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Hon. Priest Kailash Kay Leonce Herbal Physician and Nutritional Consultant


Live radio: www.thefoodof7.com



First Printing June 2006 Second Printing January 2008 Third Printing June 2010 Fourth Printing August 2011 ISBN 978-4507-8690-4 Copyright Š Hon. Priest Kailash Kay Leonce All rights reserved.



CONTENTS Preface…………………………………………….5 Introduction……………………………………….7 In the Beginning…...…………………………….10 What is Disease…...……………………………..16 The True Cause of Disease………….…………...19 The Cell………………………………...………..20 Alkaline and Acid Forming Foods………..……..22 The Endocrine System…………………………..26 The Chakras……………………………………...31 The Digestive System……………………………38 The Respiratory System…………………………42 The Immune System……………………………..45 The Circulatory System………………………….50 The Male and Female Reproductive System….....55 The Urinary System……………………………..57 The Nervous System…………………………….60 Look To Nature For Healing……………………63 The Biblical Diet………………………………...64 Fasting and Praying……………………………...75 Selected Herbs and their Uses…………………...78 Collecting, Curing, and Storing Herbs ………...171 Types of Herbal Preparations..……………...….173 Glossary of the Medicinal Properties of Herbs...177 A Day At A Time………………………………183 A Day At A Time For Fibroids………………..186 A Day At A Time For Diabetes………………..189 A Day At A Time For Obesity…………………191




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you eat, when you eat and how much you eat. After 7 days review your eating habits and see if there is any time you eat more than usual. Do complete body stretches before going to bed. Drink aloe each night before going to rest. Do 15mins deep breathing exercise. Squeeze 1 lemon in a cup of hot water, add one pinch of cayenne and drink a cup every morning. Take a 35mins brisk walk. Drink a cup of grapefruit peel tea and kelp teal each morning. Drink a cup of prickly pear juice. Drink a cup of f vegetable juice: parsley, tomato, broccoli, celery, cayenne pepper, carrot, lemon juice and honey. For lunch prepare a soup: 1 cup chopped cabbage, 1 chopped carrot, 1 chopped celery sprig, 1 cup broccoli, 1 cup brussels sprouts, 1 tomato, 3 teaspoon of kelp powder, 1 cup coconut milk, 1 tea spoon sea salt, 1 cup sprouted lentils, herbs and spices such as thyme, chives, rosemary etc. Bring the water to a boil add lentils, add species and sea salt, pour I chopped vegetables and kelp. Turn off heat and add the coconut milk. Allow to simmer for 5 mins and feast. Eat fruits if you feel like snacking. All eating must be done for 6:00pm. Pray

Preface “He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle and the service of Man” Psalms 104 vs 14

herb for

From the beginning of creation a kingdom has existed renown for its principles of LOVE and HARMONY. This kingdom has never gone to war with another, however, just like any other established kingdom its ‘defense system’ is well intact. It has been unselfishly feeding the whole world from the beginning of time, and has not asked for anything in return. THE CREATOR is well pleased with this kingdom for it promotes life and eradicates death. The natural resources of this kingdom has been taken and exploited in order to feed, clothe and shelter the inhabitants of the other kingdoms. This very special and amazing kingdom is the vegetable (plant) kingdom. Plants obviously express more love than the ordinary human being. The creational principle of all living things being connected with each other is still with them. Man has dropped this principle and has become all for self. It is the vegetable kingdom that provides oxygen for the sustenance of life. It takes the light of the Sun of God (Malachi chap 4) and converts it into vitamins and minerals for the



well being of man. The herb is truly for the ‘service of man’.

sulfur and iron should be taken in abundance. Herbs containing these minerals include kelp, dandelion, prickly pear, spirulina, cerasee, stinging nettle, comfrey, fennel seed, eyebright, aloes, periwinkle, cinnamon, garlic, celery and parsley.  Take a 35 minutes walk in the afternoon.  at foods rich in fiber to ensure a bowel movement 3 times daily.  Do some gentle complete body stretches.  Drink aloes before going to rest to ensure a bowel movement upon rising in the morning.

“The Herbal Manual” has come to us at a time when mankind (a kind of man) has forgotten the importance of this blessed kingdom. “THE GREAT PHYSICIAN INTERNATIONAL” has opened the eyes of the blind that could not see that “shine bush” is a perfect remedy for the problem of cataract. The Honorable Priest Kailash Leonce has presented you with a wide range of herbs which are essential for the well being of man. He skillfully guides you through “the Manual” opening your minds to the function of various systems in the human anatomy. Beautifully illustrated pictures give the reader an excellent visual of the herbs and the anatomy, as well as the various products provided by THE GREAT PHYSICIAN INTERNATIONAL. “The Herbal Manual” is just that, a guide. Honorable Priest Kidemi Shallum Isaac

A DAY AT TIME OBESITY Hereditary factors can influence ones weight but that is inheriting bad eating habits and sedentary life style. The consumption of dead meat high in cholesterol and pumped with estrogen, growth hormone and antibiotics is responsible for the excess baggage that is carried around my many. The sodas and the junk food have artificial sugars and preservatives that will indeed speedup the trip to the grave.   

Pray each night before going to rest and meditate your motivation for loosing weight. Follow the “A Day At A Time” Guideline from “The Herbal Manual”. After you have familiarized yourself with this plan start to keep a food diary: write everything


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A glass of lemon juice at least 15 minutes after meals will help to oxidize excess sugar. Take a 35 minutes walk adjusting pace as the body require or do some gardening. Drink prickly pear juice daily: 3 leaf to 1 cup of water. Have a glass of vegetable juice, including green leafy vegetables. The chlorophyll in vegetables will help to alkalize the blood. Vegetables also contain complex carbohydrates which will be broken down into glucose at a slower rate, thus steadily increasing glucose level. Boil mauby bark, allow cool, refrigerating and drinking daily without sweetening. Drink neem tea daily; use 7 leaves to 1 cup hot water. Use as much uncooked alkaline foods as possible, especially green leafy vegetables. Fresh succulent vegetables eaten raw will rid the body of hyperacidity and excess sugar. Use sprouted peas and beans they are in a semidigested state and nutrients are readily available. Use millet; soak before cooking and sprinkle kelp over millet after being cooked. Complex carbohydrates found in cassava and cassava flour can be utilized since it takes longer to be broken down thus slowly releasing glucose into the blood stream. Potassium, zinc, sodium, calcium, magnesium,


Introduction Faith without works is dead and works without faith is dead also.” Obesity, diabetes, hypertension, the common cold, cancer and AIDS are now accepted as normal phenomena in society. Men have become less aware of the signs of being dis-eased, and even more ignorant of the causes thus are unable to heal themselves. Now the majority of people walk about with some kind of infirmity which has been accepted as the norm. Men have no choice but to free himself from this net of illusion and suffering. The motivation to heal ones self and others must come from within for God resides in man. It is common place that one look outside of themselves for the solutions to their problems, one would quickly run to the doctor if they have a soar throat, headache or stomach pain. Why? Man’s anatomy has become a stranger to him; he no longer knows himself and believes that a doctor knows his being better than he does. The human anatomy has a language and communicates with men all the time, but some men have removed themselves so far from the true nature of self, the true nature of God, that they have lost the ability to listen to and understand their anatomy.



So men have more confidence in the popping of pills and cutting out pieces of themselves (surgery) than in God and the natural things that he has created (herbs, rivers and springs).

A day at a time to eradicate diabetes

Men literally need to be born again to free themselves of the torment and grief of dis-ease. The lifestyle (which leads to death) of fast foods, junk (rubbish) food, surgeries and pills has to be discarded or one will not just die but suffer in the process. One must look within himself and correct himself and begin “living to live” and not “living to die”. Well being is a continuous state that must be attained by living according to the Principles that were set from creation (Gen 1 vs. 29) and sustained by making these principles part of ones nature. The eradication of disease begins with the dropping of wrong things (X) and doing right (R) things. Through careful study of this book, one is brought into remembrance of that perfect state of well-being and how it may be attained once again. One is made to realize that whatever ailment that he/she may be suffering from regardless its propensity the cure is foremost in ones eyesight. The Herbal Manual is designed for those who realize that everything in nature is in harmony and that the Most High has placed there every necessity of mankind. After careful study one is inculcated with the power

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Give thanks for life each morning. Do 15 minutes deep breathing exercise. Breathe in slowly and softly, counting to 5 and simultaneously pulling down abdomen. Breathe out slowly and softly, counting to 5 and simultaneously pulling in abdomen. Do 15 minutes of gentle complete body stretches. Drink a glass of water a pinch of cayenne pepper. Add 1 pinch of dandelion, 1 pinch of cerasee, 3 cerasee ripe fruits crushed and 1 pinch of cinnamon powder, to 1 cup hot water. Allow to infuse for 5 minutes. Drink unsweetened tea. Have a fruit salad to increase the level of organic sulfur in system. Organic sulfur assist the pancreas in the production of insulin and also in activating the insulin molecule. These fruits include orange, papaya, pineapple, tomato, raspberries, banana and stinking toe. Brussels sprouts, dried beans, cabbage, garlic and soybeans are also good sources of sulfur. Eat one avocado pear daily. Take one table spoon of organic coconut oil three times daily. Have a slice of papaya or pineapple after to help with digestion.

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Take an aloe douche after each menstrual cycle. Consume lots of alkaline foods. Use lots of fruits and fresh vegetables as raw as possible. Consume organic whole grains. Bathe in the sea at 12 noon as often as possible. Wear natural fabrics such as cotton for undergarments. Wear loose fitting free flowing clothes. Avoid sexual intercourse during the first 14 days of your cycle. Keep one partner and be honest to him and to yourself. Lots of salads, fresh vegetables, nuts and oils which are organic should be consumed. Try to consume plenty of raw foods and clean, pure water when thirsty. Eats lots of pineapple and papaya. Pray What a Fibroid looks like:

of being able to cure diseases or even attain what may seem to others as the unattainable. Through that process, one discovers the meaning of alchemy; the restoration of life and genuinely begin to do greater works in these times as the Savior said. The eradication of disease begins with The Herbal Manual and continues with “you” the reader grabbing the reins of your destiny. Take control of your life and make it worth living. The conclusion of the matter is ‘God is Love, Let us all Love’. Give thanks for Life, the Giver of Life and the Keeper of Life. Blessed Love, Give Thanks To The Black GOD Of Right. HOLY EMMANUEL I SELASSIE I JAH RASTAFARI.




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GENESIS CHAPTER 1 VS 27, 28, 29&30 “27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. 28 And God blessed them, and said unto them, be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, over every living thing that moveth over the earth. 29 And God said, behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; for you it shall be for meat. 30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, where in there is life, I have given every herb for meat: and it was so.” Man was made in the image of God, meaning man was made as a reproduction of the form of God.

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and apply across the abdomen just below the navel and wrap a green banana leaf over it. Wrap the towel in place with plastic wrap and leave in place till morning. Repeat procedure every other night for 21 days. Use a mortar and pestle to pound 3 aloe leaves, 5 ounces of ginger, 3 ounces turmeric, 1 lemon, 1 ounce corali, and 1 ounce St. John bush, 3 ounces of prickly pear, 5 dashes cayenne pepper and 5 ozs periwinkle. When herbs have been pounded to a smooth consistency add three hands full of clay and mix thoroughly. Apply neem oil liberally to abdomen and apply poultice (mixture of herbs and clay) over the abdomen completely covering the womb region. Warm up a banana leaf until it gets soft and place over poultice. Tie leaf over poultice with a cotton cloth that covers the entire region. Leave in place for at least 3 hours. Do this every other day for 21 days. Drink the following herb teas: neem, periwinkle, St. john bush, cerasse, red raspberry, aloe root, kelp, turmeric, male papaya root, ginger, cayenne and stinging nettle. Drink a cap full of “THE GREAT PHYSICIAN INTERNATIONAL” Neem Oil daily, for 7 days, stop for three days and repeat. Drink parsley juice daily. Drink amaranthus juice daily.




We carry the very likeness of God; we look like him and fundamentally, should carry the same physiological build up as him. The Almighty GOD is the manifestation of the perfection of the structure of man. In essence man was made in the perfection of beauty, spiritually, physiologically and psychologically.

Fibroids are the most common gynecological tumor in women. Clinical studies show that 20-25% of women of reproductive age have fibroids. Postmortem studies show the incidence in all women is as high as 75%. They are basically tumors that grow in and around the womb. They are caused by the increase of estrogen in the blood stream that feed them and make them grow. Where does this extra estrogen come from? Yes, from the chicken and other dead meat which are pumped with hormones to speed up their growth rate. Birth control pills which are hormones also aids in the formation and growth of fibroids. Fibroids also often develop when a woman is extremely stressed. Pelvic pain, increased menstrual cramps, increased menstrual flow, clots, irregular or painful menstruation, increased urinary frequency, constipation, and bloating and infertility are symptoms of fibroids. What you consume is as significant as what you don’t consume to eradicate fibroids.    

Drink aloes each night before rest for 9 days. Do gentle complete body stretches with abdominal breathing. Wash out abdomen with a lemon then gently massage with Neem oil. Soak a thin cotton towel with warm castor oil

To maintain this state of perfection he was given instructions on how to live by the Master Creator. “As it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end“, thus to return to this former state of oneness with the Creator, we must immediately begin to follow the instructions of the Almighty GOD. These instructions, if followed will help man in bringing out the God in him, reaching the perfect state; being at one with his environment, having dominion over it, but not destroying it. Man was blessed with the earth, flawless and ready to be subdued. The earth was his to conquer and to bring into subjection; putting it into order and making it obedient to the will of men. The earth is there to help men reach to the peak of his existence. Instead men has placed the earth under the yoke of providing him with his lavish lifestyle of fast cars, fast planes, fast computers and fast foods, while in the process dumping tons of waste everywhere they endeavor. Men daily bleed Mother Earth, robbing



her of the natural ability to rejuvenate herself, hence destroying himself, since his very existence depends on the well being of the Earth. What goes up must come down, what goes around comes around, and to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. These are all natural laws of nature which daily manifest themselves. We can now see an increase in natural disaster and often ask ourselves, why? You see, since man has deviated from his perfect state and moved further and further away from his creational self, he has placed the world out of balance and nature is only trying to preserve itself by purging out the elements responsible for its deplorable state.

“As it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end.” There is nothing new under the face of the sun; there have been civilizations before our present one who excelled in the arts and sciences. These civilizations were much more efficient and of a much higher scientific knowledge; in fact most of our modern day knowledge of architecture, art, science and medicine has evolved from that same ancient knowledge. We have structures like the pyramids of Giza at least 3000 years BC, which stands as a testimony of that knowledge which the ancients possessed. Up to this day with all our computers and our advancement in technology, we cannot construct a replica of the pyramid. Its level of

Eat raw nuts, organic fruits and seeds; cashew, almonds, pistachio, sesame seeds, flax seeds, sun flower seeds, macadamia, cranberry and figs. Drink aloes three times weekly (chop aloes with skin on and soak for at least 3 hours, drink 3 hours after last meal.) Drink herb tea daily.

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Use fresh organic vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, lettuce, amaranth, okra, parsley, celery and beet (use vegetables as raw as possible). Use fresh organic fruits daily such as tomato, papaya, banana, pine apple, star fruit, lemon, orange, grape fruit, sugar apple, sour sop and guavas. Use in between meals at least 1-2 hours after your main meal. Use millet, dasheen, plantain, green banana, cassava, corn, potato, bread fruit and eddoes (soak grains before use). Use lentils peas, organic Soya bean, pigeon peas, red beans, chick peas, black eye peas, split peas; make sure they are soaked at least 3 hours before cooking. Use spelt flour, rye flour, garbanzo beans flour, barley flour, cassava flour or plantain flour. Use honey or maple syrup. Use sea salt. Use coconut oil. Use clay pots, glass cookware or stainless steel when cooking meals. Bake instead of frying. Drink fresh fruit and vegetables juices. Drink water when thirsty. Eat Sitting down and do nothing else while eating. Drink water at least 2 hours after eating.

accuracy is phenomenal; nothing of this age can be compared to it with the tones of mystics which lie undiscovered within its walls. You must have heard of Pythagoras’ theorem, this was actually copied from the same said pyramids, this and many other mathematical equations. So where are we heading now? Are we heading for the better or for the worst? We currently have a medical system which has been in operation centuries now, many new scientific advancements in the health industry has been made thus we should now see a dramatic reduction of diseases. Instead we see an increase in diseases, increased number of medical schools, increase in pharmaceutical companies and an increase in hospitals. If this present system was effective we would have fewer needs for doctors, medical schools and hospitals. Our people are suppose to know how to live to maintain a balanced structure, and what ever medical treatment they undergo should bring them closer to well being than to the grave. We have an obscene number of people dying from diabetes, hypertension, and cancer; all these diseases are just lifestyle diseases. If you just change your eating habits from this gluttonous lifestyle to one where you eat for need and not for taste, then you are on your way to well being and away from the hospital beds. Studies done on Egyptian mummies reveal that they



had fewer or no cavities and there were generally less signs of diseased organs during the autopsies. They were in much better condition than what one would see today in an autopsy. As the diet changed; from a complete vegan diet of mostly raw foods to including more fish and animal products it was seen that the health condition of the Egyptians deteriorated. An increase incidence of dental caries and diseased organs could be seen among the studied mummies. One can then infer that what one eats directly affects the individual’s health status.

A DAY AT A TIME    

We have adopted a three or more meals a day habit which is potentially lethal. One only drinks water when they are thirsty and they rest when they are tired. Why then should one eat when there is not a need for food? Sometimes a sensation of hunger might be felt just because of the way the senses of the body have been programmed, for instance a school child will automatically feel hungry when the twelve o’ clock hour approaches or when the school bell rings. That does not mean that the body has any need for food, the body is just demonstrating a learnt response to a specific stimulus. It has to be acknowledged that all the bodily senses are intricately linked and the stimulation of one sense directly affects the others. This knowledge is used daily by

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Give thanks for life, the giver of life and the sustainer of life. Pray every day. Stays focused and keep a positive and free spirit. Each morning do 7-13 minutes of breathing exercise (breathe in slowly and softly counting to 5 and pulling down your abdomen, breathe out softly and slowly pulling in the abdomen) Drink a glass of lemon juice with a pinch of cayenne pepper each morning. Drink a glass of water (room temperature) each morning. Use raw rolled oats with fresh coconut milk (sweeten with honey or maple syrup) Blend 9 table spoons of flax seeds, 9 almonds, 9 cashew nuts, 9 dates, 9 tablespoons of sesame seeds, 3 bananas, 3 tablespoons of honey with a glass of fresh coconut milk and drink daily. Use sea vegetables such as sea moss (soak sea moss in water and lime juice for 3 hours, allow 1-2 liters of water to boil with cinnamon, bay leaf and nutmeg, after fire has been put off wash out sea moss and place in hot water and allow to soak until the water is cool. Sea moss can then be blended in spiced water) and kelp daily (use kelp in peas sauce and with grains.



rhage and stopping bleeding. Sudorific: cause heavy perspiration. Tonic: strength the entire organism. Produces and restores normal body tone. Vermifuge: expel worms from the intestine. Vesicant: An agent that blistering. Vulnerary: used in treating fresh cuts and wounds.

the food industry to lure unsuspecting consumers to foods that are extremely dangerous. One must eat according to need and not taste. You could either be nourished or poisoned by the foods you eat. We must become the leaders of our life and stop following a lifestyle that will eminently lead us to six feet deep. The time has come for us to put away our lustful attitude towards the material things of life and work vigorously to arrive at the very pinnacle of our existence. You are what you eat; what ever you put into your mouth will eventually become part of your being. From the time that man tasted the first piece of flesh he was then reduced to his lower nature, his more animalistic and lustful nature. He became envious, lustful, greedy and violent, killing anything to survive, giving no regard for any other life but his. It must be realized that each time he takes a life, he actually kills part of his own being. Mankind is only one of the life forms that make up the universe. If you fight against nature you fight against yourself... if you fight against nature you fight against GOD.



What is disease?

Pectoral: act upon the chest area removing discharges from the chest. Poison: a substance which produces a deadly effect on living tissues but can also be implemented in the treatment of diseases such as cancer. Purgative: have a strong emptying effect on the bowel usually used to treat constipation. Refrigerant: lower abnormal body heat (cooling) reliving fever and thirst. Relaxant: have a relaxing effect on the body especially the muscles. Resolvents: promote the resolving and removal of abnormal growths such as tumors. Restorative: restore consciousness and proper physiological body function. Rubefacient: reddens the skin by increasing circulation when rubbed on the skin. Sedative: relieves anxiety and excess nervousness. The herb has a relaxing effect on the body and induces sleep. Sialagogue: promote the flow of saliva. Soporific: induce sleep or rest. Stimulant: increases the activity or efficiency of a system or an organ. Acts faster than a tonic. Stomachic: strengthen stimulate and tone the stomach. They stimulate digestion and increase the appetite. Styptic: contract tissue, having specific action on blood vessels contacting them, arresting hemor-

According to the “Random House Dictionary of the English Language” the word disease can be broken down as follows: Dis: a Latin prefix meaning ‘apart,’ “asunder,” “away,” “utterly,” or having a privative, negative, or reversing force. Ease: freedom from labor, pain, or physical annoyance; tranquil rest; comfort: to enjoy ones ease. Disease can then be defined as a condition whereby the body is not at ease: when it is inflicted with labor, pain, discomfort of the physical being and/or the spiritual being. A disease state is initiated when the different bodily functions do not work in perfect harmony and the body’s state of balance is lost. How does ones body become imbalance and disease prone? Daily consumption of foods laden with preservatives and bleached of all essential nutrients and fiber, constitute the very instrument of the demise of the former state of “bien estar” (Spanish for well being) and sets the stage for a finality of uneasiness and eventually death. How then can one with a willing heart be able to return to this former state of vigor and longevity? The first step is acknowledging that one has a prob-



other disease causing micro organisms. Diuretic: increase the secretion and expulsion of urine. Emetic: cause vomiting. Emmemagogue: promote menstrual flow. Expectorant: expels mucus from the respiratory passage. Febrifuge: combat fever. Hallucinogen: induce hallucination. Hemostatic: stops bleeding. Hepatic: acts upon the liver. Herpetic: a remedy for skin eruptions. Hypnotic: promote sleep or rest. Laxative: produce mild bowel movement. Lithotriptic: cause dissolving of stones in the kidney or bladder. Maturating: promotes the maturing or bringing to a head boils, carbuncles and abscesses. Mucilaginous: has a gummy consistency and have a soothing effect on mucous membranes. Narcotic: relieve pain and induce sleep when used in therapeutically doses but in large doses can produce convulsions and even death. It also has a strongly addictive property. Nauseant: which induces nausea and vomiting. Nervine: has a calming or soothing effect on the nerves and causes a reduction in anxiety. Opthalmicum: a remedy for diseases of the eye. Parturient: induces and promotes labor.

lem and then be willing to do what it takes to alleviate the problem by eradicating the source. It is like repairing a broken down house with a rotten foundation; the house needs to be thoroughly cleaned up and the waste material thrown away in order to lay down a new and stronger foundation than the previous one. The body consists of a series of systems which work together to perform the daily tasks and at the same time maintaining life. In doing this there is a constant need for an intake of food and the elimination of waste from the body. If one does not eat properly and thus suffers from constipation (less than three bowel movements each day, for the average man who has three meals a day), there will be a constant backlog of waste in his colon. One must then be sure to thoroughly clean out his colon and detoxify his blood. Why do I need to clean my colon and detoxify my blood? Constipation is responsible for most of the degenerative diseases that mankind is now plagued with, from diabetes to AIDS. This is as a result of the absorption of toxins from the waste in the colon into the blood stream and eventually into the vulnerable tissues of the internal organs. In females these toxins usually come to rest in the womb and the breast, where the probability of acquiring conditions such as fibroids and breast cancer respectively can be expected to increase.



In men the prostate gland is among the most susceptible sites; men usually suffer from prostate enlargement and prostate cancer. These toxins actually poison the cells of these tissues, this will eventually lead to the development of a colony of unnatural cells, which will then feed on the toxic material in circulation and strive in the acidic environment created by these said toxins. Cells then begin to grow uncontrollably and masses or what we call tumors develop. These tumors can then invade the space of normal organs; compressing them and traumatizing their delicate tissues. The body is then robbed of valuable nutrients and the waste produced by this parasite (tumor) is absorbed into the blood stream where it is delivered around the body, weakening other organs and inactivating the immune system (the body’s natural ability to defend itself against foreign tissue and organisms harmful to its survival). To regain control of ones body, the lifestyle which caused the imbalance has to be dropped and the individual has to thoroughly clean out the system and begin to consume more holistic foods; sea moss, kelp, millet, nuts and grains which would make the body more alkaline.

Antiphlogistic: counteract inflammation. Antipyretic: reduce fever. Antirheumatic: an agent that cures or relieves rheumatism. Antiseptic: destroy pathogenic or putrefactive bacteria. Antispasmodic: check or relieve spasm or cramps. Aphrodisiac: excite or arouse sexual desire. Aromatic: a substance which has an agreeable an agreeable odor and stimulating qualities. Bitter: have a bitter principle that acts upon the mucus membrane of the mouth and stomach to increase appetite and promote digestion. Calmative: have a very mild sedative or tranquillizing effect. Cardiac: an agent that stimulates heart action. Carminative: expel gas from the digestive tract. Cathartic: empty the bowel (laxative-mild, purgative - strong) Demulcent: sooth irritated tissue including mucus membranes. Depressant: decrease the efficiency of a tissue, organ, or system. Depurative: cleanse and purify the system the blood particularly. Diaphoretic: promote perspiration. Digestive: aid in digestion. Discutient: that causes tumors to disappear. Disinfectant: cleans areas by killing germs and



Glossary of medicinal properties of herbs.


Abortifacient: induces abortion of a fetus. Alterative: affect the morbid state of the body without having any grave effect upon it. Astringent: cause contraction of tissues, imparting strength and stopping excessive mucus discharge. Acrid: has a biting taste or those who cause heat and irritation when applied to the skin. Analgesic: any substance that relieves pain. Anaphrodisiac: reduce sexual desires or potency. Anodyne: relieves pain and reduces the sensitivity of the nerves. Anthelmintic: destroy or expel intestinal worms. vermicide, vermifuge. Antibilious: fights biliousness (a group of symptoms consisting of nausea, abdominal discomfort, headache, constipation and gas that is caused by the excessive secretion of gas. Antibiotic: arrest and destroy the growth of bacteria, germs and micro-organisms. Antiemetic: prevents or treats nausea and relieve vomiting. Antiepileptic: combat the convulsions and seizers of epilepsy. Antilithic: prevent the formation of stones in the kidney or bladder. Antiperiodic: counteract periodic disease (asthma, malaria).


Negative thinking (Constipation of the mind). Constipation of the body. Defective nutrition; as in the indulgence of over stimulating and harmful foods Poisons and pollutants in the environment. Over stimulation or overindulgence in eating, pleasure seeking, sex and work. Lack of physical activity and poor elimination of toxins from the system. Drugs consumption [legal drugs (ibuprophen) and illegal drugs (cocaine)] Unhealthy social habits. Poor personal hygiene.

“Knowledge is the biggest good and ignorance the biggest evil.� To have a proper understanding of what disease is, we must have at least a general knowledge of how the body operates. We have to look at the body from the cellular level, which is where all bodily processes begin. The cell is the basic structural and functional unit of all multi-cellular organisms; man is a multi-cellular organism. A cell consists of a membrane surrounding a mass of jelly like cytoplasm in which a variety of specialized structures



called organelles are suspended. The largest of these internal bodies is the nucleus which is enclosed by a membrane and contains the genetic material of the cell and is the control center of the cell as the brain is the control center for the body. The cell also has the ability to reproduce and produce substances such as proteins which can traverse the cell membrane. Substances can also enter into the cell either selectively or freely. Cells vary in shape, size and overall structure according to their location and the work they do. Most cells are so small that they can only be seen using a microscope and some of the structures inside cannot be seen at all except in photographs taken by an electron microscope. The largest cell in the human body (woman) is the egg cell or ovum, which is fertilized by a sperm cell and grows into a baby.

Syrups A liquid extract of herbs (obtained by pounding herb in mortar and pestle) can be thoroughly mixed with an equal part of honey and/or molasses. Syrups are useful for administering to children.



Fresh herbs can be pounded, crushed or bruised and applied to affected area. Clay or cassava flour can be added to poultice to make it more cohesive. The poultice can be wrapped with a heated banana leave and tied with pure cotton to keep it in place. The area should be thoroughly cleaned (lemon or sour orange can be used) before the application of the poultice. A poultice can be used in the treatment of fibroids, cancers and abscesses.

Lysosome: degradation of macro-molecule. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum: protein synthesis. Nucleus: control center of cell and storage of genetic material. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum: lipid, steroid and glycogen synthesis and detoxification. Mitochondria: power house of cell. Cell Membrane: separates cell from external environment Golgi Apparatus: membrane synthesis packaging, storage and secretion.

Roots Selected roots are boiled in a clay pot for 21 minutes, placed in a glass jar and sweetened with honey and molasses. The glass jar is sealed and placed in a dark place for 21 days. A mouth full of roots can be drunk for 2-3 times daily based on the severity of the condition. Roots are used to treat conditions such as impotence, lack of sex drive and poor circulation.

Salves A herbal salves is made by allowing herbs to boil in heated bees wax until water evaporates and foaming stops (approximately 21 minutes), the mixture is strained with a metal strainer while hot and poured in a glass container. Salves are used to treat external ulcers and skin problems.

• White cells that fight diseases and defend the body from invaders live for two to four years and some types that consume bad bacteria and dead cells live for about 30 hours. • Skin cells live for 19 days. • Sperm live for 2 months. • Eyelashes for 3 to 4 months. • Red blood cells for 4 months. • Liver cells for 8 months. • Scalp hairs for 2 to 4 years. • Bone cells live for 15 to 25 years. A collection of cells of the same type together with the material between them is called a tissue. The different types of tissues include connective (bone), nervous (spinal cord), muscle (biceps) and epitheli-



um (internal lining of colon). Specific types of tissues at a distinct part of the body which perform a special function are called an organ. The heart is an organ as well as the arteries and the veins which work together as the circulatory system. The body is made up of many systems which work harmoniously to fulfill our daily routines. If the foundational unit which is the cell is affected it will eventually affect the entire body.

Some herbs are more effective wheh fermented (noni), the fruits are placed in a sterile glass jar and are placed in a dark place for 21 days, the juice is then poured out and a table spoon can be drunk 2 -3 times daily. Fermentations are very effective in the treatment of digestive disorders.

ALKALINE AND ACID FORMING FOODS A common pH definition is: "a logarithmic scale, from 1 to 14, used to describe the acidity or alkalinity of a solution". Blood in the human body should be close to 7.4 on the pH scale. A pH level of less than 7 indicates an acidic solution while a pH greater than 7 indicates an alkaline solution. 7 is the pH level of distilled water. PH stands for "potential hydrogen". If your body is too acidic you do not have enough oxygen available for your body cells to stay healthy. When our body is getting enough minerals from our diet to stay alkaline, our blood can function normally - delivering oxygen to the cells throughout our body, and carrying away acidic waste to be disposed. The immune system which is the defense system of the body will also be performing at its peak in an alkaline environment thus being empowered to destroy invaders.

Fomentation A cotton towel is soaked in a hot decoction or infusion and applied over the affected area as hot as the individual can bare. The towel is removed when it is cooled to body temperature. Fomentation can be used for poor circulation and also for edema.

Infusions The softer plant parts are used in an infusion (leaves and flowers). One tablespoon of dried herb can be used or three tablespoons of freshly chopped leaves or flowers can be placed in one cup of hot water and allow to steep for 5, 7, 9 or 13 minutes in a sealed or covered container (clay or glass), it is then strained and sweetened with pure honey. Infusions are taken for ailments such as coughs, fevers, and indigestion.





Alkaline forming foods are not necessarily alkaline themselves. Lemons or lemon juice for instance are quite acidic, but highly alkaline forming in the body. Not all alkaline forming foods are necessarily recommended, such as hydrogenated oil or table salt.

An extract is a very potent liquid from an herb. A mortar and pestle can be used to pound herbs and squeeze out juice or the herbs can be crushed with hands and the juice squeezed out. High pressure evaporation or cold percolations are other means of securing extracts from herbs. Extracts are one of the most potent forms of administering herbal remedies since most of the phytochemical, volatile oils and nutrients are preserved. An herbal extract can be applied externally or internally based on the needs of the individual.

Decoction A decoction is made by simmering the harder part of the herbs in a clay pot for 3, 5, 7, 9 or 13 minutes based on the hardness of the plant material. The roots, barks, and stems of herbs are usually used in decoctions. Care should be taken that the herb is not boil vigorously but they should be heated with low heat. A decoction is used to extract the bitter essences, minerals salts, and oils from the herb. A decoction is usually allowed to steep to ensure maximum extraction from the herb. Fermentation

ALKALIZING FOODS Alfalfa All Berries All Herbs Almonds Apple Apricot Asparagus Avocado Banana Barley Grass Beets Broccoli Brussels sprouts Cabbage Carrot Cauliflower Cayenne Celery Cherries Chestnuts Cinnamon Coconut

Flax Seeds Ginger Hemp Kale Kelp Lemon Lettuce Millet Nightshade Veggies Orange Peach Peas Peppers Pineapple Quinoa Sea moss Sea Salt Spirulina Sprouted Seeds Teff Tomato


Dandelions Eggplant


Watercress Wild Greens


Keeping an alkaline system: Lots of salads, fresh vegetables, nuts and oils which are organic should be consumed. Try to consume plenty of raw foods and clean, pure water when thirsty.

ACID FOODS Alcohol All preserved or jellied fruits Artificial Sweeteners Bananas if green tipped Beef Beers Biscuits Canned foods Cashew Nuts Cheese Chemicals Chicken Chocolate Coffee Condiments Corn Oil

Herbicides Hydrogenated Oils Ice Cream Instant Meals Junk food Lamb Margarine (worse than Butter) Microwave Meals Milk Olives, pickled, green Peanut Butter Pesticides Pork Potatoes

Herbs can be crushed in a large tub of water and allowed to stay in direct sunlight or moonlight, to ensure that the active ingredients are extracted from the herbs. One would then sit in the herb water or pour it over their body as their condition require. A cold bath can be utilized for fevers and increasing circulation of blood to the skin, and a hot bath can be utilized to extract toxins from the skin or to sooth prickly heat. Baths have also been used during childbirth to ease the pain or used immediately after childbirth to clean the female reproductive organ and also to ease lactation. Baths have also been used as protection from evil spirits.

Cold Compress A towel is soaked in a cool decoction or infusion and the placed on the affected until it is warmed to body temperature. This has to repeated until desired results have been achieved. Cold compresses can be utilized for migraine headaches using herbs like rosemary and vervain.



to avoid disturbance of the plants reproductive process. The flowers should be collected at full moon or early in the morning when they are mature. The roots can be collected as the leaves and flowers but if the maximum potency is required it should be collected at midday when the essence has moved to roots where it is cooler and it can be preserved. Barks are collected similar to leaves and flowers but should be collected on cooler days to avoid evaporation of liquid from plant.

Cream Crustaceans Dairy Smoothies Distilled Vinegar Dried, sulfured fruits Drugs, Medicinal Drugs, Psychedelic Eggs Fast Food Fizzy Drinks Fruit Juice (artificial) Glazed Fruits Hard Liquor Hard drugs

Curing Herbs should be cured in a dark place hanging upside down or placed on a cotton cloth in a cool dry place. Herbs should not be troubled until the curing process is completed; curing should take 21 days.

Storing Cured herbs should be stored in a dark sealed glass jar in a cool dark place and care should be taken that it is not exposed to too much sunlight or air.

Powdered Soups Raw white sugar Saturated Fats Soy Sauce Spirits Sunflower Oil Sweets Tinned Foods Turkey Vegetable Oil Vinegar White Bread White Pasta Wine Yoghurt

The only acidic food that should be eaten are the natural organic foods derived from plant sources. They should be consumed in moderation or as advised by the physician. Non-foods should be avoided (junk food) and the digestive system is not a grave so dead meat should not be buried in there (that's the chicken, pork.......).



Collecting, curing and storing herbs. Herbs grown in the wild has the highest efficacy and are the cheapest. They should be collected 3-5 days after heavy rain since most of the parasites and pollutants would have been washed off by the rain. Material should only be collected from healthy and mature herbs. Before harvesting an herb one must ask the herb for permission and a silent prayer must be recited asking the LORD for the blessings of the herbs. The hands, heart and mind must always be clean when one is gathering, curing, or storing herbs to ensure that the desired results are attained.


THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM The Endocrine system consists of a group of specialized organs and body tissues that produce, store, and secrete chemical substances known as hormones. As the body's chemical messengers, hormones transfer information and instructions from one set of cells to another. Because of the hormones they produce, endocrine organs have a great deal of influence over the body. Among their

Herbs collected for the leaves should be collected early in the morning when the sun is just rising and the dew can be seen on the leaves. Proper timing in the collecting of the leaves is crucial to ensure that the herb is harvested in its most potent form and that the essence or phytochemicals are available in the highest concentration in the leaves. As the day gets hotter the essence of the herb moves lower in the plant as a form of preservation. The mature and healthy looking leaves should be harvested. The leaves of flowering plants should not be harvested,



Fleurs marguerite (Alternanthera brasiliana)

many jobs are regulating the body's growth and development, controlling the function of various tissues, supporting pregnancy and other reproductive functions, regulating day and night rhythm and regulating metabolism. Types of glands. There are two different kinds of glands. Exocrine glands have channels or ducts which secrete chemicals such as saliva or sweat, but the endocrine glands do not have ducts. They secrete hormones directly into your blood which then transport them to the desired location in the body. The cells receiving the hormones have special receptors that

This herb has a very pungent smell due to high levels of sulfur and other flavonoids. It’s a strong diuretic and is used traditionally to clear the urinary tract of infections and helps to sooth the prostate. The entire plant is used to treat prostate cancer and results can be seen almost instantly. The leaves and flowers are used as an anti-inflammatory and also has strong analgesic effects. Its pain killing ability have been proven to better that of aspirin and other commonly used NSAID. Medicinal properties: Anti-inflammatory, analgesic and diuretic.

allow the hormones to traverse the cell membrane. Functions of the endocrine system.



The hypothalamus, found deep within the brain, directly controls the pituitary gland. It is sometimes described as the coordinator of the endocrine system. When information reaching the brain indicating that changes are needed somewhere in the body, nerve cells in the hypothalamus secrete body chemicals that either stimulate or suppress hormone secretions from the pituitary gland. The hypothalamus is the primary link between the endocrine and nervous systems.

shown to promote the artery plaque build-up of atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease, cause the airway spasm that leads to asthma attacks, damage the cells of the colon so they become colon cancer cells, and contribute to the joint pain and disability seen in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Vitamin C is vital for the proper function of the immune system hence used for the prevention of recurrent ear infections, colds, and flu. Manganese and Thiamin (Vitamin B1) found in pineapple can improve energy production and antioxidant defenses. Pineapple is an excellent source of the trace mineral manganese, which is an essential cofactor in a number of enzymes important in energy production and antioxidant defenses. In addition to manganese, pineapple is a good source of thiamin, a B vitamin that acts as a cofactor in enzymatic reactions central to energy production. Pineapples help in digestive disorders and it is wise to consume pineapple after a high protein meal to facilitate digestion.

The pituitary gland is located in a bony cavity just below the base of the brain and is one of the endocrine system's most important members. The pituitary is often described as the body’s master gland, the pituitary secretes several hormones that regulate the function of the other endocrine glands. Structurally, the pituitary gland is divided into two parts, the anterior and posterior lobes, each having separate functions. The anterior lobe regulates the activity of the thyroid and adrenal glands as well as the reproductive glands. It also regulates the body's growth and stimulates milk production in women who are breast-feeding. The posterior lobe of the pituitary gland contains the nerve endings (axons) from the hypothalamus, which stimulate or suppress hormone production. This lobe secretes antidiuretic hormones (ADH), which control water balance in the body, and oxytocin, which controls



53 patients with pyelonephritis, pneumonia, bronchitis, peri-rectal and rectal abscesses, cutaneous staphylococcus infections and thrombophlebitis compared to those treated with antibiotics alone. When the bromelain was used alone in 106 similar cases it was found effective in 75.5% in human clinical trial. Bromelain also demonstrates fibrinolytic and anti tumor effects. Excessive inflammation, excessive coagulation of the blood, and certain types of tumor growth may all be reduced by therapeutic doses of bromelain when taken as a dietary supplement. Vitamin C is the body's primary water-soluble antioxidant, defending all aqueous areas of the body against free radicals that attack and damage normal cells. Free radicals have been

muscle contractions in the uterus. The pineal body, also called the pineal gland, is located in the middle of the brain. It secretes melatonin, a hormone that may help regulate the wakesleep cycle. Research has shown that disturbances in the secretion of melatonin are responsible, in part, for the jet lag associated with long-distance air travel. The thyroid gland, located in the neck, secretes hormones in response to stimulation by TSH from the pituitary gland. The thyroid secretes hormones that regulate growth and metabolism, and play a role in brain development during childhood. The parathyroid glands are four small glands located at the four corners of the thyroid gland. The hormone they secrete, parathyroid hormone, regulates the level of calcium in the blood. The thymus gland is a bi-lobed organ located in the superior mediastinum, anterior to the heart and great vessels. The thymus is fully formed and functional after birth. It persists as a large organ until about the time of puberty, when T-cell differentiation and proliferation are reduced and most of the lymphatic tissue is replaced by adipose tissue (involution). The organ can be stimulated under conditions that demand rapid T-cell proliferation.



The adrenal glands are located on top of the kidneys, they have two distinct parts. The outer part, called the adrenal cortex, produces a variety of hormones called corticosteroids, which include cortisol. These hormones regulate salt and water balance in the body, prepare the body for stress, regulate metabolism, interact with the immune system, and influence sexual function. The inner part, the adrenal medulla, produces catecholamine, such as epinephrine, also called adrenaline, which increase the blood pressure and heart rate during times of stress.

Pineapples (Ananas comosus)

The pancreas is positioned in the upper abdomen, just under the stomach. The major part of the pancreas, called the exocrine pancreas, functions as an exocrine gland, secreting digestive enzymes into the gastrointestinal tract. Distributed through the pancreas are clusters of endocrine cells that secrete insulin, glucagon, and somastatin. These hormones all participate in regulating energy and metabolism in the body. The female gonads, the ovaries, produce eggs. They also secrete a number of female sex hormones, including estrogen and progesterone, which control development of the reproductive organs, stimulate the appearance of female secondary sex characteristics, and regulate menstruation and pregnancy.

Pineapple make up the family Bromeliaceae. Pineapple is from a flowering plant family, characterized by unique water-absorbing leaf scales and regular three-parted flowers. The leaves are spirally arranged sheaths or blades, usually occurring in layers. The plant embryos have one seed leaf. Pineapples are a composite of many flowers whose individual fruit-lets fuse together around a central core. Each fruit-let can be identified by an "eye," the rough spiny marking on the pineapple's surface. Pineapples have a wide cylindrical shape, a scaly green, brown or yellow skin and a regal crown of spiny, blue-green leaves and fibrous yellow flesh. The area closer to the base of the fruit has more sugar content and therefore a sweeter taste and more tender texture. Pineapple is an excellent source of vitamin C and manganese. It is also a good source of vitamin B1, vitamin B6, copper and dietary fiber. Bromelain is a complex mixture of substances that can be extracted from the stem and core fruit of the pineapple. Bromelain consists of protolytic enzymes that help to digest fibrin a compound associated with fibroids and arthritis. It also helps to get rid of immune antigen complex which are compounds implicated with arthritic conditions. Together with penicillin, chloramphenicol, erythrobromelain four times daily decreased morbidity in



It is a low herb, with leaves shorter than the scape, cylindric, hollow, 8 mm diameter, narrowing upward to a slender apex, shorter than the inflorescence. Scape is inflated, about 30 cm high, 1 cm thick in the middle, narrowed at both ends. Stellate flowers are numerous in a dense and rounded umbel, with pedicels 5 to 7 mm long. Chives are a commonly used household herb, frequently grown in gardens and found in grocery stores. In culinary use, chives leaves (straws) are shredded for use as a seasoning. Chives have insect-repelling properties that can be used in gardens to control pests. A study showed the chives extract showed hypotensive and vasorelaxant effects thus this herb can be used in the treatment of hypertension. Used raw chives produced hypoglycemic effects, and can be used as a dietary supplement in the management of type 1 or type 2 diabetes mellitus. Chives also has beneficial effects on the circulatory system and the roots are known to have anti– cancer properties.

Located in the scrotum, the male gonads, the testes, produce sperm and also secrete a number of male sex hormones, or androgens. The androgens, the most important of which is testosterone, regulate development of the reproductive organs, stimulate male secondary sex characteristics, and stimulate muscle growth.

Chives are also rich in vitamins A and C, contain trace amounts of sulfur, and are rich in calcium and iron. Medicinal properties: Carminative, demulcent, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, rubefacient, stimulant, disinfectant, rejuvinative and antispasmodic.

Disease of the endocrine system. Hypothyroidism is caused by an under active thyroid gland, which results in a deficiency of thyroid hormone. Hypothyroidism disorders cause myxedema and cretinism, more properly known as congenital hypothyroidism. Myxedema develops in older adults, usually after age 40, and causes lethargy, fatigue, and mental sluggishness. Congenital hypothyroidism, which is present at birth, can cause more serious complications including mental retardation if left untreated. The Chakras Our bodies are made up of an electromagnetic energy known as the AURA or one’s force-field, and the flow of this energy affects our wellbeing. The chakras are responsible for directing and distributing this energy throughout our body following



our physical pathways. There are 7 major Chakras running from the base of the spine to the crown of the head, each chakra being responsible for distributing energy to different organs, nerves and muscles. Each Chakra radiates at a different frequency. When each Chakra radiates at its perfect frequency the body radiates perfect health; emotions are centered and balanced and we enjoy a deep sense of peace. The chakras are intricately connected to the endocrine system.

Leaves are applied to cracks at the corners of the mouth, for thrush, headaches; against fever as a massage or as a wash. It is used for bladder and urinary afflictions, and vaginal discharges. It is also used as carminative, given to children for colic. In Bengal it is used for coli and dyspepsia. Expressed juice applied around the orbit to relieve conjunctiva pain. The leaves are boiled with a pinch of sea salt to help with flatulence.

The First Chakra: Base/Root Chakra.

Medicinal properties: Anti-biotic, antiinflammatory, antioxidant, radioprotective, antimicrobial, antibacterial and anticlastogenic

Location: Behind the pubic bone. Function: our grounding energy center, keeping our feet firmly on the ground and our mind focused on physical & creative matters. Physically: it governs our reproductive organs and our sexual vitality. Symptoms of a blocked 1st Chakra: might include problems in the hips, legs, lower back and sexual organs. Associated colors: red, brown & black Element: earth. Root Stimulants: physical exercise and restful sleep, regulated sexual activity, gardening, pottery and clay, red food & drink, red gemstones, red clothing, bathing in red clay. Having control over ones sex life, keeping in tune with ones cycle and having one mate stimulates this chakra.

Chives (Allium schoenoprasum )



-shaped, and hairy with rounded toothed margins.

The Second Chakra: Spleen.

In the Philippines, macerated fresh leaves is applied externally to burns. Leaves are bruised and applied to centipede and scorpion bites. It is also, applied to temples and forehead for headache, help in place by a bandage. Leaves in infusion or as syrup are used as aromatic and carminative; used for dyspepsia and also as a cure for asthma. The juice of the leaves for dyspepsia, asthma, chronic coughs, bronchits, colic, flatulence, rheumatism. One tablespoonful of the fresh juice every hour for adults and one teaspoonful every two hours, four times daily, for children is advised. As an infusion, 50 to 60 grams to a pint of boiling water, and drink the tea, 4 to 5 glasses a day. For children, 1/2 cup 4 times daily. For ear aches, pour the fresh, pure juice into the ear and block with cotton ball for 10 minutes. For carbuncles, boils, sprains, felons, painful swellings, apply the poultice of leaves to the affected area, four times daily. For sore throats, a decoction of two tablespoonful's of dried leaves to a pint of boiling water must be taken one hour before or after meals. Decoction of leaves is given after childbirth to clean the womb. In India, leaves are used traditionally for bronchitis, asthma, diarrhea, epilepsy, nephro-cystolithiasis, fever, indigestion and cough. The Chinese used the juice of leaves with sugar, for cough in children, asthma and bronchitis, epilepsy and convulsive disorders.

Location: about one inch below the navel and about one inch inward towards the diaphragm. Function: emotions, sexuality and desires. It controls our relationships and social interactions with others. Physically: works on our lower intestines and digestive system. This chakra relates to the belly demon of lust and greed and must be conquered to harness its benefits. Symptoms of a blocked 2nd Chakra: might be kidney weakness, stiff lower back, constipation and muscle spasms. Associated colors: orange Element: water. Spleen Stimulants praying and fasting especially on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Hot aromatic baths, water aerobics, massage, Orange food & drink. Orange gemstones and orange clothing, using orange oils such as orange essential oils.

The Third Chakra: Solar Plexus. Location: central cavity of the lungs, just below the breastbone. Function: root of our emotional balance, personal power and metabolic energy. When we feel upset, angry or hurt we often feel this chakra. Its primal essence is that of the Will.



Physically: works on the stomach and liver area. Symptoms of a blocked 3rd Chakra may include obesity, over eating, digestive difficulties, Liver problems, diabetes, nervous exhaustion and food allergies. Associated colors: yellow Element: fire. Solar Plexus Stimulants praying and fasting, resting on Saturdays from sunset to sunset, lots of morning sun, detoxification programs, yellow food & drink., yellow gemstones and yellow clothing and using yellow oils such as lemon or rosemary essential oils.

A tea made by infusing the herb in water can be used for cough and bronchitis as it is used extensively to treat complications of the respiratory system. Thyme causes contraction of the uterus thus it can be used after childbirth to clean the womb or as an aid in the treatment of fibroids. Medicinal properties: Anti-inlflammatory, anticeptic, emmenagogue, antibiotic, digestive, expectorant, respirant and anti-fungal. Oregano (Coleus amboinicus)

Fourth Chakra: Heart. Location: 2-3 inches above the solar plexus in the center of the chest. Function: love center, it controls our unconditional feeling and thoughts, associations, relations and compassion. Physically: it is responsible for the heart, circulatory and respiratory systems. Symptoms of a blocked 4th chakra: a wild and dangerous living, lack of regard for others, heart attack, high blood pressure, insomnia, lack of love for others and difficulty in breathing. Associated colors: green & pink Element: air. Fifth Chakra: throat.

Oregano is an erect, spreading, branched, rather coarse, strongly aromatic, green herb, with fleshy stem. Leaves are fleshy, broadly ovate, heart



Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)

Location: midway point between the skull and the lower neck cavity. Function: This chakra works on our throat encouraging, vocalizing praises to JAH, communication and creativity. Physically: works on our thymus and thyroid glands. Symptoms of a blocked 5th chakra Hyperthyroid, use of obscene language, skin irritations, ear infections, sore throat, inflammations and back pain. Associated colors: blue Element: sound Throat Stimulants: singing to one-two drum sound (creational sound Nyahbinghi order), meaningful conversations, blue food & drink, blue gemstones and blue clothing especially on Thursdays, using blue oils such as chamomile or geranium essential oils.

This hardy perennial is the most valued of the culinary Thymes and includes the classes called English Thyme, French Thyme, and German Winter Thyme. They are all woody, shrubby plants with compact, erect stems that grow up to a foot high and 2 feet wide in bloom. The fresh leaves are used for cuts and wounds, tincture for antiseptic, infusion of leaves for the stomach. As well as a culinary delight, thyme fights several disease causing bacteria and viruses. It is a good digestive aid, helps menstrual cramps and is a great cold remedy. Germany uses it today to treat whoop, whooping cough and emphysema. Thymol found in thyme is an antiseptic used in many commercial products. A poultice of the leaves can be used on wounds to prevent infection and also aid in healing.

Sixth Chakra: Third Eye/Brow. Location: central cavity of the brain, centered above the eyebrows. Function: known as the third eye. Its basis is the intuition faculty and governs our senses. It is the link from which we perceive the higher zones and higher planes. Its essence is within the astral and visual worlds. Symptoms of a blocked 6th chakra might include poor concentration skills, nightmares, headaches,



blurred vision, blindness and eyestrain. Associated colors: indigo Element: light. Brow Stimulants: star studying, meditation, using cannabis sativa through a chalice pipe and deep breathing exercise, indigo food & drink., indigo gemstones and indigo clothing, using indigo oils such as patchouli or frankincense essential oils.

Carpet daisy (Sphagneticola trilobata) This herb is used to treat hepatitis, infections and

Seventh Chakra: Crown. Location: top of the head. Function: knowledge, information, understanding. This chakra is our spiritual gateway and higher self. Its essence is that of blissfulness. Physically: responsible for our head and nervous system. Symptoms of a blocked 7th chakra might include migraine, headaches & depression. Associated colors: violet, white & clear Element: thought. Crown Stimulants: meditating on your vision, taking note of one’s visions, sending time to meditate daily (4:00am), violet food & drink, violet gemstones and violet clothing, using violet oils such as lavender or jasmine essential oils.

to clear the placenta after birth. Sheep that eat this herb when pregnant will have an abortion. Herb can be used to treat diseases of the womb like fibroids and irregular menses. Research has also demonstrated strong anti-inflammatory activity in this herb thus it can be used instead of pills like aspirin and other anti-inflammatories. Medicinal properties: emmenagogue, astringent anti-inflammatory and tonic.


Patchouli can be an anti depressant utilized as a tea or in aromatherapy. In several Asian countries, such as Japan and Malaysia, patchouli is used as an antidote for venomous snakebites. The plant and oil scent is used to induce relaxation. Chinese medicine uses the herb to treat headaches, colds, nausea, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Anxiety, skin conditions such as eczema, acne, scar tissue and chapped skin are all conditions that are treated by patchouli. Patchouli can have a beneficial effect on athlete's foot and due to its diuretic effect, patchouli may be an effective treatment for water retention and cellulite. Medicinal properties: Antiseptic, Antiinflammatory, Astringent, Diuretic, Sedative and Antidepressant.




The Digestive System

Patchouli - (Pogostemon heyneanus)

Digestion involves the breaking down of food and the assimilation of nutrients. Digestion starts in the mouth where the food should be chewed at least 42 times to ensure that it is ground into fine particles and thoroughly mixed with the saliva which con-

Patchouli is a bushy herb of the mint family, with erect stem reaching two or three feet in height and bearing small, pale pink-white flowers. The heavy and strong scent of patchouli has been used for centuries in perfumes and alternative medicines.

tains digestive enzymes. An enzyme is a protein which catalyzes the break down of complex nutrients into a simpler form which can be adsorbed by the body. Salivary amylase found in the mouth breaks down complex carbohydrates such as starch into glucose which can be easily assimilated by the

Patchouli is used throughout the Caribbean as a cure for all. The plant has abortive properties and is utilized in the treatment of menstrual pains. Its is very effective against flatulence and for gripe in young children. This herb is a strong nervous tonic and assists in digestion. The fresh leaves can be used as a disinfectant for both the physical structure and the household. Instead of using dangerous insecticides a decoction of this herb or the essential oil can be used efficaciously.



A blue dye extracted from the flower has therapeutic properties. The entire plant in decoction is used as an emollient, eye-wash and is also employed to combat painful discharge of urine as a diuretic. It is a good blood coagulant, antifebrile, antidote and tonic for the heart. For all kinds of fever symptoms due to infection get dried preparation of zeb gra 9 to 15 gms, 30 to 60 gms fresh herb boil to a concentrated decoction and drink. The fresh plant can be crushed and the squeezed out, then drunk for mumps. This herb is effective against poisonous snake bites where the fresh plant can be crushed, squeezed and the juice can be drunk. A tea can also be drunk to treat difficulty in urination. Zeb Gra is used to treat acute gastroenteritis, laryngopharyngitis, tonsillitis, colds, external wound bleeding. A decoction is used for fevers. The leaf-infusion is used as an eyewash. A root decoction is used for gonorrhea and dysmenorrhea. In Sierra Leone, the plant is used as wound dressing after circumcision. In the Congo the leaf-sap used for abscesses, buboes and headache. The leaves possess aphrodisiac properties thus utilized in erectile dysfunction.

body. As the food is chewed it is moistened and mixed with saliva, and the tongue will roll the food into a bolus which can then be swallowed. The food moves through the esophagus by a process called peristalsis which is not a voluntary action. The mouth and the esophagus are alkaline, while the stomach which contains hydrochloric acid and the enzyme pepsin is acidic. The stomach is re-

Medicinal properties: Antifungal, antibacterial, aperient aphrodisiac, antioxidant, antifungal, antiinflammatory. sponsible for further breaking down of food and the digestion of protein. Starch is only digested in the


mouth and the small intestine and not in the stomach. Food can remain in the stomach from two to five hours. The food then moves to the small intestine which is alkaline, and the digestive process is completed on the partly digested food by pancreatic juice (produced by the pancreas), intestinal juice (produced by the intestinal walls) and bile (produced by the liver and stored in the gall bladder). The food then moves to the colon or large intestine where adsorption takes place. From there it is then transported into circulation for nourishment of the body. The waste or feces is then passed out through the anus. The passage of food from the mouth to the rectum (where it is expelled) should take four hours. An individual who has three meals a day should at least have three bowel movements to ensure proper removal of waste. If the waste is not removed in time the individual might suffer from auto-toxification. A diet high in fiber, fruits and raw vegetables will ensure smooth movement of food along the digestive tract and will also increase the bulk of the feces. The digestive system is one of the most important systems since it feeds the body. It is also very important to remember that what ever goes into the mouth, actually builds the tissue that is on the bone. Thus the saying “You are what you eat�.


Zeb Gra (Commelina diffusa) A mucilaginous, slender, creeping or ascending branched herb, usually pubescent. Stems root at the nodes. Leaves are green, oblong-lanceolate, 4 to 7 cm long, 1-2 cm wide, pointed at both ends. The flowers: inflorescence is axillary and peduncled, enclosed in a complicated leaf-like spathe. The

flowers are blue, with long stalks in anthesis, fascicled, several in each spathe-like bracts, with petals 3 to 4 mm long. The plant is normally wrapped around the neck to help with stiff and painful neck joints. It is also eaten as a raw salad and added to soups as a source of iron. The plant is used medicinally as a febrifuge and a diuretic.


and related species indigenous to the New World have been used for centuries as dietary condiments and as traditional anthelmintics by native peoples for the treatment of intestinal worms. Commercial preparations of oil of chenopodium and its active constituent, ascaridol, obtained by steam distillation, have been used with considerable success in mass treatment campaigns. Ethnopharmacological studies in a community of Mayan subsistence farmers in Chiapas, Mexico, confirmed that decoctions containing up to 300 mg of dry plant material per kg body weight (MGKGW) were widely used and traditionally highly regarded in the treatment of ascariasis. A poultice of the leaves can be added to an ulcer with great results. It will clean out all parasites and help in skin rebuilding. This herb is also utilized in the treatment of cancer through its cytotoxic nature. A powder of the seeds is known to enhance the immune system thus help in the treatment of both communicable and non communicable diseases. Worm bush is also used as a mild cardiac stimulant and to promote secretions of skin and kidneys. Medicinal Properties: Amebicide, dysentery, stomachic, vermifuge, analgesic, abortifacient, emmenagogue, rectal bleeding, treatment of ascariasis, cardiac stimulant and an anthelmintic .


“EAT TO LIVE” OR “LIVE TO EAT” A lustful and promiscuous society deprived of discipline and morals is what we are faced with because people eat so badly. The taste buds now control the mind and they are destroyed through the over consumption of artificial foods. Obesity is also on the rise and with it many other degenerative diseases such as cancer and diabetes. The digestive system is like a second brain since after food has been swallowed one has no voluntary control of what happens next. The “Enteric nervous system” is responsible for the control of the digestive system. Many neurotransmitters are produced by the intestines thus actually controlling ones state of mind and their mood. Serotonin which determines depression, happiness, aggression, appetite and sleep is also secreted by the digestive system. Mood controllers and opiates such as morphine cause constipation because they interact with the receptors of natural opiates which initiate contraction of the colon.



CONSTIPATION This is when one has too hard or too loose fecal matter. This can be caused by too little water, junk foods, preservatives (retard digestion), late eating, junk foods and bad breathing. Some signs of constipation include gas, bad breath, coated tongue, irritability, depression and difficulty in breathing. Herbs of the digestive system: Aloe, Neem, Senna, Flaxseed, Ginger, Turmeric, Plantain, Cayenne pepper, Sweet basil, Comfrey, Cinnamon and Garlic.

The Respiratory System The central respiratory organ is the lungs. The respiratory system includes also the passageway between the nose and the lungs; the pharynx, larynx, epiglottis, trachea and bronchi. The ribs, the intercostal muscle, the diaphragm, the abdominal muscle and the nerve that innervates these muscles also play a crucial role in respiration. Respiration is the process of taking in oxygen and giving out carbon dioxide. The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide within the lungs is called external respiration, the exchange that occurs between circulating blood and the cells of the body is known as internal respiration.

Worm Bush (Chenopodium ambrosioides L.) Semen Contra as this herb is commonly called has been a back yard herb used to treat parasitic infections for 1000s of years. A small perennial tropical herb with a grooved, much branched reddish stem and a strong disagreeable scent, growing up to 4' tall. Semen contra has toothed oval leaves and small green flowers growing in long spikes. The essential oil, derived from the aerial parts is called Oleum Chenopodii (oil of chenopodium).Infusions and decoctions of the leaves, roots and inflorescences of the herbaceous shrub Chenopodium ambrosioides (American wormseed, goosefoot, epazote, paico)



Castor oil massaged over the breast after child-birth increases the flow of milk, as it stimulates the mammary glands. The leaves of castor can also be used to foment the breast, for the same purpose. Castor oil massaged over the body, before bath, keeps the skin healthy and imparts sound sleep. Such an oil bath may be taken once in a week. Applying castor oil over hand and feet before going to bed keeps them soft and similarly over the eyebrows and eyelashes keeps them well-groomed.

Upon breathing in, the blood picks up from the capillaries of the lungs (thin blood vessels that surround the alveoli) the oxygen that the tissues need. The oxygen is carried through out the body in the red blood cells. Carbon dioxide, which the tissues give up as waste is carried back to the lungs and expelled in breathing out. Oxygen is essential for aerobic respiration (the use of oxygen to obtain energy from glucose), thus the better one breathes the more efficiently the calories will be burnt.

Warm castor oil can be used together with cayenne pepper powder to massage painful areas of the physical structure. It is very effective in the treatment of arthritis and other joint pains. No more than one seed should be eaten as it can be very toxic and can even be fatal. According to Wikipedia.org; methanolic extracts of the leaves of were used Antimicrobial testing against eight pathogenic bacteria in rats and showed antimicrobial properties. Pericarp of Castor bean showed CNS stimulant effects in mice at low doses. At lower doses, the extract improved memory consolidation. At high doses mice quickly died. A water extract of the root bark showed analgesic activity in rats. Medicinal Properties: Antihistamine, antiinflammatory, antibacterial, laxative and analgesic.



Asthma is one of the most common ailments affecting the respiratory system. This condition is caused by a build up of mucous in the passage way and the lungs resulting in the difficulty in breathing and wheezing which most patients experience. When this individual suffers an allergic reaction, an infection or is stressed, the air passage constrict, resulting in a shortness of breath which can lead to death. To eradicate asthma one must avoid the consumption of acid forming foods (foods that increase the production of mucous) while utilizing medicinal herbs to eliminate the mucous.

trations throughout the plant.

Herbs for the respiratory system: - Aloes - Comfrey - Cayenne pepper - Leaf of life Garlic - Ginger - Marijuana - Japana - Eucalyptus Dandelion - Kelp - Anise

During inspiration the diaphragm is pushed down, the rib cage pushed forward and the abdomen pushed down and out. The internal pressure decreases forcing air into the lungs.

A tea of the leaves helps to sooth the prostate and clear the urinary tract. The leaves can also be warmed with the castor oil, wrap in the shape of a tampon with a cotton thread and inserted into the vaginal canal to heal a prolapsed womb. It should be left for 2 days before it is gently pulled out. The warmed oil can also be poured into the ears and blocked with a cotton ball and left over night for ear infections. The warm oil is also wrap around the womb area with a cotton cloth to help to shrink fibroids. Applied in the hair the oil helps with growth and increase thickness, it is generally used in many hair care products. A poultice of castor seeds can be applied to gouty and rheumatic swellings. A decoction of the roots of castor plant is useful in the treatment of lumbago, rheumatism and sciatica. A poultice of castor leaves is useful as an external application of boils and swellings. Coated with some bland oil such as coconut oil and heated, the hot leaves can be applied over guinea-worm sores to extract the worms. A poultice of castor seeds is also applied to scrofulous sores and boils due to tuberculosis of lymph nodes.






diaphragm is pushed up, abdomen pulled up and in and the rib cage pulled in, this result in an increase in pressure in the lungs thus forcing air out. THE IMMUNE SYSTEM

Castor Plant (Ricinus communis) The castor is a small annual plant that grows upto 7 meters in height. The seeds is the source of castor oil which has a wide variety of uses. The seeds contain between 40% and 60% oil that is rich in triglycerides mainly ricinolein. The seeds contains ricin a toxin which is also present in lower concen

The immune system is a complex system composed of several types of sessile and mobile cells that interact in lymphoid tissue dispersed throughout the body. This system is stimulated by the introduction of foreign material, called an antigen, into the host. The function of the immune system is to protect the body from damage caused by microorganisms : bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. The immune system is also responsible for ridding the body of abnormal and damaged cells. Almost everyone has cancer cells in their body but the immune system continuously destroys these cells and prevents their proliferation. If the immune system is compromised then these cells will grow and spread resulting in the formation of tumors. This defensive function of the immune system is performed by leu-



cocytes (white blood cells) and a number of accessory cells, which are distributed throughout the body but are found particularly in lymphoid organs, including the bone marrow, thymus, spleen, lymph nodes and mucosa - associated tissue ( tissue like the epithelium of the digestive system and the respiratory system). Lymphoid organs are strategically placed to protect different areas of the body from infection. The cells of the immune system migrate between this tissue via the blood stream and lymphatic system.

especially for liver ailments and respiratory problems. Iridoid glycoside called verbascoside (also called acetoside), found in several plants in the Verbenaceae genus. In clinical research, this powerful antioxidant phytochemical has been documented with neuroprotective, antiviral, antibacterial, liver protective, cardio-active, and antitumorous effects. A flavonoid in Vervain called scutellarein has been documented with cardioprotective, antiinflammatory and antiviral actions. Hispidulin is also found in vervain and is considered one of the main "active" chemicals. Hispidulin has been reported to have anti-asthmatic, bronchodilator, and antispasmodic properties; liver detoxifing actions; and helps to normalize sticky blood.

When the body is exposed to an antigen (any foreign material including damaged cells and bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) special white blood cells will recognize these antigens and create antibodies against them that will destroy them or they can be immediately engulfed and digested by other white cells. The immune response can be described as innate (natural) immunity and adaptive (acquired) immunity. Natural immunity is non specific but acquired immunity is specific thus if one is exposed to an antigen twice the second infection will be corrected much quicker than the first infection since memory cells were produced after the first infection. These memory cells will release specific antibodies that will quickly destroy that specific antigen any time it is present in the body.

Medicinal properties: antihistamine, bronchodilator, anti-inflammatory, antacid, antiparasitic



Vervain is widely used by people throughout the world. The leaf tea is drunk for dysentery and a decoction of the plant to relieve stomach pains. Indigenous peoples of Peru use the plant for diabetes and the Way達pi and Palikur Indians in Guyana use the plant in baths to relieve colds and headaches. Other tribes in the Amazon prepare an infusion or decoction of the plant to take internally for fevers (including yellow fever), allergies, stomach problems, and intestinal parasites. This plant is considered to stimulate and aid digestion, suppress coughs, reduce fever, expel worms, increase perspiration, and promote menstruation. An infusion prepared with the leaves or entire aerial parts is employed as a stomach tonic. It stimulate the function of the gastrointestinal tract. A tea of the tops is used for dyspepsia, allergies, asthma, fevers and for chronic liver problems. Vervain is used as a diuretic for various urinary complaints and as a mild laxative for constipation. Externally it is used to clean ulcers, cuts, and wounds. In Cuban herbal medicine the plant is considered to be abortive, laxative, diuretic, and sedative and used to reduce spasms, depress the central nervous system, promote menstruation, aid milk production, and reduce blood pressure. Vervain contains flavonoids, terpenes, phenols, and steroids. Several of these plant chemicals have been documented with biological activities that may help explain the plant's indigenous uses

The immune system works most efficiently in an alkaline environment and is weakened when the body gets too acidic. The eating of artificial foods and meats creates an acidic environment in the body and makes the body susceptible to contracting infections and harboring parasites. One of the most talked about diseases of the immune system is AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). AIDS is said to be caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) an immunosuppressive RNA retrovirus. The depletion of the cells is said to render the body unable to offset normally noninvasive infectious agents such as bacteria and viruses and also weakens the body's natural ability to rid itself of cancerous cells. Thus the reason why an AIDS patient never dies with AIDS, but with AIDS related complications such as candida, pneumocystis and tuberculosis. There is no specific test for the virus that cause AIDS but the ELISA test which detects the antibodies and the Western blot test which confirms the ELISA test. Naturally there is no disease called AIDS, a series of symptoms (syndrome) is called AIDS. The treatment for AIDS includes a drug named Azidodideoxytimidine (AZT) which when given to non AIDS patients actually produce AIDS like symptoms. Many people are presently living with near AIDS conditions, where their immune system is so weak that they ac-



tually catch any disease that is in the air.

Medicinal Properties: amebicide, analgesic (painreliever), antibacterial, anticandidal, antidysenteric, antifungal, antimalarial, antioxidant, antispasmodic, antiulcerous, cardiodepressant, cardiotonic (tones, balances, strengthens the heart), central nervous system depressant, cough suppressant, gastrototonic (tones, balances, strengthens the gastric tract), hypotensive, sedative, vasoconstrictor.

In a household of five, four out of the five may suffer from the flu during the flu season and this one member never gets the flu or red eyes when it is in season. Similarly two individuals might have sexual intercourse with an AIDS infected person and only one might get the disease. Why? The immune systems of the people who never get sick are stronger and more effective in defending its self against the invaders. The best way to cure the disease is to boost up the immune system; strengthening it in order to defend the body properly. Medical science once proclaimed that they had scientific evidence that the removing tonsils and appendix improved health and should be done to virtually everybody. Today they claim they have reversed this theory due to new scientific evidence. They also now claim that vaccination is a good thing and has placed laws to ensure that every one get their shots. Vaccines have caused more deaths than the diseases they now claim to protect you from. Vaccines are filled with many poisons which can weaken and suppress the immune system increasing the risk of contracting infections. Herbs for the immune system

Vervine (Stachytarpheta jamaicensis) This is a weedy annual (and sometimes perennial) herbaceous plant that grows 60–120 cm tall. It bears small reddish-purple to deep blue flowers that grow along tall bracts that are favored by butterflies. It is indigenous to most parts of tropical America and, although some consider it a semiinvasive weed, it is sometimes cultivated as an ornamental plant for its blue flowers and deeplyserrated, dark green leaves.



ers can be used as a tea or pounded and applied to the eyes for painful eyes, sun strain conjunctivitis and eye injuries. Tender leaves are chewed for bleeding gums and bad breath and boiled as a douch for vaginal discharge and also tone and tighten the vaginal walls.

Neem Ginger Noni Cayenne pepper Aloe Garlic

Guava is rich in tannins, phenols, triterpenes, flavonoids, essential oils, saponins, carotenoids, lectins, vitamins, fiber and fatty acids. Guava fruit is higher in vitamin C than citrus (80 mg of vitamin C in 100 g of fruit) and contains appreciable amounts of vitamin A as well. Guava fruits are also a good source of pectin - a dietary fiber. The leaves of guava are rich in flavonoids, in particular, quercetin. Much of guava's therapeutic activity is attributed to these flavonoids. The flavonoids have demonstrated antibacterial activity. Quercetin is thought to contribute to the anti-diarrhea effect of guava; it is able to relax intestinal smooth muscle and inhibit bowel contractions. In addition, other flavonoids and triterpenes in guava leaves show antispasmodic activity. Guava also has antioxidant properties which is attributed to the polyphenols found in the leaves.


Dandelion Lemon grass Cinnamon Eucalyptus Shine bush



The Circulatory System includes the heart, arteries, veins, arterioles, venules and capillaries. This system is responsible for delivering blood throughout the body. Blood is the fluid that circulates in the vessels which carries digested food elements, hormones and oxygen to the cells and removes carbon dioxide and other waste products from the cells. About 55% of the blood is plasma. Plasma contains 92% water; the other 8% include proteins like fibrinogen which participate in clotting and antibodies which fight against infection. The remaining 45% of blood consists of red blood cells (carry oxygen), white blood cells and platelets.

Guava (Psidium guajava)

The heart is a four chambered muscular pump, with valves to control the flow of blood. The right side of the heart is less muscular than the left side because it only pumps blood to the lungs whereas the left side of the heart pumps blood through the body thus requiring more muscle mass. The right side of the heart pumps blood to the lungs where carbon dioxide is taken out of the blood to be expelled while oxygen is picked up by the capillaries. The blood then returns to the heart via an artery to the left chamber of the heart. This oxygen rich blood is then pumped to the entire body. The arteries carry blood from the heart thus they have thicker and more muscular walls enabling them to withstand the higher pressures. Blood moves through

This is a tropical tree or shrub that has been domesticated for several thousand years in Africa and the Americas. The fruits are a very rich source of vitamin C and when eaten with the seeds controls diarrhea and stomach pains. The young leaves are also used to treat gripe in young children and diarrhea. Women in Jamaica uses the leaves to help in cases of menstrual cramps. The stem is chewed as a

chewing stick to whiten teeth. Guava is used to make jams and jellies and is also eaten as a fruit by both children and adults, it is recommended that the seeds and the skin are eaten together to prevent constipation. Through out the Amazon the Indians use it for severe vomiting, stomach upsets, vertigo and to regulate the menstrual cycle. A decoction of the bark and the leaves are used as a poultice topically for wounds, ulcers and skin sores. The flow-


Moringa leaves seems to provide a long-lasting energy boost when Moringa is included in your diet. It works like an overall tune up for the body, and people frequently report having much more endurance whether in their place of work or out playing sports. In vitro studies have shown Moringa's ability to remove hazardous materials from aqueous solutions. Its usefulness in water detoxification has been demonstrated many times in University studies, in laboratory and in the field. This is widely studied because it's estimated that 1.3 billion people in the world today use contaminated water for drinking and cooking. Over 6 million children are believed to die each year from infections caused by unclean water. Medicinal properties: Alterative, diuretic, stomachic, tonic, hepatic and nutritive.



the arteries in pulses with an average pressure of 120 mmhg. From the arteries the blood is pumped through thinner vessels (arterioles) until the pressure is reduced to about 5mmhg, then it moves into the capillaries where it is absorbed into the tissue. The oxygen and nutrient poor blood is then absorbed from the tissues into the small veins (venules) and then into the bigger veins where the blood is pushed up to the heart by the action of the muscles that surround the veins such as the calf muscle.



of the immune system. Later field tests in Senegal verified this result, with significantly fewer illnesses occuring in villages where the use of Moringa was introduced. The anti-ulcer effect of Moringa was reported in 1995 in the journal Phytotherapy Research. An extract taken from dried leaves showed an impressive ability to heal ulcers in laboratory animals. Administration of daily doses by injection caused a very significant improvement in the healing rate in induced gastric ulcers. James A. Duke showed in 1983 that the Moringa root -bark contained a alkaloid called Moringinine which acted as a cardiac stimulant and produce an increase in blood pressure. The following year, an aqueous extract from the stem bark was shown to increase the rate of heart constraction at low concentrations and decrease the rate at high concentrations, with the effect of lowering blood pressure. An extract from the Moringa leaf has been shown to be effective in lowering blood sugar levels within a space of 3 hours. This powder made from



A study in 1990 showed fresh Moringa leaf juice produced inhibition of the bacterium Pseudononas aeruginosa. The following year as in vitro study showed an aqueous extract made from seeds was equally as effective against the skin-infecting bacteria Staphylococcus aurreas as the antibiotic Neomycin.

An average adult has about 5 liters of blood and when the body is very active the heart pumps about 20 gallons of blood each minute. The speed at which the heart pumps depends on how active the body is.

In a separate study, an extract from dried roots was applied to laboratory mice, and demonstrated clearly that the roots possess anti-inflammatory properties. An interesting side note was included: one of the researchers watched an herbalist apply freshly ground Moringa roots on what appeared to be a large, trauma-initiated chronic inflammatory swelling of the ankle. Overnight, the swelling was dramatically reduced. In another study, an infusion of seeds, roots and flower significantly inhabited the formation of pedal edema (swelling of tissues in the foot). The ability of lectin taken from the Moringa pod to modulate the body's defense system was studied in 1994 by K.K. Jayavardhanan and others, and published in the Journal of Experimental Clinical Cancer Research. Moringa is thus used in the building

Arteriosclerosis and Atherosclerosis involve the buildup of deposits on the insides of the artery walls, which causes thickening and hardening of the arteries. In arteriosclerosis the buildup and deposits consist of mainly calcium (from cow milk and other sources); in atherosclerosis, the deposits consist of fatty substances (from dead meat such as pork eaten as food) which make the artery walls lose elasticity and harden. These conditions result in high blood pressure, cardiomegaly (bigger than normal heart) and ultimately lead to angina (chest pain on exertion), heart attack, stroke and sudden cardiac death. Herbs of the Circulatory System. Garlic Hawthorn Cayenne Shine bush Japana Ginger Parsley Aloes Marijuana Honey


Cholesterol is the biggest killer world wide. This is found in only animal base products as LDL which attacks the lining of the artery when consumed as food. The immune system cells then attacks the cholesterol since they are invaders and we have the formation of foam cells. These foam cells then grow and are then encapsulated forming arteriosclerotic plaque. Blood normally travels through the artery without interruption since the inner lining is very smooth. As the plaque grows the inner lining of the artery becomes rough and these will cause the platelets to activate the sequence that leads to the formation of blood clots. When these blood clots reaches in smaller vessels it causes the blockage of these vessels and one can suffer from a stroke, heart attack or pulmonary embolism ether on can lead to death.


Moringa Oleifera This plant typifies the saying your food is your medicine and your medicine your food. Moringa's abundance of vitamins and minerals enables it to be utilized in the treatment of many illnesses. All parts of the plant can be used as food and medicine. The leaves can be blended (3 cups of fresh leaves to 1 cup water), strained and drunk to help to alkalize the blood and thus fortify the immune system. The pods can be stewed or boiled and drunk as tea. The dry pods have a mild laxative effect and the seeds ( 3 seeds) can be eaten to aid in bowel movement. The green juice is also drunk to help to boost up overall energy. Moringa's ability to work as a gentle, natural antibiotic demonstrates the old adage that ''an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."



cooking. Medicinal properties: Emmenagogue, aromatic, stimulant, cholagogue, alterative, analgesic, astringent and antiseptic.

The male and female reproductive system and the urinary system.

Wild pepper grass (Capsella bursa-pastoris) The leaves have a peppery taste and are commonly used as a pepper substitute. It is also used as a form of cress in salads. It is a very nutritious herb and has significant amounts of vitamins and sulfur. It is a very good blood detoxifier and is used in ailments of the liver and respiratory tract. Wild pepper grass is also used to treat female issues such as excessive menstruation. A tea of the top of the herb can be taken for ear ache and internal bleeding. A poultice can be applied externally to stop bleeding. Medicinal properties: Hemostatic, diuretic, antihemorrhagic, antiseptic, antipyretic, styptic and vulnerary.

The Male Reproductive System The male reproductive system consists of the penis and scrotum (externally) and the two testes, epididymis, vas deferens and the prostrate (internally). The main purpose of this system is the production of sperm and the delivery of the sperm into the female reproductive system to bring forth life. The sperm is produced in the testes from where it is passed to the epididymis and stored in the vas deferens. Semen is added to the sperm and it is stored in the seminal vesicles. During sexual intercourse the seminal vesicles contract and the sperm is forced out. The prostate secretes a fluid rich in nutrients in which the sperm swims and gets nourishment. The Female Reproductive System The female reproductive system consists of the clitoris, the different labia on the outside and the vulva which is the opening into the vagina. The cervix has an opening into the uterus (womb) which is closed during pregnancy. The uterus is the site where the embryo grows into a baby. The fallopian tube leads to the two ovaries where the egg or



risk of developing cancer of the lungs, stomach, prostate, esophagus, pancreases, breast, colorectal, cervix and mouth. Medicinal properties: Antihypertensive, tonic, cardiac, stimulant, diuretic and digestive.

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) Turmeric has antibacterial properties, and it has been used as a spice and a preservative; before the widespread use of refrigeration. Turmeric contains curcumin which is effective against stomach, breast, skin and colon cancers. Turmeric is an effective antiseptic and can be used on wounds externally to stop bleeding and to prevent bacterial infection. Research has shown that turmeric is especially effective against H pylori a bacterium that causes stomach ulcers. In high enough concentrations curcumin stimulates the adrenal glands to release the bodies own cortisone, a potent anti-inflammatory. Turmeric can be taken as a tea or used as a spice in



ovum is produced. Each month a woman releases one egg which can then get fertilized by the sperm from the male. If the egg is not fertilized it is then passed out along with the thick lining of the uterus which was prepared for the embedding of the embryo. This is the menstrual cycle.

The Urinary System

amin C, A, B and K. Tomato is also rich in minerals such as iron, manganese, calcium, zinc, potassium and sodium. Tomatoes are high in gammaamino butyric acid (GABA) a compound that brings down the blood pressure. Tomato juice is refreshing, re-mineralizing and also increase the appetite. It helps to reduce cholesterol (especially when used with organic coconut oil) and enhance the immune system through its abundant supply of antioxidants. Tomato is a diuretic thus it helps to lower blood pressure. It helps to eliminate uric acid and has a corticoid like substance thus it can be used in the treatment of arthritis, kidney stones and gallbladder stones. In a study done at the Harvard faculty of medicine it was found that it decrease the

The kidney is a very important organ of this system; it is located behind the abdominal cavity on either side of the spinal cord, underneath the rib cage. The kidneys regulate the volume, composition and the acidity of blood fluids. The kidneys filter about 15 gallons of blood each hour. Fluids and dissolved salts from the blood are collected in microscopic filters called nephrons which have very thin membranes. The pressure of the fluid passing through the nephrons has to be maintained low in order to avoid the rupturing of vessels and the filtering of unwanted substances. Sufficient water and important salts are reabsorbed into the capillaries and returned to the heart via the renal vein. Excess water and waste material are left behind as urine. The urine is collected into small chambers opening into the central part of the kidney and drains away to the bladder through the Prostate cancer




Root extracts are reported to be a strong emetic. Medicinal properties: Antibiotic, antimicrobial, antispasmodic, diuretic, nerving, sedative and aphrodisiac

Spanish Needle (Bidens pilosa) The juice of the plant can be used as eyewash to treat inflamed eyes and used as a syptic for cuts. A hot tea of the herb is used for colds, difficulty in urination and expulsion of kid-

ureter. The kidney also has the vital function of regulating blood pressure. A diet high in proteins will result in the increase of uric acid in the physical structure. This will lead to uric acidosis and this acid will also crystalize and settle between joints and result in arthritis, gout, kidney stone and also gall bladder stones.

ney stones. Medicinal properties: Anti-inflammatory, alterative and antilithic.

Tomato (Lycopersicon lycopersicum) Tomatoes ripen on the plant has a higher therapeutic value than those ripen off. Tomato is rich in vit-



for kidney stones and gallstones (active stones and as a preventative). It is used to tone, balance, strengthen, detoxify and protect the liver (and to balance liver enzymes), and for viruses, including hepatitis A, B, and C, herpes, and HIV Hypertension, Diabetes and Sickle cell anemia. The soft tops of the plant is used to make a tea to clean out the urinary track.…………………………………

The prostate is a walnut-sized gland at the base of the bladder that encircles the urethra which is the tube through which the urine leaves the bladder. The exposure to cancer chemicals, consumption of animal products containing testosterone, excessive sex and the use of drugs (legal and illegal) are all factors which can increase the risk of a man developing prostate cancer. Venereal diseases and vasectomy may also increase the risk of developing prostate cancer. A burning sensation and pain during urination, frequent urination, decrease in size and force of urine flow, inability to urinate, blood in urine and intense lower back pains are all possible signs of prostate cancer.

Medicinal properties: Bitter, tonic, hepatic, diuretic, emmenagogue and antibiotic

Sensitiva (Mimosa Pudica) Extracts of the plant have been shown in scientific trials to be a moderate diuretic, depress duodenal contractions similar to atropine siphoned, promote regeneration of nerves, and reduce hemorrhage. Antidepressant activity has been demonstrated in humans.

Herbs of the Male Reproductive System. Nettle Corn silk Parsley Garlic Kelp Sea moss Milk thistle Dandelion Neem Periwinkle Marigold Almonds

Spanish Needle Vervain Gully root Man better man



Herbs of the Female Reproductive System

es. A tea can be made from the leaves and stem to be drunk or to wash out the eye as a good source of vitamin A. The plants can also be crushed raw soaked in water and drunk as a diuretic to help regulate blood pressure and clean out the urinary track.

Marijuana Periwinkle Corali St. John’s bush Cayenne pepper Aloes Prickly pear Sensitiva Vervine Basil Cinnamon Garlic Eye bright Marigold

The Nervous System The brain is the control center of the body and it is protected by the bony skull. Inside the skull the brain is protected by a membrane called the Dura as well as the fluid it is encased in. Messages from the outside world and from within the body comes to the brain via the nerve network (neurons and other nervous cells), for a decision on what response the body should give. The neuron is the functional and structural unit of the nervous system. The brain stem is the vital control area of the brain and

Medicinal properties: Ophthalmic, diuretic, astringent, anti-inflammatory and tonic. Seed under leaf (Phyllanthus amarus) This erect herb contains anti-hepatotoxic and many other therapeutic constituents. The herb is effective



St. John bush (Justicia secunda) A bath made from this herb is used for skin rashes in babies. The herb tea is taken for dysmenorrhea. It is also a very effective womb cleanser because of its action on the muscles of the walls of the uterus. St. John is used in the treatment of fibroids, menstrual problems and poor circulation. A tea of the leaves is also used in the treatment of eye troubles. Medicinal properties: Ophthalmic, emmenagogue, astringent and tonic.

Shine bush (Peperomia pelucida) Shine bush is considered a longevity herb and is used extensively in Dominica and other Eastern Caribbean countries by the elderly. It is very effective against inflammation and has a cooling effect on the physical structure. It can be eaten as a salad or used in soups and other dish-

is concerned with maintaining all the essential regulatory mechanism of the body: respiration, blood pressure, pulse rate, alertness and sleep. Herbs of the Nervous System

Marijuana Rosemary Sensitiva Vervine Almond Basil Sage Cinnamon Garlic Chamomile Eye bright



The Nervous System

(especially when used together with black sage and nettle). When used as an infusion or tea to soothe and calm the nerves, it relieves depression and mental tension and treats migraines. Gum and mouth problems can also be treated with rosemary. Rosemary can be used as an eyewash to thoroughly clean the eye and to improve vision. Rosemary is a natural preservative, through its disinfectant and anti-germs properties. Rosemary oil is effective against joint pains and headaches (massage oil on affected area). Medicinal properties: Astringent, nervine, antiinflammatory, antiseptic, antipyretic, diaphoretic, refrigerant, stomachic and stimulant.




Medicinal Properties: Anti-emetic, astringent, purgative, stomachic, tonic, stimulant, alterative and antacid.

Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis) Rosemary is a very aromatic herb which has been implemented from ancient times in the eradication of physical and spiritual ailments. Rosemary tea has been used to strengthen the memory, relieve stress and soothe the stomach. The oil and leaves are burnt to rid the dwelling place of evil sprits. Rosemary is a very efficient disinfectant; kills even air borne and water borne bacteria. It stimulates hair growth; use to treat baldness and thinning hair

Your health is your wealth; we are now seeing a drastic increase in the frequency of cancers, diabetes, hypertension and the associated medical conditions. This is largely due to improper eating, unhealthy social habits and the continuous use of pharmaceuticals drugs. The drug companies have become billionaires while the well being of us as a people is quickly deteriorating. This is why we must look to the herbs for proper healing and adapting a more holistic approach to well-being. We present to you a range of products and knowledge of the herbal farmer-see which is all around you to speed up your journey to total well-being. “A herb is a seed bearing annual, biannual or perennial that does not develop persistent woody tissue, but dies at the end of a growing season. It is used for its medical, savory ad aromatic qualities.� Man and animals have, from creation, looked towards herbs for the eradication of all their ailments. Before aspirin and metformin people used herbs to treat inflammation and to regulate their blood sugars. The lizard knows exactly what herb to consume when it has lost its tail and the yard fowl know what grass to eat to remove worms and treat stomach problems. Therefore the use of pills (p- ill,



legal drugs) and surgery is alternative medicine and not herbal medicine. Herbal medicine is the original form of healing. The use of extracts from herbs to manufacture drugs began in the early 1900s and now dominates western medicine. Western medicine like the food industry is strictly based on a profit motive and does not eradicate disease but help you live with disease while giving you ten more. We have to return to the herbs for healing or we shall die with disease and infirmity.

ease hangover symptoms. Consumption of cactus pear fruit decreases oxidative damage to lipids, and improves antioxidant status of the body. Blood sugar was remarkably improved when 200ml of prickly pear sap was given 3 times daily before each meal for 8 weeks. This plant has been shown to lower blood sugar levels in both the healthy and diabetic animals and in humans after 500 gm. dose. Given at a 500gm dose the blood sugar in humans was lowered after 2-3 hours. This is a very potent herb in the treatment of diabetes, used in conjunction with other herbs one can expect remarkable reduction in blood glucose levels.

“THE BIBLICAL DIET” The Almighty God created man, beasts, plants and all that is within our environment. The Almighty God has thus set guidelines “commandments” that man and beast must abide by. Just like the sea knows its boundaries and the ears never get full of hearing man is suppose to live by the set principles of their creator to be in harmony with all of nature and to maintain the set equilibrium of creation. Every country has laws that maintain a degree of peace and unity among the people. When these laws are broken people get punished through imprisonment and sometimes even death. Why then should we be surprise that the CREATOR of Zion and earth has laws, natural laws that we must adhere to if we must guarantee our survival? The punishment one gets from breaking the laws of God

Parts used: fruit Medicinal properties: Alterative, diuretic, stomachic, tonic, hepatic and nutritive.

Red raspberry (Rubus stringosus) A tea of the leaves has been used to reduce pain during childbirth. It is also used in the treatment of ulcers. It is good for digestive disorders in children (vomiting, diarrhea, dysentery). It decreases menstrual flow thus can be used for the treatment of fibroids. The fruits are edible and are highly nutritive.



whooping cough and asthma. The flowers have served as a diuretic. A tea made from the blossoms has treated colitis. Researchers found that the dried flowers may be used to battle an enlarged prostate. A juice from the skin and the fleshy part drunk daily can be used to treat obesity, herpes, influenza, and HIV, as well as its use in treating obesity, gastrointestinal disorders, and skin ailments. Prickly pear extract contains powerful antioxidants, may be helpful in gastric ulcer prevention, has blood lipid and cholesterol lowering potential, and may even

is dis-ease and death. Let’s look at how things were in the beginning: “And GOD said, behold I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.� Genesis 1:29 (kjv) After the earth was created and was furnished with all living things, the Great Architect, The Master Creator said to man, that your meat (not flesh) shall be herbs bearing seeds (basil, cannabis sativa, cinnamon) and fruits of a tree yielding seeds (papaya, guava, coconut, tomato); basically fruits, nuts and vegetables. We now a days refer to the carcass of animals in a semi-decomposed state (chicken, pork, beef, snake, lizard, frog) that furnishes our plates on our tables as meat. Many people are actually working to go to heaven, will there be any dead animals consumed as food? NO, even the lion shall be feeding on straw. Man has to do away with the wicked act of taking life to satisfy his greed and lust of the flesh and return to the biblical diet: as it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end. Many ones do swear over the bible and yet they re-


fuse to acknowledge the basic truths that are written therein. We were given a specific nutritional guideline because we were created spiritually, anatomically, physiologically and psychologically to tolerate and consume a particular type of food. When we look at the digestive system of a cow or sheep (herbivores) and we analyze the structure of the bucal cavity (mouth) it can be obviously noted that it is very similar to that of a man. The bucal cavity of the sheep will contain predominantly molars, premolars and a few incisors, which is ideal for the cutting, crushing and grinding of seeds, herbs, fruits and vegetables. When we then look at the bucal cavity of the man we see that the arrangement of the different types of teeth is almost identical. We can then infer logically that man should consume as the bible says fruits yielding seeds and herbs yieldEzekiel 47:12..... “And by the river upon the bank thereof, on this side and on that side, shall grow all trees for meat, whose leaf shall not fade, neither shall the fruit thereof be consumed: it shall bring forth new fruit according to his months, because their waters they issued out of the sanctuary: and the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf

Plantain contains allantoin, vitamins A, C and K, calcium, sulfur, potassium salts, aucubin (antibiotic). Plantain is rich in factor T (arrests bleeding) thus is used in the treatment of ulcers, internal bleeding and hemorrhoids. A poultice of the leaves applied externally to piles/ hemorrhoids will produce a soothing effect and reduce the pain and itching considerably. Effective against Asthma, Cough, Hoarseness, External ulcers, Bruises and cuts. Seeds are used as laxative. Excessive menses, ear infection, burns and Insects bites. Psyllium, the seed of plantain is also used to reduce weight. Medicinal properties: Alterative, astringent, antiseptic, antiviral, digestive, diuretic and vulnerary.

Prickly Pear (Opuntia cochenillifer) The plants are characterized by flat-jointed stems covered with small clusters of stiff hairs called glochids, and usually also spines. The flowers are commonly yellow or red and develop into warty, pear-shaped edible fruits. Prickly pear is a plant that has the distinction of being a vegetable, fruit, and flower all in one. The entire plant has been utilized for centuries to eradicate disease as a nutritional supplement. Abscesses can be dressed with the fleshy pad of the plant. The fruit can be used for food and also syrup can be made from it to treat


idole - types have been isolated, including vincamine, vincristine and vinblastine. Vincristine controls leukemia and vincaleukoblastine cures various neoplasm. Serpentine another constituent is hypotensive, sedative and tranquillizing. Vincamine is also hypotensive and helps to regulate blood pressure. Periwinkle makes a good remedy for diarrhea, excessive menstruation and hemorrhage. To stop bleeding in the mouth and nose and also to help toothache, the herb can be chewed. Periwinkle tea can be used for nervous conditions, hysteria, and fits. A tea of the leaf can be used to treat diabetes and as a hemostatic for rectal lesions. Effective against cancers lymphomas Parts used: leaf, flower and root. Medicinal properties: Hemostatic, hepatic, emmenagogue, resolvent, astringent, and analgesic.

Plantain (Plantago major)

ing seeds; nuts, grains, fruits and vegetable. The leaf of the trees shall be used for medicine as the book of Ezekiel says. The digestive systems of humans, dogs, mice, horses, kangaroos and great white sharks are, to a first approximation, virtually identical. If you look more carefully however, it becomes apparent that each of these species has evolved certain digestive specializations that have allowed it to adapt to a particular diet. These differences become particularly apparent when you compare a carnivore like a cat with a herbivore like a goat or a horse. Goats and horses evolved from ancestors that subsisted on plants and adapted parts of their digestive tracts into massive fermentation vats which enabled them to efficiently utilize cellulose, the major carbohydrate of plants. In contrast, cats evolved from animals that lived on the carcasses of other animals, and have digestive systems that reflect this history i.e extremely small fermentation vats and essentially no ability to utilize cellulose. The digestive system depicted below - a carnivore is the simplest among mammals. Other species like humans have a more or rather a very much more extensive large intestine to enhance interactions with enzymes and microbes that aid in the breaking down of nutrients and eventually absorption. A dog is a carnivore which will eat anything, predom-



in the alimentary canal. From its stimulating, stomachic and carminative properties, it is valuable in certain flatulence and colic. As a vermifuge it works well against hookworms, and it is often used to stimulate bile flow. Medicinal properties: Stimulant, tonic, vermifuge, anti-spasmodic, diaphoretic, stomachic, carminative, antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, choleretic.

Periwinkle (Vinca minor):

inantly carcasses. Thus it has a very simple digestive system and a short large intestine to minimize the length of time food takes to move along the alimentary track. The carcasses of animals usually contain lots of worms and other parasites which continue to strive even when these carcasses are cooked in extreme heat. How then does the dog eliminate all these worms from its body? Dogs usually eat the remainder of the dead animals from the plates of their owners, so it is safe to say that the majority of dogs have a similar if not identical diet (die-ate) to their owners. The dog when over-

Periwinkle make up the genus Vinca, of the family Apocynaceae. This is a low herbaceous plant with slightly woody stems and a straggling habit and grows to about 60cm. The leaves are opposite and evergreen. The flowers grow singly or in pairs from the axils of the leaves. The lesser periwinkle is a native of many parts of Europe, growing in woods and thickets. The greater periwinkle, which has much larger flowers and ovatocordate, or eggshaped, leaves, is a native of southern Europe. Periwinkles are the source of alkaloids that are often used to treat cancer. Periwinkle contains over seventy alkaloids, mainly



fruit and root of the herb has emmenogogue, abortifacien and uterine stimulant properties thus parsley can be used in the treatment of amenorrhea, painful menstruation and for the same reason should not be taken in excessively during pregnancy.

whelmed with worms will go to the wild, eat some grass and then vomit and defecate a number of worms. Where did these worms come from? From their food. Where did the food come from? From their master’s plate. The master of the dog who eats the same food as the dog is no longer connected with the herbs that he will be able to use to elim-

Parts used: stalks with leaf, seeds and root. Medicinal properties: Diuretic, expectorant, emmenogogue, aperient and carminative

Peppermint (Mentha piperita) It helps stimulate the stomach, cools indigestion, relieves flatulence, strengthens and soothes the bowels and helps with cramping. Peppermint also stimulates excretion of saliva and warms the entire system. It stimulates menstruation, the bronchioles and sinuses. Peppermint tea will help with diverticulitis, insomnia, headaches, nausea, nerves, morning sickness and congested lungs. Peppermint oil has antispasmodic action and greatly adds to its power of relieving pains arising




inate these worms from his system. His system remains infested by the worms and he develops sickness and disease. Other species have a very much

point on the peduncle (one of the inflorescence stalks) and are of such lengths that all the flowers



are raised to the same height above their point of common attachment. The fruits develop from the two-parted ovary, which is inferior (borne below and fused to the other flower parts). Parsley is generously endowed with boron, beta carotene, selenium, calcium, folate, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, and vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, C and E. The use of parsley prevents multiplication of tumor cells, expels gas, stimulates normal activity of the digestive system and freshens breath. It also helps bladder, kidney, liver, lung, stomach and thyroid function. Parsley is effective against high blood pressure, fluid retention obesity and prostate disorders. The roots or leaves are remedies for kidney stones and gallbladder stones. The



leaves; small, unisexual flowers; and separate male and female plants (dioecious). All parts of the plants contain milky latex in special latexproducing cells. The fruits, which vary in shape from spherical to elongate and which may weigh as much as 9 kg (20 lb), are eaten fresh as breakfast fruit or in salads or desserts. Papaya is also exploited for its latex, which contains papain, a proteolytic (protein-digesting) enzyme used in meat tenderizers. Papaya is loaded with digestive enzymes which are beneficial in the digestion of proteins. Nutrients such as calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, zinc, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, and C are found abundantly in the fruit. Papaya is good for heartburn, indigestion and inflammatory bowel disorders. The milk from the green fruit aids healing of ulcers and also regulates blood pressure. Young fruit is cut and rubbed on ringworm affected areas of the skin to produce bleeding and removal of fungus. Decoctions of the root of the male plant have been traditionally used for oliguria, flu, venereal diseases and constipation.

more extensive large intestine, and ruminants like cattle and sheep have a large set of fore stomachs through which food passes before it reaches the stomach. This allows fermentation to take place and also increases the length of time that the cellulose is exposed to the cellulactic bacteria within the digestive tract of these animals. In humans the appendix was the site where these bacteria would be located, allowing the human to actually digest the cellulose from the herbs. Look at the cow for instance; this animal is a vegetarian or what we refer to as a vegan. In England the farmers decided that they were loosing too much by throwing away the intestines, skin and other non edible parts of the slaughtered cow. So, they decided to add these so call waste to the feed of the cows. What happened? We had the development of the disease “mad cow disease�, because men fed a herbivore flesh, contradicting the very laws of nature. What now do we expect to happen to man who is naturally created to consume fruits, nuts and vegetables and is now consuming all types of dead animals from frogs to monkeys? They will suffer just like the cows who ate beef suffered and their entire behavior will also be mutated, to what we see in our society daily; crime, homosexuality, disease and suffering.

Parsley (petroselinum sativum) Parsley is a dicot from a large family of herbaceous flowering plants, containing many important foods and flavorings, and for one of its genera. The individual pedicels (flower stalks) arise from the same

God created all things and placed them in the region on earth where they can feed, reproduce and



grow with ease. Look at the polar bear, it is a carnivore and its system is designed to tolerate below zero temperatures. If this bear is placed in the tropics and given berries and grass to survive on, it will die because it has been placed in an environment that is not conducive to its continuing existence.

to treat rheumatic joints. The fruits which are best used fermented is an effective immune builder and is currently used in the treatment of AIDS. The fruits can be placed in a glass jar and allow to ferment for 21 days, the black juice can be drunk daily to help with diabetes and other digestive disorders. It is considered a cure for all and is a very potent tonic and body builder. The root is a powerful aphrodisiac and is used along with other herbs to treat impotence. Parts used: fruit, root, leaf and bark.

The biblical or natural diet of the polar bear is predominantly fresh fish and other animals that live in the natural habitat of the polar bear like seals and penguins. Lets now look at a zebra that was created to feed on grass and occupy the tropical regions of earth. Feeding this animal fish and seals will kill it in weeks. If the zebra is taken from the tropics and placed in the temperate regions like the north or south pole it will be very difficult to get food and also extremely difficult to survive the harsh cold. People swear over the bible all the time yet they refuse to acknowledge and live by the basic truth “Wherefore do you spend your money for that which is not bread? And your labour that which satisfieth not? Hearken deligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight in fatness.� Isaiah 55:2

Medicinal properties: Analgesic, digestive, cathartic, hepatic, aphrodisiac, disinfectant, refrigerant, relaxant, sudorific and cardiac.

Papaya (Carcia papaya) Papaya is a soft-wooded sparsely branched tree. It characteristically has palmately lobed or compound



a bulbous fleshy fruit. Noni juice is antifungal and has been long used to treat fungal infections. Noni also helps to bring the body PH to a point of neutrality closer to the alkaline level where the body

that is between the covers. Each day people eat food stuff but not real food and spend their money on junk (rubbish) foods, artificially flavored sodas, fake fruits and dead animals. Whatever amount of money they “save”, while slaving on a job will then be used to try to “save” them from dis-ease. How? By popping pills (non foods, drugs), surgery (cutting off pieces of themselves), injections and organ transplants as recommended. The human being (bean) is made up of cells coming together to form tissues, which then unite structurally and functionally to form organs that make up the human organism. Since we are organism we need natural and organic foods to nourish, strengthen and heal us. These foods will be able to interact with the organism (man) because all things are related and come from the same source. Non-foods such as junk are not real thus they will only increase the work load of the anatomy and contribute very little if any to its survival. Breaking the cycle

functions at its best. Noni works at the cellular level where it repairs, removes waste material, and makes nutrients more available. The leaves are used as a poultice for wounds and relieve pain when placed on affected areas. The leaves are also used

How do we now break this cycle of pain, disease and death? We need to return to “THE BIBLICAL DIET” and begin to consume the “BIBLICAL MEDICINE”; the fruits, nuts, grains and vegetables for food and the leaves of the tree for medicine. Some people find it hard to believe that just eating



pineapple and papaya will rid them of fibroids, yet still it is a known fact that vitamin C deficiency (scurvy) will destroy 75% of all those affected yet this dreadful disease can be cured by drinking a cup of orange juice. The majority of the drugs utilized in the pharmaceutical industry are isolated from plant sources. Digitalis, a drug prepared from digitalin, a glycoside obtained from the common foxglove, is used in medicine. With techniques of modern pharmacology, about a dozen steroid glycosides have been isolated from the leaves. These medicines strengthen the force of contraction and, at the same time, slow the heart beat so that the period of relaxation between beats is lengthened. The heart muscle thus obtains more rest even though it is working harder.

er, and tonic. The leaves are mixed with oats and used for ‘stricture’ (constriction of a body passage). Nettle has been used traditionally to treat anemia, arthritis, asthma, coughs, dandruff, diabetes, diarrhea, eczema, fever, gout, hemorrhoids, nose bleed, scurvy, snakebites and tuberculosis. It has been clinical tested and proven effective in the treatment of benign prostate hyperplasia and other urinary tract disorders. It is very effective in the removal of kidney stones and treating other urinary tract infection. Improves goiter, inflammatory conditions, and mucous conditions of the lungs. Nettle tea promotes the flow of breast milk and also increases the menstrual flow due to its uterine stimulant action and its serotonin contents. The fresh infused leaves will stop bleeding and promote healing. An ethanol extract of the root of nettle inhibited the activity of human leukocyte elastase and reduced the amount of the enzyme released by activated polymorphonuclear granulocytes during the inflammatory response. This validates the use of stinging as a potent anti-inflammatory. “The agglutinin found in stinging nettle binds to the cell membrane of prostatic hyperplastic cells and inhibits their proliferation.”

The Foxglove plant: Aspirin, a synthetic chemical compound, acetylsalicylic acid, is made from salicylic acid, found in the bark of the willow tree.

Parts used: leaf, stem, root. Medicinal properties: Diuretic, abortifacient, emmenagogue, nutritive, astringent, pectoral, tonic, styptic and rubefacient.

Noni (Morinda citrifolia) A straggling tree, it has large green leaves, and has



treatment of diabetes, malaria and immunosuppressive disorders. The sticks can be chewed to remove marks off the teeth and strengthen gums and teeth.

It is not unlikely then that we can heal diabetes naturally with herbs and food. We should thus concentrate on building up the system, naturally increasing the cells sensitivity to insulin and insulin production by the pancreas. The cure is a day at a time process that must be followed loyally.

Parts used: leaf, fruit, bark and root. Medicinal properties: purgative, antiinflammatory, cholagogue, alterative, vulnerary, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, astringent and emollient. Purgative, anti-inflammatory, cholagogue, alterative, vulnerary, anti-bacterial, antifungal, anti-viral, astringent and emollient.

Stinging Nettle (Uritica dioica) This herb is slightly reddish in the stem, and has opposite heart shaped leaves with serrated margins and stinging hairs on both the leaves and the stem. Nettle is a very nutritive plant it contains a considerable amount of calcium, copper, fatty acids, folate, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, sulfur, zinc, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, C and E. Nettle is used as a diuretic expectorant, pain reliev-

Fasting and Praying When we feast we naturally indulge in the foods that were created by our creator for our consumption. When the letter “e� is taken from the word feast we have fast. Fasting is the voluntary abstention from food allowing the digestive system to rest and the system to naturally go through a cleansing process. When we feast the majority of the blood in our system is diverted to our digestive system to provide energy for the breaking down of the food. When dead animals are consumed or when the food is not chewed properly we increase the workload of the digestive system. Hence more energy has to be expended to break down and liquefy the food, leaving the system tired and the individual often feels sleepy. Fasting will cause a gentle contraction of the stomach and intestines increasing the peristaltic movement of the food in the digestive tract. Fasting also



promotes the secretion of enzymes along the alimentary tract; these enzymes will break down the waste in the alimentary tract and enhance their elimination. The blood flow will not be concentrated in the digestive system thus the other organ systems will be operating more efficiently.

modic, nervine, emmenagogue, hepatic, tonic, laxative and anti-inflammatory.

Fasting will starve the physical nature of man and will feed the spiritual nature making these times ideal for prayer and meditation. One will then be able to meditate on their condition and harness the strength to do what it takes to eradicate their disease. Prayer and meditation comes hand in hand, and one must be able to meditate in order to pray. Fasting allows one to focus on the God in him facilitating communication and soliciting the strength of the entire universe to aid him on his journey to well being. One should fast at least three times each strong (week); Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. No food must be consumed from 6:00pm until 12:00pm. The day before each fast aloe should be drank one hour after last meal; Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays. Drinking Aloe Vera will ensure a bowel movement first thing in the morning. The aloes must be chopped finely with skin on and soaked with ginger in a glass of water for three hours. The juice of half of a lemon can be added

Neem (Azadirachta indica) The Neem Tree grows in abundance in the tropics, from Africa to India as well as in the Caribbean and has been used from the most ancient times. The compound found in its leaves, seeds, bark and root makes neem highly effective in treating skin disorders such as acne, warts and even dandruff. The highly therapeutic tree contains the olygosaccharides and limonoids which help in the reduction of tumors and malignant growth. This is essential in the overall treatment of cancer. Datan a compound found in Neem, contain active ingredients that prevent cavities and gum disease such as gingivitis (inflammation of gum). Neem also contains a compound called salannin. Salannin has been proven to be a very effective insecticide which makes the NEEM OIL a magnificent insect repellant. The leaves can be made into a tea for the



rhosis, necrosis and hepatitis A and B. Milk thistle is very effective against poisoning.

to the aloes just before consumption.

Medicinal properties: Hepatic, bitter, tonic, demulcent, antidepressant and antimicrobial.

Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) Apart from the phytochemicals motherwort also contains vitamin C. Traditionally it has been used to relieve childbirth pain and as a tranquilizer. It is helpful in menstrual disorders, menopausal symptoms, vaginitis, thyroid and rheumatic problems. It is also a good heart tonic and is used effectively in the treatment of headache, insomnia and vertigo. Motherwort helps to tranquilize the nervous system, reducing anxiety, nervous tension and stress. Medicinal properties: Antispas-



Aloe Vera,

stopping bleeding on wounds inflicted during wars. The fresh flowers can be rubbed on the skin to remove warts and scars. Therapeutically properties: Amenorrhea, Angina, Fevers, Gastritis, Hypotension, Jaundice, Rheumatism, Vomiting, Superficial cuts, Inflammation and poultice used externally to treat swelling abscesses and draw out boils.

Aloe is a genus of plants with more than 150 species, most native to South Africa. They usually have short stems, fleshy, lanceolate leaves crowded in rosettes at the end of the stem, and red or yellow tubular flowers in dense clusters. Aloe is bitter thus helps to balance the glucose level of the blood and its zinc and other mineral content stimulates the production of insulin by the pancreas. It is used topically to treat burns, wounds and stubborn ulcers. When ingested, it helps to lower cholesterol, reduces inflammation resulting from radiation therapy, increases blood vessel regeneration in lower extremities of people with poor circulation, soothes stomach irritation, aids healing, and acts as a laxative. Aloes also increases blood flow to the uterus thus can be used to induce menstrual flow. It improves the hypoglycemic effect of glyburide (glibenclamide)

Medicinal properties: antimicrobial, antiviral, maturating, vulnerary hemostatic and antiinflammatory

Milk thistle (Silybum marianus) Calcium, fatty acids, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, selenium and zinc are among the nutrients which are available in milk thistle. Protects the liver from toxins and pollutants by preventing free radical damage and promotes the production of new liver cells. Thistle also protects the kidney. It is effective against chronic liver cir-



blood clots thus reduces risk of heart attacks. Cannabis also acts as a vasodilator and thus prevents strokes and lowers blood pressure. The seeds of the herb can be eaten; the leaves can be used as tea, the roots utilized in tinctures, the flowers for aromatherapy and the buds smoked in a chalice as a cure for all.

when 1 tbs of aloe juice is taken orally in the morning and at bedtime in 36 diabetics in human clinical trial. It improves the rate of healing when applied locally with polyethylene oxide over dermabrasion compared with standard polyethylene oxide gel wound dressing. Parts used: Roots, leaf and gel.

Medicinal properties: Diuretic, Antipyretic, antiseptic, aromatic, calmative, carminative, relaxant, expectorant, sedative and analgesic.

Marigold (Calendula officinallis)

Properties: purgative, anti-inflammatory, cholagogue, alterative, vulnerary, anti-bacterial, antifungal, anti-viral, astringent and emollient.

Amaranth (Amaranthus dubius)

A native to Africa and has been used externally for

The leaves can be eaten raw or slightly steamed as


a source of iron, vitamin A, vitamin C and protein. The seeds can be ground into flour or used as a cereal. Leaves can be applied to boils as a poultice. It is used to treat excessive menstruation and serves as an excellent iron supplement. A warm poultice of the leaves can be applied externally to hemorrhoids. It is used to treat diarrhea and dysentery. The decoction is used as a douche for leucorrhea. A green salad of the herb is very alkalizing and soothes the stomach.


Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) It is said that Buddha lived on one marijuana seed a day. The seed of cannabis contains all known nutrients and one can live on just marijuana seeds with absolutely nothing else but water. GanJah is high in 3 omega oils, all 8 essential amino acids, gamma linolenic acid as well as plant sterols and sterolins. The herb has been used to control asthma

Medicinal properties: astringent, hemostatic, diuretic, alterative, nutrient and maturating.

Banana (Musa paradisiaca)


and other respiratory track infections. The herb is known to lower cholesterol and lessen the risk of breast and prostate cancer. It has been proven to treat glaucoma, arthritis and hypertension. Acting as blood thinner cannabis prevents formation of


Medicinal properties: Expectorant, tonic, analgesic, stomachic and nutritive.

Man better man (Achyranthes indica) The leaves are used in teas and infusions for fevers, coughs, colds, nausea, chest pain and minor respiratory tract infections. The root has been used as an aphrodisiac to enhance sexual performance in men. Medicinal properties: Aphrodisiac, expectorant, disinfectant, antipyretic and stimulant.


The banana is a large, herbaceous plant with a perennial root, or rhizome, from which the plant is perpetuated by sprouts or suckers. In the tropics the stems are annual; they die after perfecting the fruit, and new stems are developed from buds in the rootstock. The sugars in bananas are very easily assimilated when ripe. The fruit contains many minerals and vitamins. Potassium, iron, manganese, and calcium are minerals which are found abundantly in banana. Therapeutically bananas are used for intestinal disorders and gastric disorders since it is so alkaline. Bananas action on the digestive system makes it ideal for utilization in the treatment of diabetes. The fruit contains complex carbohydrates and are recommended to diabetics because of the slow release of the glucose into the blood stream. A poultice of the fruits is used to treat insect bites. The leaves can be warmed and used to cover poultices in the treatment of tumors like fibroids. The fleshy part of the leaf, close to the stalk is used as a bandage over wounds to stop bleeding and to disinfect. Banana is a high energy food when used raw and should be cooked with the skin to retain minerals. The roots and flowers can be used as tea to strengthen the male and female reproductive system. Parts Used: fruits, roots, leaf and flower. Medicinal properties: cardiac, digestive, nutritive, maturating and hemostatic.



Basil (Ocimum balsamifera)

Leaf-Of-Life (kalanchoe pinnata)

Basil is widely used as a seasoning in soups, gravies and salads. The tea is good for coughs, vomiting and constipation. As a tea sweetened with honey or maple syrup it clears the chest of mucous, cures headaches, calms the stomach, and relieves cramps, gas and colic. The leaves and flowers can be burnt to disinfect the air and chase evil spirits. Basil has been used successfully in the treatment of bad breath, emphysema, high blood pressure and warts.

Leaf of life has anti inflammatory properties and has been used extensively in the treatment of respiratory tract infections especially asthma. It has been widely used as a tonic and a body builder, eaten raw or juiced. Leaf of life has been implemented in the alleviation of mucus congestion in

Medicinal properties: carminative, digestive, expectorant, aromatic, antiemetic, disinfectant, and antispasmodic.

Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) Extracts from black cohosh contains estrogen like compounds thus its immense efficacy in the treat-

children and young adults. A leaf decoction is taken to clean the bladder and used against bewitchment. The leaves are warmed and the sap is squeezed into the ear for earache and the heated leaves are also used to treat sprains, bruises, ulcers, and arthritis.



Lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus)

ment of women problems. This herb can be used for: hot flushes, profuse sweating, sleeping disorders, nervous irritability, premenstrual syndrome, dysmenorrheal, coughs, dyspepsia, epilepsy, intercostals myalgia, rheumatoid, arthritis, sciatica, snake bites, tinnitus and whooping cough.

The essential oils of lemon grass are important in the perfume industry. The plant also shows insecticidal properties and is used as a mosquito repellant. The essential oils triterpennoids and flavonoid glycosides possess antibacterial activity thus can be used to fight bacterial infections. Alone or mixed with other herbs lemongrass and the rhizome are used in decoctions taken for colds, fevers, malaria and pneumonia. Medicinal properties: Antipyretic, antiseptic, aromatic, calmative, carminative, disinfectant, refrigerant, relaxant, sudorific.

Medicinal properties: Astringent, alterative, antispasmodic, diaphoretic, emmenagogue and expectorant.

Broccoli (Brassica oleracea) Broccoli, common name for a garden plant, a variety of the cabbage species, closely related to the cauliflower. Broccoli is a branching plant about 60 cm (24 in) high with edible green heads and thick stems. Broccoli has helped in the treatment of graves disease. Broccoli contains naturally occurring substances called isothiocyanates, which help restrain the thyroid from producing too much hor-



mone. Broccoli is also endowed with many vitamins such as the B complex, vitamin C, beta carotene, and many minerals such as calcium and zinc. 16 healthy subjects showed increased estrogen (estrogen) metabolism when consuming 500mg of broccoli due to increased CYP1A2 and other cytochrome P450 enzymes. The consumption of lots of

King of the forest (Cassia alata)

broccoli by people suffering with estrogen dominant diseases such as fibroids can help to reduce the estrogen levels through the increased breaking

The leaves are known as one of the best liver cleansers and treatment for liver related ailments. The leaves are used to remove obstruction in the bowels, cleanse the blood, strengthen vision and prevent colon cancer. it also helps expel worms and parasites from the intestine. A poultice of the leaves and flowers can be used to treat hemorrhoids. The leaves and flowers can be rubbed on the skin to treat eczema, liver spots and other skin blemishes. A cool tea of the leaves can be drunk from morning till noon day as a cleanser and cooling. The cooling tea should be followed by drinking a tea of the pods which is a strong laxative. The tea can be drunk with ginger and cayenne pepper to relieve gripping after last meal for the night. Medicinal properties: Cathartic, depurative, hepatic, herpetic, antiseptic and disinfectant.



Japana (Euoatorium triplinerve)

down of excessive estrogen. Consumption of crucifera derivative indole-3-carbinol increased the detoxifying 2-hydroxylation of estradiol by over 50% in animal and human studies. Estradiol is a synthetic estrogen thus elimination of it is crucial from the system. This also reduces the estrogen levels of the system hence the reason it is used for conditions such as polycystic ovary condition and fibroids.

An herbal decoction is taken for fevers, flu, colds, pneumonia and constipation. The herb is infused in hot water and an herb bath is taken to relieve fever and for toxin removal from skin. Coumarin and sesquiterpenoid compounds are also present in the plant thus it can be utilized to thin blood and hence reduce the risk of stroke. The herb is also utilized for respiratory tract infection and mucus congestion.

Parts used: heads, leaf and stem Medicinal properties: Nutritive, cardiac and tonic.

Medicinal properties: Expectorant, laxative, rubefacient, decongestant, sudorific and antipyretic.

Cabbage (Brassica oleracea) Cabbage contains boron which helps raise the estrogen levels in the blood, and estrogen helps to preserve bone in people suffering from osteoporosis. Cabbage contains high levels of sulfur that protects the liver and the skin, while fighting against infections. The minerals calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, iron, zinc and cupper are all found in cabbage. Vitamin A and B1 are also present in high percentages. The leaves of cabbage protect the body against cancer of the breast, colon and lungs. Cabbage has antibacterial and disinfectant properties.



Hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa) Used as chewing sticks to remove stains and whiten teeth. Extract from the hibiscus flower lowers both low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease. The leaves are also crushed and used as a shampoo to cleanse the hair and nourish the scalp. The flowers are rich in iron and can be used to make a drink by just pouring 1 cup hot water over seven flowers. It can be drunk unsweetened or

Cabbage juice has been used for the treatment of gastric ulcers and as an anti-inflammatory. Concentrated cabbage juice is also used as a laxative to treat constipation. It’s very important to grow your cabbage to avoid pesticides and also chew thoroughly when eating to avoid gas and flatulence, Parts used: plant top. Medicinal properties: Digestive, laxative, astringent, antibacterial, disinfectant and tonic.

sweetened with honey, maple syrup or agave nectar. Medicinal properties: Tonic, astringent, digestive and nutritive.



Gully root (petiveria alliacea)


Root teas and infusion are taken for flu, venereal disease, dysmenorrheal, womb inflammation or as an abortifacient. The root bath is also taken for heats. The root is very high in sulfur and crude extracts are antimicrobial. The root teas are an effective aphrodisiac and increases circulation. The leaves are often bathed with to remove evil spells. Medicinal properties: Aphrodisiac, emmenagogue, antimicrobial, astringent, aromatic, abortifacient and cardiac.

The seeds of calabash are abortive and the roasted fruit pulp is eaten to initiate menstruation, to force contraction during child birth and to facilitate the expulsion of the after birth. A syrup made from calabash is a strong laxative and should not be consumed by pregnant women. The pulp of the fruit is also used to treat skin conditions. The shell of the fruit can also be utilized as plates, cups, spoons and ornaments. Medicinal properties: Purgative, emmenagogue, disinfectant and tonic.


Carpenter’s bush (Justicia pectoralis) This herb is also called woundwort because of its efficacy in stopping bleeding and the treatment of ulcers. It is used to treat internal bleeding. A poultice of the fresh leaves is used to treat ulcers, muscle pain, dislocation and muscular spasms. Carpenter’s bush is also used as a tea to treat gastric troubles, diarrhea, sore throat and vomiting. It is also used as a febrifuge to expel worms. A strong tea of the leaves and roots is used to treat fits. Very effective against varicose veins and poor circulation. Medicinal Properties: Pungent, tonic, antispasmodic, vermifuge, diuretic and astringent.


tract toxins from the skin. Medicinal properties: Stimulant, aromatic, sialagogue, carminative, diaphoretic and digestive. Gros pom pom (Leonotis nepetifolia) The seed of this herb contains many essential oils. The aroma of the herb is highly therapeutic and produces a calming effect on the nervous system. A leaf decoction or infusion can be taken for coughs and fevers. An extract of the leaves increases contraction of the muscles of the womb thus it is used in vaginal suppositories and as an abortifacient. Medicinal properties: Nervine, emmenagogue, antipyretic, abortifacient and expectorant.



vitamins B1, B2, B3, and C. Garlic is antifungal and antibacterial which means it will help to heal athletes’ foot, jock itch and ringworm by taking it internally and externally. Effective against a cold, flu or sore throat due to its allicin content. Allicin is a complex sulfur compound. Garlic helps to fight off cancer cells, especially the cells that attack the digestive system, the breast, and the prostate gland. The sulfur and zinc content attributes to hypoglycemic effect of garlic, through the activation and stimulation of the production of the hormone insulin.

Carrot (Daucus carota)

Parts used: bulp

Carrot is an excellent tonic and vision regenerator. Carrot is a potent source of carotene and vitamins such as B, C, E, K and minerals such as iron, calcium, copper, chlorine, sulfur, zinc, phosphorous, potassium, nickel, magnesium, and manganese.

Medicinal properties: Antiseptic, antibiotic, antibacterial, antifungal, cardiac, disinfectant and tonic. Ginger (zingiber officinale) Ginger is a very effective stimulant of the circulatory system and the digestive system. It is being used in the treatment of vertigo, cramps, anti-motion sickness and is effective against nauseas. When taken hot it is effective in the treatment of suppressed menstruation. When chewed it freshens the breath and relieve sore throats. Hot ginger tea is also taken for gas and grippe. Used in baths to ex-

Therapeutic properties: Improve night vision, maintains mental and physical health, and helps fight anemia, builds up immunity, and helps fight gastro-duodenales ulcers, parasites and intestinal infections. Medicinal properties: Opthalmicum, tonic, cardiac and digestive.



Cayenne pepper (Capisicum frutescens)

Garlic (Allium sativum)

Cayenne pepper is known for its antibiotic property and its boosting of the immune system. Cayenne pepper is rich in the antioxidants that help protect

the lung tissue from damage at the cellular level and help thin mucous and remove it from the respiratory tract. Cayenne pepper helps in cramps, pains in the digestive system and causes peristaltic contraction of the colon Hence relieving constipation.

Garlic, common name for several strongly scented herbs of the lily family, and for the bulbs of these plants, which are used as a flavoring. Garlic, like the related onion, has small, six-part, whitish flowers borne on umbels. The fruit is a capsule containing black, kidney-shaped seeds. Common garlic has

been cultivated since ancient times. The bulb, which has a strong characteristic odor and taste, is covered with a papery skin and may be broken into constituent bulblets, called cloves. Garlic contains beta carotene, calcium, folate, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, zinc,



Flax seed (Linum usitatissimum)

It is used effectively against inflammation and the healing of wounds. This is due to the fact that it improves circulation, taking a fresh blood supply to the injury site and increases the speed of the removal of waste. Cayenne pepper is also indicated in

Flax is more often utilized in the seed form where it can be eaten raw or sprinkled over raw vegetable and fruit salads. It has a high quantity of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids and vitamin E. Some therapeutic properties are angina, constipation, diverticulitis, endometriosis, psoriasis, lowers cholesterol, and reduce blood level of homocysteine thus reduce risk of heart attack and stroke. Medicinal properties: Laxative, demulcent, pectoral, tonic, maturating, mucilaginous, and emollient.

all low grade fevers and is a very good stimulant. Frequent use of cayenne pepper also improves performance of the heart and the entire circulatory system. It has been used effectively in the treatment of arthritis especially in conjunction with coconut oil both with internal and external application. Cayenne pepper will normalize blood pressure and calm nerves. A teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a glass of water or lemon will stop internal bleeding in the womb, lungs and digestive tract. Cayenne pepper in combination with comfrey root has been proven to heal all types of ulcers. Medicinal properties: Stimulant, laxative, antibiotic, digestive, cardiac, expectorant, hemostatic, sialagogue, analgesic and carminative. Bitter melon (Momordica charantia): This is a bitter herb that grows as a vine normally on fences. The fruits are green but yellow when



ripe and the seeds are red. It has been used traditionally in the treatment of worm infestation among children. The fruit juice is taken for diabetes, and the leaves are used to treat high blood pressure, malaria and diabetes. It has also been used in the treatment of woman problems such as painful menstruation. This herb is also being implemented in the treatment of all types of cancers. Hypoglycemic effects of the fruit have been demonstrated by

Fit Weed (Eryngium foetidum) Fit weed has been in use for centuries in the Americas and Africa as a condiment and as an herbal medicine. The leaf is usually crushed and rubbed over the face and the nasal passage of unconscious people to aid in their revival.It is very effective in the treatment of fits and seizers. A tea of the leaf has been used to help with chills, fevers, flu, pneumonia and diabetes. The root is an aphrodisiac and is implemented to relieve erectile problems in men. Fit weed has some anti-convulsion activity and also contains essential oils and has nutritional values. Medicinal properties: Nervine, aphrodisiac, anticonvulsion, aromatic and expectorant.

blood test in both human and animal studies. Compared to baseline, 13 of 18 newly diagnosed maturity onset diabetics had significant improvement in glucose tolerance in a 3-houe test after consuming 100ml dose of juice. When 100ml of the aqueous



as those in the intestinal tract. Recent studies have found fennel to possess diuretic, choleretic (increase in production of bile), pain-reducing, fever-reducing, and anti-microbial actions. Fennel is a sweet herb used as an appetite suppressant and can be used as an eyewash to help with eye disease. It promotes function of the spleen, liver and kidneys, and also clears the lungs. Used for acid stomach because of its soothing effect on the lining of the stomach. It relieves gas, gastrointestinal tract spasms, abdominal pain, and colon disorders. Effective in the treatment of gout, and good for the cancer patient after chemotherapy and radiation. A tea of the tops can be given to children to help with gripe.

extract of 100gm of the boiled fruit (or an equivalent amount reduced to powder) was taken daily for three weeks, it reduced serum glucose in 7 diabetics using the liquid extract by 54% compared to only 25% in the 5 using the powder in human clinical studies. The fruits can be consumed in a salad or boiled and drunk as a tea in combination with cinnamon and dandelion.

Medicinal Properties: Anti-inflammatory, Antispasmodic, Carminative, Digestive, Diuretic, Emmenagogue, Expectorant, Lactagogue, Purgative, Stimulant, Stomachic, Tonic.

Chamomile (Matricaria recutita)

Parts used: fruit and leaf. Medicinal properties: Diuretic, depurative, bitter, tonic, digestive, cathartic, hepatic, vermifuge and emmenagogue.

The blossoms can be used as a tea to treat fever, digestive disorders and nervous problems. It is very effective in the treatment of sleeping disorders, teething pain and respiratory problems. Chamomile is a good heart tonic because of its high potassium content. It regulates and brings on menstrual flow through its action on the uterine muscles. When rubbed on the gums it helps with teething pain. A hot chamomile bath can be taken to relieve muscle spasm, joint pains and congestion. Chamomile contains natural anti-inflammatory



systematic treatment of mild inflammation of the respiratory tract and bronchitis. Also for the systematic treatment of asthma, fever and inflammation of the throat, treatment of cystitis,

agents which relive pain and inflammation. It is a natural antibacterial and antifungal. Used as a mouthwash it helps to sooth toothaches. Medicinal Properties: Anti-inflammatory, alterative and antacid, antispasmodic, ant emetic, astringent, purgative, stomachic, tonic and stimulant.

Cinnamon: (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) Cinnamon raises vitality, warms and stimulates all the vital organs of the body. It counteracts congestion, stops diarrhea, improves digestion, relieves abdominal spasms and aids the peripheral circulation of the blood. Cinnamon is the second most widely used warming stimulant. In India, it is taken after childbirth as a contraceptive. It has a slight emmenagogue action stimulating the uterus and encouraging menstrual bleeding. Japanese research in

diabetes, gastritis, kidney disease, malaria, pimples, ringworm and ulcers of the skin. The essential oil is a component of certain dental root canal sealers. The essential oils also show Antimicrobial activity, anti-inflammatory activity and also analgesic activity which is documented by the WHO. Medicinal properties: Antimicrobial, antiseptic, aromatic, calmative, expectorant, sedative.

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) The main active constituents, which include the terpenoid anethole, are found in the volatile oil. Anethole and other terpenoids may have estrogen-like activity and inhibit spasms in smooth muscles, such



ing wine. Dandelion contains potassium, iron, calcium, sulfur, sodium, magnesium , phosphorus, manganese, silica ; vitamins A, B1, B2, B3; inulin, carotene and taraxacine. Dandelion naturally enhances the immune system and is a very potent tonic and body builder. Its inulin content; a compound similar in properties and structure to insulin, makes it an effective herb in the treatment of diabetes. The root of dandelion has been used for centuries in the treatment of jaundice and other liver troubles. The leaves have diuretic properties thus it is effective in ridding the body of excessive fluid and thus lowers the blood pressure. Dandelion can be eaten raw as a salad or used as a tea. The natural nutritive salts and other compounds found in the leaves purify the blood and make the blood less acidic. Dandelion has a strong liver stimulating effect and also causes contraction of the intestinal walls.

the 1980s showed that cinnamaldehyde was sedative and analgesic. It is also thought to reduce blood pressure and fevers. One German study showed cinnamon suppresses completely the cause of most urinary tract infections and the fungus re-

Parts used: leaf, flower and root.

sponsible for vaginal yeast infections. It helps break down fats in your digestive system, possibly by boosting the activity of some digestive enzymes. You can dust a bit of cinnamon on cuts and scrapes (it contains eugenol) which helps relieve the pain of household mishaps.

Medicinal properties: Alterative, cholagogue, diuretic, stomachic, aperient, tonic, hepatic and nutritive.

Medicinal properties: Antireumatic, stimulant, refrigerant, antispasmodic, emmemagogue, sedative, analgesic, stomachic.

Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus)

Cloves (Syzigium aromaticum or Eugenia caryophyllata)

As an expectorant eucalyptus is used for the



Cloves are used to treat indigestion, diarrhea, hernia, and ringworm, as well as athlete’s foot and other fungal infections. India’s traditional Ayurveda healers have used clove since ancient times to treat respiratory and digestive ailments As an antiinfectant, cloves are effective against coli bacilli, streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci and as an

Parts used: seed and silk

antimitotic. The oil, too, is used in dentistry for its antiseptic and analgesic properties, and, like the whole cloves and powdered cloves, for local painrelieving purposes. Eugenol from clove is a local anesthetic used in dental fillings and cements; a rubifacient and a carminative. It is also an irritant and an allergic sensitizer. Besides all their other uses, cloves can be used to treat acne, skin ulcers, sores, and styes. They also make a potent mosquito and moth repellent. Medicinal properties: antiseptic, analgesic, anesthetic, aromatic, anti-infectant, stimulant, stomachic and digestive.

Medicinal properties: Anodyne, diuretic, demulcent, alterative and lithotriptic.

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) Dandelion is a stem less perennial herbs of the composite flower family, especially the common dandelion. The species has long taproots, rosettes of deeply incised lanceolate leaves, and flat flower heads containing bright yellow florets on hollow, stem like stalks. The root of the common dandelion contains a substance used as a laxative; the root is also roasted and ground as a substitute or adulterant for coffee. The leaves are used for salad greens and potherbs, and the flowers are sometimes used for mak-



Corn silk (Zea mays)

Coconut (Cocos nucifera )

Corn silk has been used to treat all types of urinary tract infections such as kidney stones and is also used with stinging nettle to treat prostate cancer and prostate enlargement. Used for children who wet their bed and to stop pain and burning during urination. Corn silk also contains a significant amount of vitamins C and K. Starches and sugars are the major carbohydrates found in corn. Foods that contain starches and naturally occurring sugars are referred to as complex carbohydrates, because their molecular complexity requires our bodies to break them down into a simpler form to obtain the muchneeded fuel, glucose. Our bodies digest and absorb complex carbohydrates at a rate that helps maintain the healthful levels of glucose already in the blood. Thus corn is an ideal food for diabetics and a tea from the corn silk also has a hypoglycemic effect o the body.

The coconut palm belongs to the family Arecaceae (formerly Palmae). The meat of coconuts, either raw or prepared, is an important food and the terminal bud, known as palm cabbage, is considered a delicacy. The central part of the young stem is also succulent and edible. The sap, or toddy, like that of some other palms, is a favorite beverage in tropical countries, either in the natural state or after fermentation, which takes place in a few hours. The tree root possesses narcotic properties and is sometimes chewed. Coconut contains 35% fats and from 9% to 20% proteins. The principle mineral salts are calcium, sodium, phosphorous, potassium, and magnesium, iron and copper. Coconut also contains a variety of vitamins which can be preserved when used raw. Coconut is also an excellent source of energy. Coconut oil or milk contains medium chain fatty triglycerides which burn up very quickly in the body, this is why using coconut helps in reducing of body weight. Coconut stimulates the



thyroid gland and facilitates the breakdown of stored up fats. Coconut oil has been implemented in the successful treatment of obesity, yeast infection, arthritis, baldness, and asthma and other respiratory disorders, skin disease, constipation and Prostate enlargement. The coconut water is also used in the treatment of kidney problems and also restoring the mineral balance of the body.

Comfrey (Symphytum officinale)

Parts used: roots, fruits and bark. Medicinal properties: Purgative, tonic, diuretic, nervine, aphrodisiac, stimulant and nutritive.

Comfrey leaves and especially the root contain allantoin, a cell proliferator that speeds up the healing of wounds. It also stops bleeding, is soothing, and is certainly the most popular ingredient in herbal skin creams for wounds. It helps in inflammation, rashes, varicose veins, hemorrhoids and just about any skin problem. The leaf moistens the lungs, helps dissolve and expel mucus, soothe the throat, lowers fever, relieves cough and treat asthma. It is applied externally as a poultice and taken internally to promote healing of injured tissues and bones. The root is used to treat chronic lung diseases with dry cough and inflammation, sore throat, pulmonary catarrh, stomach ulcers, and wasting diseases. It is excellent both internally and externally for promoting the healing of sores, bones, muscles and other tissues, and is as powerful as some of the best known tonic herbs. Concurrent internal and external application has the most favorable effect on the healing process. Medicinal properties: Astringent, demulcent, mucilaginous, nutritive, static, vulnerary.

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