The Harrier 170, Autumn 2012

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rarities, they really are vital! My ongoing thanks goes out to our BINS members for their prodigious efforts in helping to provide Suffolk with such a fantastic service. For SOG members wanting to enjoy daily updates, superb photography and much more, please visit Suffolk BINS at: Finally, with my SOG hat on, I would like to pass on my own personal thanks to all who

David Carter

Osprey and Red Kite


ccasionally we get Red Kite drifting through Brettenham and, on a Saturday morning in June, one appeared to land in a wooded area about a mile away from the house, so we jumped in the car and went to investigate. Much to our surprise the first bird we encountered was an Osprey sitting in an oak tree with a fish. It flew off with the fish and, after walking down a nearby footpath, we managed to relocate it in another tree. As I was taking a few photos of the bird (see left) a Red Kite reappeared and flew close to the Osprey, maybe attempting to rob it of the fish before flying off.


THE HARRIER – October 2012

took part in the SOG Sponsored Bird Race, and to those who sponsored us, or made donations. This was a critical event for the Group, and I have been overwhelmed by the generosity of the general public, friends, families, work colleagues, members and external organisations, who have all helped us raise some well-needed funds. So a big thank you goes out to one and all, and I very much look forward to catching up with many of you at the forthcoming indoor events between now and Christmas.

From my photographs I was able to read the letters on the leg ring of the Osprey and these were sent, via the BTO, to Roy Dennis who was featuring the Osprey Project on Spring Watch this year. Below is the reply I received: David Carter “Many thanks for your report and excellent picture of the Osprey BN which Roy Dennis forwarded to me. The BTO ring that you saw is No. 1408262. It is one of the Ospreys ringed by Ciril Ostroznik of North Solway Ringing Group and it is a delight to hear of it. The bird (a male) is one of a brood of three ringed near Crawford, South Lanarkshire on 24 July 2010 in a nest that Ciril constructed. Another of the Ospreys ringed that year – near Castle Douglas - was photographed in September 2010 in Brittany, France. These sightings just show the value of the darvc rings with their large letters and the increased reports that come from them.” Derek Skilling, Dumfries.

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