SUE CHOI landscape architecture 2019
AVIARY INDICATORS FOR REMIDIARY SPECIES “Dendritic Taxonomies� | Spring 2018 | Instructor Andrew Madl
The selected site in Nashville is an industrial side prone to flood. Monetary and temporal damages from the 2010 Nashville flood suggest that the site might benefit from a new paradigm. This project imagines programming and topographic language that is vastly from its current site-less industrial-commercial usage. I propose a site that is suitable for the Northern Bobwhite, an indicator species and the state game bird for Tennessee, and the remedial properties of poplars to rehabilitate the site for an urban ecosystem. This second semester studio focuses on the connection between form and function and ecological, social, and economic systems. Rhinoceros 5.0 and Grasshopper are the primary tools of this studio.
_top: view of sight with poplar trees highlighted
_middle: landform iterations, modeled in Rhino and 3Dprinted
_bottom: the aviary hero, the northern bobwhite
_top: project timeline for remediating the site
_bottom: yearlong calendar with plants, Nashville climate, and the bobwhite
_topleft: plan diagram with buildings and polar arrangement _topright: oblique view with poplars highlighted
_bottom: illustrated relationship between social and ecological systems
PROPOSAL FOR REST AREAS ALONG TENNESSEE RIVER UT River Studio | Fall 2018 | Instructor Brad Collett
< Rest > is an essential part of any network. The Tennessee RiverLine will primarily be a transportation network of multi-modal trails, where the medium of the travel will be the Tennessee River and the land surrounding the waterbody. Rest, for any traveler, will be an integral part of their movement throughout the RiverLine. The Tennessee RiverLine RiverStop is a conceptual foundation to capitalize on necessity for a transportation network. The RiverStops will serve as an < interface > between different members of the RiverLine: from the Hero User to the residents of the local community, between watercraft users and land vehicles, and also between people and natural resources, to foster a dialogue about the history and future of the Tennessee Valley.
_left: types of rests that are manifested into sites
_right: conceptual diagram for the RiverLine Riverstop
_below: an important question
_top: abridged list of amenities that are expected in highway rest stops (black) and RiverLine RiverStops (blue), all created for RiverStop project _bottom: four activities of rest
_The RiverHub, “Rest As Attraction”
_The RiverStay, “Rest As Necessity”
What is “Urban Wilderness?” In the city of Knoxville, it is a name of a system of forested land along the downtown’s south waterfront. Ijams Nature Center, a former marble quarry, is part of this system is open to the public for recreational use. “Rugged,” in contrast to clean-cut geometric forms of the city, is the primary expression of what is seen here. I documen my visit through photographs and a series of sketches. Photos were taken with an Olympus OM-D EM5 I and edited in Lightroom.
_left: texture studies
_right: 10-min sketch