Diving The Superior Producer, Curacao Nights Magazine by Sue Campbell

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Diving the Superior Producer by Susan Campbell

The mysterious misfortune of the Superior Producer now offers good fortune to those who wish to discover the most fascinating shipwreck in the Caribbean! A very short journey

It seems the gods just weren’t smiling upon this 200-foot freighter on that November day back in 1977. Laden to the hilt with Christmas goods bound for Colombia, the Superior Producer ventured out a few hundred feet from St. Annabaai Harbor, began to turn, listed... then sank. Some say she was seriously overloaded with clothing, perfume, luggage, and alcohol... but no one really knows for sure just what went wrong. Almost immediately after she went down, locals began donning scuba gear to salvage any precious cargo they could get their hands on. Imagine a feeding frenzy of flippered opportunists, underwater skirmishes, and the island’s only decompression chamber working overtime to save many inexperienced divers, and you’ll have a good picture of what went down that day. 46 Nights

Stripped of all her finery (even her portholes and brass fittings), the Superior Producer refused to plummet peacefully to a watery grave. Instead, she planted herself upright in the sand, straining to­ wards the sunlight, hoping to get a second chance to prove her seaworthiness. Today, she still sits in that current-defying position, providing a highrise condo of sorts for all kinds of marine life. E

Top photo by Richard Carey. Bottom and facing page photos by Michael DeFreitas

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Nights 47

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