2014 Suffolks Stirling Catalogue

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264 Suffolk Ram Lambs Scottish Area Show & Sale

Thursday & Friday 24 & 25 July 2014 Thursday – sheep penned by 10.30 am Society and veterinary inspection 10.30 am Judging 1 pm Friday - sale 11 am

Lot 134 from Mark Priestley Champion sold for 4800gns www.uagroup.co.uk

UnitedAuctions Since 1858

Stirling Agricultural Centre Tel: +44 (0) 1786 473055


Fax: +44 (0) 1786 450393 website: www.uagroup.co.uk

Carrs Billington

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7 Weight (KG)

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6 5




3 2 1 0


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Helps improve growth rates High in Natural vitamin E and Omega Oils Helps improve fertility

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This sale is held under the Society’s Sale Regulations as printed in volume 124 of the Flock Book.


1. The Sheep will be exposed in lots according to the numbers in the following Catalogue. The Auctioneers reserve the right to refuse any bid without assigning any reason. The highest offer on each lot will be preferred to the purchase (subject to Article 3). 2. No liability whatever is undertaken by the Auctioneers for the statements appearing in the Catalogue or made at the Sale. The exposer who supplies such statements is alone responsible for any error or misstatement. Animals affected with any disease of an infectious nature or animals out of an infected flock are strictly prohibited from being brought to the premises occupied or used by the Auctioneers at the time and should any such be brought, The Owner of Consignor will be held responsible for all damage or loss occasioned thereby. 3. The Exposers reserve the right to fix a reserve price and to announce same before the bidding begins or during the time of the bidding or at the conclusion thereof. The right to bid by or on behalf of the seller in terms of the Sale of Goods Act 1893, is expressly reserved. 4. Immediately after each purchase is declared, the risk of the animal shall be exclusively with the Buyer, and it is declared that until a settlement shall be made in terms of these Conditions the delivery of the animal shall be suspended. The right of the property shall not pass until the price is paid. 5. Immediately after the Sale all lots must be paid for in cash to the Auctioneers. The price being paid, each lot shall be taken away the Buyer’s expense within one day after the sale thereof. Lots shall only be removable from the Auctioneers’ possession on a written order from their clerk, and any lot removed in contravention of this condition may be recovered brevi manu by the Auctioneers. 6. If any buyers fail to pay for and remove his purchase in compliance with the above conditions, the Auctioneers in their opinion may either (a) sue the Buyer for the price and interest thereon at the current Bank Rate and for the keep of, and any other expense incurred by them in connection with such purchase, or (b) re-sell the Lot either publicly or privately and recover from the defaulting Buyer the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale and interest thereon as aforesaid together with the keep and other expenses. In either case the Auctioneers shall have the right to sue at their own instance without the consent of the Owner or Consignor, and no defence whatever in such action shall be competent to the Buyer who shall have recourse against the owner or Consignor alone. 7. No undertaking of the Auctioneers or their servants to take charge of any animal after the sale or to forward it to its destination shall be held to impose upon the Auctioneers any legal obligation or vitiate any of the foregoing conditions. 8. The Auctioneer is appointed Judge of the Sale, to whom are hereby submitted all disputes and difference of any kind which may arise at and in relation to the Auction, either between Exposers and Offerers or among Offerers themselves; his decision shall be final and binding on all parties. 9. INTEREST CHARGEABLE FROM DATE OF PURCHASE AT 8% OVER BANK OF SCOTLAND BASE RATE. Purchases shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of Scotland and the non-exclusive jurisdiction of Glasgow Sheriff Court is prorogated to this contract. NB – MINIMUM SELLING PRICE: 400gns Any sheep failing to reach the minimum price in its category will be passed out unsold. These figures have been adopted as Minimum Sale Prices in the Ring. UNITED AUCTIONS Stirling Agricultural Centre, STIRLING, FK9 4RN


17.1 All rams and ram lambs sold at a Society sale are warranted by the seller to be capable of natural and effective service by 90 days from date of sale (“the Male Guarantee Period”) provided always that: 17.1.1 any animal which is not so capable and where the incapacity is caused or contributed to by injury or illness howsoever caused, suffered or contracted after the sale is not covered by the warranty; and 17.1.2 any animal which has not been conclusively determined as incapable of natural and effective service in accordance with the procedure set out hereinafter and which dies of natural causes during the Male Guarantee Period is not covered by the warranty. 17.2 An animal shall be deemed incapable of natural and effective service if: 17.2.1 It fails to make at least one ewe pregnant during the Male Guarantee Period under natural breeding conditions; and 17.2.2 it is certified as being so incapable by a veterinary surgeon in accordance with clauses 17.4 and 17.5 below. “Natural breeding conditions” means when a ram is run with ewes in normal breeding condition, cycling without artificial interference. Ewes which have been sponged and/or treated with hormones to induce or synchronise ovulation are deemed not to be in normal breeding condition. 17.3 The buyer shall throughout the Male Guarantee Period give the animal full and sufficient opportunity to prove that he is capable of natural and effective service and maintain him in a fit condition. 17.4 If the buyer highlights that the ram or ram lamb has failed to prove capable of natural and effective service by 76 days from sale date of the year of sale, the buyer shall then: 17.4.1 Notify the seller in writing that the animal is to be tested; and 17.4.2 Have the animal subjected to a semen test by the artificial vagina method by a veterinary surgeon attached to a breeding company authorised by the society; and 17.4.3 Obtain from the veterinary surgeon a duly completed Soundness for Breeding report; and 17.4.4 (If the veterinary surgeon certifies that the animal is incapable of natural and effective service) lodge a copy of the Report with the seller. 17.5 The seller shall be entitled to have a second test carried out by the same or a different veterinary surgeon attached to a breeding company authorised by the Society who shall issue a Soundness for Breeding report by 14 days after notification by the purchaser and such Report shall conclusively determine whether or not the animal is capable of natural and effective service. The seller shall deliver to the buyer a copy of this second Report. The buyer shall at the expense of the seller do all acts, deeds and things necessary to enable the second test to be carried out. If the animal shall be deemed fertile the buyer shall on demand repay the seller the veterinary surgeon fees of the second test and Report. 17.6 If the ram is deemed incapable of natural and effective service during the Male Guarantee Period, the buyer may by 31st October of the year of the Sale return the animal to the seller and thereupon the seller shall repay to the buyer the whole of the purchase price and the cost of transport of the animal from the buyer’s premises to the seller’s premises and the veterinary surgeon testing fees incurred by the buyer. 17.7 The seller shall not be liable for any indirect or consequential loss howsoever sustained by a buyer. 17.8 As to clauses 17.4 and 17.5 and 17.6 time is of the essence. 17.9 The seller and the buyer may vary the provisions of clauses 17.4, 17.5, 17.6, 17.7 and/or 17.8 if but only if and insofar as the variation is set out in writing and signed by each of the parties. 17.10 The terms of any statutory enactment or custom or trade which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Bye-law 17 are hereby excluded. 17.11 Failure to comply with any of Bye Law 17 will allow the Society, at its discretion, to cancel Society membership. 17.12 Society Bye Laws do not exempt a breeder from the Sale and Supply of Goods Act. 18. GENERAL DISPUTES 18.1 In the event of a dispute arising between two or more Members of the Society any one of such Members may refer the dispute to the Society with a request that the matter be referred to an arbitrator to be appointed, failing agreement between or amongst the parties, by the Society. The decision of the arbitrator so appointed shall be final and binding on all parties to the dispute and Council has the power to ensure that the arbitrator’s decision is implemented. 18.2 Any arbitration under this Bye-law 18 clause shall be subject to the Arbitration Acts for the time being in force.


JUDGES Classes 1, 2, 3 & 5 – George Stuart, Milltown of Birness, ELLON, AB41 8EJ Class 4 – Forrest Irving, Whitchesters, HAWICK, TD9 0NR INSPECTORS Jim Cannon, Redbrae flock Graeme Christie, Balquhain flock VETERINARY INSPECTORS Clyde Vets, Stirling Agricultural Centre, STIRLING, FK9 4RN Telephone 01786 231199 STEWARDS Paula Reid (Chief Steward), Conchar flock Judith Barbour (Assistant Steward), Solwaybank flock William Fleming, Hallhill flock Stewart Lathangie, Pyeston flock SPECIAL NOTICES 1. Overseas buyers and their agents are strongly advised to enquire from their respective official veterinary departments as to the requirements necessary for exportation before making a bid for sheep offered at this sale and to make sure the vendor is prepared to sell his sheep subject to veterinary tests required for export. 2. All sheep to be sold must be kept on premises overnight and the sale yard will be cleared each evening at 10pm. 3. SPECIAL – to ensure the correct despatch of all stock, it is necessary that buyers give their instructions as to forwarding to the cashier when getting their delivery orders and unless such is done in writing, the Company cannot be responsible should any mistakes occur. 4. Shepherds must remain in charge of their respective lots, assist in marketing the stock and also give delivery. 5. The Company in all cases reserves the power of altering arrangements where mutual interests seem likely to be benefited by such. 6. The stock after sale is at buyers’ exclusive risk and must be removed immediately with all faults and error of description. 7. No stock may be removed without a pass.


Consignor L & D Aiken Mr Harry Hugh Annett Tom & Jeff Bailey I & J Barbour G C Beacom Eric Bell Ronald H Black Ashley Bothwell Seamus Browne S J Buckley Martin Butler J H C Campbell & Sons James T Cannon Mr GJ Christie Messrs J H Christie & Son County Turf Ltd (Farm) Mrs Alison G Dalgarno O & G Deane Patrick Donnelly J G Douglas S J Duncan Myfyr A Evans Tom Fitzsimon James Fleming D R Fotheringham A R Gault Antony Glaves Mrs R H Goldie Ronald M Greig John A. Henderson W & A Hutchon James C Innes Darren Jones Stewart Lathangie Ross Lawrence



Prefix Newwells Widdrington Baileys Solwaybank Lakeview Glenhill Collessie Smithston Errigal Sitlow Castlewood Thrunton Redbrae Balquhain Westcarse Hazeltree Cairnorrie Mountford Donrho Cairness Pennan Rhaeadr Sunnyhills Hallhill Oldmill Forkins Brompton Harpercroft Tillydesk Bullers Greatness Strathbogie Thurston Pyeston Roundacre

Lot Numbers 13‑14 7‑12 90‑93 15‑21 218‑229 94‑95 35‑38 142‑145 100‑102 53‑57 212‑214 116‑120 261‑264 121‑127 139‑141 33‑34 188‑189 152‑153 76‑80 163‑174 39‑44 230‑239 88‑89 1‑6 96‑99 135‑138 175‑177 73‑75 159‑162 204‑206 178 215‑217 58‑60 133‑134 45‑48

Roseden & Lilburn Estates Farming Partnership Mrs J A Lorimer John Lundy P Machray Gordon A Mackie Stuart G Mair & Sons A J & W M Norrie Craig G Paterson Mark J W Priestley R F Redpath Paula & David Reid Alfred J & Norman A J Robinson James & Liam Scott A & S Simpson Messrs W H Sinnett & Sons George L Stuart Messrs Henry Stuart & Sons Stephen Sufferin S & W Tait P D W Taylor Mrs J J Tooze W G Troup Ltd James I A Wallace R C & J C Watson Andrew Wilson James Young


Lilburn Cadgerford Lundazi Middlemuir Drimmie Deveronside Slackadale Cranorskie Limestone Westmuir Conchar Benrafton Biffie Speyside Stockton Birness Davishill Crewelands Burnview Ballynacanon Spittal Whitestone Claycrop Bannview Castleisle Muirton

148‑151 146‑147 154‑158 69‑72 26‑29 190‑194 243‑245 251‑252 82‑87 183‑187 240‑242 151-152 207‑211 81 195‑196 22‑25 107‑115 246‑250 103‑106 197‑203 61‑68 49‑52 128‑132 30‑32 258‑260 179‑182 253‑257

The Suffolk Sheep Society accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of contributed articles or statements appearing in this catalogue and any views or opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Suffolk Sheep Society, save where otherwise indicated. No responsibility for loss or distress occasioned to any person acting or refraining from acting as a result of the material in this publication can be accepted by the authors, contributors, editor or publishers. The editor reserves the right to make publishing decisions on any advertisement or editorial article submitted to this catalogue and to refuse publication or to edit any editorial material as seems appropriate to the editor. The Suffolk Sheep Society does not endorse any goods or services advertised, nor any claims or representations made in any advertisement in this catalogue. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the Suffolk Sheep Society and publisher, application for which should be made to the Society office.



JAMES FLEMING Hallhill, Crossford, Carluke, Lanarkshire, ML8 5QH Reg. Flock Code 35N Hallhill 35N:14:00509 Single Born: 31/12/2013 Sire: CAIRNESS HOY (96431) Dam: 35N:12:107 by BANKEND BILL’S EYE (94898) G.Dam: 35N:N15 by HALLHILL SATISFACTION (94573)


35N:14:00604 Twin Born: 05/01/2014 Sire: CAIRNESS UNREAL (97031) Dam: 35N:11:099 by BANKEND BILL’S EYE (94898) G.Dam: 35N:L103 by CAIRNESS ALMIGHTY THE SECOND (93356)


35N:14:00565 Twin Born: 03/01/2014 Sire: CAIRNESS HOY (96431) Dam: 35N:L90 by CAIRNESS BIG BROTHER (93391) G.Dam: 35N:F98 by CAIRNESS CONSERVATOR (89052)


35N:14:00523 Twin Born: 01/01/2014 Sire: CAIRNESS HOY (96431) Dam: 35N:12:019 by BANKEND BILL’S EYE (94898) G.Dam: 35N:L74 by CAIRNESS ALMIGHTY THE SECOND (93356)


35N:14:00587 Twin Born: 04/01/2014 Sire: CAIRNESS HOY (96431) Dam: 35N:11:117 by BANKEND BILL’S EYE (94898) G.Dam: 35N:K83 by CAIRNESS FIRST GLANCE (92387)

EBVs: Litter Size 8 Wk Wgt Maternal Scan Wgt Musc Dpth Fat Dpth Mat Ind Ter Ind 0.07 4.77 kgs 0.46kgs 7.24 kgs 2.92 mm 0.05 mm 176.25 2.38 Accuracy 35% 68% 26% 70% 70% 72% 45% 67%

EBVs: Litter Size 8 Wk Wgt Maternal Scan Wgt Musc Dpth Fat Dpth Mat Ind Ter Ind ‑0.02 3.94 kgs 0.09kgs 5.56 kgs 0.87 mm 0.72 mm 111.07 1.28 Accuracy 37% 67% 28% 70% 70% 71% 48% 66%

EBVs: Litter Size 8 Wk Wgt Maternal Scan Wgt Musc Dpth Fat Dpth Mat Ind Ter Ind 0.08 5.15 kgs 0.32kgs 9.46 kgs 1.22 mm 0.16 mm 178.88 2.52 Accuracy 40% 69% 33% 71% 71% 72% 48% 68%

EBVs: Litter Size 8 Wk Wgt Maternal Scan Wgt Musc Dpth Fat Dpth Mat Ind Ter Ind 0.10 4.64 kgs 0.31kgs 8.34 kgs 1.03 mm ‑0.32 mm 174.89 1.74 Accuracy 36% 68% 28% 70% 71% 72% 46% 67%

EBVs: Litter Size 8 Wk Wgt Maternal Scan Wgt Musc Dpth Fat Dpth Mat Ind Ter Ind 0.07 3.86 kgs 0.32kgs 6.44 kgs 2.86 mm ‑0.19 mm 152.50 1.88 Accuracy 37% 68% 27% 70% 71% 72% 46% 67%



35N:14:00554 Triplet Born: 02/01/2014 Sire: CAIRNESS HOY (96431) Dam: 35N:L111 by CAIRNESS SECOND GLANCE (93808) G.Dam: 35N:H45 by CAIRNESS SAVE THE DAY (90698)

EBVs: Litter Size 8 Wk Wgt Maternal Scan Wgt Musc Dpth Fat Dpth Mat Ind Ter Ind 0.10 5.29 kgs 0.39kgs 9.13 kgs 3.03 mm ‑0.42 mm 191.49 2.22 Accuracy 39% 69% 32% 71% 71% 73% 48% 68%

Reference to sires: Cairness Hoy, 7000gns joint purchaser Shrewsbury 2012. Middlemuir Messi by Cairness Unreal, 10000gns joint purchaser Stirling 2013 by X-Factor.

MR HARRY HUGH ANNETT Widdrington Farm, Widdrington Village, Morpeth, Northumberland, NE61 5EA Reg. Flock Code PHB Widdrington 7 PHB:14:01227 Single Born: 29/12/2013 Sire: SOLWAYBANK CHAMPION (96887) Dam: PHB:12:051 by SITLOW HARRIER (95226) G.Dam: NPD:J16 by MANORHOUSE THUNDER (92267) 8 PHB:14:01231 Embryo Born: 29/12/2013 Sire: SOLWAYBANK CHAMPION (96887) Dam: PHB:12:024 by ARDLEA ARKLE (95584) G.Dam: 33H:L37 by CAIRNESS GOLDDUST (81369) 9 PHB:14:01224 Embryo Born: 25/12/2013 Sire: SOLWAYBANK CHAMPION (96887) Dam: PHB:12:024 by ARDLEA ARKLE (95584) G.Dam: 33H:L37 by CAIRNESS GOLDDUST (81369) 10 PHB:14:01226 Single Born: 26/12/2013 Sire: SOLWAYBANK CHAMPION (96887) Dam: PHB:12:044 by SITLOW HARRIER (95226) G.Dam: Z40:J74 by PENNAN PLAYBOY (90855) 11 PHB:14:01234 Single Born: 29/12/2013 Sire: SOLWAYBANK CHAMPION (96887) Dam: Z40:N42 by SITLOW CENTURION (93278) G.Dam: Z40:K63 by PENNAN PLAYBOY (90855) 12 PHB:14:01279 Embryo Born: 27/12/2013 Sire: SOLWAYBANK CHAMPION (96887) Dam: PHB:12:024 by ARDLEA ARKLE (95584) G.Dam: 33H:L37 by CAIRNESS GOLDDUST (81369)


L & D AIKEN 93 Katesbridge Road, Dromara, Dromore, Co Down, BT25 2PA Reg. Flock Code PAO Newwells 13 PAO:14:00126 Embryo Born: 02/01/2014 Sire: CAIRNESS DIAMOND GEEZER (96256) Dam: DDY:F60 by BORELAND BUDDAH (89548) G.Dam: DDY:Z37 by STOCKTON ALMIGHTY (83500) Notes: DDY:F60 breed champion and interbreed champion, RUAS 2006 and breed champion RHS 2006. Also dam of Baileys Rock Solid stock ram at the Cairness flock of Jimmy Douglas. Rock Solid’s sisters sold to €6000 twice to Cairness and €4000 to Gordon Mackie, Drimmie. 14 PAO:14:00120 Embryo Born: 02/01/2014 Sire: BAILEYS ROCK SOLID (97021) Dam: PAO:12:011 by RHAEADR RED BULL (95913) G.Dam: DDY:H59 by BORELAND BUDDAH (89548) Notes: Dam is one of the best breeding ewes in the flock winning many prizes in the show ring in 2013 including breed champion and reserve interbreed champion at Lurgan Show. Maternal sister to Newwells Ranger sold privately to the Mossvale flock. Reference to sires: Cairness Diamond Geezer, national champion 2012 and sold for £17000. Baileys Rock Solid stock ram at the Cairness flock and breeding extremely well, both males and females. I & J BARBOUR Rosefield Farm, Annan, Dumfriesshire, DG12 6QX Reg. Flock Code FHT Solwaybank Scrapie monitored 15 FHT:14:00822 Single Born: 11/12/2013 Sire: SOLWAYBANK THUNDERBALL (96890) Dam: JOD:12:077 by RHAEADR RASTAFARI (95109) G.Dam: JOD:N94 by CAIRNESS CASTELLO (94401) Notes: Ggdam is full sister to the famous JOD:F16 show ewe that won the Royal Show and the Great Yorkshire. She also bred lambs to 8000gns. 16 FHT:14:00855 Quad Born: 14/12/2013 Sire: SOLWAYBANK CASINO ROYALE (96991) Dam: JOD:N111 by CAIRNESS CASTELLO (94401) G.Dam: JOD:F14 by GLENISLA GRIMALDI (85213) Notes: Gdam is also full sister to JOD:F16. Dam JOD:N111 is one of the best ewes in the flock. 17 FHT:14:00863 Twin Born: 14/12/2013 Sire: SOLWAYBANK THUNDERBALL (96890) Dam: JOD:N4 by CAIRNESS CASTELLO (94401) G.Dam: JOD:F9 by STOCKTON SAVANNAH (90168)

18 FHT:14:00868 Twin Born: 14/12/2013 Sire: SOLWAYBANK THUNDERBALL (96890) Dam: JOD:12:085 by RHAEADR RASTAFARI (95109) G.Dam: JOD:N4 by CAIRNESS CASTELLO (94401) Notes: One of our most stylish lambs sired by Solwaybank Thunderball who is a son of last year’s sire of the year Solwaybank Skyfall. 19 FHT:14:00893 Single Born: 15/12/2013 Sire: SOLWAYBANK GOLDFINGER (96889) Dam: JOD:11:059 by CAIRNESS CASTELLO (94401) G.Dam: JOD:F11 by STOCKTON SAVANNAH (90168) Notes: Sired by Goldfinger who is the full brother to last year’s national champion at Shrewsbury that sold for 17000gns. Goldfinger was also firs prize aged ram at RHS this year. 20 FHT:14:00885 Twin Born: 15/12/2013 Sire: SOLWAYBANK THUNDERBALL (96890) Dam: FHT:12:099 by RHAEADR RASTAFARI (95109) G.Dam: FFH:J35 by GLENHEAD PURELY THE BEST (84371) Notes: Gdam was the top priced ewe at the Northtyne dispersal at 2900gns. A great breeding ewe. 21 FHT:14:00901 Twin Born: 15/12/2013 Sire: RHAEADR RANNOCH (96892) Dam: FHT:N70 by CAIRNESS CASTELLO (94401) G.Dam: FHT:J100 by SOLWAYBANK STYLEMASTER (90748) Notes: From the same family as the 17000gns Solwaybank champion that sold to Thrunton and Widdrington. This lamb was 3rd at this year’s RHS. 22 23 24

MESSRS W H SINNETT & SONS Stockton Court, Stockton‑on‑Teme, Worcester, Worcestershire, WR6 6UT Reg. Flock Code 72H Stockton 72H:14:02627 Twin Born: 23/01/2014 Sire: RHAEADR MINT (97501) Dam: 72H:12:1628 by CONCHAR PR (95615) G.Dam: 72H:N192 by MORRIS LES (93905) 72H:14:02600 Twin Born: 02/02/2014 Sire: RHAEADR MINT (97501) Dam: 72H:N158 by STOCKTON THRILLER THE SECOND (94669) G.Dam: 72H:K7 by GAVAL GEORGE (92281) 72H:14:02677 Twin Born: 30/01/2014 Sire: CONCHAR PR (95615) Dam: 72H:11:585 by STOCKTON THRILLER THE SECOND (94669) G.Dam: 72H:K152 by GAVAL GEORGE (92281)



72H:14:02616 Twin Born: 22/01/2014 Sire: WHITESTONE FOOTPRINT (95582) Dam: 72H:12:1791 by RHAEADR MAD MAN (95618) G.Dam: 72H:N135 by MORRIS LES (93905)

26 27 28 29

GORDON A MACKIE Drimmie Farm, Rescobie, By Forfar, Angus, DD8 2TD Reg. Flock Code 583 Drimmie 583:14:00394 Embryo Born: 02/01/2014 Sire: CAIRNESS CUSTOM MADE (95894) Dam: 583:11:021 by MANORDALE STRONGBOW (95411) G.Dam: 583:D19 by PERRINPIT JOINT VENTURE (89469) 583:14:00392 Single Born: 02/01/2014 Sire: FORKINS BOLD LAD (96120) Dam: 583:K1 by THURSTON CHIEFTAIN (91775) G.Dam: 583:F58 by PERRINPIT JOINT VENTURE (89469) 583:14:00395 Twin Born: 04/01/2014 Sire: CAIRNESS PEN STREP (97483) Dam: 583:11:015 by THURSTON CALZAGHE (93056) G.Dam: 583:D33 by GLENHO LEPRECHAUN (88253) 583:14:00387 Twin Born: 07/01/2014 Sire: FORKINS BOLD LAD (96120) Dam: 583:L22 by CAIRNESS JUST THE BEST (92622) G.Dam: 583:H1 by CAIRNESS COMMANDEUR (90268)

JAMES I A WALLACE Claycrop, Kirkinner, Newton Stewart, Wigtownshire, DG8 9AS Reg. Flock Code NCX Claycrop 30 NCX:14:03284 Triplet Born: 24/12/2013 Sire: STRATHISLA GOLD DUST (96192) Dam: 33H:L27 by RHAEADR ROSSI (91772) G.Dam: 33H:J108 by LANGSIDE LIGHTENING (91812) Notes: Dam purchased at Ardlea dispersal, has bred sons to 3500gns, Ardlea Atomic which was the top priced lamb from the Ardlea pen at Stirling 2012. 31 NCX:14:03291 Twin Born: 27/12/2013 Sire: STRATHISLA GOLD DUST (96192) Dam: NCX:11:017 by PEXHILL REAL LUCKY (94938) G.Dam: 33H:K99 by CAIRNESS JUST THE BEST (92622) Notes: Dam is one of the best breeding ewes in the flock, has bred sons to 1150gns.

32 NCX:14:03304 Twin Born: 27/12/2013 Sire: ARDLEA ATOMIC (96185) Dam: NCX:12:010 by BENRAFTON BUGATI (94827) G.Dam: NCX:N16 by REDBRAE REBUS (92703) Notes: Gdam is one of the strongest ewes in the flock, breeds great carcase and power. Reference to sires: Strathisla Goldust, purchased in 2012 for 3500gns and is one of the top sons of the great FNV:L60, labelled the queen of queens at the Strathisla dispersal where she sold for 8200gns. Ardlea Atomic, top lamb from the Ardlea pen at Stirling in 2012, breeds great style and breed character and was kindly loaned by Jim Cannon on AI day. 33 34

COUNTY TURF LTD (FARM) Low Santon Farm, Appleby, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, DN15 0DF Reg. Flock Code LOZ Hazeltree LOZ:14:00204 Twin Born: 23/12/2013 Sire: ARDLEA ARKLE (95584) Dam: LOZ:N1 by CAIRNESS DESTINY (89546) G.Dam: 80:D129 by CLYDA ACE (87360) LOZ:14:00202 Twin Born: 22/12/2013 Sire: HAZELTREE RETURN (96288) Dam: LOZ:11:029 by CAIRNESS JUST LUCKY (94208) G.Dam: 80:D129 by CLYDA ACE (87360)

35 36 37 38

RONALD H BLACK Newton of Collessie, Ladybank, Fife, KY7 7RG Reg. Flock Code 416 Collessie 416:14:00742 Single Born: 04/01/2014 Sire: BIRNESS BOLLINGER (96998) Dam: 416:11:025 by CARRAGH GOLIATH (95038) G.Dam: 416:J39 by GLENHO MR TOM (90711) 416:14:00746 Single Born: 05/01/2014 Sire: BIRNESS BOLLINGER (96998) Dam: 416:12:015 by ARDLEA CHAMPION (95715) G.Dam: 416:N19 by CASTLEWELLAN KLONDYKE (94335) 416:14:00747 Single Born: 05/01/2014 Sire: LIMESTONE LIEUTENANT (97003) Dam: 416:11:066 by CARRAGH GOLIATH (95038) G.Dam: 416:H59 by CONVETH ICEMAN (90077) 416:14:00745 Single Born: 05/01/2014 Sire: LIMESTONE LIEUTENANT (97003) Dam: 416:11:062 by RHAEADR OPERATOR (94799) G.Dam: L67:K25 by COLLESSIE DEAD LUCKY (93031) – 11 –

S J DUNCAN The Cottage, Jacobshall, Gamrie Banff, AB45 3JL Reg. Flock Code JYB Pennan 39 JYB:14:05255 Twin Born: 02/01/2014 Sire: PENNAN PETRIOT (97513) Dam: JYB:11:027 by SITLOW TOP GUN (94790) G.Dam: JYB:L5 by CAIRNESS STOCKBROKER (93458) Notes: Twin to my third ram lamb. Dam a really good ‘Top Gun’ ewe. 40 JYB:14:05260 Twin Born: 02/01/2014 Sire: DEVERONSIDE SPEEDWAY (93466) Dam: JYB:12:019 by CAIRNTON EYECATCHER (95692) G.Dam: JYB:J16 by MONKLEIGH HIGH NOON (92083) Notes: Bred from a top family in the flock. 41 JYB:14:05254 Twin Born: 02/01/2014 Sire: PENNAN PETRIOT (97513) Dam: JYB:11:027 by SITLOW TOP GUN (94790) G.Dam: JYB:L5 by CAIRNESS STOCKBROKER (93458) Notes: Twin to my first ram lamb. 42 JYB:14:05264 Single Born: 02/01/2014 Sire: DEVERONSIDE SPEEDWAY (93466) Dam: JYB:11:021 by SITLOW TOP GUN (94790) G.Dam: JYB:K6 by SITLOW ROONEY (89905) Notes: A smart well-made lamb. 43 JYB:14:05248 Single Born: 01/01/2014 Sire: KINGS ROMEO (87786) Dam: JYB:N6 by DEVERONSIDE SPEEDWAY (93466) G.Dam: JYB:J12 by MONKLEIGH HIGH NOON (92083) Notes: Dam a really good ‘Speedway’ ewe and full sister to Pennan Finally. 44 JYB:14:05266 Single Born: 03/01/2014 Sire: GLENHEAD TITANIUM (96988) Dam: JYB:12:007 by THURSTON GRAND DIAMOND (95721) G.Dam: JYB:N8 by CAIRNESS STOCKBROKER (93458) Notes: Dam full sister to ‘Pennan Petriot’, sire of my first and third ram lambs. Reference to sires: Pennan Petriot sold at Stirling 2013, exported to Belgium. Deveronside Speedway has left tremendous breeding sheep in the flock. Kings Romeo was a great breeding tup. Glenhead Titanium kindly loaned by J Gibb.

– 12 –

ROSS LAWRENCE Netherleigh, Iddesleigh, Winkleigh, Devon, EX19 8BD Reg. Flock Code NHL Roundacre 45 NHL:14:00114 Triplet Born: 08/01/2014 Sire: LAKEVIEW HEEZA LORD (96814) Dam: NHL:12:006 by CAIRNESS LIAM (94432) G.Dam: FNV:K61 by GLENHO GURKHA (90696) Notes: Triplet born and reared. Powerful, fleshy lamb from a great family. Dam was shown as a ewe lamb and is by Cairness Liam, sire of the year 2011. Gdam was a massive Gurka ewe purchased from the Strathisla production sale 2009 for 2200gns. 46 NHL:14:00111 Twin Born: 07/01/2014 Sire: CAIRNESS GREAT EXPECTATIONS (96936) Dam: PDN:11:087 by STRATHISLA ROCKEFELLER (94777) G.Dam: PDN:L54 by STRATHISLA SPEED (92717) Notes: Smart, really fleshy, silky haired lamb. Champion tup lamb and male champion at Devon County Show and champion tup lamb at Royal Cornwall Show 2014. Dam is a tremendous ewe. 47 NHL:14:00113 Single Born: 08/01/2014 Sire: CAIRNESS GREAT EXPECTATIONS (96936) Dam: NHL:12:014 by CAIRNESS LIAM (94432) G.Dam: FNV:K61 by GLENHO GURKHA (90696) Notes: Powerful lamb from the same family as my first ram lamb. Dam has serious power and was last year’s show gimmer. 48 NHL:14:00121 Twin Born: 14/02/2014 Sire: CAIRNESS GREAT EXPECTATIONS (96936) Dam: NHL:N7 by STRATHISLA SPEED (92717) G.Dam: FNV:C109 by STRATHISLA KINGSWAY (87830) Notes: This tremendous young lamb from a fantastic family was born on 14 February. His dam is by the great Strathisla Speed and she is full sister to Roundacre Rockstar, Edinburgh 2009 6000gns that has bred very well for Middlemuir and Cairnton flocks. Reference to sires: Cairness Great Expectations, purchased jointly at Stirling 2013 with Rookery, Pexhill and Kings flocks for 21000gns. This tremendous tup has bred exceptionally well and grown in a fantastic shearling with great style, flesh, power, skin and mouth. We are all delighted with how has bred in his first season. Lakeview Hezza Lord, Lakeview’s top lamb of 2013. Unfortunately he injured a shoulder pre-Stirling last year so never made the sale. Semen was taken from him and Lakeview very kindly let me have the use of him.

– 13 –

MRS J J TOOZE Old Medwyn Mill, Spittal, Carnwath, Lanarkshire, ML11 8LY Reg. Flock Code DYX Spittal 49 DYX:14:00150 Single Born: 04/01/2014 Sire: DAVISHILL DECISION (94100) Dam: DYX:K12 by PLASLLEWELYN PANACHE (91599) G.Dam: DYX:C11 by BRIJON BRAVADO (85504) Notes: Full brother to RHS 2012 1st prize gimmer. A powerful lamb with great skin and carcase. Two previous brothers registered in flocks. 50 DYX:14:00153 Twin Born: 08/01/2014 Sire: CAIRNTON CORRECTION (96571) Dam: PNS:11:027 by BAILEYS BACCHUS (94124) G.Dam: 33H:L53 by WHITESTONE WARRIOR (92628) Notes: A lamb with a great head and skin. Dam purchased at Ardlea dispersal. 51 DYX:14:00159 Single Born: 29/01/2014 Sire: CAIRNTON CORRECTION (96571) Dam: DYX:11:032 by DAVISHILL DECISION (94100) G.Dam: DYX:F18 by PLASLLEWELYN POLARIS (89880) Notes: A young, powerful lamb. Outstanding sister retained. Dam successfully shown. 52 DYX:14:00152 Single Born: 08/01/2014 Sire: CAIRNTON CORRECTION (96571) Dam: DYX:11:039 by DAVISHILL DECISION (94100) G.Dam: DYX:F19 by PLASLLEWELYN POLARIS (89880) Notes: A strong lamb with great carcase. Same family as my first ram lamb. Reference to sires: Davishill Decision, sired by 9000gns Strathisla Showstopper. Breeding exceptionally well, males and females. Bred 2012 1st prize gimmer RHS. Cairnton Correction, sired by Thurston Grand Diamond. Breeding exceptionally well leaving lambs with tight skins and good colour. 53

S J BUCKLEY Sittinglow Farm, Dove Holes, Nr Buxton, Derbyshire, SK17 8DA Reg. Flock Code 45Z Sitlow 45Z:14:01342 Embryo Born: 30/12/2013 Sire: HADDO HIGH VOLTAGE (94816) Dam: 45Z:F51 by STRATHISLA SINATRA (87633) G.Dam: 45Z:Z40 by CONVETH MOTIVATOR (82299)

EBVs: Litter Size 8 Wk Wgt Maternal Scan Wgt Musc Dpth Fat Dpth Mat Ind Ter Ind 0.11 5.74 kgs 1.04kgs 9.57 kgs ‑0.27 mm 0.60 mm 245.93 2.10 Accuracy 51% 71% 43% 72% 71% 72% 57% 70%

Notes: Dam is a tremendous breeding ewe. She bred the 20000gns reserve champion at Edinburgh 2010 and the 8000 Sitlow Centurion national champion 2008. Her full sister bred the 7000 Sitlow Sensation. – 14 –


45Z:14:01351 Triplet Born: 03/01/2014 Sire: STOCKTON TURBINE (96925) Dam: 45Z:L54 by SITLOW CENTURION (93278) G.Dam: 45Z:H81 by PENNAN FORMULA ONE (90576)

EBVs: Litter Size 8 Wk Wgt Maternal Scan Wgt Musc Dpth Fat Dpth Mat Ind Ter Ind 0.11 5.49 kgs 0.33kgs 9.74 kgs 1.27 mm ‑0.41 mm 194.69 2.15 Accuracy 40% 70% 31% 71% 72% 73% 51% 69%

Notes: Dam and gdam have bred sons sold to 1100gns at the national sale. 55 45Z:14:01368 Single Born: 04/01/2014 Sire: STOCKTON TURBINE (96925) Dam: 45Z:12:034 by CAIRNESS CARBON (94121) G.Dam: 45Z:J33 by PERRINPIT HIGH PEAK (88525)

EBVs: Litter Size 8 Wk Wgt Maternal Scan Wgt Musc Dpth Fat Dpth Mat Ind Ter Ind 0.02 5.45 kgs 0.07kgs 9.46 kgs 0.33 mm ‑0.16 mm 146.15 2.23 Accuracy 38% 67% 28% 69% 70% 71% 49% 67%

Notes: Gdam bred ram sold at the national for 4000gns to Roseden. Her full brothers have sold for 1500gns and 1300gns at Edinburgh. 56 45Z:14:01382 Twin Born: 04/01/2014 Sire: HADDO HIGH VOLTAGE (94816) Dam: 45Z:L77 by SITLOW CENTURION (93278) G.Dam: 45Z:J113 by DIDCOT DYNAMIC (91591)

EBVs: Litter Size 8 Wk Wgt Maternal Scan Wgt Musc Dpth Fat Dpth Mat Ind Ter Ind 0.10 5.60 kgs 0.87kgs 9.88 kgs ‑0.08 mm ‑0.41 mm 229.17 1.79 Accuracy 46% 68% 37% 70% 70% 72% 53% 68%


45Z:14:01365 Twin Born: 03/01/2014 Sire: STOCKTON TURBINE (96925) Dam: 45Z:12:063 by CAIRNESS CARBON (94121) G.Dam: 45Z:L35 by SITLOW CENTURION (93278)

EBVs: Litter Size 8 Wk Wgt Maternal Scan Wgt Musc Dpth Fat Dpth Mat Ind Ter Ind 0.02 5.21 kgs 0.42kgs 7.80 kgs 2.90 mm 0.41 mm 167.45 2.57 Accuracy 38% 68% 28% 69% 70% 71% 49% 67%

Reference to sires: Stockton Turbine, purchased jointly for 4000gns at the national 2013. Member of 1st prize group. He is leaving upstanding lambs with good growth rates. Haddo High Voltage, shared with Rookery. One of the 1st prize stud ram team in the national flock competition 2013. A much admired ram with tremendous carcase. Consistently produces top quality stock with sons selling to 5400gns and twelve sons sold at the national 2013 to 2100gns.

– 15 –

DARREN JONES Ashcroft, Thurston Field, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA5 6HD Reg. Flock Code LHH Thurston 58 LHH:14:00194 Single Born: 03/01/2014 Sire: THURSTON FERGIE (96893) Dam: LHH:L8 by CAIRNESS CLASSICAL CREATION (93249) G.Dam: LHH:J55 by CAIRNESS SAVE THE DAY (90698) Notes: Ggdam F26 the 10000gns Cairness gimmer Carlisle. 59 LHH:14:00196 Twin Born: 04/01/2014 Sire: THURSTON FERGIE (96893) Dam: LHH:11:026 by CAIRNESS SEE THE STARS (94046) G.Dam: LHH:K15 by THURSTON CHIEFTAIN (91775) Notes: Twin to a good lamb for Carlisle. 60 LHH:14:00205 Twin Born: 08/01/2014 Sire: THURSTON FERGIE (96893) Dam: LHH:12:017 by CAIRNESS STIRLING (95560) G.Dam: 33H:J107 by LANGSIDE LIGHTENING (91812) Notes: Gdam J107 dam of Thurston Grand Diamond, Cairnton glock. Reference to sires: Thurston Fergie, sired by Cairness Diamond Jubilee. Dam 33H:11:103 by Cairness Cyclone, ET sister to Cairness Custom Made and 8000gns gimmer sold to Lakeview flock. 61 62 63 64

P D W TAYLOR 56 Cashel Road, Macosquin, Coleraine, Co Londonderry, BT51 4NU Reg. Flock Code KKW Ballynacanon Scrapie monitored KKW:14:00522 Embryo Born: 12/01/2014 Sire: BIRNESS BACARDI (96316) Dam: KKW:K24 by LAKEVIEW KUNNYFUNT (93127) G.Dam: KKW:H29 by CELTIC STARBOY (89329) KKW:14:00516 Embryo Born: 10/01/2014 Sire: BIRNESS BACARDI (96316) Dam: KKW:K24 by LAKEVIEW KUNNYFUNT (93127) G.Dam: KKW:H29 by CELTIC STARBOY (89329) KKW:14:00496 Embryo Born: 07/01/2014 Sire: BIRNESS BACARDI (96316) Dam: KKW:L47 by STRATHISLA SHADRACH (93243) G.Dam: KKW:H29 by CELTIC STARBOY (89329) KKW:14:00505 Embryo Born: 07/01/2014 Sire: BIRNESS BACARDI (96316) Dam: KKW:J49 by LAKEVIEW LORD LEE (90327) G.Dam: KKW:D16 by CELTIC STARBOY (89329) – 16 –

65 66 67 68

KKW:14:00544 Embryo Born: 15/02/2014 Sire: BIRNESS BACARDI (96316) Dam: KKW:L46 by STRATHISLA SHADRACH (93243) G.Dam: KKW:H29 by CELTIC STARBOY (89329) KKW:14:00485 Twin Born: 03/01/2014 Sire: OLDMILL LIEUTENANT (96723) Dam: T86:12:062 by ERRIGAL SIMPLY THE BEST (95430) G.Dam: T86:N55 by STRATHISLA STONER (92716) KKW:14:00542 Embryo Born: 15/02/2014 Sire: BIRNESS BACARDI (96316) Dam: KKW:L46 by STRATHISLA SHADRACH (93243) G.Dam: KKW:H29 by CELTIC STARBOY (89329) KKW:14:00531 Embryo Born: 14/02/2014 Sire: BIRNESS BACARDI (96316) Dam: JFF:L151 by STRATHISLA SHADRACH (93243) G.Dam: FNV:F13 by STRATHISLA KINGSWAY (87830)

P MACHRAY Bilboa, Daviot, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, AB51 0JA Reg. Flock Code AAZ Middlemuir – Scrapie monitored Scrapie monitored 69 AAZ:14:00260 Single Born: 31/12/2013 Sire: CAIRNESS MI5 (97019) Dam: AAZ:N23 by ROUNDACRE ROCKSTAR (94122) G.Dam: AAZ:K25 by GLENISLA GRIMALDI (85213) Notes: Cairness Mi5 was one of the best lambs at Cairness last year. Lamb’s dam goes back to the same line as Middlemuir Winston and includes the great Glenisla Grimaldi. 70 AAZ:14:00257 Twin Born: 01/01/2014 Sire: CAIRNESS MI5 (97019) Dam: AAZ:L23 by SHANNAGH O SULLIVAN (93459) G.Dam: AAZ:F27 by CAIRNESS MUSKATEER (87573) Notes: Lamb has a great skin and carcase. 71 AAZ:14:00227 Single Born: 27/12/2013 Sire: BURNVIEW BOMBAY (97005) Dam: AAZ:12:016 by MIDDLEMUIR MESSI (95593) G.Dam: AAZ:J21 by COLLESSIE CUT ABOVE (88374) Notes: One of a few tup lambs we had from Burnview Bombay. 72 AAZ:14:00251 Twin Born: 30/12/2013 Sire: CAIRNESS MI5 (97019) Dam: AAZ:12:007 by FORKINS FIGO (95595) G.Dam: AAZ:L13 by SHANNAGH O SULLIVAN (93459) Notes: From the same back line as Middlemuir Messi. – 17 –

MRS R H GOLDIE Harpercroft, Old Loans Road, Dundonald, By Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, KA2 9DD Reg. Flock Code 249 Harpercroft 73 249:14:00332 Twin Born: 07/01/2014 Sire: BIRNESS BOLLINGER (96998) Dam: 249:11:007 by BURNVIEW DREAM AHEAD (95124) G.Dam: 249:J37 by BURNVIEW BILL (89758) 74 249:14:00325 Single Born: 07/01/2014 Sire: BIRNESS BOLLINGER (96998) Dam: 249:12:067 by RHAEADR ROCK (96012) G.Dam: 249:K42 by WESTCARSE WARCRAFT (92669) 75 249:14:00323 Triplet Born: 06/01/2014 Sire: BIRNESS BOLLINGER (96998) Dam: 249:12:010 by RHAEADR ROCK (96012) G.Dam: 249:N10 by WESTCARSE WARCRAFT (92669) PATRICK DONNELLY 6 Lisnacrogher Road, Rathkenny, Ballymena, Co Antrim, BT43 6QP Reg. Flock Code LRT Donrho Scrapie monitored 76 LRT:14:01093 Twin Born: 04/01/2014 Sire: BIRNESS BOLT (96202) Dam: LRT:N23 by KINGS HIGH AND MIGHTY (89280) G.Dam: LRT:K32 by LAURELBANK HOME ALONE (92617) 77 LRT:14:01060 Twin Born: 01/01/2014 Sire: BIRNESS BOLT (96202) Dam: LRT:12:012 by BAILEYS PADDY’S POWER (94737) G.Dam: LRT:L26 by BIRNESS STARCRACKER (93192) Notes: His dam was NI female of the year 2013 and is proving herself at this year’s shows once again. 78 LRT:14:01058 Twin Born: 02/01/2014 Sire: BIRNESS BOLT (96202) Dam: T86:11:071 by FORKINS FERRARI II (95118) G.Dam: T86:L66 by CASTLEISLE IMPACT (93504) 79 LRT:14:01091 Single Born: 04/01/2014 Sire: BIRNESS BOLT (96202) Dam: LRT:12:040 by THREEWAYS TYCOON (95509) G.Dam: JFF:K91 by SHANNAGH SHERGAR (92745) 80 LRT:14:01067 Triplet Born: 02/01/2014 Sire: BIRNESS BOLT (96202) Dam: LRT:12:005 by BAILEYS PADDY’S POWER (94737) G.Dam: LRT:L10 by BIRNESS STARCRACKER (93192) Notes: A powerful lamb from a good gimmer born as a triplet lamb. – 18 –

JAMES & LIAM SCOTT Wester Biffie, Maud, Peterhead, Aberdeenshire, AB42 5PP Reg. Flock Code NVY Biffie Scrapie monitored 81 NVY:14:00508 Single Born: 28/12/2013 Sire: CAIRNESS CLASSIC FYVIE (94909) Dam: NVY:12:012 by BAILEYS ONE WAY (95630) G.Dam: NVY:N7 by GLENAGH GREGAN (93353) Notes: The best lamb we have ever bred. Cairness Classic Fyvie was kindly loaned to us by Jimmy Douglas on AI day. MARK J W PRIESTLEY Limestone Farm, 22 Drumgooland Rd, Seaforde, Downpatrick, Co Down, BT30 8QP Reg. Flock Code KPC Limestone Scrapie monitored 82 KPC:14:00448 Single Born: 07/01/2014 Sire: STRATHISLA SPIELBERG (96921) Dam: FNV:N81 by GLENHEAD GOLDEN PHOENIX (94180) G.Dam: FNV:H48 by GLENHO GURKHA (90696) Notes: Dam purchased from Strathisla dispersal. She was ET sister to 8000gns Rockerfella, Balquhain flock. Daughter sold for 2200gns at Strathisla dispersal. 83 KPC:14:00457 Twin Born: 14/02/2014 Sire: STRATHISLA SPIELBERG (96921) Dam: KPC:12:021 by LIMESTONE TO‑TAL (94831) G.Dam: KPC:H18 by KINGS THEATRE (90375) Notes: Born 13 February. Dam is ET sister to 3800gns ewe lamb sold to MJ Cornish, Mardle flock. Gdam is KPC:H18, dam of 2013 Stirling champion sold at 4800gns to Collessie. 84 KPC:14:00436 Embryo Born: 26/12/2013 Sire: RHAEADR RING‑A‑DING (96227) Dam: KPC:12:013 by LIMESTONE TO‑TAL (94831) G.Dam: KPC:H18 by KINGS THEATRE (90375) Notes: Dam KPC:12:013 was flock show ewe lamb winning several 1st prizes and female championships. Gdam famous KPC:H18. ET sister was 1st prize ewe lamb at NI championships 2014. 85 KPC:14:00428 Embryo Born: 26/12/2013 Sire: RHAEADR RING‑A‑DING (96227) Dam: KPC:11:007 by CLUNTY MACKENZIE (93696) G.Dam: KPC:H18 by KINGS THEATRE (90375) Notes: Dam KPC:11:007 was NI female of the year 2012.

– 19 –

86 KPC:14:00442 Embryo Born: 29/12/2013 Sire: STRATHISLA SPIELBERG (96921) Dam: KPC:H18 by KINGS THEATRE (90375) G.Dam: KPC:D9 by CROSEMANOR JUBILEE KING (ET) (87327) Notes: Maternal brother to 2013 Stirling champion sold to Collessie flock 4800gns. 87 KPC:14:00455 Twin Born: 06/02/2014 Sire: STRATHISLA SPIELBERG (96921) Dam: KPC:12:013 by LIMESTONE TO‑TAL (94831) G.Dam: KPC:H18 by KINGS THEATRE (90375) Notes: Born 6 February. Maternal brother to KPC:0015 and to the much admired first place ewe lamb NI championships 2014. Reference to sires: Strathisla Spielberg, purchased 2013 for 20000gns. Male and reserve overall champion RHS 2013. Dam sold at Strathisla dispersal for 10000gns. Gdam was twice RHS champion. Spielberg has been unbeaten in his classes as a shearling and was overall breed champion at Royal Cornwall Show. Rhaeadr Ring-a-Ding, purchased for 18000gns 2012. Son of 90000gns Ardlea Arbenning. Ring-a-Ding was sire of the 2013 Stirling champion with the top price son Strathisla Spielberg selling for 20000gns. He also sired the top price Suffolk at Kelso 2013 5000gns. Daughters sold at Strathisla dispersal to a top of 40000gns. Top three sons averaged £9933 in 2013. TOM FITZSIMON Sunnyhill Farm, Holywood Road, Dumfries, Dumfriesshire, DG2 0SD Reg. Flock Code NCK Sunnyhills 88 NCK:14:00368 Twin Born: 18/12/2013 Sire: FLODDEN MAGICIAN (94530) Dam: NCK:12:023 by RHAEADR TOP MAN (95704) G.Dam: NCK:N15 by BURNVIEW APPOLLO (93299) Notes: 1st prize Ayr County Show. Male champion and 1st in gigot class at the West and Central Scotland Club Show. 2nd prize RHS. 89 NCK:14:00362 Triplet Born: 14/12/2013 Sire: FORKINS FERRARI II (95118) Dam: NCK:12:015 by RHAEADR TOP MAN (95704) G.Dam: NCK:K31 by SUNNYHILLS SUPERIOR (93019) Notes: Triplet lamb with great presence and a lot of power. 5th prize Ayr County Show. Reference to sires: Flodden Magician, breeding very well and kindly loaned on AI day by David and Paula Reid, Conchar flock.

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TOM & JEFF BAILEY Culcommon, Batterstown, Dunboyne, Co Meath, EIRE Reg. Flock Code HJW Baileys Scrapie monitored 90 HJW:14:3766B Single Born: 23/12/2013 Sire: BAILEYS ROCK SOLID (97021) Dam: HJW:12:032 by CAIRNESS CREAN (95575) G.Dam: DDY:D3 by CAIRNESS THUNDER II (88474) Notes: This lamb has very good, tight skin and a fantastic back end. Dam HJW:12:032 is a very good Cairness 91 HJW:14:3751J Single Born: 22/12/2013 Sire: CAIRNESS THE WANDERER (96364) Dam: HJW:11:014 by RHAEADR ROSSI (91772) G.Dam: HJW:L37 by CAIRNESS ALMIGHTY THE SECOND (93356) Notes: A great pedigree. This lamb is out of a very good Rhaeadr Rossi ewe. 92 HJW:14:03760 Triplet Born: 23/12/2013 Sire: CAIRNESS THE WANDERER (96364) Dam: HJW:N42 by BAILEYS BACCHUS (94124) G.Dam: DDY:C51 by GLENISLA SYDNEY (86123) Notes: This lamb is a very powerful sheep. Dam HJW:N42 is a top class Baileys Bacchus ewe. 93 HJW:14:3767D Single Born: 23/12/2013 Sire: BAILEYS ROCK SOLID (97021) Dam: HJW:12:016 by CAIRNESS KANINE (93354) G.Dam: HJW:L41 by CAIRNESS NEW APPROACH (93355) Notes: This lamb has a great pedigree with Cairness Koning, Cairness New Approach, Boreland Buddah, Whitestone Warrior and lots more. Reference to sires: Baileys Rock Solid, this sire was out best lamb last year and may be one of the best sheep we ever had. He has got it all. I sold him privately to Jimmy Douglas. He has bred very well at Cairness this year. Cairness the Wanderer, this sire has a fantastic pedigree with Middlemuir Messi sire and a very good Muiresk King of Diamonds mother. ERIC BELL Newton of Broomhill, Drumblade, Huntly, Aberdeenshire, AB54 6AE Reg. Flock Code KTJ Glenhill 94 KTJ:14:00068 Twin Born: 06/01/2014 Sire: LUNDAZI LA (96315) Dam: KTJ:N1 by DEVERONSIDE DARK KNIGHT (94357) G.Dam: KTJ:H16 by GLENISLA GHILLIE (88411) Notes: Dam a great breeding ewe by Deveronside Dark Knight, a son of Strathisla Speed, his dam was the great show ewe JTO:H28. Sire Lundazi LA, a massive tup by Cairness Masterpieve, one of a first prize pen of three at Edinburgh. – 21 –


KTJ:14:00077 Single Born: 08/01/2014 Sire: LUNDAZI LA (96315) Dam: KTJ:L8 by STRATHISLA SCHUMACHER (91832) G.Dam: KTJ:J10 by DRIMMIE APPOLLO (91258)

D R FOTHERINGHAM Oldmill, Strichen, Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire, AB43 6RY Reg. Flock Code FOS Oldmill 96 FOS:14:00138 Single Born: 26/12/2013 Sire: BAILEYS ROCK SOLID (97021) Dam: FOS:12:009 by CAIRNESS LIAM (94432) G.Dam: FOS:N9 by CAIRNESS CRUZ (94512) Notes: Dam FOS:12:009 great stylish Liam ewe. 97 FOS:14:00128 Single Born: 23/12/2013 Sire: BAILEYS ROCK SOLID (97021) Dam: FOS:12:017 by CAIRNESS LIAM (94432) G.Dam: FOS:J25 by THURSTON CHIEFTAIN (91775) Notes: My favourite as a young lamb along with the first one. 98 FOS:14:00143 Twin Born: 26/12/2013 Sire: CAIRNESS X‑FACTOR (95711) Dam: FOS:12:002 by CAIRNESS SEE THE STARS (94046) G.Dam: FOS:N2 by HALLHILL HULK (94322) 99 FOS:14:00140 Single Born: 27/12/2013 Sire: CAIRNESS X‑FACTOR (95711) Dam: FOS:11:018 by GLENAGH GREGAN (93353) G.Dam: FOS:H18 by RHAEADR SUPREME (89406) Reference to sires: Baileys Rock Solid, sire Rhaeadr Rossi, dam Baileys great show ewe DDY/F60 by Boreland Buddah. One of the best ever rams bred by Tom. Privately purchased by Jimmy Douglas. Dam DDY/F60 was an embryo which had three sisters selling to €6000 twice to Jimmy Douglas and €4000 to Gordon Mackie, Drimmie. Cairness X-Factor, breeding well. Sons selling well including Cairness Unreal 10000gns to Westcarse and Hallhill, Stirling 2013. Cairness Unreal’s sister sold for 3000gns at Robbie Scott’s dispersal. The X-Factor daughters averaged over 1000gns for a dozen. X-Factor’s leaving great power, style and flesh.

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SEAMUS BROWNE Park House, Listillion, Letterkenny, Co Donegal, EIRE Reg. Flock Code PBH Errigal Scrapie monitored 100 PBH:14:00927 Embryo Born: 01/01/2014 Sire: CAIRNTON THE CRACKER (96294) Dam: PBH:12:001 by ERRIGAL SIMPLY THE BEST (95430) G.Dam: DDX:J39 by CASTLEWELLAN KRUGER (92372) Notes: Irish National Champion Ram Lamb. His Dam was Irish National Champion Untrimmed Ewe Lamb 2012 by Errigal Simply the Best, Irish Supreme Champion 2011. 101 PBH:14:00923 Embryo Born: 01/01/2014 Sire: CAIRNTON THE CRACKER (96294) Dam: PBH:12:025 by CAIRNESS JUST THE BEST (92622) G.Dam: CFJ:L82 by STRATHISLA DYLAN THOMAS (92528) Notes: Very stylish lamb with a tremendous carcase. His Dam is the best daughter of CFJ:L82 and a full ET sister to Errigal Simply the Best. 102 PBH:14:00946 Twin Born: 20/01/2014 Sire: CAIRNTON THE CRACKER (96294) Dam: PBH:L2 by SOLWAYBANK SPECIAL ONE (93378) G.Dam: HJW:J65 by RHAEADR ROSSI (91772) Notes: Fourth Prize Ram Lamb at Irish National Championships. His Dam is from the family of Baileys Barracuda and Big brother. She has bred gimmers selling to €2,000 and €1,800. Reference to sire: Cairnton the Cracker (ARR/ARR) Sold at Stirling for 10,000gns. He has sired lots of excellent lambs from his first 2 crops including Irish National Champion Ram Lamb this year. His dam and twin sister sold for 5,000gns each at the Cairton Dispersal. STEPHEN SUFFERIN 36 Crew Road, Maghera, Co. Londonderry, BT46 5HN Reg. Flock Code PWN Crewelands Scrapie monitored 103 PWN:14:00213 Single Born: 06/01/2014 Sire: RHAEADR RING‑A‑DING (96227) Dam: AOR:11:015 by CAIRNESS NEW APPROACH (93355) G.Dam: HJW:F109 by BORELAND BUDDAH (89548) Notes: Fantastic Forkins Ferrari II lamb out of the top price 3000gns Shannagh Resolve gimmer purchased at last year’s Burnview and Lakeview female sale.

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104 PWN:14:00236 Single Born: 09/01/2014 Sire: BALLYNACANON BIG DEN (96872) Dam: FNV:11:048 by CAIRNESS KAOS (94796) G.Dam: FNV:X48 by GLENISLA GODFATHER (83773) Notes: Sire is the 3000gns Ballynacannon Big Den and out of a 2800gns Strathisla ewe whose dam is the famous FNV:X48. 105 PWN:14:00230 Twin Born: 08/01/2014 Sire: STRATHISLA SPIELBERG (96921) Dam: FNV:12:100 by ROOKERY ROONEY (95596) G.Dam: FNV:L23 by LAKEVIEW LEEROY (93400) Notes: Sire is the 20000gns RHS champion Strathisla Spielberg and out of the 6200gns Rookery Rooney gimmer purchased at Strathisla dispersal. 106 PWN:14:00229 Twin Born: 08/01/2014 Sire: RHAEADR RING‑A‑DING (96227) Dam: T86:11:034 by BAILEYS BACCHUS (94124) G.Dam: T86:L63 by BAILEYS INVINCIBLE (92607) Notes: Sire is the 18000gns Rhaeadr Ring-a-Ding and dam is a fantastic Baileys Bacchus ewe. GEORGE L STUART Milltown of Birness, Ellon, Aberdeenshire, AB41 8EJ Reg. Flock Code 1W Birness Scrapie monitored 107 1W:14:01173 Single Born: 18/01/2014 Sire: BALLYNACANON COMMANDER (97096) Dam: 1W:11:038 by STRATHISLA OBAMA (93455) G.Dam: 1W:K29 by CASTLEWELLAN EYECATCHER (92975) 108 1W:14:01110 Single Born: 29/12/2013 Sire: BALLYNACANON COMMANDER (97096) Dam: 1W:11:022 by MEIKLESON SQUARE UP (94311) G.Dam: 1W:J88 by CAIRNESS BONDI (91309) 109 1W:14:01165 Single Born: 11/01/2014 Sire: THURSTON URASTAR (97098) Dam: 1W:N17 by RHAEADR FLASH HARRY (94310) G.Dam: 1W:H67 by CAIRNESS BONDI (91309) 110 1W:14:01118 Triplet Born: 30/12/2013 Sire: BALLYNACANON COMMANDER (97096) Dam: 1W:N65 by MEIKLESON SQUARE UP (94311) G.Dam: 1W:H65 by CASTLEWELLAN CRACKSHOT (91308) 111 1W:14:01142 Single Born: 02/01/2014 Sire: BALLYNACANON COMMANDER (97096) Dam: 1W:12:005 by MEIKLESON SQUARE UP (94311) G.Dam: 1W:J39 by PLASLLEWELYN PURE GENIUS (89646) – 24 –

112 1W:14:01158 Single Born: 07/01/2014 Sire: BALLYNACANON COMMANDER (97096) Dam: 1W:11:066 by RHAEADR FLASH HARRY (94310) G.Dam: 1W:L64 by STRATHISLA OBAMA (93455) 113 1W:14:01148 Single Born: 04/01/2014 Sire: RHAEADR GIGGSY (95814) Dam: 1W:12:061 by ARDLEA CHAMPION (95715) G.Dam: 1W:N53 by RHAEADR FLASH HARRY (94310) 114 1W:14:01156 Single Born: 06/01/2014 Sire: BALLYNACANON COMMANDER (97096) Dam: 1W:N95 by MEIKLESON SQUARE UP (94311) G.Dam: 1W:K22 by CASTLEWELLAN EYECATCHER (92975) 115 1W:14:01130 Twin Born: 01/01/2014 Sire: RHAEADR GIGGSY (95814) Dam: 1W:11:019 by MEIKLESON SQUARE UP (94311) G.Dam: 1W:J45 by CASTLEWELLAN CRACKSHOT (91308) Reference to sires: Ballynacanon Commander (ARR/ARR), sire Birness Bacardi purchased 2013 for 7500gns jointly with Strathbogie flock. Has bred very well in his first season and is a ram of great scale and power. Thurston Urastar (ARR/ARR), sire Cairness Stirling purchased Carlisle 2013 where he stood reserve champion, his first crop of lambs are very clean with great skins. Rhaeadr Giggsy (ARR/ARR), sire Baileys Brigadier the Second purchased Stirling 2011 where he was much admired for his tremendous carcase and colour. J H C CAMPBELL & SONS Rosebrough, Chathill, Alnwick, Northumberland, NE67 5HJ Reg. Flock Code 76L Thrunton 116 76L:14:01760 Embryo Born: 03/01/2014 Sire: SOLWAYBANK CHAMPION (96887) Dam: FNC:K2 by GLENHEAD GLENLIVET (92271) G.Dam: FNC:F57 by GLENHO GENEREUX (ET) (86587) 117 76L:14:01738 Embryo Born: 28/12/2013 Sire: SOLWAYBANK CHAMPION (96887) Dam: FNC:K2 by GLENHEAD GLENLIVET (92271) G.Dam: FNC:F57 by GLENHO GENEREUX (ET) (86587) 118 76L:14:01737 Embryo Born: 28/12/2013 Sire: SOLWAYBANK CHAMPION (96887) Dam: FNC:K2 by GLENHEAD GLENLIVET (92271) G.Dam: FNC:F57 by GLENHO GENEREUX (ET) (86587) 119 76L:14:01736 Embryo Born: 28/12/2013 Sire: SOLWAYBANK CHAMPION (96887) Dam: FNC:K2 by GLENHEAD GLENLIVET (92271) G.Dam: FNC:F57 by GLENHO GENEREUX (ET) (86587) – 25 –

120 76L:14:01744 Single Born: 29/12/2013 Sire: SOLWAYBANK CHAMPION (96887) Dam: 76L:11:025 by BIRNESS KAUTO STAR (93798) G.Dam: 76L:H9 by ALS’NOW VIKING (88668) Reference to sires: Solwaybank Champion was supreme champion at the national sale at Shrewsbury last year. He is breeding modern Suffolks with good carcasses, top lines and fleshing abilities without excessive head and bone. FNC:K2 is one of out top breeding ewes having bred sons sold to 2500gns and a female Kelso Show champion. All four lambs are ARR/ARR. MR GJ CHRISTIE Newton of Balquhain, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, AB51 5HD Reg. Flock Code PDN Balquhain 121 PDN:14:00449 Embryo Born: 07/01/2014 Sire: STRATHISLA STIFLER (96226) Dam: PDN:L54 by STRATHISLA SPEED (92717) G.Dam: FNV:J24 by GLENHO GURKHA (90696) Notes: Dam has been my show ewe for the last three years. She won numerous 1st prizes as ewe lamb, gimmer and ewe. We have sold out of her daughters for 1400gns at Stirling. 122 PDN:14:00457 Triplet Born: 07/01/2014 Sire: THURSTON URASTAR (97098) Dam: PDN:N79 by STRATHBEG STAN THE MAN (93401) G.Dam: FNV:J24 by GLENHO GURKHA (90696) Notes: This lamb was 4th prize at RHS. 123 PDN:14:00448 Embryo Born: 07/01/2014 Sire: STRATHISLA STIFLER (96226) Dam: PDN:L54 by STRATHISLA SPEED (92717) G.Dam: FNV:J24 by GLENHO GURKHA (90696) Notes: Dam has been my show ewe for the last three years. She won numerous 1st prizes as ewe lamb, gimmer and ewe. We have sold out of her daughters for 1400gns at Stirling. 124 PDN:14:00435 Twin Born: 06/01/2014 Sire: THURSTON URASTAR (97098) Dam: PDN:N73 by GLENHEAD GOLDEN PHOENIX (94180) G.Dam: PDN:K71 by STRATHISLA DUBSIE (93880) 125 PDN:14:00470 Twin Born: 08/01/2014 Sire: STRATHISLA STIFLER (96226) Dam: SAE:J4 by CAIRNESS TIME BOMB (94731) G.Dam: ‑ by ‑

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126 PDN:14:00419 Embryo Born: 05/01/2014 Sire: STRATHISLA STIFLER (96226) Dam: PDN:L54 by STRATHISLA SPEED (92717) G.Dam: FNV:J24 by GLENHO GURKHA (90696) Notes: Dam has been my show ewe for the last three years. She won numerous 1st prizes as ewe lamb, gimmer and ewe. We have sold out of her daughters for 1400gns at Stirling. 127 PDN:14:00466 Twin Born: 08/01/2014 Sire: THURSTON URASTAR (97098) Dam: PDN:N9 by GLENHEAD GOLDEN PHOENIX (94180) G.Dam: SAE:H39 by ‑ Reference to sires: Strathisla Stifler purchased at Stirling in 2012 for 12000gns. Son selling for 3000gns at Stirling last year. Stifler was the sire of the top price ewe lambs at the Strathisla dispersal selling to 5000gns. The 28 ewe lambs averaged 1700gns. Thurston Urastar very kindly loaned from Birness. He was purchased at Carlisle last year where he was the top price lamb at 3000gns. W G TROUP LTD Corrennie House, Sauchen, Aberdeenshire, AB51 7LL Reg. Flock Code L25 Whitestone Scrapie monitored 128 L25:14:00590 Single Born: 31/12/2013 Sire: CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) Dam: L25:N48 by CAIRNESS LIAM (94432) G.Dam: L25:J8 by LAURELBANK DEXTER (86124) 129 L25:14:00575 Single Born: 30/12/2013 Sire: CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) Dam: L25:N65 by MUIRESK ZIDANE (86281) G.Dam: L25:K90 by BAILEYS HARVEY (91752) 130 L25:14:00554 Twin Born: 29/12/2013 Sire: CAIRNESS DIAMOND JUBILEE (96385) Dam: L25:12:002 by CAIRNESS SEE THE STARS (94046) G.Dam: 93A:K12 by WHITESTONE TOP NOTCH (93797) 131 L25:14:00550 Single Born: 30/12/2013 Sire: CAIRNESS CANADA (97060) Dam: K99:L22 by GAVAL GORBACHOV (93503) G.Dam: K99:H46 by GLENHEAD GEORGE (90617) 132 L25:14:00615 Single Born: 15/01/2014 Sire: CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) Dam: L25:J46 by BAILEYS HARVEY (91752) G.Dam: BCX:C30 by ADEN SUPREME (86830)

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STEWART LATHANGIE Pyeston Farm, Star, Glenrothes, Fife, KY7 6LN Reg. Flock Code LVL Pyeston 133 LVL:14:00156 Single Born: 01/01/2014 Sire: BIRNESS BOLLINGER (96998) Dam: LVL:12:035 by SITLOW SAMURAI (95548) G.Dam: LVL:N17 by LIMESTONE HABANA (93991) 134 LVL:14:00170 Twin Born: 03/01/2014 Sire: BIRNESS BOLLINGER (96998) Dam: LVL:12:015 by SITLOW SAMURAI (95548) G.Dam: LVL:K9 by MUIRTON MCCAW (92565) Reference to sires: Birness Bollinger was purchased last year along with Collessie and Harpercroft for 15000gns at Stirling, where he stood reserve in the Northern Area. A R GAULT 37 Carntall Road, Newtownabbey, Co Antrim, BT36 5SQ Reg. Flock Code AOR Forkins Scrapie monitored 135 AOR:14:01232 Twin Born: 26/02/2014 Sire: BROOMKNOWES TOUCH OF CLASS (96317) Dam: AOR:N19 by CAIRNESS KANINE (93354) G.Dam: AOR:F28 by CAIRNESS SCHOLES (89552) Notes: Young lamb, maternal brother to 4000gns Fagan. Dam was all Ireland native breed champion 2011. 136 AOR:14:01209 Twin Born: 31/12/2013 Sire: BIRNESS BACARDI (96316) Dam: AOR:11:026 by CAIRNESS KANINE (93354) G.Dam: AOR:F28 by CAIRNESS SCHOLES (89552) Notes: Twin reared, same family as previous lot. Bacardi 12000gns Stirling 2012. 137 AOR:14:01210 Twin Born: 31/12/2013 Sire: BIRNESS BACARDI (96316) Dam: AOR:11:026 by CAIRNESS KANINE (93354) G.Dam: AOR:F28 by CAIRNESS SCHOLES (89552) Notes: 01210 – Twin brother to previous lot. Dam was my show ewe lamb and gimmer. 138 AOR:14:01217 Embryo Born: 31/12/2013 Sire: BIRNESS BACARDI (96316) Dam: AOR:N19 by CAIRNESS KANINE (93354) G.Dam: AOR:F28 by CAIRNESS SCHOLES (89552) Notes: 01217 – Twin reared, full brother to 4000gns Fagan and maternal brother to my first lamb. – 28 –

MESSRS J H CHRISTIE & SON West Carse Farm, Stirling, Stirlingshire, FK8 3AE Reg. Flock Code 47D Westcarse 139 47D:14:00524 Twin Born: 06/01/2014 Sire: CAIRNESS UNREAL (97031) Dam: 47D:12:256 by FORKINS FAVOURITE (95945) G.Dam: 47D:L6 by CAIRNESS FIRST GLANCE (92387) 140 47D:14:00525 Twin Born: 06/01/2014 Sire: CAIRNESS UNREAL (97031) Dam: 47D:12:256 by FORKINS FAVOURITE (95945) G.Dam: 47D:L6 by CAIRNESS FIRST GLANCE (92387) 141 47D:14:00522 Twin Born: 06/01/2014 Sire: CAIRNESS UNREAL (97031) Dam: 47D:L72 by RHAEADR SPECTACULAR (92893) G.Dam: 47D:H79 by GLENHO LEGEND (88878) ASHLEY BOTHWELL Smithston Farm, Patna, Ayr, Ayrshire, KA6 7EZ Reg. Flock Code LXX Smithston 142 LXX:14:02130 Single Born: 30/12/2013 Sire: LAKEVIEW HEEZA LORD (96814) Dam: JFF:N12 by GARRYHINCH EMPIRE (94148) G.Dam: JFF:C12 by CAIRNESS ROYAL COURT (83268) Notes: 029 is my 2014 show tup lamb. He has tremendous width and carcase combined with great power and style! 143 LXX:14:02121 Single Born: 28/12/2013 Sire: GLENHEAD INFUSION (93352) Dam: LXX:N28 by GARRYHINCH EMPIRE (94148) G.Dam: JFF:K98 by MEIKLESON MEDALLION (92222) Notes: 020 is a lamb with sheer power and strength combined with great colours and hair. Out of the best breeding family in the flock. 144 LXX:14:02116 Twin Born: 27/12/2013 Sire: SITLOW CENTURION (93278) Dam: LXX:12:020 by THREEWAYS TYCOON (95509) G.Dam: JFF:K75 by STRATHISLA LIFT T’THE STARS (92223) Notes: 015 is one big lamb with a great body and skin. 145 LXX:14:02125 Single Born: 29/12/2013 Sire: LAKEVIEW HEEZA LORD (96814) Dam: JFF:K98 by MEIKLESON MEDALLION (92222) G.Dam: FNV:F159 by DEVERONSIDE THE MESSIAH (89650) Notes: 024 is a stylish lamb with great colours and style. His dam is the best breeding ewe in the flock, gdam of 020. – 29 –

MRS J A LORIMER Cadgerford, Kingswells, Aberdeenshire, AB15 8SR Reg. Flock Code 414 Cadgerford 146 414:14:00252 Twin Born: 08/02/2014 Sire: STRATHISLA FENCER (95960) Dam: DYH:12:111 by CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) G.Dam: DYH:L130 by STRATHISLA SCHUMACHER (91832) 147 414:14:00254 Single Born: 09/01/2014 Sire: STRATHISLA FENCER (95960) Dam: 414:11:023 by CAIRNESS BROKER (93603) G.Dam: 414:L30 by CONVETH COSTER (92728) Reference to sires: Strathisla Fencer, sire Cairness Kaos, champion RHS 2011. LILBURN ESTATES FARMING PARTNERSHIP North Middleton House, Wooler, Northumberland, NE71 6QY Reg. Flock Code G34 Roseden 148 G34:14:18374 Single Born: 06/01/2014 Sire: DEVERONSIDE PALL‑MALL (95964) Dam: G34:N129 by MUIRTON KICK‑OFF (93821) G.Dam: G34:F133 by WELLS CONNECTION (88845)

EBVs: Litter Size 8 Wk Wgt Maternal Scan Wgt Musc Dpth Fat Dpth Mat Ind Ter Ind ‑0.01 6.99 kgs 0.49kgs 12.42 kgs 1.28 mm 0.64 mm 190.84 3.14 Accuracy 44% 69% 36% 71% 71% 72% 52% 68%

149 G34:14:18358 Single Born: 05/01/2014 Sire: CLADDAGH SPECIAL BLEND (96490) Dam: G34:N33 by ROSEDEN HOUDINI (92752) G.Dam: G34:J52 by THURSTON HAKA (92442)

EBVs: Litter Size 8 Wk Wgt Maternal Scan Wgt Musc Dpth Fat Dpth Mat Ind Ter Ind 0.00 5.44 kgs 0.39kgs 9.19 kgs 1.92 mm 0.26 mm 162.63 2.53 Accuracy 39% 68% 31% 70% 70% 72% 49% 67%

150 G34:14:18377 Twin Born: 06/01/2014 Sire: DEVERONSIDE PALL‑MALL (95964) Dam: G34:11:107 by BENTLEY NORRIS (95242) G.Dam: G34:L145 by BAILEYS JETSET (92751)

EBVs: Litter Size 8 Wk Wgt Maternal Scan Wgt Musc Dpth Fat Dpth Mat Ind Ter Ind 0.07 6.15 kgs 0.20kgs 10.65 kgs 3.83 mm 0.34 mm 182.41 3.65 Accuracy 42% 69% 35% 71% 71% 72% 51% 68%

151 G34:14:18369 Single Born: 06/01/2014 Sire: FORKINS FIGO (95595) Dam: G34:11:132 by MUIRTON KICK‑OFF (93821) G.Dam: G34:L136 by ROSEDEN HOUDINI (92752)

EBVs: Litter Size 8 Wk Wgt Maternal Scan Wgt Musc Dpth Fat Dpth Mat Ind Ter Ind ‑0.04 3.96 kgs 0.63kgs 6.53 kgs 0.61 mm 0.20 mm 140.07 1.61 Accuracy 48% 69% 37% 71% 71% 73% 53% 68%

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O & G DEANE Woodford House, Ballitore, Co Kildare, EIRE Reg. Flock Code PBO Mountford 152 PBO:14:00570 Single Born: 28/12/2013 Sire: CAIRNESS GREAT EXPECTATIONS (96936) Dam: 33H:12:111 by ARDLEA ARKLE (95584) G.Dam: 33H:K88 by CAIRNESS JUST THE BEST (92622) Notes: Dam purchased for 4000gns Cairness draft 2013. Sire Cairness Great Expectation cost 21000gns Stirling 2013. 153 PBO:14:00574 Twin Born: 06/01/2014 Sire: PEXHILL REAL LUCKY (94938) Dam: HJW:11:021 by RHAEADR ROSSI (91772) G.Dam: HJW:L27 by CAIRNESS ALMIGHTY THE SECOND (93356) Notes: Dam purchased privately from Tom Bailey. Gdam HJW:L27 sold at 2011 draft for 1800gns to Rookery. Ggdam FNV:D119 full sister to Strathisla Dead Handy. L27 won 1st prize Balmoral as ewe lamb. JOHN LUNDY Mid Upper Priestside, Cummertrees, Annan, Dumfries and Galloway, DG12 5PX Reg. Flock Code NFH Lundazi 154 NFH:14:00058 Twin Born: 28/12/2013 Sire: NEWWELLS OLYMPIC GOLD (96324) Dam: NFH:N5 by CAIRNESS JUST THE BEST (92622) G.Dam: 33H:K64 by MUIRESK KING OF DIAMONDS (77713) Notes: 2nd prize tup lamb at Ayr Show 2014. 155 NFH:14:00059 Twin Born: 28/12/2013 Sire: NEWWELLS OLYMPIC GOLD (96324) Dam: NFH:N5 by CAIRNESS JUST THE BEST (92622) G.Dam: 33H:K64 by MUIRESK KING OF DIAMONDS (77713) 156 NFH:14:00060 Twin Born: 28/12/2013 Sire: NEWWELLS OLYMPIC GOLD (96324) Dam: NFH:K17 by LUNDAZI WARRIOR (91760) G.Dam: NFH:F8 by CONVETH TALENT (89862) 157 NFH:14:00061 Twin Born: 28/12/2013 Sire: NEWWELLS OLYMPIC GOLD (96324) Dam: NFH:K17 by LUNDAZI WARRIOR (91760) G.Dam: NFH:F8 by CONVETH TALENT (89862) 158 NFH:14:00062 Single Born: 29/12/2013 Sire: NEWWELLS OLYMPIC GOLD (96324) Dam: NFH:12:008 by CAIRNESS MASTERPIECE (95087) G.Dam: NFH:K17 by LUNDAZI WARRIOR (91760) Reference to sires: Newwells Olympic Gold, purchased Stirling 2012 jointly with Conchar flock. 1st prize ram lambs, reserve male champion at Balmoral show 2012. – 31 –

RONALD M GREIG South Tillydesk, Ellon, Aberdeenshire, AB41 8SY Reg. Flock Code 71Z Tillydesk Scrapie monitored 159 71Z:14:00620 Single Born: 24/12/2013 Sire: CAIRNESS KINGSWAY (95083) Dam: 71Z:12:075 by SITLOW SEE THE STARS (94950) G.Dam: 71Z:L41 by CASTLEWELLAN CLANCY (93316) 160 71Z:14:00615 Twin Born: 24/12/2013 Sire: CAIRNESS CLASSIC FYVIE (94909) Dam: 71Z:11:003 by MEIKLESON INFUSION (94188) G.Dam: 71Z:J56 by SOLWAYBANK GOLDEN WONDER (89850) 161 71Z:14:00622 Triplet Born: 25/12/2013 Sire: CAIRNESS KINGSWAY (95083) Dam: 71Z:12:043 by SITLOW SEE THE STARS (94950) G.Dam: 71Z:N9 by DRUMPARK DOUBLE CHOICE (93405) 162 71Z:14:00657 Triplet Born: 24/12/2013 Sire: CAIRNESS KINGSWAY (95083) Dam: 71Z:11:051 by CASTLEWELLAN CLANCY (93316) G.Dam: 71Z:L4 by BANNVIEW PROFESSOR (92502) Reference to sires: Cairness Kingsway, very good breeding ram, fleshy, good carcase. Cairness Classic Fyvie, also good breeding ram with very good top line. Stock ram at Cairness. J G DOUGLAS Woodhead of Cairness, Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire, AB43 5XD Reg. Flock Code 33H Cairness 163 33H:14:01873 Twin Born: 04/01/2014 Sire: BAILEYS ROCK SOLID (97021) Dam: 33H:11:102 by CAIRNESS CYCLONE (94939) G.Dam: 33H:K55 by MUIRESK KING OF DIAMONDS (77713) Notes: Dam embryo sister to Cairness Custom Made. Gdam 33H/K55 dam of the 17000gns national sale champion 2012, Cairness Diamond Geezer. 164 33H:14:01857 Twin Born: 30/12/2013 Sire: CAIRNESS GREAT EXPECTATIONS (96936) Dam: 33H:12:203 by CAIRNESS CLASSIC FYVIE (94909) G.Dam: 33H:J80 by THURSTON CHIEFTAIN (91775) Notes: Twin brother to my first lamb in my pen at the national 2014. 165 33H:14:01848 Twin Born: 26/12/2013 Sire: CAIRNESS GREAT EXPECTATIONS (96936) Dam: 33H:12:117 by MIDDLEMUIR MESSI (95593) G.Dam: 33H:K55 by MUIRESK KING OF DIAMONDS (77713) Notes: Dam embryo sister to the 17000gns Cairness Diamond Geezer, Benrafton flock. – 32 –

166 33H:14:01850 Twin Born: 29/12/2013 Sire: CAIRNESS GREAT EXPECTATIONS (96936) Dam: 33H:12:201 by CAIRNESS CLASSIC FYVIE (94909) G.Dam: 33H:J80 by THURSTON CHIEFTAIN (91775) Notes: Dam sister to dam of my first lamb at the national, a lamb with a great head and legs. 167 33H:14:01844 Twin Born: 29/12/2013 Sire: BENRAFTON THE BEST (97276) Dam: 33H:12:020 by WHITESTONE FOOTPRINT (95582) G.Dam: 33H:J109 by LANGSIDE LIGHTENING (91812) Notes: Dam is sister to my second lamb at the national, a good strong lamb by the Benrafton ram. 168 33H:14:01861 Twin Born: 31/01/2014 Sire: BAILEYS ROCK SOLID (97021) Dam: 33H:11:071 by CAIRNESS CAIUS (94941) G.Dam: 33H:J58 by MEIKLESON IMPRESSION (91694) Notes: A young lamb with a good head and legs, born last day of January. 169 33H:14:01965 Triplet Born: 10/02/2014 Sire: BAILEYS ROCK SOLID (97021) Dam: 72H:N122 by MORRIS LES (93905) G.Dam: 72H:F84 by CAIRNESS IMPACT (90433) Notes: A young triplet born lamb. Dam the 6000gns ewe lambs from Stockton. 170 33H:14:01963 Twin Born: 05/02/2014 Sire: BAILEYS ROCK SOLID (97021) Dam: 33H:11:052 by BAILEYS BACCHUS (94124) G.Dam: 33H:J75 by THURSTON CHIEFTAIN (91775) Notes: A February born lamb, dam one of our top ewes. 171 33H:14:01860 Twin Born: 28/12/2013 Sire: BENRAFTON THE BEST (97276) Dam: 33H:12:223 by CAIRNESS LIAM (94432) G.Dam: 33H:K58 by CAIRNESS RENOVATOR (92627) Notes: Gdam 33H/K58 dam of Edinburgh sale champion Cairness Kaos. 172 33H:14:01881 Embryo Born: 03/01/2014 Sire: CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) Dam: JFF:N24 by GARRYHINCH EMPIRE (94148) G.Dam: JFF:J112 by CAIRNESS CREATION II (90699) Notes: Dam the Lakeview gimmer 7400gns, champion of champions at Echt Show 2013. Stood 3rd RHS 2014.

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173 33H:14:01843 Triplet Born: 26/12/2013 Sire: CAIRNESS GREAT EXPECTATIONS (96936) Dam: 33H:12:110 by ARDLEA ARKLE (95584) G.Dam: 33H:K88 by CAIRNESS JUST THE BEST (92622) Notes: A triplet born lamb. Dam embryo sister to 33H:12:110 the 4000gns gimmer sold to Oliver Deane at our female sale 2013. 174 33H:14:01971 Single Born: 26/02/2014 Sire: MALINHEAD ICE COLD GOLD (97503) Dam: 33H:L58 by CAIRNESS COLD PLAY (93375) G.Dam: S46:C70 by MUIRESK MANAT (86467) Born last week of February. 33H/l58 dam of many registered rams. Reference to sires: Baileys Rock Solid (97021), sire Rhaeadr Rossi, dam Baileys great show ewe DDY/F60 by Boreland Buddah, a private purchase. One of the best lambs ever bred by Tom. Lucky I got the chance to buy him. Bred well in his first season. The DDY/F60 flush was shared with David Duncan who dispersal at Tom’s female sale November 2013. Three embryo sisters were offered for sale. I bought two of them, €6000 each and Gordon Mackie bought the third, one for €4000. Cairness Great Expectations, sire Cairness Diamond Jubilee, dam DDY/N1. Sister to top breeding ram Baileys BMW, Rhaeadr flock, sold for 21000gns to four top breeding flocks south of the border. Lucky to get use of him on mu AI morning, breeding very well first season. Cairness Achievement (94170), oen of the top breeding rams of the breed. Champion national 2009, S> Ireland champion national 2010. Cairness Cyclone 26000gns and many more males and females. Embryo brother to the 62000gns Cairness Castello, Ewebank and Solwaybank flocks. Bred will in the Conveth flock. Benrafton the Best, sire Cairness Diamond Geezer, top lamb in the Benrafton Stirling pen last year, bought and shared with George and Melvin Stuart, Birness flock, bred well, just a few lambs by him before we lost him. Malinhead Ice Cold Gold, a joint purchase at Roscrea €2700 by Lakeview, Whitestone and Raspoet flocks. Sired male champion at RUS 2014. ANTONY GLAVES 33 Cayley Lane, Brompton by Sawdon, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, YO13 9DL Reg. Flock Code M17 Brompton Scrapie monitored 175 M17:14:02712 Twin Born: 26/12/2013 Sire: CAIRNESS CYCLONE (94939) Dam: M17:12:008 by CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) G.Dam: M17:F21 by MUIRESK GODFATHER (85686)

EBVs: Litter Size 8 Wk Wgt Maternal Scan Wgt Musc Dpth Fat Dpth Mat Ind Ter Ind ‑0.06 4.62 kgs 0.18kgs 6.64 kgs 1.02 mm ‑0.10 mm 115.60 1.64 Accuracy 49% 65% 31% 68% 68% 69% 48% 64%

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176 M17:14:02710 Single Born: 26/12/2013 Sire: CAIRNESS CYCLONE (94939) Dam: M17:12:024 by STRATHISLA GOLDBAR (94196) G.Dam: M17:N3 by BROMPTON BEAMER (94602)

EBVs: Litter Size 8 Wk Wgt Maternal Scan Wgt Musc Dpth Fat Dpth Mat Ind Ter Ind ‑0.05 5.34 kgs 0.19kgs 9.03 kgs 0.84 mm 0.14 mm 129.83 2.34 Accuracy 46% 65% 30% 67% 68% 69% 46% 64%

177 M17:14:02723 Twin Born: 01/01/2014 Sire: RHAEADR RING‑A‑DING (96227) Dam: M17:L50 by STRATHISLA HIGHLANDER (93037) G.Dam: M17:H17 by DIDCOT SOMETHING SPECIAL (90804)

EBVs: Litter Size 8 Wk Wgt Maternal Scan Wgt Musc Dpth Fat Dpth Mat Ind Ter Ind 0.15 3.92 kgs ‑0.46kgs 5.99 kgs 1.76 mm 0.82 mm 124.32 1.43 Accuracy 40% 58% 28% 59% 59% 60% 52% 58%

W & A HUTCHON Maulscastle Farm, Norwood, Lockerbie, Dumfries, DG11 2QU Reg. Flock Code PWP Greatness 178 PWP:14:00386 Twin Born: 17/12/2013 Sire: CAIRNESS LIAM (94432) Dam: 33H:N5 by CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) G.Dam: 33H:K62 by CAIRNESS RENOVATOR (92627) Notes: 33H:N5 is our best breeding ewe. Her last two lambs have been champion at Ayr Show. Her tup lamb sold for 1400gns to J Frame. Her ewe lambs sold for 1500gns to Tom Bailey. 14:002 is a full brother to them and is a very strong, correct lamb. ANDREW WILSON Shannagh, Raphoe, Co Donegal, EIRE Reg. Flock Code DDX Castleisle Scrapie monitored 179 DDX:14:00842 Twin Born: 07/01/2014 Sire: SHANNAGH RESOLVE (95757) Dam: DDX:12:074 by ERRIGAL SIMPLY THE BEST (95430) G.Dam: DDX:H9 by CASTLEWELLAN NUTCRACKER (89739) Notes: Dam is a maternal sister to Castleisle Grand Slam (Roscrea champion 2009) and to Castleisle Zico (3400gns Drimmie flock). 180 DDX:14:00883 Single Born: 04/01/2014 Sire: SHANNAGH RESOLVE (95757) Dam: DDX:H45 by CASTLEWELLAN NUTCRACKER (89739) G.Dam: R15:X37 by MUIRESK NORTHERN DANCER (79216) Notes: Dam is a maternal sister to 4200gns Castleisle Cassano (Barrowlands flock). – 35 –

181 DDX:14:00876 Embryo Born: 03/01/2014 Sire: CAIRNESS SAPPHIRE (96343) Dam: DYH:L55 by STRATHISLA SCHUMACHER (91832) G.Dam: DYH:H162 by GLYDE MALDINI (90961) Notes: Dam purchased for 1700gns at Conveth dispersal. She is the dam of Conveth Concept. Gdam H162 is a maternal sister to 4500gns Conveth Masterpiece. 182 DDX:14:00856 Single Born: 03/01/2014 Sire: FORKINS FERRARI II (95118) Dam: T86:N103 by CASTLEISLE IMPACT (93504) G.Dam: T86:K83 by SITLOW SENSATION (91370) Notes: Full brother to Castleisle Compo sold last year at Stirling for 2000gns (Willmar flock) champion stock ram western area flock competition 2013. Reference to sires: Shannagh Resolve, Irish homebred sire of the year 2013. Top ten sons averaged £2200 with daughters selling to 3000gns. Cairness Sapphire, 10000gns purchase, sons have sold at 3000gns, 2200gns and 2500gns. R F REDPATH 24 Main Street, Heiton, Kelso, Roxburghshire, TD5 8JR Reg. Flock Code LHD Westmuir 183 LHD:14:00058 Embryo Born: 15/12/2013 Sire: CAIRNESS CASTELLO (94401) Dam: LHH:H14 by CAIRNESS DESTINY (89546) G.Dam: LHH:C5 by GLENHO GENEREUX (ET) (86587) Notes: The best lamb bred in the flock so far. Sired by 62000gns Cairness Castello and dam H19 is maternal sister to Thurston Calzaghe. 058 was first prize fam lambs, male champion and reserve overall at Northumberland County Show. He was also 5th prize ram lamb at RHS. A smart, stylish lamb with a great pedigree. 184 LHD:14:00054 Single Born: 14/12/2013 Sire: EWEBANK FRANKEL (96801) Dam: LHD:12:043 by BAILEYS BRIGADIER THE SECOND (94596) G.Dam: Z40:N60 by ROOKERY REIVER (94570) Notes: 3rd prize ram lamb at Northumberland County Show. His dam 12:043 is a stylish, breedy gimmer sired by Bailey Brigadier The Second and gdam N60 was purchased at Flodden dispersal. 185 LHD:14:00066 Single Born: 16/12/2013 Sire: RHAEADR RELENTLESS (94771) Dam: LHH:L16 by CRAGROE CRAFTSMAN (90701) G.Dam: LHH:H14 by CAIRNESS DESTINY (89546) Notes: Biggest ewe in the flock. L16 and her dam H14 were purchased privately from Darren and Brian Jones in 2011, a big thanks to them. – 36 –

186 LHD:14:00022 Single Born: 12/12/2013 Sire: EWEBANK FRANKEL (96801) Dam: LHD:11:102 by THURSTON CALZAGHE (93056) G.Dam: LHD:K11 by WESTMUIR FORNICATOR (94766) Notes: A lamb with good colours and great carcase. His dam 11:102 is a big ewe sired by Thurston Calzaghe. 187 LHD:14:00064 Twin Born: 15/12/2013 Sire: BAILEYS BRIGADIER THE SECOND (94596) Dam: LHD:L50 by RHAEADR THE REAL DEAL (94768) G.Dam: LHD:J49 by STOCKTON GAEL FORCE (89778) Notes: Always been a favourite. His dam L50 is a good ewe and breeds consistently well. His maternal sister 13:042 is our show gimmer this year. The lamb has a lot of potential and I feel he will breed well. Reference to sires: Cairness Castello, purchased for 62000gns Edinburgh 2009 and Solwaybank and Ewebank flocks. He has had a big impacy on our flock. Many thanks to Iain and Judith for the use of him. Ewebank Frankel, a private purchase in 2012, he has proved to be a breeders of good males and females. He sired the 4th prize ewe lamb at RHS this year. Rhaeadr Relentless, Purchased at Shrewsbury 2009. Has proven himself a great breeder over five seasons and is still going strong. His sire is Cairness First Flight. Baileys Brigadier the Second, purchased by the Rhaeadr flock for 7500gns Edinburgh 2009. A ram with great width, good legs and a tremendous backend.. He sired Rhaeadr Giggsy who bred well in the Birness flock. Very pleased to purchase him privately 2011, thanks to Myfyr for that opportunity. MRS ALISON G DALGARNO Beechlea Farm House, Cairnorrie, Methlick, Aberdeenshire, AB41 0JJ Reg. Flock Code JPP Cairnorrie Scrapie monitored 188 JPP:14:00217 Twin Born: 28/12/2013 Sire: CAIRNESS X‑FACTOR (95711) Dam: JPP:12:012 by NEWWELLS NIMROD (95547) G.Dam: JPP:H11 by TEMPLAND TREBLE STAR (89869) 189 JPP:14:00215 Twin Born: 28/12/2013 Sire: CAIRNESS DIAMOND JUBILEE (96385) Dam: JPP:L2 by CONVETH HIGH FLIER (90729) G.Dam: 244:F36 by HALLHILL JIM BOY (88701)

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STUART G MAIR & SONS Kinnermit, Turriff, Aberdeenshire, AB53 4HB Reg. Flock Code NAJ Deveronside 190 NAJ:14:00340 Embryo Born: 31/01/2014 Sire: RHAEADR RED DEVIL (97083) Dam: NAJ:13:042 by RHAEADR ROGER RAM JET (95735) G.Dam: NAJ:K23 by STRATHISLA SPEED (92717) Notes: Male champion and reserve overall champion RHS 2014. Hogg’s lamb bred from female line including gdam K23 who was champion of champion Turriff Show and King of Diamonds (68000gns) full sister S11 who was twice 1st prize RHS and champion Turriff Show. 191 NAJ:14:00332 Embryo Born: 28/01/2014 Sire: DEVERONSIDE DENNIS THE MENACE (97082) Dam: NAJ:L23 by STRATHBEG STAN THE MAN (93401) G.Dam: NAJ:H17 by GLENHO GURKHA (90696) Notes: Sire Dennis the Menace is a full brother to dam of NAJ:14:0340. He has grown into a ram with tremendous scale and power. 192 NAJ:14:00336 Embryo Born: 29/01/2014 Sire: DEVERONSIDE DENNIS THE MENACE (97082) Dam: NAJ:13:015 by FORKINS FIGO (95595) G.Dam: NAJ:L9 by STRATHBEG STAN THE MAN (93401) Notes: Hogg’s lamb being a gson of L9 who was 1st prize RHS ewe lamb and gimmer and reserve champion. Female line includes Glenisla Sydney daughter DDY:2110 sold for 19000gns. 193 NAJ:14:00331 Embryo Born: 28/01/2014 Sire: DEVERONSIDE DENNIS THE MENACE (97082) Dam: NAJ:13:015 by FORKINS FIGO (95595) G.Dam: NAJ:L9 by STRATHBEG STAN THE MAN (93401) Notes: Full brother to previous lot. 194 NAJ:14:00349 Embryo Born: 31/01/2014 Sire: RHAEADR RED DEVIL (97083) Dam: NAJ:L41 by STRATHISLA SPEED (92717) G.Dam: NAJ:J14 by THURSTON CHIEFTAIN (91775) Notes: Young lamb from very good female line which includes DDY:Z2110 (19000gns) and her Almightly dam who was twice 1st prize at Balmoral Show Ireland. Reference to sires: Rhaeadr Red Devil, 90000gns Ardlea Arbennig best lamb Stirling 2014 being purchased for 5500gns. 1st prize shearling RHS 2014 and reserve male champion behind his first son NAS:14:0340 who was male champion and reserve overall ewe lamb sired by him. Was 1st prize also RHS.

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A & S SIMPSON Wester Coxton Farm, Elgin, Morayshire, IV30 8QS Reg. Flock Code NWZ Speyside 195 NWZ:14:01245 Twin Born: 01/01/2014 Sire: SOLWAYBANK STAR ATTRACTION (96244) Dam: NWZ:12:012 by BURNVIEW WACKO JACKO (94193) G.Dam: JFF:N35 by GARRYHINCH EMPIRE (94148) 196 NWZ:14:01252 Twin Born: 02/01/2014 Sire: CAIRNESS HIGH KINGDOM (96245) Dam: NWZ:12:024 by STRATHISLA SPANK THE BANKER (94981) G.Dam: NWZ:K8 by GLENHO GURKHA (90696) S & W TAIT 37 Lisnaharney Road, Eskradooey, Lislap, Co Tyrone, BT79 7UF Reg. Flock Code T86 Burnview Scrapie monitored 197 T86:14:00757 Embryo Born: 06/01/2014 Sire: OLDMILL LIEUTENANT (96723) Dam: T86:11:051 by STRATHISLA STONER (92716) G.Dam: T86:L67 by CASTLEISLE IMPACT (93504)

EBVs: Litter Size 8 Wk Wgt Maternal Scan Wgt Musc Dpth Fat Dpth Mat Ind Ter Ind 0.12 5.94 kgs ‑0.05kgs 10.40 kgs 1.34 mm 0.52 mm 178.65 2.71 Accuracy 41% 66% 28% 68% 68% 69% 43% 64%

Notes: 2nd prize ram lamb at Royal Ulster Show (only time shown). Dam is from the best ewe family in the flock having produced five MLC winners at both the national and Stirling sales selling to 6000gns. 198 T86:14:00706 Twin Born: 04/01/2014 Sire: CREWELANDS CRUSADER II (97382) Dam: T86:11:094 by FORKINS FERRARI II (95118) G.Dam: T86:L113 by BAILEYS INVINCIBLE (92607) EBVs: Litter Size 8 Wk Wgt Maternal Scan Wgt Musc Dpth Fat Dpth Mat Ind Ter Ind 0.10 4.87 kgs 0.02kgs 8.01 kgs 1.52 mm 0.83 mm 156.95 1.91 Accuracy 37% 66% 30% 68% 68% 69% 44% 65%

Notes: Gdam is maternal sister to 32000gns Edinburgh champion. 199 T86:14:00727 Twin Born: 05/01/2014 Sire: WHITESTONE HITMAN (97522) Dam: T86:N52 by BURNVIEW PERFORMER (94563) G.Dam: T86:K69 by BAILEYS INVINCIBLE (92607)

EBVs: Litter Size 8 Wk Wgt Maternal Scan Wgt Musc Dpth Fat Dpth Mat Ind Ter Ind 0.11 3.72 kgs ‑0.03kgs 5.92 kgs 2.03 mm ‑0.36 mm 140.37 1.29 Accuracy 37% 61% 29% 64% 65% 67% 40% 60%

Notes: Dam was former very successful show ewe lamb and gimmer. Sire Hitman is by Caitness Diamond Jubilee and a very good breeding Ferrari daughter. – 39 –

200 T86:14:00725 Embryo Born: 05/01/2014 Sire: SHANNAGH RESOLVE (95757) Dam: T86:K106 by BAILEYS INVINCIBLE (92607) G.Dam: T86:H46 by BURNVIEW BEAMER (91294)

EBVs: Litter Size 8 Wk Wgt Maternal Scan Wgt Musc Dpth Fat Dpth Mat Ind Ter Ind 0.15 4.62 kgs ‑0.06kgs 8.93 kgs 1.53 mm 0.59 mm 164.01 2.25 Accuracy 51% 71% 41% 73% 73% 74% 57% 70%

Notes: Maternal brother was 1st prize MLC at Shrewsbury sold at 2400gns. Sire Resolve reserve champion Roscrea sold for €11000. 201 T86:14:00749 Twin Born: 06/01/2014 Sire: CREWELANDS CRUSADER II (97382) Dam: T86:11:003 by FORKINS FERRARI II (95118) G.Dam: T86:L77 by CASTLEISLE IMPACT (93504)

EBVs: Litter Size 8 Wk Wgt Maternal Scan Wgt Musc Dpth Fat Dpth Mat Ind Ter Ind 0.11 7.32 kgs 0.50kgs 13.44 kgs 1.60 mm 0.82 mm 234.39 3.35 Accuracy 36% 67% 28% 69% 69% 70% 44% 66%

Notes: Dam is sister to 2200gns MLC winner 2012. Gdam is sister to 6000gns MLC winner 2010. 202 T86:14:00756 Single Born: 06/01/2014 Sire: FORKINS FERRARI II (95118) Dam: T86:12:077 by SHANNAGH RESOLVE (95757) G.Dam: T86:K18 by BAILEYS INVINCIBLE (92607) EBVs: Litter Size 8 Wk Wgt Maternal Scan Wgt Musc Dpth Fat Dpth Mat Ind Ter Ind ‑0.01 4.76 kgs 0.49kgs 8.10 kgs 1.98 mm 0.43 mm 153.83 2.34 Accuracy 49% 69% 36% 71% 71% 72% 53% 68%

Notes: Dam is maternal sister to 7000gns Top Flight. Gdam is sister to dam of 16000gns B52. 203 T86:14:00744 Embryo Born: 06/01/2014 Sire: OLDMILL LIEUTENANT (96723) Dam: T86:11:065 by FORKINS FERRARI II (95118) G.Dam: T86:H46 by BURNVIEW BEAMER (91294) EBVs: Litter Size 8 Wk Wgt Maternal Scan Wgt Musc Dpth Fat Dpth Mat Ind Ter Ind 0.13 5.93 kgs 0.28kgs 9.54 kgs 1.71 mm 1.14 mm 202.04 2.18 Accuracy 40% 68% 27% 69% 69% 70% 44% 66%

Notes: ET brother to ram lamb sold to De Merehoeve flock in Belbium. Gdam was one of the most successful ewes in the flock having produced direct sales totalling over £33000 with many top breeding daughters retained in the flock. Reference to sires: Oldmill Lieutenant, sire €10000 Ardlea Arkle. Twin brother to 90000gns Ardbenning. Bred 2nd prize ram lamb at Royal Ulster this year. Crewelands Crusader II, sire 18000gns Rhaeadr Ring-a-Ding. Dam from top Burnview ewe family having bred 32000gns and 9000gns Edinburgh champions. 2nd prize shearling ram at Royal Ulster Show. Cairness Sapphire, sire 26000gns Cairness Cyclone. Purchased for 10000gns. Bred well in his first season with sons selling to 2600gns, 2200gns and daughters to 1000gns. – 40 –

Forkins Ferrari II, sire Cairness Kanine. One of the most successful sires in Northern Ireland in recent times. Bred sons selling to 2500gns, 3200gns , 2400gns and 2000gns and daughters at 3050gns and 2800gns. JOHN A. HENDERSON West Teuchan, Crudenbay, Peterhead, Aberdeenshire, AB42 0PN Reg. Flock Code PNJ Bullers 204 PNJ:14:00356 Twin Born: 30/12/2013 Sire: ARDLEA CHAMPION (95715) Dam: PNJ:12:016 by RHAEADR GIGGSY (95814) G.Dam: FZJ:J39 by BAWNOGUE BLAZING STAR (90697) 205 PNJ:14:00365 Single Born: 17/01/2014 Sire: BIRNESS JACKPOT (95774) Dam: PNJ:12:023 by STRATHBEG STAR (95773) G.Dam: 95J:N14 by LAKEVIEW LEEROY (93400) 206 PNJ:14:00359 Twin Born: 30/12/2013 Sire: ARDLEA CHAMPION (95715) Dam: PNJ:12:007 by MEIKLESON SQUARE UP (94311) G.Dam: 47D:L96 by RHAEADR SPECTACULAR (92893) ALFRED J & NORMAN A J ROBINSON Summerhill House, Ballyrolly, Downpatrick, Co Down, BT30 8HQ Reg. Flock Code 73A Benrafton Scrapie monitored 207 73A:14:00889 Triplet Born: 08/01/2014 Sire: CAIRNESS DIAMOND GEEZER (96256) Dam: 73A:12:048 by BENRAFTON RIGHT SAID FRED (95700) G.Dam: 73A:L72 by STRATHISLA STONER (92716) Notes: Very good upright son of Geezer. Tremendous head and length. Out of one of our best gimmers, going back to a very good ewe L72, former show gimmer. 208 73A:14:00868 Twin Born: 07/01/2014 Sire: GLENISLA SYDNEY (86123) Dam: 73A:K13 by GLENHO GURKHA (90696) G.Dam: FNV:F101 by DEVERONSIDE THE MESSIAH (89650) Notes: Great bodied lamb, son of the the great Glenisla Sydney. Dam highly successful shown as a ewe lamb. Gdam was a mighty powerful ewe from Strathisla.

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209 73A:14:00890 Twin Born: 08/01/2014 Sire: CAIRNESS DIAMOND GEEZER (96256) Dam: 73A:11:104 by STRATHISLA ROBBIE THE RASCAL (94772) G.Dam: FNV:H13 by GLENHO GURKHA (90696) Notes: Maternal brother to one of our show gimmers this year. Going back to the great H13, very good breeding ewes, dam of supreme champion NI Premium Sale 2009. 210 73A:14:00869 Embryo Born: 07/01/2014 Sire: STOCKTON ALMIGHTY (83500) Dam: FNV:K104 by GLENHO GURKHA (90696) G.Dam: FNV:C73 by GLENHEAD THE MCCOY (87135) Notes: Dam is an outstanding ewe, former show gimmer. 2nd prize Balmoral, 1st prize NI championships 2009. Maternal brother sold for 1000gns. 211 73A:14:00879 Twin Born: 08/01/2014 Sire: RHAEADR ROSSI (91772) Dam: 73A:12:022 by JUBILEE JETHRO (94632) G.Dam: 73A:L54 by STRATHISLA STONER (92716) Notes: Gimmer’s twin. Very stylish correct son of Rossi. Dam, one of our top gimmers last year going back to the outstanding ewe L54. Reserve supreme champion Balmoral 2012. Reference to sires: Cairness Diamond Geezer, national champion 2012 17000gns. Glenisla Sydney, reserve champion Edinburgh 2000, 26000gns. Rhaeadr Rossi, Edinburgh champion 2006, 70000gns. Stockton Almighty, Edinburgh champion 1998, 75000gns. MARTIN BUTLER 22 Lisnacrogher Road, Rathkenny, Ballymena, Co. Antrim, BT43 6QP Reg. Flock Code 1LSB Castlewood Scrapie monitored 212 1LSB:14:00039 Twin Born: 30/12/2013 Sire: SITLOW SERGEANT (96821) Dam: PNS:11:011 by BAILEYS BACCHUS (94124) G.Dam: 33H:L44 by RHAEADR ROSSI (91772) 213 1LSB:14:00050 Twin Born: 17/01/2014 Sire: SITLOW SERGEANT (96821) Dam: LSB:11:011 by CAIRNESS NEW APPROACH (93355) G.Dam: HJW:J45 by RHAEADR ROSSI (91772) 214 1LSB:14:00051 Twin Born: 17/01/2014 Sire: SITLOW SERGEANT (96821) Dam: LSB:11:011 by CAIRNESS NEW APPROACH (93355) G.Dam: HJW:J45 by RHAEADR ROSSI (91772)

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JAMES C INNES Dunscroft, Huntly, Aberdeenshire, AB54 4SA Reg. Flock Code SUT Strathbogie Scrapie monitored 215 SUT:14:00841 Embryo Born: 05/01/2014 Sire: BALLYNACANON COMMANDER (97096) Dam: NAJ:11:017 by STRATHISLA SEA BIRD (94519) G.Dam: JTO:H28 by CAIRNESS KINGDOM (87916) 216 SUT:14:00848 Embryo Born: 07/01/2014 Sire: BALLYNACANON COMMANDER (97096) Dam: NAJ:L9 by STRATHBEG STAN THE MAN (93401) G.Dam: 33H:F58 by MIDDLEMUIR WINSTON (89441) 217 SUT:14:00838 Embryo Born: 05/01/2014 Sire: BALLYNACANON COMMANDER (97096) Dam: NAJ:L9 by STRATHBEG STAN THE MAN (93401) G.Dam: 33H:F58 by MIDDLEMUIR WINSTON (89441) G C BEACOM Lakeview Farm, 97 Ballagh Road, Fivemiletown, Co Fermanagh, BT75 0LD Reg. Flock Code JFF Lakeview 218 JFF:14:01215 Embryo Born: 06/01/2014 Sire: MALINHEAD ICE COLD GOLD (97503) Dam: 33H:11:101 by CAIRNESS CYCLONE (94939) G.Dam: 33H:K55 by MUIRESK KING OF DIAMONDS (77713) Notes: 1st prize ram lamb and male champion at RUAS. Dam was purchased from Cairness for 8000gns, maternal brother to JFF:14:1331. 219 JFF:14:01205 Embryo Born: 06/01/2014 Sire: SOLWAYBANK MAJOR (96827) Dam: JFF:L54 by SHANNAGH SHERGAR (92745) G.Dam: FNV:F13 by STRATHISLA KINGSWAY (87830) Notes: Dam is ET sister to 15000gns Lakeview Leeroy and 4800gns gimmer sold 2012. Gdam was reserve supreme at RUAS, supreme champion at NI championships and female of the year. 220 JFF:14:01331 Single Born: 03/02/2014 Sire: SOLWAYBANK MAJOR (96827) Dam: 33H:11:101 by CAIRNESS CYCLONE (94939) G.Dam: 33H:K55 by MUIRESK KING OF DIAMONDS (77713) Notes: Young natural son of 8000gns 33H:11:101. Dam is full sister to Cairness Custom Made.

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221 JFF:14:01286 Embryo Born: 06/01/2014 Sire: SOLWAYBANK MAJOR (96827) Dam: JFF:11:058 by GARRYHINCH EMPIRE (94148) G.Dam: JFF:L1 by CAIRNESS COLD PLAY (93375) Notes: Gdam is a maternal sister to 5800gns and 5000gns gimmers. 222 JFF:14:01210 Embryo Born: 06/01/2014 Sire: SOLWAYBANK MAJOR (96827) Dam: JFF:L47 by STRATHISLA SHADRACH (93243) G.Dam: JFF:J78 by STRATHISLA SCHUMACHER (91832) Notes: Maternal brother to 3000gns lamb sold national last year and 2nd prize gimmer at RUAS this year. 223 JFF:14:01272 Embryo Born: 06/01/2014 Sire: SOLWAYBANK MAJOR (96827) Dam: JFF:11:042 by LAKEVIEW LEEROY (93400) G.Dam: JFF:L42 by STRATHISLA SHADRACH (93243) Notes: Dam is a maternal sister to 5500gns Lakeview Tornado and 4800gns gimmer. 224 JFF:14:01214 Embryo Born: 06/01/2014 Sire: SOLWAYBANK MAJOR (96827) Dam: JFF:L92 by STRATHISLA SHADRACH (93243) G.Dam: JFF:J51 by BAILEYS BARRACUDA (91690) Notes: Maternal brother to 7000gns Lakeview Goldrush, reserve champion Stirling 2012. 225 JFF:14:01241 Embryo Born: 06/01/2014 Sire: SOLWAYBANK MAJOR (96827) Dam: JFF:L42 by STRATHISLA SHADRACH (93243) G.Dam: DDY:F54 by FORDAFOURIE ELITE (83996) Notes: Maternal brother to 5500gns Lakeview 5500gns Lakeview Tornado and 4800gns gimmer. 226 JFF:14:01239 Embryo Born: 06/01/2014 Sire: SOLWAYBANK MAJOR (96827) Dam: JFF:L41 by STRATHISLA SHADRACH (93243) G.Dam: DDY:F54 by FORDAFOURIE ELITE (83996) Notes: Maternal brother to the supreme champion RUAS and NI championships 2014. Maternal brother to 9000gns Lakeview Ambition. 227 JFF:14:01216 Embryo Born: 06/01/2014 Sire: SOLWAYBANK MAJOR (96827) Dam: JFF:11:088 by GARRYHINCH EMPIRE (94148) G.Dam: JFF:K125 by SHANNAGH SHERGAR (92745) Notes: Dam was our show gimmer 2012 and one of the best carcase ewes in the flock. – 44 –

228 JFF:14:01254 Embryo Born: 06/01/2014 Sire: SOLWAYBANK MAJOR (96827) Dam: JFF:L41 by STRATHISLA SHADRACH (93243) G.Dam: DDY:F54 by FORDAFOURIE ELITE (83996) Notes: ET brother to JFF:14:1239. 229 JFF:14:01232 Embryo Born: 06/01/2014 Sire: SOLWAYBANK MAJOR (96827) Dam: JFF:11:058 by GARRYHINCH EMPIRE (94148) G.Dam: JFF:L1 by CAIRNESS COLD PLAY (93375) Notes: ET brother to JFF:14:1286. MYFYR A EVANS Tan‑yr‑accar, Llanrhaeadr, Denbigh, Denbighshire, LL16 4PH Reg. Flock Code A12 Rhaeadr Scrapie monitored 230 A12:14:00991 Single Born: 23/12/2013 Sire: RHAEADR THE REAL MCCOY (97196) Dam: A12:11:058 by BAILEYS B.M.W (94597) G.Dam: A12:K95 by THURSTON CALZAGHE (93056) Notes: From a very good family. Dam one of the best BMW daughters, dam’s maternal sister was female champion and reserve breed champion to BMW at RWAS 2009. This lamb should go on and breed well. 231 A12:14:00976 Twin Born: 21/12/2013 Sire: ARDLEA ARBENNIG (96027) Dam: A12:N93 by BAILEYS BRIGADIER THE SECOND (94596) G.Dam: A12:J125 by RHAEADR ROSSI (91772) Notes: 00976 registered flocks. Gdam was a very good Rhaeadr Rossi daughter. Ggdam was purchased from Baileys flock for 6500gns. 232 A12:14:00999 Single Born: 24/12/2013 Sire: RHAEADR THE REAL MCCOY (97196) Dam: A12:12:015 by BAILEYS B.M.W (94597) G.Dam: A12:K47 by THURSTON CALZAGHE (93056) Notes: Dam’s twin brother was champion at the western area show and sale, sold for 1200gns. 233 A12:14:01014 Twin Born: 24/01/2014 Sire: RHAEADR THE REAL MCCOY (97196) Dam: A12:11:015 by BAILEYS B.M.W (94597) G.Dam: A12:K41 by THURSTON CALZAGHE (93056) Notes: This very smart young lamb was born 24 January. Dam was one of our show ewe lambs. Gdam is twin sister to Rhaeadr Obsession sold to Chris Holmes, Rookery flock for 11000gns. He bred lambs selling up to 23000gns.

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234 A12:14:01019 Single Born: 21/01/2014 Sire: ARDLEA ARBENNIG (96027) Dam: A12:12:089 by BAILEYS B.M.W (94597) G.Dam: A12:F26 by CAIRNESS FIRST FLIGHT (90363) Notes: A very correct young lamb born 26 January. Dam is full sister to Rhaeadr Red Bull, reserve champion at Shrewbury 2011 sold for 7000gns to L & M Liggett, Carony flock. Same family as Rhaeadr Rossi. 235 A12:14:00982 Triplet Born: 21/12/2013 Sire: ARDLEA ARBENNIG (96027) Dam: A12:L53 by THURSTON CALZAGHE (93056) G.Dam: A12:J84 by CASTLEWELLAN CRUZ (91096) Notes: Triplet brother to two lambs entered for Shrewsbury sale. Also full brother to the 14500gns lamb sold at Shrewsbury 2013 and Ian and Judith Barbour, Solwaybank flock. Also same family as Rhaeadr Rastafari sold for 12000gns to Solwaybank where he has bred very well. 236 A12:14:01004 Single Born: 01/01/2014 Sire: LIMESTONE TO‑TAL (94831) Dam: A12:12:126 by ARDLEA ARBENNIG (96027) G.Dam: FZJ:H107 by GLENHO GURKHA (90696) Notes: Gdam was a massive ewe purchased from the Innfield dispersal. She was by the 30000gns Glenho Gurkha which bred very well for the Strathisla flock. 237 A12:14:00998 Single Born: 24/12/2013 Sire: RHAEADR THE REAL MCCOY (97196) Dam: A12:11:128 by BAILEYS B.M.W (94597) G.Dam: A12:L76 by THURSTON CALZAGHE (93056) Notes: Dam a very good BMW daughter. She has a tremendous body and a big backend. 238 A12:14:01035 Twin Born: 08/02/2014 Sire: BALLYNACANON BOLT (97197) Dam: A12:N51 by BAILEYS BRIGADIER THE SECOND (94596) G.Dam: A12:D106 by CONVETH GOLD BAR (89049) Notes: This stylish young lamb was born 8 February. His twin brother is entered for Shrewsbury sale. This family always breed good females. 239 A12:14:00945 Triplet Born: 19/12/2013 Sire: RHAEADR THE REAL MCCOY (97196) Dam: LWB:J8 by RHAEADR STAR TURN (91746) G.Dam: A12:D101 by CONVETH GOLD BAR (89049) Notes: Triplet to a good ewe lamb. Also half brother to a very good gimmer. Reference to sires: Ardlea Arbennig, purchased at Stirling 2011 for the record price of 90000gns. His top seven sons have averaged £8716 plus many more between 1000gns and 3500gns. There is no doubt his daughters are the best bunch we have ever had. Rhaeadr the Real McCoy, a son of Arbennig retained last year for our own use, one – 46 –

of the best lambs we have bred. Ggdam was full sister to Rhaeadr Rossi, the 2006 Edinburgh champion which sold for 70000gns. Limestone To-tal, sold for 7000gns at Edinburgh. His sons have sold up to 6000gns at Stirling. Ballynacanon Bolt, was purchased at Stirling last year for 5500gns. PAULA & DAVID REID Calfpark, Mouswald, Dumfries and Galloway, DG1 4QB Reg. Flock Code JDX Conchar 240 JDX:14:00593 Twin Born: 29/12/2013 Sire: CAIRNESS CUSTOM MADE (95894) Dam: JDX:12:015 by CAIRNESS LIAM (94432) G.Dam: JDX:J2 by CRAGROE CRAFTSMAN (90701) 241 JDX:14:00607 Single Born: 30/12/2013 Sire: DEVERONSIDE SPEEDWAY (93466) Dam: JDX:J2 by CRAGROE CRAFTSMAN (90701) G.Dam: 72H:C53 by LAURELBANK THE MASTER (87326) Notes: 1st prize ram lambs Cumberland Show. 242 JDX:14:00591 Single Born: 29/12/2013 Sire: KINGS ROMEO (87786) Dam: JDX:11:026 by CONCHAR COSTA (94925) G.Dam: JDX:J2 by CRAGROE CRAFTSMAN (90701) A J & W M NORRIE Wrae Farm, Turriff, Aberdeenshire, AB53 4RB Reg. Flock Code 16U Slackadale 243 16U:14:00163 Twin Born: 03/01/2014 Sire: SLACKADALE SERGEANT MAJOR (95156) Dam: 16U:11:003 by DAVISHILL DANCING BRAVE (95228) G.Dam: 16U:J37 by DAVISHILL DREAM MACHINE (90964) 244 16U:14:00164 Twin Born: 03/01/2014 Sire: SLACKADALE SERGEANT MAJOR (95156) Dam: 16U:11:003 by DAVISHILL DANCING BRAVE (95228) G.Dam: 16U:J37 by DAVISHILL DREAM MACHINE (90964) 245 16U:14:00185 Twin Born: 12/01/2014 Sire: SLACKADALE SERGEANT MAJOR (95156) Dam: 16U:12:030 by HARPERCROFT HUMDINGER (95890) G.Dam: 16U:K23 by DAVISHILL DREAM MACHINE (90964)

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MESSRS HENRY STUART & SONS Davishill, Udny, Aberdeenshire, AB41 6QQ Reg. Flock Code 244 Davishill Scrapie monitored 246 244:14:00904 Single Born: 27/12/2013 Sire: DEVERONSIDE DISCOVERY (94861) Dam: 244:L21 by BURNVIEW MATCHMAKER (93456) G.Dam: 244:J30 by CONVETH HIGH FLIER (90729) 247 244:14:00940 Single Born: 09/01/2014 Sire: DEVERONSIDE DISCOVERY (94861) Dam: 244:J99 by CONVETH HIGH FLIER (90729) G.Dam: 244:C63 by PERRINPIT JUST THE JOB (88191) 248 244:14:00901 Single Born: 23/12/2013 Sire: DEVERONSIDE DISCOVERY (94861) Dam: 244:11:048 by DAVISHILL ACE OF DIAMONDS (93457) G.Dam: 244:F54 by PEXHILL GOLDEN CHANCE (88192) 249 244:14:00971 Single Born: 07/01/2014 Sire: DEVERONSIDE DISCOVERY (94861) Dam: 244:D93 by PERRINPIT JUST THE JOB (88191) G.Dam: 244:T33 by HALLHILL HALLMARK (80138) 250 244:14:00916 Single Born: 06/01/2014 Sire: STRATHISLA SPARTACUS (97016) Dam: 244:11:051 by BURNVIEW MATCHMAKER (93456) G.Dam: 244:J99 by CONVETH HIGH FLIER (90729) CRAIG G PATERSON Cranna Bridge, Aberchirder, Aberdeenshire, AB54 7TX Reg. Flock Code PUZ Cranorskie 251 PUZ:14:00033 Twin Born: 06/01/2014 Sire: RHAEADR RED DEVIL (97083) Dam: NAJ:12:088 by RHAEADR ROGER RAM JET (95735) G.Dam: 33H:J105 by LANGSIDE LIGHTENING (91812) 252 PUZ:14:00042 Single Born: 11/01/2014 Sire: STRATHISLA SPIELBERG (96921) Dam: FNV:12:026 by ROOKERY ROONEY (95596) G.Dam: FNV:K84 by STRATHISLA SCHUMACHER (91832)

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JAMES YOUNG Muirton, Alford, Aberdeenshire, AB33 8JN Reg. Flock Code K14 Muirton 253 K14:14:00896 Single Born: 29/12/2013 Sire: SOLWAYBANK POUND STRETCHER (96437) Dam: K14:11:065 by FORKINS FOURSQUARE (94181) G.Dam: K14:K81 by BURNVIEW ROVER (91836) 254 K14:14:00892 Twin Born: 28/12/2013 Sire: SOLWAYBANK POUND STRETCHER (96437) Dam: K14:N51 by DEVERONSIDE MOUNTROYAL (93600) G.Dam: K14:H25 by DAVISHILL DARREN (88710) 255 K14:14:00921 Twin Born: 01/01/2014 Sire: SOLWAYBANK POUND STRETCHER (96437) Dam: K14:N46 by DEVERONSIDE MOUNTROYAL (93600) G.Dam: K14:F7 by DAVISHILL DARREN (88710) 256 K14:14:00891 Twin Born: 28/12/2013 Sire: SOLWAYBANK POUND STRETCHER (96437) Dam: K14:N51 by DEVERONSIDE MOUNTROYAL (93600) G.Dam: K14:H25 by DAVISHILL DARREN (88710) 257 K14:14:00937 Single Born: 04/01/2014 Sire: SOLWAYBANK POUND STRETCHER (96437) Dam: K14:N82 by DEVERONSIDE MOUNTROYAL (93600) G.Dam: K14:J28 by STRATHISLA STARBUCK (90958) Reference to sires: Solwaybank Poundstretcher, full brother to Solwaybank Skyfall, sired lambs to 3600gns. R C & J C WATSON 107 Duneaney Road, Rasharkin, Ballymena, Co Antrim, BT44 8SR Reg. Flock Code 8B Bannview Scrapie monitored 258 8B:14:00939 Embryo Born: 30/12/2013 Sire: BIRNESS PURE GENIUS (95657) Dam: 8B:N42 by CONVETH MASTER PIECE (93562) G.Dam: 8B:K22 by BIRNESS THE GREAT (92067) Notes: Full brother sold Stirling 2013 to Landale flock. 3rd prize ram lamb RUAS 2014. ET sister 1st prize ewe lamb, both together 1st prize pair of lambs RUAS. Champion Suffolk and interbreed champion Ballymoney show 2014. N42 tremendous breeding ewe from best family in the flock. 259 8B:14:00929 Embryo Born: 28/12/2013 Sire: BIRNESS PURE GENIUS (95657) Dam: 8B:K22 by BIRNESS THE GREAT (92067) G.Dam: KCT:H7 by BLACKHALL GOLIATH (88850) Notes: Dam K22 tremendous bodied ewe, also gdam to previous lamb, 039. – 49 –

260 8B:14:00912 Twin Born: 26/12/2013 Sire: CAIRNTON THE CRACKER (96294) Dam: 8B:11:053 by LAKEVIEW BEACON (94726) G.Dam: 8B:L13 by DEVERONSIDE WHISTLEBLOWER (92758) Notes: Dam 11:053 show gimmer 2012, very big Lakeview Beacon ewe. Reference to sires: Cairnton the Cracker, sold Stirling 2012 10000gns. Birness Pure Genius, sold Stirling 2011 for 2500gns. JAMES T CANNON Redbrae Farm, Wigtown, Newton Stewart, DG8 9DJ Reg. Flock Code JKA Redbrae 261 JKA:14:01886 Single Born: 25/12/2013 Sire: ARDLEA ATOMIC (96185) Dam: JKA:12:032 by CAIRNESS JUST THE BEST (92622) G.Dam: JKA:J9 by STRATHISLA SHERPA (91600) 262 JKA:14:01903 Twin Born: 28/12/2013 Sire: ARDLEA ATOMIC (96185) Dam: JKA:K36 by LANGSIDE LIGHTENING (91812) G.Dam: JKA:F6 by STOCKTON OLYMPUS (90149) 263 JKA:14:01923 Twin Born: 08/01/2014 Sire: ARDLEA ATOMIC (96185) Dam: JKA:12:053 by LAKEVIEW EMPIRE STRIKES BACK (95491) G.Dam: JKA:J9 by STRATHISLA SHERPA (91600) 264 JKA:14:01933 Single Born: 19/01/2014 Sire: ARDLEA ATOMIC (96185) Dam: JKA:12:006 by LAKEVIEW EMPIRE STRIKES BACK (95491) G.Dam: JKA:N32 by REDBRAE ROCK SOLID (93333) Reference to sires: Ardlea Atomic, sire Cairness Custom Made bred exceptionally well in 2013. His top lamb, Redbrae Real Deal, was champion Suffolk and reserve interbreed Angus Show 2014.

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Luckpenny - Policy Summary

This policy summary does not contain the full terms and conditions of the insurance policy, which can be found in the policy document. A copy of the policy document is available on request. The insurance policy is underwritten by The National Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Society Limited (NFU Mutual). If you are the Policyholder you must, under Financial Conduct Authority Regulations, provide a copy of the Policy Summary to all purchasers of your sheep who have been provided with Luckpenny insurance. We may need to disclose the Sale Schedule details to the purchasers. Copies of the Policy Summary can be obtained from your Local Agent.

Questions and answers about the policy What are the key features of the policy? Key Features


Pay market value of an animal for death or slaughter on humane grounds during the period of insurance following an accident or illness, including the pregnancy and parturition risk for females.

Sum insured (This is the price paid for the animal)

Cover applies for 3 months from ‘fall of hammer’ on the date of the sale, shown in the policy schedule, at which the animal was purchased. Death or slaughter on humane grounds must occur within this period.

What are the key exclusions or limitations of the policy? Key exclusions or limitations The maximum amount payable for any one animal insured under a Luckpenny policy is £150,000. Claims involving any injury sustained or illness or disease first appearing before the start of cover will be excluded. Slaughter for economic reasons or because the animal is incapable of performing the function for which it is kept is excluded.

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Please refer to the policy. If you would like a copy policy document please contact your local NFU Mutual office (or the office that issued the policy, if you know it).

Slaughter under statute or the rules of an eradication scheme is excluded. Theft, straying and mysterious disappearance are not covered. Claim payments will be reduced by the value of semen or ova in store for AI or ET. The relevant Breed Society will be notified if a claim payment is made.

Please refer to the policy. If you would like a copy policy document please contact your local NFU Mutual office (or the office that issued the policy, if you know it).

Can I change my mind? This insurance has been arranged for the benefit of the purchasers of animals sold by or on behalf of the policyholder. In agreeing to do this the policyholder has accepted the policy including its terms and conditions, and may not cancel. How can I contact NFU Mutual to make a claim? To report an incident that may give rise to a claim on your policy, please contact your insurance advisor. Complaints We strive to provide our customers with the highest level of service and would like to know if you are not satisfied with any aspect of this. If you are unhappy with the service you receive, please tell us straight away as we would like the chance to put things right. You can do this by calling your local agent, or the call centre which issued this policy, or in writing. You can also use our website www.nfumutual.co.uk/ complaints to find out more information or to make a complaint. If you remain unhappy with the outcome you may be able to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service. For more information visit www.financialombudsman.org.uk or call 0845 080 1800. Please always quote your policy number as it will enable your complaint to be dealt with promptly. Am I entitled to compensation? We are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS), which means that you may be entitled to compensation from the Scheme if we cannot meet our obligations. This depends on the type of policy you have and the circumstances of the claim. You can find out more at www.fscs.org.uk or by calling 0800 678 1100.

Information in addition to your Policy Summary The Law You and NFU Mutual are entitled to choose the law applicable to the insurance policy. NFU Mutual proposes to choose English Law as the law applicable to the insurance policy. The contract and the relationship between NFU Mutual and you shall be governed by, and interpreted in accordance with, English Law. The contract shall be subject to the – 52 –

non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts. Statutory Status You can check our statutory status on the Financial Services Register. You can access the Financial Services Register from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) website www.fca.org.uk or by calling the FCA on 0800 111 6768. Our Financial Services Register number is 117664. Language The contract and other documents are drawn up in the English language. We will communicate with you in English throughout the duration of the policy. Claims Handling Process f anything happens that may give rise to a claim, 1. if you are the policyholder, you must tell us as soon as possible, giving your name and policy number. If a claim is being made against you: • do not respond to any writ, letter, claim or other documentation • send any writ, letter, claim or other documentation to us without delay • do not admit, repudiate or negotiate any claim. 2. if you are the purchaser of an animal insured you must immediately: i) obtain veterinary assistance ii) inform NFU Mutual, by contacting your local NFU Mutual office (or the office that issued the policy, if you know it), quoting: a) the date and place of purchase b) the vendors name (and policy number, if you know it) c) the lot number. Duplicate Policy If you require a duplicate policy or schedule, please contact your local NFU Mutual office (or the office that issued the policy, if you know it).

NFU Mutual is The National Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Society Limited (No. 111982). Registered in England. Registered Office: Tiddington Road, Stratford upon Avon, Warwickshire, CV37 7BJ. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. A member of the Association of British Insurers. For security and training purposes, telephone calls may be recorded and monitored. www.nfumutual.co.uk

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Sponsored by Carrs Billington, QMS and United Auctions Prize List

Class 1ST 1. Ram Lamb (QMS Recorded) £50 2. Novice Class (for first time sellers) £60 3. Open Ram Lamb £60 4. Best Pen of 3 Ram Lambs £60 5. Elite Commercial Ram Lamb £50

2ND £30 £40 £40 £40 £30

3RD £20 £25 £25 £25 £20

4TH £15 £20 £20 £20 £15

5th 6th £10 £5 £15 £10 £15 £10 £15 £10 £10 £5

6. Young Handlers Class (aged 8-12) £50 7. Young Handlers Class (aged 13–16) £50

£30 £30

£20 £20

£15 £15

£10 £10


by United Auctions - no prize winners from any of the previous classes will be permitted to enter this class

Male Champion £100

£5 £5

Reserve Male Champion £50

Special Prizes Ram Lamb Championship (open) The Bosomworth Trophy presented by Wm Bosomworth & Sons Ltd for annual competition for the best ram lamb in the show, open to exhibitors from any area Silver Cup Presented by The Suffolk Sheep Society for the best ram lamb bred in the Scottish Area Carrs Billington Perpetual Cup Presented to the winner in the novice class The Oliver Rose Bowl Presented by Oliver & Son Ltd for annual competition for the best pen of 3 ram lambs Breed Championship - The Swan Challenge Cup Presented by John Swan Limited for annual Competition for the best animal in the show Commercial Elite Ram Lamb. The Horsburgh Salver Represented in 2011 Shepherd’s Prize. Silver Cup Presented for annual competition by Mrs Crudace, in memory of her late husband, to the shepherd of the champion animal in the show McGregor Trophy Awarded to the pen of 3 ram lambs and single ram lamb recording highest average price Duncan Gill Memorial Trophy Presented to the young handler, winner of class 6 John Stuart Memorial Trophy Presented to the young handler, winner of class 7

Prize Winners 1st






Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6 Class 7

Championships Ram Lamb (Open)

Lot No


Lot No

Novice Class

Lot No


Lot No

Best Pen Of 3 Ram Lambs Champion pen Lot No Reserve:

Lot No

Lot No

Lot No

Breed Championship

Lot No

Commercial Elite Ram Lamb

Lot No

Shepherd’s Prize McGregor Trophy Duncan Gill Memorial Trophy John Stuart Memorial Trophy – 56 –

Lot No Lot No Reserve: Lot No Reserve: Lot No

SUFFOLK SHEEP SOCIETY SCOTTISH AREA BRANCH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Stirling Agricultural Centre Thursday 24 July 4.30 pm or immediately after judging

Stirling Show & Sale Dinner and

Presentation of Prizes

Tickets ÂŁ20 STIRLING AGRICULTURAL CENTRE Thursday 24 July 2014 7 pm Tickets should be booked in advance by contacting Judith Murray on


PROGRESSIVE BREEDING WITH QUALITY FEEDING The Carrs Billington Complete Sheep Package Specialist “Champion” Mixtures Top Quality Ewe & Lamb Feeds High levels of Energy Unique AminoMax Bypass Proteins Exceptional Palatability for Good Intakes Well Balanced Mineral Packs Comprehensive Analysis Service DHHPS Blood Profiling Service

Don’t settle for anything but THE BEST! Carrs Billington

For further details contact Customer Services 01228 518860 www.carrs-billington.com

Print & Design by Browne Printers.Tel.: 00353 74 9121387

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