Suffolk Birds 2022

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Suffolk Birds 2022

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VOL. 72

A review of birds in Suffolk in 2022


Nick Mason

Greatly assisted by Philip Murphy (Systematic List) David Walsh (Rarities)

John Richardson (Photos) Phil Whittaker (Artwork)

Laurie Forsyth (Proofreading)


Compiled by SUFFOLK BIRD GROUP 2023

Published by The Suffolk Naturalists’ Society, The Hold, 131 Fore Street, Ipswich

© The Suffolk Naturalists’ Society 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of the copyright owners.

The SNS is a Registered Charity No. 206084.

ISSN 0264-5793

Printed by Healeys, Unit 10, The Sterling Complex, Farthing Road, Ipswich, Suffolk IP1 5AP.

Front cover: Alpine Accentor – Jan Wilczur (On Twitter/X @JWilczur and Facebook/Instagram) By the way – this is what the bird may look like now (somewhere in Iberia perhaps)?

The copyright remains that of the photographers and artists.

The artwork in this Report is by: Russ Boland, Peter Lakey and Jan Wilczur.

The photographs in this report are by: Bill Baston, David Borderick, Alan Chaplin, Liz Cutting, Ian Goodall, Chris Mayne, Andrew Moon, Peter Ransome and John Richardson.

We would like to point out that many photographs were submitted, all of them of publishable quality. In the end we had to go for those that fitted in best with this year’s bird report.

Nuthatch, West Suffolk, December 26th
Alan Chaplin

Notice to Contributors

Suffolk Birds is an annual publication of records, notes and papers on all aspects of Suffolk ornithology. Except for records and field descriptions submitted through the county recorders, all material should be original. It should not have been published elsewhere or offered complete or in part to any other journal.

Authors should carefully study this issue and follow the style of presentation, especially in relation to references and tables. Where relevant, nomenclature and order should follow the latest published for The British List by the British Ornithologist’s Union (IOC list from 2018 – now updated June 2022) and available on their web site at English names should follow the same list.

Contributions should, if possible, be submitted to the editor by e-mail and written in Microsoft Word (Calibri font size 10). If typed, manuscripts should be double-spaced, with wide margins, on one side of the paper only. They must be in the final form for publication: proofs of longer papers are returned to authors, but alterations must be confined to corrections of printer’s errors. The cost of any other alterations may be charged to the author.

Photographs and line drawings are required to complement each issue. Suitable photographs of birds, preferably taken in Suffolk, can be either digital or in the form of 35mm transparencies. Artwork is also required to complement each issue. Every possible effort will be made to take care of the original photographs and artwork. However, photographers and artists are reminded that neither the editor nor the SNS can be held responsible in the unlikely event that loss or damage occur.

Authors may wish to illustrate their papers, but this will be subject to the illustrations being of the standard required by the editor and the decision on such matters will rest with him or her. Material submitted for publication should be sent to the editor no later than March 1st of each year. Authors of main papers may request up to five free copies of the journal. Any opinions expressed in this Report are those of the contributor and are not necessarily those of the Suffolk Naturalists’ Society or the Suffolk Bird Group.

Suffolk Ornithological Records Committee (at time of printing): Chair: Gi Grieco

Area County Recorders: Chris Gregory (west), Dick Walden (north-east), Gi Grieco (south-east)

Bird Report Editor: Nick Mason (non-voting)

Secretary and BBRC correspondent: James Brown (

Other Committee Members: James Brown, Rob Holmes, Tim Humpage, Rachel Harvey, Ben Moyes, Stuart Read, Brian Small.

Rare Breeding Birds Panel: David Walsh


Papers, notes, drawings and photographs: The Editor (Suffolk Birds), The Suffolk Naturalists’ Society, The Hold, 131, Fore Street, Ipswich, IP4 1LN.

Records: See inside front cover.

Suffolk Ornithological Records Committee - correspondence: The Secretary, SORC, The Hold, 131, Fore Street, Ipswich, IP4 1LN - or

I will start by saying a massive thank you to both Philip Murphy and David Walsh. Philip checks all sorts of things including a lot of the data entered into the report as well as researching many historical records and giving context to this year’s occurrences. Brilliant! David has been responsible (voluntarily) for laying out the documentation of our rare and scarce birds. It is highly unlikely that any of the records relating to rarer birds in this report are erroneous. The effort he puts in is impressive – as many of you will have noticed! Brilliant!

Thank you also to Phil Whittaker for collating the artwork in the report (including Jan Wilczur’s impressive front cover) and John Richardson for collating the wonderful photographs. As usual we could not include all of them that were submitted.

This year we have the same writers doing the different sections in the main bird report. Gi Grieco does the geese and swans – where does he find the time with all his other commitments? Andrew Green has been thorough with the ducks. John Davies continues with the rails and grebes, Margie Carter the waders at the beginning of the list and then Ed Keeble with the rest of the waders. Ed also helps by gathering the WeBS data. James Wright puts a lot of effort into the gull section and, similarly, Brian Buffery in to the terns and auks. The divers were written up by Chris Courtney and the shearwaters, and larks and hirundines, by Nick Mason. The storks, cormorants and herons are thoughtfully put together by Peter Lack and the raptors by Chris Gregory the recorder for the west of the county. Shrikes, tits and corvids are written by Phil Whittaker (who also collates the artwork). We are lucky to have the ever-professional Peter Kennerley doing the warblers. Richard Attenborrow continues with the crests, starlings and thrushes and, our southeast recorder, Steve Fryett the flycatchers and chats. Good old Paul Gowen does the sparrows and finches while Adam Gretton has fun with the escapes in the appendices section. What a good job they all do. We do have to welcome John Kornjaca to the team. He has written both the gamebird and falcons sections. Welcome!

Our articles include: the Trimley Ringing Report again, so well presented by Justin Zantboer, a write-up of, probably the bird of the year, the Alpine Accentor at Slaughden by Ben Moyes, a short piece on a flagged Avocet by Ed Keeble and two RSPB pieces, one on the Spoonbills breeding again on Havergate Island and the other on the successful breeding of Common Cranes at Snape Marshes. SBG gave a bursary to William Smith to help with his surveying the Golden Pheasant population in Britain and, especially, in The Brecks. Will has produced a shortened version for us here. However, the full study can be viewed using the link at the end of the article. Thank you everyone for all the hard work.

We do not have a ringing report for the whole county, but we have received some ringing details, especially from Mike Marsh

I was intending to write a bit about Merlin – the bird identification app from Cornell University. However, comments and articles have been written in much of the birding media. Suffice to say that it can be a very useful tool in teaching you bird songs and calls. But, in my opinion, it should not be used to excess as you are not really learning the skill yourself. Personally, having tried it out during spring, I found Redstarts in nearly every tree and bush. This was rather annoying as I was trying to monitor my local Redstart population! It was clearly mixing up a call with that of Chaffinch – a regular event on the app apparently. Over time these glitches should be ironed out, but that does require us to use the app to point out the problems. Hopefully no more Orioles from the Blackbird bush! One thing is clear – the app cannot be used for entering records.

I always like to mention volunteers – the backbone of the birding world. It has always been rewarding doing surveys, such as WeBS, and getting a sweat up doing conservation work parties. There are over 40 counters doing WeBS counts on our estuaries and water courses, once a month through the winter (sometimes all year). Work parties take place on all sorts of sites from nature

reserves to roadsides and, I suppose, include litter picks. Everyone trying to save the planet! This bird report is completely produced by volunteers (until we get to the printers that is). All the committee members are volunteers (SORC and SBG for instance), as are the three Suffolk area bird recorders – what a tremendous job they do! Personally, I am starting to feel my age as far as the physical work is concerned (bits falling off!) but I intend to continue monitoring as long as possible.

So, a great big thank you to all volunteers, whatever it is you are doing to make the world a better place, especially for our birds and other wildlife. And a well done to all the birders who make a special effort to point out birds to whoever shows the slightest interest.

And who won the Suffolk Wildlife Trust Volunteer of the Year Award? – our very own Save Our Suffolk Swifts – well deserved!

There have been a few category changes, each in place with immediate effect.


Pectoral Sandpiper: 3 to 2

Temminck`s Stint: 3 to 2

Grey Phalarope: 2 to 3

Roseate Tern: 3 to 2

Black-throated Diver: 2 to 3

Leach`s Petrel: 3 to 2

White Stork: 2 to 3

White-tailed Eagle: 2 to 3

Bee-eater: 2 to 3

Twite: 3 to 2

Tawny Owl, Lower layham, May 14th
Bill Baston


Aquatic Warbler: 2 to 1

Central Asian Lesser Whitethroat: records assessed

There are good reasons behind all these changes (with maybe a few more to come). There is a little irony in a couple of these changes – but that is only because of a few recent events – I am writing this in October 2023!

Here is the annual reminder to get your records in, if you are not on eBird or BirdTrack. All records can be of interest, important even, even if of common birds. Although we write a lot about rare and scarce birds, pieces on more common species are just as appreciated. Maybe you have an interesting article on breeding Blue Tits or the autumn movement of Robins you want to share?

We would like to ask people who have posted sightings on BINS to send those records to the recorders. Then we know that they are in the system.

Also, on the subject of records, the Norfolk 2021 Bird Report included a 1925 sighting of a Black-bellied Dipper, which had only just come to light. Apparently, this was from a ‘stuffed bird’ collection where the bird had been shot by a collector. So, are there any interesting records out there that have not been sent in? The Suffolk Bird Report is the journal of records for Suffolk ornithology.

A Brief Overview of Scarce and Rare Birds in Suffolk in 2022

The same pressures that are affecting our common resident and migrant birds – climate change, pressures on ‘wild’ locations such as increased recreation, destruction of habitat, etc. – seem to be having the same effect on scarce and rare birds in Suffolk. The evidence may be circumstantial or anecdotal, but those that have been birding in Suffolk over past years will testify to a distinct decline in some species and change in the weather patterns that drive them here.

As an example, the easterly or northeasterly airflows ‘enjoyed’ in past autumns (seen as one of the driving forces for rare birds in Suffolk) are now becoming less frequent – seemingly they are pushing north to affect the UK coastline from East Yorkshire northward. The impact this has on scarce and rare eastern species in autumn has become most marked in the past five years –Yellow-browed and Pallas’s Leaf Warbler are good examples of this. Conversely, records indicate that spring overshoots of some southern European species such as Bee-eater are increasing as breeding ranges move northwards. Time will tell if these are long-term changes.

Two species, White-tailed Eagle and White Stork are part of re-introduction schemes. It is hard to know how to treat records of these species, but from now on only records of proven wild birds will be listed in this summary. With the Isle of Wight re-introduction scheme, it seems as if Whitetailed Eagle is likely to become a regular sight in Suffolk skies, indeed several records of the same touring individual were received during the first half of the year. Another re-introduction scheme is the source of several sightings of White Stork – this time the Knepp White Stork Project, West Sussex. Two further species, Glossy Ibis and Cattle Egret are also becoming increasingly regular and they are no longer classed as ‘scarce’ in a Suffolk context, even though they still seem ‘rare’. In contrast, formerly regular species such as Lesser Spotted Woodpecker and Willow Tit are now virtually absent in Suffolk and other species are heading that way at a rapid rate.

January sightings

The wintering Black-throated Diver – a ‘leftover’ from 2021 – remained into late January, ranging from Levington Marina to Wherstead Strand on the Orwell Estuary, while at Minsmere an adult winter Lesser Yellowlegs was discovered south of the sluice on 16th (and remained until late April).

Of note, an ‘influx’ of Siberian Chiffchaffs into the UK was also experienced in Suffolk, with ten present in January mostly at sewage works: Carlton Marshes, Leathes Ham (2) near the tennis courts, ringed at Kessingland sewage works, Thorpeness sewage works (2) alongside 10+ Common Chiffchaffs, Melton sewage works (2), Brantham sewage works and Belstead Brook Park.

February sightings

A smart drake Ring-necked Duck, discovered on an irrigation reservoir on Aldringham Walks on 5th, stayed throughout the month, but difficulty of viewing necessitated the climbing an adjacent Sycamore tree. Another Black-throated Diver was seen on the sea off Felixstowe on 10th. In addition, the Lesser Yellowlegs remained at Minsmere and a few Siberian Chiffchaffs were still at Thorpeness, Melton and Brantham sewage works. Finally, the only Lesser Spotted Woodpecker away from the Brecks was photographed at Playford on 5th – we are close to the day when Lesser Spots are extinct in Suffolk.

March sightings

The drake Ring-necked Duck stayed at Aldringham Walks until mid-month and the Lesser Yellowlegs remained at Minsmere reserve, mainly on Lucky Pool but sometimes closer on the Konik Field. A Black-throated Diver was seen by a bird group as it flew north at Dunwich on 29th. Little Bunting is still a much-desired, yet elusive, bird in Suffolk, so one at Knettishall airfield

on 7th was a good find; it was seen briefly again two days later (9th).

April sightings

Easily the rarest bird of the month was a diminutive Pacific Golden Plover present at Peto’s Marsh, Carlton Marshes from 3rd to 26th. Intrinsically an adult moulting into breeding plumage, it was frequently to be seen early mornings or in the evening; never very close, mid morning it would often fly off with the Golden Plovers, calling as it flew, to return later. A pair of Blackwinged Stilts was found at Botany Marshes, Snape late afternoon of 13th; observed mating in possible breeding habitat. News was limited at the time in the hope that they might stay, but sadly they flew off early evening and did not return. Meanwhile, the long-staying Lesser Yellowlegs remained at Minsmere, being last seen on 24th; during the latter part of its stay, it was prone to attack the local Redshanks, landing on their heads and backs.

It is always nice to track a scarce bird (increasingly easy in these days of mobile connectivity), so a Black Kite first seen at Minsmere over the North Wall at 08:52hr on 18th was tracked south through several sites. Next reported at Hollesley at 10:00hr, it then headed south along the coast and was last seen at midday.

A wintering Siberian Chiffchaff lingered at Carlton Marshes on 3rd and another was photographed along the old railway line at Southwold on 19th with one in the copse at Beach Farm, Benacre the next day. Hints of spring came in the form of two Red-rumped Swallows, the first on 20th by the camp site at Alton Water before flying southeast after a couple of hours; the second was found and photographed at Lodge Marsh, Ramsholt on 24th and 25th. A male Serin was trapped, ringed and released at Landguard (where else?) on 5th. The first of three spring/ summer records of Hoopoe was at the Hen Reedbeds SWT on 28th and an unusual spring record was of Wryneck at Norton on 26th.

May sightings

A male Ring-necked Duck was photographed by a single observer on Island Mere, Minsmere on 2nd, but not seen subsequently, while, also at Minsmere, a worn, non-breeding Pacific Golden Plover was on West Scrape before flying high north on 5th. A distant though well-watched Pectoral Sandpiper was at Hollesley Marshes from 1st to 5th, while a ‘new’ Lesser Yellowlegs appeared on Busscreek ‘flash’ near the Bailey Bridge, Southwold from 3rd to 8th – the pattern of the tertials and coverts showed this to be a different bird to that at Minsmere. Mid-May is the classic time for spring passage Temminck’s Stints and four were seen at three coastal sites: two on Havergate Island on 7th, then singles at Trimley Marshes on 11th and at Minsmere on 24th. The same Black Kite was watched south over Orford then seen later at Boyton Marshes on 6th, with another on 14th photographed over the A12 near Wangford heading towards Cove Bottom. A Red-footed Falcon was a great find at Boyton on 24th for one lucky observer. As would be expected for May, most scarce bird records were of overshooting southern species,

Lesser Yellowlegs, Southwold, May 3rd
Andrew Moon

with three short-staying Black-winged Stilts on the airfield marsh on Orfordness before flying south on 6th; three more dropped in to the Slough at Lackford Lakes on the evening of 30th. An unringed White Stork was seen at Lakenheath Fen RSPB on 14th and was likely the source of further sightings on 19th and 22nd. A fine adult Purple Heron was discovered at Minsmere on 12th and 13th close to Island Mere, seen again on 29th and likely stayed into June. It is very likely that this bird transferred the short distance north to the reedbeds at Walberswick, as an adult was seen there on 26th and 27th. Others recorded in May were at: Castle Marshes on 20th; the Kings Fleet, Felixstowe, mid-morning of 26th before heading towards Deben Lodge, Falkenham late afternoon; and Lakenheath Fen RSPB on 31st.

The increase in Bee-eater records continues as they spread their breeding range north through France: five were seen flying low north over the sluice cottage, North Warren on 15th, then at Sizewell Hall and over Minsmere 30 minutes later, where they were watched making feeding sorties before departing north. Incredibly, a flock of 17 was watched and photographed late afternoon of 15th at Fressingfield before departing after being spooked by a Sparrowhawk. The same day one was seen and heard at the Martello Tower, Shingle Street and then heard a short while later at East Lane, Bawdsey. Three more were found calling high over Walberswick reedbeds on 21st, before heading towards Westwood Lodge.

Continuing the summery theme, three Golden Oriole were found – mostly males singing: one was heard along the south belt at Minsmere in the afternoon; one seen and heard at Leiston on 18th and one was at Dunwich Heath on 19th. Three more Red-rumped Swallows were seen this month: one headed south along the cliff face at Kessingland on 12th, while two seen over the coastguard cottages at Dunwich on 13th flew southwest.

June sightings

The only BB rarity of the month was a Caspian Tern found on South Scrape, Minsmere, 25th and 26th; also, at Minsmere the smart adult Purple Heron (perhaps now back from Walberswick) was seen from Bittern Hide from 1st to 6th, but flew high east out to sea on the last date. Scarce raptors included a second-summer male Red-footed Falcon at Heveningham on 17th; two Honey Buzzards were found – one was photographed at Eastbridge on 9th, the other, also photographed, at North Warren on 14th.

Another spring Hoopoe was seen and photographed in Levington on 13th and a Golden Oriole was seen and heard at Eastbridge on 9th. Five further records of Bee-eater involving eight birds included one heard over Minsmere visitor centre (6th), two over Aldeburgh golf course (12th), three flying southwest over Felixstowe (14th) plus one heard going north over LBO (18th) and one east over Mutford (21st). The only record of Marsh Warbler for the year came from a single location. Finally, a male Serin was discovered again at Landguard on 10th, roving the common.

July sightings

July is a time for the first failed breeding waders to return south (their autumn starts early), so an adult Pectoral Sandpiper at Hazlewood Marshes on 23rd before flying north fitted this pattern. An impressive Caspian Tern was discovered amongst the roosting gulls at Botany Marsh, Snape late afternoon of 10th, but disappointingly flew east towards the Alde estuary after a brief stay. The good spring for brightly coloured southern migrants continued with a Bee-eater flying south at Felixstowe pier on 4th and a Golden Oriole heard at Home Wood, Hintlesham on 17th.

August sightings

Unusual autumn shorebirds were in short supply, although a lovely juvenile Red-necked Phalarope was picked out on the main flash at Aldeburgh Marshes on 31st and remained until 1st September. The fifth and final Temminck’s Stint of the year was on Trimley Marshes SWT from 24th to 4th September.

Classic August seabirds were in relatively short supply in 2022. However, passage began on 31st

with a Cory’s Shearwater south off Southwold and a Balearic Shearwater south past Minsmere and shortly afterwards Thorpeness.

At Lakenheath Fen RSPB a first-summer Purple Heron was seen on 11th.

Scarce raptors included a ringtail harrier species – accepted as either Montagu’s or Pallid –south of Potton Hall, Westleton on 7th and a juvenile Red-footed Falcon on 31st passed the shelter at Southwold seafront. The three Wryneck records included singles; caught and ringed at LBO (19th and 20th), at Benhall (25th) and Dunwich Heath, north of the coastguard cottages (27th). A pale first-winter Blyth’s Reed Warbler was trapped at a ringing site in Hollesley on 30th.

September sightings

During September, usually a good month for rarities, we had to make do with a run of good scarcities. Seabirds continued with a Storm Petrel flying north past Corton on 19th – an increasingly rare bird in Suffolk. Waders included three Pectoral Sandpipers: two juveniles on Aldeburgh Marshes from 14th to 21st, plus one at Trimley Marshes from 28th until October 5th. The Rednecked Phalarope remained on Aldeburgh Marshes until 1st, while single Grey Phalaropes, both first-winters, appeared on the south marsh, North Warren from 27th to October 3rd and on the sea at Benacre before flying south, on 29th.

An equally scarce bird in Suffolk, a Corncrake was flushed then seen along a track at Tinker’s Marshes, Walberswick on 25th – sadly, yet typically, it could not be relocated despite searching. The seventh and final record of Purple Heron for the year was of a photographed bird on 11th (possibly the same as seen in May) at Botany Bay, Lakenheath Fen RSPB.

Seven Wrynecks were found, largely close to the coast, all singles: at Benacre near Beach Farm (2nd to 4th); near Link’s Hill car park, Lowestoft (4th); Westleton, along the approach road to Minsmere (6th); a well watched bird on the beach at Minsmere (10th to 19th); near the sluice cottage, North Warren (13th); along the old railway line near the Bailey Bridge, Walberswick (14th); the final bird of the year was at Trimley Marshes (18th to 20th). Bee-eaters concluded their fine run of records with eight flying south over West Hide at Minsmere on 9th and with one south over Aldeburgh Marshes on 15th. A Hoopoe was discovered and photographed in a tilled field on the south side of Walberswick on 14th, but flew off north before others could see it.

The first of three young Red-backed Shrikes this autumn was found by Benacre sluice on 10th and stayed until the next day; one was at Shingle Street on 14th and 15th, and another discovered south of the Bailey Bridge, Walberswick from 14th until 22nd, by a birder looking for the Wryneck. A fabulous Radde’s Warbler was trapped and ringed at Kessingland sewage works on 29th and kindly shown to gathering birders, while another was relatively close-by at Beach Farm, Benacre the next day. Just a small handful of Yellow-browed Warblers were seen: the first near Sizewell Hall (19th), then Corton (21st and 25th to 28th), Southwold (25th), up to two at Benacre (25th to 30th) and singles at Hollesley Marshes and Orford (29th).

October sightings

There is little doubt that the star bird of the month (or indeed year) was Suffolk’s third record of Alpine Accentor found south of the Martello Tower at Slaughden in the afternoon of 27th. Enjoyed that afternoon by many, it was seen to roost in a pipe on the tower and remained in the area the following day, before roosting again. Sadly, for those not there first thing on 29th, it left its roost and flew high southwest not to be seen again.

Scarce birds at sea included two Sabine’s Gulls, one north off Southwold (19th) and a juvenile south offshore at Aldeburgh (20th) and Black-throated Diver tracked south at three coastal sites on 19th: early morning at Southwold by a number of observers, then presumably the same south off Aldeburgh 46 minutes later and then at East Lane, Bawdsey late morning. A juvenile Pectoral Sandpiper was on Corporation Marshes, Dunwich on 1st and one remained at Trimley Marshes until 5th. Likewise, the first-winter Grey Phalarope remained on North Warren until 3rd and one flew south, close inshore, at East Lane, Bawdsey on 9th.

Part of the now regular movement of Pallid Swifts into the UK in late autumn, a number were encountered in Suffolk. The first was one flying around Covehithe Church on 24th, for a bird group, then having flown north it was seen later at Benacre before ‘settling’ at Lowestoft, near the Birds Eye factory, where it remained until dusk before roosting on the wind turbine; it was seen the following day in the same general area. One was seen over Landguard and the adjacent Felixstowe docks on 25th.

A Great Grey Shrike was found and photographed early morning in the Easton Bavents sheep paddocks at Southwold on 7th – the only record in Suffolk for the year. Likewise, the juvenile Rose-coloured Starling present with a Starling flock by Benacre sluice on 17th was the only one seen in the county in 2022, as indeed was the Barred Warbler along the Tomline Wall at Felixstowe Ferry from 18th until 21st.

A trio of scarce Phylloscopus warblers were seen this month. Three brightly striped Pallas’s Warblers arrived presumably on the same weather pattern: singles at Landguard and Aldeburgh churchyard on 20th, then one well-photographed on the northern edge of Walberswick on 23rd. Yellow-browed Warblers were found throughout the month with records from scattered coastal locations from Corton in the north down to Bawdsey. A Dusky Warbler at Southwold was heard calling near the boating lake on 20th but not actually seen until the next morning, when it then showed to a steady flow of admirers until 27th.

November sightings

A drake Green-winged Teal photographed at Hollesley Marshes on 20th was very likely to be the source of records at other locations in December. Also, at Hollesley, on 18th, a juvenile Baird’s Sandpiper was a very good find along the River Ore viewable from the sea wall, before flying on to the reserve scrape. The final two Grey Phalaropes of the year were both at Minsmere, the first flew north and landed on the sea on 4th, the second, on 19th, briefly flew about the scrape. Two Black-throated Divers flew south offshore: from Minsmere RSPB on 14th and off Thorpeness on 19th.

Inland, two Hoopoes were great finds: photographed at Rushmere St Andrew, east Ipswich on 4th and one near the Gate Cottage Nursery at Framlingham on 24th. Like Pallid Swift, Redrumped Swallow is prone to late autumn ‘irruptions’, so three discovered close to the Blyth Estuary at Walberswick on 10th fitted well with this pattern. Over the three days they ranged from Walberswick to Dunwich and back, over Southwold harbour; they were last seen on 13th. A singleton that flew south at Kessingland early on 11th is thought to have been a different bird.

In the southeast of the county, the first Siberian Chiffchaff of the winter was trapped and heard to call at Landguard on 12th. An adult female Serin was trapped at a private site on 19th and a Little Bunting at Felixstowe Ferry late on 4th was photographed along the Tomline Wall, but not seen subsequently.

December sightings

As expected, sightings of scarce birds quietened down this month, though an adult Black Brant was picked up among the dark-bellied Brent Geese at Felixstowe Ferry and then seen intermittently into January 2023; the same bird was also seen further upriver in fields at Sutton Street on 24th. Another, or the same mobile drake, Green-winged Teal was on Havergate Island on 3rd and then at Boyton Marshes on 20th.

Rounding the year off was the great find of a moulting, winter Black Guillemot on the sea close inshore at Minsmere on 17th. Mid-morning on 19th the same bird was seen drifting north at Kessingland and at Ness Point, Lowestoft, allowing many Suffolk birders the chance to add it to their county lists.

Golden Pheasants in Britain – a study supported by the Suffolk Bird Group

Britain’s Golden Pheasants (Chrysolophus pictus) can evoke strong reactions from birders. These range from derision as ‘plastic’ additions to our avifauna, to fond memories of long waits to catch a glimpse of red plumage at well-known sites such as Wolferton, Mayday Farm (Brandon) or Wayland Woods (Watton). Golden Pheasants are native to China, but are common aviary birds around the world. Only in the UK did potentially naturalised (self-sustaining) populations persist for more than a few decades (with the largest populations existing in the middle of the twentieth century). Despite this, little was done to record or study their presence, even as numbers began to drop. A radio-tracking study (Balmer et al., 1996) identified that they had very small territories of only a few hundred square metres – perhaps explaining why they never seemed to spread far from centres of introduction – even at sites with higher numbers (such as Breckland and Galloway Forest Park).

Britain’s Golden Pheasants have been declining steadily in number in recent decades. ‘Selfsustaining’ British populations of their close relative, the Lady Amherst’s Pheasant (Chrysolophus amherstiae) died out completely around 2016. Whilst the history of the latter species in Britain, and the factors underpinning its fate, were discussed in an informative 2005 British Birds article (Nightingale, 2005), the Golden Pheasant’s UK story had not received such treatment.

Supported by a grant from Suffolk Bird Group, I carried out a project aiming to outline the Golden Pheasant’s history and contemporary status in the UK. This involved a combination of three activities:

– A status review, involving books and local bird reports as well as eBird/BirdTrack reports. This enabled us to highlight the history of the Golden Pheasant in Britain, and to discuss recent sightings.

– Personal communications with landowners and their staff, birders, and other interested parties, to gather information about specific sites (to understand when and where illegal releases from captivity have occurred recently).

– A field study focused on a small Suffolk population in Breckland. This population is occasionally claimed to descend from the original naturalised population, and was suggested to consist of 20-30 individuals. We carried out a mark-recapture study (under BTO ringing permits and with special permission to target this species) coupled with camera-trapping, in order to estimate population size.

The existing literature, coupled with eBird/BirdTrack data and personal communications with various stakeholders, highlights a sustained decline across their British range. By 2020, Golden Pheasants had been lost from previous haunts in the South Downs, Galloway Forest Park, Anglesey, and Wolferton in Norfolk. The species is still reported frequently on Tresco and at Abbotsbury Subtropical Gardens, Kew Gardens and Strathdearn, Highland (see Fig 1)– but these are released individuals – sometimes even fitted with avicultural rings. Lady Amherst’s Pheasants, Reeve’s Pheasants (Syrmaticus reevesii), and Peafowl (Pavo cristatus) also often turn up at such locations, confirming local interest in releasing exotic gamebirds. Only on the islands of Poole Harbour (especially Furzey island) and at a single site in Breckland do potentially ‘wild’ populations persist. Despite this, releases have occurred at both sites, and the pheasants also receive supplementary feeding. The Poole Harbour population is more obviously ‘managed’, with introductions being fairly regular. In Breckland, there are still occasional claims that the birds there today might descend from the ‘original’ naturalised population which peaked in size during the mid-twentieth century. These claims relate to a Suffolk location which was alleged to have 20-30 individuals. We call this place ‘Site A’ for the purposes of our research, because it is

on private land and the birds are very sensitive to disturbance. Other than this, single Golden Pheasants continue to turn up, from time to time, in various sites around Breckland. These will inevitably be newly-released birds, and there is no evidence of any other ‘populations’ excluding that of Site A.

With permission from the landowners, and the involvement of Michał Jezierski (a University of Oxford doctoral student) and Dawn Balmer of the BTO (an author of the 1996 Golden Pheasant radio-tracking paper), we set about to try and estimate the population size at Site A. Michał and I visited the site for a recce in February and early June 2022, and saw just one male Golden Pheasant. Nevertheless, we returned in late June and early July for the first round of live-trapping. We caught two birds; one was an adult male, and the other a second-year male. Both were ringed, had biometrics taken, photographed, and then released.

Fig. 1. Map showing sites known for Golden Pheasants in Britain, and their 2022 status at each location. B. The presumed final Golden Pheasant of the North Norfolk population—at Wolferton (in 2012). This adult male was often seen by the side of the road adjacent to a region of Rhododendron C. Elveden birds

For the second round of trapping, in January/February 2023, we doubled the number of traps, and also deployed two camera-traps. This allowed us to assess how many unringed birds were at this site. We live-trapped another two new birds – a female and an adult male. The camera-traps, after the fourth bird had been ringed, only detected ringed birds. Given that we subsequently had multiple sightings of each of the four ringed individuals, and that the camera-traps were moved around the area of suitable habitat multiple times, it is very likely that only these four birds remain. For certain, recent reports of 20-30 are not correct (although this may have been the case as recently as 10-20 years ago).

Including the Poole Harbour birds, plus the 4-7 individuals at Site A, gives a UK ‘population size’ of 37-40. However, many (if not all) of these individuals will have hatched in captivity. Depending on how strict is your definition of ‘naturalised’, and to what extent any ancestry from the ‘original’ population remains in today’s individuals, the ‘actual’ UK Golden Pheasant population could be in single figures, or indeed zero. The Site A population, despite benefiting from intense predator control, supplementary feeding, and optimal habitat, was unable to persist. It therefore seems


that releases, to a large extent, were keeping the UK’s Golden Pheasant population afloat. Now that such releases are much rarer (they are now illegal), the population is in terminal decline. If the number of Golden Pheasants at Site A increases substantially in the future, this would almost certainly signify a new release regime rather than a sudden natural increase in the population size. Despite this, one of our camera-traps revealed a male displaying to the female, which means that Golden Pheasants might hang on at the site for a few more years!

Much of the scientific study of non-native species, understandably, focuses on those which become invasive (ecologically and economically damaging). To understand the processes underlying the success or failure of biological invasions, we must also carry out research focussed on the many species which fail to sustain non-native populations in the long term. Our Golden Pheasant project provides an avian example of this. I am very grateful to the Suffolk Bird Group for their financial support.

You can read the peer-reviewed publication outlining the results of our study, including references, here: 10.1007/s10530-023-03125-0

Female Golden Pheasant (note Rhododendron).

2022 Bird Ringing Report for Trimley Marshes SWT


After two years of Covid, 2022 was another year dominated by a pandemic. This time however, it was a particularly bad strain of Avian Influenza named (HPAI) H5N1. Despite the British Trust for Ornithology appealing for as much information from bird ringers as possible in their fight against the pandemic, this led to a local ban on ringing by the Suffolk Wildlife Trust from July 13th until October 10th. Consequently, this report will be much briefer and will lack the important information on potential breeding success rates which in the face of the pandemic, would have been critical this year.

Ringing details – Winter and Spring

We’ve never ringed on the Reserve during January or February so this year we thought we’d give it a try to assist in seeing what birds were overwintering. Three sessions during January produced ten birds and one during February, just five birds ringed. These numbers were a little lower than we’d hoped for, with five Blackbirds, three Reed Buntings, two each of Blue and Great Tits, one Song Thrush and no Wrens, Dunnock or Robin. All of these are species that we would’ve hoped for more. The highlights were a new female Cetti’s Warbler on January 16th and a Yellowhammer on February 26th.

March saw us ring more birds during that month than the combined total of all of the previous Marchs since 2015 with 70 birds ringed of 14 species: the top three being 20 Redwing, 15 Blue Tit and 13 Chiffchaff. Highlight a Chiffchaff on 5th which was the earliest one we’ve ever ringed on the Reserve, a female Yellowhammer, our first Linnet since August 2019 on 18th and our first-ever March Blackcap on 24th. A new female Cetti’s Warbler was ringed on 27th and two other females were retrapped, including the female ringed in January – so with three singing males on site, it was hoped that these were positive signs for a good breeding season on the Reserve this year.

April was another best ever with 84 birds of 16 species ringed with the top three being 24 Blackcap, 23 Chiffchaff and nine Blue Tit. The Blackcap and Chiffchaff totals were exceptional as prior to 2022, we’d only ringed totals of 29 Blackcap and 16 Chiffchaff during all the Aprils since 2015. Other highlights were our first-ever Black Redstarts ringed on the Reserve with birds ringed on 2nd and 12th, our first Common Sandpiper ringed during the spring on 30th and a Grasshopper Warbler on 28th. Also of note, were a few returning birds including a Grasshopper Warbler which was ringed as a juvenile on August 12th 2021 and was retrapped on 30th, a Blackcap which was ringed as a juvenile male on September 21st 2021 and was retrapped on 18th and two

Cetti’s Warbler
Justin Zantboer Yellowhammer
Justin Zantboer

Sedge Warblers which were both ringed during spring 2021 and retrapped on 18th and 23rd. These were all eclipsed by a Reed Warbler (D910659) which had been ringed during our first year of ringing at Trimley on May 10th 2015 and retrapped on 28th. He would have been born/ hatched during 2014 or earlier so his would make him at least eight years old, meaning that in his lifetime, he would have migrated to central Africa at least eight times covering approximately 75000 miles. What an epic bird!

After such a good March and April, despite it being our fourth best, May was a little disappointing with just 61 birds of 14 species ringed. The top three species were 12 Lesser Whitethroat, 11 Goldfinch and seven each of Whitethroat and Sedge Warbler. A chilly northerly-based wind for much of the month didn’t help. The Lesser Whitethroat total was our second-highest-ever for May and just short of the 14 ringed during May 2021. With at least five singing males present during 2021 and 2022, these are encouraging signs for the Reserve. Other highlights included a female Kingfisher on 6th, six Sand Martins on 21st and a Garden Warbler on 5th, all of which were the first to be ringed during spring. A Spotted Flycatcher on 22nd was only our second-ever ringed during spring.

The following table gives a nice comparison of the more regular Warbler numbers ringed during April and May since 2015:

Chiffchaff Justin Zantboer
Common Sandpiper
Justin Zantboer
Black Redstart
Justin Zantboer
Grasshopper Warbler
Justin Zantboer
Justin Zantboer
Justin Zantboer

It is interesting to see how few Sedge and Reed Warblers were ringed in 2022 compared with 2021. Maybe the 2020 breeding season was better than 2021 so there were more returning birds? Numbers ringed at Trimley would support this for Sedge Warblers (903 ringed during the autumn of 2020 but only 763 during 2021) but not so much for Reed Warblers (273 ringed during the autumn of 2020 and 255 during 2021)?


Justin Zantboer

Garden Warbler

Justin Zantboer

Spotted Flycatcher

Justin Zantboer

Following on from a poor May, June was our worst since 2018 so we can only assume that the poor weather during May halted the spring migration? With only nine summer migrants ringed between May 22nd and June 12th, and seven of these all showing signs of breeding / failed breeding, it would certainly seem likely that this was the case. We ringed 63 birds of 13 species with the top three being 25 Blue Tit, ten Great Tit and five Whitethroat. The Tit numbers involving 95% juveniles were about the average since 2018. The first juvenile Warblers started to appear from mid-month with three Whitethroat from 18th, three Blackcap from 26th and two Sedge Warblers from 29th. These were all recently fledged birds with their appearance suggesting that they were mostly likely from the Reserve. A recently fledged Chaffinch, ringed on 15th, was most likely from the Reserve too.

Ringing details – Summer and Autumn

Ringing in July up to 13th produced 63 birds of 13 species. This included 52 Warblers of which 40 were recently-fledged juveniles with 15 Sedge Warbler, six Chiffchaff, five each of Whitethroat and Reed Warbler, three each of Lesser Whitethroat and Cetti’s Warbler and a Blackcap. It is

suspected, given the appearance of most of these birds, that most were likely to have fledged on the Reserve. The biggest surprise though was a Grasshopper Warbler ringed on July 11th. With the two birds present back in April, this raises the possibility that they bred on the Reserve? Sadly, no more were caught before the ringing suspension so we’ll never for sure.

Ringing commenced from October 11th but with restricted daylight hours, we only managed seven full sessions during the month. These produced 191 birds of 22 species which was our thirdbest October total ever with our best being 255 during the record year of 2020! Top species were 33 Reed Bunting, 26 Blue Tit, 23 Lesser Redpoll, 21 Meadow Pipit and 17 Wren. Interestingly the Reed Bunting count was higher than during 2021 when we ringed 31 and the other four species counts were all the highest-ever for October. Highlights included our first ever Brambling ringed on the Reserve on 28th, two Kingfisher ringed on 22nd and 23rd, only our fourth ever Stonechat and the first in October, ringed on 19th, a Firecrest ringed on 22nd and a Bearded Tit on 16th.

Early November was dominated by strong south-westerly winds which seemed to end the autumn a bit prematurely and also made ringing more challenging. Consequently, we recorded our worst figures since November 2018 with just 54 birds of 15 species ringed. Top species ringed were 12 Reed Bunting, seven Lesser Redpoll and six each for Cetti’s Warbler, Blue Tit and Goldfinch. The Reed Bunting count was down on the previous four years but in contrast, we’d only previous ringed a total of three Cetti’s Warblers during all the Novembers since 2015. The Goldfinches were the first ever ringed during November but the introduction of two Nyger seed feeders this autumn will explain this. Highlights included our first ever House Sparrow and our second-ever Brambling ringed on the Reserve on 2nd and a Bearded Tit on 12th.

Justin Zantboer
Male Brambling
Justin Zantboer
House Sparrow
Ellie Zantboer
Bearded Tit
Justin Zantboer
Justin Zantboer
Justin Zantboer

Suffolk Bird Report 2022

Two sessions during December produced 27 birds of seven species with the top species being 16 Redwing, four Blackbird and three Reed Bunting. A Kestrel on 18th was the first ringed on the Reserve with the other highlights being a Chiffchaff on 11th which was our first-ever ringed on the Reserve during December and a Blackcap on 18th which was our second December bird.


With several locations in the UK reporting either record or above average numbers of birds ringed, including locally both ‘Rob’s Obs’ at Hollesley and a private site at Newbourne, losing the most crucial 12 weeks of the autumn played a huge part in the low numbers ringed at Trimley during 2022. Both Sedge and Reed Warblers appear to have done well across the UK and with the decent numbers of Cetti’s Warblers caught at Trimley late in the autumn suggesting that they also had a decent breeding season. The gap in data this year will leave a void for several years to come. With it also being the best year for the rare and fast declining Aquatic Warbler for some time in the UK with at least nine ringed and two others sighted, 2022 will always be the year that will leave me wondering what could’ve been!

2022 Ringing totals:

Ellie Zantboer
Ellie Zantboer

APN4380 Sedge Warbler 08/08/2020 20/08/2021

APN4955 Sedge Warbler 19/08/2020 27/07/2022


APN4996 Sedge Warbler 19/08/2020 23/08/2022


Duration: 385 days / Distance: 570km / Direction: SSW 205deg

Duration: 7077 days / Distance: 571km / Direction: SSW 205deg


AAP8283 Cetti’s Warbler 11/09/2020 05/04/2022


LPV981 Chiffchaff 20/09/2020 09/04/2021

AVR2106 Sedge Warbler 07/08/2021 18/08/2021


Duration: 734 days / Distance: 757km / Direction: SSW 191deg

Duration: 571 days / Distance: 5km / Direction: NNW 329deg

Controlled by another Ringer.

AVR2328 Sedge Warbler 18/08/2021 25/08/2021



Controlled by another Ringer.

Controlled by another Ringer.

Controlled by another Ringer.

Duration: 201 days / Distance: 8km / Direction: N 9deg Controlled by another Ringer.

Duration: 11 days / Distance: 580km / Direction: SSW 202deg

Duration: 7 days / Distance: 570km / Direction: SSW 205deg

Controlled by another Ringer.

Controlled by another Ringer.

AVR2547 Sedge Warbler 24/08/2021 28/06/2022

NND225 Chiffchaff 07/04/2022 26/06/2022

WESTERN ISLES, Valasay, Isle of Lewis.

ALV8211 Blackcap 01/05/2022 01/06/2022


Duration: 308 days / Distance: 864km / Direction: NW 324deg Ring read in the field.

Duration: 80 days / Distance: 5km / Direction: SSE 149deg


ALV8227 Lesser Whitethroat 06/05/2022 21/06/2022


Controlled by another Ringer.

Duration: 32 days / Distance: 5km / Direction: SSE 149deg

Duration: 46 days / Distance: 5km / Direction: NNW 329deg

Controlled by another Ringer.

Controlled by another Ringer.

This is a selection of the more interesting recoveries. The five Sedge Warblers recovered in France makes that a total of thirteen that have been recovered in this region since we started ringing at Trimley Marshes in 2015 and is part of well-known route from the UK to Africa for this species. Sedge Warbler AVR2547 which was noted on the Western Isles, Scotland the year after it had been ringed at Trimley was a much bigger surprise as it was on one of the most northwesterly islands in the UK – next stop Iceland! Blackcap ALV8211, Lesser Whitethroat ALV8227 and Chiffchaff NND225 are presumed to have been birds that attempted to breed on the Reserve but probably failed so began to wander, either looking for a mate or new territory.

2022 Controls (birds ringed elsewhere then re-caught at Trimley Marshes SWT)

S567283 Reed Warbler 02/08/2018 12/06/2022


Duration: 1410 days / Distance: 14km / Direction: SW 228deg

Controlled at Trimley Marshes.

EY46149 Kestrel 25/06/2019 20/03/2022


ACC3991 Reed Warbler 24/07/2020 21/06/2022


Duration: 999 days / Distance: 6km / Direction: SSW 192deg Picked up freshly dead.

Duration: 697 days / Distance: 14km / Direction: SW 228deg

Controlled at Trimley Marshes.

AAR2020 Blackcap 08/07/2021 17/04/2022

AFP4875 Blackcap 05/08/2021 12/06/2022


8927632 Sedge Warbler 13/08/2021 15/04/2022


Duration: 283 days / Distance: 5km / Direction: SSE 149deg

Duration: 311 days / Distance: 15km / Direction: SW 231deg

Controlled at Trimley Marshes.

Controlled at Trimley Marshes.

8927632 Sedge Warbler 13/08/2021 17/05/2022


Duration: 245 days / Distance: 580km / Direction: NNE 22deg


Duration: 277 days / Distance: 580km / Direction: NNE 22deg

Controlled at Trimley Marshes.

Controlled at Trimley Marshes.

ANL1694 Sedge Warbler 03/09/2021 26/06/2022


Duration: 296 days / Distance: 279km / Direction: ENE 75deg

Controlled at Trimley Marshes.

ATF1414 Blackcap 21/09/2021 18/04/2022 SUFFOLK, HOLLESLEY HEATH.

Duration: 209 days / Distance: 14km /

Direction: SW 228deg

Controlled at Trimley Marshes.

This is a selection of the more interesting controls which are additions to those already published within the 2021 Trimley Ringing Report.

Kestrel EY46149 was sadly picked up dead under its roosting ledge on one of the hides and was presumed to be a casualty of a brief period of freezing temperatures. The three Blackcaps are all interesting in that they were all ringed as juveniles in 2021 so were presumably birds that had returned to the local area to breed. Sedge Warbler 8927632 was a male caught twice over a month apart – so was presumed to be on territory.

Returning summer migrants ringed at Trimley Marshes prior to 2022

Sedge Warbler

Sedge Warbler ATP6568 02/05/2021 01/05/2022

Sedge Warbler

Protuberance noted.

Cloacal Protuberance noted. Last re-trapped on 22/05/22 in the same area.

Protuberance noted.

Cloacal Protuberance noted.

Sedge Warbler AVR2100 06/08/2021 06/05/2022 Male Cloacal Protuberance noted. Last re-trapped on 22/05/22 in the same area. Reed Warbler D910659 10/05/2015 28/04/2022 Unknown Reed Warbler AVR2259 12/08/2021

Protuberance noted.

Grasshopper Warbler

Chiffchaff NCY097 31/07/2021 18/06/2022 Female Brood patch present.

The number of returning Sedge Warblers was one down on 2021 but returning Reed Warblers were way down on 2021 (when there were eight returning birds) – so it was good to see D910659 back again for at least his eighth breeding season. Both Whitethroat AVR2639 and Grasshopper

Warbler AVR2252 were the first of their kind to be proven to return to the Reserve the following year.

A selection of local birds ringed and retrapped at Trimley Marshes prior to 2022

Species Ring number Date ringed Age Re-trap date Sex Breeding Information

Dunnock TX97948 20/06/2020 Juvenile 05/03/2022 Unknown

Dunnock TX97986 25/07/2021 Juvenile 18/03/2022 Unknown

Robin AAP8479 22/11/2020 Juvenile 13/03/2022 Unknown

Robin ATP6713 19/06/2021 Juvenile 01/05/2022 Male Cloacal Protuberance noted.

Robin ATP6814 25/07/2021 Juvenile 12/03/2022 Unknown

Robin ATP6931 30/07/2021 Juvenile 12/03/2022 Unknown

Robin AVR2139 09/08/2021 Juvenile 03/04/2022 Female Brood patch present.

Blackbird LH17184 11/10/2020 1st year 16/01/2022 Female

Cetti’s Warbler ATP6721 19/06/2021 Adult 13/03/2022 Male

Cetti’s Warbler AVR2904 13/09/2021 Unknown 27/03/2022 Female

Cetti’s Warbler ALV8084 23/10/2021 Unknown 10/04/2022 Female

Blue Tit S130824 01/06/2018 Nestling 28/03/2022 Male Cloacal Protuberance noted.

Blue Tit ARJ7865 13/06/2020 Juvenile 20/05/2022 Male Cloacal Protuberance noted.

Great Tit ADE0925 12/05/2019 2nd year 15/05/2022 Female Brood patch present.

Long-tailed Tit LPV972 19/09/2020 Juvenile 15/05/2022 Female Brood patch present.

Chaffinch AVR2281 13/08/2021 Adult 05/03/2022 Male

Reed Bunting AXF5236 27/07/2019 Juvenile 17/04/2022 Male Cloacal Protuberance noted.

Spoonbills on Havergate Island 2022

Spoonbills Platalea leucoradia have bred on RSPB Havergate Island for the fourth year now,

Havergate is the only ground-nesting colony of Spoonbills in the UK and the only one in amongst a large gull colony

It was an odd season with up to 15 birds in late March in the colony and it was looking like it was going to be a bumper season, but a change in the weather resulted in all the birds disappearing. It was then unnervingly quiet until the end of April. However, the birds returned by the end of April and, thereafter, the season progressed well with the last young fledging in early August. The largest count showed a peak of 37 birds.

Monitoring was again undertaken from hides with telescopes and backed up with regular drone flights.

2022 Total = 10 nests / 16 young fledged

Number of chicks fledged per nest:

2 nests fledged 3 chicks each

4 nests fledged 2 chicks each

2 nests fledged 1 chick each

2 nests failed

Fledging rate = 1.6 fledged chicks per nest.

(This compares with the 2021 figures of 13 nests / 21 chicks fledged = 1.6 per nest)

It is interesting to see that the fledging rate is the same for both years.

Third time lucky for Common Cranes Grus grus as young fledged for first recorded time on Suffolk coast in 2022

Common Cranes successfully raised two chicks on RSPB Snape Wetlands Nature Reserve in Suffolk in 2022. This is the first-ever recorded pair to fledge young on the Suffolk coast.

The 82 hectares (202 acres) wetland near Snape Maltings is relatively new, with the initial work to convert dry grassland into wetland and reedbed starting in 2008, with completion in 2014. Ponds and pools were excavated, and water levels controlled to sculpt and create the wetland.

Since that time, RSPB Snape Wetlands has already attracted breeding Eurasian Bittern, Marsh Harrier and Bearded Tit as well as providing new habitat for mammals such as Eurasian Otter and Northern Water Vole.

The reserve still has a lot of time in which to develop and is very much a work-in-progress as it becomes established. However, in partnership with the Environment Agency, the reserve is already teeming with wildlife.

The pair of Common Cranes which successfully raised two chicks on the reserve in summer 2022, had attempted to nest in the wetland in the two previous years; however, they had not been able to fledge young.

The Common Crane is a rare breeding species in Britain; totals of confirmed breeding pairs, as detailed in the two most recent Rare Breeding Bird Panel reports (published in the November 2021 and November 2022 issues of British Birds), have been 38 in 2019 and 40 in 2020. Originally returning to the Norfolk broads in 1979, numbers are now increasing steadily with other populations being found in south Yorkshire, the East Anglian Fens and, with assistance via a crane introduction project, the Somerset Levels and Moors.

Cranes require wetland (such as reedbed, fen, lowland bog, grazing marsh) in which to breed, away from disturbance and with protection from predators. They make a nest in open water, often in emerging vegetation. After the eggs hatch, the family typically looks for food near to the nest site for several weeks, but as the chicks get older, they roam further afield.

Aaron Howe, RSPB Site Manager – South Suffolk Coast said: “To have Cranes breed successfully and fledge on the Suffolk coast for the first recorded time, and for it to be on our relatively new Snape Wetlands reserve, is a great achievement. We hope this kick-starts the population of

The Cranes with their chicks at RSPB Snape Wetlands 2022 © Andrew Moon


Common Cranes on the Suffolk coast and that they become more widespread within this area of outstanding natural beauty.

“The cranes fledged the nest back in August, but because these birds are very susceptible to disturbance by people, we waited until the family had time to grow and leave the site for the winter before publicising (shouting about) this amazing event. We shall continue to manage the reserve’s wetlands to encourage more Common Cranes to breed here, hopefully in 2023 and beyond, and we thank the Environment Agency for its continued support.”

Mark Johnson, Environment Agency’s Area Coastal Manager (East Anglia) said: “We are really pleased that the new wetland at Snape has been so successful. It is testament to how the RSPB manages these important sites so successfully for species such as the Common Crane. The Environment Agency is proud to be involved in this type of partnership.”

Please note: RSPB Snape Wetlands is closed to the public due to there being no public rights of way through the site and because of restricted access, so is not currently accessible to visitors.

The Crane family
Eddie Marsh


Avocet Recurvirostra avosetta

ringed as a chick in Hungary and found wintering on the Stour Estuary

Avocets winter on the Stour Estuary in increasing numbers. Surprisingly we know little about their origins and movements, compared with, for example, those of the Knot and Black-tailed Godwits using the Estuary, which are widely tracked through colour-ring readings on their travels. One reason for this is that the Avocets tend to feed mid-river on the Stour Estuary and they often roost on the water, so colour-rings can only be read when birds happen to be feeding close to shore.

In early February 2022, a colour-ringed Avocet was reported by several observers, mostly in Seafield Bay, (initially Harry Elliott, then David Smith, Adrian Watts and Simon Cox), with a coded yellow ring that could not be read, despite having been photographed. Rather surprisingly, the unread combination matched a scheme from Hungary and finally, on February 27th 2022, I was able to read the code, from photographs, as J6L. This was confirmed as a bird ringed as a chick at the Kiskunsag National Park in Hungary on June 30th 2021. Intriguingly, it had also been seen in the Netherlands on November 6th 2021, in its first autumn.

Avocets which have been colour-ringed in Hungary have been seen widely, with several moving west across Europe to North Sea and Atlantic coasts, but this is the first report of one being sighted in the United Kingdom (see map opposite). An article (in Hungarian) was published here: Avocets form large moulting flocks in autumn, before migrating to their wintering grounds (see e.g., Hötker and Frederiksen, 2001). One possible explanation for the occurrence here of J6L is that when it moved to the Netherlands in autumn, it joined a moulting flock of Avocets some of which moved to the Stour Estuary for the winter when they had completed their moult, carrying J6L with them.

Avocet J6L, Kiskunsag National Park, Hungary, June 2021. Photo: Tamás Sápi

Movements of Avocets to and from Hungary across Europe and into north Africa (Hungarian Bird

It is noticeable that numbers of Avocets on the Stour Estuary in late summer and early autumn are very low. Average WeBS counts from July to December over ten seasons on the Stour Estuary are shown below and it is evident that our wintering birds on the Stour Estuary arrive rather late in the autumn. Very few are present in July and August with the main arrival being from September to November when numbers rise sharply, with a peak late in the year. A reduction in numbers from that peak in November suggests that some may be passage birds on their way to wintering grounds further south.

Avocet J6L, Mistley, Stour Estuary, February 2022. Photo: Ed Keeble
Ringing Centre)

This begs the question as to where the birds which winter on the Stour Estuary go to moult in autumn. There are several sites in the United Kingdom which hold large numbers in late summer and autumn (the nearest being Havergate Island), but it is also possible that some cross the North Sea to moult on the Waddensee and return south to winter. If this occurred, it would be similar to the well-established moult migration of Shelduck Tadorna tadorna. Avocets which breed at a similar latitude to Suffolk on the coast of the Netherlands move north to moult on the Waddensee, leaving only a few hundred behind in July and August (Sander Lilipay, pers. comm.).

One bird which may give a clue to the involvement of some of our birds in a northeasterly moult migration and a return in winter is Avocet CI, which was ringed as a chick on Orfordness in 2018 and has been seen in early summer and in winter on the Stour Estuary. In October 2020 it was seen in a flock of Avocets on the German, North Sea coast, before being seen on the Stour Estuary in winter 2021/2022.

I acknowledge, with grateful thanks, the contributions of the observers referred to above and to the following for contributions to this note: Mike Marsh, Sander Lilipay and the Hungarian Bird Ringing Centre.

Reference: Hötker, H. & Frederiksen, M. 2001. Estimation of total numbers of Pied Avocets Recurvirostra avosetta using a moulting site in the Danish Wadden Sea. Ardea 89: 537–541

Fig 2. Autumn arrival of Avocets on the Stour Estuary (WeBS)

Alpine Accentor Prunella collaris at Slaughden, October 27th

to 29th 2022

It had been a very exciting week or so on the Suffolk coast with Dusky Warbler, Pallas’s Warbler and multiple Pallid Swifts on offer to name but a few. There was a feeling in the air that something big could be hiding somewhere for someone to find. On the morning of October 27th, which fell neatly within the school half-term holidays, the Suffolk birding machine that is Mark Cornish headed out around his local stomping grounds at Aldeburgh and Slaughden, with a view to adding to his extraordinary tally of rare finds in his time birding in the county.

At 13:21hr, BINS came alive. “ALPINE ACCENTOR Slaughden now!!!!”, sent alongside a very gripping BOC (back of the camera) photograph from Mark Cornish, another sensational find. Birders from around the country began to make the journey across to Slaughden, with the afternoon and evening featuring multiple reports and photographs of an incredibly-confiding Alpine Accentor, hopping around on the rocks adjacent to the sea wall, just south of the Martello Tower, on which it subsequently roosted during its stay - in a drainage pipe!

Being in Leeds at the time, and not returning home until the following day, I, like many others, was praying that it did the decent thing and stayed until the following day. Daylight broke the following morning, and I was thrilled to hear of the positive news that the accentor was still present. On my arrival in late afternoon at the site, the Alpine Accentor performed admirably, offering mouth-watering views two metres from me at times as I lay in wait for it to scurry my way amongst the rocks. A moment that I, and many others I’m sure, shall never forget.

This represents the fourth Suffolk record of this species (considered to be a first-calendar-year bird), and the first since a very showy bird in 2002 at Minsmere, which provided most listers with a county tick. The table below shows the previous records of this species in Suffolk.

Year/Date Present Location


May 13th, 2000

March 16th to 19th, 2002

[A bird at Gorleston in 1894 is no longer considered acceptable – according to the Norfolk avifauna (The Birds of Norfolk 1999, Taylor et al.) – “the record was poorly documented with few details”]

During its stay, the Alpine Accentor ranged from the aforementioned Martello Tower, to around 200m south of the wooden gate which leads onto Orfordness, occasionally flying further, but then returning to its favoured spot. There were reports, especially during the first day and all the excitement, of the bird being chased around the area, leading to these occasional flights to slightly further down the sea wall. Whilst I was there, I can report that no such behaviour was observed, with only a small cluster of observers watching the bird, and allowing it to feed and come towards us. This issue of ‘chasing’ does seem to be featuring more regularly within the birding community, particularly concerning rare birds. It is important that we all, whether you carry a camera or not, remember that the bird’s welfare should always be at the core of our amazing hobby.

The bird flew south on the morning of October 29th into an area that couldn’t be viewed, and, subsequently, was not seen for the rest of the day. The following day, an Alpine Accentor was found on Blakeney Point in Norfolk, but this is not thought to have been the same bird that had graced the Suffolk coast.

Alpine Accentors are recognised by their Dunnock-like colouration, but separated from this species by its bulkier, larger size, almost reminiscent of a small thrush in flight. The two, very obvious, white wing bars were very clear in the field, as was the yellow base to the lower mandible, and the barring-like pattern on its throat. Its flanks are a very prominent rusty redbrown, that appear streaked with white speckles. In flight, the dark, black panel across its wings was visible as it moved between positions along the sea wall. Its behaviour was typical, skulking around in between rock crevices, searching for insects on the ground.

I, on behalf of many birders I am sure, should like to congratulate Mark on another fantastic find, of what was a brilliant bird for the county!

Alpine Accentor, Slaughden, October 2022 Ben Moyes


The 2022 Suffolk Bird Report Systematic List

The list and its appendices have been written using data supplied by the county’s birdwatchers and conservation organisations. Much of the data comes from Birdtrack. Observers are reminded that the rarer birds might need to be authenticated before inclusion.

The order has changed and follows the revised BOU list. The raw data have been collated and interpreted by the following, with many thanks to them all:

Swans and geese


Gi Grieco

Andrew Green

Nightjar, swift, pigeons, Darren then owls and woodpeckers

Rails and grebes


Oystercatcher to plovers

Other waders

Skuas and gulls

Terns and auks

Storks to Cormorants



John Davies

Chris Gregory

Margie Carter

Ed Keeble

James Wright

Brian Buffery

Peter Lack

Chris Courtney

Shrikes, corvids, Phil Whittaker crests, tits

Shearwaters, Larks, hirundines

Nick Mason

Warblers, inc. Long-t Tit Peter Kennerley

Gamebirds and falcons John Kornjaca

Waxwing, Nuthatch, Richard Treecreeper, Starling, Attenborrow Dipper, Wren, thrushes

Spotted Fly, Robin, chats, wheatears, other Steve Fryett flycatchers

Sparrows, wagtails, pipits,Dunnock

Paul Gowen finches, buntings


Adam Gretton

The ‘official’ British list is maintained by the British Ornithologists’ Union (BOU) and, from 2018, uses the International Ornithological Congress world list. Species are included in various categories according to their status, as follows:

• Category A – species which have been recorded in an apparently natural state at least once since January 1st 1950;

• Category B – species that would otherwise be in Category A but have not been recorded since December 31st 1949;

• Category C – species that, although originally introduced by man, either deliberately or accidentally, have established self-sustaining breeding populations;

• Category D – species that would otherwise appear in Categories A or B except that there is doubt that they have ever occurred in a natural state;

• Category E – species that have been recorded as introductions, transportees or escapees from captivity, and whose breeding populations are not thought to be self-sustaining.

The main part of the species accounts consists of species that occurred in Suffolk in 2022, which fall into Categories A and C. Where a species is included in multiple categories, this is shown in the initial status summary. Categories D and E do not form part of either the British

or Suffolk lists. Species from these Categories that occurred in Suffolk in 2022 are included as appendices to the main list.

The order and nomenclature follow the latest published for The British List by the BOU using the International Ornithological Congress list (BOU 2021). This list can be accessed on their web site at English names follow the same list. Subspecies are listed under the main species’ heading, which includes the scientific name.

The records for each species are listed mostly under the parish where the bird occurred, sometimes followed by a more precise location if known. The exception to this is at the river estuaries and larger, well-known sites criss-crossed by several parish boundaries e.g. Walberswick NNR, Minsmere, Orfordness, Alton Water etc. The gazetteer towards the rear of this bird report gives locations for those sites not easily located on a standard road map.

The order of records is north to south down the coastal region, working round the estuaries, then inland from the north-east to the south-west of the county. To minimise any potential threats to site security, some records of rare breeding birds are published anonymously and under a vague site heading.

As much use as possible is made of systematic monitoring schemes such as the WeBS counts. Using such co-ordinated data instead of maximum counts gives a better idea of the populations of each species wintering in the county on a given date. However, fluctuations in numbers due to changing weather patterns will affect totals and higher counts are given in the text after the table where appropriate. Counts from North Warren include Thorpeness Meare, Church Farm Marshes and the shoreline between Thorpeness and Aldeburgh; the Alde/Ore Estuary includes the complex of the Alde, Ore and Butley rivers as well as Orfordness, Gedgrave reservoir and Havergate Island; and the Orwell includes Trimley Marshes, Loompit Lake and Bourne Park Water Meadows. Counts from the Stour Estuary all refer to the Suffolk side and both sides of the estuary if stated.

The larger part of the report, particularly for the more common species, is based upon ad hoc, Birdtrack and E-bird records. Data of that type are influenced by the distribution of birdwatchers, the weather and other factors that result in imperfections. We are nonetheless indebted to those observers who have persevered with other studies, such as Breeding Bird Survey (BBS), Constant Effort Sites (CES) and transect counts and for making the results available for use. A summary of the Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) is given for all those species for which meaningful data are available – further information can be found on the BTO website.

See ‘A Guide to Recording Birds in Suffolk’ elsewhere in this Report for information on submission of records.

The following definitions are intended as a guide to the relative status of each species:

Very common: Occurs in large numbers in suitable habitat and season.

Common: Occurs regularly or widely distributed in suitable habitat.

Fairly common: Occurs in small numbers in suitable habitat and season.

Uncommon: Occurs annually in small numbers.

Scarce: One or two records each year or restricted to specific habitats.

Rare: Occurs less than annually.

Very rare: Less than 15 records in past 30 years.

Accidental: Less than three records in past 30 years.

Included in the status description is a note if the species is included in either the Red or the Amber List of ‘Birds of Conservation Concern’. This is a paper jointly produced by the leading bird conservation organisations in the UK. See Suffolk Bird Report Vol.47: 6-10 for further details.

The following abbreviations are sometimes used in the systematic list:ad = adult

BBS = Breeding Bird Survey

N = bird(s) flying north

NNR = National Nature Reserve

CES = Constant Effort Site

CP = Country Park

GC = Golf Course

GP = gravel pit

imm = immature

Ind. Est. = industrial estate

juv = juvenile

Systematic List

R = River

res = reservoir

S = bird(s) flying south

SW = sewage works

WM = Water Meadow

WP = Water Park

WR = Wildfowl Reserve

(DARK-BELLIED) BRENT GOOSE  Branta bernicla bernicla

Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber List. Categories A and E.

In the northeast, the principal site was Aldeburgh Marshes with up to 250 present from the start of the year until February 2nd. The southeast Suffolk estuaries are where the largest flocks congregate during the winter months and during the first winter period the peak total was 960 on the Stour Estuary on January 10th which consisted of c.850 feeding in a winter wheat field near Stutton Mill with the remainder on the river; within the flock there were only c.40 first-winter birds. Around the Deben Lodge Farm area, Falkenham there were 800 on January 28th and, at Trimley Marshes, 600 on March 6th.

In the west a single bird was at BTO Nunnery Reserve, Thetford on March 15th and one flew south over Cavenham Pits on May 1st, a particularly late date for a west Suffolk site.

Northerly spring passage was only recorded at Landguard from where a total of 607 was noted in May (1805 in May 2021) with a peak day-total of 181 on 20th. Only two were noted off Landguard in June up to 7th. Other late spring and summer birds, excluding typical lingering birds on the usual estuary sites, involve one seen on three dates at Minsmere in May and June, one at Hollesley Marshes on June 13th and one at Hen Reedbeds August 15th and 18th; had this latter bird been oversummering, unobserved, somewhere on one of our wetlands/estuaries or was it a very early returning bird?

Peak WeBS counts in the table below:

The first returning birds of the autumn were one south off Slaughden on September 6th and six south off Landguard the following day. For the remainder of the month and into the first two weeks of October there was a small but regular passage off a few coastal locations along with birds starting to build up on the estuary sites such as Trimley Marshes and Levington Creek. Compared with the previous year, there was a much higher number of passage birds off the coast, the first peak of which occurred on October 19th and 20th. On the former date there were 1625 south off Southwold, 1600 off Minsmere, 1730 off Thorpeness and 1600 off East Lane, Bawdsey but all were eclipsed by 6813 south off Landguard. There were also four-figure flocks off the coast the following day, the highest of which was 1593 south off Minsmere. The next peak passage days were November 13th and 14th; on the former day the highest totals were 2000+ off Benacre Broad and 1069 off Thorpeness with Landguard having a large count of 5843 flying south.

It was noted that there was a good number of young birds present in the flocks; of 50 birds which flew south off Minsmere on November 16th, 31 were able to have their age assessed with 15 being juveniles (48%) and from 190 which flew south off Southwold on November 17th, six of the flocks were age-assessed one of which comprised 38 birds of which 19 were juveniles (50%). The same feature was noted in the flocks that built up on the estuaries during the rest of November and throughout December; in a flock of 738 birds feeding on winter wheat, just inland from the coast on the Stour Estuary on November 16th, there were at least 122 youngsters. Between Kings Fleet and Falkenham Marshes on December 6th there were 720 birds after 40 flew in to join a group of 680 birds; within the original group, 223 juveniles were counted.

The monthly passage records at Landguard are recorded in the table below.

In central Suffolk three were recorded by nocturnal flight calls over Pipps Ford, Barking on November 18th. There was a single record from the west late in the year, involving one calling bird heading NNE over Denston Hall on November 10th.

2021 Addition

An attempt was made to trace the ringing details of the three colour-ringed Brent Geese which feature on page 54 of Suffolk Birds 2021. It has not been possible to determine the ringing details relating to Birds 2 and 3 but there was more success with Bird 1 which was caught and ringed in Friesland, The Netherlands in May 2012. A brief summary of subsequent sightings is as follows. Many thanks to Mike Marsh for all his help in tracing the ringing details of Bird 1:

March 2013 – Normandy, France

March 2016 – River Crouch Estuary, Essex

February 2017 – near Rochefort, Atlantic coast of France

April 2017 – Friesland, The Netherlands

February 2018 – Friesland, The Netherlands

February 2021 – Kirton Marshes, Suffolk

(PALE-BELLIED) BRENT GOOSE  Branta bernicla hrota

Uncommon winter visitor. Amber list.

There were fewer sightings than in 2021, with a bird on the Deben Estuary in both winter periods. One, presumably the bird present in December 2021, was noted between Waldringfield and Felixstowe Ferry between January 16th and March 7th and, perhaps the same bird was at Minsmere on March 13th.

In the autumn, passage birds were noted off the coast with one north past Thorpeness on October 10th, one south at Slaughden with c.30 Dark-bellied Brent Geese on October 27th. One was noted at Ness Point, North Denes and Gunton Warren, Lowestoft on November 13th with one off Ness Point the following day. One was on Aldeburgh Marshes on November 26th and, further south, one was around the Felixstowe Ferry/Falkenham area from November 24th to the end of the year, although two were present on December 9th. In December this bird was also noted further up-river on a couple of occasions at Sutton Street, Shottisham and between Shottisham Creek and Methersgate, Sutton.

BLACK BRANT  Branta bernicla nigricans

Scarce visitor.

The lower reaches of the Deben Estuary, where this North American and Siberian sub-species occurs regularly, again had a record at the end of 2022, mainly around Felixstowe Ferry but also noted further up-river on one occasion. This is the 11th year this century that this distinctive subspecies has occurred at this site.

Felixstowe Ferry: between Dec 15th and end of the year (C Holden) Sutton: near Lower Farm, Dec 24th – same bird (S Fryett, G Grieco)

2014 Additions adult

Deben Estuary: Falkenham, December 1st 2013 to year’s end (Suffolk Birds 2013: 50) – remained in this area until March 2nd 2014, being seen on at least one occasion opposite Kirton Creek, at Ramsholt, on the east side of the estuary.

Orwell Estuary: two adults in late December 2013 in the Shotley Marshes/Chelmondiston area to the year’s end (Suffolk Birds 2013: 50) – both remained in this area until at least March 4th 2014 with one being seen intermittently until at least May 17th 2014 when it was noted at Levington Creek – this is Suffolk’s latestever spring record.

GREATER CANADA GOOSE  Branta canadensis

Common resident. Categories A, C and E.

One of the commoner goose species in Suffolk being found across many parts of the county but generally more prevalent in the southeast. The species was recorded from fewer sites in each of the three recording areas compared with last year but did follow the same pattern in that most records came from the southeast, with 22 locations this year; elsewhere, 19 were in the west and 13 in the northeast. Higher numbers were recorded in the BTO BBS surveying this year following the very low counts last year. The species was only present in five 1km squares, which is average over the last ten years; however, the number of individuals was only 52, an increase from 22 the previous year but still only half of the average over the last decade.

There was a decrease in the number of breeding records, from 28 breeding sites in 2021 to 21 in 2022, with almost half being in the west. The number of pairs was also lower in comparison, down from 51 to 31 but, despite this, there was a large increase in the number of young, although this was due to the additional information supplied with the records. Of the 149 young reported, 97 came from the west, 29 in the southeast and 23 in the northeast. Some of the more notable breeding records in each area included multiple broods at Minsmere, ‘several’ pairs with recently-hatched goslings at Hollesley Marshes, a pair with six goslings at Chantry Park, Ipswich and four broods totalling 15 goslings on Wilderness Pond in Christchurch Park, Ipswich, of which only three survived. As mentioned, more young were reported from the west with the following maxima; within a flock of 135 at BTO Nunnery Reserve, Thetford there were 31 goslings, at Culford Park, three broods totalled seven young, there were at least four broods totalling 24 young at Great Saxham and at Hanchett, Haverhill a flock of 67 included 23 juveniles.

The largest flock of the year was at Boyton Marshes with 600 present on November 14th. Other large groups include 300 at Hemley on September 11th, 225 at Reydon Marshes, December 16th, 205 at Trimley Marshes, October 5th, 200 at Cattawade, August 19th, c200 at Minsmere, September 12th, 136 at BTO Nunnery Reserve, October 3rd, 120 at Cavenham Pits on January 1st and 120 at Lakenheath Fen/Washes on December 27th.

Peak WeBS counts in the table below:

There were a number of Canada Goose x Greylag Goose hybrids recorded around the county, from Walberswick, Snape Wetlands, Hollesley Marshes, Wherstead Strand, Loompit Lake, Tattingstone, three at Lackford Lakes, two at Fornham St Martin and up to two on many dates throughout the year at BTO Nunnery Reserve.

BARNACLE GOOSE  Branta leucopsis

Scarce winter visitor and passage migrant; increasingly common feral resident. Amber List. Categories A and E.

A species that is more frequent in the two winter periods with typically smaller numbers during the summer, but in 2022 there were no records from June or July, except at Minsmere.

On Havergate Island there was the only definitive breeding evidence – there were some pairs at Minsmere but no sign of breeding success and there was also a pair at Southwold that looked as if they would nest. The birds in the county are part of a naturalised population. There is an ongoing project by the Waterbird Colour-marking Group to colour-mark birds to find out data on their movements, survival and mortality. A number of these birds, that either had coded, coloured-leg rings or coded-neck collars, were observed in the county – mainly at Southwold and Walberswick.

The largest flock in the northeast during the first winter period was 1050 which flew past the sea front at Southwold on January 1st, after departing from a roost in fields to the north. North Warren had flocks into three figures on a few occasions including 400+ on January 3rd. At Reydon Marshes there were 450 on January 30th and the highest count at Minsmere was c.200 on both February 14th and April 12th. In the southeast, Hollesley Marshes held a small, but regular flock with a maximum of 25 on March 23rd and April 3rd. A number of passage birds were noted past Landguard, mainly in March, including 65 which flew south on March 15th – part of this month’s overall total of 40 northbound and 111 south off this well-watched site.

Large flocks started to build up in August with c200 at Benacre Broad on August 28th, rising to 400 at the site on September 10th. At Walberswick NNR there were 990 on October 7th and during the rest of the year there were three-figure flocks at a few coastal sites along with flocks noted moving up and down the coast. The largest flock of the year was 1110 roosting birds at Minsmere on November 14th. The site also had 900+ arriving to roost from the north on December 10th. The preceding day 850 were noted at both Reydon Marshes and offshore Southwold. At Snape Wetlands, there was a flock of up to 22 in late August and through September.

In the west, there were just a few sightings with a feral bird at Fornham All Saints in early January and then one present at Livermere Lake from January to August. There were two at Ousden on April 20th and three at Lackford Lakes on March 18th and a flock of 24 at Centre Parcs, Elveden on September 27th.

A Barnacle Goose x Canada Goose hybrid was present at Walberswick NNR on October 7th and, presumably the same bird, Southwold Town Marshes on December 12th.

GREYLAG GOOSE  Anser anser

Common resident from feral flock. Amber List. Categories A, C and E.

As has been the norm for several years, this species is the commonest goose to be found around the county although, in the west, the really large numbers around Livermere Lake have declined in recent years, whereas in the southeast some of the flocks continue to increase in number. There was a slight decrease in the number of sites where Greylag Goose was recorded, from 71 to 65 with the southeast again having the most. The species was recorded in four of the 1km squares during the BTO Breeding Bird Survey, down from ten the previous year; there was also a decrease since 2021 in the number of individuals located in the BBS squares, down from 151 to 73 for 2022.

There was just a slight increase in the number of breeding sites although, despite being found across more locations, the southeast had the fewest sites with breeding recorded. The number of pairs was down as was the number of young, which decreased from 120 to 86. Some notable breeding records include” several” broods at Minsmere (with no further details), a pair with eight young at Aldeburgh, a crèche with four broods at Boyton Marshes, three pairs at Shotley Marshes, three broods at Livermere Lake, five broods totalling 19 young at Culford Park and two broods totalling ten young at Redgrave Lake.

Peak WeBS counts in the table below:

A selection of the highest counts through the year; involved c850 at Hollesley Marshes on September 14th, 567, Trimley Marshes, December 29th, 411 at Lakenheath Fen, November 11th, 274 at Livermere Lake, August 17th, c200 from Thorpeness old caravan park, September 19th, 150 at Benacre Broad, August 26th and 150 at Dingle Marshes on January 18th.


On May 2nd 2022, I visited Ramsholt Lodge Marsh and found the area almost waterless compared with recent visits. I had seen one dead bird on the dried-out area, and then, I witnessed a Greylag Goose pecking away on some bones of another bird that was also likely to have been a goose. The bones consisted of the rib cage, part of a wing and a leg. It seemed to concentrate on the end of the leg bone at the joint but also on the rib cage and, at times, did so with enough force to lift it off the ground. This carried on for some minutes. I have never witnessed this before, thinking that Greylag Goose is a herbivorous species but I assumed, from my observation, that it was feeding on this occasion. Link to video – Gi Grieco.


BEAN GOOSE  Anser fabalis

2021 Correction

In the 2021 report an error showed this species as Anser fabilis and not fabalis.

PINK-FOOTED GOOSE  Anser brachyrhynchus

Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber List. Categories A and E.

As seems typical for the species in Suffolk, there are generally smaller flocks in the first winter period and 2022 was no different with the two largest flocks in the northeast being of only 60+ over both Somerleyton and Blundeston Marshes on February 4th and c70 west over Beccles on February 9th. There were one to three birds present in a mixed-goose flock around Aldringham and North Warren in January and February. Further down the coast there was a single record –one at Hollesley Marshes from March 22nd to 26th. In the west there were two feral birds noted at a few sites in January and then from the end of the month through to the end of March at Hall Farm, Fornham St Martin.

The first birds of the autumn were 15 that flew over and out to sea at Minsmere on September 16th and, two days later, 27 flew over Bulcamp Marshes, Blythburgh from the direction of Walberswick, before heading north and nine flew northwest over Oulton Marshes. At Herringfleet Mill there was a count of 1050+ on October 25th, consisting of a number of flocks moving over. Over Carlton Marshes, on November 5th, there were 1300 heading towards Blundeston and at Blundeston Marshes there were c600 on November 26th. The last big group of the year was 750+ at Herringfleet Mill on December 12th, this time consisting of four separate groups.

In the southeast a flock of eight was initially at Boyton Marshes on September 18th and then on the scrape at Hollesley Marshes on September 22nd and 23rd. The next record from the area

wasn’t until November 18th when 60 were recorded by ‘nocmig’ over Pipps Ford, Barking where ten were similarly recorded on December 7th. There were 14 present on Sudbourne Marshes on November 29th, 16 at Hollesley Marshes on December 9th and one with Greylag Geese at Snape Wetlands on December 29th. In the west, 70 flew west over Lakenheath Fen, October 11th, ten were at Knettishall Airfield on November 20th and eight at Mickle Mere on December 13th.

The annual occurrence of four-figure flocks of this goose in Suffolk, all of them in the far northeast of the county, did not commence until 2004. Subsequent annual maxima have included five-figure totals, viz 20000 (Suffolk’s highest-ever total), Waveney Forest, Fritton and St Olaves, January 26th 2019; 14140, Bradwell, December 20th 2008 and 10000, Burgh Castle, December 20th 2011.This year’s maximum of 1300, Carlton Marshes, November 5th, is the lowest since 2003, when the largest gathering was of 200 at Covehithe on October 9th.

The Suffolk flocks are inextricably linked with those that occur in much larger numbers in Norfolk. Mention was made on the BBC’s Winterwatch programme, broadcast in January 2023, of potential changes in agricultural practice in Norfolk which would result in less sugar beet being grown in the county. This could have a detrimental effect on the numbers of Pink-footed Geese wintering in Norfolk – and, consequently, on the numbers gracing the fields and marshes of northeast Suffolk in the winter months.

TUNDRA BEAN GOOSE  Anser serrirostris

Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber List. Categories A and E. 2022 had very few records and, in contrast with recent years, there were no flocks that stayed for any period of time. One was recorded at North Warren on January 22nd and two at Walberswick NNR on January 31st and February 2nd. At Trimley Marshes, six flew over the reserve and estuary towards Shotley on February 23rd. A late bird flew low over Minsmere Scrape on April 14th and in the same month two birds, either Tundra or Taiga, were at East Lane, Bawdsey on 28th. The second winter period was just as quiet; one flew over Carlton Marshes on October 29th, four flew in off the sea and then south at Ness Point, Lowestoft on November 18th and one was at Hollesley Marshes on November 19th.


Fairly common winter visitor and passage migrant. Red List. Categories A and E.

The species is still mostly encountered on the marshes in the northeast of the county, but, recently, there have been more regular larger flocks further south with occasional birds in the west. The principal site in the northeast was North Warren where birds were present throughout January and February and the first two weeks of March. There was also a lingering bird there, associating with Greylag Geese, up to May 29th; the largest count at the site was 172 on February 12th. The flocks were also noted nearby, with 167, made of 115 adults and 52 first-winter birds, on arable fields to the east of Aldringham which commuted to North Warren on February 11th. They were also seen further south on Aldeburgh Marshes with a flock of 216 on January 6th. There was a small flock of six at Carlton Marshes and Oulton Marshes on a few dates in early January plus 15 flew low east over Carlton Colville on January 10th. There was a group of 20 with Greylags on the edge of Walberswick Marshes and 45 flew south over Dunwich on January 18th. The following day, the year’s largest flock, 220, flew south over Dunwich.

In the southeast recording area, the largest flocks were at Sudbourne Marshes with 169 on February 3rd and 175 on February 7th. Birds were noted there on a few dates up to February 22nd but the peak counts were when there were no records from North Warren or Aldeburgh Marshes, therefore are likely to be the same flock from those sites which had moved south of the River Alde. This is evidenced by a flock of 148 on February 5th which involved at least 52 first-winter birds – this matches the number of first-winter birds in the flock at Aldringham. Birds were also regular at Hollesley Marshes, the largest flock being 80 on March 22nd. At Landguard, 17 flew north on February 9th. There were 11 at Trimley Marshes on January 23rd and five at this

site on February 5th; the same number were at Hemley on February 3rd which may have been the same flock. Five were at Lodge Farm Marshes, Ramsholt on the late date of April 2nd.

In the west, there were four at Lakenheath Fen on January 21st and 23rd with five there on February 1st. A flock of six was present at Puttocks Hill, Great Barton/Pakenham from January 26th to February 7th with four noted nearby at Mickle Mere on January 27th. There were six at Great Livermere on February 2nd and one at Sturmer Mere, Kedington on the Essex border, March 3rd.

The first record for the second winter period was a juvenile at North Warren on October 28th, followed by 13 flying south over Minsmere the following day. Again, birds were mainly around North Warren and Aldeburgh Marshes to the end of the year; the largest respective flocks were 43 at the former site on November 30th and 115 at the latter on the final day of the year. Elsewhere, there were one or two birds around Southwold and Reydon Marshes and 25 flew south over Reydon on December 13th. In central Suffolk there were six recorded by nocturnal flight calls at Pipps Ford, Barking on November 18th and 118 were at that site on December 7th. The main records in the southeast came from Hollesley Marshes with 31 on December 14th which included 13 first-winter birds. Elsewhere, there were 25 at Orford and Gedgrave on December 12th, six at Cattawade on December 17th and 20 at Snape on December 27th. The sole record from the west was of three at Thorington Street, Stoke-by-Nayland on December 25th.

2021 Addition

The bird at Little Cornard in March 2021 with a neck collar marked DIV (Suffolk Birds 2021:60) was originally trapped and ringed at Deelenweg, The Netherlands 51°45’N 05°23’E on January 9th 2018. It was then noted at various sites in The Netherlands in winters 2018/19 and 2019/20 before being located at Little Cornard on March 6th 2021.

MUTE SWAN  Cygnus olor

Common resident. Green list (from Amber List 2121). Categories A and C.

A species associated with our waterway and wetland areas, from rivers and lakes to fields and marshes along the coastal river valleys. The species was recorded from fewer locations compared with 2021, down to 70 from 87. Despite an increase in the northeast, overall, the areas had fewer reports. During the BTO Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) Mute Swan was recorded from five 1km squares, a bit lower than in the last couple of years, and the number of individuals, 74, was another decrease in a trend that has occurred since the peak of 176 counted in 2017.

There was a slight increase in the number of breeding locations recorded, up to 44 sites compared with 38 in 2021. There were 17 breeding sites in the northeast, 15 in the southeast and 12 in the west. The number of pairs was similar to the previous year but there was a big increase in the number of young, up to 151, with the majority recorded, 76, coming from the northeast. Some notable breeding records include seven cygnets about one week old at Hoxne, two pairs, each with six cygnets, on Beccles Marshes, a pair with eight cygnets at Glevering Bridge, Hacheston, a pair at Cavenham Pits with two “Polish” morph birds in a brood of six cygnets and at Lackford Lakes there were three broods, of four, three and one young.

Peak WeBS counts in the table below:

There were four locations that had herds into three figures, all in the southeast. The highest was at Felixstowe Ferry with 165 on January 10th. At Alderton there were 110 on November 21st which were deliberately scared off by a farmer. Nearby, 120 where at East Lane, Bawdsey on November 25th and 100 at Shingle Street on December 12th (presumably the same flock as at Alderton). At Lakenheath Fen there were 80 on March 6th and 74 at Livermere Lake on March 30th. In the northeast there were 61 at St. Cross, South Elmham including birds at Flixton Hall on June 17th, 70 at Hazlewood Marshes, August 22nd and 53 at Carlton Marshes on October 19th. One present on Wilderness Pond in Christchurch Park, Ipswich on November 28th is the first site record since 2012. It was noted up to December 2nd but, sadly, was found dead the following day.

TUNDRA (BEWICK’S) SWAN  Cygnus columbianus bewickii

Fairly common winter visitor and passage migrant. Red list (from Amber List 2021).

Typically, this species is mainly encountered in the northeast with occasional records from the other areas and 2022 followed this pattern. The birds that had been present at the end of 2022 around Lymball’s Lane, Westleton continued to remain in the area until March 7th; they were seen on several occasions to go to roost at Minsmere and also depart early morning to go to their feeding grounds. There were generally seven, but occasionally eight, birds recorded in the herd. As with the flock the previous year, one of the individuals had a neck collar 354E that indicated that it had been caught and ringed in the Netherlands. At Thorpeness Meare, on February 2nd, 11 birds present looked like they were newly arrived at this wellwatched site; they flew off south and were seen at North Warren before being seen foraging in a recently-ploughed field at Aldringham in the afternoon. The flock consisted of four first-winter birds and seven adults.

At Lakenheath Fen there were two present on January 20th with one still present three days later. At Felixstowe Ferry, a single bird was seen on March 30th.

In the second winter period there were no static flocks, just single-day records. From Southwold, ten birds flew south on November 4th and then later on the same date the same flock flew west over Minsmere; the following day four flew east over Carlton Marshes. A single bird flew south past Hollesley Marshes, bugling, on November 18th.

This swan was placed on the Red List of Birds of Conservation Concern in 2021 because of its rapidly-declining wintering population.

WHOOPER SWAN  Cygnus cygnus

Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber List. Categories A and E.

The area around Lakenheath Fen typically has the largest herds encountered in the county and 2022 was no exception. Birds were present at the site from the start of the year up to March 1st with three birds on March 28th. The highest counts were 105 on both January 20th and February 26th. Nearby at Sedge Fen, there was a herd of 300 on January 9th. Between March 19th and April 2nd, there was a single bird with Mute Swans at Thorington Street, south of the B1068 towards Higham St Mary.

The birds that were present at Lymball’s Lane, Westleton and at Minsmere at the end of the previous year were still present during the first winter period. At the former site there were eight birds present up until March 7th. At Minsmere, generally single-figure totals were recorded

Berwick’s Swan, Westleton, August 28th
Andrew Moon

but on two occasions higher numbers were counted with 14 on January 1st and 15 on January 19th; throughout March and up until April 8th there were two birds still present at the site. At Blackheath, Wenhaston 15 birds came in low from the south before flying off west on March 7th. In the southeast there were up to two birds in the Falkenham area between January 2nd and February 14th.

There was an unprecedented series of oversummering records commencing with two adults at Gifford’s Hall Flash, Stoke-by-Nayland on June 24th and 30th. What is then assumed to have been one of those two birds was again at Gifford’s Hall Flash on July 2nd and then at Trimley Marshes, July 13th and Minsmere, July 15th – it then remained in the Minsmere area until at least October 4th. Again, what is assumed to have been the same bird was at Snape on three dates in September when it was not present at Minsmere. This is the first instance of oversummering in Suffolk since 2012 when one with a damaged wing spent the summer at Lakenheath Fen.

Given the series of oversummering records in 2022 it is interesting to note that Whooper Swans have bred at Welney on the Ouse Washes in Norfolk in every year since, and including, 2015. Usually only one pair has bred but there were two pairs in both 2017 and 2019. (Norfolk Bird and Mammal Reports 2015 - 2021).

The first birds back at Lakenheath Fen in the second winter period were on September 25th, the earliest arrival in Suffolk since 1990 when two were at Kessingland, September 18th. Six early arrivals were at Lakenheath Fen on September 26th in 2020. Sightings continued throughout the period at Lakenheath with a large herd of 1131, including 56 juveniles, on October 15th and 1250 the following day. Elsewhere in the area there was a single bird at Livermere Lake on September 27th and October 22nd with one nearby at Ampton Water on November 13th. On November 4th, six flew over Mildenhall.

At Minsmere five were recorded on October 19th and five noted at Barsham Marshes on November 10th. An adult flew over Blackheath, Wenhaston on November 12th then up to four birds were present at Minsmere from November 22nd to the end of the year. Two birds were at Wenhaston on December 29th. In the southeast, there were three birds at Boyton Marshes on November 9th, three between East Lane and Shingle Street, November 24th and 27th and two at King’s Fleet, Felixstowe/Falkenham between December 9th and 18th.

EGYPTIAN GOOSE  Alopochen aegyptiaca

Locally fairly common resident. Categories C and E.

Egyptian Goose is a naturalised species which continues to expand and, once again, there was an increase in records from the southeast, making this the area where the species is most regularly recorded – up to 35 sites from 29 the previous year. There was also an increase in the number of northeast sites, although there was a slight drop in the west. In the Breeding Bird Survey, the species was recorded in four 1km squares, the same as the previous year but there was an increase in the number of individuals, up to 11 which makes it the first year since 2018 that the total has been in double figures.

The number of breeding sites was almost the same as last year; again, there was a reduction of locations in the west to 12, although this is double that of the southeast which had six, while there were five in the northeast. Overall, there was a reduction in the numbers of pairs as well as

Whooper Swans, Westleton, January 6th Andrew Moon

of young. It seems that the increase in the number of locations that Egyptian Goose was recorded within the south-east mirrors an increase in breeding sites, up to six – the most-ever recorded from the area. Some breeding details from across the county include two pairs and three young at Ocean Pit, Weybread, a pair with six young at Thorpeness Meare, two pairs at Snape Wetlands, 12 young at Cattawade, a pair at a nest hole in an oak at Euston, four broods, consisting of nine, eight, seven and six goslings at Livermere Lake and a pair with three young, plus another pair with a nest, at Hall Farm, Fornham St Martin. At Fornham All Saints a pair with five young disrupted traffic on a busy roundabout!

As mentioned, the species is on the increase in the county and after a county-record flock in 2021 of 219 at Livermere Lake, the record was broken again at the same site in 2022 with a count of 288 on July 2nd. The other large flocks were 172 at Timworth on September 14th, 152 at Hall Farm, Fornham St Martin, August 14th, 147 at Alton Water, October 9th and 143 there on August 14th. The highest count in the northeast was of 25 at Carlton Marshes on October 1st with the site having flocks of 21 on three other dates. At Aldringham, on arable fields to the east of the village, 12 were present on February 13th.

The only offshore record involved two south off Landguard on January 28th.


Tadorna tadorna

Locally common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list.

Monthly counts from the key sites:

Wintering numbers on the estuaries were generally unexceptional, although a WeBS low-tide count on the Orwell of 660 in February is the highest count at this location for seven years. The only three-figure counts received from sites not covered in the table involved 107 at Snape Wetlands, March 20th and 100 at Livermere Lake, April 6th.

As usual, significant numbers remained at Hazlewood Marshes throughout late spring and early summer, with counts of 250, May 19th, 352, June 5th and 190, July 9th, while 120 were present at nearby Havergate Island, July 8th. Thereafter numbers fell, corresponding with the moulting period spent in the Wadden Sea, Netherlands before returning migrants at the end of August accounted for 120 on the Blyth Estuary on 27th and 80 at Hazlewood Marshes on 31st.

A total of 33 breeding pairs was reported from 17 sites, including 12 pairs on Havergate Island. This is slightly lower than in recent years, with 39 pairs at 17 sites last year and between 38 and 62 pairs in the five years previous to that. Prospecting by at least 18 birds was noted at Landguard between February 2nd and July 6th.

Offshore autumn passage was less pronounced than usual, with no single day-count reaching 50. At Landguard the peak month was November with a cumulative total of 151 logged flying south.


MANDARIN DUCK  Aix galericulata

Uncommon feral visitor. Small breeding population. Categories C and E.

Monthly counts from the key sites:

The population in the Ipswich area remains strong, with the peak annual count at Christchurch Park exceeding 30 for the fourth consecutive year. However, wintering numbers were significantly down at Brandon Country Park, with this year’s highest count of 18, February 4th contrasting with 36 in October last year.

Breeding was confirmed at two sites. At Christchurch Park two broods were seen on the Wilderness Pond, but no young were known to survive, while in the west of the county young were present at Santon Downham in June.

Fritton Lake: male, Dec 27th

Henstead: male on farm reservoir, Jan 5th

Heveningham: Park, May 13th

Minsmere: male, Mar 14th

Thorpeness Meare: Apr 15th; May 12th

North Warren: four, Nov 4th

Wantisden: Staverton Lakes, two, Mar 25th; Apr 5th

Martlesham Creek: May 7th

Witnesham: River Fynn, three (two males), Apr 5th. Fynn Valley Golf Club, male, Apr 21st

Ipswich: Christchurch Park, pairs with four young, May 11th and six young, June 6th. Holywells Park, five, Feb 25th; two, Apr 12th

Playford: three, Mar 10th; three, Apr 18th

Barham Pits: female, Dec 17th

Purdis Farm: monthly maxima at Ipswich Golf Club, three, Mar 21st and 29th; five (four males), Apr 29th; male, Sep 26th; seven (four males), Nov 21st; four, Dec 7th

Stour Estuary: Jan 22nd and 23rd (WeBS) and Apr 17th (WeBS)

Santon Downham: two (one male), Jan 21st; three (two males), Feb 25th; six, Mar 27th; four, Apr 3rd; five, May 8th; female with seven young, June 4th; three adults and two young, June 20th; four, Dec 30th

Lakenheath Fen: Mar 28th; Oct 11th

Thetford: Warren Wood, May 2nd; Nunnery Lakes, two (one male), Jan 10th; Sep 3rd and Nov 21st

Cavenham: River Lark, May 5th

Lackford Lakes: male, Sep 25th

Kedington: Sturmer Mere, two, Mar 15th

Little Cornard: Cornard Mere, two, Mar 14th

Leavenheath/Bures St Mary: Arger Fen, two (one male), Nov 14th

GARGANEY  Spatula querquedula

Uncommon summer visitor and passage migrant. Has overwintered. Amber list. It was an excellent year for this popular dabbling duck. A first-winter male was found at Carlton

Marshes, February 13th (possibly overwintered?) and is only the second county record for this month (the first was at Westwood Marshes, Walberswick NNR, February 28th 1973). This individual stayed to at least mid-March and was the forerunner of a considerable early spring influx, prompted by a prolonged period of clear skies, warmer-than-average temperatures and a southerly/south-easterly airflow. As well as further birds arriving at Carlton Marshes, an additional ten sites had records between March 16th and the end of the month, including eight at Dingle Marshes, Dunwich on 26th and nine at Lakenheath Fen and five at Snape Wetlands on 27th. The year’s peak count involved ten at Carlton Marshes, April 23rd the largest spring gathering in the county since 2001 (when 17 were present at Hen Reedbeds, April 3rd). Early April is obviously an excellent time for peak numbers of Garganey.

Numbers remained higher than usual through the remainder of spring and resulted in the best breeding season since 2014. Breeding was confirmed at three sites and involved two pairs at Carlton Marshes and single pairs at Snape Wetlands and Lakenheath Fen. Elsewhere, three pairs possibly bred at Dingle Marshes, two pairs at Minsmere and one pair at Westwood marshes, Walberswick. Sightings continued into September with the last at Minsmere on 20th.

Lakenheath, May

Carlton Marshes: first-winter male, Feb 13th and 26th, then regularly, Mar 3rd to 17th; three (two males), Mar 18th; up to four (two males), Mar 19th to Apr 2nd, with six (three males), Mar 22nd; ten (seven males), Apr 3rd; up to five, Apr 4th to 11th; eight, Apr 12th; seven, Apr 13th; up to four, Apr 14th to June 7th, with five, Apr 23rd; six, including female with three young, June 16th; up to three, June 30th to July 10th; July 31st and Aug 17th

Southwold: Buss Creek, male, May 26th. Town Marshes, two males, June 2nd. South offshore, Sep 2nd

Dingle Marshes: three (two males), Mar 21st; five (four males), Mar 25th; eight (four males), Mar 26th; up to four, Mar 29th to Apr 24th, with six (three males), Apr 9th; two males, May 28th; male, May 30th and June 3rd

Minsmere: male, Mar 17th; two (one male), Mar 19th; three (two males), Mar 22nd and 25th; four (three males), Mar 26th; Mar 27th and Apr 3rd; up to three (two males), Apr 5th to 11th; male, Apr 18th; two (one male), May 16th; June 9th; Sep 20th

North Warren: Mar 23rd; Sep 16th and 19th

Aldeburgh: two, July 4th; Aug 31st

Snape Wetlands: three (two males), Mar 18th; two, Mar 19th and 24th; four (two males), Mar 25th; up to five (three males), Mar 27th to Apr 4th; three, Apr 5th; Apr 6th and 9th; two regularly, Apr 10th to 20th; four (two males), Apr 22nd; two, Apr 28th; male regularly, May 4th to 21st; up to four juveniles, Jul 7th to Aug 22nd; up to three, Aug 24th to Sep 12th

Havergate Island: two (one male), Mar 30th; Aug 24th

Boyton Marshes: male, Mar 19th, Apr 8th and 9th; May 5th

Hollesley Marshes: male, Mar 22nd; three (two males), Mar 26th; June 8th; June 23rd

Trimley Marshes: two (one male), Mar 27th to Apr 16th, with three, Apr 2nd and four, Apr 10th; two (one male), May 2nd; June 6th; male, Aug 3rd to Sep 9th, joined by juvenile, Aug 25th to Sep 9th

Barking: Pipps Ford, male, Mar 29th

Lakenheath Fen: male, Mar 16th and 17th; two (one male), Mar 18th; five (three males), Mar 21st; seven (four males), Mar 23rd; three (two males), Mar 25th; six (three males), Mar 26th; nine (five males), Mar 27th; seven, Apr 3rd; four (two males), Apr 23rd; up to four, Apr 29th to May 21st, with five (four males), May 4th; juvenile, July 2nd

Leavenheath/Bures St Mary: Arger Fen, two (one male), Apr 18th

Chris Mayne

NORTHERN SHOVELER  Spatula clypeata

Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Uncommon resident. Amber list.

Monthly counts from the key sites:

Nationally, WeBS data show that the non-breeding population is currently at the highest level on record having increased by 53% in the last 25 years. This is reflected in Suffolk where overall numbers were impressive in both January and December and the year’s peak count, a WeBS count of 497 on the Alde/Ore Estuary, December 11th, is the highest record in Suffolk since January 1962 when 500 were present at Minsmere. Aside from those in the table, counts of 50 and above involved 100 at Leathes Ham, Lowestoft, January 1st; 56 at Southwold, April 4th; 60 at Mickle Mere, April 7th and 25th and 50 at Hall Farm, Fornham St Martin, September 25th.

The breeding season saw mixed results. The number of pairs at Minsmere increased from 17 to 23, although no pairs bred at either Dingle Marshes, Dunwich or North Warren (both sites recorded three pairs in 2021). Elsewhere, six pairs were noted at Walberswick, three pairs at Benacre and Boyton Marshes, two pairs at Snape Wetlands, Hollesley Marshes and Trimley Marshes and single pairs at Carlton Marshes (a decrease from four pairs in 2021), Orfordness, Havergate Island, Cavenham Pits and Lakenheath Fen.

There was a notable southerly offshore movement in November with 20 off Landguard on 13th and 45 off Lowestoft and 39 off Thorpeness the following day. In total 70 were logged flying south off Landguard between September 4th and December 17th.

GADWALL  Mareca strepera

Common resident and winter visitor. Amber list. Categories A and C.

Monthly counts from the key sites:

Minsmere supported numbers greater than the recent norm during the winter of 2021/2 and this has helped to re-establish the reserve as the only site in the county of national importance (threshold of 310). Aside from the table, several sites had significant counts during the summer months, including 213 at Minsmere, July 17th; 110 at Hollesley Marshes, June 8th; 104 at Trimley Marshes, June 29th and 145 at Lakenheath Fen, June 3rd while the only other three-figure winter counts involved 112 at Thorington Street Reservoir, November 13th and 105 at Thorpeness Meare, December 10th.

A lack of comprehensive recording accounted for a substantial drop in the reported breeding population. A total of 32 pairs was reported from 15 sites (compared with 132 pairs from 16 sites in 2021), with six pairs at Snape Wetlands, four pairs at North Warren and Cavenham Pits and three pairs at Culford Park.

EURASIAN WIGEON  Mareca penelope

Common winter visitor and passage migrant. A few oversummer and occasionally breed. Amber list. Categories A and E.

from the key sites:

The steady long-term decline in total wintering numbers shows no sign of reversing. Indeed, on the Alde/Ore Estuary, the county’s main wintering site, the January WeBS count of 4090 is the lowest annual maximum since 2011 (excluding last year when counts were not undertaken in the first winter period). Aside from those in the table, the only other three-figure concentrations reported involved 110 at Wood Lane reservoir, Henstead, January 25th; 120 at Dingle Marshes, February 11th; 131 at Lakenheath Fen, February 26th and 180 at Gifford’s Hall, Stoke-by-Nayland, 131, Thorington Street Reservoir, November 13th and 144, Fritton Lake, December 27th.

During the summer there was a trickle of records, predominantly from coastal sites, including a long-staying pair at Trimley Marshes, but no evidence of breeding was recorded.

The only significant offshore movement in the first winter period involved 215 south off Thorpeness and 78 south off Landguard, January 1st. Return passage began early with two south off Landguard, July 20th, although no further records were received until late August. Peak numbers were logged between mid-October and mid-November, including the year’s maximum day-count of 800 south off Felixstowe during easterly winds on October 19th.

Lowestoft: 151 south, Nov 14th; 132 south, Nov 15th; 167 south, Nov 19th

Benacre: 400, Dec 11th

Southwold: 300 south, Oct 19th; 317 south, Oct 20th

Minsmere: 300 south, Oct 19th; 440 south, Nov 13th; 350 south, Nov 19th

Thorpeness: 319 south, Oct 9th; 467 south, Oct 19th; 439 south, Oct 20th; 243 south, Nov 14th

Felixstowe: 800 south, Oct 19th

Landguard: 26 north and 236 south in Sep; 701 south in Oct including peak day-counts of 115 on 9th and 226 on 19th; 552 south in Nov including peak day-count of 323 on 13th


5556831 (white LM) adult male 01/03/2021

Krommenieer Woudpolder, Noord-Holland, NETHERLANDS 52°31’N 04°46’E alive (colour-ring seen) 05/11/2022

Minsmere, Suffolk 52°14’N 01°37’E – 216km W

Eurasian Wigeon  Mareca penelope x Northern Pintail Anas acuta hybrid

A male of this parentage was recorded at the Butley River, November 13th and December 11th. Almost certainly the same bird was observed at nearby Havergate Island on January 8th 2021.

MALLARD  Anas platyrhynchos

Very common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list.

Monthly counts from the key sites:

Wintering numbers on the coast in both periods were low. This mirrors the national trend which continues downwards, having fallen by 22% in the last ten years. The annual summer release of captive-bred birds for shooting at Livermere Lake was again very large, with last year’s early-autumn count exceeded by 200 to peak at 5000 this year on September 11th.

Other than those in the table, additional notable gatherings included 112 at Mickle Mere, January 23rd (WeBS count); 250 at Snape Wetlands, July 1st; 130 at Carlton Marshes, July 31st; 190 at Havergate Island, September 29th; 110 at Boyton Hall, Great Finborough, November 19th; 128 on the Orwell Estuary and 133 on the Stour Estuary, December 11th (both WeBS counts) and 110 at Nunnery Lakes, Thetford, December 21st.

Although breeding was widely reported from 40 sites, distributed fairly evenly between the northeast, southeast and west regions of the county, details were scant. Indeed, at these 40 sites only 58 pairs were noted. The only comprehensive data were received from Christchurch Park, Ipswich where six broods totalled 37 ducklings, of which only eight fledged.


PINTAIL  Anas acuta

Fairly common winter visitor and passage migrant; a few oversummer. Bred in 2016 and 2018. Amber list. Categories A and E.

counts from the key sites:

For the second successive year non-breeding numbers were high. The year’s maximum count, a non-WeBS count of 393 at North Warren, February 12th is a new site record, eclipsing the previous peak of 377 on February 17th 2012. Also in February, the WeBS count on the Deben

Estuary of 186 on 20th is the highest at this site since December 2006. Later in the year, Trimley Marshes on the Orwell Estuary hosted impressive concentrations during the early autumn, with 134 on September 11th rising to 215 on October 11th, the highest count on the Orwell Estuary for ten years.

There was no suggestion of breeding, although there were occasional sightings of up to three at three coastal sites between mid-May and the end of June.

The following records were received from the west of the county:

Lakenheath Fen: five, Jan 5th; ten, Jan 17th; two, Feb 11th; three, Mar 5th; two males, Mar 24th; male, Apr 14th to May 4th; up to five, Sep 27th to Nov 6th; Dec 21st and 27th

Livermere Lake: two, Jan 17th; four, Feb 8th; three males, Mar 22nd

Cavenham Pits: male, Jan 1st; female, Mar 10th and Apr 10th

Mickle Mere: male, Jan 12th and 13th; three, Jan 31st; Mar 12th

Kedington: Sturmer Mere, four males, Apr 8th

Stoke-by-Nayland: Gifford’s Hall, Jan 28th; seven, Feb 13th; two, Mar 19th; seven, Mar 29th; two, Apr 13th and Nov 13th

Offshore movements occurred up to February 13th and resumed from August 19th, with peak numbers logged in mid-November. Autumn passage off Landguard was well above average and included a peak day-count of 132 south on November 13th, the county’s highest offshore daycount since 158 flew south off the same site on November 12th 2011.

Lowestoft: 11, Sep 19th; 40, Nov 13th; four, Nov 14th; 21 south, Nov 15th; 11, Nov 19th

Southwold: six, Aug 31st; 20, Oct 9th; 30 south, Oct 19th; 16, Nov 1st

Minsmere: 13 south, Aug 31st; 35 south, Nov 13th; 20 south, Nov 19th

Thorpeness: seven south, Jan 1st; 14 south, Jan 10th; two south, Feb 13th, Sep 8th and Oct 9th; 16 south, Oct 19th; 73 south, Oct 20th; 85 south, Nov 14th; south, Dec 30th

Aldeburgh: four south, Aug 19th; ten south, Sep 1st

Felixstowe: 16 south, Oct 19th

Landguard: five south, Jan 1st; south, Jan 8th; three south, Feb 10th; two south, Sep 7th; north, Sep 19th; 25 south in Oct; 193 south in Nov including peak day-count of 132 on 13th; three south, Dec 19th

EURASIAN TEAL  Anas crecca

Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Scarce resident. Amber list.

Monthly counts from the key sites:

Following a run of poor winters, the year’s peak count, a WeBS count of 3844 on the vast Alde/Ore Estuary, January 23rd, is the highest at this site (and also in the county) since 2016. Two further standout figures in the table involve a non-WeBS count of 1016 at Lakenheath Fen, February 26th, the largest gathering ever recorded in the west of the county, exceeding 930 at Lackford Lakes, January 4th 2010, and a non-WeBS count of 647 at Carlton Marshes, November 19th, a new site record. Additional three-figure counts in the first winter period included 120 at Staverton Lakes, Wantisden, January 9th; 200 at Burgh Castle, January 14th; 100 at Sturmer Mere, Kedington January 21st; 320 at Cavenham Pits, January 23rd; 180 at Barsham Marshes, February 28th; 120 at Boyton Marshes, April 2nd and 118 at Stanny Farm, Iken, April 13th. Further significant counts during the second winter period included 320 at Somerleyton Marshes, November 26th; 130 at Levington, December 5th, a WeBS count of 164 at Alton Water, December 11th and 100 at Gifford’s Hall, Stoke-by-Nayland, November 13th.

A female on Wilderness Pond, Christchurch Park, Ipswich, January 7th and 8th is probably the first site record since September 1977.

The only suggestion of oversummering was at Trimley Marshes, where a pair was present between May 19th and 23rd and two pairs, June 11th, but there was no evidence of breeding.

The first returning birds arrived from mid-June, including 23 at Minsmere on 16th and 110 at Hollesley Marshes on 30th.

Offshore autumn passage was heavier than the norm of recent years. There were regular significant southerly movements between August 31st and November 19th, with a pronounced peak at the end of this period.

Lowestoft: 244, Sep 19th; 409, Nov 14th; 551 south, Nov 15th; 314 south, Nov 17th; 211 south, Nov 18th; 155 south, Nov 19th

Southwold: 110, Aug 31st; 205, Sep 1st; 210, Sep 2nd; 176 south, Oct 19th; 221 south, Nov 17th; 30 north and 195 south, Nov 18th

Minsmere: 125 south, Aug 31st; 119 south, Sep 3rd; 265 south, Nov 13th; 195 south, Nov 19th

Thorpeness: 114, Aug 31st; 167 south, Sep 2nd; 130 south, Oct 19th; 158 south, Oct 20th; 214 south, Nov 14th; 140 south, Nov 19th

Felixstowe: one north and 111 south, Sep 1st; 150 south, Oct 19th

Landguard: five north and 496 south in Aug including peak day-count of 121 south on 31st; ten north and 478 south in Sep including peak day-count of 140 south on 1st; three north and 490 south in Oct including peak day-count of 196 south on 19th; 999 south in Nov including peak day-counts of 251 on 13th, 190 on 17th and 113 on 18th and 19th; 33 south in Dec



(colour-ring seen) 03/12/2022

Havergate Island, Suffolk 52°04’N 01°31’E - 965km NNE

This is one of two colour-marked Teal that were seen on Havergate in 2022. The other, seen on September 15th, had been ringed in Portugal but we are still waiting for the full details.

GREEN-WINGED TEAL  Anas carolinensis

Rare visitor.

Havergate Island: male, photographed, Dec 3rd (D Fairhurst, M Fairhurst, J Kennerley, M C Marsh) –assumed same as Hollesley

Boyton Marshes: male, Dec 19th (C Shaw) – assumed same as at Hollesley

Hollesley Marshes: male, photographed, Nov 20th (C Shaw et al.)

Following its discovery on the scrape at Hollesley Marshes, November 20th, this Nearctic dabbling duck stayed for a month on marshes along the River Ore Estuary. The 43rd county record.


Scarce winter visitor and passage migrant. Categories A and E.

It is most likely that all of these sightings relate to a small number of roaming birds of captive origin, rather than migrants from the wild breeding population on the Continent.

Oulton Broad: male, Nov 20th

Minsmere: Island Mere, male, July 15th

Barking: Needham Lake to Pipps Ford and Gipping Lakes, Aug 26th

Coddenham: Sharmford Mere, male, July 30th

Baylham: Causeway Lake, male, Mar 19th and 21st

Homersfield: male, May 15th

Redgrave Lake: female, Feb 14th

Mildenhall: male, Mar 27th

Worlington: male, Mar 26th

Livermere Lake: male, Mar 20th and 21st

Lackford Lakes: male, May 25th to June 5th; female, Aug 4th; male, Nov 30th

Mickle Mere: male, Mar 4th and 6th

Stoke-by-Nayland: Gifford’s Hall, two (one male), Mar 14th

Thorington Street Reservoir: male, Dec 26th

COMMON POCHARD  Aythya ferina

Red-crested Pochard, Lackford, May 27th Ian Goodall

Fairly common but declining winter visitor and passage migrant. Uncommon resident. Red list. Categories A and E.

counts from the key sites:

Trimley Marshes supported the largest aggregations in both winter periods, with the maximum count of 127, December 29th being the highest in the county for three years. Otherwise, nonbreeding numbers were again low. Aside from the table, the only other site to host more than 30 was Loompit Lake, Trimley St Martin in March with a peak of 56 on 3rd, while the highest count in the northeast of the county was 17 at Carlton Marshes, March 18th.

Breeding was confirmed at six sites (two in 2021). At Trimley Marshes one pair successfully fledged two young and a second brood was predated, whilst at Loompit Lake, Trimley St Martin broods of two and five ducklings were seen on June 21st. Single pairs with broods were noted at Carlton Marshes and Lakenheath Fen. Elsewhere, two pairs were present during the breeding season at Barton Mere, Great Barton and single pairs were recorded at Covehithe Broad, Walberswick and Minsmere.

Southerly movements off Landguard involved two on May 15th; five, November 13th and one, December 30th.


DUCK  Aythya collaris

Very rare visitor.

Minsmere: Island Mere, male, photographed, May 2nd (N Frampton)

Aldringham: irrigation reservoir, male, photographed, Feb 5th to Mar 13th (D F Walsh et al.)

A long-staying male amongst a flock of Tufted Ducks on a private farm irrigation reservoir at Aldringham required observers to have a head for heights. Views were only obtainable by climbing a sycamore tree! It was followed by a single-observer spring record, the first for Minsmere. The 11th and 12th county records (involving 14 individuals).

[The only multiple record in Suffolk occurred at Alton Water where a male and female were present from December 21st 1977 to January 15th 1978 and a second female at the same site from December 24th 1977 to, at least, February 12th 1978.]

TUFTED DUCK  Aythya fuligula

Common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant.

Monthly counts from the key sites:

There was a slight upturn in non-breeding numbers at the two principal sites, Alton Water and Lackford Lakes, including a non-WeBS count of 190 at the latter site, December 20th, the highest in the county for four years. Besides those in the table, the only other counts exceeding 50 were WeBS counts of 84 at the Alde/Ore Estuary, October 9th and 64 on the Orwell Estuary, November 13th.

The breeding season was very poorly reported. Records were only received from seven sites and accounted for a mere 14 pairs (compared with 31 pairs from 14 sites in 2021), with seven of these at Lackford Lakes.

Autumn movements off Landguard peaked during the period from October 20th to November 17th involving one north and 15 south with a maximum day-total of five south on November 17th.


Aythya marila

Fairly common but declining winter visitor and passage migrant. Red list.

Following the first of the year at Havergate Island, January 6th, there were regular records of up to three from coastal sites between Minsmere and North Warren between February 3rd and April 24th. In addition, there was an inland record involving a male which stayed for over two weeks at Redgrave Lake in February.

Minsmere: first-winter male, Feb 3rd and 6th

Aldringham: irrigation reservoir, first-winter male, Feb 6th to Mar 12th joined by two females, Feb 8th and female, Feb 22nd to Mar 7th; male, Apr 19th to 24th

Thorpeness Meare: female, Mar 8th and Apr 14th to 17th

North Warren: South Marsh, female, Apr 8th

Havergate Island: first-winter male, Jan 6th

Redgrave Lake: male, Feb 3rd to 19th

For the third year in the past five this predominantly winter visitor was recorded in August, with a juvenile at Aldeburgh Marshes on 27th. However, there were no further sightings until a male was back (presumably the same bird) on the irrigation reservoir at Aldringham, November 5th. This was followed by one further November record and two in December in an exceptionally poor second winter period.

Lowestoft: two offshore, Nov 14th

Southwold: offshore, Dec 3rd

Aldringham: irrigation reservoir, male, Nov 5th and Dec 31st


Somateria mollissima

Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Has bred. Amber list.

A long-staying first-winter male, probably the bird present at this site in December 2021, was regularly reported on the lower Deben Estuary between January 1st and February 14th was the most notable record of a quiet first seven months of the year. Otherwise, 28 birds were logged from five coastal sites between January 4th and July 28th, with sightings in each month, including six north off Landguard, January 4th and July 22nd and a male in off the sea and into the river mouth at Landguard, March 6th.

Autumn and the second winter period were similarly unremarkable. Following a blank August, a singleton was noted as it flew north off Thorpeness, Sizewell and Southwold, September 2nd. Subsequent sightings were made on two further dates in September and four in October, including the year’s peak day-count of 20 off Southwold on 19th. All November records occurred between 13th and 20th, including 14 off Dunwich on 19th and all December records between 2nd and 7th, including eight off Southwold on 2nd and also eight off Lowestoft the next day.

VELVET SCOTER  Melanitta fusca

Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Red list.

As in 2020 there were no records during the first winter period. Following a singleton off Southwold, October 2nd, there was one further October record before sightings became more regular from mid-November. In mid-December small numbers were located within the large raft of Common Scoters off Dunwich and Minsmere.

Lowestoft: two, Nov 18th and 19th; Nov 21st

Easton Bavents: two on sea, Nov 25th

Southwold: south, Oct 2nd; on sea, Dec 3rd and 6th; south, Dec 19th

Dunwich/Minsmere: south, Nov 19th; four on sea, Dec 13th; up to three on sea, Dec 14th to 21st; south, Dec 24th

Thorpeness: three north, Oct 20th; south, Nov 19th (same as off Dunwich/Minsmere)

Bawdsey: Dec 8th

Landguard: two south, Dec 25th


Melanitta nigra

Declining non-breeding resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Red list.

Accumulated monthly totals from Landguard Bird Observatory are shown in the table and, except for November and December, are well-below average. Elsewhere, the majority of significant movements were also logged in November and December and all day-counts exceeding 100 are summarised below:

Lowestoft: 209, Sep 19th; 131, Nov 14th; 189 south, Nov 15th; 248, Nov 18th

Southwold: 110 south, Oct 20th

Minsmere: 218 south, Oct 20th; 110 south, Nov 14th

Thorpeness: 182 south, Nov 14th; 97 north and 53 south, Nov 19th; 210 north and 80 south, Dec 12th

Landguard: 13 south and 94 north, Dec 27th

Sizeable inshore rafts were regularly reported between Easton Bavents and Slaughden, with a maximum count of 900 off Dunwich, December 21st. Peak monthly day-counts of rafts numbering 100 or more are summarised below:

Easton Bavents/Southwold: 230, Jun 15th; 180, Sep 24th; 500, Nov 30th; 750, Dec 6th

Dunwich/Minsmere: 760, Jan 25th; 425, Feb 11th; 300, Mar 5th; 100, Jun 25th; 900, Dec 21st

Aldeburgh/Slaughden: 640, Nov 26th; 600, Dec 10th

On the estuaries, a male was noted at Thorpe Bay on the Orwell, March 10th and one was recorded on the Stour, November 28th and December 11th. Nearby, singletons were present at Alton Water, May 28th and July 22nd, the first records at the reservoir since 2016 (male, May 11th).

Common Scoter, Walberwick, January 21st
Andrew Moon

LONG-TAILED DUCK  Clangula hyemalis

Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Red list.

With just two short-staying individuals it was the poorest year this century for this popular sea duck.

Benacre Pits: Jan 4th

Landguard: on sea, Nov 20th


Bucephala clangula

Fairly common winter visitor and passage migrant. Red list (from Amber list 2021).


from the key sites:

After a run of very poor winters, it is pleasing to report that the January WeBS count on the Stour Estuary of 95 on 23rd is the largest concentration in the county for five years (120, Holbrook Bay, Stour Estuary, January 8th 2017). However, elsewhere numbers remained low. Besides those in the table no other count reached double figures and the largest gathering in the west of the county was a mere three at Lackford Lakes, March 10th. The last record of spring concerned four on the Stour Estuary WeBS count, April 17th and there were no further records until October 19th, when a southerly movement during easterly winds included four off Southwold, six off Minsmere and nine off Landguard.

This heralded the start of a moderate offshore autumn passage, again the best for five years. Numbers were highest off Landguard, where a further 24 were logged between November 6th and December 5th, including nine south, November 17th.

A female/immature on Wilderness Pond, Christchurch Park, Ipswich, November 17th, is, perhaps not surprisingly, the first site record.

SMEW  Mergellus albellus

Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Red list (from Amber list 2021).

Minsmere, where this popular sawbill has been annual since 1993, hosted two long-stayers for seven weeks in late winter and early spring, otherwise it was an unremarkable year.

Minsmere: two, including one male, Feb 13th to Apr 3rd; redhead, Dec 23rd

Aldeburgh: River Alde, redhead, Dec 31st

Iken: River Alde, redhead, Jan 30th

Long-tailed Duck, Kessingland, January 14th
Andrew Moon
Smew Jan Wilczur


Locally fairly common winter visitor and passage migrant.

Minsmere and Thorpeness Meare remain the most reliable sites to encounter this species in winter. Monthly maxima at these two locations are summarised in the table and compare favourably with recent years.

Other records received for the first winter period are listed below. These include the only other groups to exceed five, present in early February at Cornard Mere where numbers peaked at 19 on 5th, the highest count in the west of the county since 21 were present at Lackford Lakes, February 16th 2012.

Carlton Marshes: two redheads, Jan 9th

Southwold: male, north offshore, Apr 29th

North Warren: Jan 22nd; two, Feb 3rd; Feb 8th and 12th; five north, Mar 4th; two (one male) regularly, Mar 12th to 26th; redhead regularly, Mar 31st to Apr 8th

Iken: River Alde, Jan 20th; two redheads, Jan 30th

Hollesley Marshes: two redheads, Feb 15th and 16th

Landguard: male south offshore, Jan 4th

Alton Water: redhead, Jan 1st

Heveningham: Park, two, Mar 9th

Stowmarket: Sewage Works, redhead, Jan 1st

Coddenham: Sharmford Mere, redhead, Mar 19th

Baylham: Causeway Lake, redhead, Mar 21st and 23rd

Mildenhall: River Lark, Jan 13th and Mar 21st

Livermere Lake: male, Mar 28th

Cavenham Pits: redhead, Jan 1st; two redheads, Jan 26th; redhead regularly, Feb 9th to Mar 17th, with male and additional redhead, Feb 22nd; male, Mar 20th

Lackford Lakes: redhead, Feb 9th; two, Apr 23rd

Little Cornard: Cornard Mere, 14 flew south, Feb 1st; 12 (five males), Feb 2nd; 19 (nine males), Feb 5th.

Shalford Meadow, three, Jan 6th

A male at Minsmere, May 19th and 22nd was followed by an unseasonable redhead which flew north off Sizewell, June 19th. Otherwise, there were no further sightings until mid-October.

Lound Lakes: male, Nov 20th

Fritton Lake: three redheads, Dec 27th

Lowestoft: offshore, Oct 17th

Hen Reedbeds: Oct 22nd

Dingle Marshes: two (one male), south, Nov 19th

Aldeburgh: four west, Oct 26th. Marshes, redhead, Nov 4th

Snape: River Alde, three redheads, Dec 22nd

Hollesley Marshes: redhead south, Nov 26th; eight, Dec 12th and 13th

Felixstowe: south offshore, Oct 19th

Landguard: five south offshore, Nov 2nd; south offshore, Nov 6th and 13th

Ipswich: Holywells Park, redhead south, Dec 22nd

Bramford: Suffolk Water Park, two, Dec 4th; Dec 9th

Thetford: Nunnery Lakes, male, Dec 7th

Livermere Lake: Nov 21st

Lackford Lakes: three (one male), Dec 16th


Fairly common winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list (from Green list 2021).

Peak counts from the two principal wintering sites, which both recorded their highest annual maximum since 2019, are presented in the table. Outside the period covered by the table, a male was present on the Orwell Estuary, May 17th and four flew south off both Lowestoft and Minsmere, May 19th. These were followed by early autumn records involving singletons off Lowestoft, September 17th, 21st and 24th, Landguard, September 18th and Minsmere, September 24th.

Autumn passage was generally unremarkable, with three north and 37 south off Thorpeness (maximum of 23 south, October 19th) and one north and 34 south off Landguard (maximum of six south, November 19th) in October and November.

2021 Correction

The entry “….male at Gedgrave Lake….” (Suffolk Birds 2021: 77) to read “…the male at Redgrave Lake….”


PARTRIDGE  Perdix perdix

Formerly common resident, now localised. Red List. Categories A, C and E.

Predominantly found in the west and central Suffolk areas. Overall, the recorders received reports from 54 sites across the county in 2022.

Birds were only recorded at RSPB Minsmere in the northeast recording area.

In the southeast, a population of what are likely to have been released birds was noted regularly in the Chelmondiston/ Woolverstone area of the Shotley Peninsula.

Sightings in the central area of Suffolk were reported from Hoxne and Westhorpe. At Hoxne, six juveniles were seen with adults on August 18th while at Westhorpe between 12 and 17 birds were noted on farmland on a regular basis in late summer.

West Suffolk remains as the species’ principal area in our county. Ten juveniles were at Wordwell, July 25th, two family groups totalling 22 birds were seen going to roost at Hopton (west) on August 12th and a group of nine juveniles, together with adults, was at Cavenham Heath NNR, September 2nd. In late December Coveys of 9 and 14 birds were observed at Great Livermere, and seven and 18 birds were recorded at Timworth.

Grey Partridge, Mid-Suffolk, April 9th Alan Chaplin

GOLDEN PHEASANT  Chrysolophus pictus

Scarce resident. Categories C and E.

A shortened paper written by William Smith can be read earlier in this bird report. The funding for this research came from SBG.

The species is nearing extinction as a wild (non-released) bird in the British countryside. Who knows whether there are remaining, small populations out there at sites that are not open for public access!?

Most of the following are considered to be releases:

Bramfield: Dec 25th

Euston: two males, Jan 26th; heard Mar 16th; male Aug 7th

Ampton: Mar 11th

Lackford: Nov 14th

COMMON PHEASANT  Phasianus colchicus

Very common resident; numbers augmented by releases. Categories C and E.

Often overlooked, the Common Pheasant remains a very common game bird and is seen and heard across the county with populations boosted by released birds. Often gathering in large groups through the winter, records for Suffolk show several groups as follows:

Yoxford: 26, Sep 27th

Sutton: Methersgate: Hall, 20, Mar 15th

Shottisham: Shottisham Creek, 20, Dec 24th

Woolverstone: 20, Jan 3rd

Chelmondiston: 17, Jan 4th

Hoxne: 37, Sep 27th

Westhorpe: c.50, Jan 21st

Breeding evidence was noted at several locations, although generally assumed to be under reported. RSPB reserves at Minsmere, Dingle Marshes, North Warren, Boyton and Snape

Wetlands all confirmed several breeding pairs on their sites.

Plumage variations are a feature with a couple of leucistic birds being observed while other dark-plumaged birds were noted.

COMMON QUAIL  Coturnix coturnix

Scarce summer visitor and passage migrant. Amber List.

We received six records of this small, secretive gamebird; all were of single birds either seen or heard in the county as follows:

Corton: flushed, Sep 4th (J Brown)

Lowestoft: North Denes, singing, May 28th (J Ferguson)

Redisham: singing bird on arable land, July 9th to 12th (B Reed)

Walpole: singing, June 21st to 26th (R Coombes, R Harvey)

Westleton Common: singing, June 12th (R Drew)

Ipswich: Landseer Park, calling, 14.30hr, June 25th (C Cuthbert)

There were five records in 2021 and three in 2020.


Common resident; numbers augmented by releases. Categories C and E.

Seen regularly across the county, numbers are boosted by the release of birds that are bred for shooting. As such, a very large group of some 170 birds was observed following release at Timworth on November 8th.

The Shotley Peninsula holds a healthy population with over 50 present at Chelmondiston on November 25th. Landguard NR reported higher totals than in 2021 with two broods observed in the summer months, although one brood was predated; there were 11 adults present on the reserve in July and ten remained for much of the year. Yet another healthy population resides in fields around Shingle Street where 32 birds were observed feeding on arable land on October 23rd.

Breeding sites at Minsmere, North Warren, Barsham Marshes, BTO Nunnery Reserve, Thetford and Woolpit, were confirmed.

EUROPEAN NIGHTJAR  Caprimulgus europaeus

Locally fairly common summer visitor. Scarce migrant. Amber list.

The first report of 2022 was of a ‘churring’ male at Woodbridge Airfield on May 9th. Two birds were then reported from Aldringham Walks on May 12th, followed by one at Westleton Heath, three at Tunstall Common and six (five males and a female) at Brandon Park Heath, all on May 14th.

The total number of breeding birds located in the Sandlings area showed another significant increase with 89 territories across 15 sites, compared with totals of 67 territories in 2021 and 50 in 2020. This is the highest total recorded in the Sandlings since at least 2004, when, as part of a national breeding survey, 123 churring males were located in this area.

In the west of the county there were 142 territories in the Suffolk section of Thetford Forest (BTO/Forest England) and 118 in the Norfolk section.

During August, birds were reported from Dunwich Forest on 10th (five), Westleton Heath on 12th (five) and 17th (two) and, finally, Sutton Heath on 27th. There were no September reports.


Very common summer visitor and passage migrant. Red List (from Amber list 2021).

The first bird of the year was reported from Huntingfield on April 23rd and was followed by one at Framlingham on 24th and birds at three sites on April 28th – Minsmere, Lakenheath Fen (two) and Lackford Lakes (three). Four more sites reported April sightings, followed by a trickle of birds in early May, before a more general arrival from May 8th onwards.

The following list shows the largest concentrations of breeding birds, some being in artificial nest boxes (where stated) and some involving ‘natural’ sites in buildings:

Southwold: 41 pairs

Framlingham: 50 pairs

Wickham Market: 30 pairs

Hollesley: 14 pairs (one of which was in a nest box)

Woodbridge: 75 pairs (27 of which were in nest boxes)

Earl Stonham: ten pairs in nest boxes

Stowmarket: 59 pairs (six of which were in nest boxes)

Needham Market: 19 pairs

Haughley: 12 pairs

Stradbroke: 16 pairs

Worlington: 26 in boxes, including 20 on All Saints’ church, which did have 34 pairs, but 14 were lost to Grey Squirrels

Bury St. Edmunds: 52 pairs in nest boxes on St. John’s Church

Nayland: 12 pairs

Sudbury: 11 pairs

A general departure was noted on July 25th when birds were reported to have left Pakenham, Bury St. Edmunds and Sudbury, with observers also noting departures from Hopton on July 30th and Long Melford on August 1st.

There was no obvious massive movement of birds along the coast during late summer and

Nightjar, Sutton Heath, June 9th
Bill Baston

autumn as shown by the following table of monthly movements logged at Landguard. The June totals include 512 birds heading south on 6th.

September sightings were received from a total of 15 widespread sites, the latest of which involved singles at Aldeburgh and Trimley Marshes on 10th, with two moving south over Shingle Street with hirundines on the same date, followed by one at Lackford Lakes on 16th.

Many thanks to all of the observers who recorded carefully the breeding Swifts on “their patch” and submitted the results to our recorders – this information will be a useful baseline for future reference.


SWIFT  Apus pallidus

Very rare visitor.

There were considered to have been two birds in Suffolk in 2022 on October 24th and 25th.

Lowestoft: 1CY+, Oct 24th and 25th (J Martin et al.)

Benacre: 1CY+, Oct 24th (J Gearty) – presumed same as above Covehithe: 1CY+, Oct 24th (B J Small) – presumed same as above Landguard: 1CY+, Oct 25th (J Zantboer et al.)

The eighth and ninth county records – and on a typically late date. We like to produce the sites in a specific order, so to put the northerly bird into chronological order, it was first seen at Benacre, then Covehithe and then Lowestoft! The Landguard bird was watched over the observatory area for about one hour and is the first record for the site.

These birds were part of an unprecedented and widespread influx of Pallid Swifts into Britain and Ireland in late October 2022.


Cuculus canorus

Declining summer visitor and passage migrant. Red list.

A very early bird was reported from Metfield on March 23rd – the earliest bird since one at Ipswich on March 17th 2003 and the first March record since 2012 (28th, Shotley). There were no further reports until April 14th when five sites reported their first arrivals; North Warren, Martlesham Creek, The King’s Forest, Lackford Lakes and Kedington. A further 37 sites reported new arrivals before the end of April.

The Breeding Bird Survey volunteers reported birds in just 18% of the 39 squares covered in 2022. This is another small reduction on the 19% occupancy rate found the previous year. The highest counts of the year came from Lakenheath Fen, where four males and two females were present on May 14th, and five males and one female were reported on May 21st. Another notable count, of six birds (five

, Minsmere, September 3rd

Andrew Moon

singing males and a female), was received from The King’s Forest on June 20th.

Autumn passage was noted at Landguard, where two juveniles were seen heading south on August 2nd. Several other coastal sites recorded passage juveniles in August before there was a handful of September records; these involved one at Trimley Marshes on 3rd, another seen at Easton Bavents, near Southwold on 9th, and a total of eight reports from Minsmere between 3rd and 20th.

The only report of an hepatic female was received from Carlton Marshes on July 2nd.


PIGEON  Columba livia

Very common resident from feral stock. Categories A, C and E.

All flocks of 50 or more birds are listed below:

Lowestoft: Claremont Pier, 77, May 29th

Wherstead: 100, Jan 1st

Stowmarket: 90, Dec 28th

Cavenham Heath: around pig fields, 50, Feb 5th

Bury St. Edmunds: 100, Jan 3rd; 50, Jan 10th; 70, Oct 27th; 90, Nov 25th; 90, Dec 14th

Haverhill: 100, Mar 8th; 53 May 12th; 75, Sep 21st; 100, Oct 29th; 139, Nov 4th; 73, Nov 9th; 78, Dec 13th

Newmarket: 100, Feb 4th; 66, Apr 6th


Columba oenas

Fairly common resident and passage migrant. Amber list.

Several sizeable flocks were reported during the first part of the year, the largest of which are listed below:

Easton Bavents: 35, Jan 17th

Blythburgh: Hinton, 34, Mar 8th

Westleton: 40, Feb 12th; 57, Feb 25th; 90, Mar 4th

Witnesham: 100, Feb 23rd

Redgrave and Lopham Fen: 100, Feb 20th

Lakenheath Fen: 56, Feb 26th; 42, Mar 6th

Ampton: 200, Feb 3rd

An impressive count of 195 birds was then received from Hollesley Marshes on April 19th, with 40 counted at Ladygate Wood, Haverhill on May 13th.

Confirmed breeding reports came from just five sites, which is clearly unrepresentative of this species’ nesting status within the county. Of these, one pair was observed using an owl box at Hanchett Village, Haverhill.

Autumn passage was light compared with some years. A total of 150 birds flew south-west over Trimley Marshes between the hours of 07.00hr and 09.00hr on November 2nd and 55 flew south past Southwold on November 10th. Landguard logged a total of 247 south between October 26th and November 13th, with peak counts of 92 on November 5th and 66 on November 10th. The second winter period produced the highest counts of the year and prompted the comment from one observer that this species appears to be ‘increasing in numbers in the west’.

Boyton Marshes: 50, Nov 24th

Levington: 55, Nov 14th

Chelmondiston: 150, Nov 26th

Knettishall Airfield: 213 (in two flocks), Nov 12th; 420, Nov 20th; 330, Dec 1st

Excluding passage totals, the 420 at Knettishall Airfield on November 20th is the highest recorded site total in Suffolk since January 17th 1980 when 600 were on Breydon Water’s south wall marshes.


Very common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list (from Green list 2021).

High counts during the first winter and early spring included the following sightings: Carlton Colville: 548 flying north-east between 06.52hr and 07.13hr, Feb 21st

Systematic List

Sudbourne: Sudbourne Marshes, 600, Feb 5th; 3000 on harvested sugar beet, Feb 11th

Ipswich: 407 north between 08.05hr and 08.35hr, Jan 30th

Ampton: 650, Mar 1st

Lackford: 800, Apr 5th

Monks Eleigh: 1200, Feb 2nd

Milden: 500, Feb 7th

Lavenham: 400, Feb 5th

Long Melford: 1100 on oilseed rape, Mar 8th

Haverhill: 500, Feb 2nd

Landguard experienced a very light southerly passage of birds during the spring with just 37 birds logged between March 18th and April 19th and a peak of 26 birds on April 8th.

The only report of confirmed breeding was, again, from Landguard, where at least 15 nesting pairs were located (same as in 2021).

There was a pronounced autumn passage (especially during the first half of November) with several sites recording daily movements of more than 1000 birds. Most of these involved flocks heading south, although the direction of movement was not always stated. Landguard recorded a total of 11688 birds on southerly passage between October 27th and November 12th with a peak 7263 (highest site total since October 27th 2017 when 36980 flew south) on November 2nd (a date when several other sites recorded large movements). Other noteworthy counts at this time included the following reports.

Carlton Colville: 1524 (1176 north-east and 348 south-west) between 07.00hr and 07.45hr, Nov 9th; 1022 (989 north-east and 33 south-west) between 07.02hr and 07.30hr, Nov 10th; 1233 (1198 north-east and 35 south-west) between 07.10hr and 07.27hr, Nov 12th

Lowestoft: 2000, Nov 2nd

Southwold: 1200 south, Nov 10th

Reydon: 2500, Nov 2nd

North Warren: minimum 2580 southwest, 07.00hr to 08.00hr, Nov 5th

Aldeburgh: Aldeburgh Marshes, minimum 4500 south, 08.50hr to 09.30hr, Nov 2nd

Bawdsey: 5000, Nov 2nd

Felixstowe Ferry: Deben Estuary, 1000, Nov 5th

Trimley Marshes: 4500, Nov 2nd

The only sizeable flocks reported in the second winter period involved 800 at Lindsey on November 29th, 300 at Pakenham, December 5th (with the same number there on December 27th) and 373 at Hoxne, December 10th.


Streptopelia turtur

Declining summer visitor and passage migrant. Red list.

Two birds at Hulver Street, Henstead on April 22nd were the first of 2022. There were no further reports until April 28th when birds were located at Waldringfield and Thorington Street. A further six sites reported single birds before the end of the month. The first sighting in the west was not until May 7th when two singing males were found at Maidscross Hill, Lakenheath. The only sightings at Landguard involved singles on May 18th and June 1st.

An analysis of the reports received from observers across the county Turtle Dove, Boyton, April 9th

John Richardson

revealed an estimated 102 Turtle Dove territories across 89 sites. This is a reduction compared with the estimate of 115 territories across 109 sites reported in 2021. Part of that decrease is purely because the 2021 figure was boosted by reports from the national survey. Of the above 89 sites, breeding was confirmed at just six of these, but thought probable at over half of the others. September reports were received from ten widespread sites, the latest of which involved a sighting of two birds on 23rd at Sibton, where2021’s final sighting had occurred.

2021 Addition

We have received the 2021 data from the national survey of Turtle Doves undertaken in 2021. It is estimated that the Suffolk population was 326 territories (with a 95% certainty that the population is between 100 and 599 territories).

EURASIAN COLLARED DOVE  Streptopelia decaocto

Common resident.

The largest counts received during the year are as follows:

Beccles Marshes: 23, Nov 30th

Leiston: 20, Jan 1st

Stowupland: 20, Jan 2nd

Hoxne: 36 by a grain silo, Dec 4th; 30, Dec 17th; 46, Dec 27th

Westhorpe: Fairoaks Farm, 20, Sep 21st

Rickinghall: 26, May 22nd; 20, June 13th

Hinderclay: 20, Nov 9th

Lakenheath Fen: 95, Nov 13th

Haverhill: Hanchett Village, 38, Dec 22nd

An observer in Bury St. Edmunds continued the 2021 comments relating to a possible population decline by stating the numbers around one housing estate on the west side of the town had declined by approximately 75%. The only breeding report of the year also came from the west side of Bury St. Edmunds where 20 territories were recorded on February 10th.

A report of ten birds near Goslings Farm, Trimley St. Martin on August 15th is thought to relate to possible passage birds.

WATER RAIL  Rallus aquaticus

Fairly common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber List

This shy, secretive species remains well-reported throughout the county. Records were received from 62 sites; this total can be compared with 52 in 2021, 81 in 2020 and 77 in 2019 which indicates either variation in coverage of suitable sites or a worrying decline in the species’ population.

Breeding, or probable breeding, was recorded at 11 sites – an increase on the last two years, but much below the 20 or more breeding sites last recorded in the years prior to the pandemic. Minsmere remains the most productive breeding site with 17 pairs confirmed, the same as in 2021. However, 19 singing or grunting males were recorded at Westwood Marshes on May 21st (B Small). The Water Rail, Lakenheath

Fen RSPB, January 30th Liz Cutting

highest count of birds outside of the breeding season was 12 at Lakenheath Fen on February 26th (Birdtrack).

A bird at Landguard on November 10th is assumed to have been the same individual seen three days later.

2021 Correction

The entry “….lowest total since 2016 (54)” (Suffolk Birds 2021: 85) to read “….lowest total since 2009 (41)”.

CORNCRAKE  Crex crex

Very rare passage migrant. Red List

The first Suffolk record since 2013 involved an autumn migrant at Walberswick. Walberswick: Tinker’s Marshes, in flight, Sep 25th (J Rankin)

This is the eighth record of a live Corncrake in Suffolk so far this century – the first seven were in 2000, 2003 (2), 2006, 2007,2008 and 2013. A freshly-dead bird was found at Sutton on October 27th 2010. The 2007 record involved the only “singing” bird and the only non-coastal report, from well inland at Whepstead, June 10th.

The Norfolk reintroduction project is now well underway with 19 singing males in 2021 (Norfolk Bird and Mammal Report 2021: 198). It will be interesting to see if there is any resulting increase in the number of records in Suffolk where breeding last occurred in 1958.

SPOTTED CRAKE  Porzana porzana

Rare passage migrant; rarely oversummers. Amber List

No records were received for this species in 2022, the first blank year since 2019.

2021 Correction/Addition

The bird on Orfordness on March 24th (Suffolk Birds 2021: 85) was in 1996.

COMMON MOORHEN  Gallinula chloropus

Very common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list (from Green List 2021). Reports for this very common and widespread species came from 71 sites or locations throughout the county. This is well below the total of 158 sites recorded in 2019 prior to the outbreak of Covid. Similarly, the 27 sites recorded for breeding or probable breeding is ten fewer than in 2019 and only a slight increase on 2021. The highest winter counts of birds were 65 at Alton Water on November 13th (WeBS) and, in West Suffolk, 49 at Brandon on December 26th (Birdtrack).

The results of winter counts at regularly monitored sites and estuaries are shown below:

EURASIAN COOT  Fulica atra

Common but declining resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. more than last year when Covid restrictions may have resulted in some under-recording. In

2019, the year prior to Covid, there were records submitted from 59 sites suggesting there is still some uncertainty over the rate of decline of this species.

Reports of breeding or probable breeding were received from 19 sites, two less than in 2021 and only one less than in 2019, indicating that breeding numbers are somewhat more stable.

Outside of the breeding season, counts in excess of 100 birds were recorded at eight sites, namely Carlton Marshes SWT, Snape Wetlands RSPB, Trimley Marshes SWT, Alton Water, Thorington Street Reservoir, Redgrave Lake, Rickinghall and Livermere Lake. The highest count occurred again at Trimley Marshes SWT where a peak count of 200 birds was recorded on October 7th. Alton Water, the former stronghold for this species, with a site-record total of 3090 in November 1999, recorded a highest count of only 125 during the February WeBS count. The results of winter counts at regularly-monitored sites and estuaries are shown below:


Scarce passage migrant. Has bred since 2007. Amber List Breeding was confirmed at Lakenheath Fen where two pairs nested with one pair fledging two young. The other pair failed twice at egg stage; they had a third attempt which resulted in two chicks hatching, but they were lost, presumably predated, at about 2-3 weeks old. Excitingly, Cranes were also successful at Snape Wetlands where the RSPB announced the first-ever recorded successful fledging of two young on the Suffolk coast. This followed two previous failed attempts in 2020 and 2021. A brief write-up of this event appears earlier in this bird report. Counts in excess of five birds were received on nine occasions with the highest count of 24 reported on October 21st at Lakenheath Fen RSPB. In east Suffolk, away from the breeding site, reports of birds were received from a further 12 sites, most regularly from Minsmere RSPB. The majority of the sightings occurred between the middle of March and the end of May suggesting that birds are, perhaps, prospecting for further nesting sites along the coast in the coming years. Common Cranes, Snape Marshes, July 23rd Andrew Moon

The total of 24 at Lakenheath Fen on October 21st is the second-highest recorded in Suffolk, only just being surpassed by the flock of 26 over Higham-St-Mary on October 16th 1977.

2021 Correction

Our apologies for a major error! The entry “….when 40 birds….” (Suffolk Birds 2021: 86) to read “…. Where one bird….”.

LITTLE GREBE  Tachybaptus ruficollis

Locally common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Breeding, or probable breeding, was recorded at 22 sites this year, the same total as in 2021. Breeding success, however, appears to have been fairly poor with few reports of more than two young or juvenile birds present.

Outside of the breeding season, monitoring of wetlands produced counts in excess of 20 birds at seven sites, the highest being 50 at Trimley Marshes SWT on October 7th (R Attenborrow). The results of winter counts (WeBS) at the regularly-monitored estuaries are shown below. The Deben remains the principal estuary for Little Grebes; this year’s peak count of 80 in December is the highest on this estuary since December 2017 when 81 were counted.

Little Grebe observations, Wilderness Pond, Christchurch Park, Ipswich, 2022

Five Little Grebes remained on the pond throughout most of the autumn in 2022. This total involved four adults – assumed to comprise the site’s two breeding pairs (see above) – and a juvenile. This particular juvenile was first noted on August 22nd with a sibling which was not seen after August 23rd. By September 6th this remaining juvenile could dive and was, presumably, quickly capable of feeding itself since by September 16th it was being ignored by the adults despite its persistent, high-pitched, food-begging call. Obviously, undeterred, the juvenile persisted and even into December was still giving its food-begging call and approaching the nearest adult (presumably one of its parents); by this stage, its efforts resulted in its being vigorously being chased away by the irate adult. The juvenile was not seen after the main area of the pond froze over in mid-December and is assumed to have departed from the site. The presence of two breeding pairs in a relatively restricted area led to frequent confrontations. These disputes involved much chasing, diving and water splashing and were accompanied by a loud, soft-toned, bubbling call somewhat reminiscent of that of a female Common Cuckoo.

I would beg to differ with the authors of the Collins Bird Guide – the Little Grebes on Wilderness Pond are far from being silent in winter! Philip Murphy.

RED-NECKED GREBE  Podiceps grisegena

Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Red list.

A total of 14 reports was received for this regular but scarce species, relating to five, or perhaps six, individuals. The only bird to be recorded by multiple observers was at Alton Water during a ten-day period in January. All records are included below:

Henstead: Wood Lane Reservoir, Jan 5th (J Gearty); Mar 24th (S Piotrowski)

Southwold: south, Oct 20th (B Small)

Thorpeness: south, Oct 20th (D Thurlow); Thorpeness Meare, Dec 1st (Birdguides)

Bawdsey: East Lane, Mar 28th (S Banks)

Alton Water: Jan 4th to 14th (N Mason et al.)

GREAT CRESTED GREBE  Podiceps cristatus

Locally common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant.

Reports of breeding, or probable breeding, were submitted from 19 sites, one more than last year. There were, though, several concerning reports of low success rates or low productivity, with only one or two young birds being observed. The species, however, remains locally common and well distributed throughout the county.

Numbers of wintering birds on the coast, estuaries and reservoirs remain fairly high, although no counts in excess of 100 birds were received for the first winter period. The highest counts for this period were 60 from the north shore of the Stour Estuary on January 10th (P Kennerley) and a peak of 94 at Alton Water on January 21st (J Glazebrook).

During the second winter period, the highest offshore count was of 75 seen from Dunwich Beach on December 17th (B Small). Offshore totals, however, have declined sharply since 2017 when 850 were off Minsmere, January 8th. The county’s record total remains as the gathering of 1439 off Minsmere in 2000 on the surprisingly-late date of April 20th. However, in 2022, Alton Water again held the largest concentration of birds, finally totalling an impressive 293 on December 27th (L Woods). This is the highest total ever recorded at Alton Water, the previous maximum being 218 on November 22nd 2009.The results of winter counts (WeBS) at regularlymonitored estuaries are shown below:


Snape Wetlands RSPB, April 10th. One bird was incubating and another pair was constructing a floating nest platform with which a nearby Coot wasn’t best pleased. It set about wrecking the nest, removing vegetation brought in by the grebes. A fight then ensued, with one grebe standing upright on the nest and the Coot going head-to-head and hammering it. Once the grebe backed down and took to the water the Coot attempted, unsuccessfully, to drown it. This fracas continued for the following 2-3 minutes until the grebes backed down. The Coot returned to the grebes’ platform; the grebes stayed nearby.

P Kennerley.

SLAVONIAN GREBE  Podiceps auritus

Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Red list.

As in previous years, the majority of the records were received from the southeast of the county, with the Stour Estuary and Alton Water being the favoured sites with all reports here relating to the first winter period although the totals are now well below those of less than ten years ago, e.g., nine, Holbrook Bay, January 22nd 2017 and 12 at the same site, March 2th 2014. At Alton Water, initially one, then up to two birds were recorded, one of which moulted into fullsummer plumage and remained until June 25th. In the northeast of the county only one bird was

recorded for almost a month on the Alde Estuary during the second winter period.

Grebes on Oulton Broad, May 2nd

1981 and Livermere Lake, June 1st

1969 are the only other records for those two months in Suffolk since at least 1950. To the best of our knowledge, this grebe has never been recorded in Suffolk in July.

Aldeburgh: between Aldeburgh Sailing Club and Brick Dock, Nov 13th to Dec 11th

Holbrook Bay: three, Jan 10th; Feb 7th; Feb 9th; 2nd to 4th

Stutton: three, Mar 3rd

Alton Water: Jan 28th; two, Apr 1st to 20th, one remaining until June 25th

BLACK-NECKED GREBE  Podiceps nigricollis

Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list.

During the first winter period there were no reports until three adults in breeding plumage were discovered on March 30th at Trimley Marshes where they remained until the following day. Two breeding-plumaged adults, possibly two of the three, were then recorded at Carlton Marshes SWT on 31st; they remained until April 10th but, despite hopes that they might settle to breed, displaying was only observed occasionally. Single birds were also reported from Alton Water on April 1st and Snape Wetlands RSPB on April 9th and 10th.

During the second winter period only two birds were recorded, one at Levington Creek and Lagoon on September 30th and one at Landguard on November 13th. Details of sightings are as follows:

Carlton Marshes SWT: Peto’s Marsh, two, Mar 31st to Apr 10th.

Snape Wetlands RSPB: Apr 9th and 10th

Landguard: on sea, Nov 13th

Trimley Marshes SWT: three, Mar 30th and 31st

Levington/Stratton Hall: Levington Creek and Lagoon, Sep 30th

Alton Water: Apr 1st


Burhinus oedicnemus

Locally fairly common summer visitor. Occasionally overwinters. Amber List.

The first returning birds of the year were recorded on March 2nd in the Brecks and on March 14th in the Sandlings.

Breeding data received from the RSPB Stone Curlew team:

There were 68 confirmed breeding pairs on land monitored by the RSPB and partners with 22 additional breeding pairs on land monitored by others. This gives a total of 90 confirmed breeding pairs (for comparison, 94 in 2021).

There were nine additional pairs which were either non-breeding or where breeding was not

Slavonian Grebe, Alton Water, April 10th
Chris Mayne
Stone Curlew, Cavenham Heath, October 7th
Bill Baston

confirmed, giving a total of 99 pairs (for comparison, 97 in 2021). In addition, it is estimated that there were five pairs on land not monitored, which would bring the overall total to 104 pairs (107 in 2021).

The above includes the Sandlings total of 21 pairs (one at Walberswick/Blythburgh, 15, Dunwich/Westleton and five south of the Alde Estuary – for comparison, 20 in 2021).

Post-breeding counts in the Brecks included maxima of 12 at Cavenham Heath on August 18th and 34 at Lakenheath on August 29th.

The latest report from the Brecks involved two at Cavenham Heath on October 26th and 19 were in the Sandlings on October 28th.

EURASIAN OYSTERCATCHER  Haematopus ostralegus

Very common winter visitor and passage migrant. Common but declining resident. Amber list.

The highest coastal site-count came from Trimley Marshes, with 1000 recorded on September 14th. The highest inland count came from Lakenheath with 17 on March 23rd.

Breeding was confirmed at: Minsmere with seven pairs, up from six pairs in 2021; Havergate Island, 18 pairs; Hazlewood Marshes, Hollesley Marshes, three pairs; Alton Water, (Stutton end) and Trimley Marshes, 12 pairs. Inland, breeding was confirmed at Lakenheath Fen; BTO Nunnery Reserve, Thetford; Honington; Lackford Lakes, two pairs; Hall Farm, Fornham St Martin; Knettishall Heath; Great Livermere; Timworth; Redgrave Fen and Mickle Mere.

A late record from the west of the county was of a single bird present on October 1st at Mildenhall.

Landguard reported small numbers on the reserve throughout the year, although none bred. Southerly passage of birds peaked with 50 in July and 83 in August although the maximum daytotal involved 38 south on November 1st.

WeBS Data:

BLACK-WINGED STILT  Himantopus himantopus

Rare visitor. Bred in 2014. Amber list.

There were three records received.

Snape Wetlands: Botany Marshes, pair, seen copulating, photographed, 17:30hr to 19:00hr then flew off east, Apr 13th (B Moyes, D F Walsh, M Linsley, M C Marsh et al.)

Orfordness: Airfield Marsh, three, flushed then south, 08:45hr, May 7th (M Cooper, A Barnett)

Lackford Lakes SWT: on the Slough, three, 16hr to 20hr, May 30th (C Jakes, J Myers, et al.)

Although it cannot be proven, there could well have been as many as eight Black-winged Stilts in Suffolk this year, which equals the county’s highest annual total set in 2017.

The birds at Snape Wetlands are the earliest-ever to be recorded in Suffolk.

PIED AVOCET  Recurvirostra avosetta

Fairly common resident, summer visitor and passage migrant on the coast. Increasingly regular at inland sites. Amber list.

Breeding records were received from the following locations: Carlton Marshes: 13 nesting pairs; only one nest survived predation and fledged four young (49 young fledged in 2021)

Kessingland: two pairs, one of which fledged two young

Benacre Broad: 18 nests, four young fledged, most failed at egg stage due to flooding

Covehithe Broad: one nest; success unknown

Blyth Estuary: six nests; success unknown

Walberswick shore pools: eight nests; success unknown

Minsmere: 123 pairs, up from 89 in 2021, but no young fledged

Hazlewood Marshes: pair settled, with an apparent nest, but were not noted on subsequent visits, May 28th

Orfordness: 62 pairs; only four young thought to have fledged

Havergate Island: 16 pairs, failed at egg stage

Boyton Marshes: three pairs, failed at egg stage

Trimley Marshes: three pairs nested; all failed

Stoke-by-Nayland: Gifford’s Hall Flash, pair bred but probably failed

Lakenheath Fen: area of cut reedbed in Joist Fen North, two pairs attempted to nest but these both failed.

Counts of 300 or more, other than WeBS, were as follows:

Breydon Bridge: 470, Aug 19th

Blyth Estuary: 455, Dec 20th

Minsmere: 398, July 26th; 377, Aug 3rd

Snape Warren: 300, Feb 13th; 455, Dec 22nd

Hazlewood Marshes: 780, Jan 1st; 710, Jan 28th; 400 Oct 18th; 470, Dec 30th

Iken Cliffs: 950, Jan 20th; 450, Feb 5th

Havergate: 440, Aug 11th; 510, Aug 17th; 450, Sep 17th; 300, Dec 3rd

Brantham: 300, Jan 17th

Inland sightings of Avocets were at: Gifford’s Hall Flash (Stoke-by-Nayland) and Lakenheath Fen with 62 on April 6th, a record site count for the reserve and for west Suffolk, far exceeding the previous highest total, of 24, also at Lakenheath Fen, in 2020 (P Holness).

The WeBS totals of 674 on the Deben Estuary in January 2022 and 530 on the Stour Estuary in November 2022 are the highest-ever for those two sites. The Orwell Estuary’s highest-ever WeBS total is 490 in December 2021.

Only 17 birds were seen offshore at Landguard during the year with a peak of three south on both April 10th and August 6th. Two birds on the beach, on May 2nd, is notable for the reserve.

An Avocet with a yellow leg-flag, marked 1N, at Woodbridge on the Deben Estuary on December 28th 2022, had been ringed as a pullus at Seal Sands at the mouth of the River Tees in Cleveland in northeast England on June 24th 2021. When noted at Woodbridge, this

bird had a distinct limp.

Other sightings:

12/08/21 – Greenabella Marsh, Cleveland

18/08/21 – Aldborough Flats, Lincolnshire

28/11/22 – Deben Estuary, Melton, Suffolk

06/12/22 – Deben Estuary, Melton, Suffolk

12/12/22 – Deben Estuary, Melton, Suffolk

28/12/22 – Deben Estuary, Woodbridge, Suffolk


Vanellus vanellus

Very common winter visitor and passage migrant. Declining as a breeding species. Red list.

Notable counts of 800 or more:

Carlton Marshes: 1000, Feb 12th; 1500, Dec 2nd

Minsmere: 2000, Jan 17th; 2800, Jan 19th; 2100, Feb 9th; 2000, Feb 14th; 4000 flying west, Feb 16th, (E Patrick)

Aldeburgh Marshes: 800, Dec 13th

Iken: 900, Jan 20th

Snape Wetlands: Botany Marshes, 945, Jan 25th

Trimley Marshes: 842, Dec 26th

Fornham St. Martin: Hall Farm, 3000, Jan 1st

Timworth: 1000, Dec 24th

Great Livermere: 850, Nov 13th; 1400, Nov 26th

Breeding was confirmed at the following coastal sites: Beccles Marshes, three young, Carlton Marshes, Minsmere, 43 pairs up from 32 in 2021, North Warren, 29 pairs, Snape Wetlands, eight pairs, Boyton Marshes one pair, Hollesley Marshes, 12 pairs, Lodge Marsh, Ramsholt, two pairs, Trimley Marshes, 31 pairs with 13 young fledged. Inland breeding was confirmed at Pipps Ford, four pairs with 13 young; Gifford’s Hall Flash, Stoke-by-Nayland, 12 young; Mickle Mere, no numbers; Cavenham, one young; Hall Farm, Fornham St Martin, no numbers; Lackford Lakes, two young; Timworth, no numbers; Blackbourn Valley SWT, no numbers; Knettishall Heath, two pairs with one young; Sturmer Mere, no numbers; Nunnery Lakes, Thetford, no numbers; Mildenhall Fen, no numbers and Lakenheath Fen, no numbers,

WeBS data:

Northern Lapwing Peter Lakey

At Landguard Lapwings were noted in ten months of the year with maxima of 91 south on November 2nd and 168 south on December 18th. The first returning birds were noted on June 5th, and peak monthly totals involved 225 south in November and 184 south in December.

Lapwings over Christchurch Park, Ipswich

During the cold spell of weather in mid-December, three Lapwings were noted over Christchurch Park on 15th. This site is reasonably well-watched so it was surprising to find that this is the first record of Lapwing over the park for at least 16 years. In the 1970s this wader was a regular occurrence over Christchurch Park during the autumn and winter months with a peak day-total of 220 flying west on January 30th 1976. Brian Macdonald and Philip Murphy.

EUROPEAN GOLDEN PLOVER  Pluvialis apricaria

Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Green list (from Amber). Notable counts of 600 or more were reported as follows:

Saxmundham: 700, Dec 3rd

Aldeburgh Marshes/Slaughden: 600, Jan 3rd; 600, Oct 29th

Sudbourne Marshes: 2750, Mar 2nd; 3500, Dec 5th

Orford/Gedgrave Marshes: 2000, Dec 6th; 1200, Dec 8th

Shingle Street/East Lane, Bawdsey: 600, Nov 24th; 1150, Dec 1st; 1500, Dec 2nd; 850, Dec 20th

Felixstowe Ferry: 2000, Feb 11th

Pakenham: 1000, Feb 2nd; 1000, Oct 12th

Timworth: 600, Jan 18th; 1000, Feb 7th

Risby: 600, Nov 25th

WeBS Data:

Landguard reported a peak day-total of 140 south on November 17th with autumn passage numbers totalling 182 between July 20th and December 22nd.


Very rare visitor.

There were two records in 2022. The first was a long-staying bird at Carlton Marshes – the ninth for the county. The other, the tenth, was at Minsmere on May 5th, where a bird that was first reported as a possible American Golden Plover was then confirmed as a Pacific Golden Plover (R Drew, R Harvey). The bird was present for only one hour.

Carlton Marshes: adult, Apr 3rd to 26th (A Easton et al.)

Minsmere: adult, May 5th (R Drew, R Harvey et al.)

Golden Plover, Lowestoft, September 4th David Borderick

These are Suffolk’s first spring records and the first site record for both Carlton Marshes and Minsmere.

GREY PLOVER  Pluvialis squatarola

Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list.

This species was recorded in every month of the year from coastal sites.

Counts of 100 or more came from the following locations:

Hazlewood Marshes: 140, Jan 1st

Havergate Island: 103, Apr 16th; 157, Oct 8th

Orwell Estuary: Levington Creek, 150, Nov 14th

Stour Estuary: 142, Dec 16th; Seafield Bay, 109, Sep 9th; Stutton Ness, 600, Dec 4th

WeBS Data:

Landguard reported a very light autumn passage between July 24th and November 18th with a day-maximum of 11 south on November 3rd, but an overall total of only 31 (143 in autumn 2021). There were no reports from any inland sites.

Pacific Golden Plover, Carlton Marshes, April 9th
Peter Ransome
Grey Plover Russ Boland

COMMON RINGED PLOVER  Charadrius hiaticula

Declining resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Red list.

Counts of 100 or more:

Havergate Island: 127, Sep 13th

Felixstowe Ferry: 100, Sep 12th

Levington Creek: 250, Sep 22nd; 130, Nov 14th

September was obviously the best month for passage Ringed Plovers on the Suffolk coast in 2022.

Breeding was confirmed at the following locations:

Kessingland: three pairs

Walberswick: four pairs on the beach

Minsmere: one pair, two young, down from two pairs in 2021

Shingle Street: three pairs, eggs predated

Bawdsey: East Lane, two pairs, two young

Landguard: four pairs, no young survived; breeding adults included singles ringed at Landguard in May 2010 and May 2014

Trimley Marshes: two pairs, two young

Double-figure counts of birds considered to be of the race tundrae came from:

Hazlewood Marshes: 77, May 19th

WeBS data:

Landguard recorded autumn passage from July 18th with a maximum of eight south on August 15th. Of note is 25 birds attempting to roost on the beach on August 23rd.


8B87295 (yellow S06) 1st-year 10/09/2022 Makkevika, Giske, More og Romsdal, NORWAY 62°30N 06°01’E alive (colour-ring seen) 19/09/2022 Easton Bavents, Suffolk 52°20'N 01°41'E

H361199 (white SU) pullus 01/07/2022 Vrouwenpolder, Oranjezon, Zeeland , NETHERLANDS 51°34'N 03°34'E alive (colour-ring seen) 10/10/2022 Landguard Point, Felixstowe, Suffolk 51°56’N 01°19’E - 161km WNW

LITTLE RINGED PLOVER  Charadrius dubius

Uncommon summer visitor and passage migrant.

The first returning birds were at Pipps Ford on March 18th and Cavenham, March 19th.

Breeding was only confirmed at Pipps Ford, compared with a total of nine in 2021: Pipps Ford: three pairs were present but only one juvenile was seen

In addition, pairs were present at Cavenham Pits, Hollesley Marshes and Carlton Marshes but with no confirmation of breeding.

Birds were recorded at various coastal sites and from 12 locations in the west of the county –the highest total there being four at Lakenheath on April 23rd.

The last recorded sighting of the year, in the west, was at Cavenham on September 10th and, in the east, at Hollesley Marshes on September 23rd.

KENTISH PLOVER  Charadrius alexandrinus

Rare passage migrant.

After a single record in 2021, no records were received this year. This plover has been recorded In Suffolk in ten years so far this century.

EURASIAN DOTTEREL  Charadrius morinellus

Scarce passage migrant. Red list.

After two records in 2021 there were no sightings this year. The only other blank years so far this century have been 2009, 2016 and 2020.

EURASIAN WHIMBREL  Numenius phaeopus

Fairly common passage migrant. Occasionally overwinters. Red list.

An early migrant was reported on the Deben Estuary at Methersgate, Sutton on March 15th and there were further reports from the first week of April, including one heard passing over Pipps Ford, Barking on April 3rd (nocmig). Passage peaked during the last week of April and first week of May, with over 100 birds recorded, but this total is appreciably lower than in 2021. Records were not received from the traditional sites of Worlingham Marshes and Castle Marsh, North Cove in the northeast of the county and this may in part account for the shortfall. The highest counts from locations recording ten birds or more are listed below:

Carlton Marshes: 15, Apr 28th

Dunwich: Dingle Marshes, 12, May 2nd

Minsmere: 12, Apr 29th

Thorpeness: 12, Apr 25th

Alde Estuary: Aldeburgh Marshes, 24, May 3rd; Stanny Marshes, Iken, 21, May 3rd

Felixstowe: 27, Apr 27th; 15, Apr 29th

Orwell Estuary: Trimley Marshes, 14, May 3rd

Additionally, Landguard recorded 105 birds offshore between April 12th and May 15th, with a maximum of 22 north on April 18th. There were records of single birds from two locations in the west of the county in spring (Great Livermere and Lakenheath), but no larger groups.

Southbound migrants were recorded in autumn at Landguard between June 29th and September 3rd involving an overall total of 59 with a peak day-total of 24 south on July 30th. Two were recorded from Lakenheath on July 30th. Several double-figure counts were made over the autumn, with counts of 15 or more birds being made as follows and few records after the first week of September, with a single at Aldeburgh on 12th and, the last of the year, at Felixstowe Ferry on 14th:

Benacre: 26, Aug 14th

Minsmere: 17, July 12th

Alde Estuary: Aldeburgh Marshes, 15, July 26th

Hollesley: 24, July 30th (probably the same birds as seen past Landguard)

Landguard: 24, July 30th

There were no records of overwintering birds in the county this year.


Numenius arquata

Common winter visitor and passage migrant. A few pairs still breed. Red list.

Numbers in the county were approaching 2000 in February, lower than in 2021. Numbers reduced as birds began to migrate away from the estuaries in early spring, but as in 2021 there were still over 800 on the Stour Estuary in April.

As is usual, there were several inland records in February, the first being of one at Thetford

(BTO Nunnery Lakes) on February 3rd. These are likely to refer to returning breeders and included eight at Thetford (Nunnery Lakes) on February 21st, eight at Lakenheath on February 26th and eight at Cavenham on February 27th. The status of this species as a breeding bird in Suffolk remains precarious and data are likely to be incomplete, but fewer than five potential breeding pairs were reported.

It is not possible to be certain whether reports in late May relate to birds which are oversummering, non-breeders or the first returning migrants, but there were 51 on the Alde Estuary at Hazlewood Marshes on May 22nd and returning birds were recorded on the Orwell Estuary at Trimley Marshes from June 21st, with 88 on the Stour Estuary in Seafield Bay on July 3rd. Landguard recorded autumn passage from May 29th (probably the first returning migrant) with 210 south in June, including 112 on 29th and 131 in July.

In the second winter period, the population peaked at just under 1600 birds, which is down when compared with the equivalent totals in recent years (1800 in 2021).

WeBS high water count data (with totals for the Suffolk shore of the Stour Estuary and for the estuary as a whole):

BAR-TAILED GODWIT  Limosa lapponica

Fairly common passage migrant and locally common winter visitor. Amber list.

There were over 500 birds in the county in the first winter period, which is a high total and included 251 on the Alde Estuary in January.

Spring passage was concentrated into the last two weeks of April, with the highest counts being 40 at Minsmere on April 23rd and 50 on the Alde Estuary at Hazlewood Marshes on April 24th. Landguard recorded 39 north between April 22nd and May 8th, with a peak day-count of 21 north on April 25th. Numbers declined sharply in May, but there were eight at Hazlewood Marshes on June 1st, and seven there on June 5th.

Small numbers were seen migrating south in autumn, with no reports of more than 15 birds. Early reports of southbound birds included one past Thorpeness on June 25th, three past Minsmere on June 28th and three past Landguard on June 29th. Southerly passage off Landguard was very Bar-tailed Godwit, Gunton Beach, August 30th Peter Ransome

poor with only seven in July and six in August.

There were few reports of more than 50 birds in the second winter period, but there was a very high WeBS high water count of 551 on the Alde Estuary in November. This total of 551 is the highest in the extensive Alde/Ore complex his century; the previous total at this site in excess of 500 is 518 in March 1995. The Stour Estuary totals were unexpectedly low in the second winter period.

WeBS high-water count data (with totals for the Suffolk shore of the Stour Estuary and for the estuary as a whole):


L. l. islandica: Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list.

L. l. limosa: Scarce visitor. Formerly bred. Red list.

There were reports of the nominate race limosa involving at least 15 individuals. These included colour-ringed birds from the small breeding population on the Ouse Washes and Nene Washes, but also several colour-ringed birds from the mainland European breeding population. Early summer is the best time for these birds to be detected in the county, when they disperse ahead of the main arrival of birds of the islandica subspecies. Reports of three or more individuals are as follows.

Carlton Marshes: five, May 6th

Minsmere: three, Apr 11th

Hollesley Marshes: five, June 30th

Havergate Island: three, July 22nd

Trimley Marshes: two, July 21st

In relation to the islandica subspecies, numbers in the county in the first winter period reached a peak approaching 3000 in March, as is usual. This total includes spring migrants and winterers and there was a marked exodus in the last week of April, again, as is expected.

Records from the coast in early June are likely to relate to oversummering immatures and nonbreeders and these included 145 at Minsmere on June 10th. Return passage was first evident from late June, with counts in three figures from several locations in the first week of July.

In the second winter period numbers in the county exceeded 3000 in November, but that includes birds on the southern shore of the Stour Estuary (1830 in Suffolk in November).

There were no inland records this year.

WeBS high water count data (with totals for the Suffolk shore of the Stour Estuary and for the estuary as a whole):


L(E1X)B/- pullus 11/05/2022

alive (colour-ring seen) 20/07/2022

This bird is of the nominate race L.l.limosa.

Polder de Oosterling, Koudum, Friesland, NETHERLANDS 52°56’N 05°27’E

Havergate Island, Suffolk 52°04’N 01°31’E283km WSW

EY44514 (OW/G=) full grown 24/01/2020 Bull Island, Dublin Harbour, Dublin, EIRE

alive (colour-ring seen) 11/07/2022

alive (colour-ring seen) 20/07/2022

Bjargarkot, Fljotslid, Hvollsulor, Sudurland, ICELAND

Havergate Island, Suffolk 52°04’N 01°31’E

Note that this Icelandic-race bird, that had been ringed near Dublin in January 2020, was still in Iceland nine days before being seen at Havergate.

RUDDY TURNSTONE  Arenaria interpres Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list.

Counts in the first winter period included 346 roosting on yachts at Freston on the Orwell Estuary on January 15th. This regular roost includes some birds which cross overland from the Stour Estuary before high tide and return afterwards. Away from the estuaries, the highest counts were of 52 at Lowestoft Harbour on January 13th and 52 at Havergate Island on March 5th.

There were few reports of passage birds in April or May, in marked contrast with 2021. The highest count was of 15 at Minsmere on May 16th and there were very few reports in late May or in June. None was recorded off Landguard between June 6th and July 21st.

The first report of a significant arrival in the autumn was of 48 on the Stour Estuary at Seafield Bay on July 24th and there were no high counts of migrants over the autumn. Of note, a single bird was seen arriving in-off with Teal at Minsmere on September 3rd.

In the second winter period there were at least 700 birds in the county, with the roost at Freston again being the prime site. There were 62 at Lowestoft on November 18th.

Ruddy Turnstone Peter Lakey

There were no inland records in 2022.

WeBS high water count data (with totals for the Suffolk shore of the Stour Estuary and for the estuary as a whole):

RED KNOT  Calidris canutus

Locally common winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list.

Based upon WeBS high water count data, the flock on the Stour Estuary exceeded 2500 birds in the first winter period and at least 6000 were present in the second winter period. Knot are highly mobile and the main flock sometimes roosts away from the Stour Estuary, so low water counts may provide a better measure of numbers; there were low water counts from the Stour Estuary of over 9000 in February and over 6000 in November and December. A flock of up to 150 on the Deben Estuary in December is a high count for that location, exceeded by a WeBS high water count approaching 300 in the second winter period.

There were very few records of spring migrants, but there was flock of nine at Minsmere on May 23rd which probably were long-distance migrants of the nominate race canutus which winters mainly in north-western Africa, and breeds in Siberia.

Autumn passage was recorded from July 24th, with juveniles recorded from August 17th and a high count of 84 from Havergate Island on September 13th. Southerly passage off Landguard peaked in November during which month 284 were recorded with a peak day-total of 210 on 1st (see Dunlin); these peak offshore movements coincided with the main arrival of the wintering flock in the south of the county.

WeBS high-water count data (with totals for the Suffolk shore of the Stour Estuary and for the estuary as a whole):

Knot, Lowestoft, October 21st Peter Ransome

RUFF  Calidris pugnax

Fairly common passage migrant. Small numbers overwinter. Red List.

In the first winter period, the returning wintering bird was on the Deben Estuary at Woodbridge on January 7th, but was not reported again until April with the last report on April 29th (assuming that these reports relate to the same bird).

Spring passage through the county is generally early, with the first birds appearing in late February and joining the small number of wintering birds. In recent years this has involved only small numbers of birds and no flocks into double figures, but there were three at Boyton Marshes on January 16th and numbers increased in the Boyton Marshes/Hollesley Marshes area to 11 on March 10th. In addition to the birds above, there were also flocks in double figures of 12 at Carlton Marshes on March 25th and 21 at Minsmere on March 21st. Numbers were lower in April and May with the only reports of more than three birds being six at Carlton Marshes on April 11th and 21st.

The first report of the autumn was of five at Hollesley Marshes on June 27th. Thereafter, as in 2021, small numbers were recorded in July and August with the only coastal site with counts in double figures being Minsmere which held ten on August 13th and 20th. Numbers were appreciably better in September and counts of ten birds or more are set out below.

Aldeburgh Marshes: 11, Sep 1st; 20, Sep 5th; 15, Sep 6th; 17, Sep 9th; 14, Sep 10th; 12, Sep 15th

Hollesley Marshes: ten, Sep 7th; 20, Sep 9th

The wintering bird on the Deben Estuary returned in the second winter period and, in addition, three were reported on the Alde Estuary in November, two from Hollesley Marshes on December 12th and six from Blythburgh on December 1st.

There were no inland records in 2022.

CURLEW SANDPIPER  Calidris ferruginea

Uncommon passage migrant. Has overwintered. Amber list.

A single bird was reported at Trimley Marshes on January 14th; this could be the bird reported on the Orwell Estuary in February 2019.

There were very few reports of birds on spring passage in 2022, but they did include three at Minsmere on May 16th and June 2nd.

The first birds of the autumn were seven on Havergate Island on July 20th, all adults. Autumn passage numbers were higher than in 2021, with several counts into double figures in late August and September as set out below. The majority of birds involved were juveniles.

Aldeburgh Marshes: 16, Sep 4th; 11, Sep 5th; 12, Sep 7th

Ruff Peter Lakey

Havergate Island: 11, Aug 30th; 15, Aug 31st; 21, Sep 13th; ten, Sep 15th

Stour Estuary: Seafield Bay; Brantham, 17, Sep 13th

In the second winter period, there was a report of one at Trimley Marshes on November 19th and a juvenile remained on the Deben Estuary at Melton from November 24th until at least December 6th. This latter report recalls the bird which wintered there from 2008/09 to 2011/12.

TEMMINCK’S STINT  Calidris temminckii

Scarce passage migrant.

There were four records this year involving five birds. As previously noted, it must be possible that the spring records from Trimley Marshes in recent years relate to the same site-faithful individuals. The Trimley Marshes bird, in late August and early September is the first coastal autumn record since 2017.

Minsmere: May 24th

Havergate Island: two, May 7th

Trimley Marshes: May 11th; Aug 24th to Sep 4th

SANDERLING  Calidris alba

Locally common winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list.

During the first winter period there were counts into double figures from several sites including Kessingland with the highest count of 20 on January 6th and Benacre with 17 on February 19th. There were very few reports in April, except for the regular spring flock at Landguard which peaked at 44 on March 23rd and three dates in midApril. Reports in May and early June were sparse with no double-figure counts away from Landguard, where ten flew north on June 4th.

Returning migrants were reported in small numbers from July 20th, with 13 at Southwold on July 25th and an unexpected record of 33 flying out of the river mouth and north off Landguard on August 26th. Thereafter only singles or small numbers were reported from coastal sites in the second winter period, but with no counts into double figures.

There were no inland reports.

2021 Addition

Lakenheath Fen RSPB: six, May 22nd (D Balmer, P Wilson)

2021 Addition/Correction

“…from Kessingland …. peak count of March 5th. (Suffolk Birds 2021 (:96) to read “….. from Kessingland….peak count of 30 on March 5th”

Curlew Sandpiper Russ Boland
Sanderling, Benacre, June 4th
David Borderick

Just for interest:

The group of six Sanderlings at Lakenheath Fen on May 22nd 2021 is the second-largest to be recorded in west Suffolk, having only been exceeded by eight at Lackford Lakes SWT on June 18th 1989.

At least 45 Sanderlings were recorded at wetland sites in west Suffolk during the 40 years from 1982 to 2021 inclusive. Of these 45, at least 31 were recorded in May; totals in other months are January – one, April – three, June – eight, September – one and November –one.

No Sanderlings have been noted at Lackford Lakes since 1997, but during the period from 1985 to 1997 inclusive, 23 were recorded at this Lark Valley site.

Philip Murphy.

DUNLIN  Calidris alpina

Very common winter visitor and passage migrant. Red list (from Amber 2021).

The WeBS high water count data in the table below indicate a population of approximately 19000 on Suffolk’s estuaries (including both sides of the Stour Estuary) in the first winter period and 12000 in the second winter period. The total of 19000 is higher than the range of 9000 to 17000 over the previous five years and is in part accounted for by strong numbers from the Alde Estuary.

Spring passage was lighter than in 2021 and 2020, with the only report of large numbers being a flock of 400 on the Deben Estuary at Felixstowe Ferry in the first week of May. A few birds were seen in June, including eight on the Alde Estuary at Hazlewood Marshes on June 3rd. There were, surprisingly, no inland records.

It is not clear when the first returning adults appeared in early autumn as there were a few lingering birds over the summer, but numbers increased during July and the first juvenile was reported from Havergate Island on July 20th in a flock of 30 birds. There were 100 on the Alde Estuary at Hazlewood Marshes on July 31st. Autumn passage at Landguard included one south on June 20th and then there were reports from this site over the period from July 20th to November 21st with a maximum day-total of 384 south on November 1st (see Knot). There were several individual counts of flocks in four figures in the second winter period, including 2000 on the Orwell Estuary at Levington on December 5th.

WeBS high-water count data (with totals for the Suffolk shore of the Stour Estuary and for the estuary as a whole):

Dunlin, Benacre, May 6th
David Borderick

PURPLE SANDPIPER  Calidris maritima

Fairly common winter visitor. Scarce passage migrant. Red list (from Amber 2021).

The best site for this species remains Ness Point, Lowestoft. Purple Sandpipers were recorded there in the first winter period from January 1st until May 8th with a peak count of 16 on March 30th, a return to normal after the high count of 24 in March 2021. The first autumn record from Ness Point was on September 15th and there were six there on November 18th.

At Landguard up to three birds were seen in the first winter period, with the last spring record being a single bird on May 14th. None was recorded at Landguard in autumn or in the second winter period.

Elsewhere, one to four birds were seen at the usual additional sites (Southwold, Aldeburgh/ Thorpeness, Slaughden and Bawdsey/Shingle Street).

BAIRD’S SANDPIPER  Calidris bairdii

Very rare visitor.

Suffolk’s tenth record of this species occurred on the latest date ever recorded in the county. There have been nine previous records of this species in the county, including a previous November record in 1990 when a bird remained at Easton Broad from October 27th until at least November 1st. The county’s ninth record had been at Minsmere, July 24th and 25th 2016. Hollesley Marshes: on river’s edge, Nov 18th (P R Kennerley)

LITTLE STINT  Calidris minuta

Fairly common passage migrant. Occasionally overwinters.

As has been the pattern in recent years, there were relatively few reports of Little Stint and, again, none in double figures.

In the first winter period, there were no overwinterers, but there was an early spring bird at Trimley Marshes on March 21st. This was followed by one on Havergate Island from March 30th to April 16th. In May and June, the only other records were of singles at Carlton Marshes on May 11th, Southwold on May 12th, Hollesley Marshes on May 21st and Minsmere on June 2nd.

The first of the autumn was at Trimley Marshes on July 22nd and there were reports of singles from Southwold and the Alde Estuary at Hazlewood Marshes later in July. The only reports in August were of singles from three locations (Minsmere, Havergate Island and Trimley Marshes). There was an arrival of juveniles in September, but in small numbers with a peak of five birds or more only recorded at three locations:

Aldeburgh Marshes: peak of six on Sep 9th

Havergate Island: peak of eight on Sep 15th

Trimley Marshes: peak of five on Sep 15th

A small party was at Havergate Island in early December, with four birds on December 3rd. This is Suffolk’s highest recorded December total since 1961 when, remarkably, 22 were at Minsmere on 15th.

PECTORAL SANDPIPER  Calidris melanotos

Scarce passage migrant.

There were seven records, involving six or seven birds, as follows:

Dunwich: Corporation Marshes, Oct 1st

Alde Estuary: Hazlewood Marshes, July 23rd; Aldeburgh Marshes, Sep 14th to 21st, with a second from Sep 15th to 19th

Hollesley Marshes: May 1st to 5th

Trimley Marshes: Sep 28th and Oct 5th (same bird)

This year’s Hollesley Marshes’ bird is Suffolk’s 11th spring record. However, as suggested on page 97 of Suffolk Birds 2021, the first ten records could well relate to only six birds, making this year’s the seventh.

2021 Correction:

Final sentence (Suffolk Birds 2021: 98) to read “,,,,in 1975 could well have been early autumn migrants”

EURASIAN WOODCOCK  Scolopax rusticola

Fairly common winter visitor and passage migrant. Declining resident. Red list

In the first winter period, there were far fewer reports than in 2021, doubtless due to the milder weather in 2022 compared with the cold snap in the previous year. One was at Landguard on January 28th. There were singles on five dates in March at Landguard.

Mid-summer records of displaying birds came from three extensive areas in the north-west of the county, with reports indicating at least ten roding males, including five individuals estimated at one site. There was one report from June and one from August in the coastal belt.

The first autumn arrival was reported from Landguard on October 21st, but there was only one other report from the coastal belt in that month. There were few further reports of arrivals in November, with only four records from Landguard in total over the autumn, of which three were in November.

Numbers in the second winter period were broadly similar to 2021, with reports from over 40 inland and coastal sites, but with only two reports of five birds or more.

JACK SNIPE  Lymnocryptes minimus

Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant.

This species was reported from over 20 sites in the coastal belt and six sites inland, which is broadly comparable with totals over the period 2019 to 2021.

This species is generally recorded singly, but there were three at Kessingland on January 2nd and March 20th. There were no other records of more than two birds in the first winter period.

The first returning birds of the autumn were noted on September 17th at Aldeburgh and September 30th at Landguard. Additional migrants were at Landguard on October 20th and December 7th. There were five at Dingle Marshes, Dunwich on December 17th.

COMMON SNIPE  Gallinago gallinago

Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Breeding last proven in 2007. Amber list.

As is usual, reports came from widespread inland and coastal sites in both winter periods. There were some high counts as follows, but, overall, much lower numbers when compared with counts related to the spell of hard weather in mid-February 2021. The following were the only reports of 50 birds or more and there were no reports of more than 50 birds from the west of the county.

Pectoral Sandpipers, Aldeburgh Marshes, September 15th
Andrew Moon

Somerleyton Marshes: 113, Jan 28th

Carlton Marshes: 97, Dec 11th

Dunwich: Dingle Marshes, 220, Dec 17th

North Warren: 60, Dec 31st

Hollesley Marshes: 50, Dec 14th

There were no reports of confirmed or suspected breeding this year (after probable breeding in 2020 along the River Lark) but up to two birds were recorded from Carlton Marshes in June. Single birds were also reported from Southwold and Hollesley Marshes in June.

Autumn passage at Landguard involved 21 between September 29th and December 22nd with a maximum of three on October 21st and November 17th.

RED-NECKED PHALAROPE  Phalaropus lobatus

Rare passage migrant. Red list.

There was one record this year.

Alde Estuary: Aldeburgh Marshes, Aug 31st to Sep 1st (M L Cornish et al.)

GREY PHALAROPE  Phalaropus fulicarius

Scarce passage migrant and rare winter visitor.

There were five records of this species this year, all in autumn; 2021’s total of five included two in spring:

Covehithe: on sea off Covehithe Broad, photographed, Sep 29th (P Green)

Minsmere: north offshore then on sea, Nov 4th (J H Grant); Scrape, Nov 19th (R Thomas, S Thomas)

North Warren: Sep 27th to Oct 3rd (D Thurlow et al.)

Bawdsey: East Lane, south close inshore, Oct 9th (S Abbott)

COMMON SANDPIPER  Actitis hypoleucos

Common passage migrant. A few birds overwinter. Amber list.

The overwintering bird from 2021 and previous years was present in the Bourne Bridge and Ipswich Docks area until April 19th. Additionally, there was one at Pipps Ford, Barking on February 17th which seems likely to have been a different bird.

Birds first seen in March were probably on passage, including one at Snape on 5th. As has become the norm, the majority of spring reports related to one to three birds, but there were six at Hollesley Marshes on May 16th. Inland records were sparse, with records of one or two birds from only five sites; these included two at Lakenheath on June 2nd. Three were at Landguard on May 3rd.

Return passage was evident from July 1st, when there were singles at Pipps Ford and Trimley Marshes. Thereafter there were widespread reports of single birds or small groups and several double-figure counts. Selected high counts of more than five birds at coastal sites are listed below, with two counts each of 22 birds on August 18th being particularly notable:

Blythburgh: Blyth Estuary, 18, Aug 27th

Minsmere: 17, Aug 8th; 22, Aug 18th

Alde Estuary: Hazlewood Marshes, eight, Aug 6th; Aldeburgh, 22, Aug 18th; Aldeburgh Marshes: eight, Aug 20th;

Havergate Island: six, Aug 4th

Woodbridge: Deben Estuary, five, Aug 21st

Trimley Marshes: six, Aug 29th; six, Sep 8th

Alton Water: six, Sep 11th

Brantham: Stour Estuary, ten, Aug 19th

The highest counts from inland were of three at Fornham St. Martin on September 1st and three at Cavenham Pits on September 10th.

In the second winter period the overwintering bird returned to the Bourne Bridge and Ipswich Docks area. It is probable that reports from Alton Water on dates between October 9th and December 27th relate to a second bird.

GREEN SANDPIPER  Tringa ochropus

Fairly common passage migrant. Small numbers overwinter. Amber list.

There were widespread records in the first winter period and these typically involved one or two birds. As usual there were signs of passage in March with numbers increasing at favoured sites during the month. A high total of five overwintered at Pipps Ford, Barking and numbers here increased to seven on March 20th. Numbers tend to fall away in April, but this year there were several counts of ten birds or more from coastal locations towards the end of the month. The 20 at Minsmere, April 22nd, is the highest-ever spring passage total to be recorded in Suffolk. There were very few records from May, the last being one at Carlton Marshes on May 7th.

Carlton Marshes: ten, April 28th

Minsmere: 20, flushed by Sparrowhawk, April 22nd

Snape Marshes: 11, April 24th

The first returning birds were reported from Cavenham Pits and Lackford Lakes on June 14th, a rather late first date for this species. Autumn numbers were generally low and Snape Marshes was the only site to hold ten or more birds, with a peak count of 20 on August 12th. There were nine at Lackford Lakes on August 19th.

There was, as usual, a scatter of reports in the second winter period from the coast and inland from approximately 20 sites, but none of three birds or more except for three at Pipps Ford on November 10th and five at Snape Marshes on the same date.




Very rare visitor.

There were two records as follows. Based on photographs, it was determined that these involved different individuals. These are the 15th and 16th Suffolk records.

Southwold: May 3rd to 8th (B J Small et al.)

Minsmere: Suffolk’s third mid-winter record, Jan 16th to Apr 24th (I Salkeld et al.)


REDSHANK  Tringa totanus

Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Declining resident. Amber list.

Data from the monthly WeBS counts on the principal estuaries are set out in the table below. In the first winter period, there were over 3500 in the county (4009 in March if both shores of the Stour are included), including approaching 2000 on the Alde Estuary.

Breeding data are incomplete for 2022, but 31 pairs were reported from Minsmere (compared with 27 in 2021) and 15 at North Warren (compared with 14 in 2021). Inland, two pairs bred at Lakenheath Fen where spring passage peaked on April 10th, with 32 birds present

In autumn, there was the usual build-up on our estuaries and in the second winter period there were approaching 5000 in the county in November. This is similar to the equivalent totals in 2021 and 2020. The Alde Estuary is the prime site in the county for Redshank and approaching 2500 were counted there in November and December.

WeBS high-water count data (with totals for the Suffolk shore of the Stour Estuary and for the estuary as a whole):


SANDPIPER  Tringa glareola

Passage migrant in small numbers. Amber list.

As in 2021, the first birds of the spring arrived inland. There were two at Lakenheath Fen from April 27th to May 1st, with three there on April 29th and 30th and one on May 16th. At Mickle Mere there was one from May 8th to 11th and two on May 10th and 11th.

On the coast, the first birds were one at Southwold on April 30th and two at Hollesley Marshes on the same date. Birds were only recorded from five coastal sites, but if peak counts are combined then at least 25 birds were recorded. The highest day-counts are set out below:

Carlton Marshes: six, May 3rd

Southwold: three, May 12th and 13th

Hollesley Marshes: 14, May 5th

Trimley Marshes: three, May 1st

The flock of 14 at Hollesley is the highest-ever recorded spring count in the county.

The first autumn record was from Minsmere on June 9th. Hollesley Marshes again proved very attractive to this species with an arrival of ten birds on June 30th. Thereafter only light passage was recorded and most records involved only one or two birds and no counts of more than three birds, with very few reports after the second week of. September. The highest day-counts from sites recording three or more birds are as follows:

Carlton Marshes: three, July 2nd to 5th.

Aldeburgh Marshes: three, Aug 25th.

Snape Wetlands: three, Aug 14th to 16th.

Trimley Marshes: three, Aug 26th.

Singles were seen inland at BTO Nunnery Lakes, Thetford on July 23rd and Lakenheath Fen on August 4th.

SPOTTED REDSHANK  Tringa erythropus

Decreasing passage migrant. A few overwinter. Amber list.

There were at least 15 birds in the county in the first winter period. The highest single count from the Blyth Estuary and Walberswick/Dunwich area was of eight at Walberswick on January 13th. Two birds wintered on the Deben Estuary and the regular returning bird was at Holbrook Bay on the Stour Estuary. Five were reported from the Alde Estuary in January.

Spring passage was light, with reports from only four sites and with the highest count being of four at Minsmere on May 14th. The only inland report was of one at Lakenheath Fen on April 21st.

The first birds of return passage were noted at Minsmere on June 15th and, as usual, most reports came from this site. Only five sites held five or more birds (Blyth Estuary, Walberswick/ Dunwich, Minsmere, Orfordness and Trimley Marshes) and peak counts are set out below: Blyth Estuary: 11, Sep 26th

Spotted Redshank, Walberswick, January 17th
David Borderick

Dunwich: Dingle Marshes, seven, July 21st

Minsmere: 17, July 11th

Orfordness: six, July 21st

Trimley Marshes: six, July 21st to at least Sep 3rd

In the second winter period numbers were lower than reported earlier in the year, with fewer than ten birds recorded. The highest count was of four birds at Dingle Marshes, Dunwich, on December 17th.

COMMON GREENSHANK  Tringa nebularia

Common passage migrant. A few overwinter. Amber list.

In the first winter period from January to March, there were three on the Stour Estuary and single reports of birds on the Alde Estuary, Hollesley Marshes and the Orwell Estuary.

Spring passage was recorded from late March with a bird at Gifford’s Hall, Stoke-by-Nayland on March 29th. Spring numbers were much lower than in 2021 (when flocks of over 30 were recorded) and the only totals into double figures are noted below:

Hazlewood Marshes: 23. May 4th; 14, May 9th.

Melton: Deben Estuary, ten, May 8th

Levington: Orwell Estuary, 11, April 23rd

There were reports of a single bird at Trimley Marshes on June 9th and then further reports from the middle of that month. As in 2020, few flocks of ten or more birds were recorded on autumn passage. The large flock on Havergate Island on July 20th was seen to arrive from the north. Nine flew south off Landguard between July 20th and August 18th.

Hazlewood Marshes: 14, Oct 15th

Havergate Island: 41, July 20th

Deben Estuary: WeBS count of 21, Sep 11th

Stour Estuary (incl Essex shore): WeBS counts; 41, Sep 11th; 34, Oct 9th

Inland, the only record of five or more was of five at Lakenheath Fen on August 23rd. In the second winter period, single birds were recorded from the Alde Estuary, Havergate Island and the Deben Estuary. There were three overwintering birds on the Stour Estuary.

COLLARED PRATINCOLE  Glareola pratincola

There were no records in 2022.

2021 Correction

The corrected total is 11 records rather than ten (Suffolk Birds 2021: 110) and they relate to seven birds i.e. in 1977, 1996/97, second bird in 1997, 2014, 2015, 2017 and 2021.


Very common passage migrant and winter visitor. Has bred since 1958. Red list.

At the beginning of the year, most records were from the south of the county, where, at Landguard, 42 were seen, January 2nd and 32 there the following day. For the rest of the month single-figure counts were made on most days and birds seen elsewhere included nine off Ness Point, Lowestoft, 31st. Towards the spring, birds arrived back at their breeding areas with 34 noted around the Sizewell A rigs, February 28th, increasing to around 200, March 10th and 19th. In Lowestoft, 83 were around the Claremont Pier on April 15th. Passage birds were noted in the west of the county during the spring with two adults present at the BTO Nunnery reserve, Thetford, April 25th and an adult at Lackford Lakes, April 27th. During the summer a juvenile was at Livermere Lake, August 17th. This total of four Kittiwakes equals Suffolk’s highest-ever recorded inland total which occurred in 1999, when all four were at Lackford Lakes (February –three, December – one).

During the breeding season, numbers at Sizewell included a minimum count of 223 occupied nests on the visible parts of the Sizewell rigs, June 19th with a maximum of 595 birds there, May

Black-legged Kittiwake Russ Boland

29th. Once again, Kittiwakes nested on buildings in central Lowestoft as well as at the harbour and the Claremont Pier, with the highest concentrations being on the Catholic Church tower in Gordon Road, buildings in Surrey Street and the Claremont Pier but no data were received to indicate breeding pair numbers or fledglings. Later on in the summer, a count was made of 400 at Sizewell with an estimate of 15% being juveniles, July 31st.

Numbers declined through the autumn with the most notable counts being on October 19th of 32 south past Southwold and 12 south past Felixstowe. Numbers remained in single figures until December 3rd when 49 flew south past Ness Point, Lowestoft and 52 south off Southwold. At the end of December, numbers again picked up notably with 80 off Thorpeness, 29th and 29 there the following day. Elsewhere, on 31st, 57 went south off Landguard and 35 off Minsmere. During 2023, artificial nesting structures (ANS) or ‘Kittiwake Hotels’ were constructed at Lowestoft. Onshore structures at the harbour entrance have the capacity for up to 430 pairs whilst the two octagonal structures offshore have capacity for up to 500 nests each, a third offshore structure is located at Minsmere. These are part of a mitigation scheme for the construction of hundreds of offshore wind turbines for the Hornsea 3 project, all funded by Orsted, Scottish Power Renewables and Vattenfall. Their construction came too late for the 2023 breeding season but it is hoped young kittiwakes looking for nest sites of their own, will take an interest. All the structures are built with access for researchers to enter and each nest ledge has a sliding hatch for ringers to access and ring any nesting birds. Onshorehotels; hotels_open_for_business.aspx Offshore hotels;

SABINE’S GULL  Xema sabini

Rare passage migrant.

There were two records made on consecutive days during October. These are the only records received for the year:

Southwold: north, 17:13hr, Oct 19th, (B Small)

Aldeburgh: juv south, 11:49hr, Oct 20th (I Rowlands)


Chroicocephalus ridibundus

Very common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list.

During the first winter period, the main concentrations were the roosts at Livermere Lake, with main counts of 1100, January 9th, increasing to 6000, January 23rd and February 8th and 4500, February 22nd. Such large roosts didn’t appear to be in evidence along the coast with much smaller numbers spread out over more sites, the most notable being a count of 1520 at Carlton Colville, January 5th, which was described by the observer as a ‘hard weather movement during very frosty conditions’. Other notable counts from early in the year near the coast were 600 on the Orwell Estuary, January 2nd, 550 on the Deben Estuary near Woodbridge, January 7th and 1500 at Snape Wetlands, January 21st.

During the spring, numbers at Minsmere reached 2000, April 20th and the following month, 105 chicks were noted alongside 1100 adults, May 28th. Elsewhere in the county, 40 nests were at Alton Water and single pairs were noted at both Boyton Marshes and Havergate Island. In the west of the county, 16 nests were at Livermere Lake and two nests at Hall Farm reservoir, Fornham St. Martin.

At Livermere Lake, summer roosts peaked at 2000, July 27th and August 30th and the most notable counts at coastal sites included 600 at Hazlewood Marshes. August 19th and to the south, 750 at Alton Water, August 22nd. Passage off Landguard peaked at 308 south on July 20th. In autumn, this species was well distributed over a range of coastal sites with the most notable counts being 1050 inland at Boyton Hall, Great Finborough, October 15th and 400 at Thorpeness, October 20th. Passage movements were noted from Landguard with 287 south, November 18th. During remainder of the year the main concentrations were in the west of the county with up to 1000 at roost at Livermere Lake, December 17th and in central Suffolk, 300 were at Boyton Hall, Great Finborough, November 27th and 500 at Snape Wetlands, December 2nd. Landguard reported that “Numbers wintering are declining”.

Black-headed Gull ringing recovery

During the first winter period of 2022 the Round Pond in Christchurch Park, Ipswich only froze over on January 21st and 22nd. On the former date, a quick look amongst the 50 or so Black-headxed Gulls standing on the ice revealed one adult bird with a white ring on its left leg marked I black with the letters ZTZ. The BTO subsequently informed me that the gull had been ringed as a pullus on the island of Hirsholm in the Kattegat about seven kilometres off Frederikshavn in northern Denmark on June 21st 2009. It was noted back on Hirsholm on May 18th2011 (as a breeding adult?) before being seen at Uitgeest (52°31’N 04°45’E) in The Netherlands on March 17th 2013 and then, almost nine years later, on the Round Pond in Christchurch Park on January 21st 2022.

And if the Round Pond had not frozen over, we would have been none the wiser! Philip Murphy.

LITTLE GULL  Hydrocoloeus minutus

Fairly common passage migrant. Regularly oversummers. Small numbers overwinter.

Numbers at the start of the year were very low with singletons at Snape Wetlands, January 25th and Minsmere, February 22nd. During the spring, single birds were at Minsmere and Walberswick, March 14th. Slightly higher numbers were noted in the west of the county with five at Lackford Lakes, March 25th and the following month the peak of spring passage on April 11th saw nine at Livermere Lake and a single bird at Lakenheath Fen. The final inland spring record was of three at Lackford Lakes, April 20th. On the coast, two went north off Southwold, April 11th and a single bird lingered at Carlton Marshes, April 11th to 16th.

At the start of the summer, small numbers were present with the vast majority of the records coming from Minsmere where single-figure counts were made most days with a peak of four on June 12th. As the summer progressed, return passage resulted in numbers increasing with 15

at Minsmere, July 27th and August 3rd and smaller numbers noted at other sites including six past Thorpeness, July 26th and four at Hazlewood Marshes, August 2nd. Numbers peaked on Minsmere Scrape with 20 present, August 23rd; into the autumn, as with previous years, birds left the reserve and gravitated, albeit in smaller numbers, towards the Sizewell outfall rigs with single-figure counts noted there on several dates during September and October and a peak of six, September 19th. Further north in the county, the species was virtually absent apart from two off Ness Point, Lowestoft, September 17th and 19th. In the south of the county, the only notable record was of five off Bawdsey, October 9th. During late October, there was a spike in coastal passage on October 20th with notable counts of 137 off Minsmere, 97 off Southwold, 79 off Thorpeness and 15 off Landguard.

Towards the end of the year, following a quiet spell, 59 were noted off Thorpeness, November 14th. Although totals were lower than those on October 20th, passage peaked notably on November 19th with counts of 73 off Slaughden, 65 off Lowestoft and 60 off Landguard; at this latter site, 72 were recorded during the period from November 15th to 22nd.

There were no autumn records from the west of the county apart from one late bird seen at Livermere Lake, November 20th and the same day one was noted away from the immediate coast in the south of the county at Alton Water. Following a busy November, December only saw three single records, including one off Landguard on 31st.

MEDITERRANEAN GULL  Ichthyaetus melanocephalus

Uncommon resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Rare breeder. Amber list.

At the beginning of the year, as with previous years, the main epicentre of sightings was in the northeast of the county with the Lowestoft area being the most reliable site, where up to five birds noted on Gunton Beach, January 2nd. Away from there, one was in central Suffolk at Pipps Ford, Barking, January 8th.

With the arrival of early spring, numbers started to build at Minsmere with five, increasing to 30, between March 3rd and 14th. It was during this time that the sole observation of the year from the west of the county was made, a first-winter at Livermere Lake, March 26th. This was a poor year for inland records, the worst since 2001 when there was also only one record. 1989 was the last year with no west Suffolk records, although the west’s first sighting was at Lakenheath on March 29th 1984. The following month a notable passage of northbound birds was noted over Minsmere with 120 seen in flight, April 18th and at Landguard, 16 went south the same day.

Despite the good numbers at Minsmere during the summer, albeit with a lot of non-breeding, second-calendar-year birds, only three pairs bred raising just one chick that was seen to be predated by a Marsh Harrier, June 13th. There were 22 nests on the Blyth Estuary but we have no information on how they fared. There was no other breeding news received from anywhere else in the county.

Numbers along the coast in early summer, before the late-summer arrival of birds from the Continent, peaked at 70 at Minsmere, May 18th and 78 at Blythburgh pig fields, June 9th. Again, most of the birds seen were recorded as second-calendar-year. Numbers remained low in the south of the county with maxima of only five at Snape Wetlands RSPB, May 17th and four over Upper Hollesley Common, June 5th.

Later in the summer, birds started to arrive from the Continent with at least 150 seen at Carlton Marshes, July 10th and the same day 21 were over central Lowestoft, taking advantage of an emergence of flying ants. In the south of the county, six were noted at Trimley Marshes, July 13th and 27th but in many places numbers remained low. Numbers peaked in the Blyth area with at least 80 in the Blythburgh pig fields, July 21st, 165 at Bulcamp Marshes, Blythburgh (the highest total recorded in Suffolk this year), August 14th and 65 at Southwold seafront two days later. These counts were nowhere near those of previous years and a long way short of the county record (535 at Minsmere, June 25th 2017).

During the autumn, around 100 were seen flying over Kessingland early morning, September

11th. Numbers picked up in the south of the county with 51 at Trimley Marshes, September 13th, 60 at Lings Lane, Chelmondiston, October 5th, 20 at Shotley Gate on October 9th and Landguard’s peak total for the year of 20, October 4th. In the north, 20 were over Gunton, October 11th, before numbers declined into low single figures across the county from midOctober onwards. Numbers remained low until the year’s end, with the exception of 13 seen off Ness Point, Lowestoft, December 3rd and all other sightings occurred mainly in the northeast of the county as they did at the start of the year.

COMMON GULL  Larus canus

Very common winter visitor and passage migrant. Scarce breeding species. Amber list.

During the first winter period, numbers along the coast varied, with the highest numbers being seen towards the north. Off Sizewell, an impressive flock of 1800 was observed roosting on the sea, January 16th (the highest total recorded in Suffolk since January 23rd 2017 when 8000 were at Minsmere) and, on land, 250 were at Minsmere, January 2nd and 350 at Reydon Marshes, January 13th. Further south, 50 were noted at both Alton Water, January 9th and on the north shore of the Stour Estuary, February 7th. Inland, 850 were noted at Huntingfield, March 1st and in the west of the county, the highest totals were of 400 at Cavenham Pits, January 23rd, 80 at Lakenheath Fen, January 27th and 70 at Mildenhall Fen, February 27th. At Livermere Lake, a second-calendar-year bird showing characteristics of “Russian Common Gull” L. c. heinei was seen, February 17th and April 2nd (D Balmer).

During the spring, numbers increased at Mildenhall Fen with 130 noted, March 19th and 85 at Livermere Lake, March 31st and April 2nd. On the coast, most birds gravitated towards Minsmere with 800, mainly second-calendar-year birds, April 29th and numbers remained high at this site until the latter half of May, when 550 were noted on 18th.

During the summer, there was a single record from the west of the county, with a first-summer, presumed to have been the same bird, seen at Livermere Lake, June 1st and Lakenheath Fen, June 3rd. On the coast, from the beginning of June, numbers dropped down to single figures at Minsmere, where most sightings were made; sightings from other sites peaked at four on Havergate Island RSPB, June 30th. It was at Havergate that one pair attempted to breed but the success of this is unknown.

In late summer, numbers started to build at some locations with 83 at Alton Water, August 14th, Autumn passage on October 19th saw 200 at Minsmere, October 19th and 160 south off Southwold. The following day 170 were noted off Thorpeness.

Towards the end of the year, impressive gatherings along the coast included around 400 feeding around the Sizewell rigs, December 19th and 430 at Covehithe the following day. The north of the county always held the highest numbers; counts further south peaked at only 52 on the Stour Estuary (north shore), December 16th and 20 on the Deben Estuary at Melton the following day. In the west of the county, 300 were at Barton Mills, December 17th and the following day, 118 were noted at the BTO Nunnery reserve, Thetford. Maximum southerly movements off Landguard were 87, November 18th and 57, December 27th.


FS55152 (red TJ20 1st-year 12/08/2021 Zastow Karczmiski, Wilkow, Lubelskie, POLAND 51°16’N 21°51’E alive (colour-ring seen) 16/01/2022 Butley, Suffolk 52°05’N 01°26’E - 1409km W


Common winter visitor and passage migrant. A few oversummer. Has recently bred. Amber list. At the start of the year, the vast majority of birds were at coastal locations with the peak count,

of 200, at Landguard, January 3rd and smaller numbers further north with 40 noted at Minsmere, January 2nd. It was at Minsmere where the highest frequency of sightings was made with mostly single-figure counts at a small number of other sites, including ten at Hen Reedbeds, January 10th and 15 at Havergate Island RSPB, January 23rd. In the west of the county, numbers were comparatively low and down on the previous year, with most records coming from Livermere Lake with a peak of nine, January 23rd and a singleton at Mickle Mere, February 8th, was the only bird seen away from the former site. The following month, reasonable numbers remained at Minsmere with a peak of 30, February 27th and elsewhere, 13 were at Carlton Marshes the same day.

Numbers generally declined through the spring with the most notable counts being of 14 at Havergate Island, March 5th, 15 at Shingle Street, April 12th and 20 at Minsmere, the following day. In the west of the county the only notable count was of five at Livermere Lake, April 30th. Very few were seen during May with a peak of 15 at Sizewell Belts, 26th. Small numbers remained during the summer months with the main count being 25 at Reydon pig fields, June 7th but this was the exception. Most reports were of single-figure counts on Minsmere Scrape, where up to eight were present, July 23rd.

The only known breeding records in the county were within the docks complex at Felixstowe but no numbers of nests, or any successfully-fledged young, are known.

Towards the end of the year, return passage numbers were impressive at some sites along the coast with the pick of the counts being of 500 at Landguard, November 9th and 304 and 251 noted at Trimley Marshes, November 8th and 11th respectively. North up the coast, 125 and 210 were at Minsmere, November 13th and 26th respectively and 282 were on rooftops at North Quay Retail Park, Lowestoft, November 20th. Good numbers remained into early December with a maximum of 214 at Trimley Marshes, December 2nd. Very few were seen in the west of the county in December with the only counts received being of two at Pakenham, 27th and four at Risby Poor’s Heath on 31st.


In addition to, the now expected, colour-ringed birds from Norway and Denmark, the following bird from Germany was seen.

3413142 (green H015) pullus 01/07/2019

Fohr, Midlumer Vorland, Schleswig-Holstein, GERMANY 54°45’N 08°31’E alive (colour-ring seen) 15/09/2022

GLAUCOUS GULL  Larus hyperboreus

Scarce winter visitor. Amber list.

Havergate Island, Suffolk 52°04’N 01°31’E551km WSW

A poor year for this species with probably four different birds seen on the coast, including one well-watched second-calendar-year bird in the first winter period which frequented the Blyth Estuary area. There were no inland records received. All observations as follows:

Lowestoft: north, North Beach, 19:24hr, May 19th

Southwold: Feb 6th (R Hall, H Fisher) – also seen at Walberswick; Apr 17th (B Small); first-winter feeding offshore, Dec 3rd (B Small)

Blyth Estuary: Jan 10th to 31st (D Walsh, R Walden B Small et al); Feb 7th to 17th (N Carter, M Broughton et al); Apr 28th

Minsmere: immature, Jan 2nd; Mar 16th (M Broughton)

Landguard Bird Observatory: immature, Mar 13th (N Odin); adult, Nov 8th (N Odin)

The Lowestoft bird is the latest to have been recorded in Suffolk in May since 2017 when a first-summer bird was on Gorleston beach, just inside Watsonian Suffolk, on 26th and 27th.

ICELAND GULL  Larus glaucoides

Scarce winter visitor. Amber list.

It was a poor year for this species with the only records coming from one site in the west of the county and one bird from the Lowestoft area. All observations are as follows:

Lowestoft: second-winter roosted in harbour, Jan 1st, 12th and 30th (A Easton, R Walden); Oulton Broad, in waterfront gardens, Jan 9th

Livermere Lake: second-winter at roost, Feb 11th (S Bishop); third-calendar-year, Mar 13th and 19th (D Balmer, P Wilson); second-calendar-year, Mar 20th to 31st (D Balmer, P Wilson); Second-calendar-year, Apr 4th (R Ayers)


Very common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Red list.

During the first three months of the year, roosts in the west of the county held the largest totals, with 750 noted heading west over Lakenheath Fen RSPB on their way to roost, January 9th. Elsewhere 700 were recorded on pig fields at Tuddenham St Mary, February 3rd and 900 were at roost on Livermere Lake, March 19th. On the coast, a peak count of 500 was recorded at Landguard, January 7th and Snape Wetlands held good numbers compared with other sites, with standout counts of 340, January 23rd and 400, February 20th.

During spring, numbers started to build at the usual breeding colonies with 450 at Havergate Island, where, during the summer, 667 nests were counted but breeding success is unknown. Once again, this species nested widely on rooftops around central Lowestoft and Ipswich and in the docks around Felixstowe. Elsewhere, a notable breeding case was of at least five pairs nesting on roofs at West Suffolk Council offices in Western Way, Bury St. Edmunds. Seven pairs were at Hollesley Marshes and four pairs were on the roof of Ipswich Railway Station.

In autumn, numbers increased at Livermere Lake with the most notable count being of 450, September 27th. On the coast, numbers were more dispersed over a greater number of locations, the most notable counts being 300 at Shingle Street, August 16th and 220 at Southwold Harbour, August 26th. In the far northeast, 170 were noted on Breydon south shore, September 23rd and in the south at Alton Water, 122 were counted, October 9th. A notable count of 600 was made at Minsmere, October 19th and 565 at Southwold, November 18th. In November, 1500 were at Landguard, 9th and 200 at Felixstowe Ferry, 26th. In the west of the county, 200 were at Livermere Lake, November 27th and 50 at the BTO Nunnery reserve, Thetford on December 7th.


N143035 (yellow H534X) pullus 08/07/2022

alive (colour-ring seen) 02/12/2022

Amrum-Odde, Nordfriesische Inseln, GERMANY 54°42’N 08°21’E

Felixstowe Ferry, Suffolk 51°58’N 01°22’E - 554km


Reports in 2022 of birds that had been colour-ringed as chicks or breeding adults at Havergate Island, Orfordness or Felixstowe included birds seen in France (10), The Netherlands (6) and Belgium (1).


On Tuesday March 7th 2022 we were in Hollesley Marshes RSPB car park enjoying a cup of tea whilst watching a pair of herring Gulls “paddling” on the grass presumably in an attempt to bring prey items to the surface. One of the gulls started to pull frantically at the grass and, to our amazement, it pulled out a Mole Talpa europea which was soon killed. However, the gull had great difficulty attempting to swallow the Mole and it still had not managed to swallow it 15 minutes later when we left the car park. We thought this was most unusual behaviour and wonder if anyone has seen or heard of this previously? Jen and Mac Tampin, Grundisburgh

With regards to the above field note – BWP states that Herring Gulls consume small mammals without actually mentioning Mole, but states that Common Vole/Field Vole is taken. The Handbook (1941) clearly states that Moles are Taken. Ticehurst states that a Herring Gull was found dead at Gorleston having choked on a rat. P Murphy.


GULL  Larus cachinnans

Uncommon visitor. Amber list.

At the beginning of the year, small numbers were spread thinly across the county, with mostly singletons noted including birds at North Quay Retail Park, Lowestoft and Southwold Town Marshes, January 1st. Further south, two were at Hollesley Marshes, January 3rd. In the west of the county, single birds were at Tuddenham St Mary, January 19th and 20th, Freckenham, January 21st and Mickle Mere, February 8th and two were at Livermere Lake, February 11th.

During the early spring there was an increase in sightings at inland sites, peaking at eight, Great Livermere, March 26th, with a similar increase on the coast including ten at Hollesley Marshes, March 14th. Hollesley held most of the spring records with other locations such as Minsmere, Snape Warren and North Warren only hosting one or two individuals on occasional dates.

Caspian, Gull, Lowestoft, October 20th Peter Ransome

Numbers across the county declined later in the spring and early summer but increased during July with the majority of birds in the west of the county, peaking at 11, Great Livermere on 16th, with that month seeing the majority of new arrivals seen in the county. Throughout the year, 113 sightings were made at Livermere Lake and the surrounding pig fields and, after allowing for duplication, an estimated 90 different birds were involved (D Balmer, P Wilson). On the coast, numbers increased only slightly but were spread across more sites during July and slightly higher numbers were noted during August with peaks of four on August 15th and 19th at Southwold Harbour, where most records were made that month.

Numbers across the county tailed off during the autumn and into the winter with numbers at Great Livermere peaking at five, October 6th and, elsewhere, four were at Tuddenham St Mary, October 29th. Along the coast, the numbers were slightly higher, most notably during November with seven at both Hollesley Marshes, 22nd and Minsmere, 27th.

Whilst the final inland record of the year was of two at Little Livermere, November 26th, birds remained on the coast into December with six at Havergate Island and seven at Hollesley Marshes, both on 3rd. At Minsmere, five were recorded, December 5th, with numbers declining slowly for the rest of the month. Mostly singletons were noted at a small number of sites with a sole multiple sighting of two at Minsmere, December 31st.


DN40704 (yellow P:YW7)

pullus 05/06/2022

alive (colour-ring seen) 18/10/2022

alive (colour-ring seen) 28/10/2022

Jeziorko, Grebow, Podkarpackie, POLAND 50°31’N 21°49’E

Landguard Point, Felixstowe, Suffolk 51°56’N 01°19’E - 1437km W

Westkapelle, Zeeland, NETHERLANDS 51°32’N 03°26’E

This colour-ringed bird from Poland did not stay in Suffolk for long before moving back across the North Sea to the Netherlands

YELLOW-LEGGED GULL  Larus michahellis

Fairly common summer and autumn passage migrant. Small numbers oversummer. Amber list.

During the first winter period, numbers were spread thinly along the coast with some sites hosting just singletons including Carlton Marshes and Lowestoft Harbour, January 1st, Havergate Island, January 29th and Minsmere Scrape, February 5th. In the south of the county, singletons were noted at Landguard, February 15th and 24th. In the west of the county, numbers were slightly higher during the same two months with four at Lakenheath Fen/Washes, January 9th and three each at Freckenham, January 21st and Tuddenham St Mary, January 26th. The following month, three were noted at Great Livermere, 12th and five at Freckenham, 14th.

During spring, numbers remained typically low with most records coming from Livermere Lake where there were maxima of four, March 13th and three, April 7th. On the coast there was a slight increase in numbers compared with the first two months with four at Hollesley Marshes, March 12th and two on Minsmere Scrape, March 19th. The following month numbers declined and, during May, only two records were made across the whole county, ironically both on the same date, with singletons at Minsmere and Livermere Lake, May 7th.

During the summer numbers increased across the county although the majority were seen in the west with practically all at Great Livermere. Numbers at this site were not quite as high as they were the in 2021 but included counts of 11, June 18th and 25th, a notable peak of 56, July 24th and 27, August 14th. On the coast, counts were not as high with five each at Snape Wetlands, July 10th and Blythburgh pig fields, July 21st. The following month, most records centred around the Blyth Estuary where the highest concentrations remaining around the pig fields at Blythburgh, involved a peak of 21, August 5th and 13, August 9th.

Into the autumn, numbers dropped back into single figures, the latest notable count at Blythburgh being of nine, September 16th. Elsewhere, three were at Slaughden, September 19th, two at Hollesley Marshes RSPB, October 7th and three on Havergate Island the following day. In the west, numbers remained substantially higher with the most notable counts at Great Livermere being 43, September 27th and 31, October 4th. Elsewhere 15 were at Tuddenham St Mary, October 29th and nine there, November 20th.

Overwintering birds totalled four at Tuddenham and six at Great Livermere, November 30th and December 4th respectively. On the coast, five were at Hollesley Marshes, November 25th, 13 at Havergate Island, December 3rd and five at Minsmere, December 19th. These sites held pretty much all of the birds seen in the county during the last two months of the year.


Very common summer visitor and passage migrant. Increasing numbers overwinter. Amber list. At the beginning of the year, the vast majority of overwintering birds were in the west of the county and included 300 flying west over Lakenheath Fen to roost, January 9th and 120 at Tuddenham St Mary, February 3rd. On the coast much smaller numbers were noted with 31 at Havergate Island RSPB, January 23rd and further up the coast at Carlton Marshes, main counts of

22, February 12th and 29 on 27th. The first returning birds in the Ipswich area are noted generally from mid-February. Elsewhere, 23 were at Hollesley Marshes, February 20th. Numbers started to increase during the following month with 250 at Havergate Island RSPB, March 5th. In the west of the county, 230 roosted at Livermere Lake, March 12th, increasing to 600 by March 19th.

West Suffolk saw some notable breeding records in Bury St Edmunds with several pairs observed nesting on West Suffolk Council buildings in Western Way and another nest on a commercial building on Barton Road. As in previous years, many pairs nested in and around commercial and residential properties in central Lowestoft and in the vicinity of the Port of Felixstowe and Ipswich. On Havergate Island, 1533 nests were counted with no data received from Orfordness. A further 20 nests were noted at Boyton Marshes.

Numbers steadily increased throughout late summer and into the autumn; for example, at Livermere Lake, there were peak counts of 1650, July 27th and 2500, August 17th. Further into the autumn, 5150 were noted at Livermere Lake, October 5th before numbers declined. Flock sizes at sites on the coast were much smaller but were spread over several sites, the largest gatherings being 100 at Sizewell, July 31st and 83 at Alton Water, August 14th.

Throughout the autumn, numbers stayed relatively low, for example, 65 at Covehithe, October 24th and 53 at Carlton Marshes, October 29th. The following month at least 180 were at Blythburgh pig fields, November 11th. During December, 60 were on Havergate Island, 3rd and 35 at Minsmere, 20th. In the west of the county the most notable gatherings late in the year were of 570 at Great Livermere, November 26th and 700 at the BTO Nunnery reserve, Thetford, December 9th.


Reports in 2022 of birds that had been colour-ringed as chicks or breeding adults at Havergate Island, Orfordness or Felixstowe included birds seen in France (4), Channel Islands (1), Belgium (4), the Netherlands (4), Norway (1), Spain (50), Portugal (21), Morocco (1), Western Sahara (5) and Mauritania (1).

Lesser Black-backed Gull roosts in west Suffolk

Four-figure post-breeding roosts of Lesser Black-backed Gulls have been a regular feature in late summer/early autumn in west Suffolk since the mid-1990s. Formerly, the principal site was Lackford Lakes. However, in recent years the gulls have gathered at Livermere Lake where this year’s peak of 5150 on October 5th is the site’s highest recorded total since September 16th 2008 when 5260 were present. Even higher totals were recorded in the early years of this century at Lackford Lakes, peaking at 7500 on October 17th 2000.

Lesser Black-backed Gull versus drone

On June 15th 2022 the marketing department of Ipswich School was flying a drone to film the school site in Henley Road, Ipswich for a promotional video. The local Lesser Blackbacked Gulls were obviously incensed by this noisy machine intruding into their territories and proceeded to mob it, very noisily. Although none of the gulls was seen to hit the drone, one of them managed to defecate accurately onto the machine! Philip Murphy.

CASPIAN TERN  Hydroprogne caspia

Rare migrant.

An adult (3rd-calendar-year) found on the South Scrape at Minsmere during the afternoon of June 25th was seen by many observers. It remained until the following day, last being seen on East Scrape late in the evening of June 26th (P Green).

On July 10th, an adult was discovered at Botany Marshes, Snape Wetlands RSPB shortly before

flying towards the Alde Estuary at 17:35hr (B J Small). Presumably coincidentally, one was seen at nearby Iken on the Alde Estuary on May 14th 2021.

These are the 56th and 57th records in the county with 14 records this century.


Thalasseus sandvicensis

Common passage migrant, declining summer visitor. Amber list.

The first sightings of the year were of a single bird at Minsmere on March 19th (the earliest arrival in Suffolk since 2013 when one was at Lowestoft, March 10th), another there on March 28th and then five at the same site on April 4th. As in 2021, throughout the spring and summer, the species was recorded intermittently at several coastal sites but only in small numbers. No significant spring migration was noted.

Once again, a large flock gathered at Minsmere with a peak count of 445 on April 20th, slightly down on 2021 numbers. Breeding success continued to be poor with 64 pairs nesting but only two chicks fledged. Three chicks fledged in 2021 and none in 2020.

As autumn migration got underway, the species was recorded most days along the coastal strip until mid-October. Once again, a significant number lingered at Havergate Island from late July, with approximately 250 in mid-August.

There were no inland records.

The final records were of a single bird at Aldeburgh on October 27th with a particularly late individual off Ness Point, Lowestoft on November 15th. Perhaps, surprisingly, this latter bird is the latest in Suffolk since 2000 when an immature bird was at Lake Lothing, Lowestoft on December 13th.

For interest:

While the Sandwich Tern maintains a distinctly tenuous status as a breeding bird in Suffolk, colonies of the tern in Norfolk, principally at Scolt Head and Blakeney Point, host remarkable totals. In 2001, the highest numbers ever recorded in Norfolk involved 3910 pairs at Scolt Head and 3134 at Blakeney Point from which fledged totals of 3800 and 996 young respectively. (Norfolk Bird and Mammal Report 2021):115

LITTLE TERN  Sternula albifrons

Common summer visitor and passage migrant. Amber list.

The first records of the year were of three birds flying north past Thorpeness on April 25th followed by four off Southwold on 27th.

Sightings in west Suffolk are scarce but, as in 2021, there was a single adult inland at Mildenhall where, on July 19th, a well-watched bird on Isleham Wash (Cambridgeshire) was seen to cross the River Lark into Suffolk (P Whiteman).

Caspian Tern, Minsmere, June 25th John Richardson
Little Tern, Benacre, May 4th
David Borderick

As usual, activity in early spring was centred on Minsmere but numbers were lower than in 2021 rising eventually to a peak of only 23 in July.

Again, a small colony was established at Benacre Broad but with just 12 nests. These were subsequently abandoned. There were no other breeding attempts.

Summary data since 2010:

There were no reported post-breeding gatherings and autumn passage was light with a maximum count of only seven birds off Landguard on August 5th. The year’s final records were of four at Benacre Broad on September 9th and a single bird at Minsmere on 29th, the latest in Suffolk since 2014 when one was off Landguard on October 13th.

For interest:

Whereas the Little Tern’s future as a Suffolk breeding bird appears somewhat precarious at this present time, Norfolk maintains its status as the premier British county for this species. In 2021, eight Norfolk colonies hosted an overall total of 732 pairs with up to 480 young fledged. The principal sites were Blakeney Point (271 pairs), Scolt Head (229 pairs) and Winterton (116 pairs)

(Norfolk Bird and Mammal Report 2021: 116)

ROSEATE TERN  Sterna dougallii

Scarce passage migrant. Red list.

Sightings were down from the peak in 2021. There were no autumn records and all reports were from Minsmere where some birds lingered for several days:

Minsmere: May 19th; May 21st to 23rd; two, May 28th; two, May 31st; June 5th and 6th; June 11th and 12th; two, June 18th; June 28th and 29th

Totals of Roseate Terns reported 2013-2022

COMMON TERN  Sterna hirundo

Common summer visitor and passage migrant. Amber list.

The first sightings along the coastal strip were of two birds flying north off Southwold on April 11th followed by a single bird at Minsmere the following day. Numbers at Minsmere increased steadily thereafter with a peak count of about 400 reported on May 31st.

The first inland record for the year was of an individual at Livermere Lake on April 12th. Thereafter, there were several further sightings of a small number of birds there and at two other sites in west Suffolk, (Lackford Lakes and Lakenheath Fen). A flock of eight was the largest.

The only breeding information received is summarised below. The reported total of only 18 fledged young is very poor when compared with 2021’s figure of 150:

Minsmere: 286 pairs nested, only eight chicks fledged (90 fledged in 2021)

Havergate Island: 18 pairs nested but success unknown

Alton Water: 39 pairs nested on breeding rafts, only eight chicks fledged (58 fledged in 2021)

Lackford Lakes SWT: one pair nested, two chicks may have fledged (two fledged in 2021)

Lakenheath Washes: two pairs present but no records of nesting

Southbound migration was evident from early August with counts of over a hundred birds on several days; the peak count was 390, mainly involving parties of juveniles, past Aldeburgh on August 23rd. Off-shore sightings continued regularly until mid-October. As in 2021, there was also a post-breeding gathering at Havergate Island where up to 300 birds were noted in the first half of August. The last records were of a single bird past Thorpeness on November 4th and six very late birds seen on November 14th at Minsmere where two had been present on November 19th 2021.


NA176085 (blue LT1) pullus 22/06/2022

alive (colour-ring seen) 10/08/2022

Loberitz, Anhalt-Bitterfeld, Dessau, GERMANY 51°38’N 12°09’E

Havergate Island, Suffolk 52°04’N 01°31’E - 732km W

Other colour-ringed Common Terns seen on Havergate in 2022 included birds from the Netherlands (4), Eire (1) and Scotland (1).

ARCTIC TERN  Sterna paradisaea

Fairly common passage migrant. Last breeding attempt in 2008. Amber list.

The first records of the year were two at Alton Water on April 22nd followed by a single bird at Livermere Lake on April 24th and three flying north past Landguard the same day. Thereafter, spring passage was very limited both along the coastal strip and at inland sites. The largest flock comprised nine birds at Livermere Lake on April 26th:

Southwold: three, Apr 27th

Minsmere: two, May 13th

Thorpeness: four, Apr 25th

Landguard: three, Apr 24th

Alton Water: May 6th

Lackford Lakes SWT: two, Apr 27th

Livermere Lake: Apr 24th; nine, Apr 26th; two, Apr 27th; two, Apr 29th

Lakenheath Washes: four, May 5th

There were no further sightings of birds on passage but, from June 4th to 20th, a first-summer bird was reported intermittently at Minsmere; what could well have been the same bird was on the Alde Estuary, June 9th.

Once again, there were no signs of breeding activity anywhere in the county.

Autumn passage was noted along the Suffolk coast from late July to early November. In total, records were received of 57 individuals; no repeat of this century’s record number of over 250 reported in 2021. The only double-figure count was of ten birds off Landguard on August 23rd. There were no inland autumn sightings.

The final records of the year were of one off Landguard, October 31st and a juvenile flying north off Southwold on November 6th.

For interest:

Whereas there has been no recorded nesting attempt by Arctic Terns in Suffolk since 2008, this species nests each year in Norfolk, principally at Blakeney Point and Scolt Head; totals of breeding pairs this century have peaked at 21 in both 2011 and 2012.

BLACK TERN  Chlidonias niger

Fairly common passage migrant.

Spring migration was even lower than in 2021, with only three birds at two sites between April 28th and June 21st. Very unexpectedly, and for the first recorded occasion since 1977, there were no inland spring sightings:

Carlton Marshes: Apr 28th and 29th

Minsmere: May 28th; June 21st

As in 2021, autumn passage was much better than in the spring with records of 66 birds although some may have been seen at more than one site along the coast. Migration was first noted on July 11th and peaked in the second half of August. There was only one record from west Suffolk involving a single bird at Lackford Lakes, August 29th and 30th. The final sighting of the year was of a single bird at Alton Water on September 11th:

Lowestoft: 11, Aug 23rd; two, Sep 8th

Southwold: two, Aug 18th; Aug 23rd; Sep 1st

Minsmere: July 11th; July 18th to 22nd; 12, Aug 15th

Sizewell: Sep 8th and 9th

Thorpeness: Sep 8th

Aldeburgh: four, Aug 23rd; Sep 5th; Sep 10th

Havergate Island: July 27th; Aug 3rd; two, Aug 17th

Hollesley Marshes: Aug 25th

Shingle Street: 13, Aug 15th

Bawdsey: Aug 16th; Aug 27th

Felixstowe: two, Aug 22nd

Landguard: three, Aug 23rd

Alton Water: Sep 7th; Sep 11th

Lackford Lakes SWT: Aug 29th and 30th

GREAT SKUA  Stercorarius skua

Fairly common passage migrant. A few overwinter. Amber list.

In what turned out to be a quiet year for this species, there were no records from the first quarter, with a bird off Thorpeness, April 7th, being the first record of the year; another three

birds were seen flying north from the same location, April 30th with a single bird off Lowestoft Ness the same day.

Return passage was decidedly poor, amidst grave concerns over the impacts of avian influenza during the summer; only singletons were seen each time, in July and August, with one off Southwold, July 11th, being the sole county sighting for that month. During August there were just four records and the following month was only slightly better with the first multiple occurrence, albeit with just two, north, off East Lane, Bawdsey, September 19th. Elsewhere that month there were six other sightings, all of singletons.

On October 19th six birds, with all but one heading south, were off Southwold, two flew south off Minsmere and one off Thorpeness. Towards the end of the year, two were seen flying south off Landguard, November 18th and elsewhere that month, singletons were seen going south off Lowestoft Ness and Minsmere, 15th and 25th respectively. The final record received for the year was of a northbound bird off Southwold, December 5th.

POMARINE SKUA  Stercorarius pomarinus

Uncommon passage migrant. A few overwinter. It was another disappointing year for this species with no overwintering records during the first part of the year nor were there any spring passage sightings. The first record of the year came late with a single bird off Minsmere, September 3rd. Throughout September there was a steady trickle of singletons with seven such observations made and the only multiple count was of two off Lowestoft Ness, 17th.

In October sightings increased with more multiple occurrences, including three off Southwold, two off Orfordness and singletons off Lowestoft Ness and Thorpeness all on 9th. Later in the month, on 19th, Southwold logged five south, and two were off Orfordness. One went north off Southwold, October 23rd and another was off East Lane, Bawdsey the following day. During November only two were recorded with singletons off Landguard and Southwold, 1st and 4th respectively and there was just one sighting in December with a northbound bird off Southwold on 3rd.

ARCTIC SKUA  Stercorarius parasiticus

Decreasing passage migrant. A few overwinter. Red list.

With no sightings during the first quarter, the first records came during late spring, albeit just two records, with one north off Landguard, April 28th and another north off Southwold the following day. A bird off Minsmere, June 4th was the sole record for that month.

Return passage began slowly in July with two north off Southwold, July 25th and singletons off Thorpeness,27th and Southwold, 28th. During August there were no sightings until the middle of the month, when two dark phase juveniles drifted north close inshore off Shingle Street, 15th and the following day another, or one of the same, was in the Shingle Street area. An adult and juvenile went south off Southwold, August 18th with a number of single sightings until the month’s end predominantly off Lowestoft Ness but with records also from Minsmere, Thorpeness and Southwold. Sightings peaked most notably at the month’s end, starting with seven off Lowestoft Ness, August 30th. On 31st, 16 flew south off Southwold between 06:15hr and 10:45 hr and 17 flew past Lowestoft Ness, including four at 17:20 hr; elsewhere that day, two went past Benacre at 17:00 hr, four south off Minsmere and three off Thorpeness.

September started where August finished with several multiple occurrences. On 1st, eight were noted off Southwold, with another three off Minsmere and two off Lowestoft Ness and the following day, a total of 15 was seen off Thorpeness with six off Southwold and five off Lowestoft Ness. Sightings then declined with a selection of peak single-figure counts including four off East Lane, Bawdsey, 16th and four off Lowestoft Ness the following day. Off Thorpeness, three were seen, 18th and another three off Minsmere, 20th.

October started off quietly but later on in the month some notable movements occurred on

19th with 24 off Bawdsey, 16 off Southwold, 13 off Minsmere and eight off Landguard. The final records of the year were two south off Southwold, October 23rd and a single bird off Thorpeness the following day.

LONG-TAILED SKUA  Stercorarius longicaudus

Uncommon passage migrant.

As with 2021, 2022 was a very good year for this species, in contrast with the fortunes of the other skua species. The first sightings of the year came near the end of August, when there were some double-figure day-counts and continued in much lower numbers to mid-October. All sightings are as follows;

Lowestoft Ness: two, Aug 31st; Sep 1st; Sep 3rd; two, Sep 17th; Sep 19th; Sep 24th; two, Oct 9th (all observations by – A Easton)

Benacre: six, Aug 31st (C Buttle)

Covehithe: nine south, Aug 31st (R Walden)

Southwold: ten south, Aug 31st; two, Sep 1st; Sep 2nd; Sep 6th; Sep 9th; Oct 9th (all observations B Small)

Minsmere: 12 south, Aug 31st; adult south, Sep 7th; south, Sep 24th (all observations J Grant)

Sizewell: two juv south, Sep 1st (A Rowlands)

Thorpeness: Aug 28th (D Thurlow); three, Aug 31st (L Woods)

Aldeburgh: two juv south (also seen south past Slaughden), Sep 6th (J Grant, D Walsh)

Slaughden: two juv south (same as above); Sep19th (B Small)

Bawdsey: East Lane, four, (dark juv north, 07:40 hr, two south, 07:50hr and intermediate juv north, 08:40hr), Aug 31st (S Abbott); two, Sep 1st (N Mason); three south, Sep 1st (S Abbott); six south, Sep 7th (S Abbott); two dark phase juvs north, Sep 26th (S Abbott); dark juv north, Oct 15th (S Abbott)

The count of 12 off Minsmere, August 31st is the highest day-total at any site in Suffolk since 2012 when, at Thorpeness, southerly passage totalled 14, August 30th and 12, September 23rd.

LITTLE AUK  Alle alle

Uncommon passage migrant and winter visitor.

After last year’s increase in sightings (39 records relating to a minimum of 25 individuals), the numbers reverted to what has become more typical, namely 11 records relating to 13 individuals.

The sightings were all in the period from November 18th to December 19th; all were seen offshore. The first year with no October record since 2013:

Lowestoft: Nov 19th

Southwold: two, Dec 2nd; Dec 4th; Dec 5th; Dec 6th; Dec 19th

Bawdsey: two, Nov 21st; Dec 2nd

Felixstowe: Nov 18th

Landguard: Nov 20th; Dec 5th

Additionally, a bird was found dead a long way inland in the village of Little Stonham on the morning of November 24th (West Suffolk Birders). This is the first non-coastal record since 2015 when one was found wrecked, but alive, and taken into care, at Brandon, November 23rd.


Common passage migrant and winter visitor. Amber list.

Around 1400 guillemots were reported in 2022 compared with 3650 in 2021 and 1850 in 2020. As always, there is the possibility that birds on passage may have been seen at more than one location (or may have lingered in the area) and, therefore, could have been counted more than once. The figures include unidentified auks (204 in 2022, 2077 in 2021, nine in 2020) as the vast majority are probably guillemots. The number of reported birds close enough for identification has decreased somewhat since 2020.

The peak counts were on December 5th when approximately 360 were noted off Southwold and on December 18th when about 200 flew south past Minsmere. The monthly totals for the last three years are shown in the table below:

Monthly totals of live Guillemots

2021 Correction

For “…. distant birds being seen in 2020 (Suffolk Birds 2021: 123) please read “…. Distant birds being seen in 2021”

RAZORBILL  Alca torda

Uncommon passage migrant and winter visitor. Amber list.

There were records of 51 birds for the year. Although on the majority of dates only one bird was noted, there were more multiple sightings than usual. Peak counts were of ten flying south past Thorpeness on December 30th and seven flying south off Minsmere on December 18th. Also, unusually, it appears that two birds lingered on the Orwell Estuary in mid-January with records from 9th, 10th, 12th and 13th. These are the first Orwell Estuary records since 2007 when what is likely to have been the same bird was at Ipswich Docks, November 17th and Pin Mill, Chelmondiston, December 26th.

The monthly totals for the last three years are shown in the table below: Monthly totals of live Razorbills

The table below shows the variability in the number of sightings each year:Totals of live Razorbills reported 2013-2022

BLACK GUILLEMOT  Cepphus grylle

Very rare visitor. Amber list.

A single bird was noted on the sea off Minsmere late in the morning of December 17th. (M Welford, S Thompson). What is presumed to be the same bird was subsequently seen on December 19th on the sea drifting north off Kessingland in the morning (J Dixon) and, later that day, off Ness Point, Lowestoft again on the sea drifting north (J Ferguson, P Ransome et al.).

This is only the 13th sighting in Suffolk, all of single birds, but no less than seven of these records have been this century in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2015, 2020, 2021 and 2022.

Black Guillemot, Lowestoft, December 19th

Peter Ransome


PUFFIN  Fratercula arctica in 2003.

Scarce passage migrant. Red list.

Following the remarkable 26 records in 2021, the number of reports was much reduced but, nevertheless, included a sighting in June. There have been June records of Puffins off the Suffolk coast in eight years so far this century with peaks of five in 2013 and three in 2008. However, there as only been one July record, involving a single bird flying north off Thorpeness on 3rd

All sightings were of individuals with little chance of double counting

Lowestoft: Oct 22nd

Southwold: Oct 20th; Dec 4th; Dec 19th

Minsmere: Oct 19th

Thorpeness: Jun 14th

Slaughden: Oct 19th

Totals of live Puffins reported 2013-2022


Gavia stellata

Common winter visitor and passage migrant.

A relatively modest year for the species, that began in a correspondingly understated fashion, with a count of 42 passing Thorpeness on New Year’s Day, improving slightly when 280 + passed Sizewell on January 9th. The following day, January 10th, however, produced the first big count of the year, when Suffolk’s unofficial champion Red-throated Diver counter, Dave Thurlow, recorded 1429 (1403 South, 26 North) off Thorpeness. This proved to be the peak January count, and one of only three to reach four figures during the entire year. Following this, the remainder of the month achieved no more than double figures with the single exception being Adam Rowland’s count of a minimum of 270 birds off Dunwich, January 25th.

These figures represent a marked reduction from the 2021 January peak of 4454 from Thorpeness, approximating a return closer to the more modest January 2020 peak of 1743.

Meanwhile, as is the established norm, counts from the southern recording area were substantially lower than those from the northern sector. Records emanated primarily from Landguard, no doubt indicative of the concentrated observer effort from this site, but with further records coming from nearby Felixstowe Ferry. Three birds passed Landguard northwards on January 1st but with the exceptions of 44, predominantly north, past Felixstowe Ferry, January 10th and 48 from the same location, mostly south, on January 23rd and ten south past Landguard on 24th, all other records consisted of low single-figure counts.

Red-throated Diver, Gunton, October 30th Peter Ransome

February continued to show a marked decline in numbers with the maxima involving two counts, each of 65 birds, on 10th and 11th, off Slaughden and Dunwich respectively. In the south, double-figure counts were reached on just three occasions from Landguard and Felixstowe Ferry, with a peak of 19 (12N, 7S) from Landguard on February 13th.

Numbers picked up a little during March with modest movements, predominantly north, as

birds commenced their return to the breeding grounds. The largest counts, all courtesy of Dave Thurlow, saw 132 (109 of which went north), past Thorpeness on March 14th, with Dave recording another 30 on both March 15th and 17th from Minsmere Sluice. A smattering of single-figure counts from the southern portion of the county during March produced a cumulative monthly total of 24 north and three south for Landguard.

As spring continued into April, a notable group of 15 off Slaughden, 8th, included, notably, several in full-summer plumage. April’s only other records, totalling just seven birds, came from Landguard. Two further late individuals, in May, involved a single bird off Minsmere on 10th and another off Claremont Pier, Lowestoft, 29th.

As is the norm, there were no records during June and July, with the earliest autumn returnees appearing during August. The first of these involved one north past Southwold, 18th, with no further records until 31st which saw singles from Ness Point, Lowestoft, north past Southwold and south past Landguard.

Numbers built up slowly during September when some double-figure counts began to appear from mid-month, including 30 off Dunwich, 15th and 58 from Lowestoft, 19th. Greater numbers became evident on 24th, with records of 45 from Southwold, 91 off Ness Point, and a further 32 from Minsmere.

Remarkably there was a real paucity of records during October, with a single bird reported at RSPB Hollesley Marshes, presumably on the river, on 1st and two birds off Gunton Warren on 11th. In a reversal of the usual distribution of county sightings for the species, southern sector counts produced slightly higher totals during this month, all from Landguard, from where cumulatively, five passed north and nine south.

Numbers slowly began to increase again during the second half of November, when 97 birds were sighted from Thorpeness on 19th. The first three-figure counts of the year’s second winter period began to feature towards the end of the month, with 136 from Minsmere Sluice, 26th and 317 off Thorpeness, 30th.

In the southern sector, single-figure counts were exceeded only twice with records of ten and 11 on November 20th and 21st respectively, both from Landguard.

December saw, as is not atypical, the single highest count for the year, when on 12th the redoubtable Dave Thurlow recorded 2833 ‘red-throats’ off Thorpeness, this site evidently remaining Suffolk’s most-favoured location for this species. Despite being an impressive total, this represents a significant lower figure than the four and a half to well in excess of five thousand birds that have occurred at this location in recent years. Beyond this, the only other four-figure record for the remainder of 2022 occurred on 16th, when 1048 birds were seen off Thorpeness. The next largest gatherings recorded were 411, from Thorpeness, on 27th and two counts of around 400 birds off Minsmere, on 8th and 15th. A final count for the year from Minsmere witnessed 334 birds on 31st.

In accordance with the usual pattern, the southern recording area produced more modest December counts. Records exceeding 30 birds, all from Landguard, saw 39 passing (one north, 38 south) on 14th, 31 (one south, 30 north), 17th and 33 on 18th (split 15 south, 18 north).

Landguard’s highest December day-total, was also this site’s maximum for the year, when 60 Redthroated Divers, passed the observatory on 27th (one south, 59 north).


Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list.

There were eight accepted sightings for the year concerning, most probably, five individuals. This is consistent with average numbers recorded in recent years.

Accepted records for 2022 are:

Southwold: south, 08.00hr, Oct 19th (B J Small et al.)

Dunwich; north, 08.50hr, Mar 29th (B J Small et al.)

Minsmere: south, close offshore, Nov 14th (R Drew, J H Grant)

Thorpeness: south, 08.46hr, Oct 19th (I Rowlands, assumed same as Southwold); south, 09.40hr, Nov 19th

(S Mayson, LG Woods)

Bawdsey: East Lane, south, 11.20hr Oct 19th (S Abbott, N Mason), possibly same as off Southwold and Thorpeness

Felixstowe Ferry: on sea, off southern end of sand/shingle bar, Feb 10th (WJ Brame)

Orwell Estuary: wide-ranging (Orwell Bridge to Levington/Chelmondiston), Jan 1st to 23rd (multiobserver) -presumably 2021 bird


Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list.

New Year’s Day kicked off with at least three ‘Great Northerns’ in the county, with individuals present at Oulton Broad, on the Alde Estuary and on the Orwell Estuary at Woolverstone. The Oulton Broad bird was present at Lake Lothing, January 2nd, while the Alde Estuary individual remained until at least January 17th. Meanwhile, two birds were also seen from North Warren on January 3rd, while on the Orwell Estuary, most probably, two individuals were present. The first seen mostly from Freston/ Wherstead was present from the beginning of the year through to January 15th, the sighting on this last date being reported from Pinmill. On the Stour Estuary, sightings came from Stutton on January 3rd (when one was reported from Levington Creek on the Orwell Estuary) and Holbrook Bay, January 21st.

One was present off Minsmere on January 23rd and sightings from Landguard in January involved one south on 8th, one west on 18th and another seen to fly up the Orwell Estuary on 31st.

The months of February and March brought very slender pickings, with one north past Landguard, February 12th and a single sighting from Stutton Mill on the Stour Estuary, March 3rd. April, as is to be expected, was also quiet for the species, with just two sightings, both north past Minsmere on 26th and 27th.

Birds returning to their wintering grounds started to trickle back from mid-September. The first was one south off Southwold on 17th, with further sightings from Minsmere and Thorpeness on 18th, Slaughden, 19th, Minsmere again, 23rd and finally Benacre, 27th.

Sparse, predominantly offshore, sightings continued during October, with sightings of individuals south past Landguard, 1st, Thorpeness, 3rd and 10th and Dunwich, 11th. In addition, a bird was present near to Cob Island, Iken, Alde Estuary on 26th.

Sightings increased during November, with what is likely to have been the Alde Estuary bird noted on October 26th off Hazlewood Marshes on 7th. A bird was present on the Stour Estuary, seen from Sutton Ness, 16th, while further north, individuals passed Lowestoft on 18th and 20th. Records of birds from the Freston/ Woolverstone section of the Orwell Estuary persisted with an individual present on November 19th, as many as three birds on 23rd and one or two birds from November 24th through to December 27th. On November 20th, single sightings were made from Ness Point, Lowestoft and Covehithe, as well as one south past Landguard. In addition, an individual went south past Minsmere on 26th. Meanwhile, away from the sea, one was present on Oulton Broad, 21st, and probably the same bird at Lake Lothing from 21st to 27th.

In December, sightings from the Deben Estuary occurred on 10th from Waldringfield and again on 27th. An individual was present on the Stour Estuary at Harkstead on 11th. Fly-pasts on the coast saw one south past Landguard on 21st with the year’s final sighting being one south past Minsmere on 31st.

In conclusion, 2022 may be described, overall, as a rather sparse year for this species, which is a continuation of recent trends.

EUROPEAN STORM PETREL  Hydrobates pelagicus

Rare passage migrant. Amber list.

Corton: Sep 19th (J Brown, R Holmes)

The only records of this species in recent years are singles at Corton in 2017 and Landguard in 2019. James Brown, one of the finders of this year’s Corton bird, was also responsible for finding

the 2017 bird at that site.

How many of us would love to see petrels off our Suffolk coast? What can be said regarding these two petrels is that you need to put in the time seawatching (or be extremely fortunate).

LEACH’S STORM PETREL  Hydrobates leucorhoa

Scarce passage migrant. Red list (from Amber list 2021).

After a single record last year, there were two in 2022. The bird at East Lane, Bawdsey “arrived from the north at 15:05 hr and fed for five minutes at c.100 m giving superb views. Then flew further out and landed on sea and was lost in the wave troughs”. The bird at Landguard was observed moving north and possibly also landed on the sea.

Bawdsey: East Lane, as in text above, 15:10hr Oct 9th (S Abbott)

Landguard: north then on sea, Oct 12th (W Brame, P Newton)

This is now a Category 2 species meaning that some form of description, or a photograph, will be necessary for acceptance.

NORTHERN FULMAR  Fulmarus glacialis

Declining passage migrant. Formerly bred. Amber list.

Fulmars were only recorded from five sites in 2022. This is the result of concentrated seawatching by the usual suspects! In the northeast area there were 17 days when Fulmars were recorded, the two sites were Southwold and Thorpeness. The highest day-totals were four off Southwold on April 29th, three off Thorpeness on April 25th and five there on April 30th, making this period the most productive. There were only singletons or twos on any other day. Off the southeast coast there were 23 days when Fulmars were recorded, two off East Lane, Bawdsey, two off Felixstowe Ferry and, predictably, 19 off Landguard. All were of one or rarely two birds. There were records from every month except November and December.

CORY’S SHEARWATER  Calonectris borealis

Rare autumn passage migrant.

After a single bird last year, which was widely-watched as it tracked up and down the coast, there was a single record in 2022, at a typical time of year.

Southwold: Aug 31st (L Evans)

SOOTY SHEARWATER  Ardenna grisea

Uncommon passage migrant.

There were in the region of 30 records in 2022, about 60% down on the 78 or so in 2021. As in most years, it is difficult to give an exact figure because of duplication. This year, October 19th was a day when there were multiple sightings from all the way up the coast from Landguard to Lowestoft.

Lowestoft: July 28th; Aug 28th; Aug 30th; Sep 17th; Ness Point, two, Oct 19th

Southwold: Aug 30th; four, Aug 31st; three, Sep 1st; two, Sep 2nd; two, Oct 9th; Oct 19th

Minsmere: north, Aug 18th

Sizewell: north, Sep 1st; north, Sep 29th

Thorpeness: two north, Aug 31st

Slaughden: six, Oct 19th

Bawdsey: East Lane, very close inshore, Sep 6th; three (two at 09:30hr and one at 09:38hr), Oct 19th

Landguard: south, Oct 19th

Monthly records received are as follows:

MANX SHEARWATER  Puffinus puffinus

Uncommon passage migrant. Amber list.

It was a quiet year for ‘Manxies’ with only ten records. The first was off Ness Point, Lowestoft on June 6th. All were of singletons except for three seen off Thorpeness on July 26th. Only one was recorded off the southeast area, at East Lane, Bawdsey on September 1st.

BALEARIC SHEARWATER  Puffinus mauretanicus

Rare, but nearly annual, passage migrant. Critically endangered, Red list.

As in 2021, there was just a single bird recorded this year, seen off both Minsmere and Thorpeness:

Minsmere: south, 07:15hr, Aug 31st (multi-observed)

Thorpeness: south, 07:21hr, Aug 31st, same as Minsmere only six minutes earlier (S Mayson, L G Woods)

WHITE STORK  Ciconia ciconia

Scarce passage migrant.

As previously noted, there is a free-flying flock of this species just north of Lakenheath in south Norfolk so records in West Suffolk have to be treated with some caution as to their provenance. In 2022 there were records at Lakenheath Fen each month from April to August; The bird on May 14th was specifically noted as being unringed.

Away from this area there were rather more records than in recent years, most of them photographed:

Benacre (J Gearty, 10:07hr), Reydon (10:20hr), Oulton Broad (10:40hr), Carlton Colville, Oulton, Gunton, Corton (12:28hr), Apr 24th (tracked by many observers)

Heveningham and Walpole: 10:40hr, photographed, Apr 24th (M Deans)

Eastbridge: colour-ringed bird from the Knepp Estate (West Sussex) reintroduction project, Mar 10th (J Rowe)

Eye: photographed, Mar 14th and 15th (J Baxter)

Little Whelnetham: photographed, Mar 18th (L Jakes)

Cavenham: Apr 26th (M Saunders)

Rougham: May 7th (J Walshe)

Pakenham: two over village then south, June 13th (R M Wright)

NORTHERN GANNET  Morus bassanus

Common passage migrant. Amber list.

The regular pattern of numbers throughout the year was again apparent in 2022. However, peak numbers were way down compared with recent years. Later in the year this was perhaps due to the outbreak of avian influenza at the breeding colonies further north.

There were only 14 counts of over 100 with the highest being 360 off Minsmere on March 19th, 310 off Southwold, October 19th and 279 there, December 3rd. Indeed, these sites with Lowestoft Ness (2) and Thorpeness (1) accounted for all 14 counts. Further south in the county, Landguard’s peak day was December 5th when 20 flew north and 36 were offshore.

Broadly, there were quite low numbers in January and February, a little higher in March and April and almost none in May after which occurrences built up through June, reached a peak in July and then stayed fairly consistent until the end of the year.

As in 2021, there were no inland records.

GREAT CORMORANT  Phalacrocorax carbo

Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Breeding recommenced in 1998.

The only records specifically noted as breeding were of 48 nests at Loompit Lake May 8th and

of seven occupied nests at RSPB Snape Wetlands, the first breeding record at this latter site.

Totals of roosting birds in the first winter period were dominated by those on Havergate Island in March where peaks involved 1200 on 5th, 3400 on 16th and 4300 on 17th; this site’s April maximum was 1500 on 16th. There were no other counts in that period of more than 350 except for 752 at Thorpeness on March 14th and a passage of 76 going north and 784 south off Landguard on March 5th.

After that there were no counts of more than 100 until 110 off Southwold on October 9th and then relatively few until ca 2000 at Ness Point, Lowestoft on October 29th. November saw 100 at Havergate on 11th but no other groups of more than 500. In the first week of December there were several high counts: 2500 at Havergate Island on 1st and 2700 there on 3rd, 1346 flying out of the Orwell Estuary at Landguard on 5th and 975 off Southwold on 4th, with the largest after this being 1000+ past Hollesley Marshes on 16th and 550+ on 24th.

Away from the immediate coastal area, Alton Water had three WeBS counts of over 100 (250 on January 21st, 221 on February 20th, 112 on December 11th), Pipps Ford, Barking recorded 98 on February 21st, BTO Nunnery Reserve, Thetford, 60 on December 16th, Lakenheath Fen, 52 on January 9th and Lackford Lakes, 41 on November 18th with overall numbers broadly following the seasonal patterns seen on the coast.


Colour-ringed birds from Germany (2) and the Netherlands (3) were seen at Havergate in 2022. With the exception of one of the Dutch birds, all were returning birds that had been seen in previous years.

EUROPEAN SHAG  Phalacrocorax aristotelis

Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant.

Red list (from Amber).

As is usual, there were records from January (especially) to April and again in November and December with two records in May, and one in both September and October. Again, as usual, over two-thirds were of single birds with a maximum of four in Lowestoft Harbour on January 1st, three at Lake Lothing on January 2nd and at Ness Point, Lowestoft between March 14th and 25th, and at Shotley Point, January 16th. Overall, the majority of all birds were in the Lowestoft area but birds were recorded occasionally all along the coast to Trimley and Felixstowe. There were no inland records.

GLOSSY IBIS  Plegadis falcinellus

Scarce, but increasing, visitor.

, Lowestoft, February 26th Peter Ransome

There were many records, some of long-staying birds, all along the coast. However, it is far from clear as to how many individual birds were involved. The total of six at Minsmere in May/June is the highest-ever recorded in Suffolk. There were no inland records in 2022.

Records are:

Oulton Marshes: Jan 9th to 22nd, commuted between Oulton and Carlton over several weeks; Oct 18th

Carlton Marshes SWT: Peto’s Marsh, Jan 9th to Apr 30th (see Oulton Marshes); July 2nd; two, Oct 9th to 11th with one remaining to 18th

Benacre: Oct 22nd

Southwold: June 23rd; Oct 22nd to 26th, probably same as at Benacre

Reydon: May 30th


Blythburgh: north over A12 towards Blyth Estuary, Feb 3rd

Walberswick: marshes west of ferry carpark, Feb 6th to Apr 22nd, probably same bird as at Blythburgh

Dunwich: Oct 22nd, perhaps same as at Benacre

Minsmere RSPB: Jan 6th; Mar 10th to Apr 30th; second bird joined it, Apr 28th; up to six, May 2nd to June 21st – although some days fewer were present; June 24th; July 4th; Oct 18th to 20th; Oct 26th, perhaps the same as at Southwold

Sizewell: Oct 23rd, perhaps same as at Benacre, also seen from Leiston

Thorpeness: Oct 19th, perhaps the same as at North Warren

North Warren RSPB: two on South Marsh, Aug 10th; Oct 19th – perhaps the Minsmere bird; Oct 23rd to 26th perhaps the same as at Benacre; Nov 4th

Aldeburgh Marshes: Jan 6th; Nov 7th and 28th – perhaps the same bird as at North Warren

Slaughden: Dec 8th to 17th – this too could be the same bird as one or more of the above

Snape Wetlands RSPB: Botany Marshes, May 2nd; July 10th to 18th; Sep 22nd

Hollesley Marshes RSPB: May 21st and 22nd

EURASIAN SPOONBILL  Platalea leucorodia

Uncommon summer visitor. Increasingly overwinters. Breeding recommenced in 2019. Amber list. 2022 saw the fourth year in a row with breeding Spoonbills in Suffolk, at Havergate Island. The colony is unique in the country as they nest on the ground and are within a gull colony. There were up to 15 birds in late March but then they all dispersed until late April. However, after that all seemed well and, as in previous years, monitoring was carried out both from the ground and backed up by drones. In all there were ten nests (slightly down on 2021 when there were 13) and 16 young fledged (21 in 2021), the last in early August.

Apart from the breeding birds, there were records in all months of the year with the majority from May to September; they occurred all along the coast from Burgh Castle in the north to Trimley Marshes in the south. The highest counts were on Havergate Island where 37 were noted on September 13th and 28 on July 8th. There were a further 19 records of 11-20 birds all in late July and August, either at Hazlewood Marshes or on the Butley River at Chillesford.

Five flew south off Landguard on October 8th.

EURASIAN BITTERN  Botaurus stellaris

Slowly increasing breeding population, scarce resident, passage migrant and winter visitor. Amber list.

There was no national summary of Bittern breeding numbers for 2022 from the RSPB Centre

Glossy Ibis, Walberswick, February 11th
Andrew Moon

for Conservation Science. However, in Suffolk the species was recorded all along the coast in suitable reedbeds and in some of them they may have bred. A total of 38 boomers were reported, with 15 nests located. In addition, at Lakenheath Fen there were 12 boomers with a minimum of seven confirmed nests.

Away from the breeding sites there were records of one or two birds in several localities along the coast including Hen Reedbeds, Sudbourne Marshes, Felixstowe Ferry and Trimley Marshes. The species was recorded in every month although August and December had only one and two respectively.


Annual visitor in recent years. Amber list.

Some of the records listed below clearly refer to the same birds moving around but it is not clear how many, if any, stayed in the area throughout the year. There was at least one record in every month and they covered most of the county although the long-stayers were primarily on, or near, the coast.

Records received:

Carlton Marshes: Oct 8th

Benacre: Oct 24th

Kessingland: Oct 24th – presumably the same as at Benacre

Hen Reedbeds: Sep 21st

Minsmere/Dingle Marshes RSPB area: May 22nd; June 7th; July 20th; Nov 9th

North Warren RSPB: Sep 13th to 27th

Aldeburgh Marshes: two, Jan 1st to 5th – one from Dec 2021; three, May 2nd; Nov 29th to Dec 1st; two Dec 9th

Sudbourne Marshes: two Jan 6th to 24th with one at intervals until Apr 2nd – presumably same birds as at Aldeburgh

Boyton Marshes RSPB: three, May 2nd presumably the same as at Aldeburgh, single day intervals until May 30th

Trimley Marshes: four, July 21st and 22nd

Long Melford/Sudbury: Feb 17th (seen at both sites and presumably the same bird)

Lakenheath Fen RSPB: three, June 2nd; two Aug 7th and 19th

Thetford: BTO Nunnery Reserve, two, Aug 26th

Palgrave: Dec 19th

Thrandeston: Dec 19th, same as at Palgrave

Hoxne: Dec 24th – probably Palgrave/Thrandeston bird

GREY HERON  Ardea cinerea

Common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Numbers recorded at heronries remain roughly similar to previous years and many of the colonies also contain a few Little Egrets. The BTO Heronry Census in 2022 recorded seven colonies

Bittern, Hen Reed Beds, April 21st
David Borderick
Cattle Egret, Sudbourne, January 16th
Chris Mayne

totalling 54 occupied nests with a further site recording three nests, and there are several other sites which have held nesting birds in the past but for which there is no recent information. In the long-standing colony in southeast Suffolk numbers were down to three again in 2022 after a hoped-for revival in numbers shown in 2021. There was no information on fledging success or otherwise.

Outside of the breeding season, Grey Herons were recorded all over the county wherever there is water and throughout the year. The highest counts were 30 leaving woodland at Woolverstone on March 26th and 26 along the Orwell Estuary at Freston on February 21st. Lakenheath Fen recorded 18 on August 23rd and there were 17 between Pipers Vale, Ipswich and Bridge Wood, Nacton on the Orwell Estuary on February 7th. Otherwise, there were nine additional counts of ten or more.

Examples of birds moving offshore came from Landguard where there was one in March, singles on three dates in April, one in June and 20 birds overall between August 1st and October 23rd with a maximum of nine south on September 22nd.

PURPLE HERON  Ardea purpurea

Scarce passage migrant.

There were seven accepted records in 2022, although the Walberswick and Minsmere sightings may involve the same bird.

Lound Lakes: May 12th (A Hickinbotham)

Castle Marshes: photographed, May 20th (J van der Kooij)

Walberswick: May 26th and 27th (R Burrough et al.)

Minsmere: May 12th and 13th (S Abbott et al.); May 29th; June 1st; June 3rd to 6th.

Felixstowe: The King’s Fleet, May 26th (W J Brame et al.)

Lakenheath Fen RSPB: May 31st (T Bryan, K Puttick); Botany Bay, photographed, Sep 11th (L Vocadlo)

Several other records were claimed but were not confirmed by SORC.


Uncommon, but increasing, visitor. Amber list.

It cannot be very long, surely, before there is a breeding record of this species in Suffolk. There were records received for every month of the year, and birds in breeding plumage were noted at two sites. The highest number of records was in January but that was probably people adding the species to their year lists!

The majority were along the coast, mainly at major wetland reserves and, especially, the Minsmere area. Inland, Lakenheath Fen was predominant but there were scattered records at Cavenham Pits (up to three birds), and several other sites.

The regular occurrence of the species was shown by the WeBS counts at Minsmere which showed that there were one to three birds in all months except July.

Overall, the highest counts were of 11 at Lakenheath, July 22nd and nine there, January 9th and July 18th. Eight were noted at Minsmere on September 5th (with seven on September 7th), and Walberswick, November 20th which also recorded seven on May 28th, and there was another record of seven – at Fritton Decoy on November 26th.

Great White Egret, Walberswick, January 18th David Borderick

Singles were logged off Landguard on March 25th, August 4th and November 14th. One flew south off Benacre, about 800 metres offshore, on January 1st.

LITTLE EGRET  Egretta garzetta

Locally common and increasing resident and passage migrant.

As in previous years, most breeding records came from active colonies of Grey Herons. From the counts received it seems that the breeding population in Suffolk is more or less stable although it is known that not all active colonies are counted. The largest recorded was in southeast Suffolk which held 17 pairs in 2022, which is slightly down on the last two years (20 in 2021 and 25 in 2020) and the inland colony mentioned in previous years had six to eight pairs again in 2022.

Away from colonies there were records from all over the county throughout the year, although there were always many more along the coast than inland. The peak totals (seven counts of over 30) were during July to September with the highest of 48 at Stutton Ness on September 28th (S Banks), and Carlton Marshes had more than 30 from mid-July to early August. The highest inland was 21 at Redgrave Fen on August 10th (S Howell) and several of more than ten at Lakenheath Fen RSPB including 13 on January 15th (P Wilson). However, the much-higher flock numbers seen in 2021 were not encountered in 2022.

At Landguard, offshore movements totalled 35 during the period from March 13th to December 11th with a peak of three north and three south on July 5th.

(* some active sites were not surveyed in 2020-22)

OSPREY  Pandion haliaetus

Uncommon passage migrant. Amber list.

As from July 2022, IOC has lumped “Western Osprey” and “Eastern Osprey”; the new combined species is renamed just as “Osprey”.

A total of 110 reports (including Birdtrack) was received in 2022, three more than last year. Sightings came from 42 sites across the county, one more than the total for 2021. Favoured Suffolk estuaries, such as the Blyth and Alde, featured strongly once again.

Suffolk’s earliest-ever spring migrant flew high over Blythburgh on March 3rd – the previous earliest was at SWT Hen Reedbeds on March 8th 2009; following that 24 reports were received

from 14 other sites in spring and early summer. These included two seen at Southwold on June 18th:

Lound Waterworks: June 18th

Southwold: two, one flew east one flew west, June 18th

Blythburgh: Mar 3rd (BINS)

Minsmere: Apr 24th; Apr 28th; May 8th; May 13th; June 21st

North Warren: Apr 26th

Aldringham-cum-Thorpe: May 5th

Grundisburgh: May 9th

Purdis Farm: Ipswich Golf Club, May 31st

Felixstowe: Apr 3rd; Ferry, Mar 24th

Levington Creek/ Lagoon: May 16th

Stutton Ness: June 10th to 14th

East Bergholt: Apr 17th

Badwell Ash: June 17th

Lakenheath Fen: June 16th

Mildenhall: Apr 2nd

The 86 reports from late summer and autumn came from 26 sites, all but three being coastal locations. They included 25 reports from the Blyth Estuary where at least one bird was present from July 12th to September 21st, and two birds on two dates in early September. There were also 14 reports from Hazlewood Marshes and the Alde Estuary where a single bird lingered until late October. Elsewhere, three different juvenile birds frequented Seafield Bay on the Stour Estuary in September and October. November sightings came from Aldeburgh Marshes on 2nd and Benacre Broad on 22nd. The last report of the year was from Henstead fishing lakes on December 6th where a bird was swiftly mobbed by corvids and drifted off west (J Cyprus). This is Suffolk’s joint second-latest ever Osprey with one on the Orwell Estuary at the Orwell Bridge on December 6th 2020. Suffolk’s latest-ever Osprey was on the River Stour at Nayland-with-Wissington on December 12th 2006.

Breydon Water South: Sep 23rd

Burgh Castle: Sep 6th

Fritton Lake: Oct 7th

Carlton Marshes: Sep 10th

Henstead: fishing lakes, Dec 6th

Kessingland: Sep 11th

Benacre Broad: Sep 22nd; Nov 22nd

Benacre: Sep 11th (same as Kessingland)

Blyth Estuary/Hen Reedbeds: July 12th; July 14th to 17th; July 19th and 20th; July 24th; July 29th; July 31st; Aug 2nd; two, Aug 3rd; Aug 6th; Aug 9th; Aug 14th and 15th; Aug 23rd and 24th; Aug 27th; two, Sep 3rd; Sep 4th; two Sep 9th; Sep 12th; Sep 15th; Sep 21st

Walberswick: Sep 9th; Sep 14th; Sep 16th; Oct 14th

Minsmere: Aug 16th; Sep 3rd; Sep 10th

Friston: Oct 15th

Thorpeness: Sep 17th

Aldeburgh Marshes: Nov 2nd

Hazlewood Marshes/ Alde Estuary: Sep 1st and 2nd; Sep 4th and 5th; Sep 10th; Sep 15th; Sep 22nd; Sep 25th; Sep 29th; Oct 2nd; Oct 15th; Oct 22nd; Oct 28th and 29th

Iken: Sep 25th; Oct 22nd

Havergate Island: Sep 17th

Boyton: Sep 25th

Hollesley Marshes: Sep 4th; Sep 9th; Sep 15th

Woodbridge: Kyson Point, Sep 3rd

Osprey, Walberswick, October 14th David Borderick

Waldringfield: Aug 25th

Felixstowe Ferry: Sep 16th and 17th

Trimley Marshes: north, Sep 10th

Stour Estuary: Seafield Bay, Sep 11th; Sep 13th; Sep 19th; Sep 23rd to 25th; from Oct 9th until at least Oct 17th

Cavenham Heath: over the pits, Sep 4th

Lackford Lakes: Aug 30th

Lakenheath Fen: Sep 12th and 13th; Sep 19th; Sep 24th


Scarce passage migrant. Amber list.

There were ten accepted records for this species in Suffolk in 2022. This is the highest annual total since 2008 when an influx in September resulted in about 50 being recorded in Suffolk. Five of the records were verified from photographs taken by the observers.

The spring saw a significant influx of birds into Britain of which many were crossing the English Channel to escape from the blistering heat in Europe. In Suffolk, the first reports of spring migrants came from Snape in May, then Eastbridge, North Warren, Aldeburgh and Lakenheath Fen around mid-June.

The first autumn record came from Trimley St Martin where a pale morph bird was seen in a harvested potato field on September 2nd. There were three other reports from September and one from October.

Kessingland: low south over Kessingland Cliffs, Oct 4th (C Darby)

Huntingfield: south, Sep 4th (T Howe)

Minsmere: south, 10.50hr, Sep 2nd (J H Grant)

Eastbridge: June 9th, photographed (D Branch, D Farrow)

North Warren: photographed, June 14th (D Naylor)

Aldeburgh: June 15th, photographed (J Davies)

Snape Warren: May 11th, photographed (R L Page-Jones)

Felixstowe Ferry: pale phase bird south over river mouth and headed upriver, Sep 10th (C Holden)

Trimley St Martin: pale phase bird seen in a harvested potato field then flew towards Morston Hall, Sep 2nd (W J Brame)

Lakenheath Fen: male, June 12th, photographed (D Sparrow)


Common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber List from Green 2021.

Reports came from 156 parishes across the county, compared with 113 in 2021 and 144 in 2020. BBS data show an increase of 8% in the last year across the whole of the UK and a drop of 1% in the East of England. Despite this, the 26-year data still indicate longer-term declines of 25% and 23% in the UK and East of England respectively. The species was recorded in two BBS tetrads, one fewer than in 2021.

Reports of potential migrants were sparse. Spring movement at Landguard was noted between March 12th and May 19th with a maximum of two being present, while autumn passage at this site peaked on October 8th and November 10th with three on both dates. A probable autumn migrant flew in off the sea between East Lane, Bawdsey and Shingle Street on September 9th.

NORTHERN GOSHAWK  Accipiter gentilis

Scarce winter visitor and passage migrant; uncommon resident

The Breckland population remained stable in 2022 and the breeding success rate was high which augurs well for this elusive species.

A total of 12 pairs is known to have nested in the Suffolk Brecks area. Displaying birds were noted at several forest sites from the second week of February. Off-forest sightings during spring included one seen flying off with a Rook chick on April 14th which it had snatched from a nest in a rookery at Cavenham. The following day what was probably the same bird (a sub-adult male)

caught and ate a Northern Lapwing in a field between Lackford and Cavenham. Away from the west, other spring sightings came from Dingle Marshes, Dunwich and a site in mid-Suffolk.

In autumn single birds were noted at Great Livermere, Cavenham Heath and Bury St Edmunds. There were multiple sightings at the BTO Nunnery Lakes Reserve, Thetford mainly involving a juvenile bird between July and December. Finally, towards the end of the year, one was seen chasing Woodpigeons near Lackford on Christmas Eve.

WESTERN MARSH HARRIER  Circus aeruginosus

Fairly common summer visitor and passage migrant. Increasing numbers overwinter. Amber List.

It was generally a good year for this species in Suffolk. Breeding data indicate a very successful season with 64 pairs nesting at 20 sites. BBS data for 2021 to 2022 show a slight decrease of 2% across the UK, and the ten-year trend is up by 1%.

Selected first winter period roost counts:

Westwood Marshes NNR: 15, Jan 7th

Minsmere: 13, Jan 22nd

North Warren: 14, Feb 11th

Lakenheath Fen RSPB: 46, Jan 4th

The gathering of 46 at Lakenheath Fen, January 4th (above) is the highest-ever individual sitetotal in Suffolk, the previous highest being that of 33 at Belton Marshes on February 8th 2015. In spring two flew south at Landguard Bird Observatory on April 8th and singles flew south there, April 13th, north, May 8th and south, June 1st.

Despite not having a complete picture of the breeding details, 2022 turned out to be a very good year for this species. The 64 nests produced a minimum of 93 chicks, the highest total since that of 120 in 2016. The breeding reports received are as follows:

Northern Goshawk Jan Wilczur

nest failed; outcome of 2nd nest not

pair fledged 4 young

In addition to the above, another pair fledged at least one chick at a confidential site in south-east Suffolk.

Table comparing totals since 2004

*Coverage limited due to Covid-19 restrictions

Autumn movement at Landguard Bird Observatory involved singles south on August 15th, west, September 25th, north, October 22nd and south, November 18th.

Counts involving ten or more birds during the second winter period came from the following sites:

Westwood Marshes NNR: 15, Nov 20th

Minsmere: ten, Dec 31st

North Warren: ten, Nov 20th

Lakenheath Fen: 22, Nov 8th

Observations of wing-tagged birds are as follows:

Snape Wetlands: female with red wing tags, May 12th; One female with orange wing tags and one with green wing tags were seen, Aug 12th. Later in the year, the female with red wing tags was also seen, Oct 4th and Dec 29th

Trimley Marshes: one with red wing tags, Oct 11th; one with orange wing tags, seen, Nov 8th and Dec 3rd had the letters ‘VV’ on each tag and was thought to originate from Wild Ken Hill, Norfolk Livermere Lake/Ampton: female with orange tags, Sep 28th and Oct 19th

Mickle Mere: male with orange wing-tags, Feb 2nd

HEN HARRIER  Circus cyaneus

Scarce winter visitor and passage migrant. Red List.

2022 was a poor year for this increasingly-scarce winter visitor. A meagre 53 reports were received, considerably fewer than the 173 in 2021 and 153 in 2020. The estimated number of birds wintering in the county was also the lowest on record.

Reports suggest that up to four birds were overwintering in the county in the early part of the year. The year started well with reports from 13 sites, all but one of these from the coastal margin. They included single males in the Waveney area and at Lakenheath Fen in January. There were just three sightings in February; the male was still present in the Waveney area at the beginning of the month and ringtails were seen at Westleton Heath and Minsmere. In March the only two reports came from Minsmere and Walberswick, where one was seen flying out to sea on 26th. The number of reports improved slightly in April when at least three individuals, including a male, remained at four coastal sites. A ringtail was seen inland at Whepstead, April 25th and, finally, a late bird was at Felixstowe Ferry on May 28th.

The first autumn report was of one in central Suffolk at Westhorpe, September 1st, which was followed by singles in the west at Cavenham Pits, September 9th and Botany Bay, Lakenheath Fen, a male, September 13th. An immature male flew past Landguard Bird Observatory on September 10th. From October onwards there were regular sightings of single birds at Carlton Marshes, the Minsmere / Walberswick area and Hollesley Marshes. Elsewhere, one was seen offshore at Lowestoft and non-coastal reports came from East Bergholt and Lakenheath Fen. A ringtail was at the Alde Estuary on two dates in November and one flew south at Landguard Bird Observatory on November 19th. In December there were coastal sightings at Carlton Marshes, Hollesley Marshes and Bawdsey and in central Suffolk at Westhorpe. Reports suggest at least four birds were present during the second winter period.

2021 Addition

The male at Snape, June 26th is only the second male to be recorded in June in Suffolk so far this century, the other being at Carlton Marshes on 6th in 2012.

“Ringtail” Hen Harriers have been noted in Suffolk in June and/or July in eight years so far this

century involving 12 birds – two in each of 2007, 2014, 2015 and 2020 and singles in each of 2009, 2013, 2016 and 2017.

MONTAGU’S HARRIER  Circus pygargus

Uncommon passage migrant. Formerly bred. Red List from Amber List 2021. For the third consecutive year there were no accepted reports of this increasingly scarce species.

MONTAGU’S/PALLID HARRIER  Circus pygargus/macrourus

A ringtail seen near Westleton in August was considered to be one of these two species. Westleton: Potton Hall, Aug 7th (R Drew)

RED KITE  Milvus milvus

Now resident, increasing winter visitor and passage migrant; increasing breeding population. This species continued to establish itself across the county from its stronghold in the west. BBS data show a 17% increase in the UK in the last year and an increase of over 2000% in the last 26 years. This figure is eclipsed by the huge 70000% increase in the East of England as a whole! Despite this the Red Kite was encountered in just one BBS tetrad, one more than in 2021.

Reports of winter roost sites during the first winter period came from Stoke-byNayland, where 38 were present on Feb 2nd and from the Ampton/Livermere area where there was peak count of 50 on February 19th.

There was little evidence of spring movement, although nine flew south over Minsmere during the morning of March 14th and up to five were on the Shotley peninsular during March and April. At Landguard Bird Observatory two flew south, March 17th and elsewhere, seven flew over Minsmere on May 12th.

Breeding was confirmed at just four sites but suspected at a minimum of a dozen locations in the west.

The only count from the second winter period came from Ampton/Livermere where 35 were present on October 30th and this number had increased to 41 by November 26th.

BLACK KITE  Milvus migrans

Rare passage migrant.

There were 13 accepted reports from 2022, involving two or three individuals. The first was a well-watched bird which made its way south along the coastal margin in April. It was logged at no fewer than ten locations between Minsmere and the Stour Estuary. Another bird was seen at two coastal locations early in May and the final report involved one at Wangford-with-Henham on May 14th.

Observations on Apr 18th:

Minsmere: 09.02hr, photographed (J Ferguson)

Hollesley Marshes: 10.01hrs (A Rafinski, T Rafinski)

Alderton: 10.23hr (N Mason)

Felixstowe Ferry: 11.03hr (C Holden)

The Grove, Felixstowe: 11.06hr

Landguard Bird Observatory: 11.30hr (P J Holmes, W J Brame)

Red Kite, Livermere, November 14th Ian Goodall

Trimley Marshes: 11.37hr (PJ Holmes, W J Brame)

Lower Holbrook: 11.52hr

Stutton: 11.55hr (M Nowers)

Brantham: 12.12hr

Other sightings:

Wangford (-with-Henham): May 14th, photographed (J Gearty)

Orford: south, 10.53hr, May 6th (A Clements)

Boyton: south, 11.10hr May 6th – same as Orford bird (T Massey)

WHITE-TAILED EAGLE  Haliaeetus albicilla

Very rare winter visitor. Categories A and E. Amber List from Red List 2021. The well-travelled Isle of Wight release scheme bird G463 returned to Suffolk for the third consecutive year. The male, now in its third calendar year, was first seen at North Warren on January 29th. However, the GPS tracker on this bird showed that it was over Minsmere (without being seen) on January 27th and 28th. During the following two days it was seen at six other locations between Walberswick and Minsmere, before going to roost near Dunwich Heath both nights. On February 1st, having left its roost site, the bird was later seen over Dunwich.

G463 reappeared in mid-March at Hen Reedbeds but was not seen again until March 28th. The following day data from the GPS tag shows that it passed over Blythburgh and Minsmere before heading south. The last sighting in Suffolk was at Snape on April 1st as it headed south before eventually crossing the English Channel for its second visit to mainland Europe

Summary of reports

North Warren: Jan 29th and 30th (Multi-observer)

Minsmere: 12.13hr

Dunwich: 12.16hr

Walberswick: 12.36hr

Blyth Estuary: 12.44hr

Dunwich: 13.03hr

Minsmere: 13.09hr

Westleton: 13.14hr

Roosted at Mount Pleasant, Dunwich then seen at Dunwich on Feb 1st

Later accepted records of same bird:

Hen Reedbeds/ Southwold: Mar 17th, photographed (J Wright et al)

Mutford: Mar 28th (K Blowers)

Blythburgh: Mar 29th (via GPS tag)

Minsmere: Mar 30th (via GPS tag)

Orfordness: Mar 30th (D Fairhurst)

Snape: Apr 1st (D Fairhurst)

Number of individuals since 1950:

The two birds in the period 2000-2009 involved two together over North Warren and Orfordness on February 13th 2000.


Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. There were no accepted records of this species in 2022.

2021 Correction

For “The adult bird from 2021 ….” (Suffolk Birds 2021: 145) please read “The adult bird from 2020 ….”


Buteo buteo

Common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant; increasing breeding population.

BBS data show a slight drop of 6% across the UK in the last year, which cancels out the 6% increase over the last decade. The data shows that numbers peaked in the East of England in 2019. It was seen in 15 BBS tetrads in Suffolk, three more than last year.

Notable counts included:

Pipps Ford: 20, Feb 14th

Long Melford: 23, Mar 14th

West Stow: North Stow, 19, Feb 7th

Early spring movement was noted in March and included singles on two dates at Landguard Bird Observatory. Elsewhere, a total of 23 birds flew over Long Melford in three separate groups, March 14th and ten flew west over Bury St Edmunds on March 28th.

Reports of confirmed breeding came from just 12 locations, the same as in 2021.

Autumn migration began in September and included a large group of 16 birds inland from Shingle Street ahead of a heavy rainstorm on September 10th; further south, 19 were seen on the same day at Trimley Marshes. An autumn count of 19 at Ampton on September 22nd, probably included a number of resident local birds.

Other reports of note included nine seen ‘worming’ in an onion field at Fornham St Martin mid-March. Another was seen flying off with a freshly-caught Grey Squirrel in The King’s Forest on May 6th. Finally, one was seen stealing prey from a Marsh Harrier at Lakenheath Fen RSPB reserve on December 9th.

Of Interest – 2021 Addition

An unprecedented autumn movement of Common Buzzards on the Suffolk coast on September 6th 2021 included a county-record total of 72 over Kessingland (Suffolk Birds 2021:146). Observers in Norfolk on the same date recorded 203 Common Buzzards east over Trimingham and 109 southeast over Northrepps. Both of these sites are just east of Cromer.


Fairly common resident. Amber list, Categories A and E.

Unfortunately, no information was received from the SCBOP, so the following is an incomplete summary based on reports received from individual observers. Breeding is known to have taken place at 19 widespread sites and considered probable at several others. The general impression is of a successful breeding season with, for example, one pair managing to fledge five young from a box at Lakenheath Fen.

A ‘very dark’ individual was seen at Sturmer Mere, Kedington on November 22nd although there was no suggestion from the observer that the bird might have been of the dark-breasted Continental race ‘guttata’.

LITTLE OWL  Athene noctua

Fairly common resident.

There was another significant reduction in the number of sites reporting this species, with sightings coming from 73 localities (compared with

Little Owl Juvenile, Hadleigh, March 7th
Bill Baston

88 sites in 2021 and 110 in 2020). This ‘anecdotal’ reduction in numbers reflects the national trend for this species (BTO). The only Landguard report involved one calling on November 21st.

Breeding was confirmed at seven sites and thought possible at a further six. However, most ‘summer’ reports made no mention of breeding status and it is highly likely that birds bred at several other sites.

An interesting observation involved a Little Owl catching Summer Chafers Amphimallon solstitiale along the road at Playford on July 15th.


Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Scarce resident.

The first report of the year was on March 26th and involved a calling male in the southeast of the county. The next record, on April 20th, also involved a calling male at a different site in the southeast. It was later confirmed that breeding had occurred successfully at the first site, with three young fledged, whilst a further sighting of an adult (on June 15th), suggested that there may have been an attempt at breeding at the second site. These records (and those from previous years) show that a small breeding population may be starting to evolve in this part of Suffolk.

Breeding was also confirmed in the northwest of the county, where ten pairs are known to have fledged at least 25 young, including four pairs that fledged a minimum of 11 young in one extended forest area. Adults were seen at two other sites in the northwest during June. Meanwhile, at least one adult was seen at a site in the east of the county on July 26th.

Autumn passage appears to have involved just four birds; singles on Orfordness and Trimley Marshes, October 20th; Boyton Marshes, November 6th and Gunton, Lowestoft on November 13th.

The final two sightings of the year involved one flushed by dogs at Pound Farm, Great Glemham on December 17th and one at Stowmarket on December 26th.

SHORT-EARED OWL  Asio flammeus

Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Formerly bred. Amber list.

Birds were reported from six sites during the first two months of the year with a maximum of two birds at several sites. One was seen at Great Livermere, in the west, on January 23rd; this was followed by several sightings of up to two birds at nearby Ampton between February 13th and March 5th. There was a small increase in the number of sites reporting birds from March onwards as individuals started moving away from their winter quarters. These included one seen coming in off the sea at Minsmere on March 17th. The last sighting of the spring related to two birds seen at Hollesley Marshes on May 6th. Singles were noted in the spring at Landguard on March 16th, April 2nd and May 2nd.

There were no mid-summer reports during 2022. The next birds to be reported were at the start of the return autumn migration, commencing with one flying in off the sea at Thorpeness old caravan park

Short-eared Owl, Walberswick, January 14th John Richardson

on September 8th. Numbers were generally low, but there was an obvious peak in arrivals on October 19th when five birds were present at Minsmere and three were seen at the sea front at Southwold.

The last two months of the year saw reports from 13, mainly coastal, locations with a peak count of two birds around the Boyton and Hollesley area between November 28th and 30th. In the west, one was seen at Maidscross Hill, Lakenheath on November 18th and, what was probably the same bird, at nearby Lakenheath Fen on the same day and, again, on November 25th.



Common resident. Amber list.

Records were received from approximately 126 sites during the year, 78 of which were during the breeding season (a significant increase on the 50 sites reported during 2021), with 18 of these relating to reports of confirmed breeding.

There were two road casualties reported during 2021, at Thurston on June 12th and at Friday Street, near Rendlesham on September 1st. In addition, a stunned bird was rescued from a road at Yoxford on September 24th and managed to fly off after ten minutes recuperation.

Tawny Owls in Christchurch Park, Ipswich, in 2022

Observations of a Tawny Owl at an easily-visible daytime roosting site near the top of a stunted oak tree in Christchurch Park since September 2008 have been well documented in Suffolk Birds – please also see Suffolk Birds 2015: 36 – 37. There had been no sightings of this bird since May 31st 2021 so a report of this much sought-after owl at its usual site on May 8th 2022 created much interest. This interest increased dramatically on May 21st when an adult Tawny Owl accompanied by three downy youngsters was located in another oak tree beside Westerfield Road, nearby. These owls attracted a steady stream of admirers until at least June 2nd after which there were no more sightings at this frequently-watched site except for a bird seen roosting in the “Mabel” tree on July 10th. Philip Murphy.


Scarce passage migrant. Categories A and E.

Hen Reedbeds: Apr 28th

Walberswick: Sep 14th

Levington Creek/Lagoon: photographed, June 13th (M Flatman)

Framlingham: near Gate Cottage Nursery, Nov 24th

Rushmere St Andrew: photographed, Nov 4th (J Alexander)

Woolverstone: May 3rd

Six sightings for the year and all ‘one day’ birds.

2022 was the best year for Hoopoes in Suffolk since 1992, also with six, and 1990 when seven were present.


Fairly common resident. Green list (from Amber list 2021).

Reports were received from a total of approximately 126 widespread sites, 48 of which were during the breeding season. Surprisingly, breeding was only confirmed at Lakenheath Fen, whilst a sighting of an Kingfisher, Bentley, January 14th Liz Cutting

adult and a calling juvenile at Wilford Bridge, Melton on August 29th was strongly suggestive of successful breeding nearby. Probable or possible breeding reports were received from a further six sites, but must have occurred at many others.

EUROPEAN BEE-EATER  Merops apiaster

Scarce but increasing, and usually annual, passage migrant.

Mutford: east, seen and heard, 11.30hr, June 21st (K Blowers)

Walberswick: three, Westwood Lodge, 09.00hr, May 21st – photographed (B J Small)

Minsmere: North Wall, five, photographed, 08.50hr, May 15th – same as at North Warren (R Drew, G Grieco); heard calling, June 6th (R Harvey)

Eastbridge: eight, Sep 9th (D Darrell-Lambert, S Bunn)

Sizewell: heard calling, May 8th (D Fairhurst); five north, Sizewell Hall, 08.30hr, May 15th – same as at North Warren (D Fairhurst).

North Warren: five north, Sluice Cottage, 08.20hr, May 15th (J A Rowlands)

Aldeburgh: near Golf Course, two feeding, then flew towards Hazlewood Marshes, June 12th (I Rowlands); Aldeburgh Marshes, heard only, Sep 15th (M Cornish)

Boyton Marshes: two north, 11.28hr, May 16th (D Pearsons)

Shingle Street: drifted south, 14:50hr, May 15th (A Gretton)

Bawdsey: East Lane, calling in flight, 14.57hr, May 15th – same as Shingle Street (L Woods)

Felixstowe: one, possibly three, June 14th (C Holden); Deben Way, three southwest, 07.48hr, June 14th same birds (M C Marsh); one flying towards docks, 10.37hr, July 4th (M T Cartwright, K J Cartwright)

Landguard: north, calling repeatedly, 06.15hr, June 18th (N Odin)

Wantisden: three, May 22nd (C Shaw)

Fressingfield: flock of 17, photographed, May 15th (M Tickler, D Tomlinson)

The total of 17 at Fressingfield on May 15th is not only the highest-ever recorded in Suffolk but also the maximum in Britain so far this century. Britain’s highest-ever recorded total at Fulford, Oxfordshire, just six days short of being exactly 25 years before the Fressingfield birds, on May 21st 1997.

Despite some obvious overlap in records, 2022 was a bumper year with multiple sightings of this exciting species. The total number of birds reported is, quite frankly, anyone’s guess, but it would seem likely that a minimum of 30 birds was involved. Some of the birds seen during May are, quite possibly, those that later bred in Norfolk (see below) with the September sightings, perhaps, relating to these family groups heading south.

As mentioned above, the year also saw a successful breeding attempt (by two pairs) in Norfolk and it is interesting to speculate as to whether this may occur in Suffolk in the not-too-distant future.

EURASIAN WRYNECK  Jynx torquilla

Uncommon passage migrant.

Lowestoft: Sep 4th (A Easton)

Benacre: Sep 2nd to 4th (C Buttle)

Walberswick: Sep 14th (B Small)

Dunwich: Dunwich Cliffs, Aug 27th (R Joliffe)

Westleton Common: Sep 6th (R Drew, A Moon, N Stewart)

Minsmere: Sep 9th to 19th (A Tysoe)

Benhall: Aug 25th (R Ayres, S Ayres)

North Warren: Sep 13th

Landguard Point: trapped and ringed, Aug 19th and 20th (N Odin)

Trimley Marshes: Sep 18th to 20th (P Holmes)

Norton: Grove Farm, Apr 26th

Just one spring record in 2022, but a good spread of ten coastal records in the autumn, peaking in mid-September.

A first-year bird trapped and ringed at Landguard on August 19th 2022 was controlled at Thursley Common, Surrey five days later, August 24th. It remained at Thursley for three days.


Dryobates minor

Uncommon resident. Red list.

Reports were received from the following four sites, the majority of which are, again, in the northwest of the county.

Playford: photographed, Feb 5th

Santon Downham: male, Feb 11th; three (two females and male), Feb 27th; two birds (including a singing male), Mar 9th

Thetford: BTO Nunnery Reserve, Aug 23rd

Cavenham Heath: singles on Apr 14th and 28th, and May 2nd

The birds at Santon Downham eventually settled down and nested on the Norfolk side of the river. There were no reports of successful breeding in Suffolk in 2022 and this species appears to be maintaining, at best, a fairly precarious foothold in the county.


Common resident. Scarce passage migrant.

There was a significant increase in the number of sites reporting this species in 2022. Reports came from a total of approximately 190 localities, 97 of which were during the main breeding season (the 2021 totals being 128 and 71 respectively). Of these, 20 reported confirmed breeding. The Breeding Bird Survey recorded this species in 23 of the 39 squares visited, with an overall total of 33 birds.

During 2022, Landguard recorded single birds on January 13th, March 20th and May 8th, followed by autumn sightings of singles on 25 dates between June 21st and October 21st, and two on July 15th. A later bird was present on November 12th.

Early drumming birds were reported from Glemsford on December 17th and Woodbridge on December 24th (two).


Common resident.

Birds were reported from approximately 192 widespread sites, 83 of which were during the main breeding season. Confirmed breeding took place at 20 sites and breeding was suspected at several others. A total of six territories was located in The King’s Forest, whilst at least five territories were present at Ickworth Park. The Breeding Bird Survey recorded this species in 21 of the 39 squares visited with an overall total of 32 birds.

Counts of seven birds were received from three sites; Minsmere on July 11th, Hoxne, August 28th and Redgrave Fen, August 10th.

Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Santon Downham, March 23rd Peter Ransome
Green Woodpecker Juvenile, Lowestoft, June 24th Peter Ransome

Landguard recorded singles on 13 dates between July 11th and August 12th, and two birds were present on July 26th.

COMMON KESTREL  Falco tinnunculus

Common but declining resident. Uncommon passage migrant. Amber list.

Widely reported across the county throughout the year with successful breeding reported in many areas and the dispersal of fledglings noted across several sites. Notably, six chicks were ringed in one nest at Trimley Marshes SWT and four were ringed at Wenhaston. A female and four fledglings were often observed developing their hunting skills around the viewing platform and flood at Hollesley Marshes.

There were at least 24 confirmed breeding territories in the west of the county and the Brecks. At Landguard only five autumn passage birds were recorded during the period July 23rd to November 22nd; on this latter date, one came in off the sea.

RED-FOOTED FALCON  Falco vespertinus

Rare visitor

There were three reports of this rare visitor to Suffolk in 2022 compared with a single sighting in 2021.

Southwold: in off sea, 07:55hr Aug 31st (C Fulcher, J Gearty, B J Small)

Heveningham: Hall, adult male, June 17th (S Piotrowski, A Howe)

Boyton Marshes RSPB: May 24th (A Clements et al.)

There have now been 74 Suffolk records of this East European falcon, of which 20 have been at Minsmere.

MERLIN  Falco columbarius

Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Red List.

In the first winter period there were 11 January sightings of single birds with the first coastal record on 3rd at Westhall. Another was seen on January 9th at Falkenham. In the west of the county the first sighting of our smallest falcon was made on January 3rd at Cavenham. Thereafter there were just seven recorded sightings of single birds across the county through February (3), March (2) and April (2). A later spring bird was observed over the winter flood at Trimley Marshes on May 11th.

The month of September also provided 11 sightings with the first bird at Aldeburgh Marshes on 1st while possibly the same bird was observed at the same site on September 5th, 6th, and 8th. Two birds were observed coming in off the sea (46 mins apart) at East Lane, Bawdsey on the morning of September 15th and two birds were also seen on Havergate Island RSPB on November 7th.

Rounding off the year, a pair of immature birds was observed at Cavenham on December 17th, while a possible immature bird was observed at King’s Fleet, Felixstowe/Falkenham on December 24th and a further single bird was at Carlton Marshes on December 25th.

In total 27 sites around the county yielded 51 reports (73 reports in 2021) with most sightings on our coastal margins.

EURASIAN HOBBY  Falco subbuteo

Fairly common summer visitor and passage migrant.

The first recorded sighting in 2022 was at Trimley Marshes on April 2nd (equalling the secondearliest-ever Hobby in Suffolk, at Minsmere in 2011) and the final departing birds (a pair) were observed flying southwest over East Lane, Bawdsey on October 24th. Normally hosting late migrant birds, the final record at Minsmere was on October 5th. In the west of the county the final sighting, at Lakenheath Fen, was on October 16th.

The spring influx of arriving birds saw peak counts being generally lower than in recent years: Walberswick: Westwood Marshes, 16, May 26th.

Minsmere: 13, May 16th

Snape Wetlands: 12, May 9th

Lakenheath Fen: 24, May 4th

In the east of the county, evidence was provided of 11 nesting sites. In the west, a breeding survey of Hobby nest sites carried out in Thetford Forest by the Forestry Commission (both Suffolk and Norfolk) provided evidence of the decline in numbers of this species with 19 traditional nesting sites visited in 2022 of which 12 sites were found to be occupied. Of the 12 nest sites, just eight nests produced young with a minimum total of 14 fledglings (J Secker et al.).

Just 158 records were reported in Suffolk– significantly lower than the 356 reports of 2021 and 527 reports in 2020.

PEREGRINE FALCON Falco peregrinus

Uncommon, but increasing winter visitor and passage migrant. Has bred since 2008. Categories A and E.

There were 288 sightings of Peregrine recorded around the county throughout the year. This is considerably lower than the 434 records in 2021 and 386 in 2020. Over the course of the first winter period the northeast of the county saw pairs of birds at several sites including Carlton Marshes SWT, Minsmere RSPB and to the east of Aldringham village. Further south, Christchurch Park in Ipswich, Martlesham Heath and Alton Water revealed pairs, which did not necessarily breed there, while in the west of the county a pair was seen between Ampton and Bury St Edmunds. There were many single birds observed across the county notably around the coastal margins, marshes and estuaries. One at Hollesley Marshes was regularly seen in the spring perched in a tree by the entrance to the prison.

The pair nesting on the power station at Sizewell was often seen perched on various structures or hunting around the Sizewell Levels and Minsmere. They were observed working together in driving away a second male on March 19th.

The number of records made through the post-breeding period slightly increased with over 90 sightings recorded through the last quarter of the year as juveniles dispersed from nest sites.

During the breeding season, Peregrines were noted at 12 sites, the most in recent years. Breeding was confirmed at eight sites and young fledged successfully at five of these. Peregrine Falcon recent breeding history from recorded sites in Suffolk:

Table shows number of recent successfully fledged young of Peregrine Falcon from 9 nest sites. (Data kindly provided by P Merchant)

Eurasian Hobbies Jan Wilczur


N – birds and nest present but breeding efforts not recorded

F – Nest failed (egg(s) did not hatch or young deceased)

0 – Did not nest

Peregrine put down after having been trapped and shot.

This bird was found seriously injured in a field at Cratfield, near Halesworth, in the northeast of the county on March 15th 2022. It was taken to the Suffolk Owl Sanctuary at Stonham Barns. However, the injuries it had sustained were too serious for there to be any chance of saving it. It was, therefore, put down.

It had clearly been caught in an illegal trap and then shot. It must have been thrown into the field and was alive at the time. Do I know anybody capable of doing that? Ed.

ROSE-RINGED PARAKEET Psittacula krameri

Scarce resident. Categories C and E.

There were no submitted records of this noisy, colourful bird from the northeast of the county. In the southeast, one was at Martlesham on April 19th and 24th. What is assumed to have been another bird was at Broom Heath, Woodbridge, August 28th and 29th and in other areas of Woodbridge until September 5th. One was at Felixstowe Ferry on April 6th and 13th with another, or the same bird, there on various dates between September 6th and November 28th; what was probably the same bird was just across the Deben Estuary at Bawdsey on October 11th.

Elsewhere in the southeast, up to three were in Ipswich, either in Christchurch Park or the Old Cemetery, on several dates in January and then singles in various areas of the town until November. Single birds were at Stowmarket, July 11th and Stutton Ness, Stour Estuary, September 28th.

In the west, as in 2021, the principal site was Fornham All Saints where up to five were present on various dates between January 7th and November 7th. Elsewhere in the west, the first site record for Long Melford involved two on September 9th and 10th.


SHRIKE  Lanius collurio Scarce passage migrant; formerly bred. Red list.

After three in 2019, 12 sightings in 2020 and three in 2021 there were again just three sightings: Benacre Pits/Kessingland Levels: firstwinter, Sep 10th and 11th (Dr R Cousins) Walberswick: first-winter, Sep 14th to 22nd (B Small)

Red-backed Shrike, Kessingland, September 10th Alan Tate


Shingle Street: first-winter, Sep 14th and 15th (S Abbott, P Kennerley)


Very rare visitor.

There have been no sightings of this species in Suffolk for eight years. The last sighting was at Hollesley on September 6th and 7th 2014; previous sightings in Suffolk this century have been in 2013, 2009 and 2006 (2).

GREAT GREY SHRIKE Lanius excubitor

Scarce passage migrant and winter visitor.

After a lean year in 2021 with only two sightings it was a very disappointing year for this soughtafter species with just one record:

Southwold: photographed, Oct 7th (J Hadgraft)

WOODCHAT SHRIKE  Lanius senator

Rare visitor.

After a blank year in 2020 and two sightings in 2021, it was another blank year for this species.


Rare passage migrant. Last bred in 2009.

After a single sighting in 2019, seven records in 2020, and four confirmed in 2021 there were five accepted records of this sought-after species.

Dunwich Heath: sound recorded, May 19th (D Farrow)

Minsmere RSPB: ‘cat calling’ near South Belt, May 14th (D Thurlow)

Eastbridge: near Cow Marsh, June 9th (R Flindall)

Leiston: sound recorded, May 18th (D Farrow)

Hintlesham: Home Wood singing, July 17th (K Day et al.)

The date of the Hintlesham bird is intriguing – was it prospecting this well-wooded area of South Suffolk?

EURASIAN JAY  Garrulus glandarius

Common resident and scarce passage migrant

Jays were recorded in 13 of the 39 BBS survey squares with 24 individuals being seen.

The only double-figure count in the northeast came from North Warren, with 11, May 5th. Records of indicative breeding behaviour came from four sites in this area and two of these were “confirmed”.

Records in the southeast came from a wide range of suitable sites and all were of single figures with a maximum of eight, Sutton Heath, March 2nd. Confirmed breeding records in this area came from Hollesley Marshes and from Ipswich at Christchurch Park and St Matthews Churchyard. At Landguard singles were noted on April 9th, 17th and 19th and June 15th.

In the west, 13 were seen at Brandon Park Heath on September 17th and breeding was confirmed, or “probable”, at four sites.


Very common resident.

Records of this common, attention-grabbing bird came, as usual, from widespread sites across the county. Magpies were reported in 31 of the 39 BBS survey squares with a total of 75 individuals seen.

In the northeast, most records submitted were in double figures and five instances of breeding behaviour were noted. At least 30 were seen on the move with 12 of these flying south very high at North Warren RSPB, March 26th and 18 were noted in a single flock at Southwold Harbour, October 11th.

The only large roosts noted were at Combs Lane Water Meadow, Stowmarket with a maximum of 46 birds present on January 1st and 40 were seen at dusk in Belstead Brook Park, Ipswich/ Pinewood on December 3rd. Behaviour indicating breeding was noted at seven sites in the southeast. A leucistic bird was seen at Hollesley Marshes in February which appeared to be much darker-toned overall than when it was first seen in autumn 2021.

At Landguard, Magpies were present all year with four pairs nesting, two of which reared an overall total of three young – although none of these are known to have survived to the year’s end. There was a spring maximum at Landguard of 28, March 25th, a summer peak of 22, June 15th and August 7th and 10th with an autumn maximum of 15, October 18th.

Breeding was confirmed or “probable” at seven sites in the west. An established roost at Hanchett Village, Haverhill held a maximum of 28 birds, November 2nd and 22 left a roost at a cemetery in Bury St Edmunds (west) on December 10th.

WESTERN JACKDAW  Coloeus monedula

Very common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant.

This noisy, gregarious species was seen in 27 of the 39 BBS survey squares with 332 individuals recorded.

It was, as usual, widely reported across the county and breeding was confirmed at four sites in the northeast. A large pre-roost gathering of 700 on February 8th was seen near the village of Aldringham, before flying to Aldringham Walks to roost. At Wenhaston on December 12th, c400 were observed. At Snape Wetlands RSPB 700 were noted, February 22nd.

At Landguard, in spring, totals of 14 flew north and 40 south with 28 on site February 26th to June 9th with maxima of seven north and three south on March 14th. In autumn there were totals of one south and 15 on site, September 21st to October 31st.

In central Suffolk, 250 roosted with Rooks on July 20th at the Muntons Factory, Stowmarket. In the southeast, breeding was confirmed at four sites.

The largest congregations of this species occurred in the west with three-figure counts coming from nine sites. These included 800 roosting at Moreton Hall, Bury St Edmunds on June 30th and 500 at Lakenheath Fen on February 16th. The largest congregation in the county was an estimate of 3500 birds on January 23rd leaving a roost at Nowton.

There were no reports of birds showing characteristics of the nominate race C. m. monedula (Nordic Jackdaw).

ROOK  Corvus frugilegus

Very common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list (from Green list 2021).

Rooks were recorded in 19 of the 39 BBS squares with 291 individuals seen.

There were multiple three-figure counts in the northeast, with 16 sites confirming breeding. On Reydon Marshes, 650 were counted, January 30th and 350 were collectively recorded at Aldeburgh Golf Club and North Warren on February 17th.

Breeding was confirmed at five sites in the southeast and treble-figure-counts came from 19 sites. Selected high counts came from; Sudbourne Marshes, 350, February 5th; Hollesley Marshes, 400, February 19th and Shingle Street, c300, October 16th.

At Landguard, in spring, a total of eight passed north and 18 south, between March 14th and April 24th, with a maximum of seven north on March 18th. In autumn one flew north and 15 south, September 27th to November 4th, with a maximum of ten south on October 14th.

In the west, breeding was confirmed at ten sites with one rookery at Fornham All Saints holding c1000 birds which were seen feeding on adjoining fields. Cavenham Heath NNR held two rookeries with 77 active nests and at Market Weston, rookeries of 66 and 25 nests were noted, April 6th. A large congregation of 500 birds, mixed in with Jackdaws was observed at Ladygate Wood, Haverhill on January 26th.


CROW  Corvus corone

Very common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant.

This species is generally the less sociable corvid, but despite this many records across the county were once again submitted relating to double-figures totals. This corvid was seen in 33 of the 39 BBS survey squares with 163 individuals recorded.

In the northeast, indicative breeding records came from seven sites with confirmed breeding from just one of these. The highest counts involved 40, Dunwich Beach, March 29th, 80, Aldeburgh Marshes, November 30th and 40, Staithe Lane, Lowestoft on October 16th.

In the southeast, at Snape Wetlands, 150 were recorded and 120 at Woodbridge and c200 were noted at Shingle Street, October 16th. There were six sites where breeding was confirmed in the southeast.

This species was present all year at Landguard. Three pairs nested in the adjoining dock rearing three, two and two young respectively although apparently only one of these young survived to the year’s end. Intruders occasionally turned up on site and were soon discouraged by the resident Carrion Crows. There was a spring maximum of 30, March 16th, and 23, October 14th in autumn. Spring passage movements were of 41 north, 34 south from March 13th to May 26th with a maximum of four north and 24 south on March 24th. Two which flew south, October 3rd constituted the only autumn passage record.

In Ipswich 260 flew south over on an observer’s house in small groups in an hour in the early morning of January 30th.

A large roost of 110 birds was recorded in central Suffolk at Gipping Great Wood, Gipping on January 2nd.

Breeding was confirmed at five sites in the west. Selected double-figure counts came from; Knettishall Heath SWT, where 57 were noted on February 27th; 40, Maidscross Hill, Lakenheath, November 13th and 30 at Lakenheath Fen, May 3rd.

A pair of Carrion Crows nested in 2022, with unknown success, on the maintenance gantry at the top of the flood-lighting column in the southeastern corner of Ipswich Town FC’s Portman Road ground.


CROW  Corvus cornix

Scarce winter visitor.

After a blank year in 2019, two ‘Hoodies’ in 2020, and no records submitted in 2021 it was yet another blank year with only hybrids seen. Single Hybrid Carrion Crow/Hooded Crows were recorded at Henstead, January 4th, Kessingland, March 28th and Minsmere, September 17th.


RAVEN  Corvus corax

Increasingly common resident and visitor. Breeding recommenced in 2018.

This massive acrobat of the skies has continued to make inroads into our county since 2018, having last bred in Suffolk in 1870 at Easton in west Suffolk.

Sightings of one or two Ravens were made throughout the year in the northeast region. The exception to these was a group of three at Minsmere, March 14th with one going north then west and two over the reedbed.

Sightings in the southeast of one or two came from a range of sites in most months of the year. At Upper Hollesley Common five were seen on February 19th and three were over Melton, March 18th. One site recorded nest-making activities and, at another three, indicative breeding behaviour was noted.

In the well-watched area at Lodge Farm, Westhorpe in central Suffolk, singles were seen on various dates from April 8th to November 29th.

Sightings of up to four birds were seen at a wide range of sites in the west in every month of the year. Breeding was confirmed at two confidential sites and described as “probable” at another and a pair was seen displaying at one further site.

BOHEMIAN WAXWING  Bombycilla garrulus

Uncommon, irruptive winter visitor and passage migrant.

After one sighting of two birds in 2021 there were sightings from 14 sites.

Lowestoft: Gunton, 23, Dec 17th to 22nd (J Ferguson)

Carlton Colville: Burnt Hill Way, five, Dec 5th and 26th (J Ferguson, A Easton); Rectory Road, Dec 9th to 14th (R Walden et al.)

Minsmere: Nov 29th; Dec 8th (J Grant)

Reydon: Dec 27th to 31st (B Small)

Aldeburgh: two, Dec 11th and 12th (BirdGuides)

Woodbridge: four, Dec 14th (Bird Guides)

Bucklesham: Feb 2nd (P Holmes)

Landguard: Nov 29th.

Ipswich: Colchester Road, 30, Dec 7th (R Snook); Alan Road, Dec 31st (G. Grieco)

Wilby: three, Dec 8th (S J Fryett)

Stowmarket: two, Nov 1st

Bury St Edmunds: Moreton Hall, Dec 16th (West Suffolk Birders)

COAL TIT  Periparus ater

Very common resident and scarce passage migrant.

BBS data show this mainly-conifer-dwelling species present in six of the 39 survey sites covered with 39 individuals being noted.

Confirmed breeding came from one site in the northeast, Hoxne and indicative breeding from just one other. At Minsmere, 12 were seen on October 30th, but indicative breeding was only reported at one site.

Breeding behaviour was noted at ten sites in the southeast with breeding confirmed at Upper Hollesley Common, where a maximum of 20 individuals was seen on February 8th. Landguard recorded eight wanderers, June 1st to 11th, and later singles on July 10th and October 11th. Reports of single-figure sightings of other presumed wandering birds came from parks, semiurban areas and gardens.

The west of the county is a stronghold of this species. A survey of The King’s Forest (central) revealed 39 territories. At Brandon Park Heath, 36 were recorded, October 1st. with 20 being seen at Thetford Lodge Farm, Santon Downham on December 18th.

CONTINENTAL COAL TIT Periparus ater ater

Scarce passage migrant

After only one in 2020 and 7 “probables” at Landguard in 2021, there was only one sighting in 2022.

Lowestoft: Sep 24th (A Easton)

MARSH TIT  Poecile palustris

Fairly common resident. Red list.

Reports suggest that the continued decline of this species in Suffolk is in line with the national trend and its popularity continues to mask this decline, as it is always a much-reported county species. It was seen in only two of the 39 BBS squares surveyed with three birds noted (five of 44 survey squares, with eight birds counted, 2019, four of 42 survey squares, six birds noted, 2021).

Up to three birds were reported from a wide range of sites in the northeast with four being reported from Minsmere on three dates.

In the southeast, sightings were limited to a maximum of one or two birds. In Stowmarket, a single bird was a “daily visitor to feeders”. Breeding was confirmed at Melton Park where a “minimum of one young fledged”. At Landguard, one on June 16th was the sixth site record.

In the south east sightings were limited to one or two birds maximum. In Stowmarket a single bird was a “Daily visitor to feeders”.

Breeding was confirmed at three sites in the west, including at BTO Nunnery, Thetford, where

one juvenile was seen and Paradise Wood, Lavenham/Acton where a pair was feeding a brood in a nest hole in an old fence post along the disused railway line. A family group of five was present at Cavenham Heath NNR, May 26th. Probable breeding was reported from a further six sites.

Lackford Lakes SWT (CES) reported no birds being caught for the second season running indicating a continued population decline.

WILLOW TIT  Poecile montanus

Verging on extinction as a resident species; very rare passage migrant.

After a single record in 2018, none in 2019, one accepted record in 2020 and none in 2021, once again there were no reports of this nationally endangered species in Suffolk.

EURASIAN BLUE TIT  Cyanistes caeruleus

Very common resident and scarce passage migrant.

This ubiquitous, tiny, spirited bird was present in 100% of the 39 BBS survey squares with 322 individuals recorded.

In the northeast, a maximum of 45 was seen at Minsmere RSPB on February 9th.

At Landguard, Blue Tits were present all year but only one pair nested. Five birds from previous years survived the winter, with the oldest from June 2019. Spring passage ran from March 7th to April 14th plus a later bird, May 26th, with a maximum of five on March 19th and 29th. The first juvenile appeared on June 1st, with dispersing juveniles from elsewhere, June 5th to August 2nd. Autumn passage ran from August 13th to November 2nd, with a maximum of 24, September 22nd.

Breeding was confirmed from 18 other sites in the south east and the highest counts in this area were 25, Staverton Thicks, Wantisden on February 27th, 25 at Coppice Close, Melton, August 24th and 25, Shingle Street, September 25th.

The highest counts came from the west, where breeding was confirmed at 19 sites. At Thetford Lodge Farm, Santon Downham, 70 were recorded, December 18th. At Lackford Lakes SWT, 64 were trapped and ringed, December 2nd but here CES reported only seven juveniles against a five-year average of 13. Lakenheath Fen RSPB reported 42, November 22nd.

In northern central Suffolk, this species was well-monitored around Hoxne with a maximum of 55 being recorded October 14th.

GREAT TIT  Parus major

Very common resident and scarce passage migrant.

BBS Data recorded this tit species in 35 of the 39 squares surveyed, with 134 individuals counted which suggests a slight decline on previous years (223, 2018; 259,2019). Confirmed or various indicators of breeding came from nine sites in the north east.

In the northeast at Minsmere, 25 were recorded, “mainly coming to feeders” January 2nd.

In the southeast, confirmed breeding records came from 13 sites. Landguard held Great Tits all year with four pairs nesting. Ten birds survived from previous years with the oldest from July 2017. Spring passage was noted from February 24th to April 9th, with a maximum of six. The first juvenile was seen on May 24th with dispersing juveniles from elsewhere arriving on site up to July 22nd, with a maximum of 20, June 8th. Autumn passage ran from August 21st to October

Willow Tit Jan Wilczur

26th, with a maximum of 18, October 16th.

Along the Gipping Valley, between Needham Market and Pipps Ford, 17 were recorded, February 17th and 15 were noted at Belstead Brook Park, Ipswich/Pinewood on April 2nd and May 2nd.

This species was carefully monitored around Hoxne in northern central Suffolk, and a maximum of 20 were recorded, July 18th. Breeding was also confirmed there.

In the west 15 sites confirmed breeding. At Lakenheath Fen, 36 were recorded, November 22nd and 30 were at Thetford Lodge Farm, Santon Downham on December 4th.


Rare visitor.

After two in both 2018 and 2019, one in 2020 and a blank year in 2021 there were also no sightings of this rare reedbed visitor in 2022. This is the second blank year since 2016.

BEARDED (TIT) REEDLING  Panurus biarmicus

Uncommon resident.

As is usual with this reedbed dweller, the highest counts came from its northeast coastal reedbed strongholds.

At Carlton Marshes SWT six territories were recorded and one at Castle Marsh, North Cove. Highest counts came from Bulcamp Marshes, Blythburgh with 30 present, July 14th, Easton Broad, 45, October 2nd, Minsmere, c40, September 22nd and Westwood Marshes, Walberswick NNR, 40, October 15th. Breeding records came from 15 sites, the same number as in 2021 (the last six years 16, 14, 17, 14, 15, 15)

There was a good range of records of presumed wandering birds in the southeast: for example, Felixstowe Ferry, 14, November 26th, Belstead Brook Park, Ipswich, seven, October 24th and Hollesley Marshes, 13, October 11th. An exception to these out of context wanderers was at Boyton Marshes where a breeding family group of two adults and two juveniles was noted from June and into July.

Bearded Tit, Lakenheath RSPB, September 7th Bill Baston

In the west, as usual, all records came from Lakenheath Fen RSPB, where birds were reported in all months with a maximum of 27, December 10th.

WOODLARK  Lullula arborea

Fairly common breeding species. Scarce on passage and in winter.

There were few recorded Woodlarks away from the main breeding areas in the spring. For the first time since 2014, there were no spring reports from Landguard. In fact, the only records that appeared to be migrants were in October at Landguard, with a total of 14, between 1st and 26th, including three on 8th, 9th and 14th.

Birds were in full voice from the end of February. The total number of territories found on the coastal belt was 154, down from 165 in 2021. Breeding records from the north-east are as follows (2021 totals in brackets):



4 pairs (1)

16 pairs (27)

Dunwich Forest area

18 pairs (16)

Minsmere 25 pairs (26)

North Warren/Aldringham Walks 10 pairs (8)

1-2 territories were recorded at a further eight sites.

Further south in the Sandlings numbers appeared to be stable when compared with the last few years (2021 totals in brackets):

Tunstall Forest area

8 pairs (12)

Rendlesham Forest area 13 pairs (4)

Woodbridge Airfield

10 pairs (10)

Sutton Common 11 pairs (11)

Upper Hollesley Common 13 pairs (12)

Lower Hollesley Common 7 pairs (7)

1-3 territories were recorded at a further eight sites.

Looking at the west, in Thetford Forest there was a full survey in 2022. A total of 254 territories were recorded (158 in Norfolk, 96 in Suffolk), including 27 just outside the forest boundary (21 in Norfolk, 6 in Suffolk). Data from BTO/Forest England.

Totals reported from the heaths away from the forest proper were as follows (2021 totals in brackets):

Knettishall Heath

6 pairs (2)

Berner’s Heath/Icknield Heath 10 pairs (8)

Cavenham Heath 7 pairs (6)

Lakenheath Warren 8 pairs (2)

There were records from the BTO Nunnery Reserve in Thetford in January and December. Otherwise, a feeding flock of 20 was recorded in stubble at Icklingham on October 2nd.

EURASIAN SKYLARK  Alauda arvensis

Common, but declining, resident, passage migrant and winter visitor. Red list.

The 300 recorded at Long Melford on January 20th is the highest total of the year. Other high numbers in January included 50 at Ling’s Lane, Chelmondiston on 1st and 100 there on 17th –presumably the recorders were there trying to find Corn Buntings for their year lists? Also in January, there were 60 at Ixworth on 31st, 100 at The Black Bourn SWT Reserve on 15th and 95 at Knettishall Airfield on 4th.

BBS data for the last eight years:

It is easier to read the changes in species like Skylark because, on the whole, they are over their territory when the counts take place. Compare that with House Martin below, where flocks of feeding birds may be present.

Numbers in large flocks then declined rapidly. There were reports of breeding from right across the county.

The figure of 50 at Westhorpe on August 12th was the first sign of flocks developing after breeding.

In October large flocks in the northeast of the county included 50 at Dingle Marshes on 6th, and the same total was at Thorpeness Common on November 26th.

Autumn and winter flocks in the southeast and central Suffolk included:

Havergate Island: 90, Oct 20th

Landguard: 69 south, Oct 25th

Great Finborough: 40, Oct 1st; 70, Nov 19th; 180, Nov 20th

Stowmarket: Muntons Malt Factory, 100, Dec 13th

As in most years, there were numerous large flocks in the west of the county later in the year, which included:

Ixworth: 60, Dec 13th

Bradfield St George: 60, Nov 24th

Cavenham/Tuddenham St Mary: 90, Dec 29th

Long Melford: 120, Nov 19th; 65, Dec 12th

It is always interesting to include the Landguard data. There was a spring total of 22 between February 2nd and April 19th, with a maximum day-total of just two. Dispersing juveniles were noted on June 2nd and 22nd and August 2nd. Autumn passage involved 388 birds between September 30th and December 15th, with a maximum of 69 south on October 25th.


(SHORE) LARK  Eremophila alpestris

Scarce winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list.

After the 14 individuals recorded in 2021 this year was relatively quiet. There was a single bird at Kessingland from January 20th until April 14th and then there was a group of seven there on April 30th.

In the autumn there was just a single record with one on Havergate Island on October 25th.

Kessingland: Jan 20th to Apr 14th; seven, 15:30hr Apr 30th

Havergate Island: Oct 25th

This is the first year since 2017 with no reports from Landguard.

SAND MARTIN  Riparia riparia

Common summer visitor and passage migrant.

The first birds of the year were in March with singles at Minsmere on 16th; Stoke-by-Nayland, 19th and Hen Reedbeds 30th and three at Lackford Lakes, 31st. The first sizeable flock was of 40 at Thorpeness Sewage Works, April 12th, after which date totals increased noticeably throughout April and into May. Spring passage at Landguard was of just eight birds between April 19th and May 13th.

Some of the larger flocks in spring were:

Carlton Marshes: Peto’s Marsh, 40, Apr 22nd; 30, Apr 26th

Minsmere: 50, May 16th; 50, May 22nd; 100, May 21st; 150, June 26th

Hollesley Marshes: 65, June 28th

Loompit Lake: 200, Apr 27th; 100, Apr 28th

Alton Water: 82, May 7th; 60, May 31st

Cavenham Heath: 40, Apr21st

Once again, we received little data relating to Sand Martins breeding. At Black Heath Wenhaston (see Suffolk Birds 2020: 21- 28) after the first bird arrived on April 17th, totals increased to 24, May 14th but only 15 were present on July 3rd when nesting holes were still being used. Only ten remained at Wenhaston, August 9th and six on September 5th; these totals appear to indicate a big decrease at this site where totals of active nesting holes had been 62 in 2020 and 65 in 2021. At Minsmere there were 310 apparently occupied burrows, a great relief after the complete failure in 2021. At Chillesford only five nesting holes were being used on June 11th (over 70 in 2021) and at Alton Water there were ten active nesting holes on May 1st. Over at Cavenham Pits there were 30 birds present on July 6th with breeding observed. That’s it as far as breeding records received for 2022 are concerned, which is disappointing.

There were a few large flocks in the autumn – these included:

Minsmere: 120, July 23rd

Trimley Marshes: 129, July 31st

Lakenheath Fen: 30, Aug 29th

Autumn passage at Landguard involved 241 birds between June 7th and September 11th with a maximum of 55 south on August 2nd. Most birds had left by the end of September; there were six at Minsmere on 22nd and one at Cavenham on 28th. In October, there were two at Hollesley Marshes on 7th but the last record of the year was of four at Orford on 29th, the latest recorded since 2016 when one was at Livermere Lake on the very late date of November 27th.

BARN SWALLOW  Hirundo rustica

Very common summer visitor and passage migrant.

There were no very early arrivals in 2022. The only March record involved one at Lakenheath Fen RSPB on March 20th but there were no further reports for just over three weeks when one was at Landguard on 11th.

There was a big arrival around April 29th and into early May. These larger groups all occurred in the southeast of the county in spring, especially at Landguard:

Snape Wetlands: 30, Apr 13th; 100, Apr 29th

Hollesley Marshes: 40, May 12th

Trimley St Martin: Loompit Lake, 50, Apr 27th; 120, Apr 29th

Trimley Marshes: 40, Apr 30th

Landguard: 50, May 1st; 87, May 2nd; 63, May 5th; 111 south, May 10th; 150, May 13th

Breeding occurred across the county with many observers mentioning “their” birds returning to nesting sites. The records of breeding received from the southeast were from Iken, Boyton Marshes (2 clutches), Hollesley Marshes (2 clutches), Bawdsey (gun emplacements at East Lane), Martlesham Church, Brandeston and Woodbridge and, from the west, at Brandon, Rickinghall, Lindsey, Hopton and Hanchett Village in Haverhill.

Literally hundreds of records of large groups were received from the autumn. The vast majority, as expected, were from the coast. This list has been restricted to those of 40 or more:

Worlingham: 40, Aug 28th

Southwold: Harbour leaving roost, 430, Aug 26th; Common, 2500, Sep 9th (highest individual site day-total in 2022)

Thorpeness: 100, Sep 3rd

Snape Wetlands: 50, Aug 14th

Orford: 50, Oct 2nd

Hollesley Marshes: 125, Aug 25th; 75, Oct 7th – last large group of the year

Shingle Street: 75, Aug 23rd; 175, Sep 5th; 1100, Sep 10th; 400, Sep 11th

Bawdsey: East Lane, 50, July 18th; 40, Aug 27th; Quay, 50, Oct 2nd

Levington Lagoon: 60, Aug 16th; 90, Aug 23rd

Felixstowe Ferry: 230, Sep 12th; 55, Oct 2nd

Landguard: 208, Aug 4th; 123, Aug 25th; 100, Sep 3rd; 283, Sep 4th; 395, Sep 5th; 178, Sep 6th; 338, Sep12th; 152, Sep 14th; 255, Sep 15th; 221, Sep 22nd; 203, Oct 2nd; 120, Oct 3rd; 62, Oct 5th

Swallow, Bentley, July 20th
Liz Cutting

Trimley Marshes: 155, Sep 10th

Fornham St Martin: Hall Farm, 60, Sep 27th

Thetford: BTO Nunnery reserve, 100, Aug 18th

In November there were five at Walberswick and three at Dunwich, both on 10th. There were nine small groups (totalling 21 birds) at Landguard before the last sighting, of two, on 26th –these and two at Boyton on the same day are the last of the year.

Autumn passage at Landguard, much of which can be seen above, was from at least July 13th, with a maximum 395 south on September 5th. Small numbers also occasionally loiter on site. The site’s overall autumn total is about 4100, appreciably more than 2021’s figure of 3049.

COMMON HOUSE MARTIN  Delichon urbicum

Common, but declining, summer visitor and passage migrant. Amber to Red list as of 2021.

There was another early bird in 2022, in a location that does not often feature in the bird report – Claydon, where the first of the year was present on March 3rd; this is five weeks before the next record was received, from Lackford Lakes on April 7th and the next day one was at The BTO Nunnery Reserve, Thetford. From then there was a steady stream of birds across the county, with Livermere Lake, Cavenham Pits and Mickle Mere typically having small groups present. In April there were ten at Thorpeness Sewage Works on 20th, 40 at Lodge Marsh, Ramsholt on 22nd (35 there on 25th) and 50 at Loompit Lake, Trimley St Martin, on 27th (55 on 29th). Snape Wetlands RSPB hosted 100 on April 29th, rising to 110 by May 4th. In early May there were 110 at Pipps Ford and at Hollesley Marshes 50 were over the water on May 14th and then 150 on May 23rd.

BBS data for the last eight years:

Breeding data are always welcome and, as usual, birders in the west were on the ball! In the southeast breeding was confirmed at many sites including Snape Maltings (7), Orford, Butley, Hollesley (8), Brandeston (4), Helmingham, both Trimley St Martin and Trimley St Mary and several in Ipswich. The most heartening news, however, was of 30 nests on houses in a new estate in Otley where nest boxes had been provided. In the west breeding was confirmed at Stowlangtoft (40), Timworth, Risby, Great Wratting, Knettishall, Lackford (30), Pakenham Water Mill, Hawkedon (6), Sudbury, Clare and Stoke-by-Nayland (7). Although an impressive total, the 40 pairs breeding at Stowlangtoft, on a water tower, does not compare well with totals from this site of 95 in 2019 and 100 in 2020.

There were some large gatherings in the autumn with those of 60 birds or more as follows: Thorpeness: 200, Sep 22nd; 1000 south, Oct 13th (D Thurlow)

Wenhaston: Black Heath, 100, Oct 4th

North Warren: 200, Sep 21st

Snape Wetlands: 125, Sep 29th

Shingle Street: 3200, Sep 10th (P Kennerley); 1200, Sep 11th. Many groups throughout September

Trimley Marshes: 100, Sep 10th

Trimley St Martin: 300, Aug 29th

Landguard: 450, Oct 10th

Pipps Ford: 800, Oct 4th

Westhorpe: Lodge Farm, 60, Aug 7th

Knettishall: 200, Aug 28th

Livermere Lake: 150, Sep 16th to 19th

Lakenheath Fen: 120, Sep 18th

At Landguard, in autumn, birds were on site on six dates between June 24th and August 3rd and then more regularly from August 24th to November 11th. The peak count was 450 on site on October 3rd with the only other records of loitering birds being singles on September 18th and 21st. This year’s autumn total of about 860 is considerably more than that in 2021 (336) but well below that in 2018 (2058)

Monthly totals at Landguard were:

There were relatively few birds through October, apart from the report of 1000 south, Thorpeness, 13th and 800, Pipps Ford, 4th. The last of the year were a singleton at Dunwich on November 10th and then two at Walberswick and one at Landguard on 11th.


The gathering of 3200 at Shingle Street on September 10th is very impressive but Suffolk’s highest-ever individual site total is as many as 45000 which passed south over Southwold on September 11th 1988.

RED-RUMPED SWALLOW  Cecropis daurica

Scarce visitor.

The spring record at Alton Water on April 20th brings the Suffolk total up to 63 birds. Whether the bird at Lodge Marsh, Ramsholt on April 24th is the same or not is debatable. One flew south off the cliffs at Kessingland on May 12th. The day after, two were over the cafe at Dunwich NT.

In the autumn there was the exciting occurrence of three juveniles at Walberswick from November 10th to 13th. They were observed hawking over the marshes, the Blyth Estuary and the village until dusk as well as at Dunwich car park. The timing of a singleton at Kessingland at 08:32 on November 11th suggests that this is a separate bird. These bring the total up to 61 records involving at least 70 individuals.

Kessingland: south, May 12th (J Eckersley); Nov 11th (C Darby)

Walberswick: three juvs, Nov 10th to 13th (R Moores et al.)

Dunwich: two over cafe, May 13th (O Dewhurst)

Ramsholt: Apr 24th and 25th (P Green et al.)

Alton Water: Apr 20th (M Nowers)

The total of three at Walberswick has been equalled by three at King’s Fleet, Falkenham/Felixstowe, May 1st 2004 and exceeded only by four at Loompit Lake, Trimley St Martin, May 2nd 2010. This year’s total of eight birds is the highest-ever annual figure in Suffolk, the previous highest being six back in 1987, the first year that this species was recorded in our county.

Red-rumped Swallow, Walberswick, November 12th
Peter Ransome

CETTI’S WARBLER  Cettia cetti

Fairly common resident and rare passage migrant.

Although the number of sites where singing birds were reported this year is slightly down on 2021, Cetti’s Warbler remains a fairly common resident in suitable habitat throughout the county. Anecdotal evidence based on the number of singing males encountered suggests that its range is still expanding and it continues to consolidate its position throughout the county. Furthermore, it’s probable that some singing males occupying marginal sites in neglected damp corners and smaller wetlands are overlooked, or perhaps go unreported, making the numbers reported here to be the minimum population. What is certain is that its increasing abundance is making it increasingly difficult to estimate the number of singing males throughout the county. BBS fieldworkers located three Cetti’s Warblers in the 39 surveyed squares.

In 2022 reports of singing birds were received from a minimum of 90 locations (135 in 2021), with 16 in the northeast of the county, 55 in the southeast and 19 in the west. Notable estimates and counts of singing males included 28 at Lakenheath Fen, 19 at Westwood Marshes, Walberswick NNR, 14 in the Shingle Street area and at Lackford Lakes, 12 at each of Minsmere, North Warren and Snape Wetlands, 11 in the Aldeburgh area and ten or fewer from the remaining locations.

Away from sites where the species is resident, single birds were reported at Landguard on March 17th and 18th, and October 2nd, and it was noted as being present on Orfordness in May.

LONG-TAILED TIT  Aegithalos caudatus

Very common resident and scarce passage migrant.

An adult carrying a feather at a location near Stutton on January 10th would be an unexpectedlyearly date for nest construction to begin, but nest building was confirmed at Kedington on January 27th. The few reports of probable or confirmed breeding included an adult carrying food in Natterer’s Wood, Bury St Edmunds, on April 22nd, the appearance of fledged young on April 27th at Stowmarket, and broods of fledged young being fed by adults at Hoxne on May 4th and Snape Marshes on May 10th. Thereafter, reports of family parties came from many locations throughout the late spring and summer months. BBS fieldworkers located 59 Long-tailed Tits in this year’s 39 surveyed squares.

Between September and December, the largest flocks of the year appear as family groups consolidate to form post-breeding parties that disperse widely as they work their way along hedgerows and through gardens in noisy foraging parties, usually of up to 20 birds. Some of the larger groups this year included 40 or more at Minsmere, Chillesford and Shingle Street, at least 30 at Loompit Lake, Trimley St Martin, Brandon Park Heath; Nunnery Lakes, Thetford and Mildenhall, and 20 or more at numerous locations throughout the county.

Dispersing birds reached Landguard where the species does not breed; these involved one on June 3rd, 13 on October 15th and two there on October 25th, followed in November by 12 on 4th, six on 12th, 11 on 13th and one on 14th.

Long-tailed Tit Jan Wilczur


DPH976 juvenile 19/05/2022

caught by ringer 04/11/2022

WOOD WARBLER  Phylloscopus sibilatrix

Snettisham Coastal Park, Norfolk 52°52’N 00°26’E

Landguard Point, Felixstowe, Suffolk 51°56’N 01°19’E - 121km SSE

Scarce spring and autumn migrant. Last bred in 2003. Red list.

Easton Bavents: May 5th

Aldeburgh: Red House, May 4th

Shingle Street: Aug 6th, trapped and ringed

Landguard: July 29th

The delightful trill of the Wood Warbler is rarely heard in Suffolk so the singing male that lingered for most of the day at Aldeburgh’s Red House was a real treat for those who managed to hear it. The following day a silent bird was discovered at Easton Bavents but it departed quickly. The remaining two were found in the expected early-autumn passage period.

YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER  Phylloscopus inornatus

Fairly common autumn passage migrant. Has overwintered and occurred in spring. Amber list.

At least 24 birds reached the county in 2022, with the northeast being the favoured region with 17, while just six were found in the southeast and one inland bird reached the west.

Unlike in 2021, the earliest arrivals appeared in late September with the first at Sizewell on 19th. This was followed by singles at Corton New Sewage Works on 21st and, most surprisingly, a bird found freshly dead in a garden in Stanton (approximately ten kilometres northeast of Bury St Edmunds), also on 21st, this being the only record from the west of the county this year.

There were no further reports until four were discovered between Corton and Southwold on September 25th, followed by three more in the northeast the following day including two at Benacre; the only site to host more than one bird this year. The first arrivals to be located in the southeast were on September 29th when three were present between Orford and Landguard. Single birds continued to be reported from coastal locations on most days in the first week in October, but very few thereafter until late October when a final flurry brought singles to Southwold and Thorpeness on 20th, Walberswick and Aldeburgh on 26th, and the last of the year to Minsmere on October 30th.

PALLAS’S LEAF WARBLER  Phylloscopus proregulus

Rare autumn passage migrant. First mid-winter record in 2017.

Walberswick: Oct 23rd (J Gearty et al.)

Aldeburgh: St Peter and St Paul’s Churchyard, Oct 20th (M Cornish et al.)

Landguard: Oct 20th (P J Holmes et al.)

Three of these delightful sprites appeared in the expected late autumn arrival window during a brief period of favourable conditions that also brought Dusky and Barred Warblers to the coast. Including these 2022 records, there have now been at least 199 records of Pallas’s Warbler in Suffolk!

RADDE’S WARBLER  Phylloscopus schwarzi

Rare visitor.

Kessingland: sewage works, Sep 29th, trapped and ringed (J Martin et al.)

Benacre: Beach Farm, Sep 30th (C Buttle)

The last few days of September often produce an early Radde’s Warbler and these two records on consecutive dates at the end of the month hint at a larger and more widespread arrival which went undetected.

These two bring the county total to 35. Occurrences of Radde’s Warblers are on the increase; prior to 2000 there had been just eight records – three in the 1960s and five in the 1990s. Since the turn of the century a further 27 have reached Suffolk, with 11 in the period 2000–09 (with two blank years), eight in 2010–19 (with six blank years) and eight in 2020–22. These are the first September records since 2017.

DUSKY WARBLER  Phylloscopus fuscatus

Rare visitor.

Southwold: Oct 20th to 27th (B J Small et al.)

The 38th record for the county, at an expected location and on a typical date.

Occurrences of Dusky and Radde’s Warblers in the county remain neck-and-neck, and both are becoming increasingly frequent, but the timing and pattern of their occurrences differ. Only five Dusky Warblers reached Suffolk prior to 2000 with one in the 1980s and four in the 1990s. Since 2000 occurrences have accelerated with 15 in the period 2000–09 (with two blank years), 13 in 2010–19 (with five blank years) and five in 2020–22. October remains the top month with 17 closely followed by 14 in November, six within the period December to February and one in March and April. In comparison, the latest Radde’s Warbler was at Kessingland on November 2nd 1994 and no wintering birds have been found.

WILLOW WARBLER Phylloscopus trochilus

Declining summer visitor and passage migrant. Amber list.

A bird at Orford Quay on March 29th was early but on the same date as the first to be recorded in 2021, at Cavenham. There were no further reports until April 6th when birds appeared at Landguard and Hollesley Marshes, then at Minsmere on April 8th followed by four at Trimley Marshes on 11th, and ten at Landguard and five at Southwold on 13th. Throughout the remainder of the month widespread reports of up to three birds came from many locations. Passage continued into late May with Landguard reporting its last of the spring on May 18th (three), while singing birds at Shingle Street on 27th and Southwold on June 2nd brought spring migration to a close.

As a breeding bird, the Willow Warbler is still fairly widespread in the west of the county, with singing birds reported from approximately 25 locations. The King’s Forest remains the county stronghold with one observer recording a healthy 88 singing males during transect surveys in April and May, similar to last year. For Thetford Forest the only count was of 14 singing males on May 18th. Elsewhere in the west, however, the same observer found only eight other males at regularly-monitored sites.

In the east of the county the species continues with its battle against extirpation so it was encouraging to see a few territories being occupied in this region. In particular, singing birds on Upper Hollesley Common and Woodbridge MOD, both former strongholds, in late May and early June were the first to establish territories on the southern heaths for many years. Other reports of birds holding territories included up to four in June at Carlton Marshes, singles at Sycamore Farm, Swilland/Witnesham/Tuddenham St Martin, while birds were also reported on single June dates from Walpole, Alton Water, Great Glemham and Rumburgh.

In central Suffolk, a single singing bird was at Moat Hall Farm, Westhorpe in June.

BBS fieldworkers located only nine Willow Warblers in this year’s 39 surveyed squares.

Autumn passage became apparent along the coast from early August and numbers quickly increased with 20 at Landguard on August 4th, ten or more at Aldeburgh Marshes on August 6th, 12 ringed at a private site in Hollesley on August 7th followed by a further 26 ringed there on 16th, 25 on 18th and 16 on 22nd. Reports of up to five birds came from many coastal locations throughout the remainder of August but the only double-figure totals towards the end of the month were from Landguard which recorded ten on 24th and 26th. A much-reduced passage continued along the coast until the third week of September with small numbers being widely reported but there was no major influx in this period, the highest being 15 at Landguard on 11th.

Passage came to an end in October with birds at Landguard on 14th and Minsmere on 15th.



adult 26/08/2021

caught by ringer 13/05/2022


Phylloscopus collybita

Pedraza de Campos, Palencia, SPAIN 41°58’N 04°45’W

Landguard Point, Felixstowe, Suffolk 51°56’N 01°19’E - 1197km NNE

Very common summer visitor and passage migrant. A few overwinter.

During January and February wintering birds were reported from 14 locations in the southeast, nine in the northeast and nine in the west, with sewage treatment works being particularly favoured. Particularly notable groups of wintering birds included up to five at Melton and three at Long Melford. An unusually early singing bird was noted at Melton on January 17th followed by occasional reports elsewhere on milder days.

It wasn’t until early March that reports of singing birds became widespread as breeding birds returned and established territories with, for example, up to ten singing at North Warren on March 12th. Passage at Landguard extended from March 7th to June 26th, peaking at 12 on both April 10th and 13th.

Singing birds can be heard throughout the county wherever there is woodland and scrub and the breeding population must number into the thousands. Breeding bird surveys at some extensive sites revealed at least 122 singing birds in The King’s Forest, 62 in Belstead Brook Park, Ipswich, 32 in Thetford Forest, 31 at Thorpeness, 25 at Minsmere, 24 at Cavenham Heath NNR and 20 at Knettishall Heath. Results from ringing at a CES site at Lackford suggest that adult survival was down by 30% and juvenile productivity was down by 54% compared with previous seasons and the 2022 breeding season was considered to be very poor. However, restrictions on bird ringing in the autumn relating to Avian Influenza (HPAI) may have distorted these statistics; with restrictions relaxed towards the end of the year hopefully a return to pre-2022 survival and productivity will follow.

BBS fieldworkers located 167 Chiffchaffs in this year’s 39 surveyed squares.

Dispersing juveniles were noted at Landguard from June 25th with birds present on site into August. Autumn passage at Landguard extended from August 26th to November 14th; numbers increased at this site during September, peaking in the second half of the month and the first week of October. In August, 20 or more were found at Thorpeness on 20th and at least 30 were there on 27th. Notable September totals included 25 around Southwold on 11th and 35 on 25th, 24 at Thorpeness on 17th, 20 at Landguard on 30th and at a ringing site in Hollesley on 15th and 18 at Ness Point, Lowestoft on October 1st.

A bird on December 4th at Landguard was perhaps a new arrival but it quickly moved on. Compared with the previous winter there were rather fewer wintering birds around in late November and December, mostly single birds. In the west, wintering birds were reported from six sites in late November and December, including three at each of Long Melford sewage treatment works, Brandon and the Nunnery Lakes in Thetford. Wintering birds were also found at eight sites in the east with up to four at Carlton Marshes and Melton sewage treatment works in late December, and three remained at Belstead Brook Park, Ipswich until the end of the year.

‘Siberian Chiffchaff’  P. c. tristis

Scarce visitor in late autumn and winter. Rare in spring.

Lowestoft: Leathes Ham, two, Jan 1st to 13th (from Dec 19th 2021) (J Brown, A C Easton et al.)

Carlton Marshes SWT: Jan 1st and 2nd (from Dec 28th 2021) (A C Easton et al.); another, Apr 3rd, photographed (A C Easton)

Kessingland: Sewage works, Jan 15th, trapped and ringed (J Martin)

Benacre: Beach Farm, Apr 20th (C Buttle)

Southwold: Apr 19th, photographed (J Gearty)

Thorpeness: Sewage works, two, Jan 1st to 30th, one to Feb 8th, sound recorded (J A Kennerley, P R Kennerley et al.)

Melton: sewage works, Jan 1st to Feb 11th, two, Jan 2nd (S Abbott, J Higgott et al.)

Landguard: Nov 12th, trapped and ringed (W J Brame et al.)

Ipswich/Pinewood: Belstead Brook Park: Jan 26th to 28th (D F Walsh et al.)

Brantham: Sewage works, Jan 7th to Feb 1st (J A Rowlands et al.)

Lakenheath RSPB: Jan 9th to Feb 24th (from Dec 21st 2021) (P M Wilson, D Balmer, T Humpage, D White)

Following the unprecedented arrival of Siberian Chiffchaffs in November and December 2021 at least 11 were in the county in January and February. Of these, four found in December 2021 remained into January 2022 and an additional seven wintering birds were discovered in January and February. Sewage treatment works were particularly favoured, and at several locations these pallid, piping chiffs could often be watched and heard alongside the more numerous wintering Common Chiffchaffs. A further three appeared in April during spring passage when it is much rarer than in autumn. Autumn 2022, however, saw a return to form with just one record, at Landguard on November 12th.

SEDGE WARBLER  Acrocephalus schoenobaenus

Common summer visitor and passage migrant. Amber list (from Green list 2021).

The first were recorded at Minsmere on March 30th, followed by singles at Carlton Marshes and Felixstowe on April 2nd but it wasn’t until April 10th that the first was reported in the west, at Lakenheath Fen RSPB. New arrivals quickly settled into breeding territories and by midApril sightings were widespread throughout the county. Estimated totals of territorial males in song at surveyed locations included 37 at Lakenheath Fen RSPB, 30 at Carlton Marshes SWT, 24 at Southwold Town Marshes, 21 at Boyton Marshes RSPB, and 19 at both Shingle Street and Felixstowe Ferry. Just two were recorded at Landguard on spring passage, on May 2nd and 22nd. BBS fieldworkers located 12 Sedge Warblers in this year’s 39 surveyed squares.

Restrictions on bird ringing due to Avian Influenza (HPAI) in the late summer and autumn period resulted in the crucial weeks of the autumn passage period being lost at many wetland sites; the limited ringing data which are available show the expected increase in numbers caught between midJuly and the third week in August which coincides with peak passage in previous

Siberian Chiffchaff, Melton, January 2nd
Chris Mayne
Sedge Warbler Russ Boland

years, although this year it may reflect observer effort rather than the true passage picture. Field observations made during autumn passage produced single figure totals from most wetlands but not the discernible increase in numbers which ringing provides. At Landguard, which lacks suitable habitat, single birds appeared on August 4th, 15th and 25th, and September 10th, 11th and 13th. Numbers fell away rapidly in September with the last report in the west coming from Nunnery Lakes, Thetford on September 6th. In the second half September just two singles were reported, at Levington Lagoon on 16th and 17th and Southwold on 24th, and the only October sighting came from Minsmere on October 5th.


REED WARBLER  Acrocephalus dumetorum

Very rare visitor.

Hollesley: Aug 30th, trapped and ringed (R Duncan)

This exciting discovery came from a mist net in a Hollesley garden during routine ringing operations, becoming the ninth county record and the sixth in autumn. Of the five previous autumn records all but one had been trapped for ringing, and one was caught at nearby Orfordness also on August 30th in 2014. Given its nondescript appearance and elusive nature it seems likely that many more are overlooked.




Common summer visitor and passage migrant.

The first spring arrivals were on cue in mid-April with singles at Martlesham Creek and Cavenham Heath NNR on April 12th followed by others at Lowestoft and North Warren on 13th. Thereafter, singing males were widely recorded in suitable habitat throughout the county from mid-April until late June. At Landguard, spring passage extended from May 4th to June 9th, with a peak of only two on May 12th and 19th.

Sample surveys at regular breeding sites recorded 95 singing males at Westwood Marshes, Walberswick NNR and a similar number at Lakenheath Fen RSPB, while 35 at Southwold Town Marshes is notable for this location. Conversely, just 14 territories were found at Boyton Marshes RSPB in May, down from 24 in 2019 and 21 in 2020, and seven at Belstead Brook Park, Ipswich is down from 31 in 2021. BBS fieldworkers located 21 Reed Warblers in the 39 surveyed squares.

Ringing restrictions due to Avian Influenza (HPAI) affected the numbers being reported from prime reedbed sites during the autumn passage period. Where ringing was possible it appears that the passage was slightly earlier and heavier than usual; at a Hollesley site, 70 were caught on July 27th of which 90% were juveniles, 50 on August 1st and 70 on 7th, then 14 on September 2nd and ten on 15th. Numbers continued to fall throughout September and just six were reported in October which included singles at Nunnery Lakes, Thetford on 2nd, Carlton Marshes on 9th, East Lane, Bawdsey, on 13th, and the last of the year at Trimley Marshes on 15th.

MARSH WARBLER  Acrocephalus palustris

Scarce migrant. Bred in 2010. Red list.

A singing male in suitable breeding habitat on June 2nd remained until at least June 7th. A probable female was at the same location on the last date. These birds were not looked for after this date and it is not known if a breeding attempt was made.

ICTERINE WARBLER  Hippolais icterina

Increasingly rare passage migrant. There were no reports of this species in 2022.

SAVI’S WARBLER  Locustella luscinioides

Rare summer visitor. Has bred. Red list.

There were no records of Savi’s Warbler this year – the last blank year prior to this was 2015.


GRASSHOPPER WARBLER  Locustella naevia

Uncommon and declining summer visitor and passage migrant. Red list.

Singing birds were reported from Carlton Marshes, Minsmere and Melton on April 13th with further reports, mostly of birds heard singing, throughout April and into May as more arrived, but these were a trickle rather than a flood.

Based on the number of reports of reeling males and their locations, the breeding population in the county appears to be holding its own and there have not been any noticeable changes in recent years. Singing males were heard at nine sites in the northeast, eight in the southeast and five in the west of the county, the same as 2021. As expected, the northeast of the county, with extensive wetland reserves at Carlton Marshes and Minsmere attracting five and four singing males respectively, was the stronghold. Other reports came from Oulton Marshes, North Cove, Easton Bavents, Southwold, Walberswick, Dunwich and Aldeburgh.

Singing birds were found at eight sites in the southeast; in addition to Melton, singing birds held territories at Snape Marshes; Martlesham Creek; Shingle Street; Hollesley Marshes; Belstead Brook Park, Ipswich; Ostrich Meadow, Wherstead and Needham Market Lake. All were single birds apart from two reeling at Belstead Brook Park on April 17th.

Singing birds were recorded from five sites in the west; Cavenham Heath NNR, Lakenheath Fen, Lackford Lakes, the Norah Hanbury Kelk nature reserve near Mildenhall and the Nunnery Lakes in Thetford. Again, all reports were of single birds apart from two at Lakenheath in April and May and two at Cavenham Heath on May 5th.

Away from the breeding sites, Trimley Marshes again enjoyed a good run of migrants including two trapped for ringing on April 28th, and a juvenile ringed there on July 11th had probably fledged locally. At a site in Hollesley, one or two birds were caught during routine ringing on nine dates from July 22nd to September 16th with six on August 18th being particularly notable.

EURASIAN BLACKCAP  Sylvia atricapilla

Common summer visitor and passage migrant. Overwintering birds are considered to originate from eastern Europe.

Reports of wintering birds came from at least 19 locations throughout the county during January and February, and from a minimum of 14 locations between mid-November and the year’s end. Most involved single birds attending garden feeders or water treatment plants with active invertebrates throughout the winter. Locations reporting two birds in the first winter period included gardens in Beccles, Melton and Great Cornard, along with Ipswich Golf Club, Purdis Farm and Christchurch Park, Ipswich. The second winter period saw four at a site in Ipswich and three visiting gardens in both Woodbridge and Mildenhall in December.

The presumed departure of wintering birds coincides with the return of summer breeders, so spring passage may have included arriving and departing birds. At Landguard, the first was noted on March 23rd and passage peaked at 12 on April 13th and 14th, coinciding with 18 trapped for ringing at nearby Trimley Marshes SWT on 16th. From early April onwards, singing birds could be heard in almost any woodland and patch of scrub with a few taller trees, making this one of the most abundant summer visitors in Suffolk. Particularly notable counts of singing birds recorded during breeding bird surveys included 66 in The King’s Forest, 35 at Great Saxham and 32 at Belstead Brook Park, Ipswich/Pinewood while counts of ten or more singing birds came from numerous locations. BBS fieldworkers located as many as 169 Blackcaps in this year’s 39 surveyed squares.

At Landguard, autumn passage spanned the period from August 16th to November 11th, and peaked at 20 on September 10th and 40 there the following day, although these were the only double-figure counts of the autumn at the observatory. At inland sites where the habitat is better suited to this species, the picture was slightly different, revealing an earlier passage and higher counts, with 14 at the Nunnery Lakes, Thetford on August 26th being the highest count of the autumn in the west. Passage was more obvious towards the coast where catches

for ringing at Hollesley produced 15 on August 21st and 24 on 22nd, 43 on September 2nd, 31 on 3rd and 55 on September 15th, and 30 on October 9th, and movements at Sycamore Farm, Swilland, followed a similar pattern. Reports of up to 12 birds came from many coastal locations throughout September, dropping to single-figure totals in October with five at Landguard on 20th being the highest count during the month.

GARDEN WARBLER  Sylvia borin

Fairly common summer visitor and passage migrant.

The arrival of the first Garden Warbler of the year, usually in mid-April, is a sure sign that spring migration is in full swing. This year was no exception with the arrival of the first bird of the year being at the Nunnery Lakes in Thetford on April 16th, the same date as the first in 2021. Widespread reports of one or two singing birds followed throughout the remainder of April and into May, but few migrants were seen along the coast; for example, Landguard recorded just three in the spring with single birds on May 2nd, 3rd and 12th.

As new arrivals settled into territories throughout the county, breeding bird surveys revealed that, as in previous years, most locations held just one or two breeding pairs. Breeding bird surveys throughout The King’s Forest produced at least 20 singing males, two fewer than the 2021 total. Other counts of singing males at some of the more extensive or particularly-favoured sites included 16 at Aldringham Walks, six at each of North Warren, Alton Water, Pipps Ford and Lackford Lakes, and five at Minsmere, Thorpeness Common, Belstead Brook Park, Ipswich and Arger Fen SWT, Leavenheath/Bures St Mary. There were 16 Garden Warblers located in the 39 BBS squares surveyed.

In autumn, five caught at Hollesley on August 1st proved to be the highest count of the entire autumn. Birds were recorded on 12 dates at Landguard from July 29th to September 30th, the latter being the last of the year.

BARRED WARBLER  Curruca nisoria

Scarce passage migrant, principally in autumn. Two spring records (1960 and 1987).

Felixstowe: Felixstowe Ferry, Oct 18th and 21st (P J Holmes, C Holden)

A disappointing year with two reports of what is likely to have been the same bird.


Fairly common summer visitor and passage migrant. Has overwintered.

The first of the year was recorded at Belstead Brook Park, Ipswich on April 13th, becoming the earliest record at this location by five days.

Single birds at Ashfield-cum-Thorpe on April 14th and Hoxne on 16th preceded a small but widespread arrival from April 18th when Landguard recorded its first of the year. By the end of April many locations were reporting multiple territorial birds including seven at the Black Bourn Valley SWT, Thurston, six at Arger Fen SWT, and five at Southwold and Sycamore Farm, Swilland. Passage continued throughout May, peaking in the first week when Landguard recorded 14 on 3rd and passage continued there until at least June 1st, although with five breeding pairs at this site and at least 12 birds present on June 30th, some late spring

Lesser Whitethroat Jan Wilczur

migrants may have slipped through unnoticed after this date. Away from Landguard breeding was confirmed at Black Bourn Valley SWT with at least 11 fledging from five broods. BBS fieldworkers located 21 Lesser Whitethroats in this year’s 39 surveyed squares.

Return passage at Landguard began at the end of July and continued there until September 29th. Elsewhere along the coast, reports of small numbers, typically no more than three, came from many locations throughout August and September. At Hollesley, 11 were trapped for ringing on August 16th, followed by nine on 18th and eight on 21st. Site totals were lower in September with only Landguard recording double-figure totals in the month, peaking at 14 on September 11th. Elsewhere in September, nine at Southwold on 4th, eight at Thorpeness on 10th, seven at Shingle Street on 11th and five at Felixstowe Ferry on 15th stood out. There were just two reports in October, at Kessingland on 2nd and Hen Reedbed SWT on 11th, the last of the year.

COMMON WHITETHROAT  Curruca communis

Common summer visitor and passage migrant. One overwintering record. Amber list (from Green list 2021).

The first returning migrants were recorded on April 12th with birds located at Minsmere, Bawdsey and Giffords Hall, Stoke-by-Nayland. Thereafter, there were daily sightings of this widespread summer visitor throughout the county. Spring passage at Landguard extended from April 13th until June 1st, with a maximum of six.

Some of the larger sites in the west hosted substantial numbers of territorial birds including 36 throughout The King’s Forest, 26 at Great Saxham and ten at Lackford Lakes. Singing males were also well represented at numerous locations in the east of the county, with estimates of 30 at Minsmere and 25 at North Denes, Lowestoft being notable, while several sites came in with lesser numbers which included 19 at Hoxne, 15 at Belstead Brook Park, Ipswich and 12 at both Southwold Town Marshes and Shingle Street. Three pairs bred at Landguard. As many as 171 Common Whitethroats were located by BBS fieldworkers in this year’s surveyed squares.

Autumn passage got underway at Landguard in early July and picked up in August with estimates of 20 at Thorpeness Common on August 6th, 15 there on 20th and ten on 27th, at least 15 at Minsmere on 15th, and a peak of seven at Landguard on 16th. Ringing was restricted throughout the county due to HPAI but at the few coastal locations where it was possible, the passage period largely coincided with field observations, with 16 ringed at Hollesley on August 7th, 24 on 16th and 17 on 18th. A count of 12 at Shingle Street on September 9th was the only double-figure total in the month. The last sighting in the west came from Maidscross Hill, Lakenheath on September 19th. Passage along the coast continued into early October with the last at North Warren and Southwold on October 3rd.

DARTFORD WARBLER  Curruca undata

Uncommon local resident. Scarce visitor. Amber list.

Following a mild winter, the number of singing males/territories on the heathlands increased from 135 in 2021 to a record 180 in 2022, eclipsing the previous high of 163 in 2020. Most known breeding locations in the north of the county were either stable or registered small increases, typically up to three singing males/territories. However, a handful of sites bucked this trend; of particular note were 53 singing males/territories at Minsmere (up from 40 in 2021), 26 at North Warren/Aldringham Walks (13 in 2021) and 12 in Dunwich Forest (eight in 2021). Conversely, numbers were slightly down at Walberswick NNR, from 14 in 2021 to ten this year and stable at Dunwich Heath at 29.

In the southeast, singing males/territories were located at nine sites which, between them, accounted for 31 singing males/territories compared with 22 at six locations in 2021. Much of this increase can be attributed to infilling at the five main sites, although two new sites added three additional territories.

Outside of the breeding season, a few birds were found at coastal locations where breeding

did not occur and these probably relate to post-breeding dispersal of young birds. As many were in suitable breeding habitat it is hoped that they will go on to attract mates, breed and further expand the breeding range. These pioneers involved single birds at Thorpeness Old Caravan Park on dates between September 7th and 24th, with perhaps the same individual there on November 5th, Aldeburgh Marshes on September 19th, Felixstowe Port on September 24th, Southwold golf course on October 19th, Landguard on October 29th and 31st, Gunton Warren on various dates between October 15th and December 17th, and Kessingland Denes on September 4th and November 14th.


FIRECREST  Regulus ignicapilla

Regular, but uncommon breeder and passage migrant. Some overwinter.

The Firecrest is a fairly well-established breeding bird in the U.K. with 2000 territories in 2016 according to the BTO. Overall, in the county there were 104 records from 34 sites compared with 134 records from 37 sites in 2021.

In the northeast there were 49 reports from 14 sites compared with 70 reports from 19 sites in 2021. These records, which were mostly of single birds, included six at Southwold on October 31st. At Minsmere nine were counted during the year, six of which were in March.

There was a smaller number of records in the southeast, which produced 35 from 15 sites compared with 38 from 11 in 2021. Four birds were seen at Shingle Street on October 21st. At Landguard, spring passage lasted from March 12th to April 21st, with a maximum of three on March 14th; autumn passage was from October 19th to 25th, with a maximum of three on the latter date. One bird was ringed at Trimley Marshes SWT in October.

In the west of the county, there were 20 records from five sites, compared with 26 from seven, mostly from Santon Downham and Brandon, where five were seen on January 30th, April 17th and October 9th. Probable breeding occurred at Brandon, Santon Downham, Lakenheath and Thetford.

GOLDCREST  Regulus regulus

Very common resident and passage migrant.

The Goldcrest is one of our commonest breeding birds, but the trend is decreasing. The BTO Garden Birdwatch 2022 national figures put it as having been seen in 4.8% of participating gardens in the UK compared with 6.4% in 2021. The Breeding Bird Survey nationally was up 13.89% on 2021, and very similar to 2018 and 2019. In the East of England, the BBS Index gave a figure of 147.16 with a base figure of 100 in 1994. Locally, the survey produced 31 individuals from ten BBS squares, which more or less reflects the national trend.

In Suffolk, there were 368 records from 132 sites compared with 141 from 90 in 2021. In the northeast, there were 30 records from 12 sites with a maximum of 66 at Thorpeness on October 8th. There were references to breeding with a pair at Minsmere and at North Warren and also two pairs recorded at Somerleyton.

There were 247 southeast records from 67 sites compared with 35 from 23 last year, with a maximum of 20 at Landguard on October 21st. Two breeding pairs were reported. At Landguard, spring passage involved only single birds on March 8th, 19th, 21st and 23rd. Autumn passage was from September 19th to November 16th, with a maximum of 20 as above. The Trimley Marshes SWT ringing report mentions 11 individuals consisting of nine in October and two in November. In the west, there were 91 reports from 53 sites compared with 96 from 61 in 2021 and five breeding pairs were recorded compared with ten in 2021. There was a group of 19 at Brandon Park Heath on October 15th, and 25 singing males were recorded in The King’s Forest.

EURASIAN WREN  Troglodytes troglodytes

Very common resident and scarce passage migrant. Amber list (from Green List 2021)

The Wren is ubiquitous in Suffolk; however, it is now Amber on the list of birds of conservation

concern. The BTO Garden Birdwatch 2022 national figures put it as having been seen in 32.1% of participating gardens in the UK compared with 39.7% in 2021. The BTO’s Breeding Bird Survey Index figure for the East of England for 2022 is 121.7 with a base figure of 100 in 1994. The Suffolk Breeding Bird Survey showed an increase of 1% between 2019 and 2022. There is little to be read into the total of 402 birds from 39 BBS squares in Suffolk, although it is a very similar result to every year from 2014 to 2020. Apart from this, there were 355 records submitted from 106 sites compared with 224 from 75 in 2021.

In the northeast recording area, there were 86 records submitted from 28 sites compared with 39 from 21 in 2021. The largest gatherings reported were 49 at Hoxne on May 31st and 14 other gatherings of over 20 at the same site on various dates. There were 27 records of breeding at Somerleyton.

In the southeast, there were 232 reports from 63 sites, (153 from 59 in 2021) of which the highest count of 23 was at Tunstall Common on July 23rd. Records were submitted for eight breeding pairs in the area.

At Landguard four or five pairs bred compared with three in 2018, 2019 and 2021 with juveniles being noted from June 7th and at least seven individuals overwintered with the oldest from July 2018. Spring passage lasted from March 6th to April 25th. Autumn passage was from October 9th to November 21st with a maximum count of ten on seven dates in October.

At Trimley Marshes, 25 birds were ringed (17 of them in October). One bird ringed in 2019 was recaught on April 24th.

In the west there were 37 records from 15 sites, (32 from 14 in 2021), with the highest count being an impressive 60 at Santon Downham on June 9th. There were also ten breeding pairs reported.


Fairly common resident.

The Nuthatch is a popular resident in Suffolk’s parks and woodlands. The BTO Garden Birdwatch 2022 national figures put it as having been seen in 20.2% of participating gardens in the U.K compared with 20.8% in 2021. Nationally, the Breeding Bird Survey showed a decrease of 6.82% since 2021 with 1941 birds from 892 squares and, in the East of England the BBS Index gave a figure of 269.48 compared with a base figure of 100 in 1994. Locally, in Suffolk, there were 11 individuals from seven BBS squares, which is, as usual, probably an under-recording.

The number of records submitted to local recorders in 2022 was 253 from 106 sites compared with 260 from 98 in 2021, with 24 reports of confirmed breeding. One pair nested at Minsmere. There were 64 records from 20 sites in the northeast including four from Sotterley Park on January 10th and 50 from 22 in the southeast. The west of the county again provided the highest proportion, with 139 records from 64 sites, and the most seen at any one time was ten at Brandon Park on October 1st. There were 19 breeding pairs reported in the county’s western stronghold.

Eurasian Nuthatch Peter Lakey

We’re all used to bird species we gain and lose, from buzzards to willow tits; we’re generally less familiar with species that come and go in the space of a few years.

Living just north of Hadleigh, before 2020 Nuthatch was a very occasional visitor, despite being resident at nearby sites, such as Groton and Wolves Woods. In spring 2021 a pair of Nuthatches took up residence, probably nesting in a willow tree near the River Brett. We have some older trees and some woodland planted 30+ years ago, but not a large area of mature woodland. Fairly soon we took the birds for granted, hearing them daily and seeing them on our feeders over autumn and winter, into spring.

At some point in June-July 2022 we noticed the nuthatches were again absent, for reasons unknown (but predation may have led to nesting failure, for example). We saw no nuthatches for about a year, but then this year they reappeared - possibly post-breeding dispersal. It will be interesting to see if they remain this time, or come and go as in the last two years.

Adam Gretton.

EURASIAN TREECREEPER  Certhia familiaris

Common resident. Four records of C. f. familiaris (“Northern Treecreeper).

The upwardly-mobile Treecreeper is a widespread and fairly common bird, but always a welcome sight. The BTO Garden Birdwatch 2022 national figures put it as having been seen in 2% of participating gardens in the UK compared with 2.9% in 2021.The Breeding Bird Survey nationally gave a 1.77% decrease since 2021, in the East of England, there was an index figure of 103.04 with 100 as the baseline in 1994 and, locally, 13 individuals were reported from nine BBS squares.

A total of 330 records from 136 sites was reported, compared with 250 from 110 in 2021. These consisted of 30 from 13 sites in the northeast (15 from seven in 2021), 178 from 61 in the southeast (131 from 39) and 122 from 62 in the west (104 from 64).

Breeding was reported from nine sites in the west plus single pairs at Minsmere and North Warren and four territories at Somerleyton.

ROSY STARLING  Pastor roseus

Rare visitor. Categories A & E.

The Rosy Starling breeds mostly in the steppes of Central Asia and occasionally irrupts into Western Europe.

After recent multiple sightings, just one bird was noted in Suffolk in 2022, involving a juvenile at Benacre Sluice on October 17th (C Buttle). This is the 62nd Suffolk record.

COMMON STARLING  Sturnus vulgaris

Very common, but declining, resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Red list.

The Starling has been on the Red List of Birds of Conservation Concern since 2002 and although it is still practically ubiquitous in Europe, there are still few signs of recovery. The BTO Garden Birdwatch 2022 national figures put it as having been seen in 57.3% of participating gardens in the U.K. compared with 55.8% in 2021 and the species dropped from second to third in the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch table. In the East of England, the Breeding Bird Survey Index gave a figure of 59.38 compared with a base figure of 100 in 1994. The Suffolk BBS dropped to 126 birds from 15 BBS squares, the lowest since 2001. In the national version of the same survey, the count has remained steady since 2012.

There were 310 records submitted to recorders from 110 sites compared with 458 from 106 in 2020. These consisted of 78 records from 33 sites from the northeast of the county, 175 from 51 in the southeast and 57 from 26 in the west.

The number of flocks containing 10000+ or more going to roost is worryingly low with just two compared with 18 in 2020 and nine in 2019. The largest flock was 15000 (see below) compared with 60000 in 2020.

There was a total of only 35 gatherings of 1000 or more compared with 99 in 2021. Most of these were in the northeast and west including:

Spexhall: 5000, Jan 19th

Minsmere: 8000, Dec 5th; 6000, Nov 28th

Walberswick: 5000, Nov 20th

The largest in the west were as follows:

Lakenheath: 15000, Nov 7th

Lackford Lakes: 10000, Nov 30th

The only southeast count of note was:

Shingle Street: 3000, Mar 21st

At Landguard, the species was present all year although scarce in the winter months with a spring maximum of 59 on March 24th. One pair nested. There were visible movements in the autumn totalling 1747 between October 10th and November 28th, with a maximum of 520 on October 30th (N Odin).

SONG THRUSH  Turdus philomelos

Fairly common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list from Red list 2021.

The once familiar Song Thrush’s population is still a cause for concern, both locally and nationally. The BTO Garden Birdwatch 2022 national figures put it as having been seen in 15.1% of participating gardens in the U.K compared with 19.4% in 2021. The UK Breeding Bird Survey has shown very little variation in the last ten years (2020 excluded). In the East of England, the BBS Index gave a figure of 91.34 compared with a base figure of 100 in 1994. The Suffolk Breeding Bird Survey showed the number of individuals reported as 92 compared with 91 in 2021 and the third highest since 2012, although the number of BBS squares surveyed decreased from 35 to 30.

Locally, the number of records received for this familiar garden bird was 494 from 181 sites compared with 174 from 84 in 2021.

In the northeast, there were 65 records from 34 sites with a maximum of only nine at Aldringham on November 13th. There were no significant reports of breeding. In the southeast there were 335 records from 93 sites and the largest gathering noted was of 39 at Pipps Ford, Barking on October 22nd. The west produced 94 records from 54 sites, with 15 breeding reports. There was a gathering of a maximum 30 birds reported at BTO Nunnery Reserve, Thetford on October 22nd (same date as 39 at Pipps Ford).

Single pairs were present at both Minsmere and North Warren and four breeding territories at Somerleyton.

At Trimley Marshes, a total of five birds were ringed in January, October and November only.

At Landguard, at least two birds successfully overwintered with a new bird turning up on February 2nd. Spring passage ran from March 6th to May 5th, with a maximum of five on March 6th. One pair bred, rearing no young. Dispersing juveniles were noted on July 13th and 18th. Autumn passage was from September 10th to December 26th with a maximum of only ten on each of September 25th and November 1st and 2nd.


Common Starling Peter Lakey

freshly dead 18/04/2022

Schwensbyer Weg, Sorup, SchleswigHolstein, GERMANY 54°43’N 09°39’E - 635km ENE

Over 7000 Song Thrushes have been ringed at Landguard (1983-2022) and this is surprisingly the first to be recovered in Germany.

MISTLE THRUSH  Turdus viscivorus

Fairly common resident and scarce passage migrant. Red list.

The Mistle Thrush still seems to be maintaining a reasonable population in Suffolk. The BTO Garden Birdwatch 2022 national figures put it as having been seen in 3.0% of participating gardens in the U.K compared with 3.7% in 2021. This species is not a frequent garden visitor in the East of England where the average on the BTO Garden Birdwatch survey during 2022 was very low. The Breeding Bird Survey showed a slight downturn with 14 records from nine 1km. squares compared with 24 from 12 in 2021. Nationally the Survey had 2099 birds from 1146 squares, which is largely comparable with the last ten years, so the Suffolk figures may be an indicator of concern. In the East of England, the BBS Index gave a figure of 30.68 with a base figure of 100 in 1994.

Suffolk recorders sent in 330 records from 136 sites compared with 235 from 116 sites in 2021. The reports broke down as follows:

Northeast: 30 from 13

Southeast: 178 from 61

West: 122 from 62

There were only 12 double-figure counts and one in three figures, including the following: Middleton: 37, Sep 18th

Wantisden: Staverton Park, 40, Aug 27th

Thetford: BTO Nunnery Reserve, 21, Sep 1st

Minsmere reported only one breeding pair in 2022, as did Somerleyton; however, up to four breeding pairs were in Christchurch Park, Ipswich. At Landguard there were singletons on January 19th, February 11th and March 13th; In autumn five singles occurred at this well-watched site during the period from October 20th to November 6th plus two on November 19th. None was ringed at Trimley Marshes.

REDWING  Turdus iliacus

Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list (from Red list 2021).

Flocks of Redwings are still a familiar and welcome sight in our county in winter. The BTO Garden Birdwatch 2022 national figures put it as having been seen in 5.0% of participating gardens in the U.K compared with 8.7% in 2021. Numbers in gardens during both winter periods also fell in the East of England BTO Garden Birdwatch Survey. Even so, in Suffolk, it was visible in higher numbers in 2022 than in 2021, with 396 records from 123 sites compared with 315 from 103; 161 of these were in the spring and 235 in the autumn.

In the northeast of the county there were 34 reports from 17 sites (23 from 12 spring, 11 from nine autumn) with a highest spring count of over 180 at Aldringham on January 15th.

In the southeast there were 248 records from 64 sites (124 from 42 spring, 124 from 37 autumn) with the highest spring count being of over 500 at Trimley Marshes SWT on March 15th.

In the west there were 114 reports from 42 sites, (14 from ten spring, 100 from 40 autumn) with a spring maximum of over 200 at Cavenham on March 27th.

The flocks reported at Trimley Marshes, March 15th and Cavenham, March 27th are presumably pre-emigration gatherings.

Over the whole county there was a total of 12 three-figure spring flocks compared with 19 in 2021.

At Landguard spring passage ran from March 10th to April 30th, peaking at 80 on March 29th.

The last spring sighting in the northeast was at Minsmere on May 15th, in the southeast at Trimley Marshes on May 5th and, in the west, at BTO Nunnery Reserve, Thetford on April 22nd.

In the northeast, the first record of the autumn was at Kessingland sewage works on September 25th on which date one was at Lakenheath Fen RSPB in the west. In the southeast, the earliest was at Landguard on September 24th.

There were 11 reports of migrant flocks during the second winter period involving 100+ birds, including one of over 1000:

Aldringham: 320, Nov 12th (see Common Blackbird)

Stour Estuary: 1500, Dec 16th

Stutton: sandpits, 500+, Dec 16th (presumably some of the above)

Thetford: BTO Nunnery Reserve, 140, Oct 22nd (see Song Thrush)

At Trimley Marshes, birds were ringed in March (20), October (14) and November (16).

At Landguard, autumn passage was between September 24th and December 7th, with a maximum of 27 on October 4th plus 12 later birds December 27th.


Very common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant.

Widely distributed and abundant (and immortalised by Paul McCartney), the number of Blackbirds located during the national Breeding Bird Survey totalled 36856 individuals from 3488 1km squares, very similar to 2021, mirroring the steady numbers over the last ten years excluding 2020. The BTO Garden Birdwatch 2022 national figures put it as having been seen in 94.5% of participating gardens in the U.K compared with 94.8% in 2021. In the East of England, the BBS Index gave a figure of 91.43 with a base figure of 100 in 1994. and it dropped from 4th to 5th in the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch table. The Suffolk Breeding Bird Survey located 324 individuals from 37 1km. squares compared with 358 from 39 in 2021. Suffolk recorders submitted 247 records from 107 sites compared with 422 from 130 in 2021 and reports of breeding came from only 12 sites.

In the northeast, there were 94 reports from 40 sites with a maximum of 50 at both Aldringham on November 12th and Carlton Marshes on November 13th. Notably, 14 breeding pairs were reported from Somerleyton.

In the southeast, there were 124 reports from 47 sites and the maximum was 40 at Landguard on November 13th. At Landguard, 14 males and 13 females survived the winter and 11 or 12 pairs nested. The maximum on spring passage (March 3rd to April 14th) was 18 on March 13th. The first juvenile was noted on April 14th with dispersing juveniles turning up until July 30th. Autumn passage at Landguard, which lasted from August 23rd to December 14th, had a highest total of 40 on November 13th (part of a big immigration of Blackbirds into the county on November 12th/13th). A total of 12 birds were ringed at Trimley Marshes in January, February, October, November and December.

In the west there were only 29 reports from 20 sites and the maximum count was 60 at BTO Nunnery Reserve, Thetford on November 22nd.

Point, Felixstowe, Suffolk

01°19’E caught by ringer 22/10/2022 Snigsmoen, Lindesnes, Vest-Agder, NORWAY 58°02’N 07°16’E - 778km NNE LL17898 1st-year male 05/11/2021 Landguard Point, Felixstowe, Suffolk 51°56’N 01°19’E caught by ringer 14/03/2022

Thisted, Viborg, DENMARK 57°01’N 08°30’E - 732km NE

LL18012 1st-year male 03/03/2022

caught by ringer 05/03/2022

FIELDFARE  Turdus pilaris

Landguard Point, Felixstowe, Suffolk 51°56’N 01°19’E

Andijk, Noord-Holland, NETHERLANDS 52°13’N 05°13’E - 279km ENE

Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Red list.

The Fieldfare, although still familiar, anecdotally, seems once again to have been sparser than usual in the county. Is climate change obviating the need for so many to move south in winter?

The BTO Garden Birdwatch 2022 national figures put it at 35th, being seen in 2.3% of participating gardens in the U.K compared with 4.8% in 2021. In Suffolk, compared with 267 records in 2021 (194 in the first winter and 73 in the second winter period), there were 308 from 137 sites in 2022 (179 and 129). These broke down by area as 55 (37 and 18) from 31 sites in the northeast, 140 from 60 (83 and 57) in the southeast and 113 (59 and 54) from 46 in the west. There were 59 reports of flocks involving 100 individuals or more, compared with 60 in 2021, (one in the northeast, 33 in the southeast and 26 in the west) but none with more than 1000 individuals. Of these, 45 were in the first winter period and 14 in the second.

During the first winter period the most notable counts are:

Westhorpe: Lodge Farm, 200, Jan 22nd

Mildenhall Fen: 270, Feb 27th

The last spring sighting in the northeast involved two at Minsmere on June 6th. In the southeast, the last sighting was on May 3rd at Landguard and, in the west, on April 20th at Little Livermere. At Landguard there was a first winter maximum of only seven on January 4th; spring passage was of single birds on eight dates from March 24th to May 3rd.

Just for interest:

The June 6th sighting at Minsmere is Suffolk’s first June record since 2017 (Sizewell, 4th). The only other June records in Suffolk so far this century (all involving single birds) were at Landguard, 1st 2003; South Cove, 6th 2004; Minsmere, 15th 2004; and Landguard, 16th and 17th 2016. The only July record in Suffolk so far this century involved a single bird in Normanston Park, Lowestoft on 11th 2005.

Philip Murphy

In the second winter period, the first record was on October 14th at Trimley Marshes SWT, with further birds seen at Snape Marshes on 15th and Ixworth on 17th. Passage at Landguard lasted from October 15th to December 2nd, with two later birds on 18th and 27th and a maximum of only eight on October 20th.

Across the county, the most notable flocks of 100 or more were as follows, these being part of a county-wide influx of thrushes:

Westleton: 500, Dec 17th

Barrow: 600, Dec 17th.

RING OUZEL  Turdus torquatus

Fairly common passage migrant. Has overwintered. Red list

The Ring Ouzel followed a poor year for sightings in 2021 with a slight improvement in 2022. There were 74 records from 39 sites compared with 73 observations at 33 sites in 2021. Of these, 59 were in spring and 15 in the autumn.

The northeast produced 22 spring migration records, the first of which was of two at Burgh Castle, April 12th and the last at Southwold’s Buss Creek Marshes, May 28th. Up to 13 birds were counted at Minsmere during the year. The southeast had 23 spring records, starting on April

12th at Alton Water and culminating in one at Landguard, May 3rd. There were also 14 spring sightings in the west of the county, of which the first was on April 8th at Lakenheath and latest at Honington, May 7th.

The autumn produced four reports from the northeast, ten in the southeast and one in the west. Most of these reports were of single individuals. The earliest sightings came from Busscreek Marshes, Southwold on September 9th in the northeast, Landguard on September 29th in the southeast and the single western record was from Maidscross Hill, Lakenheath on October 5th. The last sighting in the northeast was of three birds at Benacre on October 23rd, and the last for the southeast was a Landguard singleton on November 6th.

Most records were of single birds with a few twos and threes. Five were seen at Minsmere on April 23rd and four at Carlton Marshes on April 30th.

At Landguard, single birds were noted in the spring from April 23rd to 30th and May 3rd. Autumn passage consisted of singles on September 29th, October 1st and 20th and November 6th.


FLYCATCHER  Muscicapa striata

Declining summer visitor and passage migrant. Red list.

The first report of the spring came from Denston in the west on May 4th, followed by a male at Bramfield in the northeast on May 7th and Landguard in the south-east on May 12th. Peak counts were noted at:

Landguard: five, May 14th

Bramfield: two, May 17th

Helmingham Hall: seven, May 15th, an impressive total including four males (S Abbott)

Pipps Ford: two, noted by nocturnal sound recording May 16th (P Whittaker)

Hoxne: two, May 17th with a further two at a different site May 19th

Wixoe: two, May 14th

Icklingham: Icknield Heath, three, May 23rd

Up to the end of May this species had been noted at 11 sites in the northeast, 11 sites in the southeast and ten in the west. There were ten pairs attempting to breed in the northeast, eight pairs, plus four possible, in the southeast and 15 pairs, and a possible five others, in the west which included four pairs in The King’s Forest (NW). The total of pairs, including possible breeding pairs is 42 which is only slightly lower than the 46 pairs in 2021.

Post-breeding and dispersing groups were recorded at:

Minsmere: three, Sep 3rd

Pipps Ford: five, Aug 2nd

Athelington: six, July 10th

Long Melford: two separate family parties were noted, July 7th

Westhorpe: Lodge Farm, six, Aug 2nd

Bradfield Woods: six, July 30th

Westhorpe: Lodge Farm, six, Aug 2nd

Knettishall Heath: nine, Aug 23rd

Brandon: Park Heath, five, Aug 25th

Cavenham Pits: four, Sep 1st

Late individuals were reported (in date order) from Maidscross Hill in Lakenheath, September 16th, Minsmere, September 17th, Corton, September 19th, BTO Nunnery Reserve in Thetford,

Ring Ouzel, Southwold, April 30th
David Borderick

September 23rd, Sproughton, September 26th with the final report from Hollesley Heath on October 2nd.

EUROPEAN ROBIN  Erithacus rubecula

Very common resident, passage migrant and winter visitor.

During the first winter period 13 birds successfully overwintered at Landguard. Elsewhere peak counts were reported from:

Lound Lakes: 19, Feb 10th

Minsmere: 15, Jan 25th

Bungay: Outney Common, 22, Feb 14th

Ipswich: Pipers Vale, 14, Feb 7th; Belstead Brook Park, ten, Jan 2nd

Stutton: Stour Estuary North Shore, 12, Jan 10th; 15 Feb 7th

Lackford Lakes: 22, Feb 9th

Knettishall Heath: 23, Feb 27th

Brandon: Park Heath, 20, Jan 29th

Later high counts were from:

Kessingland: Levels, 15, Mar 28th

Thorpeness: 21, May 14th

North Warren: 20, May 22nd

Sutton: Sutton Heath, 12, Mar 2nd; Methersgate Hall, 12, Mar 15th

Ipswich: Belstead Brook Park, 15, Apr 2nd

Hoxne: 25 May 7th; 34, May 19th

Thetford: BTO Nunnery Reserve, 29, Mar 23rd

At Landguard, spring passage was noted from March 3rd until May 22nd with a maximum of eight on March 29th.

The only noteworthy breeding report was from Somerleyton where 20 pairs nested.

The highest autumn counts are as follows with a peak occurring in October:

Lowestoft: Gunton, 27, Oct 16th

Minsmere: 20, Oct 25th

Orford: 15, Oct 2nd

Shingle Street: 14, Oct 23rd

Bawdsey: East Lane, 27, Oct 31st

Felixstowe Ferry: 18, Oct 29th

Landguard: autumn passage from early August until November 19th, max 30, Oct 21st

Ipswich: Belstead Brook Park, 15, Sep 27th

East Bergholt: Flatford Mill, 15, Sept 2nd

Wenham Magna: Wenham Hill, ten, Sep 2nd

Great Finborough: Boyton Hall, 25, Sep 25th; 34, Oct 2nd; 27, Oct 15th

Hoxne: 45, Aug 28th; 44, Sep 27th; 63, Oct 14th

Thetford: BTO Nunnery Reserve, 33, Aug 9th; 30, Sep 10th; 59, Oct 1st

Winter gatherings were reported from:

Minsmere: 15, Dec 12th

Landguard: 12 birds prepared to overwinter

Great Finborough: Boyton Hall, 22, Nov 16th; 15, December 16th

Hoxne: 43, Nov 2nd; 21, Dec 15th

Thetford: BTO Nunnery Reserve, 26, Nov 26th; 18, Dec 6th

BLUETHROAT  Luscinia svecica

Red-spotted Bluethroat  Luscinia svecica svecica

Rare passage migrant

No records in 2022. Last recorded in Suffolk in 2019.

White-spotted Bluethroat  Luscinia svecica cyanecula

Rare passage migrant

No records in 2022. Last recorded in Suffolk in 2019.


Luscinia megarhynchos.

Fairly common summer visitor and scarce passage migrant. Red list.

The first singing bird of the spring was noted at Westleton Heath on April 10th with the next on April 11th at Westleton Common April 11th and Maidscross Hill, Lakenheath. These were followed on April 12th by Thorington, Waldringfield, Ravenswood (Ipswich) and Alton Water. April 13th saw a good number arrive with three at Bromeswell, six at Alton Water and three at Wherstead. The influx of the spring arrivals steadily increased during April and into early May with peak counts recorded at:

Thorington: six, Apr 26th

Westleton: Heath, five Apr 26th; ten, May 17th; six, June 2nd; Common, eight, Apr 16th; nine, Apr 19th.

Minsmere: eight, Apr 20th; eight, Apr 22nd

North Warren: five, Apr 30th

Great Glemham: Pound Farm, five, May 6th; eight, May 17th

Newbourne Springs: six, Apr 28th

Levington: Mill Plantation, nine, May 1st

Alton Water: six, Apr 13th

Ipswich: Ravenswood, six, Apr 22nd

Wherstead: nine, May 9th; Wherstead Park, seven, Apr 24th

Black Bourn Valley SWT: six, Apr 30th

Lackford Lakes: four, May 4th

Lakenheath: Maidscross Hill, seven, Apr 26th

The only spring record at Landguard involved one on May 10th.

The highest numbers of territories were located at:

Thorington: six

Dingle Marshes: seven

Westleton Heath: ten

Minsmere: 27

North Warren: 11

Great Glemham: Pound Farm, eight

Sutton Hoo: four

Melton/Bromeswell: seven

Martlesham: seven

Alton Water: 17

Wherstead: 15

Lackford Lakes: two

Lakenheath Fen: two

The total of sites reporting Nightingales in the northeast was 28 (18 in 2021), involving 97 territories. The southeast had a total of 48 sites (lower than the 73 in 2021 due mainly to a comprehensive study conducted on the Shotley Peninsula during 2021); however, there were 123 territories. In the west there was a total of 29 sites (22 in 2021) involving 50 territories. Overall, the total number of reporting sites in 2022 was 105 which, as expected, is lower than the 113 in 2021 (see above) but still better than the 91 in 2020.

The graph opposite illustrates that the Common Nightingale continues to flourish well in Suffolk with a total of 270 territories in 2022.

Landguard recorded an early juvenile on June 11th and an adult female, June 13th with calls noted up to July 26th which were considered to be made by the juvenile. The female was retrapped on August 3rd. Additional autumn passage juveniles were at Landguard on July 27th and August 3rd.

Nightingale, Hadleigh, April 26th
Bill Baston

Final reports were received from Lackford Lakes on August 16th, Hazlewood Common, August 21st and Hollesley Heath, August 23rd.


Rare passage migrant.

There were no records in 2022 with blank years also in 2021, 2016, 2011 and 2006 so far this century.


Fairly common passage migrant, principally in autumn. Amber list from Red list 2021. There were no spring records in 2022 which is the third year this century when there was no spring passage observed. The other blank years are 2011 and 2002.

An excellent autumn passage started with an individual noted at Landguard on August 10th followed by one at Kessingland Sewage Works on August 13th. A decent fall occurred on August 19th primarily between Corton and Kessingland which involved at least 62 birds. This fall was for one day only and most had departed by the following day. The highest counts noted were: Corton: six

Lowestoft: Scores and parks, 21; Kirkley Cemetery, ten

Pakefield: 15

Kessingland: Sewage Works, six

Minsmere: five

Later high counts were reported from Southwold where five were present on September 4th and 9th with a total of 18 sites recording autumn passage in the north-east. There were just eight sites recording birds in the south-east with the best counts all noted at Shingle Street with three, August 20th and five, August 23rd. Away from the coast, one was reported at Belstead Brook Park, Ipswich on August 16th and the only record from the west was at Denston on September 12th. Autumn passage at Landguard was noted between August 10th and September 29th but the maximum day-total was only two on August 23rd and September 11th.

Final reports came from Southwold Harbour on September 21st, Levington Reed Bed, September 27th and Landguard, September 29th.

2021 Addition/Correction

The year’s final record involved the photographed bird on page 189 of Suffolk Birds 2021 at Oulton on October 6th.


Phoenicurus ochruros.

Uncommon summer visitor and passage migrant. Occasionally overwinters. Amber list from Red list 2021.

The only first winter reports came from around the Ness Point area of Lowestoft with singles on several dates from January 1st until January 26th and two on three dates also in January.

A reasonable spring passage began with singles at North Warren on March 12th followed by Benacre, Minsmere and Landguard on March 13th. In the west of the county a female was noted at Lackford Lakes on April 11th. The highest counts came from:

Dunwich Heath: three, Mar 16th

Minsmere: three, Mar 14th; three Mar 30th; three, Apr 2nd

Sizewell: three, Mar 28th; three, Apr 13th; three, Apr 29th

Landguard: three, Mar 30th

Trimley Marshes: three, Apr 2nd

Interesting reports came from Adastral Park, Martlesham on May 30th (potential breeding site?) and Buxhall near Stowmarket on March 31st and April 1st with a report of a late singleton at Hazlewood Marshes on June 3rd. Spring passage was noted from 12 sites in the north-east, 12 in the south-east and two in the west. There were several reports from June 5th of two pairs around the cathedral area of Bury St Edmunds and they remained in the area until the last sighting of two on August 18th.

Breeding involved 14 pairs at five sites maintaining the improvement seen in 2021 when there were also 14 pairs. All sites are listed:

Lowestoft: bird noted carrying food, indicative of breeding, June 7th

Sizewell: Power Stations, a total of four breeding attempts by three pairs, producing a minimum of eight juveniles (A Cartwright)

Landguard: no evidence of breeding, although a male sang sporadically up to May 31st

Bury St Edmunds: two pairs were present, one pair confirmed breeding in the Cathedral grounds, fledging two young, August 11th

RAF Mildenhall: three pairs, with one confirmed breeding

RAF Lakenheath: five or six pairs were noted with five confirmed breeding

Much credit is due to the Bury St. Edmunds Cathedral staff who transferred planned children’s holiday activities to a different area of the grounds to ensure minimal disruption until the Black redstarts had fledged (East Anglian Daily Times, August 10th 2022)

Singles at Landguard, June 26th and July 8th and 19th perhaps relate to an unreported breeding pair within the Felixstowe Docks complex. Likewise, one at Kessingland, July 30th might have originated from the Lowestoft area, as mentioned above.

Typically, autumn passage peaked on the coast from September until early November with the principal counts as follows:

Lowestoft: four, Oct 13th

Southwold: two, Oct 21st

Sizewell: seven, Sep 15th; six, Oct 3rd – these could well have originated from the site’s three breeding pairs

Slaughden: two, Oct 21st

Black Redstart Peter Lakey


Landguard: passage from Sep 29th to Nov 14th, max two, Nov 4th

Away from the coast, reports of single birds were from:

Stowmarket: Oct 31st to Nov 22nd – perhaps intending to overwinter in this relatively underwatched area? Bury St. Edmunds: Angel Hill, Oct 9th and Nov 11th – probably originating from the breeding pair close by?

Wickambrook: one flycatching from the roof of the observer’s house, Oct 22nd

December sightings, all of single birds probably intending to overwinter in Suffolk, were at Southwold, 2nd; Sizewell, 16th; Lowestoft Harbour, 24th and Reydon, 28th.

2021 Correction

In line containing “…. Puttock’s |Hill, Great Barton….” (Suffolk Birds 2021:189) – please delete “Great Barton”.

COMMON REDSTART  Phoenicurus phoenicurus.

Uncommon summer visitor and passage migrant. Amber list.

Although there was an early individual reported at Landguard on April 6th it was a very poor spring passage with the records coming from Kessingland, Easton Bavents, Dunwich Heath, Westleton Walks, Landguard (three), Barton Mere.

There were three at Minsmere by April 25th and ten at Upper Hollesley Common, May 19th.

Breeding territories were as follows:

Minsmere: six pairs

Staverton Park and Thicks: two pairs

Woodbridge Airfield: three pairs

Sutton and Hollesley Commons: 12 pairs

The King’s Forest (NW): male held territory until June 7th, although breeding was not confirmed Icklingham: Berners Heath, singing male, June 7th and June 26th, although breeding was not confirmed Therefore, there were 23 breeding pairs recorded, marginally down from 27 pairs in 2021 and 28 in 2020.

Autumn passage got underway with a singleton noted at Gray’s Lane, Rumburgh on July 27th with two at nearby Long Lane, Rumburgh, July 28th and Hollesley Heath July 31st. The best of the autumn passage was:

Lowestoft: North Denes, two, Sep 3rd; Gunton, two, Sep 4th

Benacre Broad: two, Sep 4th

Southwold: two, Sep 4th; three, Sep 5th; two, Sep 12th

Thorpeness Common: two, Sep 3rd

Landguard: two, Sep 11th; two, Sep 13th; singles noted on seven dates between Aug 13th and Sep 30th Finally, the last report was from Benacre Broad where two were present on October 1st.

WHINCHAT  Saxicola ruebetra.

Declining passage migrant. Formerly bred (last bred in 2004). Red list. It was another average spring passage for this species with 19 records from 11 sites which is very similar to 2021 when there were 19 from 13 sites. All records listed involve singles unless stated:

Lowestoft: North Denes, Apr 18th

Dunwich Heath: Apr 9th; Apr 16th; May 3rd

Westleton Heath: two, May 28th

Minsmere: male, Apr 9th; May 4th; May 10th; May 28th

Aldringham: May 12th

Landguard: May 10th; two, May 14th

Trimley Marshes: Apr 24th

Lackford Lakes: May 5th

Timworth: female, May 12th

Mickle Mere: Apr 28th

Lakenheath Fen/Washes: May 13th

Coastal autumn passage began in the second week of August with early singletons noted from

Levington Creek on 8th, Shingle Street, 9th and Landguard, 10th.

Peak counts in August were noted from Shingle Street with five on 26th and Felixstowe Ferry, four on 25th. Early September saw the best of the passage with high counts from North Warren, three on 8th, Hollesley Marshes, four, 7th, Shingle Street peaked with eight on 11th and Landguard with seven on 11th. There were no reported double-figure autumn counts reported in 2022 and this has only occurred once before – in 2012.

In the west of the county, passage was noted from The King’s Forest (NW)with a juvenile on August 23rd, Stradishall Airfield, two, September 4th, Maidscross Hill, Lakenheath on both September 4th and 16th, Cavenham Heath, from August 26th to September 14th including two on September 13th and 14th, and in Thetford at the BTO Nunnery on September 12th.

Outside of the coastal belt there were three at Seafield Bay on the Stour Estuary on September 4th, a singleton at Raydon, near Hadleigh, September 14th and singles at Boyton Hall, Great Finborough on September 22nd and 23rd. The final sighting of the year involved two at Shingle Street on October 9th.

Whinchat 2022

No autumn double-figure count for Whinchat has only occurred once before, in 2012.

Extract from Suffolk Birds 2012 states “this was the worst autumn passage on record for this species”

2021 Correction

In the entry “Brandon: Park Heath, Sep 8th 1984” (Suffolk Birds 2021: 192 – please delete “1984”.

EUROPEAN STONECHAT  Saxicola rubicola

Fairly common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant.

First winter high counts were noted from:

Dunwich: Beach, six, Jan 15th; Dingle Marshes: five, Jan 25th

Westleton Heath: six, Feb 11th; ten, Mar 26th

Minsmere: five, Jan 4th; five, Feb 7th

Lower Hollesley Common: four, Jan 5th

Upper Hollesley Common: five, Feb 26th

Felixstowe Ferry: four, Jan 5th; four, Feb 11th

Brandon: Park Heath, eight, Feb 27th

Icklingham: Berners Heath, six, Feb 27th

Lakenheath Fen/Washes: six, Feb 26th

Less typical records involved single males at Shalford Meadows, Little Cornard, January 6th and Kedington, January 21st. Unexpectedly, there were no spring records from Landguard this year.

There were some high counts noted as birds arrived back at their breeding sites:

Westleton Heath: ten. Mar 26th

Upper Hollesley Common: six, Mar 22nd

Lower Hollesley Common: eight, Mar 25th

Sutton Common: ten, Apr 11th

Brandon: Park Heath, 13, Mar 27th; 12, Apr 8th

The northeast held 108 breeding pairs at 16 sites, there were 41 pairs in the southeast located at nine sites and the west had a remarkable 118 pairs located at just 11 sites. The total for the county, therefore, was 267 (although this includes some from the Norfolk part of Thetford Forest) way above the 139 pairs in 2021.

Key breeding sites were:

Dunwich Heath and Forest: 22 pairs

Minsmere. 48 pairs, the highest total ever recorded at this well-watched site

Aldringham Walks and North Warren: eight pairs

Woodbridge Airfield: six pairs

Hollesley and Sutton Commons: 26 pairs

Lakenheath Fen: seven pairs

Thetford Forest: 80 pairs, including the Norfolk area of the forest – the highest-ever recorded.

Brandon: Park Heath, ten pairs

The King’s Forest: 14 pairs

Post-breeding gatherings were reported from:

Southwold: Sea Front, 12, Aug 16th; 15, Sep 25th

Hen Reed Beds: 18, Oct 27th

Walberswick: East Hill, eight, Oct 7th

Westleton Common: ten, Sep 9th

Minsmere: ten, Aug 18th; ten, Sep 6th; ten, Sep 15th; 15, Sep 25th

Shingle Street: ten, Sep 2nd; 12, Sep 11th; ten, Sep 25th

Landguard: singles Aug 7th and Sep 5th preceded an autumn total of 13 during the period from Sep 20th to Nov 4th, max. two, Nov 2nd

Cavenha� Heath: ten, Sep 14th

Brandon: Park Heath, 32, Aug 27th; 16, Sep 15th; 22, Sep 27th

The above total of 32 at Brandon Park Heath is the second-highest individual site-total to be recorded in Suffolk, having only been surpassed by 39, also at Brandon Park Heath, on September 8th 2021.

The graph above illustrates a success story in the Suffolk Sandlings. In 2013 the European Stonechat was represented by just six pairs whilst in 2022 there were 149 pairs.

Following the record number of pairs during the breeding season, it is not surprising that this species was widely recorded in the second winter period with high counts of 11 at Minsmere, December 20th, seven at Boyton Marshes, November 11th, seven, Hollesley Marshes, December 16th and six at Lakenheath Fen, November 11th. There were two unexpected records during this period with a pair at Sturmer Mere, Kedington on December 7th and a singleton at Ampton on December 12th.

NORTHERN WHEATEAR  Oenanthe oenanthe.

Common passage migrant and uncommon summer visitor. Amber list from Green list 2021. There were just three singletons reported in the county during March, all noted on the northeast coast. The first was at Minsmere on March 8th with the next, also at Minsmere, March 12th, followed by Benacre on March 21st. The March 8th bird is the equal-earliest this century jointly held with two others on that date at Fressingfield in 2015 and Cavenham in 2003. The next report

was not until April 3rd at Minsmere. Elsewhere, the first record in the south-east came from Landguard on April 4th with three there on April 6th, followed by Shingle Street, April 8th. The first from the west of the county was reported at the BTO Nunnery Reserve, Thetford on April 9th, then two at Stradishall Airfield, April 10th with a single at Cavenham on the same day. It was a poor spring passage for this species; although reported from 19 sites in the north-east, 12 in the south-east and 14 in the west, the numbers of passage birds were low. Peak April counts were reported as follows:

Kessingland: Dunes, six, Apr 12th; four, Apr 13th

Southwold: Town Marshes, four, Apr 30th

North Warren: four, Apr 12th; four, Apr 13th

Shingle Street: three, Apr 10th

Landguard: maximum count, 21, Apr 13th

Cavenham: seven, Apr 13th

The best counts during May are as follows:

Kessingland: Dunes, eight, May 14th

Southwold: Sea Front, 11, May 4th

Dunwich Heath: four, May 9th

Thorpeness Common: four, May 14th

North Warren: four, May 14th

Orfordness: three, May 28th

Landguard: max count, 22, May 14th

Sightings away from the immediate coast also came from Rendlesham/Woodbridge Airfield, May 15th, Pipps Ford, Barking, May 1st and Boyton Hall in Monks Eleigh, April 13th. Spring laggards were noted at Dunwich Heath, June 1st, Minsmere, June 14th, Havergate Island, May 30th and Landguard, June 10th with an exceptionally-late bird at Dunwich Heath, June 22nd which may have been a failed breeding bird.

The county breeding status continues at a very low level with just three pairs recorded in 2022, all of them on Orfordness. Excluding 2021, which may have been under-recorded, this is the lowest figure since 2007 when there were just two pairs, also on Orfordness.

Autumn migration got underway with singletons at Cavenham on July 20th and a juvenile at the same site on July 25th, Minsmere, August 2nd and Landguard, August 3rd. Less typical records came from Brantham on August 15th and Boyton Hall, Great Finborough, August 29th.

Peak August counts are as follows:

Benacre Broad: three, Aug 31st

Bawdsey: East Lane, four, Aug 17th

Felixstowe Ferry: four, Aug 25th

Landguard: seven, Aug 27th

Knettishall Heath: four, Aug 25th

Passage improved during the first two weeks of September with peak counts from: Corton: five, Sep 2nd.

Lowestoft: Ness to Gunton, ten, Sep 2nd; 15, Sep 3rd; 14, Sep 4th

Kessingland: Dunes, 11, Sep 1st; six, Sep 4th

North Warren: five, Sep 5th; six, Sep 12th; 12, Sep 13th

Aldeburgh Marshes: nine, Sep 3rd; six, Sep 10th

Shingle Street: six, Sep 5th

Landguard: 12, Sep 5th; 16, Sep 11th; 15, Sep 13th

The Birdtrack graph opposite illustrates the poor spring and autumn passages in 2022. This trend was also mirrored in Essex and Norfolk with both counties posting a similar picture in 2022.

A trickle of reports continued through the rest of September with a rather dismal October when just eight coastal sites reported ones or twos. As in recent years there were several coastal reports in November up to 14th, with singles at East Lane, Bawdsey, 2nd, Landguard, 8th to 12th, Butley River, 13th and Oulton Broad, Lowestoft, 14th. Unexpectedly, one occurred well inland at Westhorpe, about ten kilometres north of Stowmarket, on November 1st; this is the latest-ever record of Wheatear in either central or west Suffolk.

Lowestoft: Oulton Broad, Nov 14th

Butley River: Nov 13th

Bawdsey: East Lane, Nov 2nd

Landguard: Nov 8th, 10th, 11th and 12th – may refer to just one individual

(WHITE-THROATED) DIPPER  Cinclus cinclus

Rare visitor. Amber list

There have been no records since 2016.


Uncommon and declining resident. Scarce passage migrant. Red List.

The only record in the east of the county involved one at Landguard on September 27th. Small numbers were reported from the west where winter feeding is now no longer undertaken, which has, inevitably, resulted in significantly-reduced flock sizes.

Peak counts were:

Fornham St Martin: Hall Farm, 20, June 27th

Ampton: 20, Feb 23rd

Tuddenham St Mary: 30, Feb 2nd (together with 350 Bramblings)

Breeding was confirmed at both Fornham St Martin and Tuddenham St Mary.

HOUSE SPARROW  Passer domesticus

Common but declining resident. Red List.

This once-common bird continues to be poorly recorded throughout the county with few significant flocks but it may be more populous than records show.

Flocks of 40 or more were recorded at the following sites:

Shingle Street: 40, Oct 16th

Bury St Edmunds (West): 100, Feb 10th; 60, Dec 31st

At Landguard 30 pairs nested at the Cottage and Fort; only four birds were retrapped from previous years, with the oldest being from May 2019. The year’s peak counts at Landguard were all of 120 on August 21st, September 9th and October 13th.

BBS recorders counted 252.

DUNNOCK  Prunella modularis

Very common resident and fairly common passage migrant. Amber List. This species is noted across the county with, we have come to expect, the highest counts occurring at Landguard.

The BBS recorders counted 129 birds

Counts of more than ten were recorded at:

Orford: 12, Sep 30th; 20, Oct 2nd

Shingle Street: 12, Oct 3rd; 13, Oct 16th

Martlesham Heath: 15, Mar 3rd

Great Finborough: 13, Oct 3rd

Bury St Edmunds (West): 26, Feb 10th; 20, Mar 25th

Thetford: BTO Nunnery Reserve, 11, Mar 23rd

At Landguard up to 12 pairs nested. Spring passage at Landguard was between March 7th and May 18th with a peak of 30 on April 19th (same as in 2021). Autumn passage at Landguard was from September 2nd to October 12th with a maximum of 25 on several dates.


Prunella collaris

Very rare visitor.

A welcome addition to many Suffolk birders’ lists.

Slaughden: 1CY+, Oct 27th to 29th (M Cornish)

A brief write-up of this event can be found amongst the articles in this bird report.


Motacilla flava flavissima

Rapidly declining summer visitor and passage migrant. Red list.

The first bird of the year was at Carlton Marshes on March 27th with the next at East Lane, Bawdsey on April 11th.

There was confirmed breeding at Chelmondiston, Timworth, Lackford Village and Pakenham with probable breeding at a number of other sites, predominantly in the west of the county. BBS surveyors recorded 129.

There were five sites with counts of ten or more birds:

Aldeburgh Marshes: 14, Aug 19th; ten, Sep 1st

Cavenham: Heath, 20, Aug 3rd; 15, Sep 4th

Lakenheath, Maidscross Hill, 14, Aug 19th; Fen, ten, Aug 29th

Spring migration at Landguard involved 16 birds between April 17th and May 19th. Autumn migration involved a total of 46 birds between July 17th and September 21st, the latter being the latest recorded date for this species in 2022.

Blue-headed Wagtail  M. f. flava

Uncommon passage migrant. Amber list.

Single birds were reported on spring passage from three sites in the county:

Carlton Marshes: Apr 10th

North Warren: Apr 13th

Boyton Marshes: May 10th

Alpine Accenter, Slaughden, October 28th John Richardson

Grey-headed Wagtail  M. f. thunbergi

Scarce passage migrant. Amber list.

There were no records in Suffolk in 2022.

EASTERN YELLOW WAGTAIL  Motacilla tschutschensis Accidental.

There were no confirmed records in Suffolk in 2022.

The bird showing characteristics of Eastern Yellow Wagtail at Carlton Marshes, intermittently between November 3rd 2022 and May 2nd 2023, is not being submitted to BBRC because the call was not recorded.

2021 Correction/Addition

The bird recorded at Carlton Marshes from November 24th up to December 6th 2020 was relocated in January 2021 being last seen on January 31st 2021; this coinciding with an icy snap. (A C Easton, J H Grant et al.)

2019 Correction/Addition

For the dates of occurrence of the bird at Corporation Marshes, Dunwich “….Nov 7th to 19th …. (Suffolk Birds 2019: 206) to read “…. Oct 25th to Nov 19th….)

GREY WAGTAIL  Motacilla cinerea

Fairly common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list, from Red.

This colourful bird continues to be well-observed. However, as usual, few sites held more than three birds. Only one bird was recorded in the Breeding Bird Survey.

Breeding records were noticeably absent from the northeast of the county, although one observer did have one perched on his car wing mirror! In the southeast area breeding was confirmed or suspected at Snape Wetlands, Melton Sewage Works, Pipps Ford (see below), Christchurch Park in Ipswich and at Belstead Brook Park, also Ipswich. There were several records of breeding from the west; at Temple Bridge and possibly the heath, Cavenham, Stradishall, Haverhill, Kedington, Sudbury Common, Clare and Long Melford.

The sites holding four or more birds were:

Snape Wetlands: four, Aug 8th (Breeding)

Ipswich/Pinewood: Belstead Brook Park, four, Jan 26th

Sudbury Common Lands: four, May 13th

Long Melford: Sewage Works, up to 11, Jan 8th to Dec 16th

Cavenham: four, Sep 14th

West Stow: four, July 20th

Thetford: BTO Nunnery Reserve, five, Oct 2nd

There were summer sightings of this wagtail at Landguard, which is well away from any known breeding site, with seven recorded during the period June 25th to July 27th.

Autumn migration at Landguard involved 90 birds (163 in 2021) between August 20th and November 14th, with a peak count of 11 south, September 20th.

Field Note: Grey Wagtails breeding on house roof

As a nesting species, Grey Wagtails are usually associated as using weirs, bridges, concrete culverts, locks, mills and watercress beds.

In early spring 2022 I noticed a pair of Grey Wagtails at Pipps Ford in the Gipping Valley often visiting a neighbour’s roof which I initially presumed at the time was for the purpose of feeding. As time passed, I began to see a male bird on its own making visits to the roof. This became a regular sight every day and the bird appeared to be making frequent feeding visits to a small river 350m away and then returning to the same roof. It is not unheard of that Grey Wagtails will

breed away from watercourses, but it is unusual in my experience. One researcher in a study of 673 nests found only 3% more than 30m away from water (Tyler, 1972). A pair eventually appeared collecting food from rooftops and around gardens, obviously feeding young, and later two young were seen being fed around the house and gardens.

Reference: Tyler, S, J, 1972. Breeding Biology of the Grey Wagtail. Bird Study 19: 2, 69 – 80 Phil Whittaker.

PIED WAGTAIL  Motacilla alba yarrellii

Very common resident, passage migrant and winter and summer visitor.

This species is widely distributed in the county with flock sizes similar to previous years. There were 22 recorded in the BBS surveys.

Significant counts across the county (mostly roost counts) were:

Sizewell: 50, Oct 29th

Woodbridge: 100, Sep 28th; 200, Nov 2nd

Brantham: 50, Jan 7th

Barking: Pipps Ford, 142, Feb 15th

Needham Market: Sewage Works, 75, Jan 15th

Long Melford: 114, Jan 8th; 81, Nov 11th; Sewage Works, up to 84 between Jan 6th and Dec 16th

Lakenheath Fen RSPB: 130, Jan 23rd; 82, Nov 8th

Haverhill: 50, Jan 7th

Autumn passage at Landguard was noted from October 2nd to November 19th with only 35 south recorded and a maximum of nine on October 8th; the last year with a three-figure autumn total is 2017 when 179 were noted. At least four pairs nested in the adjoining dock, with these birds and their offspring regularly feeding on site. There was a maximum of 35 there on August 16th.

White Wagtail  M. a. alba

Fairly common passage migrant. Amber list.

As usual this species was recorded predominantly on coastal spring passage with few autumn records. There were single records from five sites in the west of the county. The first spring sighting was at Benacre on March 11th.

There were records of five birds or more from only two sites (see below). Ten coastal sites recorded two or three birds. Landguard recorded six singles in spring and one on September 20th.

Kessingland: five, Mar 20th

Benacre: nine, Mar 11th

RICHARD’S PIPIT  Anthus richardi

Rare visitor.

There were no records in Suffolk in 2022.

MEADOW PIPIT  Anthus pratensis

Common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list.

This species is recorded regularly on spring and autumn passage along the Suffolk coast together with sightings at long-standing sites in the west of the county.

Two were recorded by BBS surveyors. Breeding records were almost absent; but breeding was recorded at Hollesley Marshes, Shingle Street and was probable at Cavenham Heath.

Significant counts of passage birds reported from coastal sites were markedly reduced in 2022 with few exceeding 40 birds:

Hollesley Marshes: up to 75, Sep 15th to Oct 30th

Shingle Street: up to 70, Sep 10th to 23rd

Bawdsey: East Lane, 60, Oct 31st

Felixstowe Ferry: 180, Sep 12th; 80, Sep 15th

Significant inland counts were:

Hopton (west): 110, Dec 13th

Great Finborough: 30, Sep 24th

Long Melford: 60, Jan 24th; 160, Sep 20th; 48, Nov 25th

Bradfield St George: 50, Mar 4th

Cavenham Heath: 46, Sep 15th

Brandon: Park Heath, 47, Jan 1st; up to 49, Sep 15th to Oct 30th

Spring passage at Landguard was noted from March 3rd to May 2nd with a maximum of 12 north on March 28th. Autumn passage there was from August 21st until December 1st with a total of 2476 (2424 in autumn 2021) birds south including maximum day-counts of 338 on September 12th and 235 on October 2nd; the peak monthly totals of southerly passage involved 809 in September, 1444 in October and 219 in November.


S745494 1st-year 26/09/2021

Landguard Point, Felixstowe, Suffolk 51°56’N 01°19’E freshly dead 05/05/2022

Isafjardarbaer, Nordur-Isafjardarsysla, ICELAND 66°04’N 23°07’W - 2088km NW

There have been two previous movements of ringed Meadow Pipits between Suffolk and Iceland. One ringed in Iceland on 03/09/2007 was controlled at Orfordness on 10/10/2007 and one ringed at Walberswick on 19/09/2008 was controlled in Iceland on 03/09/2009.

TREE PIPIT  Anthus trivialis

Declining summer visitor and passage migrant. Red list.

This species continues to be seen predominantly in the west of the county with The King’s Forest and Thetford Forest being its strongholds. In the northeast and southeast of the county, there was no sign of breeding with most of the records being of single birds, with the following exceptions:

Rendlesham Forest: two, June 25th

Upper Hollesley Common: two, June 7th to 10th – singing but no further proof of breeding

The picture in the west of the county was again significantly different with the majority of birds recorded in The King’s Forest (all sections) and breeding confirmed/ probable at 11 sites, the same total as in 2021. The first of the year was reported from Thetford Forest (Central) on April 9th. Cavenham Heath: two, Apr 24th; three, Apr 25th; three, May 8th

Tree Pipit, Upper Hollesley Common, May 30th John Richardson

The King’s Forest (Central): up to 29, Apr 10th to May 31st

The King’s Forest (North-east): up to nine, May 9th to June 7th

The King’s Forest (North-west): up to 14, Apr 17th to May 15th

The King’s Forest (South-west): four, May 19th

The King’s Forest (South-east): five, Apr 27th

Elveden: three, Apr 13th; five, Apr 16th; Parsonage Heath, two, Apr 11th; three, May 19th; two, June 21st

Brandon: Park Heath, four, Apr 13th; five, May 2nd; two, Aug 21st; Mayday Farm, three, Apr 17th; six, May 16th

Thetford Forest (Central): two, Apr 9th; eight, Apr 30th

Thetford Forest (Olley’s Farm): four, Apr 11th

Thetford: Warren Wood, three, May 2nd

Wangford (west): eight, May 30th

Lakenheath Warren: two, May 28th

Autumn passage at Landguard involved single birds south on September 3rd, 9th and 11th.

WATER PIPIT  Anthus spinoletta

Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. As expected, all records were from coastal sites, with the sole exception of birds seen at Lakenheath. The majority of sightings were of one or two birds.

Records of four or more were noted from only three sites as follows:

Snape Wetlands: Botany Marshes, four, Nov 10th

Aldeburgh Marshes: four, Jan 5th

Lakenheath Fen/Washes: first winter multiple counts, Jan 21st to Apr 7th with peaks of 12, Jan 21st and 16, Jan 23rd; second winter multiple counts, Oct 11th to Nov 13th with a peak of only four, Oct 18th


ROCK PIPIT  Anthus petrosus

Fairly common winter visitor and passage migrant. This species is regularly seen along the county’s coast and estuaries in the winter months. During the year there were numerous reports of up to four or five birds with counts of six or more at 11 sites:

Aldeburgh Marshes: 12, Oct 28th

Iken: 15, Jan 20th

Butley River: 11, Nov 13th; 23, Dec 11th

Hollesley Marshes: eight, Jan 17th to 22nd; six, Jan 5th

Havergate Island: up to 12, Oct 8th to Nov 7th

Woodbridge: Sewage Works, eight, Jan 28th; six, Feb 11th

Shottisham: seven, Dec 24th; 12, Dec 26th

Ramsholt: six, Dec 24th

Levington: Lagoon, six, Nov 30th

Freston: Freston Reach, Orwell Estuary, six, Nov 29th

Brantham: Sewage Works, seven, Jan 7th

The spring passage at Landguard was between February 22nd and April 2nd with a maximum of two on any one day. The first of autumn was at Landguard on September 18th with 24 birddays there up to December 1st.


EP03345 (green 751) 1st-year male 03/09/2021

alive (colourring seen) 09/02/2022


CHAFFINCH  Fringilla coelebs

Maletangen, Fraena, Hustadvika, More og Romsdal, NORWAY 62°58’N 07°03’E

Bawdsey, Suffolk 51°59’N 01°23’E - 1265km SSW

Very common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Categories A and E.

This common species is widely distributed throughout the county with flocks recorded regularly prior to migration and in the winter months.

BBS surveyors recorded 156 in 2022.

Flocks of 50 or more were reported from seven sites (12 sites in 2021) with peak totals as follows:

Wenhaston: Low Farm, 150, Jan 30th

Westleton: 100, Jan 20th

Iken Cliff: 65, Feb 10th

Hollesley: 120, Feb 1st; 120, Nov 7th

Bawdsey: East Lane, 60, Oct 13th

Kirton: 50, Feb 22nd

Elveden: Parsonage Heath, 60, Mar 9th

Autumn migration at Landguard was between September 4th and November 29th with a total of 371 (703 in autumn 2021) south/in off the sea and maximum day-counts of 35 on October 24th and 33 on November 8th.


S151327 1st-year female 16/11/2018 Landguard Point, Felixstowe, Suffolk 51°56’N 01°19’E caught by ringer 02/11/2022

BRAMBLING  Fringilla montifringilla

Beverietenweg, Wapserveen, Drenthe, NETHERLANDS


Fairly common winter visitor and passage migrant.

The number of records and sites of this winter visitor continues to fluctuate, with the size of small to medium flocks this year significantly increased from those of 2021:

Flocks of 40 or more were reported from eight sites with peak numbers as follows:

Hollesley Heath: 75, Oct 26th

Brent Eleigh: 52, Mar 23rd

Tuddenham St Mary: 350, Feb 2nd (with Tree Sparrows); 250, Dec 17th

The King’s Forest (North-west): 40, Jan 9th

Thetford Forest (Central): 62, Apr 2nd; 120, Apr 9th

Brandon: 70, Apr 2nd

Santon Downham: 40, Mar 13th; Thetford Lodge Farm, 70, Apr 11th

Spring passage at Landguard was noted from February 22nd to May 12th with a total of 23 birds. Autumn passage at Landguard was recorded from September 19th to November 29th with a total of only 24 birds (139 in autumn 2021) and a maximum of five on October 20th.

Just for interest:

Bramblings, Upper Hollesley Common, April 9th John Richardson

This year’s Brambling on May 12th is the latest spring record in Suffolk since 2020 (May 12th, Landguard) and 2007 (May 12th, Lowestoft); the latest spring date this century is May 14th in 2001 at Lowestoft.

This year’s Brambling on September 19th is the earliest autumn record since 2014 (September 17th, Landguard and September 18th, Lakenheath); the earliest autumn date this century is September 12th in 2002 on Orfordness.

2021 Addition

At Suffolk’s principal site for observing migration, Landguard, the diligent observers recorded 139 southbound Bramblings between October 7th and November 29th in 2021 (Suffolk Birds 2021: 200). Compare this total with that for Hunstanton Cliffs, Norfolk’s premier site for recording visible migration, where, in October 2021, between 7th and 30th, as many as 3883 Bramblings were recorded flying south which were followed by at least 671 in November (Norfolk Bird and Mammal Report 2021: 188).

HAWFINCH Coccothraustes coccothraustes

Uncommon resident and rare passage migrant. Red List.

A reasonable year in the county for this species which was recorded at ten locations with the majority of records of single birds, apart from at Sotterley Park and Hengrave.

Birds were recorded from the following sites:

Ellough: Sotterley Park, noted regularly up to May 13th, max 18, Jan 24th and 16, Feb 12th; two, Dec 24th

Benacre: Beach Farm, Sep 30th

Thorpeness: Mar 26th

Iken: Cliffs, Oct 9th

Landguard: Mar 23rd

Claydon: feeding in garden, Mar 29th

Hengrave: Apr 8th; four, Nov 25th

Cavenham Pits: Feb 10th

Brandon: Apr 13th; Oct 5th; Oct 10th; Oct 28th

At Landguard a single bird was recorded on March 23rd with plucked remains found the next day – probably predated by a Sparrowhawk.

EURASIAN BULLFINCH  Pyrrhula pyrrhula

Common but declining resident. Amber List.

This popular species continues to be reported widely throughout the county although only six sites recorded five or more birds:

Great Glemham: six, May 17th

Trimley Marshes: five, Mar 27th

Swilland: Sycamore Farm, eight, Nov 28th; five, Dec 12th

Ixworth: Black Bourn Valley, five, Sep 4th; eight, Sep 28th; eight, Dec 1st

Long Melford: Kiln Grove, six, Dec 18th

Lavenham: Railway Walk, five, Nov 11th

BBS counters found them in four squares.

Landguard recorded single birds on March 26th and November 5th.

The CES at Lackford Lakes has seen a “…noticeable decline since 2015, possibly linked to an increase in birds suffering from Scaly Leg – does this increase mortality?” – a very reasonable question.

COMMON ROSEFINCH  Carpodacus erythrina

Rare passage migrant. Bred in 1992.

There were no records in Suffolk in 2022.


Common, but declining, resident and passage migrant. Red list (from Green list 2021). Categories A and E.

This species continues to show no increase with the sites holding small flocks being the same as in the past few years. In the BBS squares a total of 56 was recorded.

Counts of 20 or more birds were recorded from eight sites (same number as 2021) as follows: Butley: 20, Oct 8th

Felixstowe Ferry: 77, Nov 5th

Great Finborough: 20, Oct 1st

Stoke-by-Nayland: Gifford’s Hall, 40, Nov 13th

Chelsworth: 50, Nov 2nd

Bury St Edmunds (West): 26, Feb 10th; 20, Nov 14th; 30, Dec 6th

Thetford: BTO Nunnery Reserve, 30, Feb 24th; 30, Oct 23rd; 40, Nov 12th

Brandon: 26, Dec 26th

The autumn passage at Landguard involved 89 (56 in autumn 2021) moving south between September 20th and November 26th, with a maximum of 14 on October 25th.

In 2022, for the first recorded time, there was no evidence of Greenfinches breeding in Christchurch Park, Ipswich.

TWITE  Linaria flavirostris

Declining winter visitor and passage migrant. Red List.

There were first winter reports from two sites:

Dunwich/Walberswick: present until Mar 5th, max 11, Jan 16th

Boyton: three, Mar 12th

There were second winter reports from two sites:

Dunwich: Nov 9th and 19th

Thorpeness: north, Nov 4th

Monitoring of the Twite population by the RSPB in its Peak District breeding areas, shows a dramatic 90% decline between 1999 and 2021 ( projects/england-twite-recovery-project/). The use of colour rings suggests that this area is an important source for the wintering birds in Suffolk. As can be seen from the figures below, there has been a parallel decline in these wintering birds on ‘our’ coast.

The maximum counts from Dunwich/Wallberswick for each winter.

2013-14 100

2014-15 60

2015-16 60

2016-17 75

2017-18 60

2018-19 20

2019-20 18

2020-21 25

2021-22 14

2022-23 2

This is the reason why Twite has now been put into category 2 (from 3) meaning that any future records will need to be assessed by SORC. Norfolk have also changed the category.

COMMON LINNET  Linaria cannabina

Common summer visitor and passage migrant. Overwinters in small numbers. Red List. Flocks were recorded in both winter periods, with many holding 100 or more birds; however only nine held 200 or more and these were mainly in the west of the county.

Significant flocks were reported from the following sites:

Alton Water: 211, Nov 22nd

Witnesham: 200, Dec 21st

Great Finborough: up to 280, Aug 29th to Dec 24th

Bures St Mary: Arger Fen SWT, 850, in mustard stubble field, Feb 7th

Westhorpe: Fairoaks Farm, 400, Jan 2nd to 22nd; 200, Feb 11th and Mar 7th

Long Melford: Kiln Grove, 200, Jan 20th

Knettishall Airfield: 200, Jan 4th; 250, Nov 12th; 400, Nov 22nd

Pakenham: Queach Farm, 200, Dec 5th

Timworth: 300, Jan 12th; 200, Dec 24th

An estimated 30 pairs bred at Landguard with several more nearby, similar to the previous year. Ninety-eight were recorded by BBS surveyors.

Autumn passage at Landguard involved 1494 south (1167 south in autumn 2021) between October 2nd and November 26th with a maximum day-count of 380 south on October 22nd. Twenty-three adults were retrapped from previous years at Landguard with the oldest from May 2018. The maximum spring site totals were 100, April 25th and 26th and May 2nd and a summer maximum of 110, June 22nd.

COMMON REDPOLL  Acanthis flammea

Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list.

The year saw a significant reduction in records with only two locations in the county reporting birds:

Landguard: Oct 25th and 26th; Nov 5th.

Hintlesham: Golf Course, four, Oct 23rd

LESSER REDPOLL  Acanthis cabaret

Declining winter visitor and passage migrant. No evidence of breeding since 2006. Red List. Flock sizes continue to reduce with only one exceeding 100 birds. Counts of 40 or more were recorded at only three sites as follows:

Hollesley: 45, Jan 3rd

Shingle Street: 150, Nov 12th – passage birds

Thetford: BTO Nunnery Reserve, 40, Nov 23rd to Dec 3rd

No birds were recorded at Landguard on spring passage in 2022 – there had been 27 in spring 2021. Autumn passage at Landguard totalled 591 (85 in autumn 2021) birds between September 24th and November 26th with a maximum of 115 south on November 10th.


1st-year 14/10/2020

National Park de Groote Peel, Asten, NoordBrabant, NETHERLANDS 51°19’N 05°46’E caught by ringer 26/10/2022

Landguard Point, Felixstowe, Suffolk 51°56’N 01°19’E - 316km WNW

PARROT CROSSBILL  Loxia pytyopsittacus

Rare winter visitor. Bred in 1984 and 1985. Amber list.

There were no records in Suffolk in 2022.

RED CROSSBILL  Loxia curvirostra

Locally common resident and irruptive visitor.

The number of records and sites of this species have fluctuated over the past few years. During 2022 there were relatively few birds in the county. Birds were recorded from only seven locations in the east of the county with only Tunstall Forest hosting more than eight birds. Birds were recorded in 14 locations in the west of Suffolk with only Elveden (Parsonage Heath) recording more than four birds. Crossbills are a highly-mobile species so there is a distinct possibility of duplicate recording of birds particularly between feeding and roosting areas. Breeding was confirmed in two locations, Santon Downham (High Lodge) and West Stow Country Park.

Peak numbers were reported as follows:

Tunstall Forest: up to 31, Mar 29th to Apr 6th

Elveden: Parsonage Heath, 20, Feb 23rd

EUROPEAN GOLDFINCH  Carduelis carduelis

Very common resident, summer visitor and passage migrant. Increasingly overwinters in small numbers.

The numbers of records and sites of this species continue to fluctuate for no apparent reasons. One hundred and forty-two were recorded by the BBS surveyors.

Barking: Pipps Ford, 121, July 9th

Timworth: 100, July 23rd

Spring passage at Landguard involved 74 south (186 in spring 2021) between March 28th and May 25th with a maximum of 11 on April 5th. In autumn visible passage at Landguard saw 8521 (5417 in autumn 2021) recorded moving south between September 14th and November 29th with a maximum of 1280 south on October 25th and an autumn maximum of 36 birds feeding on site on October 13th.

One flew in off the sea at Minsmere on October 12th.

EUROPEAN SERIN  Serinus serinus

Rare migrant.

There were three records in the county in 2022, all of which were single day coastal observations. Landguard: Apr 5th male trapped, ringed and photographed (P J Denyer et al.); June 10th, photographed (W J Brame, P J Holmes, N Odin et al.)

Southeast Suffolk: site name withheld, adult female trapped, ringed and photographed, Nov 19th (C Bridge) This Serin in southeast Suffolk is the latest-ever recorded in the county, the previous latest having been a female at Landguard, November 2nd 1980 – these are Suffolk’s only November records.

EURASIAN SISKIN  Spinus spinus

Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Very scarce breeder. 2022 was a typical year for this species with records throughout the county from suitable sites, mostly in the west, in both winter periods.

Fifteen were recorded by BBS surveyors.

Counts of 100 or more birds were recorded from 14 sites (12 sites in 2021) as follows:

Minsmere: 100, Jan 16th

Wantisden: Staverton Park, 100, Jan 5th

Upper Hollesley Common: 100, Apr 2nd and 3rd

Ipswich/Pinewood: Belstead Brook Park, 100, Jan 27th

Long Melford: 160, Jan 20th; 100, Feb 3rd

Lackford Lakes: 100, Jan 19th

Cavenham: 100, Feb 10th

Hopton (west): 120, Dec 13th

Elveden: Parsonage Heath, 250, Mar 11th

Thetford Forest: Little Ouse Valley, 260, Jan 3rd

Brandon: Mayday Farm, 100, Feb 8th and 26th

Thetford: BTO Nunnery Reserve, up to 175, Jan 7th to Mar 5th; up to 100, Oct 12th to Dec 19th

Santon Downham: 100, Mar 4th

Lakenheath Fen RSPB: 100, Feb 6th

Spring passage at Landguard involved 39 (41 in spring 2021) between March 10th and May 1st. Autumn passage at Landguard involved a total of 477 (983 in autumn 2021) from September 11th to November 26th with a maximum day-count of 137 south on November 10th.

LAPLAND LONGSPUR  Calcarius lapponicus

Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. The only bird remaining from the excellent autumn for this species in 2021 was at Kessingland, January 2nd.

It was a poor autumn for this bunting with just two records, both from Landguard:

Kessingland: Jan 2nd

Landguard: Oct 4th; Nov 19th

SNOW BUNTING  Plectrophenax nivalis

Locally common winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list.

Most records continue to be from the expected coastal locations. Coastal flocks are very mobile and duplication of recording must be assumed. The flock of 100 at Kessingland on January 10th is the county’s largest since January 2005 when 160 were at Kessingland, 20th and 107 on Orfordness, 2nd.

The bird which remained at Minsmere from March 28th until April 11th is the latest recorded in Suffolk since 2013 when one lingered at Landguard until April 18th.

Site maxima in the first winter period involved:

Pakefield: 30, Jan 24th (probably from Kessingland

Benacre/Kessingland: 60, Jan 4th; 100, Jan 10th; 70, Jan 17th; 40, Feb 10th

Dunwich/Walberswick: 15, Jan 27th; 18, Feb 9th

The first autumn birds in September were at Kessingland on 16th; Minsmere, 17th; Lowestoft and Falkenham, 18th; Walberswick, 20th and North Warren, 27th.

Snow Buntings were more widespread on the Suffolk coast in the second winter period than in the first. However, totals were significantly lower in the second winter period with the following maxima:

Benacre/Kessingland: 30, Nov 9th and 19th; 50, Dec 3rd and 7th

Thorpeness: nine south, Nov 5th

Hollesley Marshes: two, Dec 1st; seven, Dec 21st

Landguard: up to three, Oct 8th to Nov 21st

Snow Bunting, Dunwich, October 13th Andrew Moon

CORN BUNTING  Emberiza calandra

Locally common resident. Scarce passage migrant. Red List.

Records were received from the county’s traditional sites on the Shotley Peninsular and from All Saints South Elmham, Boyton Marshes and Trimley Marshes in the east of the county. In the west, Lakenheath Fen held a large roosting flock in late January and seven other sites recorded up to five birds.

Significant site counts were:

Chelmondiston: 60, Jan 17th; ten, June 30th; 12, Nov 16th

Lakenheath Fen RSPB: up to 119 roosting, Jan 20th to 29th

The total of 119 at roost is the highest total recorded in Suffolk since 2013 when 120 roosted, also at Lakenheath Fen, on January 16th and 26th.

In the east of the county, breeding was probable at Chelmondiston and in the west, breeding was confirmed only at Mildenhall Fen.

There were no reports of any coastal migrants.

YELLOWHAMMER  Emberiza citrinella

Common but declining resident. Uncommon passage migrant. Red List.

This species was well-recorded in 2022 but with flock sizes greatly reduced from the previous year. 119 were recorded by BBS surveyors. Only the following four sites recorded 100 or more birds:

Long Melford: Kiln Grove, 140, Jan 20th

Knettishall Airfield: up to 140, Jan 4th to Mar 12th

Ixworth: Black Bourn Valley, 150, Jan 15th

Tuddenham St Mary: 100, Feb 2nd (together with 30 Tree Sparrows and 350 Bramblings)

Singles were at Landguard on February 23rd, March 15th and April 9th; in late November two flew south on 21st and 26th.

LITTLE BUNTING  Emberiza pusilla

Very rare visitor.

Two records this year, Suffolk’s 18th and 19th (involving 22 birds):

Felixstowe Ferry: Nov 4th (P Holmes)

Knettishall Airfield: Mar 7th to 9th (S Howell et al.)

One had also been well inland at Knettishall Airfield in 2017 between January 5th and 20th.

COMMON REED BUNTING  Emberiza schoeniclus

Common but declining resident. Uncommon passage migrant. Amber list.

The year showed a similar number of both records and sites as in the previous two years; however, flock sizes reported were considerably reduced at most sites. Only two west Suffolk locations had more than 25 birds. Eleven were recorded by BBS surveyors.

Peak counts within the county were:

Knettishall Airfield: up to 70, Jan 4th to Mar 13th; up to 70, Oct 17th to Dec 1st

Lakenheath Fen: up to 52, Feb 26th to June 24th

Spring passage at Landguard involved two on March 9th and singles on March 15th and 21st and May 7th.

Autumn passage at Landguard involved 32 birds from September 24th to November 12th with a maximum of four south on October 6th, 7th and 25th.


Species that would otherwise appear in Categories A or B except that there is reasonable doubt that they have ever occurred in Britain in a natural state.

WOOD DUCK  Aix sponsa

Canada to northern Mexico, Cuba and Bahamas. Categories D and E.

Thorpeness Meare (and vicinity): male, Apr 15th; pair, Dec 17th

North Warren: presumably the same male, Apr 13th


Species that have been recorded as introductions, transportees or escapees from captivity, and whose breeding populations (if any) are thought not to be self-sustaining. Where a species is also placed in other categories of the British List, this is indicated in the species’ summary.

RUDDY SHELDUCK  Tadorna ferruginea

Morocco and Turkey east through Central Asia to Tibetan plateau. Winters to south of breeding range, with majority in Indian subcontinent. Feral population breeds in northern Europe. Categories B, D and E.

The following records are thought to refer to the same two, rather-mobile, birds: Fornham St Martin: single, July 12th and Aug 6th

Livermere Lake: with 1-2 x Egyptian Goose hybrids, June 9-11th; June 18 and 19th; July 2nd; July 16th

Ingham: two, Oct 3rd

Lackford Lakes: Feb 13th; two, Feb 24th; two, May 10th

Flempton: two, Feb 12th and Feb 22nd and 23rd

Risby: Feb 25th

Cavenham: Feb 19th; Mar 6th; June 22nd; Aug 3rd

FULVOUS WHISTLING DUCK  Dendrocygna bicolor

Found very widely in the Indian subcontinent, sub-Saharan Africa and much of the Americas. Livermere Lake: June 4th

EMPEROR GOOSE  Anser canagica

Breeds north-eastern Siberia and western Alaska. Winters from southern Alaska to northern California.

Lower Stour valley: Jan 5th; Apr 20th; May 6th

SWAN GOOSE  Anser cygnoides

North-eastern Asia, winters central China.

Lakenheath Fen: Jan 12th


Forest bogs of northern Scandinavia east to eastern Siberia. Winters locally from the Netherlands to eastern China. Also category A.

Presumably the same bird at the following locations:

Boyton: May 2nd

Hollesley: May 22nd

Shingle Street: Apr 22nd

Bawdsey: East Lane, Apr 29th

Melton: June 25th

BLACK SWAN  Cygnus atratus

Throughout much of Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand. No records were received from the northeast recording area, in contrast with 2021, when all records were from the northeast.

Nacton: Orwell Country Park, two, Apr 5th

Wherstead: two, Apr 3rd and 22nd; Bourne Bridge, Oct 30th

Shotley: Shotley Gate, two, Sep 20th

Brantham: Seafield Bay, Jan 10th; Feb 7th

Denham (near Bury St Edmunds): pair on a private lake, Oct 13th


Transvaal and Cape Province, in South Africa.

Cavenham Pits: Jan 3rd

MUSCOVY DUCK  Cairina moschata

Southern Mexico to northern Argentina and Brazil.

Redgrave: apparently the same dark brown male, Mar 21st; Apr 18th; May 12th; June 19th; Sep 22nd; Nov 12th

RINGED TEAL  Callonetta leucophrys

Central South America.

Ipswich: Christchurch Park, two males, Oct 11th

The previous Suffolk record involves two males at Trimley Marshes on February 18th 2019 – are these the same two males as occurred on Round Pond, Christchurch Park this year?


Breeds western Europe to central China. Winters to south of breeding range. Also categories A and C.

See duck section in species reports.

CANVASBACK  Aythya valisineria

Breeds on the North American prairies and winters to the southern US. Also category A.

Cattawade: eclipse female at roost, July 17th


Widely distributed in sub-Saharan Africa.

Westleton: Feb 27th

Stuston: May 1st

Iken: near Sandy Lane, five, Oct 7th

Ampton: three, Mar 6th

NORTHERN BOBWHITE  Colinus virginianus

Found across much of the eastern US and Mexico.

Sutton: Pettistree Hall, recorded calling, Aug 8th and for a week after

REEVE’S PHEASANT  Syrmaticus reevesii

Forests of central and eastern China.

Chedburgh: one, sometimes two, birds seen from January to June

GOLDEN PHEASANT  Chrysolophus pictus

Forests of central China. Also, category C.

No longer thought to be a self-sustaining population. See paper by William Smith earlier in this

bird report (Link to full published paper is given there).

Bramfield: behind stables, Dec 25th

Euston: two males, Jan 26th; heard Mar 16th; male Aug 7th

Ampton: Mar 11th

Lackford: Nov 14th

INDIAN PEAFOWL  Pavo cristatus

Breeds throughout the Indian subcontinent from eastern Pakistan south to Sri Lanka.

Southwold: sewage works, Aug 16th

Levington Creek: June 18th

Newbourne: Dec 21st

Brantham: north part of the parish, Nov 12th

Lidgate: Hall Farm, May 27th

HARRIS’S HAWK  Parabuteo unicinctus

Found from the south-western US to Chile and Argentina.

Horringer: The Hopleys, with Red Kite, during March (no precise date)

LAUGHING KOOKABURRA  Dacelo novaeguineae

Eastern and southwestern Australia.

This is thought to be the same bird that was reported from Long Melford in Suffolk Birds 2016 (then not identified to species level) and is thought to have been present since then.

Glemsford: Jan 26th and Mar 17th, also known to have been seen thereafter (and into 2023)

BOURKE’S PARROT  Neopsephotus bourkii

Across much of Australia, nomadic.

Landguard: blue morph bird, May 14th

DOMESTIC CANARY  Serinus canaria domestica

Originally resident on the Canaries, Azores and Madeira, very widely domesticated.

Buxhall: ‘Gloster’ canary present for several days from March 12th

ZEBRA FINCH  Taeniopygia guttata

Across much of Australia and parts of Indonesia.

Lowestoft Oval: Sep 4th

List of Contributors

Whilst every effort has been made to make this list as comprehensive as possible, some observers names may have been inadvertently omitted. If your contribution has not been acknowledged, please accept my sincere apologies. It is doubtful that all those who only submit to Birdtrack or eBird will feature here.

A Abbott, S Abbott, D Adelson, P Aldous, P Allard, A Allen, D Allen, N Andrews, R Attenborrow, M Avery, R Ayers

S Baillie, M Ball, S Ball, D E Balmer, P Barker, I Barthorpe, D Basham, B Baston, E Bathgate, D Beadle, D Beamish, C Beaumont, R Biddle, BINS, Birdline East Anglia, Birdguides, Birdtrack (thousands), S Bishop, R Blackman, T Blake, D Borderick, K Bowman, B Bradnum, D Bradnum, W J Brame, L Broadbent, M Broughton, J Brown, J A Brown, S Brown, D Buckingham, M Buckingham, B Buffery, N Burton, T Butler, B Buttle, C A Buttle

N Calbrade, B Calversbert, N Cant, D Carr, M Carr, D Carter, M Carter, N Carter, M Cartwright, I Castle, M Cavanagh, D Cawdron, R Chittenden (Birdline East Anglia), J Clark, A Clements, G Conway, J Copp, M L Cornish, J Corton, D Couch, R Cousins, C Courtney, D Crawshaw, L Cuthbert, H Cutting, L Cutting, J Cyprus

C Darby, J Davies, K Day, M J Deans, M Dick, P Douch, R Drew, R Duncan, G Durrant

A C Easton, D Eaton, eBird, J Evans, S P Evans, J Everett, A Excell

A Faiers, D Fairhurst, M Fairley, J Ferguson, M Ferris, H Fisher, R Flesher, P Follett, Forest Enterprise, L Forsyth, S Free, S Fryett, C Fulcher.

J Gearty, D Gibbons, P Gilson, Gipping Valley Birders, J Glazebrook, A Goodall, M Gooch, P Gowen C Grafton, J H Grant, P Green, A M Gregory, C Gregory, A Gretton, G Grieco.

R Hall, B Harrington, B Hart, M Hart, R Harvey, C Herrington, J Higgott, P Hobbs, R Hoblyn, Hollesley Wardens, S J Holloway, P J Holmes, R Holmes, P Holness, D Hovell, A Howe, S V Howell, K Hudson, T Humpage

C J Jakes, D Jarvis, S Jarvis, G J Jobson, R Johnson, H Jones

E Keeble, C Keeling, M Kemp, J Kennerley, P Kennerley, T Kerridge, A Kettle, S Kingdon, J Kirkham, P Kitchener, J Kornjaca, A Kydd

P C Lack, Lackford Lakes Log, Lackford Ringing Group, W Lambourne, Landguard Bird Observatory, D Langlois, Lavenham Bird Club, J Lawley, R Leavett, M Linsley, M Livesey, N Loth, Lowestoft Lounge Lizards

P Maddison, M Marsh, R Marsh, J Mason, N J Mason, T Mayhew, S Mayson, Mickle Mere Log, A Miller, M Miller, S Miller-Smith, S Minns, Minsmere RSPB, A V Moon, N J Moran, J Mountain, B Moyes, C Moyes, N Murphy, P W Murphy, A Musgrove, C Mutimer, J Myers

A Nairn, J Nasir, National Trust Orfordness, Natural England, B Nightingale, S Nixon, R Noble, North Warren RSPB, M Nowers

N Odin, M Offord, P Oldfield

E Patrick, B Pearson, D Pearsons, M F Peers, P Phillips, D Ping, D Piotrowski, S H Piotrowski, S P Piotrowski, R Plowman, L Potter, H Prandy, K Puttick

A Rafinski, J D K Rankin, P J Ransome, N Rawlings, S Read, L Record, G Richardson, J Richardson, D Ridgley, G Riley, P Riley, A Riseborough, A Rivett, L Robertson, A Rowlands, I Rowlands, J A Rowlands, RSPB Lakenheath Fen, RSPB Minsmere, RSPB North Warren

I Salkeld, C Shaw, P Shaw, N Sherman, N Sibbett, N Sills, O Slessor, B J Small, J Small, J Smith, P Smith, R Stace, P Stopher, T Stopher, R Stewart, Suffolk Wildlife Trust, W Sutherland

M Taylor, P Telford, D Thurlow, D Tomlinson, W Townsend, Trimley Marshes SWT, J Turner

D K Underwood

K Venus, K Verlander, P Vincent, N Vipond, R Vonk

R Walden, B Wallace, D F Walsh, J D Warnes, J Walshe, S Waters, Waveney Bird Club, R West, WeBS counters, West Suffolk Birders, D White, P Whiteman, P Whittaker, P M Wilson, R Wilton, R Wincup, G Woodard, B Woodhouse, Woodbridge Wildlife App, L G Woods, M Wortley, J Wright, M T Wright, R M Wright

R F York, E Zantboer, J Zantboer

With apologies to anyone we have left out!



Earliest and Latest Dates of Summer Migrants 2022


Date Locality

Feb 13th Carlton Marshes

Mar 3rd Blythburgh

Hobby Apr 2nd Trimley Marshes


Little (Ringed) Plover


Mar 2nd Brecks

Mar18th Barking

Mar 15th Sutton

Wood Sandpiper Apr 27th Lakenheath

Little Tern Apr 25th Thorpeness

Black Tern

Apr 28th Carlton Marshes

Sandwich Tern Mar 19th Minsmere

Common Tern Apr 11th Southwold

Arctic Tern


Apr 22nd Alton Water

May 9th Woodbridge Airfield

Swift Apr23rd Huntingfield


Mar 23rd Metfield

Turtle Dove Apr 22nd Hulver Street

Wryneck Apr 26th Norton

Sand Martin


Mar 6th Minsmere

Mar 20th Lakenheath

House Martin Mar 3rd Claydon

Wood Warbler May 4th Aldeburgh

Willow Warbler Mar 29th Orford

Sedge Warbler Mar 30th Minsmere

Reed Warbler Apr 12th Martlesham/Cavenham


Date Locality

Sep 20th Minsmere

Nov 22nd Benacre

Oct 24th Bawdsey

Oct 28th Sandlings

Sep 23rd Hollesley

Sep 16th Felixstowe Ferry

Sep 21st Carlton Marshes

Sep 29th Minsmere

Sep 12th Southwold

Nov 15th Lowestoft

Nov 14th Minsmere

Nov 6th Southwold

Aug 27th Sutton Heath

Sep 16th Lackford Lakes

Sep 20th Minsmere

Sep 23rd Sibton

Sep 20th Trimley Marshes

Oct 29th Orford

Nov 26th Boyton/Landguard

Nov 11th Walberswick/Landguard

Aug 6th Shingle Street

Oct 15th Minsmere

Oct 5th Minsmere

Oct 15th Trimley Marshes

Grasshopper Warbler Apr 13th Castle Marshes/ Minsmere/Melton

Garden Warbler Apr 16th Thetford

Lesser Whitethroat Apr 13th Ipswich

Sep 16th Hollesley

Sep 30th Landguard

Oct 11th Hen Reedbeds

Common Whitethroat Apr 12th Minsmere/Bawdsey/Stoke-by-Nayland

Oct 3rd Southwold/North   Warren

Ring Ouze Apr 8th Lakenheath

Spotted Flycatcher May 4th Denston

Nightingale Apr 10th Westleton

Pied Flycatcher

Redstart Apr 6th Landguard

Whinchat Apr 9th Minsmere/Dunwich

Wheatear Mar 8th Minsmere

Yellow Wagtail Mar 27th Carlton Marshes

Tree Pipit Apr 29th Thetford Forest

Nov 6th Landguard

Oct 2nd Hollesley

Aug 23rd Hollesley

Sep 29th Landguard

Oct 1st Benacre

Oct 9th Shingle Street

Nov 14th Oulton Broad

Sep 21st Landguard

Sep 11th Landguard

A Guide to Recording Birds in Suffolk


The foundation stone of any report is the data upon which it is based. The Suffolk Bird Report depends on the contributions made by observers recording and reporting their sightings. In order that the report paints as comprehensive a picture of the status of birds recorded in Suffolk, it is important that submissions are made in a usable format.

The system

The recording of the county’s avifauna is the responsibility of the Suffolk Naturalists’ Society, working in close co-operation with the Suffolk Bird Group. The linchpins of the system are the Recorders, who are the initial point of contact for all records. Because of the volume of records in Suffolk the county has been divided into three areas. See the inside front cover for a map and addresses.

Observers are reminded that Suffolk works to Watsonian vice-county boundaries, taking in areas that are now administered as Norfolk, Cambridgeshire or Essex. The most significant area affected is that of Lothingland, the northern limits of which follow the River Yare and include the south side of Breydon Water. We have retained these original boundaries as we feel that sensible comparison of data can only be made from year to year if the recording area is kept constant.

Submission of records

It is expected that the majority of records will be submitted on either BirdTrack or eBird. In that case (a) to (h) below should be covered.

Otherwise, observers are requested to submit their records monthly. We also suggest that the following format be followed:

a) Location (precise place name from the Ordnance Survey map plus parish if ambiguous). OS grid reference should be added if in any doubt or if reporting breeding locations.

b) Species

c) Date

d) Name and address of observer

e) Sex/age – male, female, juvenile etc.

f) Abundance – count numbers, frequency, etc.

g) Type of record – dead, ringed, etc.

h) Other comments considered relevant – behaviour etc. In particular see the list below for particular information required for each species. All claims of national rarities should, of course, be accompanied by a full description. The Recorder will automatically forward this to the British Birds Rarities Committee (BBRC).

If submitting a list of records for one particular site, please put all details at the top of the list and annotate with sex and/or frequency. Remember, if in any doubt as to the value of any record, please send it in!

A spreadsheet is available for submitting records and can be downloaded from the SBG website. This can be sent electronically to the Recorders and is a much easier and quicker method for them. Whilst this is not essential, we would encourage all those who can to use this method of submitting their records.

Assessment of records

All records come under the scrutiny of the Suffolk Ornithological Records Committee (SORC) and for rare or scarce species, verification is sought – i.e. photographs, field sketches, witnesses, sound recordings (for calling or singing birds) and (most importantly) written descriptions. The SORC’s policy for vagrants, classified as national rarities, is clear; records should be channelled through the County Recorder to be considered by the BBRC, whose decisions are accepted by

SORC. A full list of species that are considered by the SORC follows. The committee may also request further details regarding any other species that, in the opinion of the committee, is out of context in terms of season, habitat or numbers.

A list of records which have not been accepted for publication can be found at the bottom of the Rare Birds in Suffolk section and includes those which have been circulated to the respective committees but were considered unacceptable due to either the identification not being fully established or, more rarely, a genuine mistake having been made. It does not include records still under consideration.

Guide to species

The following list shows all the species recorded in the county and thus this is also a checklist for Suffolk. For any species not listed, a full description will be required. The list shows those species accepted into Categories A, B and C, as per the British Ornithologists’ Union (see the Introduction to the Systematic List for more details). Note that a large number of species included can also fall into Categories D and E (basically as escapees); a description of such a bird may be requested but will be essential if it is believed that the bird is of wild origin.

A reminder that Turtle Dove, Yellow Wagtail, Nightingale, Spotted Flycatcher, Marsh Tit and Corn Bunting have all been moved from Category 4 to category 3 – records of all of them would be appreciated.

SBG/SORC would also like to receive any breeding records for the following species: Kestrel, Ringed Plover, Lapwing, Snipe, Curlew, Redshank, Common Gull, Great Black-backed Gull, Swift, Sand and House Martin (colonies), Mistle Thrush, Willow Warbler and Reed Bunting.

As a reminder, the following species were moved recently from category 3 to 2: Golden Oriole and Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (the latter away from the Cavenham and Brandon/Santon Downham areas).

Black Redstart, Southwold, November 30th
David Borderick

At the beginning of 2023 there have been some further changes in categories:

Moving from 2 to 1 is Aquatic Warbler. This is where it should have been for some years – a BBRC description species.

Moving from 3 ‘down’ to 2 are Leach’s Petrel, Roseate Tern (with avian influenza in mind), Pectoral Sandpiper, Temminck’s Stint and Twite. All will now need SORC ratification.

Moving from 2 to 3 are White Stork, Bee-eater, Black-throated Diver and Grey Phalarope. For the last two of these species this reverses a recent decision, and descriptions may still be requested in some situations.

Central Asian Lesser Whitethroat halimodendri records will be assessed by the BBRC.

Again, unusually, and for the third year in a row, there were no additions to the Suffolk list in 2022.

* not recorded as wild since at least 1949


1 National Rarity – detailed description required.

2 County Rarity – notes detailing observation will always be required.

3 All records requested – supporting notes may be requested.

4 Specific records – records of breeding, large counts, earliest/latest dates, unusual inland records or migration/weather-related movements requested.

Rare Birds in Suffolk 2022 (and 2021 additions)

Craig Fulcher and David Walsh

Accepted BBRC records 2022

Pallid Swift  Apus pallidus

Covehithe, 1CY+, October 24th (B J Small); presumed same, Benacre, October 24th (J Gearty); presumed same, Lowestoft, October 24th and 25th (J Martin et al.)

Landguard, 1CY+, October 25th (J Zantboer et al.)

Pacific Golden Plover  Pluvialis fulva

Carlton Marshes SWT, 2CY+, April 3rd to 26th (A C Easton et al.)

Minsmere RSPB, 2CY+, May 5th (R Drew, R Harvey et al.)

Baird’s Sandpiper  Calidris bairdii

Hollesley Marshes RSPB, November 18th (P R Kennerley)

Caspian Tern  Hydroprogne caspia

Minsmere RSPB, 3CY+, June 25th and 26th (P Green et al.)

Snape Wetlands RSPB, July 10th (B J Small)

Alpine Accentor  Prunella collaris

Slaughden, Aldeburgh, 1CY+, October 27th to 29th (C Boot, M L Cornish et al.)

Accepted BBRC records 2021

Eastern Yellow Wagtail  Motacilla tschutschensis

Carlton Marshes SWT, 2CY+, November 24th 2020 to January 31st 2021 (J H Grant et al.)

Records found not proven 2022


Taiga Bean Goose Anser fabalis (two) Walberswick, January 31st to February 2nd

European Honey Buzzard Pernis apivorus Elmsett May 21st; East Bergholt July 17th; Lowestoft, October 8th; Carlton Marshes SWT, October 18th

Montagu’s Harrier Circus pygargus Lakenheath Fen RSPB, May 9th

Rough-legged Buzzard Buteo lagopus Hollesley Marshes RSPB, October 21st

Eurasian Golden Oriole Oriolus oriolus Minsmere RSPB, April 14th

Records found not proven 2021


‘Baltic Gull’ Larus fuscus fuscus Blyth Estuary, September 15th

Savi’s Warbler Locustella luscinioides Hen Reedbeds, May 20th


This gazetteer gives locations for sites listed in the main checklist section of this issue of Suffolk Birds. The intention is to make it easier for newcomers to birdwatching, or those less familiar with the county, to be able to locate sites. Specific sites are given a six-figure Ordnance Survey reference where appropriate; larger sites are given a four-figure reference for the 1km square in which they are situated. Whilst a complete list of all sites would obviously be of most use, it would of necessity, be very long. Therefore, it does not, in general, contain parish names, which are easily located by reference to a standard road map.

If anybody would like to add postcodes or similar to these sites – please let us know!

Aldeburgh Town Marshes

Aldeburgh Town Marshes

Alde Estuary

Aldringham Common

Aldringham Walks

Alton Water

Ampton Water

Barham Pits

Barnhamcross Common

Barsham Marshes

Barton Mere

Bawdsey Marshes

Belle Vue Gardens, Lowestoft

Benacre Broad

Benacre Pits


Berner’s Heath

Blundeston Marshes

Blyth Estuary

Botany Bay

























Boyton Marshes

Brackenbury Cliff, Felixstowe

Brent Eleigh

Breydon Water


Carlton Marshes

Campsea Ashe

Castle Marshes

Cattawade Marshes

Cavenham Heath

Cavenham Pits

Christchurch Park, Ipswich

Cobbold’s Point

Combs Lane Water Meadows

Cornard Mere

Corton railway line

Corton sewage works

Cosford Hall, Hadleigh

Cove Bottom

Covehithe Broad

Deben Estuary

Dingle Marshes























Common Scoter Russ Boland

Dunwich Heath


East Lane, Bawdsey

Easton Broad


Erwarton Bay

Euston Lake/Park

Fagbury Cliff

Falkenham Marshes

Felixstowe Ferry

Fisher Row

Flixton GP

Foxhole Heath


Fritton Decoy/Lake


Gedgrave Marshes

Gifford’s Hall

Gipping Great Wood



Gunton Warren

Hardwick Heath

Hare’s Creek, Shotley

Haughley Park

Havergate Island

Hazlewood Marshes

Hengrave Hall

Hen Reedbeds

Herringfleet Marshes


Hinderclay Fen

Holbrook Bay

Hollesley Marshes

Holywells Park, Ipswich

Homersfield Gravel Pits

Icklingham Plains

Ilketshall St Lawrence

Ipswich Golf Course

Ipswich Wet Dock


Kentwell Hall, Long Melford

Kessingland Levels

Kessingland sewage works

King’s Fleet

King’s Forest, The

Kirton Creek

Knettishall Heath

Lackford Lakes

Lake Lothing

Lakenheath Fen

Lakenheath Warren

Lakenheath Washes


Lavenham railway walk

Layham pits

























































Leathes Ham

Leiston Abbey

Levington Creek

Levington Marina

Lineage Wood, Lavenham

Livermere Lake

Long Melford churchyard

Long Melford sewage works

Loompit Lake

Lound Waterworks

Lowestoft Harbour

Market Weston Fen

Martlesham Creek














Mayday Farm TL7983

Mickle Mere


Middleton TM4267

Minsmere TM4766

Minsmere Levels TM4667

Mutford TM4988

Needham Market Lake TM094548

Ness Point TM555936

North Denes, Lowestoft TM551951

Northfield Wood TM024600

North Warren TM4658

Nowton Park

Nunnery Lakes



Old Newton TM0562

Olley’s Farm


Orfordness TM4654-3743

Orwell Bridge TM175413

Orwell Estuary TM1641-2534

Outney Common, Bungay TM3290

Oulton Broad

Oxley Marshes



Pakefield Beach TM5389

Pakenham Fen


Peewit Hill TM289338

Pipps Ford


Potter’s Bridge TM509791



Ramsey Wood TM065430

Ramsholt Marshes


Redgrave and Lopham Fen TM046797

Redgrave Lake TM055767

Reydon Marshes TM485766

Santon Downham


Sedge Fen, Lakenheath TL6784

Shelley TM0338

Shingle Street


Shotley Marshes TM248350

Shottisham Creek


Sizewell Beach TM4763

Sizewell SWT


Snape Wetland

Sole Bay





Sotterley Park

Southwold Boating Lake

Southwold Town Marshes

Spinny Marsh

Staverton Thicks


Stonham Aspal

Stour Estuary

Stradishall Airfield

Stratton Hall

Stutton Mill

Sudbourne Marshes

Suffolk Water Park

Sutton Common

Sutton Heath


Temple Bridge, Cavenham

Theberton Grange

Thetford Heath

Thorington Street Reservoir

Thorpeness Common

Thorpeness Meare

Tinker’s Marshes
























Trimley Marshes

Trinity Hall Farm, Moulton

Tuddenham Heath

Tuddenham St Martin



Upper Abbey Farm, Leiston

Walberswick NNR

Waldingfield airfield

Waldringfield Pit


Wangford Warren

Westleton Heath

West Stow Country Park

Westwood Lodge

Westwood Marshes


Weybread GPs

Wherstead Strand

Wilford Bridge

Wolves Wood


Workhouse Green
























Wryneck, Minsmere, September 12th
John Richardson

Alphabetical Index of Species Accounts – Common Names

Alpine Swift

American Wigeon

Arctic Tern


Baird’s Sandpiper

Balearic Shearwater

Barn Owl

Barnacle Goose

Barred Warbler

Bar-tailed Godwit

Bean Goose

Bearded Tit




Black-browed Albatross


Black Stork

Black Tern




Black-headed Gull






Brent Goose

Buff-breasted Sandpiper



Caspian Gull

Cattle Egret



Corn Bunting


Cory’s Shearwater 113 Crossbill

Curlew Sandpiper 85

Dartford Warbler 154 Desert WheatearDipper 171


Little Owl 127

Little (Ringed) Plover 79

Little Stint 88

Little Tern 103

Long-billed Dowitcher -

Long-eared Owl 128

Long-tailed Duck 60

Long-tailed Skua 108

Long-tailed Tit 146

Magpie 135

Mallard 52

Mandarin Duck 48

Manx Shearwater 114

Marsh Harrier 122

Marsh Sandpiper -

Marsh Tit 138

Marsh Warbler 151

Meadow Pipit 174

Mealy Redpoll -

Mediterranean Gull 96

Melodious WarblerMerlin 132

Mistle Thrush 158

Montagu’s Harrier 125

Moorhen 69

Mute Swan 44

Night Heron -

Nightingale 164

Nightjar 64

Nuthatch 156

Olive-backed Pipit -

Ortolan Bunting -

Osprey 119

Oystercatcher 74

Pacific Golden Plover 77

Pallas’s Warbler 147

Pallid Harrier 125

Pallid Swift 65

Pectoral Sandpiper 88

Penduline Tit 140

Peregrine 133

Pheasant 63

Pied Flycatcher 165

Pied Wagtail 174

Pink-foot 42

Pintail 53

Pochard 56

Pomarine Skua 107

Puffin 110

Purple Heron 118

Purple Sandpiper 88

Quail 63

Radde’s Warbler 147

Raven 137

Razorbill 109

Red Kite 125

Red-backed Shrike 134

Red-breasted Flycatcher 165

Red-breasted Goose -

Red-breasted Merganser 62

Red-crested Pochard 56

Red-flanked Bluetail -

Red-footed Falcon 132

Red-legged Partridge 63

Red-necked Grebe 71

Red-necked Phalarope 90

Red-rumped Swallow 145

Redshank 91

Redstart 167

Red-throated Diver 110

Red-throated Pipit -

Redwing 159

Reed Bunting 183

Reed Warbler 151

Richard’s Pipit 174

Ring Ouzel 161

Ring-billed Gull -

Ringed Plover 79

Ring-necked Duck 57 Robin 163

Rock Pipit 176

RollerRook 136

Roseate Tern 105

Rose-ringed Parakeet 134

Rosy Starling 157

Rough-legged Buzzard 126

Ruddy Duck -

Ruddy Shelduck 184

Ruff 85

Rustic Bunting -

Sabine’s Gull 94

Sand Martin 142

Sanderling 86

Sandwich Tern 103

Savi’s Warbler 151 Scaup 58

Sedge Warbler 150

Semipalmated Sandpiper

Short-eared Owl

Short-toed Lark

Suffolk Bird Group

Who we are

 Founded in 1973 by a group of Suffolk birdwatchers

 Associated with the Suffolk Naturalists’ Society

 SBG remains an independent birding group and is a registered charity

What we do


 A voice for Suffolk birdwatchers

 With established links to many naturalist and conservation organisations


Protecting Birds

 Actively lobbies to protect key Suffolk habitats

 Provides a county-wide field force of bird surveyors

 Promotes BTO bird surveys and organises special SBG surveys

 Strong web presence -

 Active Twitter feed - @SuffolkBirdGrp

 Quarterly magazine - The Harrier

 Annual review - Suffolk Birds report


and talks

 Annually (20+) field trips - ideal for novices or experts and young or old alike

 Opportunities to visit hot spots and receive practical ID tips in the field

 Programme of talks and presentations - variety of topics (county, national, or international) with quality speakers


 Assists with conservation projects to improve breeding success - Swifts

- Barn Owls - Peregrines - Waders

 Partners with Suffolk Wildlife Trust and other bird groups

 Assists with funding for bird hides and other birding amenities

 Contributes to community events, including dawn chorus walks

 Provides bursaries for special projects

Founded in 1929 by Claude Morley (1874–1951), the Suffolk Naturalists’ Society pioneered the study and recording of the County’s flora, fauna and geology, to promote a wider interest in natural history.

Recording the natural history of Suffolk is still one of the Society’s primary objects, and members’ observations are fed to a network of specialist recorders for possible publication, and deposited in the Suffolk Biodiversity Information Service.

Suffolk Natural History, a review of the County’s wildlife, and Suffolk Birds, the County bird report, are two high quality annual publications issued free to members. The Society also publishes a quarterly newsletter and holds two Members’ evenings a year in Spring and Autumn.

The Suffolk Naturalists’ Society offers a joint membership with the Suffolk Bird Group at a reduced subscription. This entitles joint members to receive literature and attend the meetings of both organisations.

If you are not yet a member of the Society but would like to join visit


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