Boomers March 2018

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How to save more for retirement after age 50

Whether it’s advice from their parents, a response to television ads urging viewers to save for retirement, or their own financial savvy, many of today’s young professionals recognize the importance of saving for retirement from the moment they receive their first paychecks. But men and women over 50 may not have been so practical, and many such professionals may feel a need to save more as their retirements draw ever closer. Saving for retirement might seem like a no-brainer, but the National Institute on Retirement Security notes that, in 2017, almost 40 million households in the United States had no retirement sav-

ings at all. In addition, the Employee Benefit Research Institute found that Americans have a retirement savings deficit of $4.3 trillion, meaning they have $4.3 trillion less in retirement savings than they should. Men and women over 50 who have retirement savings deficits may need to go beyond depositing more money in their retirement accounts in order to live comfortably and pay their bills in retirement. The following are a few simple ways to start saving more for retirement. 4Redirect nonessential expenses into savings. Some retirement accounts, such as See RETIREMENT, 3B

Five steps to building your life book FROM STAFF REPORTS SUFFOLK NEWS-HERALD

Only a few of us love organizing things, but everyone needs a life book. Building your life book serves the purpose of extending your life for your loved ones. A life book helps those who must handle your affairs after your death.

It provides the confidence and information required for difficult decisions. It also provides solace during a time of grief. Your life book answers specific questions about how you want things handled. It provides the necessary paperwork needed to close out your See LIFE BOOK, 2B

Why buy life insurance? Facing one’s mortality and the prospect of leaving family members behind is not always easy. Death, financial security and planning for the future are all difficult subjects, but planning ahead can make matters much easier in the long run. Life insurance needs frequently come up when making plans, and many people find that purchasing a life insurance

policy is a worthwhile investment. Life insurance holds an important place in overall financial planning. One of the most apparent benefits of life insurance is that it will provide a considerable sum of cash upon the insured’s death, which can be put toward the cost of funeral arrangements, housing and See INSURANCE, 3B

More and more grandparents are stepping into parental roles for their grandkids.


Grandparents called upon to raise grandchildren Older adults whose children have grown up often look forward to the next stages in life, which may involve retirement, downsizing and enjoying visits with their grandchildren. But a growing number of aging adults may find themselves

playing a bigger role than they anticipated in their grandchildren’s lives. According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, 2.7 million grandparents across the country are stepping into parental roles for their grand-

kids. Some assist their adult children, while others have become the primary caregivers. Factors like military deployment, illness, incarceration and substance abuse are forcing See GRANDPARENTS, 4B

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Support for caregivers is helpful At some point in a son or daughter’s life, the role of caregiver may shift. Where parents once took care of their children, aging parents very frequently rely on their children to care for them. Adult caregivers typically want to do right by their aging loved ones but sometimes find that the demands of medical and emotional support can dominate their lives — so much so that their own children and other household responsibilities are neglected. The Mayo Clinic says it is natural to feel sad, alone, frustrated and even angry when serving as a caregiver to an elderly parent. However, it’s also important to recognize the signs that the burden has become too much and to look for ways to lighten the workload. Anyone can get caregiver stress, but the National Alliance for Caregiving says women are more susceptible than men. Those who are responsible for helping someone with Alzheimer’s disease, dementia or a debilitating illness are also at a high risk of developing their own medical issues. These responsibilities can affect the quality of caregivers’ sleep and impede their ability to relax and unwind. Finding relief from caregiver stress can involve a few different strategies. 4Ask for more help. Don’t hesitate to ask for help. If other family members or siblings are unable to pitch in, look into the possibility of hired aides. These professionals can be excellent and trained sources of support who assist with activities of daily living, remind patients to take their medications and assist

in coordinating medical checkups. 4Consider watchdog technology. Smart homes have enabled remote control of many household systems, making it possible to monitor thermostat temperature, water leaks or floods, appliance and light usage and much more. Video and sound surveillance can offer peace of mind to those who cannot be with their loved ones constantly. Another option is a product called Care Coach. This is a digital tool that provides medicine reminders, health coaching, automated alerts, and an interactive avatar that can offer psychological and comforting support. 4Explore respite care. Many rehabilitation and nursing facilities offer short-term respite care for loved ones so that caregivers can take the time to go on vacation or enjoy a day or two without having to check in on an elderly parent. Facilities generally have 24-hour staff to monitor residents, provide meals and provide entertainment. The change of pace can also be stimulating to the senior, and respite care can be a gradual introduction to long-term care. 4 Embrace community resources. Seniors may be eligible for low- or no-cost services like visiting nurses, meal delivery and adult day programs. This network of support can further alleviate caregiver stress. 4Talk it out. Work with a licensed therapist to find other coping strategies for dealing with the mounting pressure of being a caregiver. Talk therapy and relaxation techniques can help curb stress. —Metro Creative

Using a network of community support can help caregivers manage stress.


Life book: Leave behind helpful info Continued from page 1B

affairs. Your life book should contain three things: 4A master record of all assets and outstanding obligations you have. 4Instructions on how to access them. 4Personal wishes you want to occur and messages you want to deliver. Here are the five steps to building your life book: Step One Take an inventory of accounts open in your name. This includes everything from retirement savings to magazine subscriptions. Once you have a complete list, start the process of including that information in your life book. Begin with the most important items, such as IRAs, 401(K)s, annuities or other financial documents. This includes any long-term income sources that have a beneficiary or are transferable. Include account numbers, passwords, user names and PINs needed to access those accounts. Include a copy of signed contracts, statements and forms of identification needed. If you cannot include an item (e.g. membership ID), then include instructions where to find it (your wallet). Make sure you include websites and secondary authentication information needed to access those accounts.

may even want to include a photo of the item and record where it is and who is to receive it on the back of the photo. If it is OK with you to liquidate the item, you may want to leave instructions on how to do so. This is especially true if it is a collectible. You may also want to tell the person why you are bequeathing this item. Let them know why this item is important to you, why you want them to have it and what you hope they do with it in the future. Step Four This step goes a long way when helping your loved ones deal with the grief of your passing. Consider including personal notes when building your life book. There may be things you wish you always said to someone, so do it now. Let your family know your thoughts on your life, how you lived it, and how you hope they continue to live theirs. Tell them what you are grateful for and, perhaps, what you regret. Your words can comfort your loved ones and help them feel that, for this moment, you are still with them. These notes may also help ease the grief of your passing.

Time and again, the


Step Two Collect legal and insurance documents your family will need to present to a lawyer or the courts. Include a copy of your will and documents relating to trusts, if there are any. If you have a life insurance policy or a burial policy, include that as well. Check each of these to ensure the documents are accurate. They should include beneficiary names and contact information. It is also important to include information for your family on whom to contact and how to begin the process. Step Three Third consider any valuable assets you have that were not detailed in your will. These may be items in your home, safe or offsite storage, such as a lock box or rented storage shed. Take the time to identify the item in detail, where it is, and whom you want to receive it. You

Step Five Review your life book on a semi-annual or annual basis. Make sure the information in it is still accurate. Check that it contains all relevant documents and that those documents are current. Review items you have chosen to bequeath. Are they still in your possession and do you still want to bequeath them in the same way? Are there new items to include?

Time and again, the IS

The deeper value of a beautiful person or place is often hidden from plain view. That’s certainly the case when it comes to The Village at Woods Edge — you may be dazzled by the lovely cottages and apartment homes or wooed by the stunning views, but there’s even more to this vibrant senior living community than first meets the eye. For starters, it’s a great value, offering unusually spacious residences, high-quality services and amenities, and a variety of classes and events to keep you happy and well. And then there are the activities, like strawberry picking, that residents initiate themselves. To schedule a visit and get started on the journey of finding your own personal

The deeper value of a beautiful person or place is often hidden from plain view. That’s certainly the case when it comes to The Village at Woods Edge — you may be dazzled by the lovely cottages and apartment homes or wooed by the stunning views, but there’s even more to this vibrant senior living community than first meets treasures the eye. starters, it’s a great value, offering here,For call 757-562-4259 today. unusually spacious residences, high-quality services and amenities, and a 1401 of North High Street Franklin, 23851you · 757-562-4259 · variety classes and ·events toVAkeep happy and well. And then there are the activities, like strawberry picking, that residents initiate themselves. To schedule a visit and get started on the journey of finding your own personal

Time and again,


treasures here, call 757-562-4259 today.

Time and again, the


The deeper value of a IS · Why build a lifeHigh book?Street · Franklin, VA 23851 · 757-562-4259 1401 North view. That’s certainly t Building your life book will reduce the stress of closing your estate for your — you may be dazzled The deeper value of a beautiful person or place is often hidden from plain family. It provides your loved ones with by the stunning views view. That’s certainly the case when it comes to The Village at Woods Edge good documentation and clear instruc— you may be dazzled by the lovely cottages and apartment homes or wooed community than first tions. It also includes any final thoughts by the stunning views, but there’s even more to this vibrant senior living community than first meets the eye. For starters, it’s a great value, offering unusually spacious re you wish to leave. Building a life book unusually spacious residences, high-quality services and amenities, and a is an act of love your family will apprevarietyat of classes and events to keep you happy and well. And then there are variety of classes and W Woods Edge the activities, like strawberry picking, that residents initiate themselves. To ciate. Don’t let it depress you. Have fun Small town charm. Engaging living. the activities, like stra schedule a visit and get started senior on the journey of finding your own personal with it. See it as a celebration of your treasures here, call 757-562-4259 today. schedule a visit and ge life, and don’t limit yourself to a book. Make two or three books if you need to 1401 North High Street · Franklin, VA 23851 · 757-562-4259 · VillageAtWoodsEdge.comtreasures here, call 75 and store them in a chest. Building your life book means that you will be there to help your family through a difficult time.

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Help senior drivers maintain their independence As men and women age, various factors may affect their ability to drive. In addition to issues with memory, seniors may have failing eyesight and physical limitations, and their reaction time may slow down. In such instances, seniors’ ability to safely operate a motor vehicle may be questioned. Age alone is not a reliable measure of driving ability, but many of the issues that affect one’s ability to safely drive a vehicle tend to appear as men and women near their golden years. Losing the ability to safely operate an automobile can greatly reduce a person’s independence. That is why periodic driver evaluations may be met with some reluctance. Aging men and women who don’t want to avoid potential conflicts with concerned family members can take their own steps to ensure they maintain their ability to safely operate a motor vehicle.

Schedule a driving safety evaluation

When drivers’ abilities to operate a motor vehicle become suspect, a thorough evaluation should be scheduled. The evaluation should not be handled by a family physician or family member, but by an unbiased third party like a Certified Driving Rehabilitation Specialist. This is a therapist who has special certification to assist people with disabilities, including older adults, with driving. They can help individuals with adaptive equipment or techniques if driving issues stem from something that can be addressed.

Figure out if the car “fits” the individual

A program called CarFit can help drivers assess if their car is suited to their abilities. A team of trained technicians and health professionals work with participants to ensure their vehicles are equipped for maximum safety and comfort. A properly adjusted vehicle is as important as one’s cognitive and physical abilities. Adjustments can include mirror placement, good foot positioning and sitting at the proper distance from the steering wheel. People can learn about an upcoming event at

Take a driver improvement course

Driver improvement courses are provided by various organizations, including some insurance companies. AARP also has a Driver Safety Course to lower the risk of traffic violations, collisions and injuries. Completion of these courses can help drivers enhance their abilities behind the wheel and may result in lower premiums for mature drivers.

Keep the mind and body fit

Regular exercise and a healthy diet can be assets for mature drivers. Mental fitness techniques and brain exercises can improve reaction time, while aerobic and strength-training workouts can keep the body in shape. Driving is one of the key avenues to personal independence. Strengthening seniors’ driving abilities is a goal of many organizations. —Metro Creative

Did you know?

Over the last decade, seniors have become increasingly more savvy in regard to social media usage. The Pew Research Center found that, in 2015, around 35 percent of people age 65 and older reported using social media. That’s a large jump from just 2 percent in 2005. As of 2016, 65 percent of people between the ages 50 and 64

reported using social media, according to Pew. Social media usage among seniors continues to climb, although young adults still comprise the demographic most likely to use it. Among those ages 50 and older, Facebook is by far the most popular social media platform used, followed by Pinterest and LinkedIn.

Insurance: Buy life insurance


Traveling after 50 has several advantages, such as discounts and flexibility.

How traveling after turning 50 can be great Many people face turning 50 with a little trepidation. They may miss the things they did during their youth and might feel like the hands of time are moving much too quickly. But instead of looking at aging as growing older, men and women can embrace turning 50 and the growing freedom that typically accompanies reaching this milestone. Increased opportunities to travel is one aspect of reaching 50 that excites many men and women. Nielsen reports that, over the next five years, around 80 million Americans will fit into the 50-plus age bracket. Many of these people will have extra time to devote to leisure activities. AARP, the leading nonprofit organization for aging adults, says that of the people with AARP memberships, nearly twothirds take advantage of travel discounts and other benefits in a typical year. The following are some such travel perks. 4Age can mean discounts. The minimum age to qualify for “senior” discounts varies among companies and for different products and services, so it’s up to travelers to see what is available to them. Not all companies advertise their senior discounts. Read

reviews in travel forums or on travel websites to find out which brands or places offer the best deals. 4More discretionary time. Even if retirement is a ways down the road, older adults may have accrued more vacation time than their younger colleagues. That time can be translated into longer or more frequent trips. 4 Age-based memberships. Reaching age 50 or 60 may entitle people to join groups that negotiate deals for their members. For example, the minimum membership age for AARP is 50, meaning travelers who join AARP can enjoy discounts roughly five years before they’re eligible for senior discounts offered by other organizations. 4Travel during off seasons. When not constrained by school schedules, men and women over 50 can travel during times of the year when prices are most affordable. This means savings and smaller crowds. This flexibility also can translate into airline discounts, as men and women over 50 with no time constraints can choose to be standby passengers in exchange for discounted or free tickets. —Metro Creative

Retirement: Plan your savings

Continued from page 1B

Continued from page 1B

dependent care. Beyond end-of-life bills and care, life insurance can offer other advantages, say the experts at Allstate Insurance Company. Life insurance can provide a family with a financial safety net. When a beneficiary is named, life insurance can serve as an inheritance for that person or people. Heirs may face estate taxes after a loved one dies, and life insurance benefits may help offset all or a portion of the costs. There may be benefits to life insurance while a person is living as well. The life insurance information site Term Life 2 Go says that, depending on the policy, life insurance can be borrowed against to pay off debt, buy a house or live off of dividends from the life insurance investment. This can provide a source of supplemental retirement income. Gateway Financial advisors say that many life insurance plans are extremely flexible and can be modified as needs change. Death benefits may be decreased if desired, and premiums can be skipped,

reduced or increased. Business owners also can use life insurance policies to their advantage. Including life insurance with the list of other benefits offered to prospective employees can entice top-notch candidates. Sole proprietors may use life insurance as a business continuation plan so that insurance proceeds can keep the business in the black until it is sold or a replacement owner is found. Shopping for life insurance requires careful research and an understanding of the products available. Consumers should have a thorough understanding of term and whole life policies, what premiums will cost, what the death benefit will pay, and if there are any living benefits. For example, living benefits may cover some costs for chronically or terminally ill people. Working with an experienced life insurance advisor can help people navigate the types of policies available to them. —Metro Creative

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IRAs, are governed by deposit limits. Men and women can examine their spending habits in an effort to find areas where they can cut back on nonessential expenses, such as cable television subscriptions and dining out. Any money saved each month can then be redirected into savings and/or retirement accounts. 4Reconsider your retirement date. Deciding to work past the age of 65 is another way to save more for retirement. Many professionals now continue working past the age of 65 for a variety of reasons. Some may suspect they’ll grow bored in retirement, while others may keep working out of financial need. Others may simply love their jobs and want to keep going until their passion runs out. Regardless of the reason, working past the age of 65 allows men and women to keep earning and saving for retirement, while also delaying the first withdrawal from their retirement accounts.

4Reconsider your current and future living situation. Housing costs are many people’s most considerable expense, and that won’t necessarily change in retirement. Even men and women who have paid off their mortgages may benefit by moving to a region with lower taxes or staying in the same area but downsizing to a smaller home where their taxes and utility bills will be lower. Adults who decide to move to more affordable areas or into smaller, less expensive homes can then redirect the money they are saving into interest-bearing retirement or savings accounts. Many people begin saving for retirement the moment they cash their first professional paycheck. But even adults over the age of 50 sometimes feel a need to save more as their retirement dates draw closer, and there are many ways to do just that. —Metro Creative

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Ergonomic gardening techniques can make gardening less taxing

Gardening is a popular activity that seems to be gaining even more supporters. Statistica reports that the number of people who gardened within the last 12 months in the United States rose from around 105 million in 2008 to 118 million in 2017. Gardening can be relaxing yet physically demanding work. Gardeners who find themselves battling aches and pains after spending time in the garden may need to make a greater effort to reduce injuries and improve comfort when tilling, weeding or installing new landscape features. Ergonomic gardening techniques and tools can help gardeners reduce their risk of injury and make gardening more comfortable.

Warm up

Just as novice athletes wouldn’t dive right into a strenuous workout at the gym, nor should novice gardeners immediately pick up a shovel and jump into digging a hole for their new tree. Gardening requires bending, stooping, lifting, twisting and other movements that work the entire body. Spending 10 or more minutes stretching, walking and doing a few back and arm rotations can limber the body up for the physical activity to come.

Use proper form

Think about the mechanics of lifting weights during a workout, as home and garden tasks may mimic movements made when exercising. Occupational therapists say that strain on the lower

back can be reduced by positioning objects close to the body and its center of gravity when lifting them. Furthermore, people can contract their abdominal muscles when lifting and bending to support the back. When lifting heavy objects, power should be derived from the legs and buttocks rather than the back.

Keep items close

Keeping work closer to the body will reduce the need for stooping, leaning or reaching, which should cut down on pulled muscles. Long-handled tools can help minimize reaching. Use step ladders to reach high areas or get down on padded cushions to work closer to the ground. This alleviates strain to the neck from having to look up or down for extended periods of time. Raised garden beds can bring plants to a person’s level. Therapists say that working below shoulder level whenever possible can prevent shoulder strains; otherwise, perform tasks for no more than five minutes at a time.

Invest in new tools

Cushioned grips and grip handles can prevent wrist fatigue, as can hand tools that keep wrists straight to improve strength and reduce repetitive motion injuries. Long-handled tools and push mowers should be as tall as the person using them. Seek out tools that keep the body in natural positions to maximize efficiency. —Metro Creative


Making a few changes to your gardening routine can help older adults stay in the garden for many more years as they age.



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More and more grandparents are stepping into parental roles for their grandkids.

Grandparents: Get legal advice Continued from page 1B

grandparents to take on responsibilities they may have thought were over. PBS reports that, between 2009 and 2016, the number of grandparents raising grandchildren in the United States rose by 7 percent. Although raising the next generation can bring about many rewards, including security, sense of purpose, a deeper relationship with family and social interaction, there are many obstacles as well. That includes the financial strain that raising children can place on individuals unprepared for the cost of child-rearing. Census figures also show that about one-fifth of grandparents caring for children have incomes that fall below poverty level. Grandparents may be rusty concerning safety requirements and equipment now needed to care for grandchildren, as well. As grandparents navigate the unexplored waters of raising grandchildren, there are certain factors they need to consider.

Legal advice or advocacy

Certain circumstances may require grandparents to seek legal help. If there is neglect, divorce, arrest, or other factors, it may be a smart idea for grandparents to seek the help of an attorney or advocacy group to clarify their legal rights and ensure access to grandchildren. In addition, grandparents may need certain legal documents, such as a power of attorney, citizenship papers, adoption records or consent forms.

Get educated

The rules have changed since grandparents raised their own children. It is important they learn as much as

possible on child safety guidelines. Consumer advocacy groups or pediatricians can help explain how guidelines have changed. New furniture and toys that meet current safety guidelines may have to replace older, unsafe items.


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Take care of yourself

Raising grandchildren can be emotionally taxing, especially if poor circumstances led to the grandchildren being placed with family. It is crucial to recognize feelings and one’s own health when caring for others. A grandparent who is exhausted or overwhelmed may not offer the appropriate care. Emphasizing one’s own mental and physical health is essential, as is getting help and advice when it’s most needed. The organization AARP recommends compiling a list of support services, such as respite care providers, counselors and support groups.

Grandchildren have feelings, too

Children, whether they are old enough to understand or not, may react to change differently. Some children may act out, while others may grow detached. Grandparents can focus on providing stable environments and offer support and consistency even if grandchildren are withdrawing or pushing their loved ones away with words or actions. Raising grandchildren can be complicated, but it has become more prevalent. It can take time for these new family units to find their grooves. More information is available at in their GrandFamilies Guide. —Metro Creative

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