Page 1



Last Year Area Bellevue 35 25 Elkhorn in Sun Valley 43 30 Hailey 88 56 Ketchum 48 60 Mackay 3 7 South of Ketchum77 84 North of Ketchum31 15 Other 54 24 Stanley Basin 4 3 South Blaine Co 9 16 Sun Valley 24 13 Warm Springs in Ketchum 34 25 TOTAL 450 358

New Listings PCT

-28 -30 -36 25 133 9 -51 -55 -25 77 -45 -26 -20

Last This Year Year

7 7 30 8 1 16 4 10 0 1 3 4 91

6 6 18 13 0 19 2 3 1 0 1 1 70

Number Under Contract Number Sold Last This PCT Year Year

-14 -14 -40 62 18 -50 -70 + -66 -75 -23

5 9 29 5 1 6 5 8 0 3 3 3 77

Last This PCT Year Year

4 -20 3 5 -44 3 13 -55 13 12 140 3 0 0 7 16 3 1 -80 1 6 -25 4 0 0 1 0 0 1 -66 1 7 133 3 56 -27 35


2 -33 6 100 12 -7 4 33 0 0 6 100 1 0 2 -50 0 0 0 4 300 1 -66 38 8

Sold Volume

Average Sale Price

Median Sales Price

Percent of List

Last Year

This Year


Last Year

This Year


Last Year

This Year


972,500 4,638,500 5,497,500 2,130,000 0 1,552,500 119,000 3,073,500 400,000 0 1,385,000 5,125,000 24,893,500

872,000 7,074,000 4,229,000 7,112,568 0 9,675,000 2,200,000 280,000 0 0 8,492,500 2,600,000 42,535,068

-10 52 -23 233 0 523 ### -90 0 513 -49 70

324,167 1,546,167 422,885 710,000 0 517,500 119,000 768,375 400,000 0 1,385,000 1,708,333 711,243

436,000 1,179,000 352,417 1,778,142 0 1,612,500 2,200,000 140,000 0 0 2,123,125 2,600,000 1,119,344

34 -23 -16 150 0 211 ### -81 0 53 52 57

310,000 1,140,000 368,000 740,000 0 495,000 119,000 695,500 400,000 0 1,385,000 2,000,000 435,000

436,000 1,262,500 355,750 1,427,284 0 1,287,500 2,200,000 140,000 0 0 1,396,250 2,600,000 807,500

40 10 -3 92 0 160 1748 -79 -100 0 0 30 85

Last Year This Year

95 92 98 98 0 95 95 89 94 0 97 89 94

99 93 97 92 0 94 82 87 0 0 93 97 93


4 1 -1 -6 0 0 -14 -2 0 -4 8 -1



Last Year Area Bellevue 28 18 Elkhorn in Sun Valley33 23 Hailey 66 43 Ketchum 37 48 Mackay 3 7 South of Ketchum 67 66 North of Ketchum 27 12 Other 49 19 Stanley Basin 4 3 South Blaine Co 8 16 Sun Valley 22 12 Warm Springs in Ketchum 26 21 TOTAL 370 288

New Listings PCT

-35 -30 -34 29 133 -1 -55 -61 -25 100 -45 -19 -22

Last This Year Year

2 6 16 3 0 8 2 5 0 0 0 2 44

2 1 6 7 0 6 2 1 0 0 1 1 27

Number Under Contract Number Sold Last This PCT Year Year

0 -83 -62 133 0 -25 0 -80 0 0 + -50 -38

1 2 12 1 1 2 2 6 0 2 1 0 30

1 1 6 6 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 5 25

Last This PCT Year Year

0 -50 -50 500 50 -50 0 + -16

3 2 8 2 0 3 0 2 0 0 1 0 21

1 3 6 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 18

Sold Volume

Average Sale Price


Last Year

This Year

-66 50 -25 0 0 0 0

972,500 1,863,500 3,121,000 1,480,000 0 1,552,500 0 407,500 0 0 1,385,000 0 10,782,000

452,000 3,474,000 2,042,500 2,429,568 0 4,255,000 0 0 0 0 7,292,500 0 19,945,568

0 0 200 0 -14


-53 86 -34 64 0 174 0 0 0 426 0 84

Last Year

324,167 931,750 390,125 740,000 0 517,500 0 203,750 0 0 1,385,000 0 513,429

Median Sales Price

This Year

452,000 1,158,000 340,417 1,214,784 0 1,418,333 0 0 0 0 2,430,833 0 1,108,087


39 24 -12 64 0 174 0 0 0 75 0 115

Last Year

310,000 931,750 350,250 740,000 0 495,000 0 203,750 0 0 1,385,000 0 427,500

This Year

452,000 1,200,000 342,000 1,214,784 0 1,675,000 0 0 0 0 1,550,000 0 724,500

Percent of List PCT Last Year This Year

45 28 -2 64 0 238 0 -100 0 0 11 0 69

95 90 98 99 0 95 0 98 0 0 97 0 96


98 3 94 4 99 0 89 -9 0 0 91 -3 0 0 00 0 0 0 93 -4 0 0 94 -2


CONDOS Total Active

New Listings

Last This Year Year

Last This Year Year

PCT Area Elkhorn in Sun 34Valley 29 -14 Hailey 11 10 -9 Ketchum 65 60 -7 North of Ketchum 1 0Sun Valley 18 22 22 Warm Springs30in Ketchum 24 -20 TOTAL 159 145 -8

10 6 17 1 3 6 43

Number Under Contract Number Sold

Last This PCT Year Year

12 20 4 -33 19 11 05 66 4 -33 44 2

15 0 13 0 5 9 42

13 3 14 0 3 4 37

Last This PCT Year Year

-13 + 7 0 -40 -55 -11

9 0 10 0 3 6 28


10 11 0 0 10 0 0 0 3 0 4 -33 27 -3

Sold Volume

Average Sale Price

Last Year

This Year


2,548,000 0 7,869,500 0 2,460,000 1,679,999 14,557,499

3,380,900 0 5,107,000 0 1,079,000 1,357,500 10,924,400

32 0 -35 0 -56 -19 -24

Last Year

283,111 0 786,950 0 820,000 280,000 519,911

This Year

Median Sales Price PCT

338,090 19 0 0 510,700 -35 0 0 359,667 -56 339,375 21 404,607 -22

Last Year

260,000 0 712,500 0 435,000 272,500 295,500

This Year

302,500 0 364,500 0 430,000 288,750 335,000

Percent of List PCT Last Year This Year

16 0 -48 0 -1 5 13

95 0 95 0 97 89 94

96 0 97 0 98 95 96


1 0 1 0 0 6 2


CONDOS Total Active

New Listings

Last This Year Year

Last This Year Year

Area lkhorn in Sun22 Valley 22 0 Hailey 11 10 -9 Ketchum 56 47 -16 North of Ketchum 1 0Sun Valley 14 17 21 Warm Springs24in Ketchum 20 -16 TOTAL 128 116 -9 PCT

2 1 8 0 0 3 14

Number U/C

Last This PCT Year Year

7 250 2 100 5 -37 0 0 0 0 3 0 17 21

3 0 9 0 2 5 19

8 3 7 0 1 0 19

Number Sold

Last This PCT Year Year

166 + -22 0 -50 0

6 0 4 0 1 2 13


1 -83 0 0 6 50 0 0 2 100 3 50 12 -7

Sold Volume Last Year

1,737,000 0 4,054,500 0 435,000 575,000 6,801,500

Average Sale Price This Year


366,500 -78 0 0 3,178,000 -21 0 0 649,000 49 1,067,500 85 5,261,000 -22

Last Year

289,500 0 1,013,625 0 435,000 287,500 523,192

This Year

Median Sales Price PCT

366,500 26 0 0 529,667 -47 0 0 324,500 -25 355,833 23 438,417 -16

Last Year

256,000 0 781,750 0 435,000 287,500 295,000

This Year

366,500 0 362,000 0 324,500 287,500 350,750

Percent of List PCT Last Year This Year

43 0 -53 0 -25 0 18

95 0 97 0 97 89 94

92 0 96 0 99 94 95


-3 0 -1 0 1 6 1


TOWNHOMES Total Active Last

New Listings




Year Year PCT Year Year Area 12 Valley 4 -66 1 3 Elkhorn in Sun Hailey 16 10 -37 4 7 Ketchum 25 9 -64 4 3 Sun Valley 5 2 -60 2 1 Warm Springs 14in Ketchum 8 -42 7 1 TOTAL 72 33 -54 18 15 Sun Valley 3 1 -66 8 8 Warm Springs10 in Ketchum 10 0 14 22 TOTAL 68 28 -58 149 108


Number Under Contract Number Sold Last Year

This Year

200 4 75 6 -25 4 -50 1 -85 0 -16 15 0 4 57 11 -27 112


Last Year

1 2 3 2 0 8

-75 2 -66 5 -25 3 100 0 0 0 -46 10 8 100 4 8 -27 12 97 -13 107

This Year


0 4 3 2 0 9

-20 0 + 0 -10 7 75 8 -33 94 -12

Sold Volume Last Year

Average Sale Price This Year

1,680,000 0 1,153,000 996,500 3,110,000 3,750,000 0 6,065,000 0 0 5,943,000 10,811,500 2,579,000 7,160,875 9,395,000 5,301,500 65,862,859 64,394,875


Last Year

This Year

Median Sales Price PCT

Last Year

Percent of List

This Year


840,000 0 840,000 0 -13 230,600 249,125 8 225,000 258,500 20 1,036,667 1,250,000 20 1,100,000 1,225,000 + 0 3,032,500 + 0 3,032,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 81 594,300 1,201,278 102 404,500 1,050,000 177 644,750 1,022,982 58 439,500 515,000 -43 782,917 662,688 -15 823,500 595,000 -2 615,541 685,052 11 370,000 442,500

-100 14 11 + 0 159 17 -27 19

Last Year This Year

90 95 92 0 0 92

0 98 93 96 0 96 96 95 97


2 0 + 0 4 95 96 96

0 1 -1


TOWNHOMES Total Active Last Year

This Year

PCT Area Elkhorn in Sun 9Valley4 -55 Hailey 13 9 -30 Ketchum 23 6 -73 Sun Valley 5 1 -80 Warm Springs14 in Ketchum 8 -42 TOTAL 64 28 -56

New Listings

Number Under Contract Number Sold

Sold Volume

Last Year

Last Year

Last Year

This Year

0 2 3 2 2 9


2 4 1 1 0 8

+ 100 -66 -50 -11

This Year

1 4 2 1 0 8


1 0 2 -50 01 0 0 0 4 -50

Last Year

This Year

0 3 2 0 0 5


0 0 3 0 2 0 1+ 0 0 6 20

0 783,000 2,010,000 0 0 2,793,000

Average Sale Price This Year


0 0 706,500 -9 2,700,000 34 4,100,000 + 0 0 7,506,500 168

Last Year

0 261,000 1,005,000 0 0 558,600

This Year

Median Sales Price PCT

0 0 235,500 -9 1,350,000 34 4,100,000 + 0 0 1,251,083 123

Last Year

0 229,000 1,005,000 0 0 329,000

This Year

Percent of List PCT

0 227,000 1,350,000 4,100,000 + 0 762,250

Last Year This Year PCT

0 0 34 0 131

0 94 96 0 0 95

0 0 98 4 94 -1 98 + 0 0 97 2


VACANT LAND Total Active Last This Year Year

PCT Area Bellevue 40 40 0 Elkhorn in Sun Valley 18 21 16 Hailey 118 132 11 Ketchum 10 16 60 Mackay 0 17 + South of Ketchum 85 72 -15 North of Ketchum 21 10 -52 Other 101 45 -55 South Blaine Co40 33 -17 Stanley Basin 2 4 100 Sun Valley 22 14 -36 Warm Springs in21 Ketchum 25 19 TOTAL 478 429 -10

New Listings Last This Year Year

3 1 15 3 0 9 1 22 2 0 0 1 57

7 1 5 3 7 7 3 18 3 0 1 2 57

Number U/C

Last This PCT Year Year

133 0 -66 0 + -22 200 -18 50 0 + 100 0

2 0 3 1 0 3 0 4 5 0 0 1 19

2 0 3 0 3 1 0 1 1 0 0 2 13

Number Sold

Last This PCT Year Year

0 0 0 + -66 0 -75 -80 0 0 100 -31

1 0 4 2 0 2 2 3 6 0 1 0 21

1 1 5 0 1 3 1 2 2 0 1 0 17

Sold Volume


0 + 25 + 50 -50 -33 -66 0 0 0 -19

Last Year

72,500 0 1,107,300 6,375,000 0 345,000 2,925,000 234,000 498,400 0 1,500,000 0 13,057,200

Average Sale Price This Year

115,000 475,000 961,500 0 55,000 1,535,000 660,000 121,000 320,000 0 487,000 0 4,729,500


58 + -13 + 344 -77 -48 -35 0 -67 0 -63

Last Year

72,500 0 276,825 3,187,500 0 172,500 1,462,500 78,000 83,067 0 1,500,000 0 621,771

Median Sales Price

This Year

115,000 475,000 192,300 0 55,000 511,667 660,000 60,500 160,000 0 487,000 0 278,206


58 + -30 + 196 -54 -22 92 0 -67 0 -55

Last Year

72,500 0 147,000 2,475,000 0 172,500 1,462,500 96,000 55,450 0 1,500,000 0 142,000

This Year

115,000 475,000 + 164,000 0 55,000 + 325,000 660,000 60,500 160,000 0 487,000 0 200,000

Percent of List PCT Last Year This Year




11 -100 88 -54 -36 188 0 -67 0 40

97 0 94 93 0 86 81 88 87 0 95 0 90

79 86 + 94 092 + 93 92 92 84 0 98 0 90


8 13 5 -3 0 2 0 0


VACANT LAND Total Active Last This Year Year

PCT Area Bellevue 33 37 12 Elkhorn in Sun Valley 18 21 16 Hailey 107 127 18 Ketchum 7 12 71 Mackay 0 12 + South of Ketchum 78 69 -11 North of Ketchum 21 9 -57 Other 100 39 -61 South Blaine Co39 33 -15 Stanley Basin 2 4 100 Sun Valley 22 14 -36 Warm Springs in20 Ketchum 23 15 TOTAL 447 400 -10

New Listings Last This Year Year

2 1 5 3 0 2 1 18 1 0 0 1 34

5 0 0 0 2 3 2 13 2 0 0 1 28

Number U/C

Last This PCT Year Year

150 + 50 100 -27 100 0 0 0 -17

2 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 4 0 0 1 12

1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 6

Number Sold

Last This PCT Year Year

-50 0 -50 0 + + 0 -75 0 0 0 -50

1 0 2 1 0 1 1 0 6 0 0 0 12

1 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5

Sold Volume


0 + 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -58

Last Year

72,500 0 813,300 3,900,000 0 180,000 2,450,000 0 498,400 0 0 0 7,914,200

Average Sale Price This Year

115,000 475,000 424,500 0 0 300,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,314,500


58 + -47 0 66 0 0 0 0 -83

Last Year

72,500 0 406,650 3,900,000 0 180,000 2,450,000 0 83,067 0 0 0 659,517

Median Sales Price

This Year

115,000 475,000 212,250 0 0 300,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 262,900


58 + -47 0 66 0 0 0 0 -60

Last Year

72,500 0 406,650 0 0 180,000 2,450,000 0 55,450 0 0 0 105,000

This Year

115,000 475,000 + 212,250 0 0 300,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 272,000

Percent of List PCT Last Year This Year




-47 0 0 66 -100 0 -100 0 0 0 159

97 0 92 100 0 72 89 0 87 0 0 0 90

79 86 93 0 0 95 0 0 0 0 0 0 88

+ 0 0 31 0 0 0 0 -2

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