August 2010 really is a must. It’s a month of musts: Must enjoy. Must experience. Must dance. Must drink. Must sing. Must party. Must live. Must take advantage of how utterly fantastic a summer city Bristol is. Every god-damn weekend there’s some sort of festival going on in some park somewhere in Bristol, and if you can’t wait for the weekends? Hell, there are gigs, clubs, galleries, theatres and cinemas galore packed with juicy entertainment. Must must must!August sees the eighteenth issue of SY On The Sly, the sister publication of Suit Yourself Magazine – Bristol’s number one independent, quarterly magazine which investigates, uncovers and promotes everything that makes Bristol such a fun, vibrant and altogether amazing place to live!Read away and don’t forget to check out the latest issue of Suit Yourself Magazine, our listings service and our constantly updated blog, all found