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Youth Sports Leagues

Brushy Creek Youth League Benefits • Learn fundamentals • Skill development • Good sportsmanship • Recreational leagues • All games & practices at BCCC

*A $10 late fee will be added after the registration deadline . $20 cancellation fee if withdraw > 7 days in advance of start date . No refund if withdraw < 7 days in advance of start date .

Fall Youth Tee Ball League

This co-ed league is sure to be a hit while introducing young players to baseball! Players will develop their skills while focusing on the basic fundamentals of throwing, catching, and hitting . Players all hit from an adjustable batting tee . 6 games played on Saturday mornings with one practice each week . Registration: Members: June 19 - August 18* Open: June 26 - August 18* Season Starts: September 30 (practice week of Sept 18)

Saturday Games Weeknight Practice Community Park Field

3 - 4 years 211750 5 - 6 years 221751 $75 BCCC Member | $80 BCMUD Resident | $90 Non-Res*

Fall Youth Flag Football League

Are you ready for some football? This co-ed flag football league offers a low-contact, continuous action sport. All games will be played at the Community Park Field . Practice fields will be provided within the District. The season consists of 6 games for three age divisions . Registration: Members: June 19 - August 18* Open: June 26 - August 18*

Season Starts: October 3 (practice week of Sept 18)

Tuesdays Community Park Field

1st grade


2nd grade


3rd grade


4th grade


5th grade


6th grade


$75 BCCC Member | $80 BCMUD Resident | $90 Non-Res*

Fall Youth Soccer League

Join Brushy Creek’s youth recreational co-ed soccer league! Play six games with one practice a week. Practice fields will be provided within the District . Registration: Members: June 19 - August 18* Open: June 26 - August 18* Season Starts: September 30 (practice week of Sept 18)

Saturday Games Community Park Field

3 - 4 years 211350 5 - 6 years 221351

(3-on-3) (4-on-4)

7 - 8 years 221352

(5-on-5 with goalie) 9 - 10 years 221353

(9-on-9 with goalie) $75 BCCC Member | $80 BCMUD Resident | $90 Non-Res*

Fall Youth Volleyball League Summer Youth Basketball League

Bump, set, and spike your way to fun! Weeknight practice and Saturday games will be held at the Community Center .


Members: June 19 - August 18* Open: June 26 - August 18*

Season Starts: Sept 30 (practice week of Sept 18) Tournament: November 18 Ages 3rd - 9th grade BCCC Gymnasium 3rd grade 221855 4th grade 221855 5th grade 221850 6th grade 231851 7th grade 231852 8th grade 231853 9th grade 241854 $70 BCCC Member | $80 BCMUD Resident | $95 Non-Res* Hoopsters get ready! This league consists of both boy and girl divisions . Six games (for all divisions) plus an end-ofseason tournament for 4th grade & up . Saturday games and weeknight practice . BCCC Gymnasium Registration: Members: March 27 - May 22* Open: April 3 - May 22* Season Starts: July 8 (practice week of June 26) Tournament: Aug 19 K-1st grade co-ed 120250 2nd grade boys 120251 girls 120252 3rd grade boys 120255 girls 120252 4th grade boys 120253 girls 120254 5th grade boys 120256 girls 120254 6th grade boys 130255 girls 130256 7th grade boys 130257 girls 130258 8th grade boys 130259 girls 130260 9th grade boys 140261 girls 140262 10th grade boys 140263 girls 140264

Fencing & Martial Arts

Round Rock Fencing Club*

Fencing, the modern-day Olympic style swordplay . Learn the basics of the three swords used in the Olympics . The class includes, skills in attacking and defending, footwork, blade work, agility, balance, strategy, sportsmanship, and the rules of the game . Must wear long pants, athletic shoes and t-shirt . All equipment will be provided for beginners .

Session Dates

Intro To Fencing Monday & Wednesday 5:00 - 7:00 pm Intermediate & Competitive Sabre Monday & Wednesday 5:00 - 7:00 pm Intermediate & Competitive Foil & Epee Tuesday & Thursday 5:30 - 7:30 pm

March 27 - May 4 170601-01 May 8 - June 8^


June 12 - July 20


July 24 - August 24 170605-01 August 28 - October 5^ 170606-01 Fees $155 BCCC Member $160 BCMUD Resident $170 Non-Resident: $160 BCCC Member $165 BCMUD Resident $175 Non-Resident $160 BCCC Member $165 BCMUD Resident $175 Non-Resident

170601-02 170602-02 170603-02 170605-02 170606-02

Ages: 7 years & up BCCC Gymnasium ^No class May 29, Sept 4

170601-03 170602-03 170603-03 170605-03 170606-03

NOTE: Coach’s prior approval required before enrolling in Intermediate .

Fencing Instructors: Coach Alan Uthoff

(512) 632-9035 alan.uthoff@roundrockfencingclub.com

Coach Peter Kaskan

(512) 632-4184 peter .kaskan@roundrockfencingclub .com www .RoundRockFencingClub .com

Fencing Summer Camp*

Fencing, the modern day Olympic style swordplay . Learn the basics of the three swords used in the Olympics . Camp includes skills in attacking and defending, footwork, blade work, agility, balance, strategy, sportsmanship, and the rules of the game . MUST wear long pants, athletic shoes and t-shirt . Fee includes camp t-shirt . MUST bring a sack lunch, snacks and a drink each day .

Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 3:00 pm BCCC Gym 170608

June 19 - 23 -01 July 10 - 14 -02 August 7 - 11 -03 Ages: 7 - 13 years $200 BCCC Member | $205 BCMUD Res | $215 Non-res


Taekwondo instills discipline and promotes self-confidence. Our classes engage the mind and body as we focus on improving strength, flexibility, coordination, agility and overall fitness. We help students improve their concentration, learn to persevere and respect themselves and others . Our goal is for students to stay engaged and have fun while working hard in the classes .

Schedule Tuesday Thursday Friday

4:45 - 5:30 pm Beginner Beginner 5:30 - 6:15 pm Intermediate Advanced Intermediate 6:15 - 7:00 pm Leadership Advanced 7:00 - 8:00 pm High School & Adults

Taekwondo Class Registration Information Month 2 Classes a Week Leadership Class Addition 1 Class a Week

April 170901-01 170901-02 170901-13 May 170901-03 170901-04 170901-05

BCCC Member BCMUD Resident:

NonResident June 170901-06 170901-07 170901-08

July 170901-09 170901-10 170901-11

1 class/week $50 $55 $65 2 classes/week $90 $95 $105 Leadership +$35 +$35 +$35 Ages: 5 - Adult Instructor: Syama Mehta (512) 917-7596 August 170901-12 170901-14 170901-15

Tennis Lessons

Youth Summer Tennis & Yoga 2023 Camps*

Weekly 1/2 Day Camps with strictly capped enrollment limits (3-6 Little Ones, 5-10 Older) • Little Ones will play 45 minutes/day, Monday - Thursday • Older kids will play 3 hours/day, Mon - Thurs, (2+ hours tennis, then Yoga in the shade) • Daily play allows for super quick skill progression • Shade breaks taken each hour^: - Please bring water, snacks, racket, towel, yoga mat

Tennis Camp Tennis-Yoga Camp

Monday - Thursday Little Ones 8:00-8:45am Beginner / Advanced Beginner Combo Class 8:45-11:45am^ Almost Intermediate / Intermediate Combo Class 8:45-11:45am^

June 5 - 8 121011-01 121012-01 June 12 - 15 121011-02 121012-02 June 19 - 22 121011-03 121012-03 June 26 - 29 121011-04 121013-01

July 3 - 6 121011-05 121012-04 July 10 - 13 121011-06 121012-05 July 17 - 20 121011-07 121012-06 July 24 - 27 121011-08 121013-02

July 31 - Aug 3 121011-09 121012-07 Aug 7 - 10 121011-10 121012-08

4-Day Camp Fee: Little Ones: $68 BCCC Member | $73 BCMUD Resident | $83 Non-Resident All Others^: $228 BCCC Member | $233 BCMUD Resident | $243 Non-Resident

Level Descriptions

Little Ones: Very basic tennis for 4–6 year old age group .

Beginner: Needs no prior experience . Will learn basic, mid-court groundstrokes and volleys . (7-15 years)

Beginner/Advanced Beginner:

Student needs no prior experience; will learn basic, mid-court ground strokes and volleys, also for student who can already handle mid-court ground strokes and easy volleys; will progress toward full court ground strokes, playing live balls, tougher volleys, overheads and point play . (7-16 years)

Advanced Beginner: Handles midcourt groundstrokes and easy volleys . Will progress toward full-court groundstrokes, playing live balls, tougher volleys, overheads and point play . (8-15 years)

Almost Intermediate: Some control on full-court stationary shots . Will learn directional control and hitting while on the run, serve, topspin, slice, shot selection and implementation . (9-17 years)

Intermediate: Already handles full court shots and moderate volleys . Will learn advanced skills and strategy . (9-17 years)

Almost Intermediate/Intermediate

Combo: Student already has some control on full-court stationary shots . Will learn directional control and hitting while on the run, serve, topspin, slice, shot selection and implementation . Point play, match play, strategy will be included . (9-16 years)

*PLEASE call the office at (512) 632-0672 if your child is outside of the listed age boundaries. All classes are held at the Creekside Park Tennis Courts . Each child should bring a new can of unopened balls to the first day of class.

Instructor: Nancy Rushefsky or KidFit Tennis Staff

kidfit.tennis@gmail.com (512) 632-0672 www .kidfit-tennis-yoga.com

Youth Fall 2023 Tennis Lessons*

Weekly 30 minute - 1 hour class sessions . Enrollment limits (2-4 Little Ones, 3-10 Older)

Mondays (10 weeks)

Sept 11 - Nov 27

Beginner 5:30-6:30pm 221008-01

Advanced Beginner/Almost Intermediate Combo Class 6:30-7:30pm 221008-02

Intermediate 7:30-8:30pm 221008-03

(No class Oct 9, Nov 20) (Bad weather dates Dec 4, 11) Fee: $190 BCCC Member | $195 BCMUD Resident | $205 Non-Resident

Thursdays (11 weeks) Sept 14 - Nov 30

Little Ones 3:45-4:15pm 221007-01

Beginner 4:15-5:15pm 221007-02

Advanced Beginner 5:15-6:15pm 221007-03

Almost Intermediate 6:15-7:15pm 221007-04

Intermediate 7:15-8:15pm 221007-05

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