and highlights how water management can be socially and physically integrated into the city of Wuhan.

由此,蓝色校园方案为中国的可持续校园设计 提出了一个愿景,并且展示了水资源管理体系 如何在社会活动层面以及物理层面融入武汉的 城市环境中。 59

section by Suzanna Rubino


THEME 5: SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY & COMMUNITY 主 题 5: 综合性社会与社区可持续发展 62 Layered Complexity, Daniel Bridson 复杂有序 63 Smart Overlapping, Anna Kravec 智慧型复合城市 64 Urban Puzzle, Irina Maksimovich 都市谜语

The SUDes master's program educates students to analyse the existing social and cultural landscape with the aim of focusing students on the importance of context sensitivity. 在SUDes的硕士课程中,通过对当地的社会和文化 景观要素进行分析,学生们更加深入地了解场地敏感 型设计的意义和重要性,而这也是我们的教学重点之 一。


Layered Complexity 复杂有序 Site Pingshan, Shenzhen Year of Project 2012 - Sustainable Urban Dynamics Student Daniel Bridson Canada

"A five-step phasing strategy is introduced to allow the existing urban village residents to actively engage in the transformation of Pingshan's new town." “该方案提出了一个包含五个步骤的城 市设计策略,希望能够让城中村居民积 极地参与当地的城市发展过程,成为坪 山区新城发展建设的一部分。”


Smart Overlapping 智慧型复合城市 Site Wuwei Year of Project 2013 - Sustainable Urban Dynamics Student Anna Kravec Belarus

"My project aims to create a healthy, livable community where both existing and new residents are encouraged to meet within the new water sensitive parks of Wuwei." “该方案旨在为武威市创造一个新的水 资源敏感型公园绿地系统,以此促进新 老居民的互动并丰富其城市生活,创建 一个健康宜居的可持续社区。”



Urban Puzzle 都市谜语 Site Beijing National Art Gallery Year of Project 2011 - Sustainable Urban Dynamics Student Irina Maksimovich Russia

"The main objective is to restore existing cultural identities and to create a dialogue between new and old, by means of structural and economical improvements." “该方案的主要目标为恢复并保护该地 区的文化独特性,通过改善城市结构和 提高经济发展,创造城市新与旧之间的 对话和交流。”

Urban Puzzle deals with the site as a fragmented historical painting; through revelation of the hierarchy of relationships between different fragments it applies “modern patches” to achieve unified coherent pattern. The application of patches tends to create or strengthen spatially intact typology, based on the logic of flows, anchors, redistribution of public activities and existing densities. The main objective is to restore existing cultural identities and to create a dialogue between new and old, by means of structural and economical improvements. 都市谜语方案将基地看作一幅古老的绘画拼 图,其不同碎片之间的关系以及序列为统一并 连贯基地的空间系统提供了灵感,设计中应 用了现代城市的“空间拼图”概念来创建新的城 市公共空间。这些“拼图”空间在尊重流线,节 点,公共活动以及密度分配的基础上,旨在完 善城市的空间结构,强化城市建筑及空间类型 的完整性。该方案的主要目标为恢复并保护该 地区的文化独特性,通过改善城市结构和提高 经济发展,创造城市新与旧之间的对话和交 流。


section by Andreas Mayor


THEME 6: CLIMATE SENSITIVE 主 题 6: 气候敏感型城市设计 68 Challenging Desert, Cyril Pavlu 挑战沙漠 70 Solar City, Mikael Pattersson 阳光之城 71 Urban Oasis, Constantin Milea 城市绿洲 72 Connecting Parallels, Eivind Lukas Moen Fasting 衔接平行空间

Through studies of environmental factors, the Sustainable Urban Dynamics course has built up a variety of urban design discussions focusing on climatic conditions, energy self sufficiency, and qualitative public space design. 通过对于环境各要素的研究,我们的可持续城市动力 学课程在城市设计实践中对气候条件,能源自给自 足,以及高质量公共空间设计也进行了探讨。



Challenging Desert 挑战沙漠 Site Wuwei Year of Project 2013 Student Cyril Pavlu Czech Republic

The goal of my project is to utilize the site's climate challenges to create a framework for a new sustainable urban environment. “该方案旨在通过将基地面临的气候方 面的挑战转化为未来城市可持续发展的 建设策略,创造一种新的可持续城市景 观结构。”

Wuwei is located in an arid environment, where the climatic and water conditions are crucial for the future of the city. The goal of this project is to utilize the site's climatic challenges to create a framework for a new sustainable urban environment which should provide a comfortable microclimate, a sustainable transportation system and preserve the local social values. My vision for the city's expansion and connection to the newly planned train station is to create a strong linear city spine, going from the western old city to the new high speed train station in the east. The site is located along this spine and adjacent to both the proposed cultural hub and the river. My proposed development is structured to allow the cool winds from the riverscape to penetrate the urban fabric, while being filtered by the growing vegetation. The dense mid-rise buildings with courtyards provide good microclimate for its residents. The continuous market street and public spaces through the neighborhood provide walkability, accessibility to public functions and public transportation. The development incorporates rainwater collection, solar warming, and vegetation filtration into a highefficiency water-recycling system to provide a sustainable and comfortable living enivornment in Wuwei's local climate.

武威市气候干旱,当地的气候以及水文条件对 于未来城市发展起着至关重要的作用。该方案 旨在通过将基地面临的气候方面的挑战转化为 未来城市可持续发展的建设策略,创造一种新 的可持续城市景观结构,为居民提供更舒适的 城市微气候,建立可持续的城市交通系统,保 护当地的社会及文化价值。 方案通过在老城区以及新高铁车站之间设计一 条城市景观绿脊,希望能够推动城市向东部的 扩张及老城区和规划车站之间的联系。而设计 基地则紧邻河道绿轴,且靠近新的文化中心。 方案中城市肌理与结构的设计能够允许来自于 河流景观的温度较低的自然风渗透街区,同时 经过一系列植物的净化提高其空气质量。密度 较高的多层建筑带有自己的庭院,能够为居民 提供舒适的小气候。穿插在社区中的市场以及 公共空间提高了居民生活的便捷度,可达性, 以及公共交通系统的利用率。同时,设计将雨 水收集,太阳能供暖,以及植物净化等方法共 同结合于一个高效的水体循环利用系统中,在 武威干旱炎热的气候条件下创造更舒适的可持 续居住环境。


Solar City 阳光之城 Site Beijing Olympic Site Year of Project 2009 - Sustainable Urban Dynamics Student Mikael Pettersson Sweden

"My proposal works to create energy self sufficiency, set urban development rules that promote solar energy development, and create public spaces that work with the sun." “该方案集中于如何创造能源自给自足 的城市社区,并且设立城市设计策略用 以发展太阳能源开发与利用,同时将 公共空间设计与能源可持续发展相结 合。” 70

Urban Oasis 城市绿洲 Site Wuwei Year of Project 2013 - Sustainable Urban Dynamics Student Constantin Milea Romania

"The projects aim is to create a neighborhood that integrates water smart solutions by recreating the oasis ecosystem within the future development of Wuwei." “该方案希望通过重新创造一个城市生 态绿洲系统,将水资源智慧型利用方法 应用于日常生活,从而创建更加可持续 化的居住社区。”



Connecting Parallels 衔接平行空间 Site Pingshan, Shenzhen Year of Project 2012 - Sustainable Urban Dynamics Student Eivind Lukas Moen Fasting Norway

"In my project I developed climate sensitive solutions (...) My project provides shade by establishing a dense urban fabric and using native landscape elements." “该方案为坪山的城市发展提出了基于 其气候条件的可持续发展方式......方案 通过高密度的城市肌理以及当地景观植 被的利用,创造舒适的城市小气候,在 炎热的夏季为居民提供更多凉爽的公共 活动空间。”

In Pingshan, microclimate is a key factor in the use of public space. In my project I've developed climate sensitive solutions through landscape design and urban design strategies. My project provides shade by establishing a dense urban fabric and using native landscape elements to provide shade in the site's connected public space network. Additionally, my work shows how the urban villages of Shenzhen can become an integrated part of the new urban fabric instead of being segregated into larger, impermeable blocks as many plans do today. As urban villages represents 50% of the residents of Shenzhen, this project has wider significance for the city and can show an alternative model for future development. 在深圳坪山,气候是影响人们使用公共空间的 关键因素之一。该方案在景观和城市设计策略 中为坪山的城市发展提出了基于其气候条件的 可持续发展方式。方案通过高密度的城市肌理 以及当地景观植被的利用,创造舒适的城市小 气候,在炎热的夏季为居民提供更多凉爽的公 共活动空间。此外,方案还为如何将城中村与 城市发展相融合提出了设计策略。如今城中村 容纳了深圳近一半的常住居民,而该设计策略 为深圳可持续发展提供了一个新的城市模型。 73


_3 Thank You Thank you to all of the inspiring students, professors, lecturers, tutors, and guest critics who have taken part in Sustainable Urban Dyanmics over the past 6 years. And, thank you to the Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johnson Foundation for the ongoing support of SUDes. 感谢过去6年中所有参与可持续城市动力学课 程的学生,教师,特邀设计师和教授,以及 Axel,Margaret与Ax:son Johnson 基金会对于 SUDes持续不断的支持。


Course Guests 课程特邀教师 2008

Christer Malmström, Catharina Sternudd, John Cramer, Harrison Fraker, Donlyn Lyndon, Sir Peter Cook, Ewa Westermark, Petter Brunskog, Fredrik Fritzson, Henrik Valeur

Christer Malmström, Kongjian Yu, Dihua Li, John Cramer, Harrison Fraker, Johan Gunnarsson, Torvald Jakobsson, Jie Hu, David Leggett, Jiang Liang, Paul Loh, Donlyn Lyndon, , Bert de Muynck, Henric Nilsson, Catharina Sternudd, Fran Tonkiss, Henrik Valeur, David Wiberg, Tomas Wikström, Barry Wilson, Bertil Öhrström



Christer Malmström, Laura Liuke, Gunilla Lindholm, Arlen Ye, Sonia Andersson,Reinhold Castensson, Harrison Fraker, David Garcia, Johan Gunnarsson, Annelie Håkansson, Tovald Jakobson, Dave Leggett, Nillsson Lennart, Paul Loh, Donlyn Lyndon, Frida Rosenberg, Fran Tonkiss, Henrik Valeur, Ewa Westermark, Barry Wilson

Kongjian Yu, Dihua Li, Jonny Åstrand, Mats Hultman Lina Dahlström, Peter Krigström, Marten Wassmann, Tom Nielsen, Kristian Slovbakke, Victoria Sjöstedt, Reinhold Castensson, Annelie Håkansson, Johan Gunnarsson, Jeppe Aagard Andersen, Christopher Weidacher Hsiung, Dong Mei, Professor Honglin, Fei Wang, Deng Yan, Louise Lövenstierna, Ann Bergsjö, Henrik Johannesson, Simon Klamborn, Harrison Fraker, Gunilla Lindholm, Helene Koch



Tina Sarap, Lisa Diedrich, Pär Gustafsson, Kongjian Yu, Dihua Li, Barry Wilson, Philip Lai, Ulrika Signal, Annelie Håkansson, Vesna Vasiljkovic, Marco Broekman, Laura Liuke, Henrik Johannesson, Simon Klamborn, Louise Lövenstierna, Lina Dahlström, Helene Koch, Kristian Slovbakke, Kjell Nilsson, Robert Adolfsson, Martin Krogh, John Ross, Harrison Fraker



Robert Adolfsson, Marco Broekman, Lisa Diedrich, Pär Gustafsson, Henrik Johannesson, Simon Klamborn, Helene Koch, Harrison Fraker, Dihua Li, Laura Liuke, Jenny B. Osuldsen, James Shen, Minjie Si, Lars-Henrik Ståhl, Per-Mikael Sällström, Kenny Vandepoel, Linus Zhang, Peter, Krigström, Kristian Skovbakke,

Participating Students 参与学生 2008






Tiziana von Allmen, Jenny Enbuske, Adrienne Froemelt, Anders Gustafsson, Ylva Hazell, Arnisa Lahi Henriksen, Yatwan Hui, Anna Maria Hultkvist, Malin Knutsson, Jose Carlos Martinez, Sara Alinaghi Pour, Anna Rosborg, Gärda Sjöholm, Karolina Svahn, Jennie Tyrberg, Elisabet Werecki, Yang Wu

Melis Atacan, Nicholas Bigelow, Aleksandra Blazhevska, Sin Yan 'Cindy' Chan, Mina Dorrigiv, Wan Hua, Tadas Jokubauskas, Jose Manuel Riquelme Marin, Juliane Miani, Samin Salehi Moorkani, Barbara Palacios Orozco, Beril Özbay, Gisele Paiva, Tamara Pavlovic, Chloe Poncon, Danguolé Ručinskaité, Emil Soleymanpur, Kun Hua Tung, Yang Xianfang

Kaisa-Leena Aksli, Athanasios Alexis, Philip Barsan, Jenny Beijar, Daniel Bridson, Joacim Dahlberg, Eivind Lukas Moen Fasting, David Felicio, Parisa Ghandari, Nausikaa Guelle, Edda Ívarsdóttir, Jonna Johansson, David Kiss, David Koolmeister, Kimona Larsson Boussard, Sofia Lundeholm, Carlotta Manto, Ajla Mujanovic, Nadia Petersson, Sara Rudolfsson, Lina Salomonsson, Kristina Stenström, Siyu Sun, Banafsheh Yaghmaee, Boris Yordanov, Chuhan Zhang, Kehan Zhang

Haydar Alward, Rozafa Basha, Simone Brandstaetter, Liene Cikanovica, Lars Erik Eriksson, Carley Friesen, Emel Ismail, Shraddha Kapri, Ashwin Karjatkar, Iryna Klixbull, Chun Li, Sanna Lindberg, Sigrid Lonnerholm, Dziugas Lukosevicius, Sofie Månsson, Jesper Nordström, Josefin Nyman, Chiranart Petchpromsorn, Keivan Saberi Najafi, Laura Santana Herasme, Catarina Pacheco de Freitas Machado, Mikael Pettersson, Mohammadmahdi Zanjanian, Xiaoyuan 'Moya' Yuan, Jule Sophie Wittorf, Rebecca Wong, Wanda Zubillaga

Farmin Ahsan, Amr Balah, Guoda Bardauskaite, Eric Beckstrom, Gabrielle Blais-Dufour, Sarah Michelle Buice, Chi Chen, Haoxia Chen, Gregorio Chierici, Laleh Foroughanfar, Lan Ge, Ricardo Goncalves, Martin Gotberg, Xiao Han, He JingJing, Nicole Inauen, Omer Karoum, Iman Khayyatan, Jelena Kotevska, Jenny Lindh, Hailin Liu, Irina Maksimovich, Monica Martinez, Helena Martinsson, Masoumehsadat M. Moqaddam, Sherif Mohammed, Delia Moldoveanu, Misagh Mottaghi, Manon Otto, Delphine Passaquay, André Patrão, Nattapong Thepsamarn, Sussaangana Unhasuta, Suzanne Van Niekerk, Xiaocen Yong

Karin Andersson, Andreas Ask, Hanne Bendixen, Elina Berezovska, C. Raquel Bessa e Meneses, Miriam Itziar Castel Cierco, Piotr Decko, Sybille de Cussy, Olof Eriksson, Jaime Espinosa Benito, Mårten Espmarker, Payam Faalzadeh, Gisli Gudmundsson, Catharina Hansson, Kajsa Henriksson, Young Ill Kim, Gabriella Klint, Anna Kravec, Andreas Mayor, Constantin Milea, Jenny Nygren, Eirini Oikonomopoulou, Cyril Pavlu, Felix Perasso, Suzanna Rubino, Alexandru Seltea, Marino Stefansson, Alina Velaviciute, Katerina Vondrova



Ax:son Johnson Institute for Sustainable Urban Design at Lund University

Sustainable Urban Design Master’s Programme 可持续城市设计硕士项目 School of Architecture Lunds Tekniska Högskola P.O. Box 124, 221 00 Lund, Sweden +46 46 222 00 00 SUDes Urban Lab 可持续城市实践 研究室 School of Architecture Lunds Tekniska Högskola +46 46 222 00 00 Partner University 合作院校 Graduate School of Landscape Architecture College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture Peking University


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