The Ultra - Elite Female Sale

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KREIS 6020 Dresden Adamsville Rd Adamsville, OH 43802 740.683.3235

Elite Female Sale


3rd Annual

The ULTRA Elite Female Sale


Formerly, Female Production Sale

December 5th, 2015 @ 1 p.m. EST Muskingum Livestock Auction Co. Zanesville, OH

Auctioneer: Ron Kreis, Adamsville, OH 740.683.3235 Sale Consignors: West Livestock Baker Farms Church Green Valley Angus Green Valley Farm Holmes Family Cattle Steve Lacy Lapp Farms Miric Show Cattle Murray Farms Todd Sands Schafer Cattle Farm Shegog Farms

Bambalam is I-80 son Bradford is RR Warehouse son GVA Comrade 231 is Connealy Comrade son

Brad West Nick Baker John, Jeff, & Billy Gary & Josh Justin Weingart Joe Holmes Lee & Garrett Steve Miric Kyle Porter Fred Schafer Tim Shegog

740.584.2617 330.466.2503 740.255.0823 740.586.7648 740.509.0138 740.630.5519 740.252.6299 740.796.7268 740.312.0051 740.708.4905 740.252.2405 740.838.5715 740.630.5519

Sale Location: Muskingum Livestock Auction Co., 944 Malinda St, Zanesville, OH Denny Ruff, Manager 740.452.9984 Located North of I-70, off Exit 155 (Underwood St Exit) Ear Tags and Lot Numbers will correspond. Announcements made from the auction block during the sale take precedence over printed material in this sale book. Health Papers will be available upon request. Trucking: Truckers believed to be reliable will be on hand to assist you in making shipping arrangement for your purchases.

SALE DAY PHONES: 740.452.9984 or 740.584.2617 Visit The Ultra Elite Female Sale for pics

GVA Scotsman 033 is Ellington Scotsman son HFC Classen 4652 is EXAR Classen 1422B son HFC Northern Storm is SAV Bismarck 5682 son Libby is Sheriff Taylor son




3 Embryos

Schafer Donor 705 DOB: 2007


Sire: Full Flush

Sire: Lut

Dam: Meyer L26

Dam: Finalist/Jaxie/nomad   



PE Bambalam Preg checked 11/7/15 5 mos bred Flushed to Irish Whiskey for 38 eggs & Broker for 28 eggs. She is a producer you would like to have in your program and pasture. Finalist daughters avg $4100 in the 1999 Holiday Classic

6 Embryos Sire: Dr Who Dam: Katrina (Meyer / Gail Force)


DOB: 12-2013


Sire: Irish Whiskey



West 321

3 Embryos

Dam: Schafer Donor 705 

Sire: Sun Seeker

AI Slider 4/8/15, no pasture exposure

Dam: Katrina (Meyer / Gail Force)




3 Embryos

DOB: 2014 Sire: Irish Whiskey

Sire: New Look Dam: Katrina (Meyer / Gail Force)

West Schafer 421

Dam: Schafer Donor 705 

AI Slider 4/6/15, no pasture exposure

Bred heifer


Murray DOB: 3/30/15

Open heifer


3 Embryos

Sire: Jigger 702 (jigsaw/irish whiskey/black jade)

Sire: Broker

Dam: Ladies Man/cunia

Dam: 801 (Maximus x 420 Angus) 



West 213 DOB: 3/25/15

Full sib to Maxi D. Tyson Woodard Reserve Champion at Eastern Region Sim Show in MD. Res Open & Junior Show at Keystone National

Open heifer

Sire: I da man


Dam: i-80

West 3 Embryos

Sire: Broker Dam: 801 (Maximus x 420 Angus) 


West Schafer 415 DOB: 2014

Full sib to Maxi D. Tyson Woodard Reserve Champion at Eastern Region Sim Show in MD. Res Open & Junior Show at Keystone National

Bred heifer

Sire: Libbie Dam: Angus 



PE to Confidence son 5/19—8/1

3 Embryos Sire: Maximus


West 418 DOB: 2014 Sire: Satchmo Dam: Angus

 

AI to I-80 4/26/15 PE to Confidence son 5/31—8/1

Bred heifer

Dam: 113 Angus 

Full sibs to 801 Donor Cow

Green Valley Farm 53

88 

Cow/Calf Pair

Dam: Sim Ang

Dam: Angus 

Miric 8150 DOB: Feb 2008

DOB: 2014 Sire: Satchmo

Dam: Angus

Dam: Sim Ang 


Sands 1508 

Sands L767

Dam: AI Duff Hobart 7/9/15

Bred heifer

PE Confidence son 5/19—8/1


AI Combustible 7/9/15

Sire: purebred Angus

DOB: 2014

Dam: Hereford x Ang



DOB: 2008

West 411 Sire: Grizzly son

Sire: purebred Angus


Bred heifer

PE Confidence son 5/19—8/1


DOB: 2008

DOB: 2014

Dam: Sim Ang

AI Combustible 7/8/15


West 424 Sire: Satchmo

Sands R1C0 DOB: 2008

Bred heifer

PE Confidence son 5/19—8/1



West 419

Sire: Meyer 734 son

AI Jesse James 4/26/15 due 2/4/16 PE Monopoly Money son 4/29—8/7 Purchased from CH Birney Farms with a group of heifers. I’ve kept every heifer these cows produced. Has been a solid producer. Nice quiet easy keeper.

Bred heifer

PE Confidence son 5/19—8/1



Sire: purebred Angus

DOB: 2014 Sire: Satchmo

90 

West 412

Sire: BEB Juneau

DeBull bull calf at side born 9/14/15

89   

DOB: 2009


West 417 DOB: 2014 Sire: Jesse James


Dam: Chopper/Whiskey  

AI Drivin 80 5/4/15 PE Confidence son 5/19—8/1

Bred heifer

11  

West 416 DOB: 2014

Bred heifer

Dam: GVA Miss Precision 903

West Schafer 402 DOB: 2014

   

Bred heifer

PE Confidence son 5/19—8/1

AI Believe in Me 5/26/15 PE GVA Comrade 231 6/20—8/23 AAA#17450152 GVA Miss 5050 334 A great replacement heifer producer. We have kept back 2 of her Angus heifers as replacements and we chose to keep her BIM heifer from this past Spring.


DOB: 2014

Bred heifer

Dam: Angus

DOB: Oct 2010


Dam: TC Freedom Angus  

AI Set Me Free due 2/23/16 Reg 1/2 Simme


AI Unbelievable 5/14/15 PE Confidence son 5/31—8/1

Shegog Abby II Sire: Grandmaster

West 410 Sire: Next Big Thing

 


Dam: Sim Ang

Dam: Angus


DOB: 3/28/2010 Sire: GAR New Design 5050

Sire: Ol Boy (Dream On x Maximus)

Wilson 034

Sire: I-80

AI Drivin 80 4/28/15 PE to Confidence son 5/31—8/1



Church 20 DOB: Feb 2010

Cow/Calf Pair

Sire: Cerveza son


West 92 DOB: 2014

Bred heifer

Sire: Satchmo Dam: Char x Ang  

DOB: 2014

Dam: Sim Ang PE Confidence son 5/19—8/1

PE Heritage Royce x Meyer 735 6/20/15 Lut x 935 heifer calf at side born 7/1/15

Wilson 936 DOB: 3/26/09


Sire: Tehama Silverado S105

West 91 Sire: Grizzly son

 


AI Slider 4/13/15 PE Confidence son 5/19—8/1


Dam: Comm

Bred heifer

Dam: GVA Ms BAR EXT 351

  

AI Believe in Me 6/5/15 PE GVA Scotsman 033 This cow has consistently been the producer of our best bull every year and is one of the top grossing dams we have had to date. Her dam is out of one of the great BAR EXT sires of Select Sires.



Schafer S201 DOB: 2012


PE to Bambalam Preg checked 11/7/15 5 mos bred

DOB: Mar 2012

AI Authority (1/2 Sim) due 1/19/16


Church 8592

DOB: 2/25/14

Bred heifer

Dam: Irish Whiskey / Black Jade 

Dam: Dream On / Who Made Who

Murray 417 Sire: Unstoppable


Sire: Cerveza son

 

Bred heifer

Dam: Steel Forcs / 230 Angus Donor

Dam: Angus X


DOB: Feb 2014 Sire: Boardwalk

Sire: Satchmo

 

Shegog 232-1

AI Ali due 3/29/16


AI Rito 112 6/14/15 PE Lut x 935 on 6/20/15

Holmes 3 DOB: 4/14/14

Bred heifer

Sire: Minn Hard Whiskey 591Y


Schafer S116 DOB: 2011


Sire: Satchmo

Dam: Champion Hill Georgina  


Dam: Sim Ang  

PE HFC Classen 4652 or HFC Northern Storm AMA#446820 HFC Whiskey Girl 38B

PE to Bambalam Preg checked 11/7/15 +4 mos bred

Holmes 60 DOB: 3/8/14

Bred heifer

Sire: I-80 Dam: HFC 4OZ


Miric 111 DOB: Feb 2011


Sire: Walks Alone Dam: Checks in the Mail   

AI Jesse James 4/29/15 due 2/7/16 PE Monopoly Money son 5/8—8/7 Young stout cow in her prime, first time AI’d. Big hip, cool nec and she adds hair to everything. Call us when these cows calve, we are interested in buying back their calves.

  

AI Ebony’s Grandmaster 4/25/15 PE HFC Classen 4652 or HFC Northern Storm AMA#446827 HFC Suzie 79B


Holmes 7 DOB: 3/1/14

Bred heifer

Sire: I-80 Dam: HFC 18Z   

PE HFC Classen 4652 or HFC Northern Storm AMA#446826 HFC Suzie 31B Champion Maine Female 2014 Guernsey County Fair

21  

Holmes 25 DOB: 3/29/14

Bred heifer

Dam: Schafer Donor 705 (Sale Lot #1)  

PE to Bambalam Preg checked 11/7/15 +4 mos bred

Holmes 55 DOB: 4/25/14

Bred heifer


DOB: Nov 2013

Bred Heifer

Dam: Char X

Holmes 58 DOB: 4/19/14

 

AI Slider 5/30 PE Confidence son 5/31—8/1

Bred heifer


Dam: HFC Penny PE HFC Classen 4652


Schafer 77 Sire: Yellow Jacket

PE HFC Classen 4652 AAA#17870796 HFC Bell 4936

Sire: Smilin Bob


Dam: HFC Clova Pride 8316

Dam: HFC Bell 1320


DOB: 2013 Sire: Satchmo

Sire: HFC Northern Storm 1386

 

Schafer S115

Sire: HFC Northern Storm 1386

PE HFC Classen 4652 AAA#18046608 HFC Princess 4586



Schafer 5202 DOB: 2012


Sire: Satchmo

Holmes 38 DOB: 3/20/14

Bred heifer

Dam: Ang x Char

 

PE to Bambalam Preg checked 11/7/15 4 mos bred

Sire: HFC Northern Storm 1386 Dam: HFC Sissy 27B 

PE HFC Classen 4652


Holmes 35 DOB: 4/18/14 Sire: HFC Northern Storm 1386 Dam: HFC CLova Pride 8305

 

PE HFC Classen 4652 AAA#17870797 HFC Clova Pride 4163


Schafer 204 DOB: 2012 Sire: Satchmo

Bred heifer

Dam: Angus X  

PE to Libby Preg checked 11/7/15 5 mos bred


72  

Schafer B33 DOB: 2013


Dam: HFC Skymere 3251  

Schafer B35 DOB: 2013

PE HFC Classen 4652 AAA#17870799 HFC Skymere4237


Holmes 13 DOB: 4/6/14

Bred heifer

Sire: HFC Northern Storm 1386


Dam: MS Clovapride 3200 of foxcross  

PE to Bambalam Preg checked 11/7/15 5 mos bred

PE HFC Classen 4652 AAA#17870798 HFC Clova Pride 4389


DOB: 2013

Bred heifer

PE HFC Classen 4652 or HFC Northern Storm


PE to Bambalam Preg checked 11/7/15 +3 mos bred

DOB: 3/12/14

Dam: HFC Atomic 438


Dam: Angus X

Holmes 2 Sire: GCC Whizard 125W

Schafer B30 Sire: Bradford

 

Bred heifer

Dam: Sim Ang

Dam: Sim Ang


DOB: 3/28/14 Sire: HFC Northern Storm 1386

Sire: Bradford

 

Holmes 28

Sire: Bradford

PE to Bambalam Preg checked 11/7/15 4 mos bred



Holmes 56 DOB: 3/16/14

Bred heifer

Sire: Carnac Dam: HFC Raven 8126


Schafer B32 DOB: 2013 Sire: Bradford



Dam: Angus X  

PE to Bambalam Preg checked 11/7/15 +4 mos bred

PE HFC Classen 4652 or HFC Northern Storm

Holmes 52 DOB: 3/8/14 Sire: HFC Northern Storm 1386 Dam: Sim Ang

 

Bred to KLS Halfblood 5/5/15 PE HFC Classen 4652

Bred heifer

31  

Green Valley Farm 401 DOB: Spring 2014

Bred heifer

Wilson 338 DOB: 3/25/15


Sire: El Capitain son (Carl)

Sire: B/R New Day 454

Dam: Grizzly x 004

Dam: GVA Lady Solution 632

AI I-80 4/7/15 PE I-80 x Bearfax son after 4/9/15



Green Valley Farm 415 DOB: Spring 2014

   

AI Select Sires “Observer” 6/20/15 PE GVA Scotsman 033 6/20—8/9 AAA#17597651 GVA Ms New Day 821 This 2 year old’s first calf came 72 pounds unassisted which also made the cut as a replacement. Her EPD #s average her in the top 30% of the breed and in the top 4% in calving ease!

Bred heifer

Sire: El Capitain son (Carl)


Dam: Sim x Ang  

AI Grizzly 4/7/15 PE I-80 x Bearfax son after 4/9/15


DOB: 2013


Sire: Bradford

Green Valley Farm 414 DOB: Spring 2014

Schafer B31

Bred heifer

Dam: Angus X  

PE to Bambalam Preg checked 11/7/15 4 mos bred

Sire: El Capitain son (Carl) Dam: BEB Juneau 


PE I-80 x Bearfax son after 4/9/15


 

Dam: Maine Ang 

Green Valley Farm 411 DOB: Spring 2014

PE I-80 x Bearfax son after 4/9/15

Schafer B34 DOB: 2013 Sire: Bradford

Bred heifer

Dam: Sim Ang

Sire: El Capitain son (Carl) Dam: Caesar x 004

PE to Bambalam Preg checked 11/7/15 4 mos bred


PE I-80 x Bearfax son after 4/9/15



Dam: Angus X

Bred heifer

Sire: Maternal Perfection

DOB: 2013 Sire: Satchmo

Green Valley Farm 417 DOB: Spring 2014

Schafer S36

 

PE to Bambalam Preg checked 11/7/15 +3 mos bred


64  

Shegog 205A DOB: Jan 2013


Dam: BEB Juneau x Sim (sale lot #88)  

Shegog 707Y DOB: Dec 2013

AI No Worries 4/4/15 PE I-80 x Bearfax son after 4/9/15



Holmes 49 DOB: 12/20/13

 

Bred heifer

AI I-80 4/4/15 PE I-80 x Bearfax son after 4/9/15


DOB: Mar 2014

Bred heifer

Dam: Paddy O’Malley 

AI Jesse James due 2/6/16


PE to HFC Classen 4652

Lapp 4 DOB: 3/20/14 Sire: Satchmo

Wilson 322 DOB: 2/27/13

Lacy Sire: I-80


Dam: HFC Lilly 22B

Dam: Com Angus


Sire: B/R New Day 454 Dam: GVA Miss Predestine 438    

DOB: Spring 2014 Sire: El Capitain son (Carl)

Sire: HFC Northern Storm 1386


Green Valley Farm 412

Dam: BEB Juneau x Sim Ang

AI Jesse James due 2/17/16

Bred heifer

Dam: 205 cow (Angus)

Dam: Who Da Man / Katrina (Meyer Ang)


DOB: Spring 2014 Sire: El Capitain son (Carl)

Sire: I-80

Green Valley Farm 408

Sire: Grand Master

AI Lone Ranger due 3/13/16 Reg 1/2 Sim



AI Select Sires “Observer” 6/17/15 PE GVA Scotsman 033 6/20—8/9 AAA#17597654 GVA Lady New Day 838 This young cow had a 67lb heifer calf as a first calf heifer that we have elected to keep back as a replacement. This one is hard to part with knowing her pedigree on both sides.

  

AI Jesse James 5/11/15 PE Lut son 5/30/15 Preg checked 10/25/15 3-4 mos bred

Bred heifer

40   

Lapp 13 DOB: 2/25/14

Bred heifer

  

Dam: New Look / Playboy  

Lapp 9 DOB: 3/29/14

AI In Dew Time sexed heifer semen due 1/23/16 Reg 1/2 Maine


Bred heifer

DOB: Nov 2013


Sire: Monopoly

Dam: Satchmo

Dam: Who Da Man / 138M (11-T)   

Lapp 1 DOB: 3/25/14

Bred heifer

AI In Dew Time sexed heifer semen due 1/26/16 Reg Chi Owned with Laird Farms


Shegog 22-1 DOB: Dec 2013


Sire: Jesse James Dam: Meyer-Ann

AI I-80 5/26/15 PE Lut son 5/30/15 Preg checked 10/25/15 3-4 mos bred

Lapp 101 DOB: 2/25/14

Bred heifer

Dam: Com Angus PE Lut son 5/30—9/15 Preg checked 10/25/15 3-4 mos bred

AI I-80 due 2/3/16


Shegog 9138A DOB: Sept 2013 Sire: I-80

Sire: Satchmo

 

Shegog 11T-8

Sire: Monoply Money

Dam: Com Angus



Dam: Com Angus

Sire: Northern Improvement x 935

  

DOB: Nov 2013 Sire: I-80

AI Jesse James 5/11/15 PE Lut son 5/30/15 Preg checked 10/25/15 3-4 mos bred


Shegog 44-B

Sire: Satchmo

AI Jesse James 5/26/15 PE Lut son 5/30/15 Preg checked 10/25/15 3-4 mos bred



Dam: Who Da Man / 138M (11-T)  

AI Jesse James due 3/30/16 Reg 1/2 Maine


57 

Baker DOB: 2014

Bred heifer


Schafer 47 DOB: 2014

Sire: Walks Alone

Sire: Bradford

Dam: Dr Who

Dam: Sim Angus  

AI I-80 safe due 3/1/16

Bred heifer

PE Bambalam Preg checked 11/7/15 5 mos bred


Schafer D42 DOB: 2014

Bred heifer

Sire: Dream On son


Dam: Angus X

Baker DOB: 2014

Bred heifer

Sire: Ali son

PE Bambalam Preg checked 11/7/15 4 mos bred


Dam: Kadabra 

 

AI Merger son due 4/15/16

Schafer B46 DOB: 2014

Bred heifer

Sire: Bradford Dam: Angus X  

PE Bambalam Preg checked 11/7/15 +3 mos bred

47 59

Church 5264 DOB: 3/11/14 Sire: Heritage Royce x Meyer 734 Dam: New Design 878

 

AI I-80 6/8/15 PE Lut x 935 on 6/20/15

Schafer D43 DOB: 2014

Bred heifer

Sire: Dream On son Dam: Angus X

Bred heifer  

PE Bambalam Preg checked 11/7/15 4 mos bred


Schafer D43 DOB: 2014 Sire: Dream On son Dam: Angus X

 

PE Bambalam Preg checked 11/7/15 5 mos bred

Bred heifer

49 

Sands Brockle DOB: Apr 2014

Bred heifer

Church 5224 DOB: 3/24/14

Bred heifer

Sire: Sim Ang

Sire: Heritage Royce x Meyer 734


Dam: Cerveza daughter  

AI I-80 7/31/15



Sands DOB: Apr 2014

AI I-80 6/8/15 PE Lut x 935 6/20/15

Bred heifer

Sire: Sim Ang


Dam: 

AI I-80 7/8/15


Bred heifer

Sire: Sim Ang Dam: 

  

Church 744 DOB: Apr 2014

Bred heifer

Dam: Ali x Ang

AI Slider 7/8/15


DOB: Feb 2014 Sire: Man Among Boys

Sands DOB: Apr 2014

Miric 408

AI Jesse James 5/6/15 due 2/14/16 PE I-80 son 5/1—8/7 Nice marked bred heifer with little more size and frame. Her mother has been an excellent producer for club steers or keeper heifers. I have kept every heifer she ever had. Bred to calving ease Jesse James.

Bred heifer

Sire: Lut x 935 Dam: SVJ Powerline   

AI Coleman Regis 6/8/15 PE Lut x 935 6/20/15 Registration as 50% Simme & 50% Angus pending


DOB: 3/23/14

Dam: Cerveza daughter AI Coleman Regis 6/8/15 PE Lut x 935 6/20/15

Bred heifer

Miric 425 DOB: Feb 2014

Bred heifer

Sire: Southern Comfort

Church 594 Sire: Lut x 935

 


Dam: Comm Angus (Emulation heritage)   

AI Jesse James 4/30/15 due 2/8/16 PE I-80 son 5/4—8/7 Big stout smoke with bone, hip, rib, and hair. Her mother is one of my best raising the heaviest calves each year. This bred should really be a club calf producer.

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