Chartered Accountants E xamination and Strategi es to Clear
Chartered Accountants examination is a three level examination conducted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
One of the hardest examination to crac k in India with passing level of under 5 percent.
Reason why the demand for qualified c hartered accountants in the job market today is huge.
Three-level examination: Common Prof iciency Test (CPT), Integrated Professio nal Competence Course (IPCC), Charter ed Accountants examination round.
According to the examination standard s, understudies or people who have pas sed CPT and IPCC round in the last six months of articleship are qualified to ta ke the CA Final Examination.
Cracking CA examination is not a one n ight journey
But, individuals who cracked CA exami nation has various professional career options available including, Chief Acco untant, Chief Financial Officer, Lecturer or Professor, Head (Training), Chief Ma nager (System), Manager or Chief Mana ger- Internal Audits, Advisor to the Gov ernment and many more.
We can see the difficulty level of thi s examination, students or an indiv idual must enroll to some of the be st CA Coaching classes. With regar ds to CA coaching center, there are innumerable number of CA Coachi ng accessible to help accelerate th e learning procedure. In fact, one c an find the best CA Coaching in Delhi.
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