Suganth C
Strategic Design Management National Institute of Design Mail :
Mobile :, +919819984571
Profile Name
Suganth Chellamuthu
Education 2007
PGDPD Strategic Design Management
National Institute of Design, India
15 December 1985
Citizenship Indian
Apply design management Contact No +919819984571, +919737716743 skills to achieve intended Email, suganthgct@ results by research, ideation, conceptualization and evaluation.
Software Skills
Bachelor of Technology (Industrial
Strategic Design Management , National Institute of Design.
Strengths Qualitative research Brainstorming & Ideation Scenario building Concept development
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Indesign
Adobe Primiere Pro
Designer Analyst (Module Leader) UK Government Project
Team Member Ecuadorian Bank Project Design Consultant Knorr Goodness of Dry
Communication Design Communication is a vital part of any organization for its effective functioning. A hypothetical organization ‘ Coastal Tourism Development Corporation’ was created and corporate identity was created. Different ways of representation for the identity were also explored. The objective was to promote coastal tourism in India by effective communication design by means of magazine advertisements and brochures. The study included analysis of the different aspects of each and every state on the coastline of India and representing them in the advertisements.
Communication Design The objective was to promote coastal tourism in India by effective communication design by means of magazine advertisements and brochures. The study included analysis of the different aspects of each and every state on the coastline of India and representing them in the advertisements.
Magazine Ad’s
Communication Design Communication is a vital part of an organization for its effective functioning. A hypothetical organization ‘ Coastal Tourism Development Corporation’ was created and corporate identity was created. Different ways of representation for the identity was also explored.
Corporate Identity
Branding with Color Parachute as a brand had been sticking to its color of blue with shades of green. The objective was to analyse the psychrographics of the user and change the color of the package to suit the target user. For women in US market, the brand parachute is percieved as natural and ayurvedic where as for parents of toddlers expect the brand to signify the playfulnesss and tenderness of the babies in the package.
Branding with Color Performed demographic and psychrographic analysis of different people of the mentioned target groups. Created a color palette incorpoating their needs, expectation and likes about the product. We were required to come up solutions that could be prototyped.
Color Palette
Feminine, Natural,,Energetic, Sparkling, Refreshing,
For US Market Women (25 - 35 yrs)
Modified Package Color Palette
Keywords Soft, Tender, Nourishing,Pure, Natural,Bright.
For Indian Market Toddlers (2 - 3 yrs)
Re-Branding Parachute
Original Package
Ergonomics & Product Innovation As part of design project we performed design research involving users with focus on ergonomics, functions, interactions, environment and technological issues for ‘kitchen tongs’ and developed a design brief, ideate, redesign, model and prototyped solutions. The objective was to redesign kitchen tongs for the modern Indian women, incorporating value by using elements of design & innovative mechanism. The target audience was Indian women of the age group of 25 - 44 years, who will use the tongs in the normal household environment.
Ergonomics & Product Innnovation Performed design research involving users with focus on ergonomics, functions, interactions, environment and technological issues for ‘kitchen tongs’ and developed a design brief, ideate, redesign, model and prototyped solutions.
Target User
Original Product
Kitchen Tongs Redesign
Brand Management As part of the project, we are required to find the brand perception of people on the brand BOROSIL (R) and portray it in a Televison Commercial (TVC). BOROSIL as a brand has been in the minds of people, but it had not come up with a TVC for itself to reach out to people. From the analyses, the brand archetype of BOROSIL was found to be ‘Everyman’. In the TVC created, we tried to bring in the moments during which people had used products from BOROSIL. Right from childhood, during Laboratory hours, to period of study, during good times and bad moments, the brand had been there with us. This was highlighted in the commercial stating that ‘We would always be there’.
Brand Management Brand Archetype BEYOND FUNCTIONALITY Trust Lifestyle
SOCIAL CONTEXT Aspiration for better living
Good Quality Dependable Classy and Stylish No nonsense product
BASIC CONVICTION Best heat resistance Accurate Measurements
TV Commercial :
Branding with media
Brand Management was handled by Anand Halve, Chlorophyll. The different brand archetypes were dealt with during the course. As part of the project, we are required to find the brand perception of people on the brand BOROSIL (R) and portray it in a Televison Commercial (TVC).
Design Management Project The success of B2C business systems that deliver user value depend on a comprehensive understanding of the end users and their context of work and living. We were required to analyse an existing B2C service, Makemytrip in the perspective of service design and user experience and come up with solutions to improve it. Makemytrip is doing well in all its sector but for certain shortcomings in the hotel and holiday sectors. Two major categories with respect to the solutions for problem areas were identified by ideation and suggestions were made to improve the sectors. Improve satisfaction level of the customer and increase customer retention for the hotel and holiday segment. Explore newer prospects in the service industry pertaining to hotel and holiday segment. Creation of a new holiday package, cricket hospitality package was suggested as a new prospect to be explored.
Design Management Project Problem Areas
Service Analysis System
Service Reach/Usage Matrix Search Engine Booking Facility CRM
Airline tickets Hotel reservations Holiday packages Railways tickets Bus tickets Car rentals Customer care support
Website UI Travel Executives Call Centers
Interface Makemytrip store
Customer Touchpoints
Website/Mobile UI
Customer Store Customer Care
B2C Service Improvement
The success of B2C business systems that deliver user value depend on a comprehensive understanding of the end users and their context of work and living. We were required to develop a framework of service design and user experience, ideate about the user values based on the findings, develop a high-level user-centric and contextrelevant vision of the business design with a focus on user experience.
Marketing Management Marketing management involved the application of the learnings in market analysis of a product in Indian scenario. Horlicks was selected as brand of choice and market analysis was done with Company profiling, demographic & psychrographic segmentation, marketing mix, positioning, Product lifecycle, market segment. Horlicks is widely regarded and highly respected 130-year-old brand. GSKCH has revamped the brand Horlicks in 2003. The relaunch aims to focus on children as Horlicks was previously considered as a nourishment drink for old people. Horlicks is now available in Regular, Chocolate, Creamy Vanilla and Honey Buzz varieties with a new package. Horlicks is a nourishing malted food drink which combines the wholesome goodness of malted barley, wheat and dairy ingredients.
Marketing Management Indians perceive Horlicks as ‘The Great Family Nourisher.’ According to the VALS framework to determine the psychrographic segmentation of the consumer behaviour, consumers of Horlicks majorly fall under the category Beleivers and thinkers. In India, Horlicks has penetrated into almost all the cities and towns. It is more prevelent in the south and east India.
Psychrographic Segmentation
Market Analysis - Horlicks
Market Segment
Service Design Service design included the finding of oppprtunity with the double diamond model of service design Discover, Define, Develop and Deliver. Chillpill is a service that was created and prototyped on a trial basis at Gandhinagar campus with an aim to bring in smiles on the faces of the ill and provide them the needed care with fun and humor. Medicines at your door step The services offered are Fixing up appointment with the doctor, Reminding about your appointment,Providing contact information about specialty doctors in and chemists Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad, Delivering medicines at door step on colloboration with the Chemists, Maintaining a database about your health and treatment. It is a companion one can rely on during illness.
Service Design Medicines as per usage
Chill-Pill User
Medicines delivered at door steps Medical Information Pamphlet
Rs 2/-[approx.]
Chillpill is a service that was created and prototyped on a trial basis at Gandhinagar campus with an aim to bring in smiles on the faces of the ill and provide them the needed care with fun and humor.
8% profit
Rs 20/Delivery charges
Chill-Pill User
Discover - Scenario
20% profit Min-3 deliveries
Rs 10/-
Service Offering 3.5% profit
Chill-Pill User
Service Mascot
Chillpill - Service
Brading & Packaging
Design Research Fastrack Sunglasses are a product extension from Titan Industries Limited, a very established and respected Indian company. The target audience for Fastrack is the youth (15 – 25 year) in the urban and semi urban India. The research was conducted with the help of focus group discussions among students from 4 different colleges DA IICT, NIFT, MICA and IIM to find out what Fastrack should do to promote sale of its sunglasses. The key findings from the research provided the direction in which Fastrack should concentrate for branding and advertising.
Design Research - Focus Group Discussion Focus group discussions are conducted when opinions are needed from the common man/ woman, the issue is one that can benefit from an open discussion.The key question that was put forward was to find what interests the target users of the age group (15 -25 years) in the category of ‘sunglasses’ so that the brand ‘Fastrack’ can do better in the market.
Key Findings Purpose of wearing Trendy Style factor Safety Protection Recognition Fashion Statement
Fastrack Sunglasses
Occasion of wearing Sunny day Bike rides Kite flying festival Parties
Recommendations - More variants in the price range Rs. 1000 - 3000 - Availablity in local stores - Advertising and offers during kite flying festival (particularly in Gujarat) - Casing for the glasses to be worked upon
Knorr Goodness of Dry The final project at NID was a 6 month design project with sponsor (Hindustan Unilever Ltd.) on specific topic. The project was majorly to explore how design can be used to create product experience at different consumer touch points for Unilever. Knorr, one of the leading brands of Hindustan Unilever Ltd. wanted its dry soup variants to be seen by its consumers as natural showcasing the goodness of the dry ingredients that goes into it. For a land that was/is largely dependent on its agricultural produce for more than thousands of years and all its inhabitants much familiar with the agricultural practices, this would seem a little tricky. The initial question that comes to everyone’s mind is how can dry be good?
Knorr - Goodness of Dry Approach
The approach that was used for primary research was Interpretative phenomenological Analysis (IPA). IPA is a qualitative research approach. In this approach, we try to get as close as possible to the lived experiences of the participants with the product (Knorr Soups) by interacting with them and engaging in their own world – Especially homes. For this, we use data collection methods like Participant Observation and Narrative Inquiry with Semi Structured interviews.
Where they shopped? Research Methodologies
Narrative Inquiry
What they said?
Consumer Research
Non/Participant Factory Visit Observation
Shop along
What they did?
New Tech Apps & Business Models NTADBM is a joint programme with IIM,Ahmedabad,wherein we were required to develop a mobile application for Indian scenario and create a business model around it. The study included research on smart phone usage in India, the scenarios of use, culture, protyping and revenue modelling. Bart-it is a smartphone application for bartering in this hyper mobile era. A single device would be required to carry out the entire transaction. The user just has to shoot a picture of the item and send it to the market by a swipe. Suggestions would be made by the system based on the wishlist created. it is based on the concept of barter which has been used since ancient times.
New Technology Application Development and Business models Bart-it is a smartphone application for bartering in this hyper mobile era. A single device would be required to carry out the entire transaction. The user just has to shoot a picture of the item and send it to the market by a swipe. Suggestions would be made by the system based on the wishlist created. it is based on the concept of barter which has been used since ancient times.
User Interface
Create Item description
Probe Suggestions
Create wishlist
Business Model Value Proposition
Networking Excessive inventory into assets Increase in purchasing power 3 R’s of un/under utilized assets
Targer users Students working professionals
Smart phone industry Andriod/ iOS Market
Successful Transaction
Double Sided network effect
Key Activities
Customer Relationship User Profiling Search Engine Advertising Revenue Interest Income Ad Revenue App Download Charge
NTADBM Link: Video Prototype:
Write up :
Design challenge, requiring to work with a significant screen size and interaction points. How to establish a language of visual and interaction design that improves the user’s experience of getting work done? The challenge was to push the boundaries of productivity by designing an app for Windows Phone that not only allows you to work anywhere, but also rethinks how to get things done in our mobile (phone) world.
“ Notable Finalist”
India Future of Change India- Future of Change was an initiative organized by ‘theideaworks‘ to bring in the best brains to work on the topics related to building India for the future. The theme was Food - Overcoming the impending food crisis through efficient storage, processing and preventing wastage of farm produce. India is the 2nd largest producer of cereal crops and fruits and vegetables, ranks second worldwide in farm output, still it imports agriculture products to satisfy its needs. Thus there is a requirement of creating a sustainable Business model that would serve the billions of citizens. Annapurna, the organization to be created would involve micro finance banks for the funding of the farmers and local agricultural universities in providing the assistance and guidance to the farmers about the crops and produce. Business plan was made including pricing strategies and financial analysis (ROI, NPV and IRR).
India - Future of Change India- Future of Change was an initiative organized by ‘theideaworks‘ to bring in the best brains to work on the topics related to building India for the future. The theme that was worked upon in the project Annapurna was Food - Overcoming the impending food crisis through efficient storage, processing and preventing wastage of farm produce.
Annapurna - Business Model
India - Future of Change Annapurna would join hands with the government and farmers co operative to form a sustainable organization. The corporation would be a combination of cutting edge, highest quality, and efficient food technology and production, committed to the interest of the farmers and consumers. Thus playing its part in help India reach self sufficiency in Food production and distribution.
- Self Sustaining India in Food
Distribution & Strategy
Nokia Bhasha Nokia organized Bhasha 2011, an intiative to bring in design students from different colleges to design a mobile application or service that would bring in behavioral changes among Indian users for frequent use of the local language in mobile phone, so that users will become more literate in the language of choice as the result of the use of the design and feel proud of being able to use their local language. Mobile phone usage with respect to Indian scenario was explored by secondary research methodology with information from TRAI and independent research analysis details like juxt marketing, Census of India etc. From which the demographic and psychrographic data were analyzed and an application protoype ‘Akshar ‘was created with the major features like Voiced News reader with news tickr, Voiced messages, Maps, and Optical Character Recognition(OCR) with voice in the respective vernacular language.
Nokia Bhasha
Live Messages Create avatar
voice message
Avatar reads voice message with lip sync
Akshar is a mobile application which has varied features embeded in itself like the visual OCR, by using this feature, one can read newspaper of vernacular languages. It works on image processing and character recognition. The avatar would read aloud the newspaper, highlighting the text as it goes. With this, one can also read the route numbers and destination of the buses.
Read newspaper with mobile phone Visual OCR
Cannot read bus numbers and routes ?
Akshar - Concept
From the brief that was provided, the target user group for the application was an illiterate individual who does not know to read and write the language and an well educated individual who doesnot know to read and write his vernacular language. Both the individuals were found to understand the language when spoken. This was key to creating the application with voiced In/Output.
Wireframe Prototype
Language Selection
Voiced News
Voiced Live Messages
Voiced Maps
Visual OCR
Akshar - Research & Prototype
References: Ms. Deval Kartik, Faculty Co-ordinator, Strategic Design Management, NID. Phone: +91 79 232 65 513 Mr. Vinai Kumar, Senior Faculty, Strategic Design Management, NID. Phone : +91 9724316981 Ms. Sujitha Nair, Placement Officer, NID. Phone : +91 92287 91482
Suganth C
Strategic Design Management National Institute of Design Mail :
Mobile :, +919819984571 +919737716743