Business in Paradise Aruba by Susan Campbell

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Mix Business with Pleasure in Paradise by Susan Campbell Aruba offers the best of both worlds.

Little wonder Aruba attracts the most repeat visitors in the entire Caribbean. This enchanted little isle is a thriving mix of natural wonders, creative industries, and friendly, artistic people. The high quality of life combined with a cosmo­ politan culture, sophisticated infrastruc­ ture, and some of the world’s best beaches make the place a perennial favorite for dis­ cerning travelers from around the world. Many visitors have returned to discover Aruba is also an ideal venue for business with a healthy GDP growth rate of 2.4% and government initiatives for dynamic, well-planned growth.

is poised to become the island’s carnival capital. The construction of a new carni­ val village, new museums, and new infra­ structure to accommodate visitors and improve local life there will all combine to offer a multitude of investment oppor­ tunities in many different sectors. In the coming months, further revi­ talization of existing neigh­borhoods and services all over Aruba will also encour­ age foreign and local interest in providing new and forward thinking technologies and amenities within the improvements. For example, the capital of Oranjestad re­ cently launched a solar-powered trolley

Island-wide development

Oranjestad has already implemented value-adding improvements, while other centers are planning similar developments to boost the local economy and create opportunities for both visitors and in­ vestors. San Nicolas, the island’s first capital city and a historic cultural center,

service linking the cruise ship terminal, downtown, tourist sites, and new com­ mercial precincts. Other advances include relocation of cargo-port facilities, impor­ tant airport upgrades, and construction of world-class resorts to service the rising number of tourists. And much more is planned islandwide to enhance both the tourist and local experience alike such as the completion of the Caribbean’s longest linear park that will run along the most popular tourist beaches and provide lots of new business development along its route. Aruba is also striving to become the destination wed­ ding capital of the Caribbean for inter­ national visitors through com­prehensive improvements of its nuptial-based offer­ ings. Tropical destination weddings are one of the fastest growing tourism seg­ ments in the industry, and this island will be on the cutting edge of this growth pro­ viding all kinds of opportunities for new business.

Business Quality workforce and infrastructure

Aruba, with its well-educated work­ force, has long been a Caribbean role model for social stability and economic progress. Most islanders are professionals in their respective fields, have studied abroad, and speak at least four languages: Dutch, English, Spanish, and Papiamento. This human resource makes it easy to find com­ petent local staff in areas such as sales, customer support, telemarketing call cen­ ters, accounting and payroll services, pro­ cessing facilities, and administrative and management duties. An active Chamber of Commerce and Industry helps enterprises to identify resources, make professional connections, and keep abreast of Aruba’s current busi­ ness trends and new markets. The chamber also administers and supervises the Trade Registry and the Foundations Registry. The Aruba Investment Agency (ARINA) is set up to fast track the estab­ lishment of new ventures through ex­ clusive permit and licensing procedures. ARINA also serves as a liaison between

in­­vestors and government to promote timely consideration of business proposals. Aruba’s stable economy, investment in­ centives, tax regime, experienced legal services, and sophisticated banking system also make this island business-friendly. The island’s telecommunications compa­ nies ensure top-notch connectivity with the outside world, 24 /7.

Green Aruba opens doors to innovation

By 2020 Aruba plans to become a small-island leader in the application of renewable energy. Twenty percent of the island’s power already comes from wind energy. The government’s commitment to green technologies and eco-friendly innovations was exemplified by its E

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Facebook: Asba Aruba Photo by Luis Mejia

Left photo by Bigstock. Right photo by Harry Thomas

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