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L&S Education

“Virtual College has been in the pipeline since last year in February when work commenced on the website. The Ashton International Virtual College was scheduled to be launched as part of the growth plan of the Ashton Brand in 2021 to coincide with Ashton Benoni’s 21 year celebration and Ashton Ballito’s 10 year celebration. With the current situation which changed lives in March of this year, the plans were accelerated.

THE TEACHING STAFF who are involved in the Ashton Virtual College are specialised Cambridge teachers currently teaching Cambridge, and Ashton International Colleges have 21 years of successful Cambridge experience. What makes Ashton International Virtual College very unique from other on-line schools is the fact that there are three live lessons per week, per subject. The reason for three lessons is that in a normal classroom environment, students will receive teaching and are then given time to work on worksheets, assignments and essays. This will allow teachers to provide more detailed feedback for each child so that they can continue to improve and move forward with their courses.

Students are provided with all course materials, as well as pre-recorded sessions for every single section of the syllabus. The live lessons are not there to repeat work that was recorded, but will be new and cover different work as they proceed with the curriculum. Ashton has an excellent track record with the Cambridge Curriculum throughout the years, with top students in South Africa in most subjects on IGCSE Level, AS and A levels over the last 21 years. The portion of Primary Checkpoint examinations that are written in English, Mathematics, and Science at the end of the Grade 6 year has been very rewarding, with most students achieving the maximum full score of 6 which is equated to an average of 80% and above. This means that our current Grade 6’s will be writing their Cambridge Primary Checkpoint Examinations in October/November. In addition, our Cambridge IGCSE, AS and A Level examinations will continue as scheduled, and these students will, both on the Virtual College and on the Ashton Campus, complete their academic year on time. Students anywhere in the world can now enrol and obtain a full Ashton education, and we were very excited as queries this week have come from Dubai, Namibia and Swaziland, to name a few.

The week before official examinations are scheduled to take place students can enrol for workshops at either the Ashton Ballito or Ashton Benoni campus for exam prep week to ensure that they have contact with teachers and to fine tune exam skills. Live interactions with teachers, especially for subjects like Physics, Chemistry and Biology which require students to work with practical equipment, will be beneficial at these exam prep weeks. Although most experiments will be done via their live lessons where objects within the home can be utilised, this practical aspect will be re-affirmed.

Enrolments for Ashton Virtual College opened on 1 June with classes beginning on 13 July, and the Virtual College has grown exponentially, currently boasting 120 students in just two short weeks.


Albertina Way, Ballito,

032 946 2096,



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