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Last Year

Bellevue ELKHORN Hailey Ketchum Mackay South of Ketchum North of Ketchum Other Stanley Basin South Blaine Co Sun Valley WARM SPRINGS TOTAL

57 50 162 64 5 102 40 66 7 21 28 42 644

This Year

48 39 116 76 13 109 19 36 6 24 21 34 541

New Listings

Number Under Contract Number Sold

Last This Year Year

Last This PCT Year Year

Last This PCT Year Year


-15 29 28 -22 14 15 -28 104 77 18 24 32 160 3 6 6 41 44 -52 13 6 -45 22 15 -14 3 4 14 13 8 -25 7 9 -19 12 10 -15 285 254

-3 19 18 7 12 11 -25 85 56 33 10 17 100 2 2 7 19 18 -53 11 4 -31 20 9 33 1 2 -38 7 5 28 6 2 -16 13 12 -10 205 156

-5 10 12 -8 9 11 -34 58 35 70 6 10 0 2 0 -5 13 12 -63 10 1 -55 17 10 100 1 1 -28 5 1 -66 4 4 -7 8 9 -23 143 106

20 22 -39 66 -7 -90 -41 0 -80 0 12 -25


Sold Volume Last Year

3,351,500 12,238,500 26,326,125 7,955,000 345,000 13,717,000 17,367,817 6,951,500 400,000 3,250,000 11,470,000 15,290,000 118,662,442

Average Sale Price This Year


5,414,000 12,969,000 15,869,138 16,392,568 0 15,501,400 2,200,000 1,861,900 4,200,000 225,000 8,492,500 12,285,000 95,410,506

61 5 -39 106 13 -87 -73 950 -93 -25 -19 -19

Last Year

335,150 1,359,833 453,899 1,325,833 172,500 1,055,154 1,736,782 408,912 400,000 650,000 2,867,500 1,911,250 829,807

This Year

451,167 1,179,000 453,404 1,639,257 0 1,291,783 2,200,000 186,190 4,200,000 225,000 2,123,125 1,365,000 900,099

Median Sales Price PCT

34 -13 0 23 22 26 -54 950 -65 -25 -28 8

Last Year

303,000 1,140,000 378,500 995,000 172,500 888,000 1,040,000 225,000 400,000 295,000 2,542,500 1,612,500 438,000

This Year

407,500 1,200,000 410,000 1,495,000 0 847,500 2,200,000 177,500 4,200,000 225,000 1,396,250 1,300,000 565,000

Percent of List PCT

34 5 8 50 -100 -4 111 -21 950 -23 -45 -19 28

Last Year This Year

97 94 97 95 98 95 92 95 94 81 92 91 93


97 0 94 0 97 0 94 -1 0 96 1 82 -11 95 0 86 -8 100 23 93 0 92 1 93 0


SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Total Active Last Year Area Bellevue 41 Elkhorn in Sun Valley 31 Hailey 84 Ketchum 42 Mackay 3 South of Ketchum 74 North of Ketchum 26 Other 42 Stanley Basin 7 South Blaine Co 15 Sun Valley 17 Warm Springs in Ketchum 21 TOTAL 403

This Year

30 19 69 47 12 64 15 25 4 19 17 18 339

New Listings PCT

-26 -38 -17 11 300 -13 -42 -40 -42 26 0 -14 -15

Last This Year Year

7 10 6 6 33 28 7 13 1 5 14 11 5 2 4 7 3 2 7 4 1 7 1 5 89 100

Number Under Contract Number Sold Last This PCT Year Year

42 0 -15 85 400 -21 -60 75 -33 -42 600 400 12

9 2 21 1 0 6 2 6 1 1 0 2 51

6 2 26 4 1 4 2 2 0 2 1 4 54

Last This PCT Year Year

-33 0 23 300 + -33 0 -66 100 + 100 5

2 0 18 0 1 5 3 5 0 1 0 3 38

6 2 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15


200 + -61 0 0 0 -60

Sold Volume Last Year

581,000 0 7,881,500 0 195,000 6,509,000 3,380,000 890,000 0 575,000 0 4,100,000 24,111,500

Average Sale Price This Year

3,416,500 2,475,000 3,413,638 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,305,138


488 + -56 0 0 0 -61

Last Year

This Year

Median Sales Price PCT

290,500 569,417 96 0 1,237,500 + 437,861 487,663 11 0 0 0 195,000 01,301,800 01,126,667 0178,000 00 0 0 575,000 00 0 0 1,366,667 0634,513 620,343 -2

Last Year

This Year

Percent of List PCT Last Year This Year

290,500 515,000 77 0 1,237,500 + 406,750 520,000 27 0 0 0 195,000 0 -100 1,200,000 0 -100 1,080,000 0 -100 165,000 0 -100 0 0 0 575,000 0 -100 0 0 0 1,525,000 0 -100 431,500 535,000 23

98 0 98 0 102 95 92 97 0 96 0 93 96

96 94 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 96


-2 + 0 0 0 0 0


CONDOS Total Active Last This Year Year

New Listings Last This Year Year

Number Under Contract Number Sold Last This PCT Year Year

Area Elkhorn in Sun Valley 56 48 -14 32 31 -3 Hailey 14 18 28 9 12 33 Ketchum 88 84 -4 40 43 7 South of Ketchum 2 02 0North of Ketchum 1 01 0Sun Valley 37 35 -5 22 17 -22 Warm Springs in Ketchum 36 36 0 12 16 33 TOTAL 234 221 -5 118 119 0 PCT

33 29 4 13 25 31 2 0 1 0 15 15 17 14 97 102

Last This PCT Year Year

-12 225 24 0 -17 5

29 2 22 0 1 13 16 83

Sold Volume


27 -6 9 350 28 27 0 0 012 -7 12 -25 88 6

Average Sale Price

Last Year

This Year

9,950,825 410,500 15,312,650 0 1,775,000 7,471,500 6,434,999 41,355,474

9,605,800 1,826,800 16,370,261 0 0 5,074,000 4,079,500 36,956,361


-3 345 6 0 -32 -36 -10

Last Year

Median Sales Price

This Year

343,132 205,250 696,030 0 1,775,000 574,731 402,187 498,259

355,770 202,978 584,652 0 0 422,833 339,958 419,959


3 -1 -16 0 -26 -15 -15

Last Year

285,000 205,250 550,000 0 1,775,000 480,000 272,500 350,000

This Year

345,000 225,000 399,000 0 0 445,000 288,750 345,000

Percent of List PCT Last Year This Year

21 9 -27 0 -100 -7 5 -1

96 97 96 0 96 97 93 96

96 98 97 0 097 96 97


0 1 0 0 0 3 1


CONDOS Total Active Last

New Listings


Year Year Area Elkhorn in Sun Valley 28 22 Hailey 9 6 Ketchum 54 42 South of Ketchum 2 0 Sun Valley 23 17 Warm Springs in Ketchum 18 19 TOTALS 134 106


-21 -33 -22 -26 5 -20

Last This Year Year

14 3 7 2 13 2 41

12 4 11 0 6 4 37

Number U/C Last This PCT Year Year

-14 33 57 -53 100 -9

5 1 7 2 5 2 22

Number Sold Last This PCT Year Year

8 60 2 100 7 0 05 0 1 -50 23 4

5 0 2 0 6 3 16

5 4 6 0 4 2 21

Sold Volume


0 + 200 0 -33 -33 31

Last Year

2,009,825 0 338,000 0 3,001,500 621,000 5,970,325

Average Sale Price This Year

1,781,000 897,900 3,581,500 0 2,090,000 424,000 8,774,400


-11 + 959 0 -30 -31 46

Last Year

401,965 0 169,000 0 500,250 207,000 373,145

Median Sales Price

This Year


356,200 -11 224,475 + 596,917 253 0 0 522,500 4 212,000 2 417,829 11

Last Year

370,000 0 169,000 0 477,000 216,000 363,750

This Year

345,000 237,500 + 477,500 0 495,000 212,000 284,900

Percent of List PCT Last Year This Year

-6 182 0 3 -1 -21

97 0 99 0 100 91 97

97 98 + 96 0 99 100 98


0 -2 0 0 9 1


TOWNHOMES Total Active Last

New Listings


Year Year PCT Area 13 Valley 4 -69 Elkhorn in Sun Hailey 32 24 -25 Ketchum 31 19 -38 Sun Valley 7 3 -57 Warm Springs 19in Ketchum 11 -42 TOTAL 102 61 -40

Number Under Contract Number Sold

Sold Volume

Average Sale Price

Last Year

This Year


Last Year

This Year


Last Year

This Year


Last Year

This Year


Last Year

2 20 10 4 12 48

3 21 10 2 4 40

50 5 0 -50 -66 -16

5 15 11 2 3 36

1 16 8 2 3 30

-80 6 -27 0 0 -16

7 14 9 2 3 35

1 16 6 3 2 28

-85 14 -33 50 -33 -20

6,425,000 3,051,500 7,486,500 945,000 2,360,000 20,268,000

1,440,000 4,174,500 10,338,000 9,440,000 1,114,500 26,507,000

-77 36 38 898 -52 30

917,857 217,964 831,833 472,500 786,667 579,086

This Year

Median Sales Price PCT

Last Year

1,440,000 56 1,010,000 260,906 19 226,000 1,723,000 107 785,000 3,146,667 565 472,500 557,250 -29 725,000 946,679 63 480,000

Percent of List

This Year


1,440,000 269,500 1,137,500 3,375,000 557,250 313,500

42 19 44 614 -23 -34

Last Year This Year

93 97 96 95 96 95

98 98 95 96 95 96


4 0 -1 1 0 1


TOWNHOMES Total Active Last Year

This Year

Area Elkhorn in Sun 6Valley2 -66 Hailey 18 8 -55 Ketchum 17 14 -17 Sun Valley 4 1 -75 Warm Springs14 in Ketchum 7 -50 TOTAL 59 32 -45 PCT

New Listings

Number Under Contract Number Sold

Sold Volume

Last Year

Last Year

Last Year

1 7 4 1 4 17

This Year

0 6 5 0 0 11


-14 25 -35

This Year

0 3 2 0 1 6


0 3 3 0 1 7

0 0 50 0 0 16

Last Year

This Year

0 1 2 0 3 6


0 0 4 300 1 -50 0 0 2 -33 7 16

0 228,000 1,270,000 0 2,360,000 3,858,000

Average Sale Price This Year

0 1,198,000 1,040,000 0 1,114,500 3,352,500


0 425 -18 0 -52 -13

Last Year

0 228,000 635,000 0 786,667 643,000

This Year

Median Sales Price PCT

0 0 299,500 31 1,040,000 63 0 0 557,250 -29 478,929 -25

Last Year

0 228,000 635,000 0 725,000 635,000

This Year

0 286,000 1,040,000 0 557,250 315,000

Percent of List PCT

Last Year This Year PCT

0 25 63 0 -23 -50

0 99 96 0 96 97

0 97 99 0 95 97

0 -1 3 0 0 0


VACANT LAND Total Active Last This Year Year

New Listings Last This Year Year

Area Bellevue 47 57 21 10 24 Elkhorn in Sun Valley 22 27 22 5 7 Hailey 157 161 2 54 32 Ketchum 15 23 53 8 11 Mackay 5 19 280 5 9 South of Ketchum 100 111 11 24 45 North of Ketchum 23 11 -52 3 4 Other 125 67 -46 46 33 South Blaine Co 50 46 -8 12 16 Stanley Basin 5 9 80 3 4 Sun Valley 24 21 -12 2 8 Warm Springs in26 Ketchum 31 19 6 7 TOTAL 599 583 -2 178 200 PCT

Number U/C Last This PCT Year Year

140 40 -40 37 80 87 33 -28 33 33 300 16 12

6 0 13 1 1 6 0 15 12 1 2 3 60

9 0 19 1 3 6 1 7 7 2 0 4 59

Number Sold Last This PCT Year Year

50 0 46 0 200 0 + -53 -41 100 33 -1

3 0 8 3 0 4 2 9 10 1 2 2 44

6 1 15 1 3 6 1 6 3 2 1 2 47

Sold Volume


100 + 87 -66 + 50 -50 -33 -70 100 -50 0 6

Last Year

328,500 0 1,549,800 9,575,000 0 969,000 2,925,000 602,200 1,037,900 145,000 2,500,000 888,000 20,520,400

Average Sale Price This Year

979,500 475,000 2,499,000 2,500,000 173,000 2,890,000 660,000 461,000 331,000 275,000 487,000 1,401,000 13,131,500


Last Year

Median Sales Price

This Year


Last Year

This Year

198 109,500 163,250 49 90,000 120,000 + 0 475,000 + 0 475,000 + 61 193,725 166,600 -14 123,250 149,000 -73 3,191,667 2,500,000 -21 2,837,500 2,500,000 + 0 57,667 + 0 55,000 + 198 242,250 481,667 98 189,500 312,500 -77 1,462,500 660,000 -54 1,462,500 660,000 -23 66,911 76,833 14 40,000 60,500 -68 103,790 110,333 6 122,250 120,000 89 145,000 137,500 -5 145,000 137,500 -80 1,250,000 487,000 -61 1,250,000 487,000 57 444,000 700,500 57 444,000 700,500 -36 466,373 279,394 -40 139,000 150,000

Percent of List PCT Last Year This Year

33 20 -11 64 -54 51 -1 -5 -61 57 7

94 0 95 93 0 92 81 86 90 91 91 88 90


93 86 + 95 93 91 + 88 92 95 85 99 98 93 92

-1 0 0 -4 13 10 -4 8 7 6 2


VACANT LAND Total Active Last This Year Year

PCT Area Bellevue 34 39 14 Elkhorn in Sun Valley 19 23 21 Hailey 134 133 0 Ketchum 10 16 60 Mackay 5 11 120 South of Ketchum 88 97 10 North of Ketchum 22 9 -59 Other 97 54 -44 South Blaine Co 29 41 41 Stanley Basin 4 7 75 Sun Valley 18 14 -22 Warm Springs in20 Ketchum 25 25 TOTAL 480 469 -2

New Listings Last This Year Year

3 3 28 2 1 5 0 11 8 1 0 1 63

6 4 16 3 2 13 1 11 6 3 7 3 75

Number U/C Last This PCT Year Year

100 33 -42 50 100 160 + 0 -25 200 + 200 19

1 0 4 0 1 1 0 8 1 0 0 0 16

2 0 4 0 0 2 1 3 4 0 0 3 19

Number Sold Last This PCT Year Year

100 0 0 0 100 + -62 300 0 0 + 18

0 0 3 0 0 1 0 3 3 0 0 0 10

2 0 7 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 2 14

Sold Volume


+ 0 133 0 0 0 0 -66 + 0 + 40

Last Year

0 0 344,500 0 0 425,000 0 96,200 399,500 0 0 0 1,265,200

Average Sale Price This Year

510,000 0 978,000 0 0 880,000 0 0 11,000 150,000 0 1,401,000 3,930,000


+ 0 183 0 0 107 0 -97 + 0 + 210

Last Year

0 0 114,833 0 0 425,000 0 32,067 133,167 0 0 0 126,520

Median Sales Price

This Year

255,000 0 139,714 0 0 880,000 0 0 11,000 150,000 0 700,500 280,714


+ 0 21 0 0 107 0 -91 + 0 + 121

Last Year

0 0 122,500 0 0 425,000 0 34,000 122,500 0 0 0 122,250

This Year

255,000 + 0 135,000 0 0 880,000 0 0 11,000 150,000 + 0 700,500 + 142,000

Percent of List PCT Last Year This Year

0 10 0 0 107 0 -100 -91 0 16

0 0 96 0 0 94 0 87 93 0 0 0 92

95 0 96 0 0 89 0 0 88 100 0 93 94


+ 0 0 0 0 -5 0 -5 + 0 + 2

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