Four ways of becoming a good teacher

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Four Ways of Becoming a Good Teacher

• A professional teaching qualification does not mak e a teacher professional, in the true sense of the wo rd. • it's important to be organized. Create lesson plans, objectives, activities, and assessment plans well be fore each lesson day. • Get your students interested in learning by fosterin g a positive, supportive, yet challenging tutoring en vironment.

• Create a daily objective for your students. • A way of providing a roadmap for your students. • It’s best if the objectives are clear, brief, and realis tic. • It’s okay if not every objective is met every day. In some cases, it is better to follow the flow of a part icular conversation, instead of railroading back to the original subject matter.

• Listen to your students. • Encourage them to ask you questions. • Show that you are listening to them by nodding yo ur head or gesturing for them to continue. • Being an active listener shows your students that you respect their voice.

• Keep students on task. • Set time limits for exercises or activities. In discussions, use your responses to their re marks as a lesson management tool. For exa mple, you might say, “I really like what you a re saying. How do you think it connects with objective number five?”

• Try to create an environment in which your st udents will be constantly intellectually challen ged. • Use your students’ progress to guide your wa y. They should be steadily improving, but not without considerable effort. • Same applies even if you provide for e.g. Home Tuition for Primary School


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