Book of short stories

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[Escriba el título del 2013 documento] The Book of Short Stories

1° Secundaria Language Northfield School


The Nightmare This wasn't where he wanted to be, he wanted a beautiful house with a lot of windows, not this house in the middle of a lot of plants and trees. He felt like trapped. I'm an eleven year- old girl, who is very brave and patient, but the only weakness I have is that the forest makes me freeze. My family is very strange. My dad always cries for my mother’s death, and my brother is crazy, he says that in this house we are all going to die, except for one person. Well… it was night, and my father went to the attic, I was spying him, he watched videos of the family that lived here, when suddenly, in the movie, the family appeared hanged, and my father fell down. Then a sign appeared. A very strange sign. In the morning, I saw father talking with a friend about the sign, he said that the sign represented a sinister that took the soul of children, called “Gobouru” At night, I was looking through the window, when suddenly “Goburu” appeared. I ran to dad and told him everything, he said that we had to leave. Dad and I looked for my brother, when suddenly, we turned back and there was my brother, but he was controlled by “Gobouru”. He was carrying an axe to kill us. Dad was trapped and then... “Noooooo”, it was too late, my father died. I tried to run, but “Gobouru” stopped me, but it was something that called my attention from Sinister, it was his face, Sinister was Mom, “Ohh no… It was horrible”. I turned back, and he was picking up his axe and then he walked to me, and he took his axe and, “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…” “Oh my God”, it was a nightmare. I got up, and I saw a beautiful house, and there were mom, dad and brother, it was beautiful, I've never told them my nightmare, but after all, we lived very happily.

The End


The breaking glass of the 8 days I woke up and I went to drink something, I was alone in my house and my family were going to come in 8 days. In the first day I heard a strange noise in the room that was next to mine, I thought it was my cat. On the second day someone died because of a crash and all the glass broke and it also hit me and I could die. That night I also cleaned all the pieces of glass and at that moment I heard a little voice that said “run until your parents come” . I thought it was my mind and I was so tired that I went to sleep. On the third day I went to the park and I saw the same breaking glass in the same position that yesterday and the little voice appeared again, “I told you to run, come on, run she’s coming; you won’t have time if you don’t run now!” I was really scared but I just wanted to eat something so… At night I was also going to sleep and I looked through the window where the breaking glass was and there was a little girl. I waited until she went other way but I was so sleepy that I went to bed. On the fourth day I woke up and I saw the little girl in my bathroom saying some words. When I asked her what she was doing she saw me and that girl had a scar in the head. I asked her how she did it that scar and she told me “You should know it, you were there, don’t you remember?” That voice appeared again and said “Do all the things but run from her she’s not what you think, run!” But I ignored that voice. That little girl who had a scar on her head told me that her parents died so I offered her food and to sleep in my house. On the fifth day I started to know the girl more. I asked her a lot of things but she was a little rare, sometimes she waited a lot to answer me things. It was as if she was inventing but I thought it was okay because she was a little girl. On the sixth day I was going to eat something and I saw a shadow in the bathroom. I was going to see what that it was but when I entered… The little girl in the mirror had a horrible face. When she turned around I saw her in a normal way but I was really scared so I told her to go to sleep right now. I got really angry and scared… I told her she shouldn’t make her face turn like the one of the mirror and she told me: “You heard a voice telling you to run because she was coming and you didn’t do what the voice wanted you to do. Now you will pay that.” That night I saw her saying: “she ignores the noise, she will pay it, I promise, Mum, I will do it.” On the next day she ignored me. All the things that I did, she ignored them all. I told her to do something and she ignored me. So I got really angry and I told her: “I offered you a room, a lot of food for you not to be alone in the dark streets but for you it is the same!”. And she went to sleep but at 12 of clock I heard a voice saying: “1,2,3 I’m going to the stairs, then 4,5,6 I’m in the corridor, then 7,8,9 you should do what the voice said… and when I opened the eyes… I saw her in 1 second and she was carrying a knife and then…” The End


The murder The lights appeared out of the darkness, I was very scared, all the audience started to shout when a man appeared out of nowhere, When the shout finished, a man went out with a knife, the lights turned on and a man was on the floor dead, the blood was a lo t and all the people started to shout again. The police came and all the people went out of the act, very far the man with the knife was sleeping. I told the police and they started to look for the man. The next day he was found and appeared dead in a forest. A month later he appeared in my window watching me.



Grandpa ”The sound of the breaking glass stopped her, but I ran to her to protect her”, said my grandpa. My grandpa is very old but he had a very interesting life, he always told me stories but now he tells me stories often, once a week. My favorite story is one that tells the Second World War II. I’m going to tell you the story... One day, my grandpa woke up, and all the streets were “black”, the people were sad, and awful, all the people were fighting for food, but grandpa’sfather was totally calm. Why?, because he was rich and he had all the things that he wanted. But one year later... the Nazis stole everything from my grandpa. They stole the money, the house, the cat, the fish, and the worst thing that happened was that my grandfather’s dad was murdered. My grandpa was alone, with nobody, but when he was 21, he met an Argentinian woman of 35 years old, they had one baby, my father, and they adopted a Brazilian boy, who died in a trip to Hawaii. The plane fell down. The name of the boy was Marcelo My father’s name is Leonardo, my father married a woman from Chile, Elena. They have 3 children, Mauricio, the oldest, Sofia, and Marcelo. I am Marcelo, my father gave me that name because of his brother that died in 2000, and I was born in 2001.Now I am 12 years old, but, when I grow up, I want to be like my grandpa. “A man that fought for his life and never, never, stopped fighting.”


The house of death I was terrifield when a voice shouted “Aaaahh!” and the lights went out: I ran to the corridor. Jake, his brother Ali, who was a rare boy tha was in the house of death, and the family Richards bought the house.There was a wanderer in the house. The family didn’t pay attention. The first day, Nicholas Richards’ son, Zack, went to bed at 11 o’clock and saw a shadow. He ran to the corridor and a person shouted “Aaahhh”. Zack went to his father and mother’s room. The father was dead and Zack said “I want to go”. The mother disappeared and Zack committed suicide. People never bought the house again. People say that the bodies are in the house.


The mystery man

The lights appeared out in the darkness. I was so scared that I had to put the blanket on me. It was raining very hard and I was waiting for my parents. Then I heard a noise in the kitchen. So I went downstairs. There was a tall and faceless man. I thought he was a thief who was looking for money. So I tried to call my parents but there wasn`t any electricity. My dog was shouting, the piano started a melody. The next night, when I went for a glass of water to drink, I saw notes stuck on the wall. I started to collect them with a fast movement. I saw him again so I ran to the attic. There was a door that said “keep out”. I tried to enter but it was locked, then I saw the key in a box so I entered. There were a lot of drawings from that man. I started to think that this was the this man’s house. Then when I turned around I saw him and I fell asleep.The next night I wanted to film that but there were no notes, drawings or the man and this happened every night.


The regret This wasn’t where he wanted to be. He was terrified of what he had done. It was the 3:30 AM, Frank Wigan was coming from a very big party, alone, drunk and drugged. He was driving. He was in the street where he lived. He lived in that street with his father, Mr. Wigan since he was born. Frank’s mother died when she gave birth to him. Well, the street was very dark, there were just two lights. Frank was just about sleeping in his own car, driving, when he crashed something. He went out from his car, he looked down the car. This wasn’t where he wanted to be. He was terrified of what he had done. He had killed his father, Mr. Wigan. The one that loved him, took care of him and supported him all over his life. And he killed him like a stupid, driving drunk and drugg ed in his own street. He called the ambulance and the police. Frank Wigan was sentenced to 15 years in jail because of possession of drugs, driving drunk and justifiable homicide. In those 15 years in jail, he learned a lot of valuable things in his life. He was really repentant. When he went out from jail, he started being a better person. He got married, he had three children. And he died happy... but sorry.


The possession Her foot slipped and she started to fall, when Sally fell, her father and mother took her to the hospital. The doctor said that Sally broke her leg and her arm, Sally started to cry. She cried all day. On the other day and she stayed all morning in her room, in the afternoon Sally told a dream that she had at night. Sally told the story from the beginning to the end. Their parents were frightened, the story was too terrifying. The story was like this: one day a girl was playing in the park when suddenly the girl saw a strange person that was saying with a strange voice: “I will catch you�. It was terrifying, and the girl started to run but then the same girl that was possessed by the devil. The girl stayed there because she was very scared and she didn’t move. The strange girl was going to pass the devil to her... And Sally woke up. For seven days she never slept because she was shocked. One day Sally went to the same park that she saw in her dream and she saw a strange girl that was looking at her so Sally started to run away but the possessed girl reached her and caught Sally. She passed the devil to her.

Juan Francisco

The mystery house We weren't where we wanted to be. We were in a house that was very empty. It was not our house It was my grandpa's friend's house. When we were there, we entered the house. It was at the top of the mountain. The house was very little, old and original. It was created by an architect Jackob Artist, in 1806. After spending years in the house, we got used. Five years later we all met at my house, and shared a family lunch. A man knocked on the door and said: “You have to leave the house”. He was a very elegant and very serious man with a suit. My mother and father, at the same time asked why. “Where are we going to live now? “ And the man replied: “Not my problem, here we are going to build a shopping mall.” All the family was very worried. Where would they live now? With which money?


Murder in Paris. My little story Marg threw her bag on the floor and burst into tears. She was dismissed from her job. Suddenly a car stopped in front her and kidnapped her! Marg saw a man that put her to sleep with a strange liquid. When she woke up, she realized that she was in a place the she didn´t want to be. Marg was tied up on a chair, in the middle of a white room with a big black glass. Suddenly, she heard a loud voice shouting at her, she didn't understand what it was saying. Few minutes after, she heard a voice shouting again, and she realized that a person had entered to the room, but nobody appeared. Two hours later, a man entered to the room where she was, he untied her and took her with him. He told Marg, that she could never see her family and friends again, because she was into much danger. She didn't understand why she was into much danger, so the man explained to her that she was the daughter of a rich man that had employees that killed people for him, and now that her father was dad after a terrible accident, she had to die! She burst into tears and started to shout. When she kept calm, the man told her that they had to travel to Paris, the capital of France. When she went to the airport with the man, she realized that seven people were following them. She told this to her partner, the man, and they started to run. Suddenly one of the people in black, who were following them, shot the man, her partner. He fell in the middle of the airport and died. She burst into tears, but she realized that if she stayed there, she will die too, so she started to run without stop. She was so frightened, but she couldn't stop to cry a few. She had to run yes or yes! She went to a hotel and started to shout: “HELP! I NEED HELP! PLEASE, SOMEBODY CAN HELP ME? PLEASE! ” But nobody understood what she wanted to say, because she was in the capital of France, Paris! Nobody could understand her! She realized that nobody could help her, so she had to run away because she saw that four black people were there, so she went running to the “Eiffel Tower” and went up stairs, when she was at the top of the tower, she saw a little boy with a cellphone, and she asked him if he could bring his cellphone for a call. The boy brought her the cellphone and she called her sister, Sophie, and she told her that she was in France, and that she had to die, this was the chat: ”Hello Sophie, listen to me carefully, I´m in Paris, I... I... have to die, our father was a killer, and now that he is dead, I have to die, I don't know if you have to die too, but be careful, you have to know that I love you very much! Bye...” But suddenly a man answered her, it wasn't her sister, and the man said; “Okey, thank you for the information, I´ll tell you that your sister is dead, your mother too, and your little dog too, hehe! Good Luck Margate!” She shouted and burst into tears and said thank you to the little boy. When she tried to go away, a black man hanged her with his arm and pushed her from the tower. Finally she died and all her family and friends too.


My Best friend I didn’t want to go to the party but I had to because my mum wanted me to have more friends instead of my neighbors, but I’m always telling her that I don’t want to be their friend because nobody is like me! They are just like each other even they don’t know the meaning of friends, like my mother. I went to the party that day, I was begging my mother not to go but she got angry with me and finally she took me to the party. During the whole party I didn’t talk to anyone, I didn’t enjoy it, It was so boring! They never have an original party but the worst thing was that I stayed there like two hours. Finally when the party finished I was waiting for my mum at the front of the house sitting on the floor, she never came, I thought she had forgotten that I was at the party. Suddenly a girl, called Mindy, came, She sat down on the floor with me and we started to talk. We realised we have many things in common. We talked till my mother came to take me home. The next day we met at school, she told me if I would like to be her friend. Obviously I said yes. That is the story about my best friend and how we met.


Unfinished business “This wasn’t where I wanted to be…” I was pretending I was dead, that I had died in a fire when everything was caused, I was letting her suffer. “How was I going to tell her I was trained to kill four people because the government was afraid of them telling their secret?”. Now I had to live with the guilt. She was in danger. Something was after me, I thought that maybe it was someone from the government that wanted to kill me. Every night I went to her house, climbed through the fire escape and looked through her window, I realised she wasn't there, but it looked as if someone had broken in, the door was opened the lock was broken, the carpet was all messy and the chair was on the floor. I also smelled a very common substance to make people fall asleep. I looked for her everywhere in the city, in every alley, in every roof but I never found her. It was as if she had vanished from the earth. No one knew where she was and some people told me she was in a complicated situation, I asked them what kind of situation and I didn't like the answer, she was also a criminal, I guess we both had our secrets.


Strange Case -Taxi-Taxi! -Yes -Where do you want me to take you? -I want to go to the East of Amsterdam. This wasn’t where I wanted to be, and I think I have to start again. I’m a thief, I am escaping from the police because I stole a Ford GT40, which is very expensive. And I forgot that in those so expensive cars, the police put a thing to detect where they are. Now I’m escaping on foot and I am in an abandoned town in the East of Amsterdam, this it very dirty and all the things I see are broken. I’m walking there with care because I am scared, and I don't want to get hurt with a nasty piece of steel or also get ill or murdered in an extreme case. Now I am entering in the houses looking for some food and for a place to sleep well and safe. It is at night and I am seeing some lights, I think it is the police, but I’m not sure if I should surrender to the police or if not. Well I have decided and I will give myself in to the police. One moment, that isn’t a police car, this is very strange. I have to run! I have to run! Well I think this is my END. The End


Love, school and beach… Her foot slipped and she started to fall. Some seconds before she fell, a blond man with green eyes caught her. -Thank you- she said -You’re welcome, you are very pretty- he answered -O.K.? Emm... thank you- she said

The man went to the sea and the girl started thinking about him. She wanted to see him again but she wasn’t only illusioned, she was also depressed because she thought she would never see him again. On the other hand, the boy was very happy because some days before he had broken up with his ex-girlfriend and he was very sad and this new girl made him feel better.

Both of them were in love but they were going home after 2 days and they thought they were not going to see each other again.

Once they were at home they had to prepare everything to start at a new school because they were new in the city.They started school together but they didn’t know that they were going to start at the same school, year and class. They ate together and also sat together. At the moment they are a couple.


The avenger This wasn’t when he wanted to be. When that black man was with that gun and he shot him, everything turned white. He was my father and I was going to take revenge. I am a good student. My dad was a millionaire and I live with my butler. My dad was secretly a hero and I am going to follow his legacy. My name is Roby and I am going to do justice. When I was leaving school, two people were hitting a little boy. I put on my father’s clothes and I saved him. The boy told me, “Can I help the people with you?” I told the boy “No”. And I disappeared in the dark. When I went home, on TV they said that the president was dead. A bad person called Pingüino killed him. I was going to take revenge for the president. I started investigating but there was nothing. Maybe he was the person that killed my father, my butler said. I know that he was going to attack again. Today I received an invitation, for a party of millionaires and I hoped the Pingüino was going to be there. At night he was there but I had to attack in secret when the party finished. I was going to kill him. He turned around and he saw me. He said, I killed your father and I am going to kill you now. With a gun he shot me. At that moment and I said it was all right. A year later the police caught the Pingüino.


My crazy thoughts I didn't want to go to the party but I had to. It was 9 p.m and I was there 5 hours before the party started. It was Peter´s birthday, my friend. I was very bored, my mother said that I was bored because I didn't sleep well the last night; she said that because m y friends said that the party was very funny. The previous night before the party I couldn't sleep well because I was scared, I thought that in my bedroom there was a ghost. I now there was! All my family said that I am crazy because of that, but they were crazy because they didn't believe me. Yesterday in the morning, my cousin was very rare, I think that a ghost did something to him. But, as usual, my family said that I was crazy, and the reason was my cousin had stress. I asked him what happened and the only thing that he said was “Carla get lost, Carla get lost”. I didn't see him today yet, I’m very scared! Yesterday night, a ghost attacked me, I shouted and my mother came to my bedroom, she saw the ghost and she shouted with me. So, now, our family said that we were crazy. But, when all the family were having breakfast, a ghost came and killed my cousin. One month after, we found out that the house was a cemetery. Because of that, we are going to move.


Loana’s story -Hey! Sheily, tell me a story! i’m bored. -Ok, Lei, I will tell you a real story that happened to my sister 3 months ago... My sister, Diana threw her bag on the floor and she burst into tears. She was so disappointed and she didn't know what to do. She was at school. Diana had blond hair and her green eyes. She was wearing makeup, a short dress and blue shoes. She was always so sensitive and she rarely had good luck. She saw that her boyfriend was kissing another girl. Kesha, the ‘’leader’’ girl from school . She was so popular and all the boys were in love with her, she looked so good wearing clothes but she was so bad with other people. Kesha, was kissing Diana’s boyfriend and when they saw Diana they became very nervous and they couldn’t explain what happened. Diana shouted at them and she ran away to her house. Two Hours later, Brad, her alleged boyfriend, called Diana to explain what happened, but she did not forgive him. They splitted up, and Diana now is happy with Gasti, her new boyfriend, they look so happy and good. I hope something like this never happens to her aag - And your sister is ok now, sheily? - I think that yes, but i don’t know.


A fan that is horrible at playing football. This wasn't where he wanted to be. There was a boy called Markenstein who had a problem that he couldn't solve. He lived in Escobar, in a very nice house. The problem that he had was that he loved football but he was horrible at playing. He thought and thought how to solve the problem and he remembered that he had a friend. This friend had a father who made football shoes and he was a scientist. Markenstein went to his friend to tell the problem to the father, and then the father told Markenstein that he could make special football shoes. Some days after, his friend’s father made football shoes for him and then Markenstein was the best at playing football.


The cursed skull Her foot slipped and she began to fall completely to the ground. She hit her head and then forgot everything from her childhood to her teenage years. So she went to the hospital Silvio Crouton, which was a few kilometers from her home. Sofia saw the doctor coming and felt very nervous. The doctor told her that she broke her skull. The doctor said , "You had a very sharp drop, you could be dead.” Sofia asked, “Dr, can I solve this problem?" the doctor replied, “there is a very expensive operation but it may fail" and he said "the operation will be worth about ten thousand dollars”. Upon arriving at the house, the mother and father were thinking about having enough money while Sofia was in her room crying. At night , her older brother, Kevin, arrived. He had a rock band and his tour was starting in the morning. He thought that with all the money he got for playing at concerts he could reach ten thousand dollars. One month after, the brother came from the tour and only managed to get nine thousand five hundred dollars. The brother went to the room and said, "Sofia, I did not get everything but only 500 dollars are missing”. Sofia had collected 500 dollars but because of the blow, she could not remember where she had them…


The strange girl, Katerine Katerine is a girl from Canada. S he was living with her family at that moment. On Monday she went on holidays; she went with her family to the house of the Mastermind’s, which at that time was a friend of her family’s. They lived in Miami. She was playing with Michael, her brother, and with Paris, another family’s daughter, when suddenly her mother called her to eat, “Especially, Michael, Paris, all, come to eat!” Especially was her 2nd name, everybody called her like that because she was so special. When the 2 mothers were washing the dishes, Especially said, “Mom I don’t like that guy on the window”. When everybody looked at the window, there was nobody.That night a very famous person died. On the next day, the same happened, but this time it was at lunch. For breakfast they went to drink some coffee and when they were coming to the house again they had a car crash. Everyone died except Katerine, she wasn’t even ill! What was wrong with her?


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