News Birding: Past, Present & Future
Acclaimed photographer Richard has travelled widely and, as his lecture will make plain, he has not only developed a very different approach to field guides, but he is also deeply interested in educating people about Nature - especially the young. And during the evening in addition to his new guide concept he is likely to talk about two interesting schemes.
Two important schemes Launched earlier this year, his ‘Race 4 Birds’ (R4B) Foundation is aimed at young birders and is presently being enthusiastically taken up across the States. As Richard himself said, “Youth birding competitions are extraordinary fun for everybody involved - most especially the young people. Competing takes planning and study and the ‘big day’ itself combines the thrill of competition with the fun of being outdoors with friends.” The Foundation helps people to set up and run such events. He is also associated with the ‘Pledge2 Fledge’ (P2F), a grassroots organisation that aims to encourage birders from all over the world to turn to friends, neighbours or relatives and take a day out of the year to present them with the wonders of the natural world through an appreciation of birds. How this objective is achieved being entirely up to the participant - taking them birding, visiting their garden and exploring its birding capabilities or just viewing some bird books - the choice is wide.
Richard Crossley at The Cut On the evening of Monday 20th October, commencing at 19:30 in The Cut at Halesworth, Richard Crossley will be entertaining us with reminiscences about his travels, the perils of global birding and explaining the thinking behind his revolutionary new field guides. 46
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The new guide Th R Richard will also talk aabout The Crossley ID Guide G series of books, in including his stunningly illustrated i new British and a Irish ID Guide, and the t logic behind them. A Aimed at beginners/ intermediate birders,