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Kelli Caceres-Morin
I am Pro-Life, Pro-Love, Pro-Liberty I try to be as unselfish as possible. But if something gets to me, shit will hit the fan. I am an artist [Photography, Film, Design - Interior, Fashion, Graphic- and Mixed Media are my mediums] Love is my muse. I am generally forgiving, and 95% of the time I feel guilty if I'm not. I run a lot of my decisions off compassion, but sometimes I feel like that's never enough to get things right. People constantly fuck me over when I give them second-chances and yet somehow I still allow them to take a few more miles to my inches. I don't get why that happens so often. But even more than that I wonder why People Don't get me. I'm really an easy person. I like: Kisses on the nose, Planted Flowers in Pots, Homemade Jewelry, People when they smile, sand beneath my feet, Free Cookies at the Bakery, Earth Day, The smell of libraries, Riding the bus, People, Plants and Animals, Organic Material, Space the Final Frontier, Shooting stars, Scarves, France,