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㈀ ㄀㄀ⴀ㈀ ㄀㌀

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䄀䌀䄀䐀䔀䴀䤀䌀 䔀堀倀䔀刀䤀䔀一䌀䔀


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匀䬀䤀䰀䰀匀 ☀ 䄀䈀䤀䰀䤀吀䤀䔀匀

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䰀 唀

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CONTENTS Koringa Aquafarm Cottages, Koringa, AP MIG & HIG Housing, Gurugram, HR Business Hotel, DL Library & Cultural Centre, Mehrauli, DL Weekend Home, Gurugram, HR Models (Handmade & Laser Cut)


KORINGA AQUAFARM COTTAGES, Koringa, AP Group of cottages with a Y shaped floor plan which helps in providing a panoromic view of the Aquafarm. Each unit has two rooms with twin bedrooms and a balcony. Tasks Performed: Construction Drawings, Model and Renders




MIG & HIG HOUSING, Golf Course Ext. Road, Gurugram Brief: Design a group housing in a 5 acre plot, which is within a 25 acre group housing. Description: A 5 acre land parcel consisting of MIG & HIG typologies. The landparcel follows the concept of masterplan, i.e. central greens as a focal point. Group Members: Megha Gupta & Suman Saurabh

CONTEXT: The site is situated close to Lodhi Road, there are various architecture landmarks in the vicinity of the site. India Habitat Centre, India International Centre, Chinmaya Mission, Paryavaran Bhawan, India Islamic Cultural Centre and many more.


BUSINESS HOTEL, Near IHC, New Delhi Brief: Design a mixed-use hotel on a plot right across the India Habitat Centre. Description: A business hotel with 204 Standard Double rooms, 24 Deluxe Suites, an Auditorium, Commercial Hub, Business Centre, Banquet and Restrobars.


LIBRARY & CULTURAL CENTRE, MCD Office, Mehrauli, New Delhi BRIEF: Locate a non-place within the area assigned in Mehrauli and come up with an intervention that takes into consideration the functions of the nonplace and its context. DESCRIPTION: A non-place which has a triangluar space infront of the MCD Office which functions in a variety of ways. It acts as a sit-out space during the working hours in winters, it is also a space for a vendor to park thela, a space for drying clothes on weekends when the office is closed, for an event etc. A nonplace intervention proposed above the MCD Office that inculcates the functions of the non-place.


VACATION HOME, Rajesh Pilot Road, Gurugram Brief: Prepare a client story and a brief; design a vaction home for the client according to the brief. Description: A 5 bedroom house with a large living space, combined kitchen and dining, gazebo area, outdoor sitouts and a swimming pool.


MODELS (Handmade & Laser Cut) The Handmade models are part of a 3rd Sem design studio based on the concept of “Entry, Path & Place�. The Laser Cut models have been designed using Rhino & Grasshopper.

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