Graduate portfolio

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[curriculum vitae] sujai chandran education

competitions / achievements Best thesis Construction Industry Awards 2015, India South India Design Competition Designed a stadium for the U21 football world cup in Chennai

2015 2014

2016 - 2018


Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, United Kingdom RIBA Part II , specialisation in Urban Design

2010 - 2015


School of Architecture and Planning , Anna University , Chennai , India

2013 - 2015

11th & 12th

SRV Higher Secondary School , Salem , India

2008 - 2013

till 10th

The Asian School , Bahrain


Annual NASA - GSEN Design trophy ( citation ) An Urban design in the most important historical region of Chennai with a focus on bringing the different communities of the working class to work in harmony


ANDC - Annual national design competition ( shortlisted )

profile summary

Concrete workshop

I am Sujai Chandran, a student at Oxford Brookes University pursuing the second year in my RIBA II validated masters in architecture degree. I try to be a brutally honest designer, with an eye for detail. Experience is something i value more than anything else. Deisgn needs to connect with people, and that happens when human perspectives and emotions are taken into consideration. I truly believe that. The following portfolio contains a collection of my selected works from when in college and also contains competitions that I’ve worked on during that time. All these projects come from a place of inspiration from a lot of stuff. Be it human emotions, nature or well renowned architects and their projects.

An insight into how concrete can be used in construction , techniques involved and an understanding of the finishing in conrete

languages known

workshops Bamboo workshop An insight into the different modes of construction and the relative techniques involved in bamboo construction.

personal information January 3rd 1993 +44 7564670292

Laurie Baker workshop A learning of the ideals and processes that Laurie Baker followed. It also included hands on experience in brick and clay based construction.

Graphic design workshop An understanding of how graphics work and how to go about such designs

relevant experience








notions +91 8122980918


creative director at agamsei - an urban newsletter A monthly newsletter that focused on the urban issues in the city with its motive towards breaking down the issues down to the larger masses and also bring out up and coming events, designers, artists, NGOs.

creative director at SAP Chronicle - college magazine The yearly college magazine that discussed various architecture projects by students within the college and other inspirational projects and architects around the world.



ted talks


graphic design

amateur photography




softwareS known

Internship at Lateral architecture studio - 2013 / 2014 A years internship at a cutting edge design firm in Bangalore, India. During this period of time, I worked on various projects that involved different aspects and methods of design. That includes small residences, apartments, bars/pubs, offices, multi use buildings, sports complexes, stadiums, etc. I was involved with the development of the design at the office and also with the clients in person and the realisation of the concerned projects.


Microsoft Office




Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Premier pro


Autodesk Revit

Autodesk 3ds Max



Google Sketchup

Autodesk Autocad


Le Lamborghini Automobile showroom

21 - 24

Thesis - A design that tries to redefine how theme parks work in order to create a completely different experience from day to day life.

duality waterfront development

33 - 38

A very form oriented design that tries to capture the power and essence of the brand - Lamborghini.


A future oriented design where the focus was to try and activate the currently unused Buckingham canal and its surroundings in Chennai.




reinventing huangpu a self sustaining urban design

seed stadium U21 world cup stadium

A design that converts a major portion of Huangpu into a self sustaining system of farming, commercial and housing area.

Function, form and experience oriented design that links with the city, its history and everything important around it.

13 - 20


25 - 32


[what’s in here]


redefining theme parks e


Location area typology target user








chennai 50 - 60 acres recreational people seeking escape

The theme park revolves around creating a wholistic experience that brings out emotions related to fear and adrenaline. People are to be detached from their groups, ripped of curiosity, confused, etc. People are supposed to be unaware of their location within the entire area. The major idea here is to create a system by which not two people will have the same experience. That being said, the same person will not have the same experience when he / she comes back there. That is because the experiences are split by blocks into the entire site. And only a handful of spaces will be visited. And hence the pattern of movement changes from time to time and from person to person depending upon their intuitions and fears.



A node where one has to witness light at the end of the tunnel for which he has to go through obstruction like tiny spaces.

separation the entrance block The entrance from the parking is majorly a forest with a play in levels and with water streams , etc. This is to create a forest kind of feel . This also creates an ambience that is soothing and pleasant. This is totally contradictory to what happens on the inside of the theme park. The idea is to create a paradox that allows people to come in with a false idea of what happens inside. A surprise element. This is followed by the entrance block. This has all the admistra�ve areas along with the entrances to the tunnels. This is where everyone is separated and made to enter individual tunnels that take them to a personalised route underground by which they may end up at a random node above.

facing your fears Like a story or an experience, the design has three areas of concern. Beginning, middle and an end. The image is the beginning of the entrance into the theme park - crea�ng a meandering and a peaceful environment.

beginning 03



underground tunnel system The idea here is that the underground tunnels are made mandatory. That is because people are made to go through different paths based on what they fear. Each node is based on a certain type of fear / phobia. These nodes can be changed from �me to �me such that every�me a person comes here, he gets a different experience and ends up in random places on top.



The entries and exits

Decreasing the spacing between the grids




Forming a simple grid pattern based on the site boundaries

Creating pausepoints at regular intervals for ease of movement


the theme park - elsewhere


Creating nodes at particular intervals/ intersections wiithin grid network

The ďŹ nal network wit the nodes and the pause points.


merging the horizontal with the vertical Creating a maze like system through both axes to create infinite patterns of movement Essen�ally a maze is a horizontal element that is majorly seen to be worked out on a planning level. The idea here is to revamp the idea of a generic maze. This is done by adding another layer , ver�cality , to a maze. By doing so , there will major confusions regarding the loca�on within the context. The density of the context can be used to massive advantages. Above all, by bringing in ver�cality, we can make use of height based advantages for catering to different atmospheres / experiences.

mul�ple entries

mul�ple exits

brings down choice after a bad turn

dead ends

creating nodes that may act as landmarks or points of confusion


repetitions. bring back to the initial position.





the theme park - elsewhere

clarity in movement. place making

cal h verti t i w t c u



od final pr


nect tercon n i f o a e




li vertica


or basic h

it izontal




Another node in the middle region where a person has to jump from plank to plank to reach another area.





In the middle phase of the design, there are the labyrinth blocks which are all interconnected. The idea here is that nobody knows where they enter or which block they enter. Their movement inside is en�rely upto their intui�ons. They might want to con�nue the path �ll they feel insecure during which the concealed doors will open helping them out as an escape.


A node where one has to go through a space where walking is made a little uneasy through variations and close edges, etc.

activity, pause, refuge creating an active buffer system The idea here is to create pause points / buffer zones between different ac�vity zones. These pause points may be part of the passage / maze system or may be separate landmarks or other such elements. All these pause points are small scale and may prevail in large numbers depending upon the number of spaces. There will be a central refuge area that will be larger than other buffer zones and is essen�ally a place to revamp oneself or the boost one’s energy again


The points where activity zones may come up


interconnecting all the activity zones through passages

the theme park - elsewhere

Creating buffer zones cental to the empty spaces formed by zones

Connecting the activity zones to the nearest buffer zones for pause

Creating a central larger refuge area for revamp and rest, etc.


interconnections The four sectors of the labyrinth act as individual blocks but are interconnected by tunnels at various levels to keep the con�nuity of the spaces going.

Based on the larger idea as to create a culmina�on point at the centre, the labyrinth is divided onto four parts.

The en�re theme park is basically a large labyrinth. All passages etc. happen on the inside.

concealed exits Peoples movements are noted by cameras and in case of emergencies, the people will be guided to the enarest concealed exit which then opens up.

Based on where there are major ac�vity zones and which may require a�en�on to, concealed doors are placed.

Inside each labyrinth sector is a collec�on of spaces based on movement with buffer zones and ac�vity zones


A node where on has to witness light at the end of the tunnel for which he has to go through obstruction like tiny spaces.


the theme park - elsewhere

] 08



the theme park - elsewhere


the theme park - elsewhere



A node where on has to walk through a space which contains conrete protrusions that make you feel like a web.



The refuge node present at certain intervals where people can go to in order to rest or ge out.





The transfer areas that connect two or more blocks to one another. People do not know its existence from within.



A node where people have to walk through extrusions from the oor at various angles to make balance impossible.



self sustaining city h


Location area typology target user






huangpu, china 6 - 8 acres urban design everyone residing

Over the last two decades, China has lost over 123,000 square kilometers of farmland to urbanization. Of the arable land that remains, it is estimated that one-sixth of this land - roughly 200,000 square kilometers - suffers from soil pollution. Unlike Western examples of large-scale corporate farms typically located great distances from cities, smaller scale agriculture dominates Shanghai’s peri-urban landscape. Like other cities in China, however, rapid growth is threatening this long-established system, resulting in a significant loss of agricultural land within city limits. The idea here is to shift the paradigm. While one goal is to position Shanghai as a leader in urban food production, Sunqiao incorporates more than just the creation of vertical food factories. Providing a robust public realm that merges indoor and outdoor agricultural experiences, the project presents a new idea for urban life by celebrating food production as one of the most important functions of a city.


inter dependency CREATING A SELF SUFFICIENT CITY With increasing popula�on, there is an increase in greenhouse gases, food demand, need for irriga�on and deforesta�on. Hence there comes the need to change the tradi�onal agricultural prac�ce into a more self sufficient system. Here, water is got from stormwater harves�ng which when used by people is then used for farming - producing food for the community which func�ons as a cycle.

farmland protected as permanent farmland in Shanghai People

2025+ 123,000 sqm 2017

Food / water waste


200,000 sqm

Organic raw products Decompose / purify / reuse

farmland lost to urbanization land suffering from soil pollution


Aquatic products

Leafy greens / fruits


Leafy Green













SHANGHAI PRODUCTION RATIO It has been seen that over the years, with a shi�ing diet, more local produc�on of leafy green is important for Shanghai’s food web. People these days opt more for leafy greens instead of grains and other stuff. Meat, poultry and fish together go for a higher percentage but it is the greens that has been increasing over the past few decades.

WHAT THEY EAT The Shanghainese diet has been shi�ing in the past 20 years and more in such a way to involve more leafy greens and less grains. Poultry and meat has been decreasing slowly but gradually. This is all seen as a system to create a more healthier and sustainable life for the residents. 1990






self sustaining city - huangpu

polycentric urban design Creating a system increasing pedestrian activity throughout The buildings and the road have been evolved in a way to incorporate the major idea of bringing in more pedestrian ac�vity and also to bring in the concept of farming through. The road is 25m in width but has interconnec�ons for pedestrian movement at vital places along with bike lanes and a decent amount of parking spots. The pedestrian lanes are wider with landscape making them more interes�ng and ac�ve as frontage to buildings. The buildings are designed keeping in mind the connec�vity to other regions of the site, the need for industrial farming ver�cally, visual richness and the sun path as well. All these together, the idea is to come up with a self sufficient system of buildings.





b d a

Creating a polycentric plan where there is a core that is accessed by all parts - a, b, c & d

Starting off with a grid network to increase permeability and flow


Two major axis defined for movement of vehicles. Minimal. Mostly services.


Pedestrian routes connecting all sides to the roads making site easily accessible

Basic outline of spaces formed by splitting of routes, access, etc.


self sustaining city - huangpu


The final product with the three blocks, open space, pathways, etc.


the core

Above the pavilion, a serious of floors housing experimental and other farming to provide food for community

Industrial farming area is made to be narrow enough to have stepped overhead glazing

Step back + Rotate to evenly distribute farming area for daylight

CUT - To create a unique feature and to connect with the existing

FRAGMENTATION - To create private / public spaces and to open up the area to outside. Area used as farming.

Creating the residential floors above the public space below.

In accordance with the rotation of the floors below, the office/housing tower can have more views to the river and Shanghai city.

Rotated views across the neighborhood and a central cavity to bring in passive ventilation.


The intial stepped pavilion at the ground level connecting to the outside as a public space.

Initial massing of the residence block



self sustaining city - huangpu

CARVE - To offer a better sun exposure to the residential floors

Two scales for agricultural activity creating private greenhouses for personal use


The massing is then cut to provide access to the three roads by connecting the lot and create an axis

Markets developed along the axis routes that function as a public space and connective element

The blocks are pushed and pulled to create a pathway that will incorporate serial vision and break the monotony

The market is built up another floor to accomodate the rising population and the floor is cut to have views below

open space

Initial massing of the public space that is placed in the middle of the site

Initial site and extrusion for the public open space next to the residence block

Cutting pathways through the public space to connect the market, major roads and the residential block


A floor below is provided which will function as a transport hub making this an important node/landmark

self sustaining city - huangpu

The central portion of the public space is raised up to create an interesting element which can also be used as seating spaces


The market area works as a connecting element to the major roads and all sides of the site. This uses the producte genreated from the farms in the core building and the residence to sustain.

Core building housing major industrial farming areas and offices and houses on top that provide water to the farming below which in turn provide food for the farmers market in the first few floors.

The residence block works with the ground floor being the commercial area followed by the farming area which is accessible by the public by ramps making it continuous with the open space outside.

The public open space works as a local node which provides pathways connecting all the other blocks. Designed in a way to provide seating below and above green cover.

Residential Commercial Public/Farming area Water/Waste refining Offices



self sustaining city - huangpu

energy efficiency 01 Creating a polycentric urban design where walkability is reduced by placing major activities within a central core.


car parking bus stops

02 Facade worked in an angular manner where the top portion is solar panels and the bottom is double glazed glass.


bike parking

03 The core building has a central cavity with open vents in certain oors accenuating stack eect.

The axis road

the axis road

04 The buildings have their longer sides facing towards the sunpath to increase natural lighting.

connecting the two sides of the site


self sustaining city - huangpu



automobile showroom l a m b o r g h i n i Location area typology target user

chennai 1000 - 1600 sq. mts commercial upper middle class

Designing an automobile showroom can be of various ideations which may be purely based on the type of vehicles, the brand and what the brand represents. Here, the design is for a stellar and well known brand - Lamborghini. As already known, the brand is famous for its fast paced and srong, sleek cars. The brand is all about its fierceness and owning one from the same sets you apart. The design takes into consideration all of the above and tries to set the design and building apart by making it an identity to the area in which it is designed. Being a highly commercial and rich area, the site was asking for something that brings out the character of the place and hence the form played a very major role.



A node where one has to witness light at the end of the tunnel for which he has to go through obstruction like tiny spaces.

power and control

The corners are brought down to symbolise control and power at the front which is what the brand is about.

The slopes by which the cars move up and come down.

The two portions connected to bring about a continuity and then extruded to two levels.

The different floor plates of the structure based on the form of the overall building.

Accenuating the frontage with focus towards the sharper end of the road to create the fierce feel of horns.

Tensile strings holding the body symbolising the controlling of a raging bull.

A general extrusion of the boundary of the site with the neighbouring buildings in mind.


The fierceness of the brand is brought about through the sharp movement upfront.


automobile showroom - le lamborghini

reciprocating the fiercness of the brand The project was to design a showroom for an automible company of our choice. Here, the comapny chosen is Lamborghini. The design was wholly intended to create a major iden�ty for the world famous sports brand. The site was situated at the end of a busy street at the heart of Chennai. The idea here is to replicate the idea of the brand ito the design and make it a major landmark and create an iden�ty. The major aspects of the brand are boldness, solidity , con�nuity and fierceness to name a few. The symbol of the brand is a raging bull which obviously symbolises what they design. Here, we take the fierceness of the bull , the solidity required and everything else as the analogy for the design. We make maximum use of the corner site by crea�ng a broader frontage by using a simple geometric shape to begin with. This shape then transforms into a form which looks like it is raging forward but is being controlled at the back and also by having some tensile strings at edges. A cavity is brought about at the back to create a slope for cars to move up and down. And the body is transparent to enable maximum transparency to the moving public outside.


automobile showroom - le lamborghini



u-21 football stadium s e e d Location area typology target user

s t a d i u m chennai 40 acres sports facilities / recreational general public

This is a stadium design for the upcoming U21 football world cup in India. There is a dearth of well designed, large stadiums with the required facilities in India. Keeping in mind the above and taking into consideration the major cities and the history of the respective cities in mind, a certain design was to come about. The design was supposed to reciprocate the heritage, culture and importance of the city and its roots. So that formed the major concept for the design. To take a city’s roots. In Chennai, its known to be of a radial outgrowth. And in similar fashion, it had five arterial roads that developed over time which connected various places and functioned in particular ways. They also had their own special charaters. This stadium pays respect the the roots of the city of Chennai and its heritage.



U21 football stadium - seed stadium

the roots of the city five arterial roads and their characters

ennore port road rocky coastline

Major road along the rocky coastline

east coast road

smooth coastline

Major road along a considerably smoother coastline

Chennai originated as a group of fishing villages which started grouping together under the rule of the Bri�sh from Fort St. George which became the point of origin and the start of the radial growth of chennai outwards. Chennai remains the the single void in the center of the dense fabric of the city. An ideal stadium for the FIFA U - 17 World cup in the Indian context would be one that is seeks �melessness by addtessing an integrated sense of social need, sensi�vity to history and iden�ty and the ecology at large. Public spaces to address various social needs through spectrum of comprehensive programs and spaces rela�ve to the context to create an organically thriving and ac�ve place through the years. Glorifying the ecology of the context so as to envision a sustainable space and restore the design as a space to respect the history of context and yet to carve an iconic iden�ty within the realm of evolving infrastructure.

mount road

connecting nodes A road that connects various important nodes in the city

poonamallee high road transport route

ecology The road that is the major transport route and connects such nodes

wall tax road historic wall The road that runs parallel to a wall that is of historical importance


U21 football stadium - seed stadium

social need

history & identity


reach out and above reciprocating the history of chennai The site has a mul�tude of different programs changing either seasonally or regularly happening with temporary infrastructure coming up every �me they happen. The idea is to shape the distribu�on of the exis�ng programs in the site using the wings of the built form and use the wings to provide the suppor�ng infrastructure for the various prograns to happen as and when they do. The result is an amalgama�on of diverse programs forming a transient landscape of fluctua�ng use channelised in specific ac�vity zones. The aim of the design is to achieve the comfort level for the players from the rest of the world. The idea for the landscape and the concept for the built form in the form of wings all evolve with this func�onal need in mind. This naturescape, combined with the infrastructure will lead to an iconic solu�on crea�ng an iden�ty for the event and the city as a whole while also looking to solve some issues specific to the context at hand to actually make a difference.





Five wings like the arterial roads creating a Venturi effect between wings

The roof of the wings are made green and accessible to help the microclimate



Taking into consideration the five arterial roads of the city

The roof of the stadium is funnel like to allow hot air to flow above and out



Extrusion of the site to create a structure overlooking the water

Ring structures around stadium filled with vegetation to reduce heat levels



The site island ground

The end of the wings are brought down to create a sense of focus towards the centre

U21 football stadium - seed stadium








U21 football stadium - seed stadium


green roof


funnel / green roof

The funnel like roof which allows for passive cooling by allowing warm air to escape

fifth floor

structural system

The structural support for the funnel like roof where the lights for the stadium are attached

fourth floor

third floor

perforated walls

The perforated walls around the seating area and after vegetation rings to reduce ow of warm air

second floor

first floor

The stairs and the seating area for the stadium below which the space is used for other purposes



ground floor

The football ďŹ eld

stadium exploded 31

sixth floor


program layers 04

U21 football stadium - seed stadium


A node where on has to witness light at the end of the tunnel for which he has to go through obstruction like tiny spaces.



A node where on has to witness light at the end of the tunnel for which he has to go through obstruction like tiny spaces.




c a n a l w at e r f r o n t d


Location area typology target user






buckingham canal, chennai 50,000 - 75,000 sqm waterfront / urban design travelling workers / slum

The Buckingham canal is a very well known water body in the country. History has that, when the canal was navigable, it was used for transport of goods and also for people to commute from one place to another. Over the years, because of urbanisation and the upcoming of industries and also slums along the area, the canal deteriorated fast. Currently un-navigable, the aim of the project is to reactivate the canal. The one issue here is that the MRTS railway line runs right above the canal with its stations at particular intervals along the way. The basement of these stations are unused. The project aims to not only clean the canal and make it navigable, but to also convert the stations that are of single purpose into a dual one by converting the basements into docking areas for the canal. Hence, reviving the canal to its former glory.

WATERFRONT DEVELOPMENT converting the unused canal under the rail stretch The stretch between the Indira Nagar Metro and the Thiruvanmiyur Metro is approximately 700 mts. The Buckingham Canal runs in this stretch parallel to the MRTS railway lines. The Buckingham Canal is known for its use as a navigable canal in its early days and now for its immense pollu�on percentage. The OMR stretch is a transit highway, and hence the canal is more of just a visual element rather than anything else. The slums on the side of the canal are the major depositers of waste along with industrial waste. The idea here is to make the canal navigable again and to ac�vate the dead basement of all the mrts sta�ons along the canal. The basement of these sta�ons are transformed into docks for boats using the canal. The canal is ac�vated by widening it a bit and then making the banks a market and leisure space amongst other things. This makes it visually great as well as serves the major popula�on of the people coming across. On the side of the slum, there are playgrounds, and other such spaces. The slums are then transformed into container housing which is versa�le to later developments as well. On the whole, the canal which is just a transit element is now converted to a des�na�on as well and the mrts sta�ons now cater to two types of transport modes.



Transformation of the dead spaces around the canal into active destinations.



waterfront development - duality





There is a basic dierence in density between the two sides of the canal. One side is denser than the other.

The user groups on either side are majorly institutional on the left and residential on the right. The usage and activities vary accordingly.

The relationship between the two sides is got in terms of the continuation of the pedestrian network on either side. Along with bridges over the canal at the same places.

The pedestrian network is done in such a way that the canal and the adjacent development is framed. The people coming through should be able to view the canal as a destination.




The side towards the OMR is designed with a slope and few shops such that the view is uninterrupted for the passers towards the canal and development.

The slums are relocated to the area near the MRTS along with proper housing. They are basically not moved from their original location.

06 The space at the junctions where the pedestrian paths come with the canal road, are made more active with a change in programmes or are made commercial.

The basement of the MRTS is made a dual transit node by having docks there. At these junctions the canal is extended on the sides to allow movement.


waterfront development - duality

05 There are pockets split between the pathways. These pockets enclose dierent programmes based on the usage and activities of the people on their respective sides.


The basement of the MRTS which is dead is activated by converting it into a dock for boats that access the canal.

The sloped area next to the shoppers lane is for people who want to have some time o and just sit while facing the canal. Space for landscape.

The area adjacent to the main road is converted into parking spaces and parks depending upon the edge conditions.

The layer next to the park area is a lane that is used for walking and cycling. This is over the market and has a great view of the canal.

The next layer is the walking lane which is right next to the canal. This is where the people get dropped o for the market and to get on the other side.

The shops that make up the market are below the walking lanes and is facing the canal to facilitate a more canal friendly market which is one of a kind.

There are bridges connecting either side of the canal. These bridges are a continuation of streets from either ends to create a sense of connectivity.




waterfront development - duality

The lane next to the shops is the area for spillover and for more proper shopping for people who come to this marketplace.

The slums on one side of the canal are moved to one end of the area. The slum housing is then converted to a container settlement which allows for further increase in number of residents and is hence versatile.

The train lane that runs right above the canal. This has made the canal less navigable over the years because of blockage. This problem is made into a positive.

The MRTS station that is present at atleast 10 -12 areas along the entire stretch. These train stations are now converted into both a train station and a docking area for the boats.

This is the area which s majorly walking , cycling and other related stu. Its mostly angular to facilitate better view towards the water body.

The shops for the waterfront market will be situated at this area. This is done so that people can get down at the docks and walk on the ramp and enjoy the market.

The docks are placed at regular intervals along the entire stretch of the canal. Major docking area is in the basement of the MRTS but these are for the market.


waterfront development - duality

These are the areas near the slum housing region. This is split into various programmes based on the context. For examply, here at Indira nagar, it is used as play areas for the kids.

The existing slum housing is then converted into a system of container housing. This system is done in such a way that over time, as the number of dwellers increase, newer and newer containers can come up to facilitate growth.

38 07564670292 +91 8122980918


sujai chandran 2





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