2 minute read

Learn to survey orchards in Suffolk Gen Broad, Orchards East

Dog disturbance need not be a bête noire

So, in answer to the question posed at the outset of this article, for conservationists there is no longer a reason to suffer Churchillian ‘black dog’ days any more, because the application of a Share-with care scheme can genuinely resolve a real conservation bête noire!

Share-with care is a Limited Liability Partnership. Since 2010 it has undertaken schemes in North Norfolk, Suffolk and Hampshire as well as supporting Forestry Commission greenspace efforts in East London and the Thames Gateway. To find out more, or to discuss a specific project, visit the website at www.share-withcare.org

Learn to survey orchards in Suffolk!

Gen Broad, Orchards East

Orchards East (OE) is building on the foundations of the Suffolk Traditional Orchard Group (STOG) project during 2012-2015. This successful Heritage Lottery funded project signed up 170 volunteers who visited over 1,000 possible orchard sites and created a database of 475 confirmed orchard sites. OE launches have been held in Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire and Norfolk over the past six months and survey work is already underway. We will not be holding an event in Suffolk, thanks to the previous STOG work, so we are now inviting volunteers to sign up to survey the remaining unrecorded parishes. We cannot do this without you - Orchards East needs your enthusiasm and skills! Volunteers will be given guidance and support to complete local parish surveys. These will help to discover how many orchards still exist, which trees remain and how important they are for wildlife. You don’t need any particular skills to become an orchard surveyor, just an interest in your own local area and a willingness to spend a few days outdoors!

What’s in it for you?

• The chance to learn more about your local area and its past. • An opportunity to be part of a friendly, supported team. • The satisfaction of contributing to a large-scale project which will inform conservation and planning decision making. All you need is an interest and enthusiasm for orchards, be keen to walk around your local area using a map and the ability to complete the survey form (we’re always on hand to answer questions!) Please join us - you will be very welcome!

Other volunteering Opportunities

Oral History Project Learn how to do recorded interviews and contribute to our knowledge of peoples’ memories, opinions and experiences of orchards in our region. Or, if you have stories to tell about orchards now or in the past and you’d like to be interviewed, please let us know. Historical Research Project Discovering the historical landscape of orchards can reveal fascinating social and cultural changes over time. To find out more about volunteering for any of these projects, please contact us:

www.orchardseast.org.uk or g.broad@uea.ac.uk

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