The Suffield Bell Volume LXXVII, NO. 2
Established 1835
February 2012
Dance-a-thon 2012: Double Devotion Eliana Ferreri ’12 Students, faculty, and staff couldn’t help but be moved by the smiling faces of Jennifer, Hayley, and Michaela Petit, who died in 2007, and beloved alumnus Henry Thevenin ’10, who died LQ DV WKHLU SKRWRV ÀDVKHG on the huge screen in Brewster Hall, where the dining room was transformed into one giant party. Hoping that the dollars they were raising with their dancing would honor the memory of four remarkable people and touch the lives of those in need, students danced twice as hard from 10:00 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 28, to 6:00 a.m. on Sunday, Jan. 29. The process of selecting a charity to receive the proceeds of the 2012 Dance-a-thon was a bit atypical because the student body felt so strongly about supporting the Petit Family Foundation and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. The votes that followed student speeches about a variety of worthy organizations did not UHYHDO D FOHDU ZLQQHU 6XI¿HOG students connected with the personal element of donating to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society in honor of Henry, who
lost his battle with leukemia this past summer, and they were deeply touched by the tragic story of Dr. William Petit, who lost both of his daughters and his ZLIH LQ D KRUULÂżF KRPH LQYDVLRQ in 2007. Pleasingly, a creative solution for the dilemma was found. Headmaster Charlie Cahn spoke with Dr. Petit about Henry, and Dr. Petit agreed to honor Henry by allocating Dance-athon 2012 money to Petit Family Foundation initiatives related to leukemia and blood disease LQ JHQHUDO $ JURXS RI 6XIÂżHOG students will work with Mr. Cahn and Dr. Petit to design a restricted gift program that will DFKLHYH 6XIÂżHOGÂśV WZR JRDOV Dr. Petit, who donned a Dance-a-thon 2012 T-shirt, spoke with television news reporter George Colli ’97 during one of two Fox CT News live broadcasts which featured the night’s events. When asked “How’s it feel to be here and have all these kids supporting your foundation?â€? Dr. Petit replied, “It’s amazing! There’s tremendous energy in this room.â€? The energy in Brewster was the
end result of months of planning and anticipation along with a spirit-building rally that began around 9:15 p.m. when the six Dance-a-thon teams squared off in a friendly shouting match in the Union. Loud music, dancing on tables, horn blowing, glow stick waving, and overall craziness got everyone pumped up for the long night ahead. At 9:45 p.m. students headed upstairs and crowded into %UHZVWHU IR\HU ZKHUH DQ RIÂżFLDO
Dance-a-thon 2012 kick-off took place. When the dining room doors ÂżQDOO\ RSHQHG DW S P VWXGHQWV couldn’t have been more excited to begin the annual event. There was not an inch of extra space on WKH GDQFH Ă€RRU RU WKH SODWIRUPV Two of the best moments of the night were when “Bad Touchâ€? and “Stacy’s Momâ€? came on because, let’s be honest, everyone knows the words to both of those songs. When the last hour rolled around, dancers, being doubly
devoted to two causes, rallied and gave it their all, especially for the countdown song. It is often said that “Henry’s smile could light up a room.� It is SA’s hope that its efforts caused Henry to smile down upon us. And, it is the school’s hope that the expected $40,000 plus to be collected from Dance-a-thon 2012 will cause him to keep smiling as victims of blood diseases receive assistance through the Petit Family Foundation.
Julie Doten ’14
out at the theater. Preparations for the musical began in July when Mr. Dugan, the musical’s director, selected the show. Auditions were KHOG GXULQJ WKH ¿UVW ZHHNV RI September, and throughout the fall returners to the Seaverns stage and newcomers alike put in countless hours preparing for the December show. Students involved as performers, set designers, and technical assistants included Reed Barbe ’12, Joanna McElnea ’12, Lohen Parchment ’12, Pank Praneeprachachon ’12, Carly Smith ’12, Teresa Sweeney ’12, Brenna Turer ’12, Grace Vianney ’12, Nick Brown ’13, Andres Fernåndez Vilches ’13, Cole Hills ’13, Adam
Leibowitz ’13, Noel Nakamura ’13, Jay O’Brien ’13, Bryant O’Connor ’13, Victoria Page ’13, Mike Simmons ’13, Jasmine Brooks ’14, Brittney D’Oleo ’14, Clare Guerreiro ’14, Ryan Malley ’14, Briana Matthews ’14, Harrison Moore ’14, Jono Nelson ’14, Alexis Sarris ’14, Denny Smythe ’14, Abigail Wang ’14, Amanda Baildon ’15, Pierson Holliday ’15, and Greg Pentz ’15. Special congratulations go out to Mr. Dugan and his cast and crew of students and teachers who created a fantastic show WKDW OHIW 6XI¿HOG WKHDWHUJRHUV LQ happy anticipation of You Can’t Take It With You, the school’s spring play.
Photo by Noel Nakamura ’13
Photo by Molly Stromoski ’12
2Q 'HFHPEHU 6XI¿HOG Academy’s Jeanice Seaverns Performing Arts Center was home to the comedic musical Into the Woods, a musical that puts an exciting spin and a new perspective on classic childhood fairytales. Impressive singing, humorous lines, rhythmic rapping, and exciting pyrotechnics enchanted students, teachers, and parents as they became reacquainted with popular fairytale characters such as Cinderella, Jack, the Baker, and Little Red Riding Hood, each with a wish. As other characters, such as the Baker’s wife, a Witch, Rapunzel, and two princes, were thrown into the mix, things started to get interesting. By the end of the ¿UVW DFW DOO RI WKH PDLQ characters’ wishes had been granted, but not without consequences. Throughout the QH[W DFW WKH 6XI¿HOG DXGLHQFH was taken on an unpredictable journey as characters strayed from their classic fairytale plotlines—even Cinderella’s prince had an affair with the Baker’s wife! In the end, only the four main characters lived to continue their stories as audience members headed home fully entertained after a night
While walking through the academic quad, one can’t help but notice and admire the new Hoffman College Counseling Center; however, what many may not realize is the new center is just part of the latest initiative to help students survive the challenging and, at times, scary process of choosing a college. The Hoffman College Counseling Center is the most visible aspect of the expanded college counseling program. After months of preparation and planning, construction began last summer and continued through early autumn. By Parents’
Weekend the 3,000 square foot, two-story addition to the back of Fuller Hall was up and running, thanks to the efforts of many and the generous donations of several lead donors, including Kathy and Bradley Hoffman, and the 2010 Parents’ Association Auction. With more space for students to work on college applications and to meet with college counselors and visiting college admissions representatives, Mrs. Selvitelli, director of college counseling, LV ÂżQGLQJ WKH QHZ VXLWH WR EH DQ “inviting, friendly, and inspiring place to be.â€? Continued on page 2
2 The Bell February 2012
News & Editorials
2FFXS\ Anna Strzempko ’13 If you have not heard about the Occupy Wall Street movement, you may possibly live under a rock RU EH D ¿VFDOO\ FRQVHUYDWLYH VLU who chooses to ignore it (believe me, there are many). On September 17, the ¿UVW JURXS RI DQJU\ RFFXSLHUV descended upon Manhattan’s ¿QDQFLDO GLVWULFW 0DLQO\ D JURXS of young and ambitious protesters, the occupiers are fed up with the gaping disparity between the rich and the poor, with the way corporate greed and capitalism, LQ JHQHUDO KDYH ZRUNHG WR EHQH¿W a tiny elite group at the expense of the majority, and with the American economic structure overall. Occupiers believe that corporate monopoly and Wall Street greed have led to the greatest economic recession in years. They are fed up with the 1% of the country that is writing the story for the economic future of the other 99%. Occupiers see WKH DV VHO¿VKO\ PDNLQJ D mockery of the objectives of this country. They criticize fat cats for recklessly playing around with billions of dollars. After DOO D ¿QDQFLDO GHDO JRQH ZURQJ has little effect on the daily life style of a 1%er but can have devastating consequences for middle and lower class Americans.
The largest criticism thrown at the Occupy Wall Street movement is that it lacks clear demands. But, we must keep in mind that decisions about how to alleviate the country’s ¿QDQFLDO GLVFUHSDQF\ EHORQJ WR the government. The people’s responsibility is to report issues to the government; the government’s responsibility is to ¿[ WKHP The 2012 nominee hopefuls, representative of most politicians, are at a loss as to how to approach the occupiers. Neither Democrats nor Republicans know how to handle the revolution. So far, communication with occupiers has been thrust into the hands of frustrated citizens and civil servants, resulting in horrifying incidents such as the N.Y.P.D. pepper spraying peaceful protestors. A similar incident took place in November on the U.C. Davis campus: again, passive protesters were pepper sprayed. Unable to offer solutions, HOHFWHG RI¿FLDOV VLPSO\ DVN ODZ enforcement to do the dirty work of sweeping protestors’ concerns under the rug. 6KRXOGQœW HOHFWHG RI¿FLDOV be taking a different approach? Shouldn’t they be encouraging Americans to voice their concerns?
Shouldn’t they be praising this movement, which involves people of all ages, races, genders, sexual orientations, and political persuasions, for its display of peace and cohesiveness? Not only have the occupiers protested against the economic inequality of the country but also against racial SUR¿OLQJ VH[LVP DQG SROLFH corruption. Frankly, the harmony the OWS movement has displayed is much greater than anything that has come from the national government in recent months (remember the debt ceiling crisis of August). On November 15, occupiers in New York City’s Zuccotti Park, the movement’s headquarters, were evicted under the order of Mayor Bloomberg, but the spirit stays alive and burns with a vengeance. Fortunately, it is not HDV\ WR VWLÀH D UHYROXWLRQ :LWK large hubs already in Boston, Los Angeles, and many other major cities, the OWS movement continues to spread throughout the country. OWS is on track to become a political movement, and I hope it does. With the future looking as grey as it does, the appearance of a youthful, dedicated movement with our country in mind is refreshing. Occupy!
EDITORS-IN-CHIEF Su Sie Park ’12 Grace Vianney ’12
Eliana Ferreri ’12 Sarah Hong ’13 Mikhail Kozak ’13 Nicole Matysiak ’13 Annie Pitkin ’12 Livy Poulin ’13 Jordon Stanley ’13 Anna Strzempko ’13 Caroline Vianney ’14
LAYOUT Kiley Caravella ’13 Julie Doten ’14 NEWS Angelina Massoia ’13 FEATURES Chloe Calder ’12 ARTS Bozhou Luo ’13 PHOTOGRAPHY Daniel Lee ’13 Duncan Wong ’12
PHOTOGRAPHERS Peter Byun ’13 Natasha Grayson ’13 Lexi Hildreth ’12 Dennis Kim ’13 Noel Nakamura ’13 Molly Stromoski’12
+RIIPDQ &ROOHJH &RXQVHOLQJ &HQWHU Continued from page 1
The Suffield Bell
Annie Pitkin ’12 Calling out to all seniors! Don’t have the energy to pick up a pencil? No desire to read another word? Can’t seem to start that paper? Senioritis hits some harder than others, but it does seem to hit everyone. As acceptance letters arrive, the impetus to do any work seems to fade away, and fast. How can we as seniors ward off this pandemic? Teachers and parents try their own tricks to motivate; and colleges threaten to take away acceptance letters if grades slip too much, but sometimes even that isn’t enough to keep a senior on track. It all comes down to the individual’s ability to stay focused.
To those seniors taking an AP class, think of it this way: if you pay attention now and do well on the AP exam, you won’t have to take that class again in college. How nice will it be to walk onto campus in the fall having already IXO¿OOHG D IUHVKPDQ UHTXLUHPHQW To those seniors who have applied for competitive VFKRODUVKLSV UHPHPEHU WKDW ¿QDO grades can make the difference between your getting the award or the money going to someone else. To those who want to succeed in college, don’t forget that whatever skills you build now will increase your chances of success.
To all, picture handing your parents your awesome LAST high school report card. In six months we will be in a totally new place with all new people and NO Saturday classes. With years and years of build up behind us, we can almost taste it. College here we come! Yes, it is a little bit nerve-racking and scary, but, more than anything, it’s exciting. So, let’s celebrate and let’s make the celebration even sweeter by ending high school on a high note. Finding your own source of incentive can be GLI¿FXOW EXW LW FDQ EH GRQH DQG LW will pay off in the end.
Photo by Noel Nakamura’13
According to Headmaster Charlie Cahn, the new facility’s location in the middle of campus is, in a sense, “symbolically importantâ€? since it represents the school’s latest initiative: an expanded college counseling program. The idea for a revamped college counseling program was ERUQ IURP D VHDUFK IRU 6XIÂżHOGÂśV next “area of distinction.â€? While WDNLQJ D ORRN DW ZKDW 6XIÂżHOGÂśV “peer schoolsâ€? offer, it became clear that they use nearly identical college counseling programs. 6XIÂżHOGÂśV H[SDQGHG FROOHJH counseling program distinguishes it from other schools, making it stand out in the eyes of prospective students and their parents. The expansion includes a newly created college counseling SRVLWLRQ ÂżOOHG E\ 0U -H]LHUVNL (better known as Mr. J.). The DGGLWLRQ RI D ÂżIWK FROOHJH counselor increases the amount of individualized counseling DYDLODEOH WR 6XIÂżHOG VWXGHQWV DQG allows the college counseling
RIÂżFH WR DGG LQVWUXFWLRQDO programs for freshmen and sophomores which supplement the College 101 program offered to juniors. According to Mr. Cahn, the expansions to the program are meant to be informative, not “overwhelming,â€? and to “offer students more support and guidanceâ€? through the college process. Better standardized test prep, more resources for DWKOHWLF UHFUXLWV DQG ÂżQDQFLDO aid applicants, and increased communication with colleges about 6XIÂżHOGÂśV VWUHQJWKV DUH also aspects of the college counseling initiative. All of these new features have been put into place to assist students in realizing their college dreams. So, the next time you admire the Hoffman College Counseling Center, realize that it is just the tip of the iceberg: the expansion to the college counseling program is just as important as the change in the space where it is located.
7KLQN 7ZLFH Grace Vianney ’12 6XI¿HOG $FDGHP\œV *D\ Straight Alliance has been around for nine years, makes announcements, holds meetings, and sponsors events; but it has never had a very strong following. Meetings usually only FRQVLVW RI WHQ WR ¿IWHHQ JLUOV $QG last spring, when the GSA hosted part of the school’s Film and Discussion Series, not a single person showed up. I would like to believe that lack of participation in the club and its events is due to a belief on the part of students that homophobia is not a problem in our community. However, even if that is the case, there is still work to be done. For example, students—perhaps out of habit and not malice—use gay slurs on campus. Try taking a walk through the Union without hearing some insulting phrase or another. For example, a portion of 6XI¿HOGœV PDOH SRSXODWLRQ IHHOV
it necessary to add the phrase “no homoâ€? to the end of half of their statements. This language is likely to be offensive to anyone ZKR LGHQWLÂżHV DV KRPRVH[XDO DV it implies that it is a bad thing to be gay. It sets up an unwelcoming and prejudicial atmosphere within our community. It also isn’t uncommon to hear “gayâ€? used as an insult or to hear someone being called a “f*g.â€? This is particularly unacceptable because it targets members of the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning) community, making them feel as if who they are is something to be mocked. When one considers these slurs, it is not surprising that 6XIÂżHOG $FDGHP\ VWXGHQWV rarely “come outâ€? while at school. Certainly, there are /*%74 VWXGHQWV DW 6XIÂżHOG ,Q fact, many censuses show that approximately one in twenty
SHRSOH LGHQWLÂżHV DV JD\ OHVELDQ ELVH[XDO RU WUDQVJHQGHU 6XIÂżHOG Academy has over 400 students. If we followed that statistic, it would mean that around 20 students identify as L, G, B, or 7 EXW 6XIÂżHOG GRHVQÂśW KDYH D single student, or even a faculty member, who is completely “outâ€? at the school. Of course, the school’s traditional appearance may discourage LGBTQ persons from becoming a part of our community; however, I still think there is a good chance that not every student or teacher on this campus is heterosexual. As a community we can all WDNHV VWHSV WRZDUG PDNLQJ 6XIÂżHOG Academy a much more welcoming place for LGBTQ students and teachers. Think twice before you say “no homoâ€?; remind others that “that’s so gayâ€? is offensive; and, maybe, if you’re feeling ambitious, attend the next GayStraight Alliance meeting or event.
February 2012 The Bell 3
$FDGHP\ 9ROXQWHHUV (PEUDFH WKH 6FKRRO 0RWWR Esse quam videri perspective. You’re exposed to new experiences and then you get to give back, so it’s a winwin.â€? Among other activities undertaken during the winter trimester, the group assists at an after-school educational program for under-privileged children at WZR (QÂżHOG &7 SXEOLF VFKRROV helps out at Tiger Den, and leads exercises and cognitive games at The Atrium, a senior living community for the memory impaired in Agawam, MA. For Loni Mnich ’13, a seasoned veteran of Community Outreach, “Out of all the activities we participate in over the course of the week, Homework Club >D WXWRULQJ SURJUDP DW 6XIÂżHOG 0LGGOH 6FKRRO@ LV GHÂżQLWHO\ P\ favorite since I love working with other adolescents.â€? One would think that Community Outreach activities would end at 5:30 p.m., but often they do 9PUNPUN [OL ILSS MVY [OL :HS]H[PVU (YT` PU MYVU[ VM *=: VU +LJLTILY not. On Tuesday evenings in the GRUPLWRULHV \RX DUH OLNHO\ WR ÂżQG 6XIÂżHOG $FDGHP\ KDV DOZD\V Community Outreach, an C.O. students selling snacks to been an incredibly well-blessed after-school athletic alternative pay for the meals and gifts they community that welcomes offered each season so that the JDYH WR WZR 6XIÂżHOG IDPLOLHV opportunities to give charitably to school’s mindful habit of giving WKURXJK 6XIÂżHOG (PHUJHQF\ others. To belong to this academic never stops, provides charitable Aid during the holidays. family is a privilege thaW 6XIÂżHOG VHUYLFH WR ORFDO SURJUDPV ÂżYH Also active during the holiday students do not take for granted. days per week throughout the season was the Community Not only does the annual entire school year. Jacqueline Service Club led by Duncan Dance-a-thon demonstrate Autuori ’13, a new member of Wong ’12, Lukas Haas ’13, Lily 6XIÂżHOGÂśV VSLULW RI JLYLQJ EXW VR the after-school crew, describes Flynn ’15, and Julia Harris ’15. do a number of other programs, Community Outreach as “a Club members showed their clubs, and initiatives. great way to widen one’s
JUDWLWXGH IRU WKH WRZQ RI 6XIÂżHOG by ringing the Salvation Army bell outside the CVS. Lukas described the CVS holiday outing as a success, saying “The people in our community that stopped by that morning were not only generous in their donations but were also grateful to our club and school for helping raise funds for the less fortunate in our area. While serving our community, we get a chance to create a stronger relationship with the people living around us and enhance the positive image our school has in the community.â€? One of the primary efforts of this new club, which was established in the fall of 2011, has been supporting New York State’s Owego Elementary 6FKRRO D VFKRRO ZKHUH 6XIÂżHOGÂśV own Mrs. Caginalp taught art. After the school was severely GDPDJHG IURP Ă€RRGLQJ FDXVHG E\ Tropical Storm Lee, Community Service Club initiated a pen SDO UHODWLRQVKLS ZLWK ÂżUVW DQG ÂżIWK JUDGHUV WR RIIHU VRODFH DQG supplies. According to Haas, “The Community Service Club is developing several facets and holds a great deal of potential for doing good in the QDPH RI 6XIÂżHOG $FDGHP\ ´ Also new to SA this year is the Global Initiative Club. Joanna McElnea ’12, the club’s founder, explained that the club’s
purpose is “to raise awareness for organizations with good FDXVHV DQG WR HGXFDWH WKH 6XIÂżHOG community about issues in the world today that are not already VXSSRUWHG E\ RWKHU 6XIÂżHOG organizations or events.â€? Suicide awareness, healthier eating, and cancer are subjects she would like the club to address. In the spring, she hopes to have the club host a TOM’s barefoot day to raise awareness about children in Africa who live their entire lives without the luxury of shoes. Also on the international front, Emily Hudson ’14, Marisa Sittheeamorn ’14, and Clara Phataraprasit ’15 sold wristbands to raise funds for the Thai Red &URVV DIWHU GHYDVWDWLQJ Ă€RRGV struck Thailand. And, currently, Mrs. Krasemann is in the midst of drumming up support for a fundraising event for Heifer International, an organization working to end world hunger by giving families a source of food rather than a simple hand out. SA volunteers, which also include members of the school’s newly formed chapter of Habitat for Humanity, are embracing the school’s motto “Esse quam videri.â€? They are demonstrating their feelings of gratitude for their PDQ\ EOHVVLQJV E\ ÂżQGLQJ as many ways as possible to take action.
Su Sie Park ’12 On Sunday morning, October UHVLGHQWV RI 6XI¿HOG ZRNH XS in cold and powerless houses. From their windows they looked out upon an eerily beautiful landscape, where deep snow shrouded a tangle of bowing, broken trees and wires. The snowstorm started at noon the previous day. Few townspeople expected the damage that would be done by over a foot of sticky, heavy snow on trees. Many town roads became impassable. Especially KDUG KLW ZDV 6XI¿HOGœV ³2YHU WKH Mountain� region, where road EORFNDJHV PDGH LW GLI¿FXOW IRU repair crews to gain access. With no electric power and falling branches, Halloween trick-ortreating on town streets was called off. While many town residents made due by bundling up inside and shoveling pathways to their outdoor grills, others stayed warm and fed by using auxiliary generators, going to hotels, or moving in with out-oftown friends and relatives. From Sunday to Tuesday, the town power outage rate dropped from 100% to only 94%. Power recovery was slow until Thursday afternoon when about 15 crews from Central Louisiana Electric Company arrived. Thursday evening the percentage outage rate dropped to 85, and from Friday morning to Friday evening the
outage percentage plummeted from 73 to 45. By Monday evening, 1RYHPEHU RQO\ ¿YH SHUFHQW of the houses in town remained powerless. Full power was reported restored on Wednesday. 6XI¿HOG $FDGHP\ ZDV QRW pardoned from the snowstorm. The snow started to fall heavily as parents watched athletic contests on Saturday afternoon before heading home after a busy Parents’ Weekend. Alumni already on campus for Alumni Weekend 2011 made the best of things with extemporaneous snowstorm parties. Faculty and students who did not leave campus for the long weekend hunkered down and bonded together. Generator power was quickly added to student dormitories, and faculty families were welcome to camp out in Brewster Hall and S. Kent Legare Library. With many faculty homes without generator power, a pajama party for children and adults took place in Cone Lounge while the Butchers spent three nights sleeping on the stage in Tisch Auditorium and the Brodies VOHSW LQ WKH ¿UVW ÀRRU KDOOZD\ of the library. Fortunately, the dedicated kitchen staff managed to keep all well fed as faculty members and their small children pitched in washing dishes and wiping down dining room tables. 5HÀHFWLQJ RQ WKH SRVLWLYH
make-do attitude of the 6XIÂżHOG $FDGHP\ FRPPXQLW\ Headmaster Charlie Cahn had this to say: “I have thought a good deal this fall about an area of modern study focused on negativity bias in human behavior. This is the idea that a genuinely happy life does not happen without effort. We are hardwired to register and remember negative events more readily than positive ones. The essential claim is that anger and fear are easier for us to access WKDQ KDSSLQHVV DQG IXOÂżOOPHQW This message has serious implications for an organization like us.â€? Resisting a “negativity ELDV ´ PHPEHUV RI WKH 6XIÂżHOG community thrived despite inconveniences. Happy people with a strong sense of community created a warm atmosphere that impressed all. In fact, the father of a prospective student who visited during the power outage wrote: “I think seeing LV EHOLHYLQJ 6XIÂżHOG H[FHHGHG our expectations. Before we even walked into the admissions RIÂżFH IRXU JLUOV ZHOFRPHG XV During our tour at least ten people said hello. It is such a friendly and positive atmosphere. We all ZDQW 6XIÂżHOG ´ 7KLV IDWKHU DQG his family had come all the way from Italy to visit New England boarding schools. While most of the schools on their list did not offer tours and interviews during
Photos by Peter Byun ’13
Photo by Mrs. Adelsberger
Jordan Stanley ’13
WKH SRZHU RXWDJH 6XIÂżHOGÂśV DGPLVVLRQV RIÂżFH UHPDLQHG RSHQ and even made arrangements for the family to spend the night in the health center when they were unable to get a room at any of the local hotels.
Dark and cold were certainly a part of the October snowstorm; however, those who stayed on campus were able to keep warm, eat well, and be happy as they pitched in and made the best of a white Halloween.
4 The Bell February 2012
DANCE SHOW 2012 Grace Vianney ’12
Photo by Molly Stromoski ’12
Bozhou Luo ’13
by Alexandra Czerniak, as well as many solos and duets they choreographed themselves. In keeping with the 20112012 school-wide theme, each dance was speciďŹ cally representative of something the dancers are grateful for. This year’s Dance Show not only showcased many seniors in their own group dances but also featured a special performance by the school’s Advanced Vocal Techniques and Staging class.
Kim Nault ’12
Wynn Mason ’13
The always popular Dance Show showcased the talents of many SufďŹ eld students on Thursday, Feb. 23, from 7:30-9:30 p.m. and on Friday, Feb. 24, from 8:00-10:00 p.m. in the Jeanice Seaverns Performing Arts Center. Each individual dance showcased a select style of dance, including hip-hop, lyrical, musical theater, ballet, and contemporary. The dancers performed in several large group numbers choreographed
Twelve Audition at Connecticut Northern Regional Festival
Grace Vianney ’12
All art pieces selected and photographed by Bozhou Luo ’13
Twelve anxious students traveled to Avon, CT, on November 12th to audition for the Connecticut Northern Regional Festival. Hoping to be selected for either the regional chorus or orchestra, these students prepared vocal and instrumental audition pieces. Students Katherine Battle ’12, Annie Pitkin ’12,
Brenna Turer ’12, Grace Vianney ’12, Adam Leibowitz ’13, Noel Nakamura ’13, Jay O’Brien ’13, Brittney D’Oleo ’14, Clare Guerriero ’14, Briana Matthews ’14, Denny Smythe ’14, and Seung Ho Hyun ’15 auditioned. Out of these twelve SufďŹ eld Academy students, four qualiďŹ ed: Seung Ho Hyun, Jay O’Brien, Annie
Pitkin, and Denny Smythe. According to performing arts faculty member Beth Woelein James, “Other students were just a few points from the cutoff to qualify.â€? Mrs. James added, “I am so proud of all the students who auditioned. It was quite an intimidating day, which the students spent a lot of time preparing for.â€?
February 2012 The Bell 5
Guitar Show Continues to Come Through with Rocking Entertainment SufďŹ eld Academy’s renowned Guitar Show once again packed the PAC. The January 14th show began with a moving and passionate introduction and poetic reading from faculty member Patrick Shanahan. Then, students, including Lauren Booth ’12 (bass and vocals), Alberto FernĂĄndez Vilches ’12 (guitar, bass and vocals), Fredrik Randmael ’12 (guitar and vocals), Will Sartorius ’12 (vocals), Aphra Benitz ’13 (vocals), Nick Brown ’13 (guitar), Premal Faldu ’13 (drums), Andres FernĂĄndez Vilches ’13 (guitar and awesome), Seth Magoon ’13 (drums), Noel Nakamura ’13 (guitar), Gina Nasiadka ’13 (guitar), Mike Simmons ’13 (guitar), Brittney D’Oleo ’14 (vocals and guitar), Julie Doten ’14 (bass and keyboard), Clare
Kim Nault ’12
Guerreiro ’14 (vocals), Jisoo Hong ’14 (guitar, bass and vocals), Aya Maeda ’14 (drums and bass), GrifďŹ n Manos ’14 (banjo and guitar), Brianna Matthews ’14 (vocals), Roger Siver ’14 (guitar/vocals), Denny Smythe ’14 (vocals), Caroline Vianney ’14 (vocals and guitar), Lilly Zhou ’14 (guitar and violin), and Nathan Rosenkranz ’15 (keyboard and saxophone), took the stage. Each student who contributed was an integral and terriďŹ c aspect of the phenomenal show. The well-known talents of seniors Alberto Fernandez, Lauren Booth, and Fredrik Randmael were showcased. Senior Will Sartorius debuted as an incredible singer, performing a clear crowd favorite, “Dani California.â€? And, of course, Mr. Butcher added to the night’s
Photo by Lexi Hildreth ’12
Grace Vianney ’12
entertainment when he fronted Guns N’ Roses’ “Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door.� It was evident everyone involved, especially Guitar Show’s faculty advisor Michael George, spent an incredible amount of time and effort putting together yet another epic event.
0XVLF 5HYLHZ RI 1HZ 5HOHDVHV Mikhail Kozak ’13 For fans of funk rock and Red Hot Chili Peppers, the long RHCP break (2006-2011) was ďŹ nally dissolved by their new album I’m With You. So take out your Stadium Arcadium CD and put in this one! The new album was released in August and immediately gained top numbers on the charts. However, unlike the other RHCP albums, the critics deďŹ nitely criticized this one. At Metacritic the album received an average score of 63, based on 32 reviews, which indicates “generally favorable reviews.â€? I was surprised to learn that many of the critics and even my
friend did not like the album, so I went to the store and bought it as soon as possible. I came back home and put it in right away. Honestly, I enjoyed it! Yes, they have changed. I might even say that they have grown. Their music style has become more exciting and much wilder. I have to strongly disagree with the critics who gave bad reviews. I think RHCP’s “recovery� is well worth the money. The bottom line: This album is fantastic, and I strongly recommend it to all rock lovers and, of course, to all RHCP fans! Enjoy!
Wynn Mason ’13
Music Review of Oldies Albums Eliana Ferreri ’12 For those of you who would like to add some variety to your modern music collections this year, here are some noteworthy throwback artists: Social Distortion This American punk band released its ďŹ rst album in ’83, and its lead singer Mike Ness has a very unique and memorable voice. All of the band’s songs are good, but check out “Highway 101,â€? “California,â€? and “Angel’s Wings.â€? Fiona Apple For those of you who love strong female voices, such as Adele and Florence Welch, look no further than Fiona Apple 1\SPL +V[LU Âť
for a new musical obsession. Some of her better-known tracks include “Criminal� and “Sleep to Dream,� but don’t hesitate to check out lesserknown tracks like “A Mistake� or her renditions of “Sally’s Song� and “I Want You.� Johnny Cash You cannot go wrong with Johnny Cash, as he was and still is one of the most talented and respected names in the music industry. To experience the diversity of this artist, try listening to “Cry, Cry, Cry,� “Hurt� (which is actually a cover, but in my opinion better than the original), and “Get Rhythm.�
6 The Bell February 2012
Nicole Matysiak ’14
What Did You Like Best?
Evan Kainoa Healy
Caleb Ryder Warren
Chloe Calder ’12
This is what 31 of 74 students who happened to be online on FirstClass on January 23rd had to say when a questionnaire was posted asking them to rate the student activities offered since Parents Weekend: BIG EVENTS:
Born January 4, 2011
Born January 18, 2011
Halloween Dance
Open Mic
Arcade in the Field House
Born April 19, 2011
ENTERTAINERS: Arianna Mari Plaz (Nahmens’ baby)
Addison Burns Cleary
James Thomas Strong
Jim Spinnato, hypnotist/comedian
John Rush, a one-man musical journey
Michael Wald, comedian/magician
Born May 21, 2011
Born July 30, 2011
New York City Trip
Stratton Mountain, VT, Sunday Ski Trip
Born August 1, 2011
LOCAL OUTINGS: Gavin Christopher Atkins
Andrew Lawrence Shildge
Briar Orli Kensey Taylor
Movie Theater
Five Guys
CT Whale Hockey Game
Cristina Rose Guarriello
Born August 19, 2011
Born August 30, 2011
Tiger Taxi
Holyoke Mall
Buckland Hills Mall
Oliver Adam Edwards
Two more faculty babies will be welcomed in early May. The Dugan family is expecting the arrival of their baby girl on May 6 while the Pillsbury family hopes to bring home their new addition later that same week. Congratulations to all RI WKH 6XIÂżHOG $FDGHP\ community families! Born October 5, 2011
Born October 26, 2011
CHILLIN’ TIME: S’Mores by the Fire
Movie in the Union: It All Ends 7.15
Saturday Night TV and Snacks in the Union 6 VOTES Sunday NFL in Union
Sunday Afternoon Open Gym
Saturday Night Open Swim
Born August 17, 2011
Westfarms Mall
February 2012 The Bell 7
Features 6WXGHQW $FDGHPLF 4XL] 7HDP &KDOOHQJHV )DFXOW\ Livy Poulin ’13 in the lightening round, which DZDUGHG ¿YH SRLQWV WR HDFK correct fast answer, incorrectly answered questions resulted in an DXWRPDWLF ¿YH SRLQW GHGXFWLRQ The new buzzer system did little to ease the pressure. :LWK LWV HI¿FLHQW HOHFWURQLF GHWHUPLQDWLRQ D WULJJHU ¿QJHU cost dearly, and no one could DUJXH DERXW ZKR EX]]HG LQ ¿UVW ,Q WKH ¿UVW URXQG 0U /D3ODQWH started off with questions from the English category. Members of the student team crouched forward in their chairs in anticipation of vigorous questioning. And, as the questions were asked, team members conferred with one another, sometimes excitedly as they came up with the answer and sometimes in frustration as the answer was on the tips of their tongues but not quite there. Laughter often erupted as the buzzer unexpectedly caught
competitors off guard, but always a love of knowledge was displayed. The score jumped back and forth with students (David Huang ’12, Brooke Kelsey ’12, David Stringer ’12, Ben Mayne ’13, Hannah Thrall ’13, Noah ChunMoy ’14, Joe D’Amico ’14, Phil Gialopsos ’14, Ryan Malley ’14, and Moritz Muenker ’14) in the lead, then teachers (Ms. Emily Balaban-Garber, Mr. Booth, Mr. Eckhardt, Ms. Erwin, Mr. Foote, Mrs. Hernick, Mrs. Krasemann, Mr. Lynch, Mrs. Pentz, Mr. Schildge, and Mr. Vianney) in the lead, and then back to students. In the end, the teachers reigned victorious. The students, however, didn’t take the defeat too badly as they gave themselves credit for even daring to challenge their own teachers to rigorous back and forth questioning.
Nicole Matysiak ’14
Photos by Natasha Grayson ’13
“What’s the difference between numbers and math?â€? Joe D’Amico ’14 humorously asked science teacher Mr. LaPlante, who shot him a satirical look and responded with a sarcastic “Really?â€? This was one of several witty and entertaining remarks made by the participants at the 2012 Academic Quiz Team Faculty Challenge held on January 20th “at 7:00 p.m. sharpâ€?—Mr. LaPlante’s instruction—in Tisch Auditorium. Although the competition was ÂżOOHG ZLWK FRPHG\ DQG JRRG humor, it also entailed focus and quick thinking, for the trivia questions were challenging. While the pressure to answer questions in categories ranging from English to art to entertainment was intense enough, the rules increased the strain even more. If a member of one team buzzed in early, the question automatically went to the other team. And,
Photography by Molly Stromoski ’12
When a community has this many look-alikes running around, it is easy to get confused. Take a look at all of our faculty twins!
Brissette/Gamere Rafferty/James Sullivan/Eckhardt Andrysiak/Shanley Chloe Calder ’12 Giants Dance-a-thon Patriots March break 6WHS WHDP RXWÂżW Sledding on Bell Hill Senior auction Green Cup Challenge Breaking the diving record Valentine’s Day Hypnotist iPhones “Temple Runâ€? Jordans
49ers School on Monday Ravens Long weekend Step team dance No snow days Expensive prom Leaving lights on Breaking the Union tables School on MLK day Laser Tag Dome BlackBerries “Angry Birds� Asics
Everyone knows school is stressful, but at what point does it become unbearable? Can we actually do and, furthermore, excel at everything? With all the things we’re expected to do, you would think there wouldn’t be enough time left to sleep. Well, for all too many, there truly isn’t. You know that feeling you get after you’ve put in a long day going to classes, practice, and meetings while also trying WR ¿W LQ FRPSOHWLQJ DOO WKH RWKHU things you’ve promised to do. All you want to do is go to sleep, but you know you can’t. You sit down at your desk and think about everything that still has to be done before you can shut
your eyes. Between your English reading, history paper, chemistry worksheet, algebra problem set, and Spanish translations, you know you will end up being awake for at least half the night. The worst part is the next day, when you have to pry yourself out of bed and run to the dining hall just to get that much needed cup of coffee to get you through the next stressful day. Every time I think about this vicious cycle I wonder why it’s perceived as being necessary to do so much. I wonder if it’s even humanly possible for high school students to get only four hours of sleep and win their next game, do their best at rehearsal or in the art studio, meet the deadlines for school publications, attend meetings, plan and participate in club events, do work jobs, contribute to charitable events, be the kind of leaders they are encouraged to be, actually
partake in the social activities offered, and still be helpful friends and family members. I don’t think I’m the only one asking, “How am I supposed to be sociable and helpful if nearly every minute of my day has been abducted by the endless cycle of classes, meetings, sports/afterschool activities, and homework?â€? Students, parents, high school teachers, and I are beginning to wonder if unstructured time has been whittled away to nothing for college-bound students because university admission RIÂżFHV DUH DVNLQJ ZD\ WRR much of high school students. The bottom line is “If we’re honestly managing our time as HIÂżFLHQWO\ DV SRVVLEOH GRQÂśW ZH deserve to put our heads on our pillows at night and get a full eight hours of sleep without feeling as if we’re going to pay a price for it tomorrow?â€?
8 The Bell February 2012
:LQWHU 6SRUWV 2YHUYLHZ Annie Pitkin ’12
6R )DU 7KLV 6HDVRQ DV RI )HEXUDU\  %R\Vœ 9DUVLW\ %DVNHWEDOO is standing tall at 10-6. After a tough game against Loomis on Feb. 1st, the Tigers rebounded, soundly beating Cheshire Academy, a team ranked ¿UVW LQ &ODVV % $W WKH )HEUXDU\ th game, Lafayette-commit Ben Freeland ’12 led a EDODQFHG 6XI¿HOG DWWDFN ZLWK SRLQWV helping the Tigers achieve their 54-41 victory. On Feb. 15th the Tigers, thanks to their ability to knock down free throws and get a few key stops down the stretch, once again dominated, earning a 64-59 win DJDLQVW 'HHU¿HOG Next Game: Saturday, 2/25, 7:00 p.m. AWAY against Salisbury School
Holding a 7-4 record prior to facing RII DJDLQVW 'HHUÂżHOG LQ ZKDW WKH *LUOVÂś 9DUVLW\ %DVNHWEDOO team considered to be an important game in its season, senior Alexis Page said, “Our season is good so far. We played some really hard games, EXW ZHÂśUH KRSLQJ WR ÂżQLVK WKH VHDVRQ VWURQJ ´ 7KH JDPH DJDLQVW 'HHUÂżHOG GLG not disappoint, as the Tigers led from EHJLQQLQJ WR HQG FKDONLQJ XS D ÂżQDO VFRUH of 60-39. Since then, the girls have had two more wins against both Phillips Academy and Loomis Chaffee. With a 10-4 record, the team continues to stand strong. Next Game: Saturday, 2/25, 6:00 p.m. HOME against Wilbraham and Monson Academy
Defending its title as the 2010-2011 Western New England Prep Champions, the :UHVWOLQJ team came on strong this season and posted a remarkable 18-6 UHFRUG ,Q D ¿HOG RI WHDPV WKH 7LJHUV placed third at the Feb. 11 Western New England Championship with 9 of its 13 participating wrestlers placing in the WRS ¿YH $QGUHZ -DFREV œ DQG 'UHZ Mahoney ’14 defended their titles; Josh Galant ’12 placed second; Dominic Fiallo ’12, Will Evangelakos ’12, and 7\OHU 3LQNKDP œ ¿QLVKHG WKLUG Trent Bellows ’15 placed fourth; and Russ Grotto ’12 and Noah Chun-Moy ’14 ¿QLVKHG th.
One would think that after having been named CT League State Champions over the course of the past three years, the 5LÀHU\ team would feel some pressure. If the marksperson did feel pressure, they handled it well, chalking up another undefeated season. Throughout the season Remington Lyman ’12 led the team with his consistently excellent shooting; however, in the last match of the season Sarah Hong ’13 led the team with her outstanding personal score of 196. Wednesday, 2/29, 2:30 p.m. &7 5LÀHU\ &KDPSLRQVKLSV
Photo by Lexi Hildreth ’12
Photo by Lexi Hildreth ’12
%R\Vœ 9DUVLW\ 6ZLPPLQJ, posting a 5-4 record, with one meet left in the regular season, recently saw a number of season or lifetime bests and/or new top 25 postings during its Feb. 15th meet against Andover: Alex Porter ’12 (100 breast, 50 breast in relay), Jono Ne lson ’14 (200 free), James Semple ’14 (100 back, 50 back in relay), Neil Spazzarini ’14 (200, 500 free), Alex DuFresne ’15 (100 breast), Tarm Durongkapitiya ’15 (50 free), Kaison ,¿OO œ À\ IUHH LQ UHOD\ 3HDN Maleenont ’15 (100 breast), Riggs McDermott ’15 (100 back, 50 free in UHOD\ %U\FH 0XUDG œ À\ IUHH in relay), and Eric Reuben ’15 (100 back).
*LUOVœ 9DUVLW\ 6ZLPPLQJ is having a WHUUL¿F VHDVRQ VWDQGLQJ VWURQJ DW $W the Feb. 15th meet against Andover, the girls recently saw a number of season or lifetime bests and/or new top 25 postings: 0DLUH &DVH\ œ ,0 À\ À\ DQG IV LQ UHOD\ 0ROO\ 3RUW œ (100 free in relay), Anna Strzempko ’13 (200 and 500 free, 50 free in relay), Katerina Gazis ’14 (100 free), Kira Demitrus ’15 (100 free in relay), Lindsay Hayden ’15 (50 free, 100 free in relay), Emily Lowe ’15 (100 breast, 50 free, 50 breast in relay), Pure Maleenont ’15 (50 free), and Becca Titterton ’15 (200 IM, 100 breast).
%R\Vœ DQG *LUOVœ 'LYLQJ showed well at home when SA hosted its second annual 11-dive invitational. Up against divers from 'HHU¿HOG 0LVV 3RUWHUœV DQG :HVWPLQVWHU 6XI¿HOG JLUOV $VKOH\ /RPEDUGR œ DQG Marisa Sittheeamorn ’14 showed poise, FRQ¿GHQFH DQG H[WUHPH FRQVLVWHQF\ LQ their diving, coming in 5th place (295.8) and 7th place (261.9) out of a total of 12 competitors. Of the 7 male divers, four ZHUH IURP 6XI¿HOG DQG WKUHH RI WKHP were new to 11-dive competition. Alex Shabecoff ’13, SA’s only 11-dive meet YHWHUDQ KDG D WHUUL¿F VKRZLQJ FRPLQJ LQ second with a score of 337.85.
$OSLQH 6NLLQJ chalked up an outstanding 14-3 record, losing only to Berkshire while beating all the rest of its competitors. At the team’s Jan. 18th race against Taft, Salisbury, Berkshire, and Trinity-Pawling, 6XI¿HOG SODFHG WKUHH VNLHUV LQ WKH WRS WHQ RI D total of 40 skiers. On Feb. 8th the Tigers took 2nd place at the BSL Dave Rockwell GS Championship, where captain Colin Dowd ’12 placed 3rd overall. The team will end its season on Feb. 22 when it participates in the BSL Slalom Championship.
Photo by Noel Nakamura ’13
Photo by Noel Nakamura ’13
Photo by Noel Nakamura ’13
With a 10-3 record *LUOVœ 9DUVLW\ 6TXDVK is having a stellar season. The girls began the season in style when new varsity players Briell Smith ’12, Annie Osiecki ’14, Jessie Bicknell ’15, and Aaliyah Davidson ’15 all pulled out FORVH ZLQV GXULQJ WKH ¿UVW PDWFK DJDLQVW Kingswood-Oxford. Seniors Pixie Clauson and Alex Matalon have led the team, which is enjoying a seven-match winning streak.
%R\Vœ 9DUVLW\ 6TXDVK posted its fourth win on Feb. 15th when, according to Coach Pentz, ³6XI¿HOG SXW WRJHWKHU LWV PRVW FRPSOHWH performance of the season in a dominant win over Moses Brown. The match score 6-1 (9-1 including the exhibition matches) was equal to the effort.�
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