The secret to go viral with your content

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The Secret To Go Viral With Your Content We often come across contents which go viral on the internet. Content marketing helps your business but you don’t know how to do viral marketing? You must wonder what makes content viral! Here we share with you some secrets or you could say some content strategy that would help you to create the next viral content as well. What is viral content? Viral content could be an article, an image or a video which spreads rapidly online through links and social sharing. How some contents go viral? A difficult question, but there are some people who can create contagious content several times. What is their secret? What do they know different from others? Yes, they know something different! They might not be aware of it, but they know how to engage huge traffic on the internet without any fail. If you are unaware of their secrets, well keep reading this blog to master yourself in creating viral contents. What Makes Content Viral? Jonah Berge, an assistant professor of marketing at Wharton School of Business, specializes in discovering what makes ideas and products viral. Most recently, Jonah Berger did co-author a research paper with Katy Milkman titled “What Makes Online Content Go Viral?” and there they shared insights which you can’t overlook. Here are the highlights: 1. Positive contents go more viral than negative contents. 2. Content that evokes emotions either positive or negative goes viral compared to content without emotions. Like awe, anxiety, anger, or anything related to the fear of loss. 3. Useful contents get shared. (People often shares practically beneficial contents to help their fans and friends) How to Design Content That Goes Viral? The question next is how to create such contents?

Remember that positive content always gets shared. Always remember that there are a lot of unhappy people in the world, with different reasons for being unhappy, content which is uplifting and inspirational help people get out of their sorry state even if it’s only for a few seconds. If you are looking to generate traffic for business purposes, you should focus on practically useful content that activates high arousal emotions. How to make content appear practical? What to include in content and what not? How to create useful content? After writing an article, and finishing with the editing process, it’s not over. One final step is yet left. Read the content, find out the next actions you want people to take, and complete your article with a section that says people to initiate those steps. Psychologists say that people are not good at applying broad concepts to their own lives. It’s why people rely on 80/20 rules, but rarely use it in their lives and business. You tell your readers exactly how to use the content you gave them in their lives. And what happens next? They use it, get a good result and remember you forever. What’s a high-arousal emotion? For beginners, a high arousal emotion can be either positive or negative (either types work). It could be awe, anger, fear, anxiety, joy, lust, and of course, surprise. How to activate those emotions? There are 7 High-Arousal Emotions Which Can Make Your Content Contagious 1. Happiness Several things make people happy. It can be something funny, inspiring, or anything which is positively uplifting. Try telling stories from life yours or someone else you know, people can very well relate. 2. Awe Something that is remarkable. Something people can’t resist commenting about. This could be in form of a story, a real-life event, or it can also be an exhaustive list of 101 links to useful resources. 3. Anxiety

People don’t like anxiety. If your content talks about losing out on something, that is one way. People don’t like losing things they possess. 4. Fear Fear is the biggest motivators on Earth. People can’t resist action when motivated by fear. You can make people worry about your content about the mistakes they make and are unaware of. You can also write about the fear of loss or limited quantities. 5. Anger When you annoy people, they’ll work hard to get justice. They’ll discuss it on Twitter, write blog posts, and much more. How to trigger anger? You have to challenge someone’s beliefs and it’s sure to bait. 6. Lust People have several lusts. They can lust for money, results, men, women, or anything. To target that, you need to tantalize your readers with positive results. 7. Surprise Your content can challenge assumptions, to prove them wrong. You can share new ideas or results of unique tested ways. Moreover, you have to remember two things: If you want to do viral content marketing for your business website, ensure that you show the people ways to implement your words. Be sure to exemplify your writing with what steps to follow next. And don’t write for the sake of writing but try to raise high arousal emotions and get your content shared. So next time you write a new content, remember the above points and remember us for your contents for being viral. List of some viral content sites Buzzfeed is the undefeated leader in volumes. But if you are concerned about engagement (shares per post, etc.) then Playbuzz, Boredpanda & EliteDaily performs well as well. Keep visiting our website and remain connected by liking our Facebook page @ForumMantra. You may like to visit:

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