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e t a r b e l e C m o d E E FR d l a r e H s w e N k l o f f u S e h t With


tarting July 5, the Suffolk NewsHerald will be distributed FREE at newsstands all over Suffolk. No more fumbling for quarters — just open the door of the rack, grab a paper and you’re good to go!

Saturday • Februar y 26, 201 1

A new vision

We want everybody in Suffolk to have a chance to read the Suffolk News-Herald, regardless of their ability to pay for it. So, starting July 5, it’s FREE for everyone. Home or mail delivery service will be available for a fee. Call 539-3437 for more information. NOTE: All existing subscriptions will be honored until their expiration dates.


n a hot sum day, child mer’s re splash in n a memorial po ol that co m memorat es the hi storic battle of the ironc lads. in the ba ckground , wind turbines spin and traffic rushes by on th e monitor-mer rim ac mem orial bridge-t unnel. Nearby, research are worki ers ng, men are mowing thei and cash r lawns register s are ringing. old colle ge friends mee and shop t for lunch ping, fam ilies come fo r en and youn tertainment g profes sionals come ho me from work Se

New deve developm lopment: these im the battl ent authority and ages by the ur ba e betwee n the mon tidewater Comm n Land institute un panel sh itor and the merrim ity College. the ow sugg este larg ac. inset right, a re e image is a bird d uses for a 44 4-ac ’s-ey ndering of the wate e view of a porti re property in No rfront pa on of the rth rk. Subm project. in Suffolk owned by the cit itted imageS set left, a water feature co y’s economic mmemor ates

Big pape r


The pace of life in Suffolk

Homear ama co mes bac k


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Goo Direcds and tory Servic es

inside su nd special pu ay’s edition will be bl strides, th ications. be sure some e to a feature business card di look for on re miss out. the area rescue ctory and squad. do n’t

Landfill future in limbo

Homea sponsore rama, the twic Builders d in Hamptone-yearly showca officials Association, w Roads by th se of homes ill an e The R nounced on Fr return to Suffol Tidewater k this fa will host iverfront neig iday. ll, hborhood th e ev the third ent for in Har th Last sprinvisit to Suffolk e second time, bour View of Wight g, the event ca by Homearam making this a the city. County, just ac me to Founders in 10 years. ross Chu Po ckatuck int in Isle Creek fr om See HO Homeara MEARA m MA, 11 the site a: the riverfron A fo t the third r the fall 2011 Hodevelopment in No Submitted PHot o time the event ha mearama event rth Suffolk will be s visited in Suffolk in october. this is 10 years.

Good Morn ing


It’s not as but at lea warm as yesterd ay st that aw you’ll get to we esome ex ar tra T-sh with the irt A-Team on it.

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HeatHe SuffoLk r mCgiNLey/ NewS-He raLd

Not to mention ... Drummer s: Sunset dr the visited oa ummers kla elementa nd ry on friday School in celebration of black History m onth.

By tracy aG neWs ed new iTor Despite of selling batting around the idea or closing al land the fil Service l, Southeaste regionrn bers will Authority boar Public decision have to hold d memspring. on the site un off any til at leas t “It’s so has thou mething that ev executiv ght about,” sa erybody Taylor. e director id SPSA Rowland The ci By HeatHe rM to approvty of Suffolk w ou sTaFF W cGinley e any sa le of the ld have riTer ebrated landfill, B Wearing a group lack History See LA M brightly African NDFILL School of Oakland onth with E ga , 3A students Elemen of drum rb and playin colored tary arleanor. “We just on T ound.” spread th sizes, th s in different g an array es he group perf Friday. , school orms fo shapes e music e Sunset Thi s and m r church and ne Drumm or ve - seco s is the Suns e for free r charge ers celnd ,” . “W ye who bega sa ar visitin et Drummers’ n the gr id Vivian Jacke Last year, oup with , the groug the school. his wife p played for See BLA CK HIS TORY, 11A

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great D ea

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Publish ed Tues J. Scot day through t Wood citizens Sunday for the of Suffo , Auctio lk, Virgin neer V ia • Real AAL #2 Es 910 1 01 Phil • Estate tate • Antiqu hower es s•C Drive, Suffolk • Liqu ommercial , VA W id a ti CMYK ons e Buy a A u ction Held nd Sell s Every Estates • BUYIN T u esday Every G of Mont • SELLIN h Phone: G 53

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