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Celebrating Lowlands_Cascadia Chronicles
Cascadia Chronicles_Celebrating Lowlands
Academic Project
August - December, 2021, First Semester
Team: Aishwarya P, Elizabeth G, Sukriti G, Whitney C
Location: North Western Industrial District, Portland
Urban Design + Landscape Architecture
Role: Urban Design and Mapping, Strategic Interventions, Research and Mobility solutions
Once a fertile Riparian Marshland managed by indigenious tribes for agriculture, the Northwest Area of Portland is one of the few industrial zones left inside the city’s urban growth boundary. Referred to as an Industrial Sanctuary, it is located next to the major railyard and ports off of the Willamette River.
While Industry accounts to a major portion of the city’s economy, with the changing technology, the district has undergone major dedensification. However, Portland is currently facing a housing crisis and the future of industry is beginning to shift. Our project aims to create a new typology for the industrial sanctuary as a response to these two major issues.
In an effort to design for climate change and rising sea levels, our project reintroduces woven wetlands throughout the region, which connect the network of public spaces that respond to the challenges of affordability and livability. Through this organization, we aim to create a new sustainable urbanism that supports Portland’s need for housing and shifting industry while reviving the local ecology.
Guild’s Lake becomes a part of Portland’s urban fabric
Lewis and Clark Exposition hosts the World Fair at Guild’s Lake.
Infill of Guild’s Lake begins with dredged material from the Willamette and hills
Industrial Sanctuary takes over the newly filled land with the switching railyards
1950s Industrial Sanctuary takes over the newly filled land with the switching railyards
Industrial jobs grew by 37% in the region between 1980 and 2000
The Sanctuar y is one of the only few industrial areas within the cit y’s urban growth boundar y
The Sanctuary is one of the only few industrial areas within the city’s urban growth boundary.
Agricultural Processing
Wood and Lumber based Industries
Manufacturing and Wholesale Industries as the Main Contributors to the Ecomony
world war i
Rise of the Steel Industr y, Metals, Machiner y and Transpor tation Equipment
world war ii
Shipbuilding, Reviving the Lumber Industr y
late 20tH CENTURY
Electronics and Soft ware Industr y taking over
21st century
Rise of Retail and IT Industr y as the main generators of employment
ered by the forest hills on one side and one of high income, low densit y single y homes, the Industrial Sanctuar y faces harsh edges to the cit y which have limited ppor tunities of its expansion over time
ever, the district lies in close proximit y to al and economic hubs like the Pearl ct, Slab Town and Downtown and the an Island from across the Willamet te.
Building on the challenges of ethically reviving the district, we have derived our core values for the vision plan based on the principles of commemorating and renewing the past of the Sanctuar y to make it future proof, while still bringing back the vivid culture of ar t and innovation in the district to generate more economic opportunities for the local business and catering to the micro economy of the neighborhood
Hence, the main concept behind our design is to consolidate the scattered businesses and industries throughout the site and bring the zone of local businesses along the central spine Layering this zone with light and creative industries while providing hybrid t ypologies for live/work units helps cater to the challenges of social housing throughout the cit y and discuss the concepts of affordabilit y and safet y through our inter ventions while softening its edge with the city dictated by the layer of ecology
Local Businesses and Cultural Hotspots Light Industr y and Retail Industr y Warehouses and Creative Industries
Schematic Figure Ground
Proposed Density
Adaptively Reused Blocks
Corridor Extensions
Tactical Zoning
Public Spaces
Service Zones/ Private Spaces
Semi Public Spaces
Mobility Networks
Peripheral Road
Shared Street
Pedestrian Network
Bus Stops
Timed Street
Stormwater Park
Forest Park
The main aim behind reconsolidating the scattered local businesses and creative industries is to bring them together to form a central spine of activity along a shared street which also makes a platform for building the local economy of the area and brings together a multitude of users throughout the day meandering through the woven public space.