Multisensory Experience & Innovation

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Understanding Multisensory Experience for Strategic Innovation and Marketing

Slava Kozlov, Summ( )n Research & Consulting, The Netherlands

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Slava Kozlov ?



Philips - Philips Design - Strategic Design Department - Understanding People, Cultures & Societies

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Strategic Design ?

Future of Kitchen

Future of Hospital

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Future of City Light

Future of Home Light

Future of Communication

Future of …..

Atomium. Brussels. 2008.

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World Expo Brussels 1958

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Philips Pavilion

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Philips anno 1891

One of the first Philips bulbs

Gerard Philips

Anton Philips



The very first Philips factory

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Complex technology behind the ‘bulb’

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From simple lamp to huge multimarket portfolio





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Philips goes Royal

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Philips Pavilion: Le Poème électronique

Luis Kallf, Le Corbusier, Edgar Varèse

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Le Poème électronique: Research & Development

Yean Xenakis

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Le Poème électronique: Construction

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Le Poème électronique: Music

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Le Poème électronique: Story

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Le Poème électronique: Opening

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Le Poème électronique: Experience

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Le Poème électronique now?

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You have a tooth….

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You have a dirty tooth…

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…we have a toothbrush!

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But people talk about ‘freshness’ in a mouth!

People refer to different qualities of experience, e.g., freshness: airy, elevated, sensual

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Understanding oral freshness: Examples



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Black Eucalyptus

Cooling Crystals

Theory or Personal Constructs

Personal perceptions, or the worldviews, are built up from a system of constructs. A construct is a bi-polar scale - such as "happy – sad” – and we tend to place object we perceive along these scales. Constructs are applied to anything we put our attention to, including ourselves, and also strongly influence what we fix our attention on. We construe reality constructing constructs. Hence, determining a person's system of constructs would go a long way towards understanding him

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George Kelly (1905 1967)

Remember fresh – or not so fresh - experiences

Participants had been asked to remember the moment of ‘oral freshness’ – or lack of it.

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Elicitation of personal constructs


Construct 1


Good smell

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Construct I1

Bad smell

Repertory Grid: Ranking experiences along ‘constructs’ Good smell ‘Watery’ …


Bad smell


Not fresh

I like it

I don’t like it

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Model of Oral Freshness





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taste (menthol)-ness)

energy (texture and touch, e.g., bubbles).


Model of Oral Freshness: personal profiles


Person A

Person B




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taste (menthol)-ness)

energy (texture and touch, e.g., bubbles).

Was it used?

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To shave or not shave?

Before After

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Perception of Skin Smoothness


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Informative – and inspirational - visuals

Warm colors, healthy skin

My skin is my expression, Open and positive! Skin should be natural. Nature colors your live.

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Unexpected – and provocative - visuals

Reality is different from magazines. Reality is less beautified.

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Commercial world (magazines & TV) show what a skin should look like, that skin must be smooth. But it hides reality, unevenness of real skin. The “smoothness” of your skin has a commercial look.

Value laddering

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Skin Smoothness Model

Values Benefits


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Skin Smoothness Model – in action Values Benefits


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Skin Smoothness Model – experience levels

Natural skinsmooth, lively & expressive

Resistant skin with no efforts leading to it

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Soft, flabby, over-cared skin

Plastic smooth skin due to active caring efforts

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“Experience Economy”

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Understanding human experience

ex+ peritus "experienced, tested” (comp. to ‘probe’)

experience ex+ spiritus ”inhaled ”

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Rethinking a waking-up experience

© Jeremy Hall

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Nebula: Waking-up experience

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Nebula: Multi-sensorial experience

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Nebula: Multi-sensorial experience

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Nebula: Personal and emotional experience

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Nebula now?

As presented at the Electronics Show in Las Vegas? (reconstruction)

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As Philips Wake-up Light?

Toward Ambient Experience Hospital

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Experience Flows: Research & Representation

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Ambient Experience Hospital for kids

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Ambient Experience Hospital Suites

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Wearables (early 2000s)

Multimedia jacket

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Connected jacket

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Design Probes: Electronic Dresses

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Design Probes: Electronic Dresses

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Design Probes: Electronic Jewelry/ Vibe/ Fractal

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Design Probes: Electronic Tattoo

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Inducing provocation, listening to reaction

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1D Function/ Use

2D MultiSensorial/ Personal



Experiential/ Emotional

Lasting/ Evolving

T 5D Imagining Possible Futures

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Understanding People

We summ( )n the futures. To play with them now. summ n

Exploring Futures

Transforming Minds

The Future of the Internet of Things summ n

The Future of Social Media summ n

Walking Backward to the Future summ n

Slava Kozlov is a founder and director of Summ( )n, a research consultancy that helps companies and organizations in understanding human experiences, exploring possible futures and developing strategic innovations. Prior to Summ( )n, Slava worked for ten years with the Strategic Future Design team of Philips Design, a design agency of Philips Electronics in the Netherlands. He participated in numerous research projects studying ‘people and futures’ and translating research insights into new ideas and solutions, products, services and brand communications. Slava developed a range of new research tools and methods to study people’s behavior, including in-depth ethnographic, contextual encounters, participatory studies (co-research), and ‘serious games’ for research and co-design Slava holds MA in Sociology from the Central European University (program Societies in Transition) and MA in Psychology (program Clinical Psychology). He also studied Mathematics at the Moscow State University and took internship with OMRI, Open Media Research Institute in Prague.

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