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Churchyard Survey
A form will be sent later and this should be used for just one site. Others can be obtained, if needed, from Richard Stewart or your local library - or you can photocopy the original one. This is a one-year Survey which may go into a second year if necessary. le is joindy being organised by ourselves, the Suffolk Wildlife T ruse and che Suffolk Naturalists' Society. The form is self-explanatory but it does require a minimum of four visits to each churchyard and there are over 500 in Suffolk. We are hoping not just co list species but also look at egg-laying and nectaring activities and hopefully recommend good management techniques. Churchyards are often a rich but isolated relic habitat and in che Millennium Survey there was a wide variety of Suffolk breeding butterflies recorded. There is bound to be some form of graveyard close to where you live so please consider surveying at least one site in 200 I.
Articles for the Suffolk Argus
If any members have articles for future editions of the Suffolk Argus could they please send them to Paul Gilson at 18, Cheltenham Avenue, Ipswich IP1 4LN. Myself and Richard Stewart will be overseeing the production of the newsletter until a new Editor is found.