How to

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Wednesday, June 22, 2022

How to Do just about anything

Another option is to get a tank less system that heats water only when you are using it. While that might sound practical, the tanks are very expensive and require a large initial investment. Solar heated water is ideal, but imprac tical in most parts of the country. A natural gas water heater is your bestNaturalsolution.gas is more consistent and reliable than electricity. It costs less to heat your home, cook dinner, take a shower or boil water. This source works whether you have electricity or not. Gas is pumped into your home through underground lines that are not affected by the weather.Switching to natural gas is simple. If you have a line close to your home, it is even better. While it requires an initial invest ment of connecting the line to your home, you will pay that off in Yoursavings.other appliances will work with natural gas as well.

How to

Furnaces, stoves, washing machines and dryers can all func tion by using this resource. In fact, having an alternative energy source will increase your home’s value.Natural gas is an environmen tally friendly option because it burns cleaner than other fossil fuels.Check with natural gas com panies in your area. Often they have special incentives, such as rebates and discounts for your switch your water heater to natural gas, the savings will astonish you. Not only will you be saving on your power and gas bill, you will also be helping to improve the environment.



It is estimated that 20% of the average home’s energy costs can be attributed to heating water. In many areas, gas is cheaper than electricity and can offer higher water flow rates and a wider selection of water-heating options.With electric water heaters you’re constantly paying for power to warm the tank — an aspect many homeowners don’t realize — so converting to gas can mean a substantial energy and money saver. Chances are you’ll pay less and enjoy more benefits with a gas water heater.

Get Familyreferralsand friends should be your first stop. They might know of a good pet groomer in your area. Referrals are a large part of any business. Most groom ers make an extra effort to make sure their customers are satisfied. If you are coming to a groomer via a recommenda tion, tell the person. The groomer will be happy to know that their business has a great reputation. It is likely they will go the extra mile to make sure you are pleased with their services.

Open Tues. - Sat. 9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Bringing your pet Prior to scheduling an appointment, bring your pet to their office. Observe the relationship between your pet and the groomer. Are they comfortable with eachTellother?your groomer if your dog is sensi tive to having his or her nails trimmed or ears cleaned. Some dogs are terrified of the hair dryer. Mentioning it to your groomer help the situation be more suc cessful and less stressful. Choose which services you need before your arrival. Sometimes, groom ers who work on commission might try to up sale you. If you are unhappy with the way your pet looks when you pick it up, speak to the groomer right away. It might be due to miscommunication or your pet's behavior. Most groomers will be sure to fix the problem to your satisfaction immediately.

Our Customers Are Well Groomed All Breeds Of Dogs

Choose a Pet Groomer

Groomers are most often found in large pet stores, veterinary offices and stand-alone storefronts. You can find them through your local newspaper or online. Make a list of groomers that are conveniently located near your home or business.

Visit and ask questions Visit groomers on your list and inspect their shops. Check for cleanli ness and professionalism. The service area should smell fresh and clean. The pet waiting room should also be free from debris and chemicals. Observe how the groomer and staff interact with animals and customers. Nothing can be more difficult than a slick, wiggly pet. But a groomer should be gentle. He should never yell or jerk a petInquirearound.about their services. Do they groom both cats and dogs? Is there a separate waiting area for the two types of pets? Can you choose the shampoo? Are nail clippings and anal gland expressions part of the package, or do these services cost extra?


Checking about these things ahead of time will spare you the shock and dis appointment when you bring your pet home. It's important to know what you can expect.

How to

Everyone wants their pets to be clean and healthy, with shiny coats and trimmed nails. It’s not just about beauty. Grooming your pet can decrease shed ding, help ward off pests that attach themselves to pets, and help improve a pets’ overall quality of life. But grooming pets can also be a frus trating and difficult chore. Many pets will recoil from running water, baths and dryers. You may find it almost impossible to keep them still. Combing and styling your pet may prove equally challenging. And the mere thought of trimming their nails is enough to send you and your pet scurrying into separate rooms.Soyour pet is in need of a haircut and a good bath, you may want to check out a local pet grooming service. Here’s how to pick the best one for your pet.

It’s more than being a good listener, it’s having an interest in those stories. Patience is also a required skillset for an adult caregiver. Older adults often move at slower pace and can be frus trated by those who do not understand how to slow down. Sometimes a slower cadence is a preference or it may be caused by medical constraints. Either way, a stellar caregiver easily modulates their own interactions with the older adult to compliment the pace required by the adult to feel comfortable, sup ported, and respected. A stellar adult caregiver must be a good observer. Most adults have been independent, self-contained individuals capable of taking care of themselves. Asking for, or accepting, help from others is a difficult transition that often takes a lot of time. Adult caregivers often find themselves in a position of providing care to an individual who is resistant to the assistance. Knowing how to observe and aid without being asked to do something is an essential skill. This combined with being able to observe when not to help is also critical. It’s a delicate balance and when prop erly executed the adult feels supported without feeling dependent. Losing inde pendence is one of an adult’s greatest fears, and a stellar caregiver understands this.Another essential skill is communica tion. Knowing how to encourage adults to discuss how they feel or ask for help is important. Doing this without sound ing condescending requires unique lan guage skills. Mastering this skill aids the adult in the transition to accepting assis tance and feeling good about it. You understand how to phrase questions, or statements, so they are uplifting and encouraging without making the adult feel like a child. Observing, understand ing and anticipating the needs of the adult can also help a great deal. Most people can easily learn the prop er way to assist mobility, bath, cook, clean and a host of tasks that are part of supporting an older adult. These are all necessary skills, but knowing how to care about, listen to, observe and communicate with an older adult are the true aspects of a stellar adult caregiver. Caring for older adults is rewarding for both the caregiver and the adult when that assistance is provided by a stellar caregiver.

Finding stellar caregivers is the top goal of Home Sweet Home Care, which is why they always do a thorough back ground check, DMV history, and refer ence review for every potential new hire. These pre-hire steps are essential but not guarantees the employee will be a stellar Caringcaregiver.foranadult requires a unique set of talents that often are part of a naturally caring individual, but to be a stellar adult caregiver requires a deep sense of respect for our elders. You have a genuine interest in history and recognize that the generations before you made significant contributions to society. You enjoy hearing stories about past times and they way things were.


Identify an Adult Caregiver

How to

Jennifer A. (D.V.M.)Cochran Emily Christine


Some people need extra services, such as daycare, boarding facilities and pet training. You may also need to have your pet groomed. Find out if the pro spective veterinary clinic provides these services. Make a visit After making a list of choices, visit the veterinary office or clinic. Call ahead and request a tour of facilities. The staff should have the time to answer yourYouquestions.should see a clean and wellmaintained office. Observe how the staff interacts with clients and pets. Are they warm toward the animals and owners? The employees should have an affinity forSitanimals.inthe waiting area and introduce yourself to other clients. Find out if they are happy with the services and staff. Also, inquire about prices to verify it is within your budget. If you feel uncomfortable during your visit, consider taking your services else where.Finding the best vet for you and your pet will take time and research. You should put the same effort into finding a doctor for your animal as you would in finding one for yourself. The bottom line is that your pet's health is a cooperative undertaking between you and your veterinarian. Finding the perfect vet for you and your furry, scaly or feathered friend will ensure your pet is with you for years to come.


Choose a Veterinarian


SUFFOLK NEWS-HERALD HOW TO WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2022 | 5 WELCOMEWALK-INSOUR HOURS: MON. - FRI. 8AM - 6PM 8AMSAT.-1PM Like us on Facebook 110 Kensington Blvd., Suffolk (Next to YMCA) (757)www.nansemondvet.com539-6371


For many, pets are a part of the fam ily. Valued, loved and often pampered, pets offer many years of unconditional love and companionship. So taking care of them like a member of the family is often second nature. Like all animals, pets are vulnerable to effects of disease and vulnerabilities of aging. Taking care of them requires specialized care and treatment for what ever ails them. So finding a great vet erinarian is the first step any new or potential pet owner should take. Pets age faster than human beings. Their bodies and internal systems can change rapidly, sometimes in a matter of a few months. Routine veterinary care will help your pet to live a longer and happyChoosinglife. a good veterinarian that suits you and your pet can seem like a difficult task. If you follow these guidelines, you should be able to find a professional that will give your pet the best care possible. Ask for referrals Your family and friends may know a good veterinarian. Listen to their expe riences with a critical ear. You need to find someone who is professional, compassionate and timely. Ask specific questions, such as whether the clinic staff likes animals. Do they respond to concerns in a timely manner? Research veterinary and veterinarian clinics on the Internet. Make a list of prospective candidates, then check with the Better Business Bureau in your state to see if there have been any complaints against these professionals. How were the complaints resolved?

Fire extinguishers can save lives and property but many people do not know which fire extinguisher is the right one for theirThereneeds.are five primary types of extinguishers that are all designed to extinguish different types of fires, according to the U.S. Fire Administration. Type A is to be used for ordi nary materials like cloth, wood and paper and is typically suit able in homes and offices. Also typically suitable in homes and businesses is Type B, which is for use with combustible and flammable liquids like grease, gasoline, oil and oil-based paints along with Type C, for use with electrical equipment like appli ances, tools, or other equipment that is plugged in, the U.S. Fire Administration stated.

Choose a Fire Extinguisher

You can find extinguishers that may cover “A-B-C” or “B-C.”

Type D extinguishers are meant for use with flammable liquids and are usually appropriate for factories, while Type K extin guishers are for use with veg etable oils, animal oils and fats in cooking appliances and are usu ally acceptable for commercial kitchens, catering businesses and restaurants. Multipurpose fire extinguishers that cover many different uses are also available.

How to


Being certain that you have the right fire protection and a smoke detector could mean the differ ence between life and death and help prevent significant harm to your loved ones, homes and busi nesses. Be sure to have the right equipment and keep them up through the proper maintenance and service, regularly.

For many, tax preparation is as simple as recording income from a W-2, taking the standard deduc tions and filing online with the punch of button. Others, with more complicated financial circum stances, require guidance.

When you choose a tax profes sional, you want to feel assured they are skilled, educated, honest andMostthorough.taxreturn preparers pro vide outstanding and professional tax service. But each year some taxpayers are hurt financially because they choose the wrong tax return own taxes can be difficult, confusing and frustrating. But one way to lessen “pain” is to hire a tax professional. The ben efits are many — and you can usu ally rest assured that it will yield savings and protect you. A professional tax preparation service can help you file your quarterly or annual tax returns while also navigating increasingly complicated tax codes. A reliable tax preparer can also save you time and money while helping you avoid errors that get you in trouble with the IRS. But finding experienced and responsible tax professionals requires research. The IRS urges caution in picking a tax prepara tion service, because the use of the service does not absolve you of problems stemming from an incor rect tax Therereturn.aremany tax preparers who are honest. They provide excellent service to their clients. Others, unfortunately, are less than scrupulous. They cause their clients legal and financial night mares.Asof 2011, the IRS requires professional tax preparers to reg ister, pass a competency test and meet continuing education require ments.This government agency also licenses its own Enrolled Agents who must meet the same stan dards. The Treasury Department authorizes these Enrolled Agents to aid taxpayers at all levels of an audit.Before hiring a tax preparer, verify that they will represent you if you are audited by the IRS. Ask about the preparer’s audit rate. The person you are hiring must specialize in tax preparation. A cer tified public account might not be a tax specialist, and is no guarantee you will not be audited.

A legitimate and reputable professional tax preparer should have: A relationship with an organiza tion requiring continuing educa tion.A fee schedule based on the complexity of your return. The willingness and ability to answer all of your questions. Availability extending beyond the preparation and filing of your tax return.

SUFFOLK NEWS-HERALD HOW TO WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2022 | 7 Proudly Serving the Tidewater Area for 36 years. Tax preparation | Advisory Services Audit Preparation and Representation | Bookkeeping Services Regulation Updates | Payroll services. GIVE US A CALL TODAY! (757) 934-3725 533 E. Pinner Street, Suolk, VA 23434 (757) 483-4032 3800 Poplar Hill Rd., Suite A, Chesapeake, VA 23321 Choose a Tax Professional

The federal tax code changes every year. It is a challenge for tax professionals to stay current with the changes. A CPA specializing in taxation should have documenta tions of any continuing education classes completed in the past year. It is important to check on your preparer’s as well as the firm’s credentials. The Better Business Bureau will inform you if they have dubious reputations. For more verification, contact your state’s board of accountancy or your state bar association’s tax lawyers to research a preparer’s professional record.


Knowledge of your state’s tax laws.Familiarity with any special cir cumstances that may apply to you. A willingness to include an itemized list of any judgment calls it has made and attach it to your copy of the return. A willingness to provide an inperson review of any expected refunds with the preparer.

Warning signs of a disreputable tax preparer may include: Claims that they can obtain larg er refunds than their competitors. Guarantees of a refund up front. A request for your signature on a blank tax form. An unwillingness to sign a return, known as “ghost” prepara tion.

How to

Flexibility Everyone is different. Needs vary from person to person, depending on the diag nosis. One of your first considerations is to look for a center that does not offer a onesize-fits-all approach to healing people. The best facilities will have a wide array of treatment options. Then they will tailor their services to fit specific situations. These centers will have a range of choic es. At one end of the spectrum, there might be short-term outpatient care that can be performed in any setting, much like one-onone counseling. At the end, there is full-time, long-term inpatient care in a hospital setting.

Team approach

Suffolk Chapter 5 welcome all honorably discharged veterans: We have Chapter Service Officers available to assist with claims on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from the hours 10 am - 2 pm. The chapter regular meeting is the third (3rd) Monday of each month at the hour of 5pm.

OUR MISSION We are dedicated to a single promise: Fulfilling our promises to men and women who served. DAV does this by ensuring that veterans and their families can access a full range of earned benefits available to them, fighting for the interests of American’s injured heroes on Capitol Hill, providing access to employment resources and educating the public about the great sacrifices and needs of veterans transitioning back to civilian life.

Millions of Americans struggle with a variety of mental and behavioral health issues. Many keep them under control, thanks to advances in medications devel oped to treat a wide range of afflictions, but others develop crises and need in-patient care at a facility.


How to Choose Mental Health Services

Family involvement When family gets involved in the treat ment process, treatment has a better success rate.Mental health professionals appreciate the support that a family can give the patient. In addition, some issues — especially addiction — often leads to emotional and stressful family struggles. It is essential that the whole family learns how to deal with theseEducationdynamics.iskey. The best treatment cen ters encourage honest, open dialogue among family members. The family must estab lish healthy, clear communication about the issues they've been experiencing.

Emotional, mental and substance abuse issues do not affect just an individual. Everyone feels the impact in major ways, and all of those people can become involved in supporting the right health solution for the patient. And themselves.

When people think of psychiatry, they often imagine one-on-one sessions with the patient laying on a couch. In reality, mental health care may involve a multidisciplinary approach.Psychiatrists and psychologists are just the beginning. Other behavioral and well ness professionals can also assist in treat ment.Agood treatment center will be able to utilize a team of professionals who can work on a patient's health from multiple angles for the most successful results.

Ongoing services

S uffolk Chapter 5 : A Century o f Ser vice to Veterans

When a mental health issue is identified, deciding what type of service is necessary can be confusing. Where to find help will depend on age and the type of disorder or symptoms experienced. But qualified pro fessional assistance is more available than ever.Here are some things to keep in mind when looking for a treatment center.

Chapter Commander: Murphy Coleman Chapter Adjutant: Eric Lassiter

But most cases will be somewhere in the middle of these two choices. An ideal care center will be able to offer custom treatments for individuals. Whether you are seeking short or long-term care, the staff will be able to match you with the best care for your needs.

Formed by veterans who bore the wounds and scars of World War I, DAV empowers veterans to lead high-quality lives with respect and dignity. A non-profit organization with more than 1 million veteran members, DAV was founded in 1920 and charted by the U.S. Congress in 1932.

Location: 139 S Saratoga Street, Su olk, VA 23435 Email : | Telephone: (757) 934-2696


Reputable treatment centers will have a strong aftercare program. They will rec ommend a course of ongoing, continuing care to keep the patient on track with their recovery.Thislast stage can make a big difference over the long run. It will help the patient ease into daily life while still receiving con tinuing care. A mental health center should be able to arrange for ongoing services, such as outpatient care, support groups or recovery residences to ensure as smooth a transition as possible once the initial, intense stages of treatment are completed.

• Stroll through historic downtown Suffolk listening to spooky tales on a Legends of Main Street Ghost Walk.

• Visit Driver Village and pick up a gift for a friend or some cool new lawn art or make your own stained glass creation at

• Dine under the stars at a local eatery— think appetizers, drinks and good friends!

• Venture through Cedar Hill Cemetery on the guided tour: “Victorian Suffolk: Dying to Be There.”

• Dine at an independent Suffolk eat ery—whether you prefer family casual or upscale gourmet, you’ll find Suffolk’s culi nary opportunities plentiful.

• Go antiquing, treasure hunting and dis cover your new favorite décor.

• How about a round of golf at one of Suffolk’s riverfront courses?

How to Enjoy Summer in Suffolk

• Take the plunge—learn how to skydive!

• Ride your bike along Seaboard Coastal Trail.

• Plan your long awaited family reunion (but also call Suffolk Tourism so they can offer some assistance).

• Take the kids to Seaboard Station Railroad Museum and learn all about Suffolk’s lengthy railroad history.


• Grab a sweet dessert at a local bakery.

• Take in a family movie at the Suffolk Center for Cultural Arts.

• Staycation in a cabin at Davis Lakes Campground.

• Grab some fresh local produce at the Suffolk Famers’ Market or pick your own at a Suffolk farm.

• Play your favorite board game at WillO-Wisp in Downtown Suffolk or join a meet-up through the Suffolk Public Library.

• Go on your own Mr. Peanut scavenger hunt—finding all of the cast iron Mr. Peanut statues scattered throughout Suffolk! There are way too many Suffolk events, restaurants, wine shops & a taproom, tours, shops, recreational activities, scenic sites to list here. Don’t miss out on Suffolk’s summer fun opportunities. Check out VisitSuffolkVa. com for more ideas or stop by the Suffolk Visitor Center, 524 N. Main St., open daily, 9am-5pm. 757.514.4130.

• Enjoy a caffeinated pick-me-up at one of Wall Street Café’s two locations.

Here are just some ideas to add to your calendar!*(Fora complete calendar, go to

• Sing, dance and snack at the TGIF con cert series – either at Constant’s Wharf Park & Marina or at Bennett’s Creek Park.

• Kayak the Nansemond River with Suffolk Tourism.

• Attend the Annual Nansemond Indian Pow Wow at Lone Star Lakes.

• Fishing, boating or just food and fun at Bennett’s Creek Marina.

• Happy Hour Glassworks.

• Take the kids to Make Something Studio and come home with a one of a kind piece of ceramic art.

• Go horseback riding with Kay’s Acres.

• Take a guided tour of the Great Dismal Swamp.

• Sign up for a photography or painting class at the Suffolk Center for Cultural Arts or become a season ticket holder for upcom ing concerts and shows.

• Standup Paddleboard Yoga at Lone Star Lakes with Suffolk Parks & Recreation.

• Stop by Fireflies on Bennett’s Creek – check out the quaint gift shop’s recent remodel, which is not too far from A. Dodson’s, the always-on-trend boutique in North Suffolk.

• Choose one of Suffolk’s three lovely Bed & Breakfasts for an unforgettable over night getaway.

• Morning yoga outside or at Nansemond Brewing Station or Bridgeport Plaza.

• Learn how to swim at Cypress Park Pool.

• Visit Riddick’s Folly House Museum and explore the 1837 Greek-Revival home’s 21 rooms and historic interpretation.

• Take in an exhibit at the Suffolk Art Gallery.

• Live music—everywhere (farmers’ markets, restaurants and coffee shops, the Suffolk Center, brewery, parks, etc.).

• Go birdwatching at the Great Dismal Swamp.


Communication should flow easily between you and your sheet metal supplier. Make sure you find a supplier who is aligned with your goals, answers your questions and will work and who can keep up to speed with the needs of your business.Ifyou find yourself answering some of these questions with a “no,” then it’s probably time to look into your relationship with your current supplier and ask your self if this supplier is the most beneficial to meeting the needs of you and your customers.

Owner | Stainless Steel Fabrication MAGCO, INC. Custom Sheet Metal We Appreciate Your Business 602 Carolina Rd., Suffolk, VA 23434

to Find a Sheet Metal Supplier

10 | WEDNESDAY, JUNE, 22, 2022 HOW TO SUFFOLK NEWS-HERALD SER VING AREA INDUSTRY SINCE 1980 Family Owned and Operated for 42 Years

Making sure your customers are happy and satisfied is important to your business, but your sheet metal provider must think the same way. If they don’t, it’s probably time to look into other providers so that you maintain the highest standards for your customers. How do you know if you have a quality sup plier? Here are some tips on how to determine if a sheet metal sup plier is a good fit for your business. What type of quality are you getting? Your business runs on providing quality products to your custom ers, and if you’re not receiving the best quality to provide to your cus tomers, then it’s fair to say it might be time to look for a new supplier. Find a sheet metal supplier who is passionate about providing the highest quality parts and customer service. Do your parts get deliv ered and show up in a timely manner? Do you have them when you need them? While being fast is key, having a supplier who more often than not gets you materials when you need them is crucial. You should be ask ing your sheet metal supplier how certain they are you will receive your parts by the time promised. A good quality supplier will make sure that your parts arrive by the date that was arranged and in the same quality and condition they were in when they left the sup plier’s shop. Does your supplier keep in good communication with your business? Are they responsive to phone calls and other forms of communication?

Jason Davis,

WEATHER HERE! HIGH 89 LOW 66 “Kites rise highest against the wind, not with it.” 2016 Rhoads pitches with a mission 1B Scouts celebrate top awards 6A

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to save the lives of felines and

Lawrence writing book series featuring every category of disability, Parker said. “It was an awesome process,” Parker said. “It took us about year from start to finish. Being both teachers, we really had to work on our schedules.” Each of the teachers took her strong points and used it in the collaboration to write the book. “We mapped out what we wanted to get across this book and how we wanted to say it,” Parker said. In her job, Parker works with about 10 students who are deaf or hard of hearing at their home schools in Isle back for hours, but the team of professional and amateur builders still made “My team pulled together and worked harder and faster,” said Christine Early, Habitat for Humanity of South Hampton Roads chief operating officer. “We did it.” Alexandra Serrano, one of the volunteers, came out and helped hang kitchen cabinets and prepared window frames on the blitz home on her 31st Habitat for Humanity of South Hampton Roads construction manager Mike Moranha presents Teresa Armstrong and her son Kasai Bonner, with big, ceremonial key the dedication for the house built in five days on Lake Kennedy Drive for the 2017 Habitat for Humanity Blitz Build. Armstrong moved into one the other Habitat homes on Lake Kennedy Drive

SUFFOLK NEWS-HERALD HOW TO WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2022 | 11 Advertise your business Email advertising@suffolknewsherald. com or call 539-3437 Place a classified ad Email classifieds@suffolknewsherald. com or call 539-3437 Submit a news tip Email or call 539-3437 Submit an event for the calendar Email, or mail P.O. Box 1220, Suffolk, VA 23439 Submit an obituary Basic death notices are published free of charge and include basic funeral informa tion. Custom obituaries are available for a nominal fee based on the length of the obituary. Call 757-539-3437 or email us at Submit a letter to the editor Email, or mail P.O. Box 1220, Suffolk, VA 23439. Letters must be signed by the author and must include a telephone number for verification purposes. Letters should be approximately 300 words in length. BillyRayBennettSr.JamesT.HallSr.ManaMouling PUBLISHEDTUESDAYTHROUGHSUNDAY SUFFOLKEDITION SUFFOLK’SNEWSANDINFORMATIONSOURCESINCE1873 FRIDAY FREE! Suffolk NEWS NHERALD EWS SHERALD uffolk

BY ALEX PERRY STAFF WRITER Anew Suffolk animal rescue is determined is organizing BrowningCatInspiredfundraiserfortheirefforts.Inc.foundersCarlaandSuzanneTeumerwillholdyardsaleintheparkinglotoftheJohnson,GardyandTeumerlawoffices 3508 Robs Drive off Pruden Boulevard on June 24. upstartThiswillbethefirstfundraiserfortheanimalrescue.Houseamenitiesandbig-ticketitemswillbesoldinthelotfrom8to11:30a.m.,andtherewillalsobeseveralofthefurryrescuesforabandoned feral cats Suffolk.

years in Suffolk Public Schools. Bryan



praise and recognize fathers and encourage them to get involved in the lives of their children. Sponsors include the nonprofit organization Team Loaded 757 and the Suffolk Police“We’reDepartment.allgoingto come together for day of community partnership and to celebrate fatherhood,” SRHA resident services coordinator Mike Smith said. There will be trophy for the first-place team the basketball tournament, plus the runner-up. Music will play as families enjoy free burgers and hotdogs from the grill. Door prizes will be available, and Chick-fil-A will distribute coupons.This the first year the tournament has been held at the middle STAFF WRITER Four students became Suffolk Friends and family joined SCA teachers and staff at the church to honor the four graduates. The afternoon featured have shared in our four years of high school have served to create bonds of friendship that will last well beyond our years at class at SCA to present memorial gift for students and faculty, Waddell said. They donated handcrafted bench for the cam-



In the books SPS Class of 2017 graduates

FROMSTAFFREPORTS SUFFOLKNEWSHERALD Police are investigating armed robberies of pizza delivery drivers that occurredSaturdayandMonday.Bothrobberiesweremadeondelivery



BYALEXPERRY STAFFWRITER A music festival is returning for another year of fun with friends and family,organizedby musicalfamily withimpressivecredentials.The27thAnnualDarden Family Festival will be held this SaturdaytheatDarden family farm, located on HarewoodRoadoffU.S.Route158,fivemileseastofMurfreesboro,N.C.LocalbluegrassbandswillperformalongwiththeDardenfamilyforawholesomefes-tivalfrom11a.m.to7p.m.“Wedon’tallowdrinking,drugs,cursing,anythingthat’soffensive,”saidMiriamSyme,knowncommonlybyherfamousstagenameSuziArden.“It’samarvelousfestival.”Performerswillkeepthemusicgoingforthewholeday.ThelineupincludesLoriaWilliams,DymondCity,TheSecondChapter,JoyMakers,LibertyGrass,andNancyJoynerandEarlyPopularmusicfestivalreturns


See HABITAT, 8ASee BOOK, 8A Suffolk Christian

Nansemond River

BYALEXPERRY STAFFWRITERThe Port of Virginia will reduce its environmentalimpact in the wake of continu-minalsthewantofcarriers.thespokesmanrelease.tionseniorues,”mitmentitytheirtoeachsionsreduceingsel-electriclesscarriers2015.shuttleoperatedGatewaytoTheinghybridofanCorporation,machineryousrecord-settingmonths.Kalmar,partofcargoproviderCargotechasreachedagreementwiththePortVirginiafor16additionalshuttlecarriers,accord-toJune13pressrelease.newunitswillbedeliveredtheVirginiaInternationalterminal,whichhasthreeKalmarhybridcarrierssinceAugustTheKalmarhybridshuttleconsume40percentfuelthancomparabledie-machines,accord-tothepressrelease,andcarbondioxideemis-byapproximately50tonsyearpermachine.“WeareveryproudtobeablecontinuetohelpVIGincreasecontainer-handlingcapac-whilefurtheringtheircom-toenvironmentalval-saidTeroKokko,Kalmarvicepresident,automa-andprojects,inthepressVirginiaPortAuthorityJoeHarrispraisedimpactofKalmar’shybrid“Wewanttobegoodstewardsthewaterways,butwealsotobegoodneighborsincommunitieswhereourter-arelocated,”Harrissaid.


Suffolk Christian adds four alumni Suffolk Christian Academy graduates Vivian Waddell, Matthew Willis, Jacquelyn Grace Fowler and Lauren Powell pause for photo at the school commencement ceremonies held at the Southside Baptist Church on Saturday.

64thcandidatesreacttoprimaries Summerkick-offatthepark Morningfiresextinguished SeePRIMARIES,5 CITY SUFFOLKPHOTO Fourteen people were displaced after fire at this home on Pinner Street early Wednesdaymorning. ALEXPERRY/SUFFOLKNEWS-HERALD no. Movingfreightplowinghead Roc Solid TUESDAY Suffolk NEWS-HERALD NEWS HERALD Suffolk


BY ALEX PERRY STAFF WRITER A pair of Suffolk police investigators were awarded recently for outstanding policework.SuffolkPolice Department Investigators Ryan Linville and Gary Parker received Investigative Merit Awards at the 2017 Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce ValorAwardsceremonyonJune8.TheceremonyallowstheHamptonRoadsbusinesscommunitytorecognizepublicsafetyheroesforextraordinaryactsduringandafterwork,”Parker said about was elated onWednesday butknew there was alot of work ahead“I knew hadput in the hardwork,” she said.“I had knockedon a lot of doors.called lot ofvoters,and madeconnections with waslotofpeople,sooptimistic.”Brewersaidshewillfocusontaxreform and adoption andfoster care reformamong otherissues in the gen-eralelection.“I’mproud tobe the nominee,”she said. “I’m sothankful to thevoters that puttheir trust in me. intheSuffolkdidn’tcampaign.everybodythesaid.wasoftheIsleofWightBoardofSupervisors,philosophicalabouthisloss.“Suchislifeandsuchispolitics,”he“Weworkedhardatit.Weacceptpeople’sdecision.I’dliketothankthatworkedformeonmyEveryonewasterrific,butturnoutthewaywehoped.”ColawdidnotreturncallstoherlawofficeoranothernumberonCantrell,ofWhaleyvillesoundedtireddayaftertheprimarybecausehewas,hiswords,exhausted,notonlybythe

The last day of school was filled with raucous cheering from students and teachers


Middlesixth-gradersSchoolgraderstrum,thatgravitasatWereadinging.firstaspomsSchool,onalikeatschoolsacrossthecityFriday.AtOaklandElementaryteacherswavedpom-andhonkednoisemakersstudentsboardedthebuses.Apreschoolclasswasthetoleavetheschoolbuild-Theycarriedabanner“Kindergarten,HereCome”withamixofjoytheimpendingsummerandattheimmensetaskliesbeyondit.Ontheotherendofthespec-anewclassoffifth-atOaklandElementarysuddenlybecameatKing’sForkSchool.Specialeducation teacher Sally Evans said several fifth-graders who are precious to her graduated thisyear.“It’s heart-rending, because tothesaid—tofromKayeeveryKozianaAtduringofficerstions,”notwetrytoinvestalotintothem,onlyacademicsbutemo-shesaid.SuffolkPoliceDepartmentwereateveryschoolFriday’sdismissaltime.Oakland,OfficerShellyhigh-fivednearlystudentastheyfiledby.Nearby,first-gradeteacherJeffersontooktimeouthonkingnoisemakerconfirmthatshewashappy“capitalH-A-P-P-Y,”she—asthebusesroundedbusloopandheadedoutdropstudentsoffforthe

School’soutforsummer eco-friendlygetsPortmore Rotarybarbecue JENJAQUAANDTRACYAGNEW/SUFFOLKNEWS-HERALD top, teachers and students wave goodbye to each other at Mack Benn Jr.Pettes-FlorencestudentsElementarySchoolonFridayafternoonduringdismissal.Above,risingkindergartenincludingAshtonBushnell,MichaelSperry,ChristianHollomonandSkycarrybannerontheirwayoutofOaklandElementarySchool. Use your newspaper 157 N. Main St. • Suffolk, VA 23434 • 757.539.3437 Follow us on Facebook & Twitter Making headlines for 149 years Suffolk’s source for news and information. How to

BryanThrift,principalofRiversideElementarySchoolinNewportNews,willbecometheprincipalofSuffolk’sJohnF.KennedyMiddle SeeFESTIVAL,5 SeeROBBERIES,6 SeeELECTION,7 investigatePolicerobberies Snipestookoverastheinter-SnipesnearsanniversaryatheadofSRHA BYTRACYAGNEW NEWSEDITOR The faceoff for the open 64th District HouseofDelegatesseatinNovemberwillfeatureSuffolkbusinessownerandaSuffolklawyer,bothwomen,followingTuesday’sprimaryelections.AttorneyRebeccaColawwontheDemocraticnominationinathree-wayrace,andbusinessownerEmilyBrewerbeathersoleopponenthandilyintheRepublicanprimary.Colawhadabout38percentofthevoteagainstJohnWandling,whotookabout33percentofthevote,andJerryCantrell,whotookabout29percent.Brewer,theownerofdowntownstoreUncork’d,beatIsleofWightBoardofSupervisorsChairRexAlphinhandily,withabout61percentofthevotetohis39perAll-Suffolkticketfor64thraceChurchstateNSAplacestwoonall-teams10Calendar8PUBLISHEDTUESDAYTHROUGHSUNDAY SUFFOLKEDITION SUFFOLK’SNEWSANDINFORMATIONSOURCESINCE1873 SATURDAY FREE!NSuffolk NEWS-HERALD EWS-HERALD Suffolk

NewSuffolkgroupsavesfriendlyfelines YouthAchievementAwardsgiven Investigatorshonored ReadaboutRocSolidinthismonth’sWesternBranchMagazine Roc Solid CatInspiredInc.animalrescuefoundersCarlaBrowningandSuzanneTeumereachholdarescuedkitten.Severalsuchcatswillbe theorganization’syard salefundraiseroutsidetheJohnson,GardyandTeumerlawofficesat3508RobsDriveoffPrudenBoulevardonJune24. SuffolkYouthAchievementAwardwinnersRaemaadWright,JacquelynHendricks,CorieWilliamsandKenyaRivers DiscussionofKing’s 69 FACEBOOKVISITUSONTWITTER OBITUARIES BarbaraClarkGri nAnthonyMurphy LeroyScottSr. olknewsherald.comF.I.T.VISION BOOTCAMPCreatinghealthybodies,notperfectones. SUFFOLK CENTER FOR CULTURAL ARTS 110 W. FINNEY AVENUE, SUFFOLK, VA 23434 TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS 5:30PM - 6:30PM JULY 11 AUGUST 3 AND AUGUST 8 - 31 REDUCE STRESS + BOOST CONFIDENCE INCREASE MUSCLE TONE + FLEXIBILITY ENJOY GREAT MUSIC + HAVE FUN MAINTAIN A HEALTHY ROUTINEGROUP CLASS+ VARIETY OR DAYS-PER-WEEK RATES + DROP-IN RATES AVAILABLE 2016 MagaWesternSolidReadaboutRocinthismonth’sBranchzinePUBLISHEDTUESDAYTHROUGHSUNDAY SUFFOLKEDITION SUFFOLK’SNEWSANDINFORMATIONSOURCESINCE1873 THURSDAY FREE!NSuffolk NEWS-HERALD EWS-HERALD Suffolk CantrellWandlingvoteAlphin,DemocraticcandidacyastheThisistheyearoftheSuffolkwomenfor64thDistrictintheGeneralAssemblyEmilyBrewerwontheRepublicanandRebeccaColawgottheticketonTuesdaynight.Brewerhandilybeatheropponent,Rexwith61percentofvotestohis39.Colawtooknearly40percentoftheinherthree-wayrace,bestingJohnwith33percentandJerrywith29percent.Brewer,NansemondRiverHigh


BYALEXPERRY STAFFWRITER ingANewportNewsschoolprincipalismak-hisreturntoSuffolkthisfall.RiversideElementarySchoolprincipalBryanThriftwasnamedthenewprinci-palatJohnF.KennedyMiddleSchoolattheJune8meetingoftheSuffolkSchoolBoard.HewillassumetheroleonJuly1,followingJohnF.KennedyprincipalVivian ThriftreturningtoSuffolkschools


Learn about the rockin’ new trend in Rocks SUFFOLK NEWS-HERALD Virginia voters will go to the polls Tuesday to vote in primary elections, selecting candidates for both parties for governor and lieutenant governor.Inaddition to the statewide races, voters in many House of Delegates districts will also vote in party primaries. Voters the 64th District, which encompasses much of the southwestern part of the city, will choose from three candiballot and two candidates on the Republican ballot. Other House districts Suffolk do not feature primaries, but all Suffolk votVoters head to polls today


Generators come in a wide variety of sizes and power output. You can get a good idea of these capabilities online, but when it comes time to buy a generator, it pays tovisit your local home improvement or hardware store to get advice on the best brands to suit your needs.

Automatic standby generators are on con tinuous standby, meaning that the genera tor can power itself on and off, regardless of whether you are home. Once a stop in the flow of electricity is detected, these machines respond instantly. They turn them selves on and begin supplying power. Installed outside of your home, these generators are similar to central heating and air units. They are powered by liquid pro pane or natural gas. The generator supplies electricity directly to your home's circuit breaker.Because they operate quietly and smooth ly, they are not an annoyance or distraction to you or your neighbors.

Automatic standby generators

Since automatic standby generators use natural gas and liquid propane, the cost of running this machine will be cheaper. The Red Cross endorses automatic stand by generators because they are a cleaner method of powering your home. Portable generators produce harmful byproducts that can damage the environment. These units keep your house neat and clutter-free. Portable generators require numerous wires and extension cords run ning through your home. It is much easier to have power connected directly into your home'sOnceinfrastructure.powerisrestored, automatic stand by units turn themselves off. There is no need to worry about shutting it off yourself. Getting the most from your generator It is important to pick a generator that can supply power to all the items you need in yourUnderstandhouse. running and surge wattage. These two values inform you how much power your appliances need and the maxi mum amount of electricity they can handle. Prior to purchasing a generator, check the safety tags on your appliances for the correct wattage. The running and surge wattage on the generator needs to be high enough to satisfy the ratings of your most demanding appliances.Don’tbe caught wishing you had bought a generator the next time there’s a power outage.

Even if you rarely experience power out ages, generators are useful for powering all sorts of tools and appliances without need ing access to power outlets.

Portable generators Portable generators are built to remain outside of your home. These mobile units are fueled by gasoline and manually oper ated. Extension cords will make it easier to plug objects directly into the genera tor. These kinds of generators are usually cheaper than automatic standby generators.

Standby vs. portable Despite the price difference, there are plenty of advantages to buying an automatic standby generator.

How to Choose a Generator

No matter where you live, everyone expe riences power outages from time to time. Those living in storm-prone areas suffer worse than most. That’s why investing in a powerful generator can bring you peace of mind known you have instant access to power when outages occur.

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