The Suffolk Argus
February 1999
Newsletter Details
Contents Notes from the Editor ............................................................
Annual General Meeting/Publicity Officer - vacancy ............ .4 The Butterflies of Hockley Wood ....................................... 5-6 Roosting Holly Blue ............................................................... 1998 Field Trips ...............................................................
In the Heat of the Day ......................................................... Sylvestris or Lineola? ......................................................
16-17 19-21
Blackbird Predation of Peacock Caterpillars ......................... 21
Christmas Eve
June October
April Fools Day August Bank Holiday
Any piece of writing that is considered to be of interest will be published rogether with line drawings/prints/photographs. The Suffolk Argus is your magazine, so please let us hear from you.
Please contact:
Back Issues of the Suffolk Argus ........................................... 22 Butterfly Attracting Plants ....................................................
Contributions for our newsletter should reach the Editor (address on back page) no later than:
Th8uffolk Argus
The Queen of Spain Fritillary at Minsmere RSPB Reserve ... 18 The 1998 Butterfly Season .............................................
Copy Dates
Paul Gilson (014 73 253276)
Newsletter Details & General Information ........................... 23 Suffolk Branch Contacts ......................................... Back Cover
Butterfly HOTELS
ButterflyLine A purpose built Hotel with all the facilities that today travellers require yet in a
Butterflf;)~ Ho TEL s
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,:~;:;:,:;:::'. welcoming and comfortable.
Butterfl~ Hotel, Al4 Bury East Exit. Moreton Hall, Bury St. Edmunds
01284 760884
0891 884505
,.11 Regular Updates & Latest News All profits are used for the conservation of butterflies and their habitats. Calls charged at 50p per minute at all times
A purpose built Hotel with all the facilities that today's travellers require yet in a rustic traditional environment that is welcoming and comfortable.
Butterfly Hotel, Al 4 Bury East Exit. Moreton Hall, Bury St. Edmunds
01284 760884 23