The Suffolk Argus
June 2000
Back issues of the Suffolk Argus For our newer members we have available back issues of the Suffolk Argus from volume l to 18. If any members would like to make up the complete set they are available at a cost of 25p each plus postage. The following second class postage rates apply:-
Up to 2 copies Up to 4 copies Up to 6 copies Up to 7 copies Up to 9 copies Up to 11 copies
19p 30p 40p 5lp 60p
Up to 13 copies
70p 80p
Up to 15 copies
Please make your cheques payable to Butterfly Conservation and send your orders to:-
Paul Gilson 18 Cheltenham Avenue Ipswich Suffolk IPl 4LN Please do not send any cash through the post!
Editorial Gift Aid Declaration Fortn You may have heard that new measures recently introduced by the government will allow Butterfly Conservation to increase its income substantially by reclaiming the income tax its members have paid on the gross value of their membership subscription to BC and on any donations they make to the Society. This is great news as it means our income could rise by over £50000 withour it costing our members a single penny more than they already give us. To make this happen our members need to sign the Gift Aid Declaration Form enclosed!
by Richard Stewart First, a big thankyou to all involved in the Millennium Survey. Our Branch total was: over 700 recorders, 78090 records and all of Suffolk's 1088 2 km. Tetrads covered to a minimum of 5 species. At the Birmingham meeting for Millennium Recorders recently, the national totals were given as: 1.6 million records, 16.4 species per 10 km. Square and 99 per cent of all I O km. squares covered in England, Scotland and Wales. The national publication is now due in March 200land from the preview during Jim Asher's presentation at Birmingham it should be a very attractive, comprehensive and informative publication. The 'New butterflies of Suffolk' manuscript is complete and its publication is now dependent on the reaction of the Suffolk Naturalists' Society reading panel.
There are just-two other points to note: I.
Members who do not pay income tax cannot panicipate in this scheme.
2. Those members who are higher rate taxpayers can benefit personally by claiming higher rate tax relief on the gross value of their donations and subscription, but they will need to claim this on their annual tax returns to the Inland Revenue. The completed forms should be returned direct to our Dedham Office.
Articles for - -.· the Suffolk Argus
The second item in this edition is the incredible start to a new century of recording in Suffolk. On the afternoon of 1st January I was fonunately up in my study, having decided against a long walk, on what was a mild, sunny day, mainly because of getting up late after seeing the New Year in. Instead I had a perfect New Year present, as two Red Admirals suddenly appeared flying close to a garden conifer and gave me time to get them in the binoculars before they flew away. I subsequently had reports of another Red Admiral at Kesgrave from Rosemary and Tony Milner and yet another on the same day from P. J. Vincent, this one at Dunwich Heath. Fred and Bea Elliston made it 5 on the day with a Peacock at Alton Water. All constitute new County records for early sightings and, among other subsequent reports, a Greenveined White from Eileen Coe and Mervyn Crawford at Mildenhall on I Ith. March easily beat the previous early record while Rosemary van der Does' Wall Brown, photographed at Cotton Churchyard on March 19th, was more than a month ahead of the previous best, 24th April. What a great start to the century!
If any members have articles for future editions of the Suffolk Argus could they please send them to Paul Gilson at 18, Cheltenham Avenue, Ipswich IP1 4LN. Myself and Richard Stewart will be overseeing the production of the newsletter until a new Editor is found.