Suffolk Teachers Rock 2020

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Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Suffolk Teachers Rock Best Wishes and Thank You

To Our Teaches!




A salute to teachers

We’ve always known teachers were superheroes, but this year has definitely offered more evidence than ever before. Teachers were already doing it all, but when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, we started asking them

to do it all — remotely. And they did it. And then after an unprecedented summer, teachers across the country came back to work in force — some virtually, some face-toface, some a mix of the two. One thing that never

stopped when it seemed everything else did was the love and care our teachers and other education professionals here in Suffolk have for the students in their charge. We honor them today with this special section. We asked Suffolk

Leslie Adams Suffolk Christian Academy What is your position? Development Coordinator. How long have you had this position? Two years. What is your favorite thing about this position? I love to meet and develop a strong relationship with people. Everyone has a gift or a talent to share. I love to collaborate with people in a way that everyone benefits from the relationship. What positive and negative changes has 2020 brought to your job? The positive changes have been that I have been challenged to find new creative ways to build meaningful relationships. The negative challenge is that the financial and volunteer needs of the school and the people who partner with us have changed. What are you doing to make the best of the situation? We do a lot of praying. We are doing the best we can to maintain our tradi-

tions while doing it safely. We are planning our annual Sustaining the Vision event even though it may look a little different this year. What do you feel the students need most at this time, and how are you best filling that need? They need as much normalcy and encouragement as possible. In my role, I work hard to make sure they have the resources they need to succeed.

P ublic S c h o o ls , Nansemond-Suffolk Academy and Suffolk Christian Academy to pass this questionnaire to their teachers and other staff so they could tell us what they love about their life’s work. You’ll find within these pages

some of the greatest love and passion humans can have for other humans — that of teachers, bus drivers, administrators and other educators for their students. We salute you, teachers.



Michelle Horton Nansemond-Suffolk Academy

What is your position? I am the Head of the Middle School at Nansemond-Suffolk Academy.

What positive and negative changes has 2020 brought to your job? When I reflect on this year, I am amazed at how many changes have occurred in such a short amount of time. The most challenging part of 2020 was definitely not seeing my students in person for so many


Thanks To Our Many Teachers in Our Public and Private Schools!

How long have you had this position? This is my 11th year as Head of the Middle School and my 27th year at NSA. What is your favorite thing about this position? Being a middle school principal for the past 11 years has been one of the highlights of my career in education. My students are the favorite part of my job. I get such joy each morning greeting my students at the door and welcoming them to a new school day. There is nothing more humbling and invigorating than helping my students grow and achieve success during the years they are in middle school. Just a simple high-five or elbow bump lets my students know I care about them.


months. In May, it definitely felt very strange to end a school year virtually. On a positive note, I have enjoyed seeing my students return to the classrooms. I feel my students have a greater appreciation for all that teachers do for them. What are you doing to make the best of the situation? I feel Theodore Roosevelt said it best, “do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” I always try to find joy in each and every day. I want my students to enjoy coming to school to learn. What do you feel the students need most at this time and how are you best filling that need? Middle school is such a transitional time. It is imperative that my teachers and I create a learning environment where every student feels valued and supported. I say all the time, “MIDDLE SCHOOL ROCKS!”

2018, 2019 & 2020


To the rest of the world, you may be a teacher. To your students, you are a true life superhero. Thank you to all teachers for helping children in our community learn and thrive, even though the many changes and challenges that have come with this school year.










Fred Brinkley Suffolk Christian Academy What is your position? Transportation/bus driver. How long have you had this position? Two years. What is your favorite thing about this position? Meeting the kids and making sure buses are maintained. What positive and negative changes has 2020 brought to your job?

Having to practice social distancing. What are you doing to make the best of the situation? Advising everyone that we are in this together. What do you feel the students need most at this time and how are you best filling that need? To understand the importance of guidelines and to encourage them in any way.

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It’s because of our great teachers and staff, that we are able to say we’re the Locals Choice for BEST PRIVATE SCHOOL and BEST PRESCHOOL in Suffolk! Thank you to all of our teachers and staff who make each day a great day, at SCA!



(Next to YMCA)




Wendy Blausey, Nansemond-Suffolk Academy

What is your position? I am the middle school office manager and the virtual learning liaison for the middle school at Nansemond-Suffolk Academy. As the office manager, I assist the head of the middle school, Michelle Horton, and the middle school counselor, Tracy Grady. I am also here to assist students and send communication to parents. In addition, I provide support to teachers with their daily duties and keep them informed. As the virtual learning liaison, I offer support and keep virtual learning students and parents connected to the school. I meet with virtual students weekly, help them with technology needs, monitor assessments, and answer questions about assignments.

How long have you had this position? I am an alumna of NSA, and this is my 28th year as an employee. I have taught first grade, second grade, sixthand eighth-grade math, and eighth-grade world geography. I have been the office manager for five years, and this is the first year we have had a virtual liaison position. What is your favorite thing about this position? It is hard to come up with one favorite thing about my job. I enjoy being on campus and interacting with the students daily. I also have the privilege of working with Michelle Horton, Tracy Grady, and the best faculty anywhere. My colleagues are like family. As far as the virtual learning

component, I like the thought of keeping our virtual students connected. Learning off campus creates a unique set of challenges for students, parents and teachers. Offering them support is very gratifying. My job is never boring. What positive and negative changes has 2020 brought to your job? 2020 has definitely been a year of changes. I think what I miss the most are the athletic events and other social gatherings that are so much a part of the NSA community. On a positive note, it has given us confidence as a school that we can carry on in less than ideal situations and continue to offer a quality education to students both virtually and in the classroom.

What are you doing to make the best of the situation? This pandemic has reminded me of a favorite quote, “the only thing that you can really control is how you react to things out of your control.� I try to start each day with a positive attitude and treat others with kindness and respect. It makes me a happier person to know I have done my best and helped someone every day.

What do you feel the students need most at this time and how are you best filling that need? Students need emotional support and reassurance each day that this is all going to be OK. Parents need reassurance that their children are

nurtured and supported while they are moving forward with their education. I want children to feel safe coming to me and confident that I will help them find solutions to situations. I want parents to know that I am always looking out for their children. I make it a point to treat each student as I would like my own child to be treated.




Natalie Karakala, Elephant’s Fork Elementary School How long have you been a teacher? I have just started my eighth year teaching. What do you teach? I teach fifth grade, all subjects (math, writing, reading, science, social studies) What is your favorite thing about teaching? I can’t pick just one thing to call my favorite about teaching. If I had to, I would say it is the moment the kids walk off the bus and into my classroom. This part of the day goes by so quick, but it holds so much meaning. The kids can arrive angry, sad, happy, glad, however they arrive, this is the start of their day. Teaching is not a “job” to me. Teaching is a combination of all of my favorite things compiled into one day. Being able to work with kids each day and being able to have those moments when you really see the learning taking place. These are just a few of the components that make my heart happy about teaching. What positive and negative changes has 2020 brought to teaching?

Oh man! What a question! This is such a difficult question to answer, because I am constantly seeking the good in people and in situations. If we look at this entire experience with a glass half full perspective, we can see that teaching makes a difference not just academically. It makes a difference socially, and emotionally too. These are not just attributes of teaching for our students but attributes that matter to the teachers too. I know for me and I’m sure many other teachers, the students are our “why.” They are our reason for what we do. A lot of people may not realize how impactful students are to their teachers. From showing what they’ve learned, academic needs and progress, social needs and progress, and emotional needs and progress. This is all a combination of what helps teachers to feel value and worth. A negative change that 2020 has brought to teaching for me, would be the feeling of not having that bond and safe place our classroom once held. Not always feeling like I’m making a difference like I did when I was in my classroom with my students. I think as

teachers we are our hardest critics and are always trying to find ways to reach our students. 2020 has really made it hard for teachers to truly show and emphasize what it is we love to do. What are you doing to make the best of the situation? What am I doing? I would say, I’m being silly and reminding our students that it’s OK to laugh and have fun. Always reminding my students and parents that every single day is a new day. I instill this when my students are in class, and especially now that we are virtual. I am working each day to make sure that my students and parents know that we are a team. I want them to know that we are in this together, and we will have the most fun we can, and make the best of every single day. This is a stressful time for everyone; it shouldn’t be stressful for the kids. They should be able to progress academically, understand their academic responsibilities, but also enjoy their lives and have fun as we adapt to this new normal. What do you feel the stu-

dents need most at this time and how are you best filling that need? What I think students need most at this time is someone to talk to and someone to listen to them. I think we forget sometimes how much talking occurs during a school day between students, and students and teachers. Discussion is huge in academic, social and emotional progression. I have two Zoom meetings set up during the day just in case students want to join in to talk. I also try to provide opportunities during our morning meetings each day for my students to continue to get to know each

other and to get to know me. Although it’s through typing, chat, and occasionally them unmuting to talk, it’s a time for us to be ourselves and dive a little deeper into building friendships and relationships. I also make sure my students know that I am always here for them. I think it’s important to remember as a teacher during this time, that our classroom is not just the walls around the desks and chairs. Our classroom is what we bring each day as the teacher, and what the students bring each day as the students. We are what makes up our classroom, whether we’re virtual or in class.

Shout Out to All Teachers YOU ROCK!





Christa Mullins Suffolk Christian Academy How long have you been a teacher? This is my third year teaching in a traditional school, although I have taught English overseas and homeschooled my children in the past.

- Sherri Story School Board - Chuckatuck Borough

What do you teach? I teach high school Spanish primarily, but I also teach a Bible class for freshmen. What is your favorite thing about teaching? Teaching a world language is a lot like teaching preschool! We start out with the basics and learn to laugh at ourselves. Plus, there is always an excuse for a fiesta! What positive and negative changes has 2020 brought to teaching? Spring of 2020 came out of nowhere for teachers everywhere. My school was able to complete the year virtually after only a twoweek hiatus, and I’m very proud of how my administrators and coworkers rose to that challenge. Of course, the worst part about it all was not being able to have faceto-face contact with our students. The pandemic also has changed education in many ways that I expect will last beyond our current situation. Even though we have been able to maintain in-person instruction since September, we have transitioned to doing most of our assignments online. There has been quite a learning curve with that, but our faculty and students have made great strides toward being more proficient with the technology.


What are you doing to make the best of the situation? I try to keep my expectations high while giving grace where it is needed. I think it helps us all to remember that educators and families everywhere are in a very tough situation, no matter how we’re doing school this year. At the same time, we have so many tools at our disposal, and sometimes it takes adversity to make us tap into our creativity. What do you feel the students need most at this time and how are you best filling that need? I see a significant number of students dealing with anxiety this year. I think they need to see adults listening to them and taking their ideas and concerns to heart. I also try to show them that faith in God gives peace when the world seems out of control. He loves them and has a good plan for their lives.




Courtney supporting Teachers and Suffolk Schools for 15 years and counting.

“It is my privilege to endorse Courtney Wolfe as a candidate for the Suffolk City Council, Nansemond Borough. During my years as a Suffolk City Schools administrator, I had the opportunity to see Mrs. Wolfe’s dedication to our schools and to our students’ quality of education. I truly believe Mrs. Wolfe will be a positive force of new leadership needed on the council! Please take time on November 3rd to vote for Courtney Wolfe so we can see positive progress for Suffolk.” - Leigh N. Bennett

VOTE FOR Courtney



10 | WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2020


Jennifer Nicholes Suffolk Christian Academy How long have you been a teacher? This is my 11th year of teaching. What do you teach? I teach second grade at Suffolk Christian Academy. What is your favorite thing about teaching? Some of my favorite things about teaching are being with the students, watching them have light bulb moments when things click for them as we are learning, and watching them develop socially as they learn to interact well with their classmates. I love listening to them role-play (most of the time!) during recess, and hearing them pray for each other when someone is absent and they miss them. What positive and negative changes has 2020 brought to teaching? 2020 has brought many changes to teaching. Positively, it has made me especially thankful for face-to-face time with the kids and even with my co-workers. Nothing can fully take the place of faceto-face learning and sharing. My school has reopened for in-person learning, but it looks very different from an average school year. I

am so glad to be able to teach the kids in person. Negatively, 2020 has put a lot of added pressure on everyone. Doing school virtually was extremely difficult for families and teachers alike this past spring. This contributed to major learning gaps for some students and frustration in homes. Some of them struggle with new fears, changes to their jobs, or even job loss. New safety protocols for school take a good deal of time and effort and require teachers to rethink almost everything about their procedures in order to keep students from sharing surfaces and in order to maintain social distancing. For early elementary, this means not doing many of the fun group-style projects we normally would do, but hopefully finding another creative way to meet those learning objectives. I think it also limits our ability to foster the life skill of compromising with others in the early grades. There is nothing they have to learn to share when they aren’t allowed to share things. What are you doing to make the best of the situation? We are trying to make the best of the situation by being thankful for our blessings, being a

source of comfort and consistency for the families in our school, and adjusting procedures in order to be in compliance with new safety requirements. What do you feel the students need most at this time and how are you best filling that need? At this time especially, students need safe and caring interaction with others. This includes interacting with qualified teachers who guide them in their academic development and model for them a calm spirit and a joy that comes from a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. It also includes interaction with classmates, who are learning with them and seeing them as an important member of their classroom family. This gives the students security and belonging, hope to look forward to tomorrow, and courage to think of others and try new steps in their own learning process.




Amber Nierman Nansemond-Suffolk Academy How long have you been a teacher? This is my ninth year teaching Suffolk’s brilliant youth! What do you teach? I have always taught third grade. It really seems to be my calling. It’s the perfect age group where students are somewhat independent but still love school. What is your favorite thing about teaching? I love my students! I love learning from them and laughing at all of their funny responses and stories. They even laugh at all my

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stories and jokes! I also love helping a student discover their love for reading. Reading is my favorite subject to teach! What positive and negative changes has 2020 brought to teaching? I love being back in the classroom and interacting with students. Teaching virtually in 2020 is tough, but I now have a lot of new tools in my “toolbox” to better facilitate the virtual learning experience.


What are you doing to make the best of the situation? I continue to give 100%, because my students are counting on me, while also reminding myself that this is not a normal year! What do you feel the students need most at this time, and how are you best filling that need? Students need teachers to work harder this year to fill the learning gap caused by COVID-19. Teachers go above and beyond in a normal year, but this year, I’m putting in the extra effort to help my third-graders be successful!




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12 | WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2020



Joey Seal Nansemond-Suffolk Academy How long have you been a teacher? I am currently in my fourth year as a teacher and also my fourth year at Nansemond-Suffolk Academy. What do you teach? I teach sixth-grade U.S. history and seventh-grade world geography. What is your favorite thing about teaching? Wow! What a great question. There are so many things, I do not know where to start. The ability to make an impact in the lives of others is probably at the top. There are not many professions where you get to create connections with so many people who are at such an impactful time in their lives. I also love the opportunity that we have every day to serve others. 2020 is so different from any other year, but the one constant as a teacher is that there are still students to mold. What positive and negative changes has 2020 brought to teaching? There have been a lot of positive changes that I have had to make. The one that comes to mind first is being able to step outside of my comfort zone and adapt to the various ways that we can connect with and serve our students. I also believe that 2020 has put a lot of aspects of our lives and routines into perspective. Some of the things that I thought were really important do not seem that way now, and some of the things maybe I took for granted are certainly more valued now. The biggest negative is the impact that our long time off had on our kids. I think being away from their friends and family, mentors, sports,

etc., definitely took its toll on the kids. You could see an immediate change as soon as we were back in school, and things were a bit more “normal.” We saw a lot more smiles and positive energy almost instantly. What are you doing to make the best of the situation? I think that maintaining my perspective on our role as teachers has been monumental for me. We are here to serve our students. Understanding that schedules are different, days may be longer, etc., are all adjustments that are difficult for the teachers, but those changes also impact the students. At the middle school level, this is a really transformative time for them developmentally without a pandemic, and this just adds another layer. Unfortunately, no one has experience navigating these waters. Letting the students know that failure might happen a bit more frequently is OK as long as we are learning together and making the necessary adjustments. The phrase “we’re all in this together” has never been more applicable! And, not just saying it, but living it has really been big for me. We also spend a lot of time talking about gratitude and expressing the things we are thankful for. COVID-19 has taken a lot from all of us, but we still have a lot to be grateful for. What do you feel the students need most at this time, and how are you best filling that need? The students need reassurance that there is only so much that they can control. We cannot control the impact of this pandemic and the many changes it has forced. We can, however, control how we respond. Mindfulness, positive energy, and

just living in the present are all things I try to remind our students and myself daily. Ms. Horton, our Head of Middle School, welcomed us back with a great motto: “Grace, Patience and Flexibility.” That has really stayed with me, and I try to lead with those three words this year.

Thank U Teachers



Your guiding our young people through unprecedented times and we appreciate you!

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