Amie examination an the procedure it follows

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AMIE Examination an The Procedure it Follows

Directed by the India's Institution of Engi neers, level examination.

Concentrates on different fields in enginee ring:

Architectural Engineering,Chemical Engineer ing, Civil Engineering, Production Engin eering, Mechanical Engineering, Textile Eng ineering, Computer Engineering, Materials a nd Metallurgical Engineering, Electrical En gineering and much more

AMIE examination is conducted with an aim t o help students to become graduate engineer s.

AMIE course has been divided into two viz S ection A and Section B:

Section A, there is two stream: Diploma and and Non-Diploma stream

Must pass section A to register or to move in section B.

Section B, it includes laboratory experimen ts and projects, apart from the engineering streams chosen by the respective candidate.

Considered as one of the toughest course for students to qualify.

Enroll in an AMIE Coaching class to accelerate the learning proced ure.

Can be extremely helpful in the e xamination hall too.

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