Know everything about common law admission test

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Know Everything About Co mmon Law Admission Test

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Commonly known as the Common L aw Admission Test

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CLAT is an entrance test conducted with an aim to select worthy student s for admission to 18 National Law I nstitutions and Universities in India.

The 18 National Law school participant in CLAT .

Computer based standardized test scores are al so considered for admissions in 43 other educat ional institutes and public sector institutes.

Considered as one of the most trusted gateway examinations in the field of Law, CLAT examinati on is targeted and attended by roughly 30,000 ab ove candidates or test takers each year.

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CLAT Examination Pattern and Stru cture : Mathematics (20 marks), Engli sh (40 marks), General knowledge and Current affairs (50 marks), Logical rea soning (40 marks) and Legal Reasonin g (50 marks).

CLAT examination is conducted once a yea r in the online mode by CLAT Committee

Each question carries a weightage of 1 mar ks along with negative marking of 1/4th mar ks for each incorrect answer.

The time limit for the examination is 2 hour.

CLAT examination is tough to crack

An applicant can enroll for CLAT coaching c lasses since preparing under the direction o f experts are worthwhile

There are many top-class CLAT coaching in Delhi and other various ci ties in India.

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