Perspective Courtney Chilvers You stand at the polling station. You stand at the polling station
Knowing that,
Knowing that
An individual vote can.
An individual vote can
Not change the hundreds,
Not change the hundreds,
But rich money men can
But rich money men can.
Through them.
Through them
The decisions are made
The decisions are made.
Teenagers - the people of tomorrow.
Teenagers - the people of tomorrow -
Are silenced through
Are silenced through
‘Great’ politicians
‘Great’ politicians.
This country in ruin.
Who are runining this country.
We all shout in the streets screaming whilst you are
We all shout in the streets screaming whilst you are
One day,
One day…
The world will change,
The world will change
When the youth get a say.
When the youth get a say.
There will come a time
There will come a time
When we will stand for it
Will we stand for it.
No longer.
But no longer
Money may rule this world,
Money may rule this world,
But we will always get our way.
But we will get our way.
“No chance,” you say,
“No chance,” you say,
Screaming for a re-vote.
Screaming for a re-vote
We are