SUUG Impact Report 2012-13

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Impact Report


Introduction to SUUG The Students’ Union is run by University of Greenwich students for University of Greenwich students. Our cafes and bars provide food and drink (and parties!) at keen prices and our clubs can help burn off the excess calories in competitive or recreational sports. Our societies support a wide range of hobbies and interests and they, like the sports clubs, are run by student committees. The SU is independent, with officers elected every year to represent students’ views inside and outside the university. Our Advice Service, staffed by impartial experts, supports students across a wide range of issues. The SU also provides employment and volunteering opportunities. Find out more at

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“After many years as a student and two as a Sabbatical Officer, I am delighted to be able to welcome you to the first Impact Report produced by the SU. As I have gone from meetings to events, from Greenwich to Avery Hill to Medway, it’s so obvious that the SU is doing so much to make students’ lives at the university as fulfilling as possible. But sometimes it’s hard to see exactly what’s been achieved across the whole range of what we do. That’s where this Impact Report comes in. It’s a snapshot of the Union as a whole, explaining a little about everything we do. I hope you’ll find it interesting and informative.”

Kazi Haque

SUUG President (2012-13)

“Welcome to SUUG’s first

ever annual Impact Report! We hope that it will demonstrate the progress we’ve made during 2012/13 and how we’ve engaged more students than ever before. University life can be demanding, and at SUUG we want to ensure that we can make a positive contribution to the experience of every member of our diverse student body, across all three campuses, and beyond. Enjoy the report!”

Jenny Greenfield Chief Executive

Our Mission SUUG’s fundamental purpose... “SUUG is a democratic organisation run by students, for students, to represent student views to the University and to provide support services for its members.”

Our Vision What the organisation wants to be...

2012-13 in numbers

Here’s a snapshot of the past twelve months...



students involved in student activities.


students voted in this year’s Elections.

“A thriving and successful organisation which engages with its members and the University.”

students advised across all three campuses (representing an increase of 59% on the previous academic year)

(an increase of 1046 votes on Elections 2012)


This year, we sucessfully campaigned for 24 hour library opening on campus leading up to and during the examination ation period.

53,405 visits to our website



coffees sold across all outets

Please note: Some of the figures shown above exclude students who study or live at Medway Campus.

Activities The Students’ Union provides opportunities for students to take part in activities beyond their course – including student-led clubs and societies, volunteering and our Give It a Go scheme. So there’s always plenty to do!


students involved in student activities.

number of societies:

number of sports clubs:



(18 Teams)

This year, the number of student-led clubs and societies has increased, and we have, for the first time, registered volunteers and given them the opportunity to log their hours to gain recognition for their hard work. The Give It a Go scheme has continued to grow and, at the end of the year, we held our first Just Play football festival which was a great success!

21- events organised

by the Students’ Union

90- local events

advertised to students.

230- Volunteers registered

Our volunteers took part in 18 different projects

(e.g. committee members, Student Legal Advice Project, Union Council, edible garden, recreational sport).

“I never really expected to be given so many opportunities through working for the Students Union. I’ve had a chance to explore all sorts of events across London and I’ve organised events that have involved hundreds of students. I think the highlight has to have been taking 30 students to the racing at Ascot. The support and trust from the Student Union team and the flexibility that comes with that, has made this job so enjoyable.” Matt Paiton

Student Support Worker (Activities)

Campaigns The Students’ Union co-ordinates a number of student-led campaigns designed to bring about positive change on a range of local, national and international issues.

SUUGreen SUUGreen is the SU’s green initiative. The SU supports and complements the University of Greenwich (a sector leader in sustainability) by getting involved in initiatives such as Go Green Week and Fairtrade Fortnight, sourcing products like KeepCups for our outlets and improving our recycling facilities. The SU also participates in the NUS Green Impact scheme, in which we achieved “Working towards Bronze Award” status in 2012. We will target Bronze and beyond in 2013. Find out more by visiting

During the past academic year, the Students’ Union has campaigned for 24 hour library opening, for the Avery Hill Nursery to remain open and for improved feedback on assignments. The SU has lobbied the University on Postgraduate funding and the provision of prayer facilities on all three campuses. Campaigning provides an exciting and rewarding experience for students and plays a key role in increasing the extent and quality of student engagement and participation in the Students’ Union.

1. Where I pray. 2. PG Champions. 3. 24 Hour Library. 4. Save AH Nursery.


campaigns run by the Union this year

5. Crystal Clear Feedback. 6. Hidden Course Costs. 7. I SAY NO! (Car Park and Inter-Campus Bus Charges). 8. Student Vote. 9. Supervisors’ Charter.

Key win:

A key campaign of the year was the 24 hour opening of the library. This was the standout campaign of the year, as the objective was achieved.

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Democracy &


The Students’ Union represents the views and interests of 28,000 Students at the University of Greenwich, both within the Students’ Union and throughout the institution. We ensure that their voices are heard locally and nationally on a range of issues. This is achieved through a variety of means, such as the Officer Elections, Union Council and Executive Committee meetings, referenda and working closely with hundreds of Student Representatives, as well as supporting and running a number of student-led campaigns. This area of our work plays a key role in increasing the extent and quality of student engagement and participation in the Students’ Union.

Key figures from our 2013 Elections


candidates stood in our annual elections





2012 Elections

2013 Elections

There were a total of 1712 students who voted in this year’s Elections, casting 9,108 votes!


new portfolio roles created

- Black Students Officer - Equality, Disability and Diversity Officer - International Students Officer - Mature Students Officer - Postgraduate and Part-time Students Officer - Women Students Officer - Avery Hill Campus Officer - Medway Campus Officer


Union Council meetings g held over the year

Communications The Students’ Union works to promote a broad range of services, activities and events run by SUUG as well as publicising our Elections, priority campaigns and other key messages to students. This is achieved through several channels, including face-to-face meetings, the Students’ Union website, weekly emails, social media and through the University.

53,405 visits to our website

In addition, we provide financial and technical support to two student-led media societies - Latitude Radio and Latitude Lookout - which produce daily radio schedules and termly magazines respectively, covering the work of the Students’ Union and a whole lot more!

55,065 weekly SUUG News Bulletin emails opened

Student media facts and figures


more likes on Facebook (Total: 4,517)


new followers on Twitter (Total: 1,562)


listeners for the Latitude Radio society’s broadcast of an episode of the National Student Chart Show.


issues of Latitude Lookout, our official Students’ Union magazine were produced this year. Stud Stu den de den e t pres e ent nters ers fr f om o thi hiss yea year’s earr’ss La Latit titude Radio titude dio socie cie iety ty en oyi enj oying ng a m mome oment ome nt off-ai offf ai airr iin n t e br the broad oadcas adca astin tin ng stud tudio. i io.

“SUUG is a great place to work while you study. The hours are flexible and easy to fit around your university timetable, while the relaxed environment is enjoyable. I have become more involved with the Union as a result, and have learnt a lot about how it works and the different opportunities available.” Mark Tickner

Student Support Worker (Communications)

Advice Service Our Advice Service is free, independent and confidential. Staffed by three permanent advisers with support from trained volunteers, we advise on both academic and welfare issues on the Southwood and Maritime campuses, with a separate service for Medway students. We can provide ongoing assistance when needed, and are licenced to give debt advice. If you’ve got a problem, we’re here to talk it through with you and help you decide what to do about it. And if you can’t sort it out yourself, we may be able to help, or refer you to other organisations to take action.

By the end of the current academic year, we expect to have advised around 660 students across all three campuses, representing an increase of 59% on the previous academic year.

What students say about the advice service “The Adviser who dealt with my case did everything to help me” “My problem was resolved very quickly and I don’t think it would have been if I hadn’t come and seen an adviser” “Without the Students’ Union I might have dropped out of my course”

What students say about our training “Improved my problem-solving skills” “I feel more confident in giving advice and conducting interviews” “The role plays were really useful and gave us time to build on our experience”

Problems advised on

Academic (68%)

(appeals, complaints., extenuation etc)

Finance & debt (12%)

(inc. student loans, welfare benefits, advice, negotiating debt repayment)

Housing (10%)

(inc. eviction, rent arrears, housing options, disrepair and recovering deposits)

Student Issues (3%)

(disability, bullying & harrassment and childcare)

Other (6%)

Individual issues less than 1% of overall stats)

We record the main problem advised on. Many students seeking advice on academic cases are experiencing problems due to situations in their personal lives. Our ‘welfare’ advice is often a necessary part of helping students to be able to continue successfully with their studies.

Student Legal Advice Project With funding from the School of Law in 2012, the Students’ Union provided training to 15 Law students in advice skills, as preparation for students volunteering for the Advice Service and on external placements. 11 students completed the programme successfully. Five are already volunteering for the Students’ Union Advice Service: six others will begin placements in October 2013. As volunteers gain experience, we will assess them for the National Vocational Qualification in Legal Advice at Level 3, giving volunteers a dual qualification as well as valuable work experience.

Commercial Services

“Working with the Students’ Union is the best job I have ever had. Working in the two bars has helped me develop a huge range of skills and responsibilities. The bars have a different feel to them but both provide a great atmosphere to work within.

SUUG runs a number of outlets on the Avery Hill and Greenwich Campuses. The Engine Room, The Village Shop and Sparrows are situated at Avery Hill and Le Café and Bar Latitude are situated at Greenwich.

I have made a lot of friends at work as well as learned so much from the diverse fellow students who come in and use the bars.”

Our shops sell everything from hot and cold food and drinks to stationery and University-branded merchandise.

Scarlett Dempsey

Students’ Union Receptionist, Bar/kitchen staff & venue steward.

Our bars serve freshly cooked food from our own chef in a relaxing atmosphere where you can chill out with free Wi-Fi and a diverse entertainments programme.



games of Pool played

hours our shops are open


coffees sold across all outets

25,719 2 admissions to events (inc. Balls)

11,907 meals sold in Bar Latitude


sandwiches sold in our shops


hours our bars are open

Don’t just take our word for it. Here’s what our students think of us.. “Throughout my year as President of the Economics and Business Society, I have improved my organisational and planning skills and use my time and resources effectively. The various skills I have gained as a result of these extracurricular activities complemented my academic achievements and led to my securing of an internship during the summer and an offer for postgraduate studies at one of the top ranking universities in the UK.” Katharina Greve BA International Business President of the Economics Business Society, Member of Union Council.

“My time as football secretary

has been the biggest challenge whilst I have been at university. This had to be done alongside my studies but, with the support of the Students’ Union’s Activities Team, I have managed to undertake the task without it affecting my studies and have gained a priceless experience in the process!”

Jethro Gale BA Primary Education Football Team Secretary

“Through SUUG, I have founded, launched and run a radio station and magazine. Filling me with confidence, untapped skills and fuelled passions I never knew I had.” Matthew Battles MA Creative Writing Latitude Radio Station Manager, Member of Elections Committee, Member of Union Council.

“Working at the Students’ Union has been a perfect opportunity to develop new skills in a working environment, while still focusing on my studies. It created great opportunities such as being a supervisor, alongside learning different ways of handling certain responsibilities. I would like to thank Grant Ricketts for the rewarding opportunity of working with him.” Talsia Brown BA Education Studies Student Staff, Village Shop (Avery Hill)

L : Ka L-R Lathar harrina Greve Matthew Battles, an and n Ngozi Anyadike-Danes recieved awards awa aw r forr their volunteering efforts at the he Un U ive ersi rsity y of o Greenw enw e n ich Achievemen nw nt Ce Cer Ceremony ny y ear earlie lier ie er thi h s ye his ear. a ar

We raised... £ 2,316,000 University block grant £830,000(36%)

Music, Food and Drink £374,000 (16%)

We spent... £ 2,293,000 Advice & Reception £79,000 (3%)

Activities £163,000 (7%)

Other costs* * 20%) £459,000 (20%)

Other income* £80,000 (3%)

Shops £1,032,000 (45%)

*E.g. other University contributions; sale of stalls at Freshers Fairs; clubs & societies fees.

Campaigns, tion, Representation, Communications £196,000 (9%)

Student wages £171,000 (7%)

*E.g. staff costs, buildings and SU running costs.

Music, Food and Drink £331,000 (14%)

Shops £894,000 (39%)

Our Future Project


Project 2014 has defined the development of the Students’ Union over the last two years, focussing our efforts on such initiatives as helping members to make the most from the unique experience of studying in London and the embedding of SUUGreen’s environmental priorities in all that we do. Consultation will continue through surveys and focus groups on the implementation of the plan’s last 18 months and the on the development of a new plan to take your union through to 2017. Watch out for chances to make your voice heard!

Long term goals The Students’ Union will: • • • • • •

Play a key role in helping members make the most of life as a London student . Respond to the changes in University funding by supporting students effectively and fostering a growing sense of community. Enhance its representational role by involving more students more deeply in all aspects of its work. Communicate effectively with all its members using a range of media. Ensure that Trustees and staff provide an effective and efficient governance and management function. Ensure that SUUGreen embeds sustainability across all its work, engaging students in strategic and operational decisions.

Elected Student Officers for the

2013-14 academic year

Sabbatical Officers: Alex Brooks President Kyle Marchalleck Vice President Campaigns & Representation Owais Chishty Vice President Education & Welfare

Tony Whitehead Vice President Student Activities

Part-time Officers:

“This Union exists to serve you - the students. We’re going to strive to do this better than ever over the next year. We’ll be holding bigger, better, and more inclusive events, as well as strengthening and building up our already superb societies and sports clubs. We’re also planning to run more campaigns to fight for an improved and fairer University experience for you. Most importantly, with the support of my excellent team of officers, the SU will spend more time than ever going out and listening to students, because we want to hear your views on the Students’ Union, so we can make it work better for you.”

Alex Brooks

SUUG President-elect (2013-2014)

Anthony Jude Ndubuisi Black Students Officer

Sahitya Talluri Postgraduate and Part-time Students Officer

Harry Hodges Equality, Disability and Diversity Officer

Roxanna Georgiana Bucur Women Students Officer

Chi Nyguyen International Students Officer

Edward Oakes Avery Hill Campus Officer

Don Agbaso Mature Students Officer

Kishan Abinantha Medway Campus Officer

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