15 things people must do for a healthy relationship

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15 Things People Must Do For A Healthy Relationship In several studies, it has been found that people with healthy relationships are happy, healthier and have less stress. The major one reason for which people seek therapeutic assistance is “Relationship issues”. Feeling depressed or happy about a relationship can directly affect one’s function at work and in every area of life. To mention, there are three parts to a couple: ME, YOU, and the US. Always remember the differences about the space for each. Tips for Healthy Relationship

In a healthy relationship, each has own life and that much space is essential for a healthy life. If any one of the three dominates, the balance gets affected and problems surface. The following are 15 tips for healthy relationships: 1 Expectation Must Be Realistic: Nobody is perfect and none can have all desirable attributes. Often when we get attached to someone, we expect them to work in a certain manner. When they don’t, we get disappointed and try to change them. A secret to healthy relationships is that we accept people as they are. And expectations are kept realistic. 2 Rules or Agreements: Along with individual boundaries, the rules must be defined. With proper and clear communications, confusion cease, anxiety lowers, and expectations are often set in real terms. 3 Know Your Boundaries: Boundaries of both physical and emotional space serve to protect you. It could be defined by the individual to define how much and what not. When boundaries get crossed, we can feel violated and hampers trust. 4 Communications: Communication is very essential and the key to good relationships. The most common complaint heard by relationship counselors is, that the couples don’t communicate anymore. Communication is more than talking. It could be both words and our body language. What we communicate or don’t shape the level of honesty, openness, and directness in our relationships. 5 Stick to current Issues:

Don’t drag things from part or that happened with previous partners. Only discuss current problems. Give solid examples. Avoid using words like ‘always’ and ‘never’ and don’t criticise your partner’s entire personality. Listen genuinely. Don’t plan what to speak next while listening and don’t interrupt. Listen with your heart. Sometimes people have very emotional messages to share and can’t weave well into words. Pay close attention to nonverbal communication and maintain good eye contact. Ask questions, clear doubts. Don’t assume things or try to read mind. Ask friendly and correct questions, ask for opinions, and show your interest. Paraphrase and Feedback. Share your reaction, and explain how you felt with situations or communications. This helps your partner to know whether you understood or not. Be empathetic! Share Information generously. But, don’t exaggerate things. Let out your feelings honestly without sarcasm or insult to the other person. Correct your thoughts and remove anything that could hurt the other person before you speak. Trust is created over time with honest communications and self-disclosure. Respect Individual Style Of Communication. It takes two to communicate. Men and women often communicate differently. Try learning from each other so you both can increase your communication skills. 6 Take Time: You need to choose the right time and place when you both have sufficient time to discuss the issues. 7 Resolve Conflicts/Fight Fair: Many relationships have some conflict. Disagree on some note, doesn’t mean dislike. When you have a problem, try the following: Negotiate a Time to Talk About It. Don’t Criticize Let others speak for themselves. Don’t assign things or intentions. Remain in the Topic. Don’t drag past issues and make things complicated. Apologies, if you are wrong and learn to handle problems in a relationship. Don’t Assume Things. Sometimes your assumption must be wrong. Ask for help like discuss with a counselor, a teacher or even parents. There might not be a fixed resolution, be ready to compromise or to disagree about certain things. Healthy relationships don’t ask for conformity or perfect agreement. Don’t Hold Grudges. The Goal is that everyone must be a Winner. Relationships don’t last with winners and losers.

You can quit a Relationship if you have exhausted all your options. 8 Be Flexible: It’s obvious to feel apprehensive, sad or angry when people or things change and we’re not ready for it. Healthy relationships mean to accept changes and growth as well. Grow together. 9 Connect to Others: Individuals and couples don’t exist in isolation. Your support systems and family and friends are essential as well. 10 Be Dependable: If you made a commitment or took a responsibility, follow it. This helps to create trust in healthy relationships. 11 Take Care of Self: You may want to please everyone around you; but, don’t forget to please yourself. Maintain your selfesteem. 12 Relational Responsibilities: Discuss and decide who will be responsible for major responsibilities like finances and chores. Base on these decisions set you for success. 13 Intimacies and Warmth: Studies reveal that warmth is quite valued by most people in their relationships. Find time for intimacy and create romantic and beautiful moments. Plan date night with your partner. Cuddle, hold hands and kiss each other. Emotional warmth and intimacy are a must in a healthy relationship. 14 Balance your life: Don’t overload on activities. Keep time for yourself as well. 15 Be Yourself and Respect Each Other: It’s easy and fun to be yourself than to pretend to be something or someone else. Real people make healthy relationships and not images. Note: Healthy relationships don’t happen on its own; it takes time and effort. Invest that time and give the required effort! I hope this post is useful for you in knowing how to grow a healthy relationship. If you liked this post, then keep visiting our website and remain connected by liking our Facebook page @ForumMantra.

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