Portfolio Sumayia 2020

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Cafeteria Renovation Neval Thomas Elementary School

Project Type: Interior Renovation Configuration: Single Storied, Concrete Structure Location: 650 Anacostia Ave, NE, Washington DC Studio Laan PLLC, Summer Internship 2019 Involvement: Design development, Construction Drawing, Construction Adminstration, Visualization Project Initiation: June 2019 Present Status: Construction Complete

This school cafeteria renovation was a Summer design build project 2019. My role was making as built drawing, design idea generation, construction drawing, site supervision, co-ordination with MEP and Lighting consultants in accordance with client meeting and visualization in a very strict time constraint. The idea was to mimic nature in ceiling, lighing and floor finish design so the elementary kids get enthusiastic and joyful in this small everyday premise in their school.

Before renovation

Cafeteria Reflected Ceiling Plan

Design visualization

08 Storied Commercial Building

as Associate Architect in Bangladesh Police Welfare Trust

Project Year: 2017-2018 Project Type: Commercial Site: Munshiganj, Dhaka, Bangladesh Area: 30,000 sq ft Principal Architect: Mohammed Emran Hossain Project Status: Construction document Completed Personal Role: Detail design, Drawing & Presentation, Visualization, Construction Drawing under supervision of Principal Architect

As the site Munshigonj is a sub-urban area, ďŹ rst priority was to design a eco- sustainable market. Instead of central air conditioning system, a central court is introduced to ensure natural ventilation. Though client's demand was of large amount of glass facade, Perforated exposed brick joli facade is designed instead considering the high level of heat gaining factor and green house effect of large facade of glass and also economic sustainability. Additionally, the roof is designed as the collector of natural rain water and carried to the underground water collector for Rain water Harvesting. Solar panels is allocated for solar energy generation for 20% energy consumption of the building.

Solid form

Corner cut as entrance

The left side images present the evolution of the design. From a pure golden rectangular mass to a modern market building. The yellow paths on the top shows the circulation path of different oor. The grand stair guides path towards different oor from its landing spaces. The central courtyard ensures natural ventilation as this is a low cost sustainable market in a sub urban setting.

Emphasize with a deep cut

Guiding towards the central court

Vernacular facade

The grand central Staircase

Brick layers details has been provided in construction document in critical joints areas for the facade construction. The brick jali has been selected for this project as a vernacular local material to provide natural ventilation in the market.

Central courtyard assures proper ventilation for the naturally ventilated market building. The perforated Brick Joli screen provides air circulation in the entire market. A service corridor is designed in the periphery of each oor for installing A/C outdoor unit if necessary. The Lift, Fire stair and Toilet zone is strategically allocated to serve equally to each user. The central courtyard space below the grand stair creates a humanized scale of public gathering space which can hold different urban activities.I have worked in detail design, functional arrangement of the building, and detail working drawing preparation for construction.

09 Storied Residential Building

as Architectural Intern with Sheikh Ahsan Ullah Majumder & associates

Project Year: 2014-2016 Project Type: Residential Site: Baily Road, Dhaka, Bangladesh Area: 4500 sq ft Project Status: Under construction Personal Role: Detail design, Drawing & Presentation, Visualization, Budget Estimation, Construction Drawing

The 9 storied single family residence was my ďŹ rst professional project after completing my Thesis. As the principal architect is a mentor for me since I am studying architecture, I learned a lot working with him in this project as the project architect. I have worked in detail design, Accurate 3d modeling, working drawing set preparation for construction, Construction path Method diagram analysis, Detail Budget estimation & Construction details.

Grad School Works

View from the water boulevard at First Street NE to the Courtyard of four elements

Cohabiting Third Place:

Integrating Natural Hydrology with Healing Architecture

Masters of Architecture Thesis WAAC, Virginia Tech Project type: Individual Duration: 28 weeks Project year: 2020 Site: NoMA, Washington D.C. Area: 9 acres Personal Role: Site Analysis, Program development, Concept, Design development, Drawing and Presentation

Washington D.C. has been ranked third among U.S. cities in terms of its percentage of youth who have reported a severe major depressive episode. Depression, stress, anxiety are the uninvited visitors of our day-to-day urban living. Most of the time we ignore our mental health unless we reach the threshold. We know nature is the best healer. The District also has reported the highest percentage of parkland but this statistic is not helping regarding Healing and Wellness. There might be a missing piece of the puzzle to reconnect with nature. To dive deep into the missing piece, I have looked back to the basics, into the four elements of the planet, Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. This thesis is an exploration of the most important natural element, Water, along with the other three elements, as active participants in our everyday urban life, not only as a means of reconnecting with nature but also aiding with natural healing to our depressed, tired soul.

Combined sewer and stormwater map

Impermeable surface map

Hidden Stream map

As with many other older cities, Washington D.C. mostly depends on the combined storm and sanitary sewer. During heavy rainfall, stormwater overflows the capacity of the sewage system and empties into the river with sewage. But there is an opportunity for the stormwater to be treated and reused at the site. Rainwater along with tapped groundwater as the perennial flow will be considered as the source of healing water in the dense downtown context of the District. The thesis will tell the story of the arrival of Water into the middle of the city. Water will be examined in all its forms and integrated with the Third Place, where the young working generation can come in the middle of the working day to catch a lunch break or after office rush hour to relax their stressed nerves and heal their inner soul. This design for a community learning center at First Street NE in NoMA neighborhood, Washington D.C. is an effort to trace the path of the long-lost Tiber Creek and to provide the inhabitants with a for Water and growth.

The path of emerging stormwater from surrounding area on overlayed terrain map of the area

Lost Waterways Public School Recreational Facilities

Public Library 1 mile vicinity

The path of emerging stormwater from surrounding area on overlayed terrain map of the area

Stormwater from neighboring uplands

115 ft

Groundwater channeled under the ground from Bloomingdale via Florida Ave

112 ft 109 ft

Water path on the ground towards the city through First St water boulevard

Qanath mouth, arrival of Water in the sunlight

Tapping groundwater through Qanath channel below ground

First Street NE water Boulevard 52 ft

46 ft

Water celebration point at Columbus Circle, reviving historical low land character

Water collection point, destination Columbus Circle The site

proposed Qanat path with overlayed topography

19 ft 15 ft

The American version of Qanat will serve the people and street life of the capitol rather than serving an individual. This drawing shows how the groundwater has been tapped at Bloomingdale, how the Water emerges with the stormwater from the surrounding area into a water reservoir in my site, and its journey through the water boulevard at First Street NE, towards Columbus Circle in front of the station. The dotted blue line portions show the water channel underground, dotted red lines are the stormwater channels underground, and the solid blue line portion shows the water channel on the surface level. The water channel in the form of water boulevard is designed closely tracing the path of the Tiber Creek through First Street NE to the Union Station. That will bring back “the memory of a lost stream�

Tapping ground water from Bloomingdale, near Florida Ave. ,groundwater elevation 10 ft below the ground. Qanat mouth in the parking lot site near First Street NE.

Groundwater flow Tapped water flow

The Qanat simplified section

Water reservoir for collecting stormwater and ground water and flow towards the water boulevard

Existing street section of First Street NE

Proposed water boulevard section of First Street NE

Bank-full condition (2 years storm)

Flood condition



Permeable pavers

The street section has been transformed creating a multi-level water channel. There are three different levels of the permeable surface containing permeable paving blocks, gravel, and grass. The access of the levels is ensured through steps adapted from Indian Stepwells. The multilevel channel allows more space for the water to accommodate bank-full conditions and the flood condition still allowing people to access the upper level as public activity space. The middle lane of the water boulevard is a 20 ft wide plaza which allows water features like water fountains and food kiosk as the replacement of food cart accomodating face to face greetings among the public.

The courtyard integrating all the programs on the site would also bring water into the city. All four basic elements will act as healing agents so that the people coming to the site can have a biophilic refreshment in the active presence of nature. The Water here will be the stormwater and tapped groundwater. The fire has been represented by the mighty sun.

The courtyard of Earth, Water, Air and Fire

The courtyard plan shows the water reservoir collecting rainwater and groundwater and treat them with heavy vegetation. Then the Water would be released following natural terrain, where the west end of the site is +9ft and the east side where the water boulevard starts, is +0ft level. So the cascade of Water has been designed as water steps each 4 inches lower than the previous. The channel has been spread through the courtyard allowing more space for the water to stay in daylight to get evaporate in the sun or soaked into the earth.

Level 01 Floor Plan

Rock garden Earth and grass Secret garden Water emerging from Qanat mouth into vegetated purifying reservoir

Personal celebration platform for the arrival of the water

Community garden

Small amphitheater facing the water Evening craft market

Wet feet entry t healing block

to the

“Learn from Water..... Only present exists in water. There is no shadow of the past or of the future. Water is the sound of life and the sound which generates forever.�

Entrance garden

-Herman Hesse, Shiddhartha Water boulevard

Water channel section with vegetation

Courtyard Axonometric View With Activities

Secret garden

View towards t

the Tepidarium- warm pool

People in the city want to get closer to Water. In urban life, people are generally hydrophobic and Water is treated as a cleaning fluid and utility underground. Stormwater flows through sewer pipes underground. In the name of development and flood control, we have buried all the streams and ponds that have made access to Water in the middle of the city unthinkable. For the development of the District, we have neighborhood-scale development plans. All of them operate individually. As a result, they don’t work as a system. In this research, I have experimented with the idea of integrating stormwater channels with the city street in one neighborhood. This can work as a precedent for the adjacent neighborhoods to rethink about enlivening their street as public space incorporating the benefit of a daylighted vegetated stormwater channel. View towards the Frigidarium(cold pool) and the secret garden


Teen zone




Study area

Study area

Maker space

Outdoor exercise area

Indoor play area

After-school kids zone

Service area Frigidarium/ Cold Pool

Section YY

Section AA

Tepiderium/Warm Pool

Exterior concrete wall with the browinish tint of D.C. buildings


Level 01 and interior wall stone clading in pool area where “touch� is important

Vertical wooden louver in east and west facade, horizontal louver in south facade for controled natural light


Glass with dark tint inspired from the surrounding commercial building of the site.

Permeable paver

“The water I speak of is the water needed for dreaming city as a dwelling place� -Ivan Illich, H2O and the Waters of Forgetfulness

The water boulevard idea offers food for thought about the traditional stormwater management system, demonstrates a possible path of transforming it into an urban hydrologic solution. On the other hand, the community learning center critics the idea of segregating every program into different buildings and generates rather a co-ordinated complex for people of all ages and classes with the chance of more interaction and mingling. The proposal of water boulevard and Community center proves the power of integrative design. Proposing one green building might not have a lot of impact on the eco-system. But one building with a biophilic design approach and sustainable vision of Urban Design and Landscape Architecture can positively impact the ecosystem and our everyday life.

1. Stormwater collection, Daylight treatment with Plantation 2. Environmental Education Focused Charter School 3. Bioswale in the both side of S Capitol St 4. Place for Riverkeepers 5. The Tidal Circle 2. 1.

4. 3.

View from the end of S Capitol St towards Capitol Vista


The Tidal Circle: Place for Riverkepers

Spring Inter-disciplinary Studio WAAC,Virginia Tech Project type: Individual Duration: 14 weeks Project year: 2020 Site: Buzzard Point, Bank of Anacostia, Washington D.C Area: 7 acres Personal Role: Site Analysis, Program development, Concept, Design development, Visualization & Presentation.

This inter discipline design studio was established to analuze and design for betterment for the river Anacoastia and her banks. While documenting all the fragments of programming and Planning along both of the banks of Anacostia, I have noticed the visual axis of south capitol street which directs toward the Capitol Building even from very close proximity of the river. Considering this visual axix to the syblic view of the capitol encouraaged me to design proper termination of S Capitol St to the river, from which the visual axis of capitol building can be celebrated.

Low Tide Plan

High Tide Plan

A public circular way has been designed which will be inclined to the water. During high tide and low tide the path would provide different view and perspective to the visitors. Along with the path this masterplan has integrated with the future development, providing a nature center where stormwater from vicinity will be collected, cleaned by the heavy plantation and will be flown towards the river following the Bioswale along the two side of S Capitol St.

The Spiral Column concept sketch

The second phase of the design studio focused on designing a place for riverkeepers who will live and work in this premise and work on protecting the river Anacoastia. As the context permits I have developed a mixed use program for my riverkzeeper building and tried to integrate the building with the work of riverkeepers as the building is provided with a series of community and personal gardens which will be treating and reusing rainwater in the building and lessen the energy cost.

Section AA

Rain water Collection

Section BB

View from the entrance towards the spiral column

The Spiral column with owing water which is holding a big community garden upstair dedicated to the school kids who will tour here to learn about riverkeeper’s work and how the protect the river. Total 5 two bedroom apartments for riverkeepers and their family and 3 studio apartments for guests has been provided in this premise. The circulation and egress are conceived as explorational ways through the series of gardens.

Grounding D.C:

Headquarter for National Endowment of the Art Fall Inter-disciplinary Studio WAAC,Virginia Tech Project type: Group & Individual Duration: 14 weeks Project year: 2018 Site: Kennedys Center of Art, Potomac Riverfront, Washington D.C Area: 10 acres Personal Role: Site Analysis, Program development, Concept, Design development, Visualization & Presentation Phase 01, 02_Group analysis and Masterplan Phase 03_Individual Building Design

Phase 01: A Transect Through American History Along the t East Bank of Washington, D.C.’s Potomac River, the history of America’s capital is richly engrained. The development of this waterfront has been marked by intentional reminders of this nation’s foundation, from the physical landmarks commemorating American leaders to psychological interactions between natural and built environment. The following transect reevaluates the built environment in its context to the waterfront and its surroundings. It runs through historically significant structures: the Watergate Complex, the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, the Lincoln Memorial, the Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Memorial, and the Thomas Jefferson Memorial. In actuality, there is great magnititude of change through this transect, according to studies comparing the historical map of L’Enfant’s plan of Washington, D.C. to current conditions. Once an area covered with water, the entire transect lies in a flood risk area. From the past and present comparative study, there were two zones where topography remained the same over hundreds of years: in the water of Tidal Basin and near Kennedy’s Center.

Located in Northwest Washington, our site is bordered by 19th St NW on the east, E St NW stretching farther north along Virginia Ave NW, including buildings below the triangle park until Potomac river and stops in the National mall. Important features of our site are the National Mall, The Kennedy center for the performing arts, the river front and ofďŹ ce buildings occupied by Federal and civic institutions. These features are close to each other, but there is a separation between them. There is no apparot ent relationship between them. Another attraction forgotten from this side is the Theodore Roosevelt island. Most street intersections in our site are not pedestrian friendly. With 22 million of tourists visiting D.C every year on average we thought this was an area that needed improvement. Other main user groups we identiďŹ ed are visitors who come to D.C. for conferences or short term work assignments, 700,000 residents of D.C. who increase to 1 million during week days, students, and homeless people found on public parks along E st NW.

Physical Obstruction Psychological Obstruction

Masterplan Legends 1. Proposed Residential Plot Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential High Density Residential 2. Moderate Density Commercial Block 3. Future Monument Site 4. Tourist drop-off & Bus Parking 5. Botanical Rain Garden 6. Recreation area (Sports & Playgrounds) 7. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts 8. Lincoln Memorial 9. Floating Dock 10. Kayak Station

Open Amphtheatre

Residential Park

Floating River Deck

Rain Garden

Kayaking & Boating to Roosevelt Island

Outdoor Restaurat

Proposed Boulevard plan blowup

Site Section


Bus Lane

Northbound Traffic

Northbound Traffic

Southbound Traffic

Southbound Traffic

Bus Lane


Proposed Public Features

Phase 03: National Endowment for the Art National Endowment for the Art fund and support Americans to participate in the arts, exercise their imaginations, and develop their creative capacities.In this project the purpose and activity of NEA have been elaborated creating their own performance ground and research facilities. Art is abstract. The Artist society and Common people are two different group who talk among themselves using their own jargons. So by providing fund art encouraging more public art projects the purpose of NEA is to create the ground of dialogue between Art & Nation. To create a common jargon between Artists and Common People. Ground for Public Art projects in People’s Tress-passing ways. Ground Floor Cafeteria open to public to attract more people.

Tourist Bus Drop off

NEH Building

Shared Street

NEA Public Wing

Ground of Dialougue_ Space for Public Art Project

The Axis

NEA Research Wing

Plan at 18 feet level

From the Amphitheater view towards Kennedy’s Center

The most intruguing decision for the project was to accommodate a public cafeteria open for all which would be a New entertainment for tourists and Daily users. Also the amphitheater at 3rd floor level would be an interesting experience for the audience here. The screen is developed with a compostite material of glass fibre and steel creating some moments of abstract conversation between two wings.



Office Sculpture garden Auditorium


Undergrad Works

“THE SHADE O F THE CITY” whe gather in Sun a re people will nd Rain, In Festiv als and Mourni ng, to be seen a nd not to be seen.

Cultural Public Platform for Khulna City

B.Arch Thesis Bangladesh University of Eng. & Tech. Project type: Individual Duration: 14 weeks Project year: 2014 Site: Shib bari Mor, Khulna, Bangladesh Area: 9.7 acres Personal Role: Site Analysis, Program development, Concept, Design development, Drawing and Presentation

Shibbari Mor is the most important node to join the old and the new city due to itslocation and connectivity. Existing site contains one renowned auditorium Zia Hall, Khulna Divisional Museum and Khulna Shishu Academy in three different plot. The idea of the project is to combine the three different site together, create a cultural complex addressing the existing funcions with some additional common functions.

Shibbari Mor holds the memory and platform for libertatrian movements of different time, different festivals live Movie festivals, Boishakhi Mela, people gathering space in everyday life. The aim of the project was to create a designed platform as the “Third Place” for the city habitats. The first decision of the project was to create better pedestrian movement from the catchment area. one way loop vehicular circulation surrounding the site is created for the easy accessibility from the other side of the roads. The projecct functions are auditorium of 1000 persons capacity, divisional museum, Shishu Academy, City museum gallery, Library, cafeteria, some local craft and book shops.

Basic Idea Generation of Space Site surrounding sum-

Defining approach towards site

3 Dimensional zoning of functions

Building defining space Auditorium & Museum in a com-

Minimum Vehicular

Maximum permeability from periferal road-

Waterbody as a

Maximum Pedestrian approch

3-Dimensional Design Zoning Indicators:

2-Dimensional Design Zoning Indicators:

Existing Mass Orienta-

Designed Waterbody as the “Stretched Line of Con-

Public Plaza at different layer

Central platform for public gethering City Celebration Groud in the centre

Perforated Moduler Paving

Elevated Seating area for Active Edge of site Kiosk for Yearly/Occational Fair

Kiosk for Books and Local Crafts

Landscaping Detail Idea As the site is designed to create city celebration ground, the central space is designed with a square module(5’ x 5’) of landscape element, which is somewhere perforated paving concrete block, somewhere elevated seating or vendors’ seating, somewhere kiosk for books, food or local crafts. Some blowup visualizations are given here to elaborate the idea.

Section AA

Plaza Level Masterplan

Section CC

Section BB

Physical Model

Building Screening Idea The Site is designed as the Public Platform of the City. I have been searching for an unique screen pattern to celebrate the public scale, to express both Individuality and Equity of the people. Fingerprint is a identical mark of individuals.Fingerprint pattern is developed as the Screening of the Public Platform of the City People.

The cultural public platform is going to serve as the Third place for the city habitats. Different social gathering, Festivals. Mela will take place in the premises. Moreover it will also serve as the Break through space from everyday monotonous life. This can be a new dimension for the people of Khulna City.

sumayiabinte@vt.edu +1 571 447 27 32 Alexandria, VA, USA

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