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Back issues of the Suffolk Argus/Gift Aid

Back issues of the Suffolk Argus

For our newer members we have available back issues of the Suffolk Argus from volume l to 18.

If any members would like to make up the complete set they are available at a cost of 25p each plus postage. The following second class postage rates apply:-

Up to 2 copies 19p Up to 4 copies 30p Up to 6 copies 40p Up to 7 copies 5lp Up to 9 copies 60p Up to 11 copies 70p Up to 13 copies 80p Up to 15 copies 92p

Please make your cheques payable to Butterfly Conservation and send your orders to:-

Paul Gilson 18 Cheltenham Avenue Ipswich Suffolk IPl 4LN

Please do not send any cash through the post!

Gift Aid Declaration Fortn

You may have heard that new measures recently introduced by the government will allow Butterfly Conservation to increase its income substantially by reclaiming the income tax its members have paid on the gross value of their membership subscription to BC and on any donations they make to the Society. This is great news as it means our income could rise by over £50000 withour it costing our members a single penny more than they already give us. To make this happen our members need to sign the Gift Aid Declaration Form enclosed!

There are just-two other points to note:

I. Members who do not pay income tax cannot panicipate in this scheme.

2. Those members who are higher rate taxpayers can benefit personally by claiming higher rate tax relief on the gross value of their donations and subscription, but they will need to claim this on their annual tax returns to the

Inland Revenue.

The completed forms should be returned direct to our Dedham Office.

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