4 minute read
Friend or Foe
By James Mann
In March of the year 2000 I saw the first of
the Lang's Short-tailed Blues flitting about
the garden. I saw them from time to time over the next few weeks and the on 18th April I saw what I thought was a beautiful specimen to photograph sitting on our
I took a photo but was not happy with my identification for although it had tails it looked too large, the underwing markings looked wrong and the upperwings were a uniform brown lacking any sign of blue. Directly I got the photos developed I studied the plates in my Butterflies of Britain and Europe. Tolman and Lewington and my considered opinion was that it was Cacyreus marshalli the Geranium Bronze, a native of South Africa. I did a crosscheck with my Butterflies of Southern Africa by Mark Williams and confirmed the identification. He says they are common throughout South Africa, all the year in frost-free areas. They lay their eggs on the buds and flowers of pelargoniums and geraniums, the larvae bores holes into the soft stems causing parts of the plants to die. Back to Tolman and Lewington. Apparently the immature stages of the butterfly were introduced into the Balearic Islands in Pelargonium cultivars, first reported in Mallorca in 1990. It quickly spread and became a pest in all the Islands. It reached the Spanish mainland being reported in Logrono, northern Spain, in 1992 and Granada, southern Spain, in 1995. A further report came from the viciniry of Rome in 1996. They add that due to the popularity of pelargoniums it would seem conductive to further dispersion. The butterflies must have heard about the Geranium producers of Le Boulou for the Geranium Bronze is now a common Butterfly here, in fact the most numerous of any species in our garden this year. I have taken several photos of Anne's geraniums that include single butterflies, mating butterflies, butterflies egglaying on the flower buds, the larvae walking about the plants and the holes they have bored in the stems causing the plants to die. Anne says "Get rid of those pests, they even come after my indoor geraniums". I say, "Leave them they are beautiful butterflies". It is now the end of August and Anne has just had to chop down most of her geraniums as the stems are riddled with holes and the plants are dying. How do you feel, Friend or Foe?
The species has now bun recorrud in England (see BC News 67: P.12) but not in Suffolk Ed.
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Branch Contacts
Rob Parker, 66 Cornfield Road, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk IP33 3BN (01284 705476)
Membership Secretary
Paul Gilson. 18 Cheltenham Avenue, Ipswich. Suffolk IP! 4LN (01473 253276)
Newsletter Editors (temporary) Paul Gilson (address as above) Richard Stewart, 'V alczina', 112 Westerfield Road, Ipswich, Suffolk IP4 2XW (01473 216518)
Publicity Officer (Vacant)
Programme Secretary Alan johmon, 28 Medway Road, Ipswich, Suffolk IP3 OQH (01473 715701) Volunteers Needed
If you feel you could help out now and then with the growing work of the Branch, please contact Paul Gilson on 01473 253276.
County Recorder (Butterflies) Richard Stewart, (address as above)
Conservation Officers (Butterflies)
Richard Stewart, East Suffolk (address as above) Rob Parker, Central/West Suffolk (address as above)
Conservation Officer (Moths) Tony Prichard, 3 Powling Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP3 9JR (01473 270047)
County Recorders (Moths) Jon Nicholls, 18 Berners Road, Felixstowe, Suffolk IP! I 7LF (01394 271500) Tony Prichard (address as above)
Tony Prichard, (address as above)
Published by the Suffolk Branch of Butterfly Conservation (The British Butterfly Conservation Society Ltd.)
Reg. No. 2206468 Reg. Charity No. 254937 Head Office: BuncrflyC.Onscrva1ion, Manor Yard, East Lulwonh, Wareham, Dorset BH20 5QP Telephone 01929 400209 Editod by P••I Cihon 6- Rich•rd Stn1•rt Logo (Silver-studdod Blue) Do•z H•mmmk] Dc1igood and producod by St,phnt Ion, Ort 6-M,.,, J,,ip C 2000 all rights reserved
Graham Bull, Willow Cottage, I The Street, Raydon, Suffolk IP? 5LP (01473 310371)
Committee Members
Beryl Johmon, 28 Medway Road, Ipswich, Suffolk IP3 OQH (01473 715701) Stella Wolfe
Howard Mendel, do The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, SW? 5BD (0171 938 8782)