2015 SULADS Annual Report
WHO WE ARE The SULADS, acronym for Socio-economic Uplift, Literacy, Anthropological, and Developmental Services, is a community-based non-government, non-profit organization involved in various development projects for the unreached people in the Philippines who have no access to basic education and healthcare.
SULADS Headquarters, Mountain View College Mt. Nebo, Valencia City, Bukidnon, Philippines info@suladsasia.org
OUR MOTTO “Reaching the Unreached�
OUR MISSION To reach, train, and serve unreached communities through the avenues of the H.E.A.L. Program: Health, Education, Agriculture, and Livelihood.
OUR VISION Empowering and equipping unreached communities to reach their own people and become effective agents of change in this world and the world to come.
CONTENTS 2 Motto, Mission, Vision ------------------------------------------------ 3 President’s Report ----------------------------------------------------- 5 2015 in a Glance ------------------------------------------------------- 6 Field Report ----------------------------------------------------------12 Who We Are -------------------------------------------------------------
Literacy Centers -----------------------------------------------Evangelism -----------------------------------------------------AMR --------------------------------------------------------------Deaf ---------------------------------------------------------------
14 24 26 28
Department Report -------------------------------------------------
Finance ----------------------------------------------------------- Agriculture ------------------------------------------------ Beekeeping ----------------------------------------------- Physical Development --------------------------------- SULADS CARE -------------------------------------------- Media ------------------------------------------------------ Support ---------------------------------------------------------------Ang Buhay ng SULADS --------------------------------------------
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39 40
President’s Report SULADS MINISTRY IN ITS REALITY It was Mr. Romeo Canales [Student Officer of MVC] who recruited me to go to Balaas Mission School to serve as Student Missionary way back in 1975. At first, I was hesitant to go since I don’t have any training, but I trusted God as He has promised, “and lo I am with you always”. I packed my bag with my small accordion; I went to the mountain to help educate the natives. Away from home and friends, I served the mission school for 1 year with a stipend of only three hundred pesos per month, one hundred fifty reserved for schooling after the term. Few months later, Rey Trasporte joined me in the Mission School. Culture Shock: My first week in the village, I felt helpless as well as confused as to what to do to address the needs of the dwellers. The village chief was carrying sick children, and some were seriously ill pleading for my help. They prayed for their goddess [Busao] in the mountain, but to no avail. It was then, we experienced God’s miracle in healing which I’ve never forgetten. There were 69 pupils [some were married, singles, and children] who we started to teach on basic education, values, the scriptures, gardening, hygiene, counseling, decision makings, and etc. They [villagers] regularly attended the morning and evening worship, midweek meeting, vespers, and Sabbath services. Teaching the love of God and etc. were the subject of our presentation. After a few months, many decided to join the Adventist faith through baptism. A jungle chapel was constructed for the Lumad believers. The Balaas Mission School lasted only for about 5 years due to lack of funds. They were left as orphans with no more missionary for many years. But thirty-eight years [Sept. 17, 2015] after, I happened to attend the government capability Lumad chieftains training in San Fernanando. To my surprised, I met many of my pupils in the Mission School who now with their families with a much improved life. What impressed me so much was that most of them remained in the fellowship of the church. This district in San Fernando of North Central Mindanao Conference nurtured the Lumads, and now most of them are church leaders and community leaders. The Lord of harvest has greatly given the SULADS in the past as well as now in the blessings in 2015. • In January 2015 a thousand souls won in the evangelistic efforts between SULADS and G.O. • In April 2015 the rehabilitation and inauguration of the MVC Airstrip through the initiation of Dr. Alejandro and Neil Panes. • In June 2015 the SULADS Devotional Book’s editing was completed • In October 2015 a donation of a CORNMILL for Sto. Domingo was given. • In November 2015 SULADS Starex Van was purchased through the benevolent efforts of Dr. Alejandro Panes. • In December 2015 the falcata income generating projects was started The SULADS give glory to the Almighty God, the Great Guide, and Provider for these wonderful blessings.
1975 Posing with the Monkey
Reunion with Former Pupils
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2015 in a glance
January 12 SCHSL Students Accepts the Savior 12 precious souls of young people had given their hearts fully and back to the Lord on January 17, 2015 as the fruits of their week of prayer done by Winner Silvestre, a music teacher from CPAC. The students were convinced to renew their vows with the Lord after listening to the messages of inspiration. During the first call for baptism on Friday night, only three students had decided. The next day, before the picture taking of the baptismal candidates, some more number of students flocked in and added the number; thus completes the 12 precious souls of young people.
February PAMAS Offers Aviation Services to SULADS To aid SULADS in medical outreach to remote areas and in sending the missionaries to the mountains and islands, Philippine Adventist Medical Aviation Services (PAMAS) offered one airplane and a helicopter. Last February 3, SULADS staff helped in the reinstatement of the airstrip in MVC to welcome these two aviation help.
Cotabato Cluster Kickoffs 1st Ever Jamboree On February 8-15, 2015 the First Cotabato Cluster Jamboree was held at Sitio Slong, Ned, Lake Sebu, South Cotabato. The Jamboree was only participated by four Mission Schools, yet we can see how happy, excited, and participative our children were in presenting their talents and learned skills. All the memories of the first ever Cotabato Cluster Jamboree has left the people with God’s very wonderful message of love and grace.
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SULADS Comprehensive High School Holds 9th Commencement Exercises SULADS Comprehensive High School holds 9th Commencement Exercises on March 20-22, 2015, 21 students from different tribes of Mindanao had successfully completed their secondary education. The class named themselves as “Tekton” meaning BUILDERS established in their motto, “The tools for creating a master-piece of life are here. You are the Builders. Success will depend on your faith.” And with the theme “Walk forward, never look backward”.
April & May
SULADS Training 2015 We started training for the new batch of SULADS applicants on April 16, 2015 in MVC, SULADS Campus. The 51 trainees came from all walks of life including married couples, families, young adults, and returnees in wanting to learn how to serve others by learning from ALS (Alternative Learning System), Regional Agriculture Specialists, and local speakers on spiritual growth, health, and cultural understanding. It came to an end with a wonderful Dedication Weekend on May 29 & 30 to consecrate them into the service for God before sending them off to their prospective fields. We praise God for the willing hearts and helping hands that are to serve for one year.
June New President for SULADS June 2015 was the transition of Dr. Alejandro Panes retiring and the new president of SULADS, Dr. Benonie P. Llanto. We are thankful for the kind self-less service Dr. Panes has done in SULADS and look forward to see what God has instored in giving us a new leader in “reaching the unreached�.
MVC Airstip Re-opens June 1, 2015, SULADS with Mountain View College in cooperation with PAMAS (Philippine Adventist Medical Aviation Services) and the Local Government of Valencia celebrate the ribbon cutting and dedication ceremony of Mountain View College AIRSTRIP. SULADS Annual Report | 9
July Celebrate Nutrition Month SULADS volunteers headed the success of July’s Nutrition Month Celebration in the SULADS Literacy Centers in all different locations. A day’s finale program had given them a better view of NEWSTART and the importance of healthy lifestyle.
August SMM accomodates Cluster 3 Reporting Twelve SULADS volunteers from six different territories of South Cotabato and Davao Cluster and four Main Office Staff met on July 30 - August 1, 2015, in Southern Mindanao Mission (SMM) Guest House to hold the first reporting of Cluster 3. A very generous church member gave the whole group boxes of supplies that would truly sustain them in the mountains. The SULADS volunteers went home with gladness and deep gratefulness of God’s ways for making provitions for them. This was made possible by the kind accommodation of the SMM administrators headed by Pastor Sagabay, the SMM SULADS Coordinator.
September Evaluation of Lanao, Zamboanga, Davao, & South Cotabato Lowel Limbagan and Bethel Jane Ranarez went to Lanao and Zamboanga to evaluate the schools there. They were glad to see the progress of the work done by the Sulads in working with their students in the first week of September of 2015. Then, Lowel Limbagan and Liz Ang went to the reporting of Cluster 3 for the weekend and started to travel to Davao del Sur to visit Abnate, the new pioneer work of SULADS and the 5 Literacy Centers in South Cotabato. They were pleased to witness the progress in the buildings, learning of the children, and the agricultural influence the Sulads had done in their village. 10 | SULADS Annual Report
Evaluation Continues in NEMM The evaluation team which consist of Lowel Limbagan, Bethel Jane Ranarez, and one of the NEMM Supervisors covered the 2 High Schools and 9 Literacy Centers in Agusan and Surigao in a 1 month period. They were filled with joy to hear the children sing praises to God and were fueled with energy to walk the many hours in the mountains and go by canoe through river to witness the great improvement in the community where the Sulads had influenced the villages.
Evaluation of Tawi Tawi & Ilo-Ilo Traveling by land on the bus and motorcycle, crossing the sea by boat, going through river, and hiking up the mountain was what Lowel Limbagan and Liz Ang experienced to reach the 1 High School and 6 Literacy Centers in Tawi-Tawi and to see the new pioneering work in Ilo-Ilo among the Panay Bukidnon Tribe with the AĂąosa couple. Although the visit to the schools were short and the travel hours were long, the evaluators were pleased with the expansion SULADS is doing.
SULADS Strategic Planning
On December 10-13, 2015, Dr. Llanto and the main SULADS staff went to Gingoog to plan for next year and the next years to come on. Each department caught the vision to work a little bit harder to let SULADS be able to stand on it’s own. We thank God for giving us a short break away from our regular work to refresh by the sea and to feel inspired in this special ministry God has given us.
Farewell to the Famisarans The Famisaran couple has been with SULADS since it was reinstated in 1994. They plan to expand their missionary influence in Mindoro and start a Deaf and Blind school there. 20 of us went to the Deaf School in Malaybalay to bid farewell on December 14, 2015. We are thankful for the group of volunteers who continue to reach the deaf students. We pray that we all will continue burning with the missionary passion to help those in need. SULADS Annual Report | 11
operations report
literacy centers
Supervisor’s Message The year 2015 for me was a fruitful year for the SULADS. In spite of different struggles and difficulties God sustains the ministry with so much blessing and miracles. Aside from what is being transformed within the organization the ministry was able to extend its territories reaching farther and wider. Beginning from the month of January we have visited a lot of churches to help the ministry continue its mission through their prayers, financial and material supports. These churches that we have connected helps our missionaries to have more confidence to go on doing the ministry even the impossibilities. Before the year started the missionaries planned the activities of the year. The first activity that is to be done was the First Cotabato Cluster Jamboree. It seems it was impossible to hold the jamboree in the cluster because it needs a lot of preparation specially the food, uniforms, and above all the sound system, and a solar panel. Yet it was agreed to pursue the plan since it was the first jamboree to happen in the cluster and this was believed to give good impression to the people in the cluster. We arranged our reporting in a small yet united church in General Santos City, the Dream Land SDA Church. As we handle the whole Sabbath program we saw the eagerness of the brethren to support the ministry. Upon presenting our needs of the coming Jamboree we cannot believe that almost all we needed was provided including the solar panel. The church also gave gifts to the kids as their prizes. So the First Cluster Jamboree was held on February 28 to March 4, 2015 and it was a very successful one. How happy the parents were looking at their children presenting their talent and skills. For them it was a first festival ever that happened in their lives. With that activity, two villages were asked to have missionaries and one of these was opened last June 2015. A big event happened in the month of June. After the training, the missionaries experience the most exciting time in their lives through the services of the Philippine Adventist Medical Aviation Services (PAMAS) by sending the missionaries through the helicopter. It was imposible to happen but it did. In the month of June, we were able to open a new territory in Davao del Sur extending our services to the B’laan Tribe in Abnate, Kiblawan, Davao del Sur with hope to extend more areas in that cluster. In the same month, a new mission school opened in Balugo Kalagangan, San Fernando, Bukidnon. Another mission school was reopened in La Paz, Panay, Negros Oriental. On August we entered a new area in Ozmenia Zamboanga del Norte serving the Subanen Tribe. In Agusan Cluster a new area was also open last September to put up a Secondary School in Mactan, Loreto, Agusan Del Sur serving Manobo Agusan in that area. From the month of September to November the Evaluation of all Literacy Centers was conducted where the evaluators witness the amazing deeds of our missionaries. Each Mission School has its unique accomplishments though many were also gone through different struggles and difficulties. Comparing the situation of all the Literacy Centers from the pioneers till the year 2015, we can see a lot of improvement. Aside from the changes in the lives of the people, their way of living, the transformation of each village, and the students’ personal hygiene, but above all their spiritual condition. As of now, almost all the mission schools has a churchnbuilt. How we hope and pray that we can usher more precious souls for God’s kingdom. The sacrifices of each SULADS volunteer has no other object but all for the Gospel sake. Coverage for the SULADS schools in the Philippines: 11 Provinces 19 Municipalities 88 Volunteers 30 Literacy Centers 5 High Schools 1 School for the Deaf
LOWEL I. LIMBAGAN Literacy Centers Supervisor
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Literacy Centers-Cotabato BOHONG
Missionaries: 1. Rogelio Ebaga 2. Gideon Mangin
Missionaries: 1. Diodulo Luad 2. Nemsie Luad
No. of Students: 48 Tribe: T’boli
No. of Students: 21 Tribe: B’laan
Missionaries: 1. David Payaron/ Gabriel Mendoza 2. Marichelle Payaron/ Edilberto Sanchez No. of Students: 62 Tribe: T’boli
Missionaries: 1. Udelen Clohonon 2. Jocelyn Clohonon
Missionaries: 1. Redith Jane Gumobao 2. Mailyn Calago
No. of Students: 26 Tribe: Manobo Tasaday
No. of Students: 49 Tribe: T’boli
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Literacy Centers-Bukidnon & Davao
BALOGO Missionaries: 1. Dyan Awe 2. Genevieve Cayao 3. Annabely Pedaleña No. of Students: 63 Tribe: Manobo
ABNATE Missionaries: 1. Jiffrey Silmaro 2. Fema Silmaro No. of Students: 60 Tribe: B’laan
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Literacy Centers-Agusan
Missionaries: 1. Leny Namanding 2. JR Namanding
Missionaries: 1. Alfe C. Namulanta 2. Rex A. Bahayan
Missionaries: 1. Irish Jane Iligan 2. Elvie Subigca
No. of Students: 45 Tribe: Higaonon
No. of Students: 30 Adult: 20 Tribe: Higaonon
No. of Students: 86 Tribe: Manobo
Missionaries: 1. Jeffrey Quillano 2. Gequib Sumobol
Missionaries: 1. Chris Vilar 2. Gedzon Rell Ondoy
Missionaries: 1. Christian Cerna 2. Jestonie Cenerelios
Tribe: Manobo
No. of Students: 18 Tribe: Manobo
No. of Students: 41 Tribe: Higaonon
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Literacy Centers-Surigao
Missionaries: 1. Noel Malig-on 2. Elsa Malig-on 3. Esther Mangin
Missionaries: 1. Johny Maca 2. Reniel Pollos
Missionaries: 1. Miraflor Malandi-ay 2. Aljean Domingo
No. of Students: 42 Tribe: Manobo
Tribe: Manobo
No. of Students: 80 Adult: 75 Tribe: Manobo
PUROK 5 / Israel Missionaries: 1. Jemima Baguio 2. Julieta Sanchez No. of Students: 100 Adult: 75 Tribe: Manobo The NEMM Supervisors with Daryl Famisaran (L-R): Joesie Durango (NEMM-Agusan), Crisofel Abayan (NEMM-Agusan), Russ Dawis (NEMM - SULADS Coordinator), James Subigca (NEMMSurigao), Aljon Domingo (NEMM-Agusan)
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Literacy Centers-Tawi-Tawi Laa
Para-teachers: 1. Gene Mae R. Amante 2. Genevieve Dayola 3. Maricel Lopez 4. Ellen Senagonia 5. Rene Omfon 6. Dinny Marcelino Mercedes 7. Samuel Mercedes 8. Annabely PedaleĂąa/ Jammer Almonte 9. Esther Ruth Sabal/ Barbette Almonte
Para-teachers: 1. Rowena Sandot 2. Marveluz Blessie Ensencio
Para-teachers: 1. Jelmar Orapa/ Gary Payaron 2. Mark Sayahan
No. of Students: 40 Tribe: Sama
No. of Students: 60 Tribe: Tausug
No. of Students: Elementary - 108 High School - 45 Tribe: Tausug
Belatan Tainga Punduhan Lamion Para-teachers: 1. Jesrel Tilos 2. Jemary Velasco No. of Students: 35 Tribe: Badjao
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Para-teachers: 1. Ronnie Dela Cruz 2. Kim Haganoy No. of Students: 64 Tribe: Tausug
Para-teachers: 1. Rita Alfaro 2. Lornie Jane Martinez 3. Gabriel Mendoza/ Max Dela Fuente No. of Students: Elementary - 54 High School - 14 Tribe: Tausug
Literacy Centers-Lanao & Zam Nebo / Small Vietnam Region Para-teachers: 1. Joseph Almocera 2. Rogelio OpeĂąa Jr. No. of Students: 65 Tribe: Subanen
Tamparan Para-teachers: 1. Richie Dio 2. Carmilito Ocdao No. of Students: 65 Tribe: Maranao
Para-teachers: 1. Olympio Rodila 2. Jeffrey Mansiwagan
Para-teachers: 1. Richie Dio 2. Carmilito Ocdao
No. of Students: 68 Tribe: Maranao
No. Adult: 15 Tribe: Maranao
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High Schools SULADS Comprehensive High School for the Lumads (SCHSL) Missionaries: 1. Novo Sabas 2. Selpha Sabas 3. Roldan Lantoria 4. Janeth Lantoria 5. Michard Eboy 6. Mariann Eboy 7. Esao Dayon 8. Emanuel E-or 9. Christy Marie Jell Labador 10. Saceo Sabas No. of Students: 86 Tribes: Manobo, T’boli, B’laan, Higaonon
Esperanza SULADS Academy for Lumad Tribe (E-SALT) Missionaries: 1. Jennifer Ayad 2. Sheen Chin Alo 3. Esperato Davao 4. Conrado Bucalas 5. Barjun Ondog No. of Students: 41 Tribe: Higaonon (Agusan)
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San Miguel SULADS Academy for Lumad Tribe (SM-SALT) Missionaries: 1. Jenelyn Saludar 2. Maridel Iligan 3. Gerald Makinano 4. Diane Subigca
No. of Students: 46 Adult: 15 Tribe: Manobo (Surigao)
Literacy Centers-Luzon & Visayas
Missionaries: 1. Jiemar Gilbueno Tribe: Mangyan Address: Bayabas Village, Occidental Mindoro
Missionaries: 1. Ronilo Acabo 2. Armalyn Acabo Tribe: Agutaynan & Cuyonon Address: Mandit Island, Algeciras, Agutaya, Palawan
Missionaries: 1. Daniel Añosa 2. Jerelyn Mae Añosa Tribe: Panay Bukidnon Address: Tanganghin, Tapaz, Capiz, Ilo-Ilo
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Evangelist’s Message 2015 has wrought enormous success to SULADS ministry. We in the Evangelism Department conducted 6 major evangelistic meetings to 6 various places in Mindanao. In the month of March, the Cluster 3 also conducted an evangelistic meeting together with the Gospel Outreach Workers in Kibang, Ned, Lake Sebu, South Cobatabato. Sulad Dr. Alejandro Panes and Sulad Ptr. Sagabay was the speaker. The evangelistic meeting harvested more than 100 souls. During that month, we were also able to attend the closing program to all mission schools in that cluster where we witness how happy the children receiving their honors and awards. In collaboration with our volunteers and suppporters, SULADS was able to usher total of 1,727 souls who accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior through baptism. To God be the glory.
VICTOR L. PARADERO JR. SULADS Evangelist / Philanthropist
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adventistmuslim relations
Director’s Message BRIEF REPORT & HIGHLIGHTS of 2015: 1. Speaker in a Week of Prayer for Denomination Workers of Negros Siquijor Mission based in Dumaguete City. 2. Speaker in an Evangelistic series held in General Santos City resulting in 16 baptisms 3. Speaker in an Evangelistic series held in Barotac Viejo, Iloilo resulting in 35 baptisms 4. Speaker in an Evangelistic series held in Mabinay, Negros Oriental resulting on 15 baptisms 5. Co-speaker in an Evangelistic series (Bible/Quran Studies) together with Wahab Gumanding resulting in 12 baptisms of Muslims 6. Speaker in an Evangelistic series held in Himalalud, Negros Oriental resulting in 28 baptisms 7. Speaker in Family series held in: Pangyasan, Negros Occidental, and Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental 8. Held training for Batch 14 of Missionaries of the Layman’s Institute for Gospel Health Training (LIGHT) in Nueva Era, Ilocos Norte 9. Held AMR series in various places: Siquijor Island, Dumaguete City, General Santos City, Kapatagan Lanao Norte, Iloilo City, Ozamis City, Ilocos Norte, Nueva Vizcaya, Palawan, Batangas City, Gen. Santos City, Davao City, Zamboanga City, to name a few. 10. Held countless short-term AMR seminars/lectures in various Churches in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao 11. Held a Week of Prayer for Muslim Students of Mapun de Sulu 12. Met many top rank Muslim leaders of the rebel group where discussions centered on further relationship-building programs for SDA’s and Muslims to enhance better understanding and peace leading to studies that will encourage faith and practice.
AMR Director
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school for the
Director’s Message
Our campus has become a refuge to 22 Deaf children in San Jose, Malaybalay, Bukidnon. We never saw this picture when my wife and I were planning to put up this big project for the Deaf. But God had planned it this way we believe to minister to the needs of the Deaf children whose souls are as precious as ours whom Jesus died for on the cross for the kingdom of heaven. A HOME Like in any other home we treat these Deaf students as our own children. We cry with them as we listen when they pour their hearts out to us of their bitter experiences when they can’t be understood by their parents and family. We laugh with them of funny experiences as we work and play together. We travel together, sing and pray together, and become an inspiration to the hearing brothers and sisters in churches we on Sabbath. In our morning and evening worship, they bring their Bibles and read with their hands. A SCHOOL We made it a point that breakfast is not hurriedly done as this is important for the day’s school activities. They look neat and smart in their school uniforms. They are all in a hurry for the first subject for the day which they love - the Bible stories. For now, the physical activities we can have for them is to work in the garden which is also beneficial in raising food for our kitchen. We also have a little Physical Education with ball games. As we connect with the outside organization and schools for the Deaf, we received invitation to participate in comunity and city parades and celebrations to sing in signs and other activities our students can perform. Methelyn T. Carolino is the new Director of the School and SULADS Ministry to the Deaf. She is replacing us as we are called to Mindoro by God to pioneer another work for the Deaf and Blind. She is our only licensed teacher for the field in Special Education and in Sign Language.
DARYL F. FAMISARAN Special Education Director
Louie Golez finished in social work. The government requires every institution dealing with the work for special people with special needs to have one licensed Social Worker. As he is also a special one with a disability because of the failed vision of his left eye, he too felt the big need with a big heart to help with the deaf ministry in whatever way he can. Paul Marc Caberte graduated in Education from Mountain View College. He came to SULADS school for the Deaf to volunteer. He learned sign language quickly. Whenever he runs out of signs in words, he runs to his Sign Language book for help. In three months time, he is already interpreting. He is accepting the need and call to help Methelyn and Khalil to teach the Deaf. We have just received word that Paul Marc passed in the recent Licensors Exams for Teachers. Khalil Haj was born deaf of an Arab from Oman. His mother is a Filipina nurse, a former professor of the Mountain View College (MVC) School of Nursing. Khalil graduated in Information Technology from a University in Negros. As a Deaf, he is our best teacher for the deaf students. He connects with local and international Deaf organizations thru internet where he can connect our school to be recognized in the circle of Deaf programs.
(L-R) Joy Achibida, Methelyn Carolino, Louie Golez, Paul Marc Caberte
Khalil Haj
Deaf School Building SULADS Annual Report | 29
Treasurer’s Message This year, SULADS has truly been blessed with great financial help from our very supportive brothers and sisters in faith, missions, and conferences. These very benevolent actions of generosity are the very reason why SULADS continues to exist today. Apart from our donations the good Lord has also blessed us with different kinds of produce from our farms like adlai, rice, corn, sugarcane, rubber, and honey to further support our working force. To date, we have 88 volunteers, and 27 staff that need financial support. This year also we have mission school/s in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao with 30 literacy centers in total. We also started this year our long term Falcata project in Agusan, and we plan for more projects the coming year. It will be realized with your help. SULADS is truly a growing work and the need of our services to the unreached is continually knocking at our door. May you continue to partner with us hand in hand for this mission to the unreached. Thank you so much for being a part of the SULADS ministry’s success this year 2015. Thank you for your generous heart. May our Heavenly Provider bless you more so the work will grow for His glory! CHERRYL C. CORDOVA Treasurer
REBECCA SUGDAN Custodian / Janitor
ARCHITECT JERRY BELMONTE Fund Development Officer/ Facilities Development
BOBBY ENABONG Supervisor - Bukidnon Cluster/ Health Community Services
EDGAR SUGDAN Driver / Mechanic
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Financial Report 2015 FINANCIAL STATEMENT Statement of Financial Position As of December 31, 2015 and December 31, 2014 December 2015 Assets: Cash and Cash Equivalents Other Assets Loan Receivable (Mortgage) Property Plant & Equipment Total Assets
December 2014
PHP 1,099,262.14 515,689.91 350,000.00 5,202,466.42 7,167,418.47
PHP 1,994,385.68 977,060.52 200,000.00 4,066,568.10 7,238,014.30
Liabilities: Accounts Payable Due to Affiliate Total Liabilities
273,718.87 3,258,458.46 3,532,177.33
3,582,040.21 1,272,096.30 4,854,136.51
Fund Balance: Unallocated Fund Allocated fund Total Fund Balance
1,580,878.84 2,054,362.30 3,635,241.14
1,558,025.14 825,825,65 2,383,877.79
TOTAL Liabilities & Fund Balance
Statement of Financial Performance
For the years ended December 31, 2015 and December 31, 2014 December 2015 Support and Revenue: Contributions Industries Interest Total Revenue
December 2014
PHP 6,165,233.11 432,868.05 4,371.55 6.602,472.71
PHP 3,596,421.07 666,521.00 4,266.12 4,267,208.19
Expenses: Programs General and Administrative Industries Total Expense
1,823,853.49 4,386,686.75 567,441.83 6,777,982.07
1,885,003.76 1,341,897.48 1,113,817.01 4,340,718.25
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Agriculture PROGRESS REPORT Mt. Nebo Farm 3 Hectares of Rubber We have harvested latex rubber in some of the rubber trees. 1 Hectare Adlai - 2 months old. Lilingayon Farm 1 Hectare of Sugar Cane – harvestable
Adlai Farm - MVC 2 Hectares of Adlai – 2 months old. Rice Field - Maramag 1.5 Hectares - 1.5 months old. Corn Field - SULADS High School 2 Hectares - to sustain the food of the Lumad students in SCHSL
Bountiful adlai harvest
Sifting adlai grains
Corn plantation for SCHSL
SULADS Adlai & Honey
NEEDS AND APPROX. COSTING Corn Mill for SULADS High School -----------------------------Php 350,000.00 Tresher --------------------------------------------------------------------- 100,000.00 Sheller ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 100,000.00 Turtle ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 90,000.00 1 Motorcycle for supervisor ---------------------------------------------- 75,000.00 TOTAL ----------------------------------------------------------------Php 715,000.00
FUTURE PLANS It is our aim to help in the sustenance of the organization through expansion of agricultural ventures. Thus, we are reaching the following goal of expansions: 5 hectares of: 1) Rice field, 2) Sugarcane field, 3) Corn field, 4) Rubber plantation, and 5) Adlai 34 | SULADS Annual Report
Beekeeping PROGRESS REPORT SITE Nebo Hillside Chandler Lower Lilingayon SULADS Campus TOTAL
NO. OF COLONIES 10 12 7 17 4 50
The SULADS beekeepers are James Kim and Job Cabanero. Early this year due to diseases, the bees got weak and sick. Many colonies had to be burned. But God helped the bees be able to recover and become 50 strong colonies, and we have 35 newly mated queen bees at the end of this year. In August 2015, we were also able to finish the Bee Honey Processing Building.
Nebo Apiary
Lower Lilingayon Apiary
Hillside Apiary
Chandler Apiary
Observation Hive near Agriculture
SULADS Campus Apiary
NEEDS AND APPROX. COSTING Wax foundation machine ---------------------------- Php 20,000.00 Artificial insemination ------------------------------------ 80,000.00 Automatic honey extractor --------------------------------50,000.00 Breeder colony per year ----------------------------------- 15,000.00 TOTAL ------------------------------------------------Php 165,000.00
Bee Honey Processing Building
FUTURE PLANS To have more natural produce from honey bee culture and be of a continued support to the SULADS ministry.
*All are welcome to help SULADS by purchasing our sweet product of Pure Honey available at our main SULADS Office in MVC. SULADS Annual Report | 35
Facilities Development PROGRESS REPORT SULADS Campus Progress: 1. Nipa Dorm Toilet / Comfort Room April 2015 2. Garage Stock Room April 2015 3. Bee Honey Processing Building August 2015 4. Office & Cafeteria Septic Tank September 2015 5. Prayer Garden In Progress OTHER: 1. ESALT Access Road to the Campus 2. SULADS Deaf Dormitory Building
Bee Building Groundbreaking
Making the Nipa Dorm Toilet
June 2015 In Progress
SULADS Deaf Dorm Needs a Roof
PROJECTS for 2016 and the Future
1. Motorpool/ Vehicle Garage Building 2. SULADS Campus Old Garage Repair 3. Dormitory Septic Tank Rehabilitation/Construction 4. Cafeteria Kitchen & Cooking Area Repair/ Rehabilitation 5. Cafeteria Kitchen drainage system Redesign 6. Campus Main Entrance Storm Drainage & Welcome Landmark 7. Prayer Garden 8. Fish Pond, Cottage Landscape Area 9. Nipa Dorm G.I. Roofing Project 10. Nipa Dorm Double Deck Bed (12 sets) 11. SCHSL Guest House Repair 12. SCHSLChurch Front Wall, Side Grills, Flooring
36 | SULADS Annual Report
P 80.000.00 P 34,200.00 P 36,000.00 P 55,000.00 P 20,000.00 P 60,000.00 P 60,000.00 P 45,000.00 P 43,000.00 P 60,000.00 P 80,000.00 P 260,000.00
SULADS CARE C ONNECT with people, the regular donors, supporters, and the volunteers of SULADS. A CKNOWLEDGE their commitment and support. R ETAIN connection with their hearts for Church Missions. E MPOWER them through inspirational, life changing stories of Missions, and be part of the Work.
REPORT SUMMARY 1. Church Promotions a. North Central Mindanao Conference b. Davao Mission c. South Mindanao Mission d. Zamboanga Peninsula Mission e. Western Mindanao Conference f. Central Phillippines Union Conference – Cebu, Central Philippine Adventist College (CPAC), and Bacolod Total Number of Church Promotion from June to December 2015 LOCATION No. of Churches North Central Mindanao Conference 38 Davao Mission 6 South Mindanao Mission 5 Zamboanga Peninsula Mission 3 Central Philippine Union Conference 11 TOTAL 63
Promotions in Churches
2. Internet Facebook Contacts 3. SULADS CARE DXCR Sabbath Program
- Broadcast SULADS promotions - Recruitments - Thanks and Appreciations to Donors (especially MVC Faculty) - Updates / Current Events - Share Inspirational Stories - Reminding Tool of Helping SULADS Financially in the Tithe Cards - Promotes SULADS Products like Honey, Adlai, Etc.
2015 DXCR Dedication Vesper Program with Broadcasters SULADS Annual Report | 37
Director’s Message
2015 is a Media revival for SULADS. Started by pioneers, Blessie Ensencio and Rowena Sandot, the media has been moving to its goal of reaching our SULADS Family through our different avenues in media. We praise God for the purchase of equipment - cameras & secretary’s desktop computer through your kind donations that our media services would be more efficient. We hope to bless more with our Facebook page posts: daily quotes from the Bible and SOP/ EGW Quotes, weekly PALAGONG (Newsletter), tri-annual LALAG (Journal), SULADS Weekly Blog, and other updates. We truly desire to produce more inspirational SULADS videos, compiled stories of the pioneers, a devotional book on SULADS volunteers miracle stories, and have our mini printing press for our SULADS publication to reach the churches, institutions, and individual homes in a very convenient way. May the glory of the Lord always shine in the pages of our publications!
Sample Post of our Facebook Daily Quotes for You to Share Sample Newsletter January - March
April - June July - September
15” Macbook Pro ---------------- $ 2,268.00 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sulads.asia Journals/ Annual Reports: https://issuu.com/sulads LICENSED SOFTWARES: Blog: http://www.suladsasia.org/blog/ Final Cut Pro ------------------------$299.99 YouTube: https://youtube.com/suladsasia Motion --------------------------------$49.99 Website: http://www.suladsasia.org/ Compressor ---------------------------$49.99 Email: info@suladsasia.org Adobe CS6 Design Standard ------$1,175.00 TOTAL ---------------------------- $ 3,844.97 (PhP 169,250.16) 38 | SULADS Annual Report
Support If the followers of Christ were awake to duty, there would be thousands where there is one today proclaiming the gospel in heathen lands. And all who could not personally engage in the work, would yet sustain it with their means, their sympathy, and their prayers. Steps to Christ, p. 81
Valencia City, Bukidnon Branch Banco de Oro (BDO) Dollar Account Account Name: SULADS, INC Account Number: 103-2100-35355 Swift Code: BNORPHMM Banco de Oro (BDO) Peso Account Account Name: SULADS, INC Account Number: 321-001-8337
We thank God for His provision in the projects that will soon be done by this organization. You can also take part by sending your love gifts to the bank details on the side. Kindly notify us at info@suladsasia.org for your donation details. Also include which of the following areas do you intend your donation to be used for: General Operations Educational Supplies Missionary Stipend School Building
SULADS CARE Media Agriculture Beekeeping Physical Development
SULADS Annual Report | 39
Ang Buhay ng SULADS
I. Ang buhay ng SULADS puno’ng-puno ng kulay Iba’t ibang pagsubok, iyong mararanasan Kahit anong layo ng iyong paglalakbay Puso ay kay gaan, ligaya ang taglay. Chorus: SULADS na katawagan isakabuhayan Ito’y hindi biro’ng paglilingkod sa Maykapal Ika’y tinatawag ng ating Amang Banal Ano ang ‘yong sagot? Siya’y naghihintay. II. Ang buhay ng SULADS puno’ng-puno ng kulay Lungkot saya at hirap parating kaagapay Ngunit ang pangako buhay na walang hanggan Kaya’t manatiling naglilingkod sa Maykapal. III. Ang buhay ng SULADS puno’ng-puno ng kulay Luha, dugo at buhay, laging nakasalalay At ang gantimpala, ikaw man ay mamatay Bituing nagniningning sayo’y ibibigay.
www.suladsasia.org 40 | SULADS Annual Report